03x12 - I'll Be Seeing You

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x12 - I'll Be Seeing You

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you doing here? Warren didn't tell you?

I told her. Tell me my ex is sweating in my gym?

No, you didn't.

‭I told you he was gonna work with me on the PRT.

Only on my days off. Yeah, no, knew that.

Didn't like it. But I knew it.

My question is, why are you in my gym?

I was showing him around, you know, putting him through some first-responder protocols.

Thought I'd enjoy some of the amenities since I'm working here now. It's pretty nice.


You know this isn't a resort, right?

Wait, this is not the Maldives?

Let me get this straight... you get mad at me for temporarily moving into your home without asking, and then, wow, look, here you are, moving into my home without asking. ‭ Except that actually is my home and this is not your home.

I eat here, and I sleep here, and I clip my toenails here, so this is my home.

Seriously, this is not weird for you, working together?

Vic, why would it be?

Because you dated her.

I've literally worked with anyone I've ever dated.

And you don't sleep together... accidentally?

If I sleep with an ex, it's not an accident.

Kinda feels like I shouldn't be here.

No, he shouldn't be here.

Okay, you're competing with me now?

Oh, no, I'm beating you.

Hey, uh... can we talk?

Is it a work question, probie?

No, it's just...

Look, can we just try and...

Ey oh! ‭Hey.

What's up? What's going on?

Hey, you see the, uh... the old timers in the beanery?

Crazy stories, man.

Oh, yeah? ‭Yeah.

Yeah, this one dude, Charlie, he was telling me about how they had to do a water rescue in the middle of a hurricane.

Ended up giving CPR to a kitten!

Who told you that story?

What? Oh, wait, wait.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

So, we ask him to check the spare O2 bottles, see if they're full or not.

We tell him to, you know, shake 'em and listen to it.

He didn't do it, did he? He did!

He put his ear to each can.

Wow! That is really bad.

I knew they were messing with me.

Like hell you knew!

You were a probie... you didn't know nothing.

Uncle Snuffy?! Uncle Charlie!

Andy! Andrea!

Good to see you. Oh, good to see you!

God, you look more like your mother every time I see you.

Captain Lawrence. It's so good to see you.

What are you... What are you guys doing here?

Well, I thought I'd get the whole g*ng together, you know?

Yeah, what's left of us, anyway.

What do you mean by that, Souza?

He's saying, you look like death, Herrera.

Yeah, so don't start any long novels.

You know what I mean?

I heard there were some legends in the house.

This is Rober... This is Sullivan.

Our Battalion Chief.

Captain Lawrence. How are you?

Charlie Irwin. Hey, how are you?

Pleasure. And Snuffy Souza.

They practically raised me. ‭Wow!

I heard a lot of stories about you from Jim Wallace.

‭He was one of my mentors at the academy.

He was a big pain in my ass.

But a great guy and a great firefighter.

Wallace, that was a damn shame.

Wait, Wa... Wallace died? Yeah, about a year ago.

He went fast.

Remember when we used to pull the bolts from his cot and when he'd go to lay down, the whole thing would collapse?

Ladder 19, reported people trapped in a storage locker.

233 Fordham Street.

Hi, um, can I help you?

Yeah, we, uh... we got a call that a civilian is stuck inside a storage unit at this address?

No, not that I heard. Yeah, we'll find them.

Um, don't... don't you guys need a warrant for that?

It's a rescue. We don't need a warrant.

Yeah, of course, of course.

Everyone, head in and start searching.

Can you get me a list of all the people that have checked in today?

All right, you two, take the odd-numbered halls.

We'll take even.

There she is. This is Pru after bath time.

Hey! ‭ You see this one, Cap?

This is her in sunglasses.

Look at Pru. Oh, nice.

Right? Right? What a cutie!

Okay. What kind of name is Pru?

She's named after that guy over there... Captain Herrera.

Pruitt. You named her after this SOB?

That poor little girl.

So you want her to grow up annoying, set in her ways, and with a mustache?

I didn't think of that.

Where'd they go? The team?

Storage unit? ‭A-shift, yeah.

It's your team, Herrera?

Yeah, taught 'em myself.

Well, get the damn radio going!

I want to see how poorly trained these bastards are.

Whoa, o-okay.

We may not have survived the Great Depression or anything, but A-team, we're... we're scrappy.

We'll see. ‭Boy, you haven't changed, huh, Lawrence? Still miserable. Yeah.

And you're still too damn sensitive, Herrera.

At least we're consistent.

Okay, last one for real. That is the perfect child.

Right? But am I dealing or what?

Yeah, let's play, I'm in. Texas Hold 'Em.

Yeah, Lawrence doesn't know how to play anything else.

I know how to play kicking your ass.

Really? How do you play that?

Keep dealing and I'll show you.

How are those grandkids? How many is it now?

11. 11?

Yeah, they keep me young.

You know, the littlest one, she likes to do this thing where she ties little bows in my hair.

Oh, I'd like to see that.

I-I see you all and raise you.

Whoa. Here we go.

Big boy. Call.

Now lemme ask you something. How do you keep it up?


Uh, sometimes when I'm on a call, Pru is all I think about.

Like... what... what happens if something happens to me?

Look, when I was your age, I thought I would live forever.

And look at me...

I'm gonna live forever.

Just make sure you have a will and people know where to find it.

Yeah. Yeah, I should do that.

You don't have a will?

What happens if you're on your next shift and you die?

Who gets the kid?

Um... I-I-I don't know.

I guess, uh, I haven't gotten that part of t-the manual yet, right?

Draw up a will, son. Okay, is that it?

Beat those.


You raised with those?

Yeah, I'm... I'm... I'm bluffing.

Bluff... Bluffing's a thing. It's a thing.

That was really weird, right?

Hmm? Him asking for a warrant like that?

Well, I dunno.

Maybe he was just protecting people's privacy.

Some people like to be private.

Don't do that. ‭What?

Don't talk about us without talking about us.

You do it literally every day.

I'm allowed to, okay?

I'm not the one living the double life.

Over here!

Over where?

Aisle... K, row, uh...

Just over here.

This place is a freakin' maze.

Hurry, please! All right, we're gonna pry the door open, guys.

We can't breathe in here!

Get us out! ‭They're not airtight, are they?

No, they got vents in 'em. Here we go.


Watch out, watch out, watch out.

I told you not to smoke in there, bro.

Man, I took one hit!

And lit the place on fire!

Montgomery, Dixon, get back to the truck and grab more extinguishers... now!

They need some O2. Let's get them outside.

Dispatch from Ladder 19.

We need aid cars added to our incident for patients suffering from smoke inhalation.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You gotta go save Louise.

Someone else inside?

No, no, no, Louise is his crappy guitar.

He named it 'cause he's a jackass.

Louise is more important to the group than you are!

Move away from the active fire, please, guys.

Why don't you sell Louise so we can get a decent recording space instead of that metal coffin? Guys.

Or you could sell your van.

You want me to sell Janet?! ‭Yes.

Okay, everyone really needs to calm down.

And stop naming inanimate objects after women.

Let's go, come on. Over here, let's go.

Was that it? Are we done?

Oh, hell. ‭What?

It's getting hot?


Hey, Captain, the fire is spreading through the vents into the other lockers.

Copy, Montgomery.

I'm gonna take you over here, okay?

We got some cars in this parking lot.

There are more customers to get out.

Hang tight over here, guys.

Dispatch from Ladder 19, we've got a large single-story storage facility with fires in several units.

Send three engines, a truck, the PRT and battalion.

O... kay.



Nope. Nope. ‭What?

No. We're not doing all this. ‭What? What's... What's wrong?

Oh, what? What's wrong? What's wrong?

I'm just... I'm just Jackson, and I model underwear when I'm not doing surgery and, oh, yeah, I'm a billionaire.

It's flawless. That's a really incredible impression.

Okay, you cannot just emerge from a wall of steam like some kind of sexy ghost, okay?

If you are gonna be here, we need to lay down some ground rules or something.

Ground rules? Yeah. First, you cannot shower here.

You can't ever be nude here.

And you can't sleep here, either.

And no more smilking.

That's not a word. ‭There it is.

It's when you sort of half smile and you half smirk like you know something that I don't know and you really, really want me to know that you know it.

There it is.

That's kind of just a thing my face does, though.

Okay, well, control your face and make it stop.

And no making eyes at me when we're on calls, because if you look at me on the call the way you're looking at me right now, people are literally gonna die.

All right. ‭Okay.

I got some ground rules of my own.

Fair. Go.

You can't wear those sexy-ass turnout suspenders around me.

Well, then my pants would fall down.

Okay, then we, uh...

Engine 19, Aid Car 19, PRT. Back up...

Bishop, report.

We have fire spreading inside.

We need to evac the building immediately and get hose lines in there now.

All right. I'm assuming command of the scene.

You're in charge of the Interior Division.

Montgomery, Dixon. Go ventilate that roof.


Hey. Hey, I've got stuff that I need to say.

I'm not the one you need to say it to.

Montgomery, ladder's ready.

Whoa, whoa.

Hey, Chief, this is the ventilation team.

This roof is unstable. Like Swiss cheese.

Looks like the roof vent might be blocked, too.

Copy, Montgomery. Don't risk it.

I'm reassigning you and Dixon to the search and rescue team.

Copy. If we can't vent the roof, I'm sending our people into a pressure cooker.

Well, then we need to take all the chainsaws we have and breach those walls.

Engine 15, I'm assigning you to horizontal ventilation.

Let's get this building opened up.

Hey, you remember that one call... it was a car garage, I think.

And Donnelly ventilated the roof with a damn tree branch?

Donnelly. How's he doing?

He's dead. Bet's to you.


Yeah, he died a few years back.

I'm in for five.

Yeah, I went to see him in the hospital. He didn't look like himself.

He looked like a rotisserie chicken.

He was thin. He was frail towards the end.

Look, I'm out.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're folding already?

Coward. Hard to imagine Donnelly frail.

Remember that time he lifted a telephone pole over his head to save... what was it... a-a-a pig?

It was a horse, wasn't it? No, it wasn't a horse. It was a cow.

That's right. Lifted that telephone pole like it was a-a twig.

Yeah. That guy was strong.

Burly. ‭Wasn't that burly the last day, though.

Boy, what a way to go. Mm-hmm.


Hey, it's okay. It's fine.

I still got my boots on. Let's...

Horizontal ventilation momentarily paused.

Ooh. I see a real bet in our future.

I'll bet you they didn't vent high enough.

Hey, I got ten on that. Let's get itchy here. Come on.

That's not the reason they paused.

Yeah, yeah, okay. Concrete wall?

Ah... Concrete walls on the northeast side, we need hammers.

Thank you.

Uh, excuse me, Captain, uh, Ma'am.

Is this... Is this everybody that you found?

We accounted for everyone on your list. So don't worry.

No, it's just... I think there might be another person inside.

If there is and they are injured, you will be liable.

Okay, look, there's this... there's this guy.

He's a nice guy.

And he pays extra for me to let him live in one of the units.

It's technically against the law, but...

He lost his house because of medical bills, and I felt sorry for him.

And you didn't think to mention this until now?

Well, I-I-I figured he'd come out on his own when he heard all the noise, but I don't... I don't see him here.

Damn it. We gotta go back in.

There's an additional civilian inside.

We are going in with hoses on search and rescue.

Oh, your team left a man inside.

Yeah, so? You get taxed.

Pay up, probie. You raised up some soft firefighters, huh?

You don't get to keep that now.

You lose.

Our tanks were getting low. 23 took over the hose line.

Yeah, don't get comfortable.

You're all going back in on search and rescue.

Civilian's name is Luke Getherd.

Owner isn't sure which locker he's in, so you will have to go one-by-one.

All right, yes. Keep your eye on the ceiling. Okay, let me know.

Hey, uh...

They might need your help out here with the aid car and everything.

Please don't make that an order, Chief.

I need to be with my team.

Look, I...

I've been thinking about that conversation we had... after lunch with your dad. ‭Oh?

Yeah. ‭ A lot, actually.

I've been in love with you for a long time.

And I put my job before what I knew was right.

And it was cowardly.

It's what my father did.

It was what my grandfather did.

Hmm. ‭I'm fighting a lineage of mistakes.

It's in my blood.

But I'm breaking that pattern starting now.

I love you.

And I want to marry you.


I-I do... I don't want to get married to check a box on an HR form.

But that's... ‭I don't want to get married because Hughes and Ripley didn't get to...

No, this is... No, this is not about rules or loopholes.

This is... ‭I...

No, shh, shh.

This is...

This is about me asking you to be my wife.


That's it.

Okay. Everybody just split up and start opening the units.

Let's go.

Over here.

Seattle Fire!

Seattle Fire! Everybody out!

Hey, Travis, this one.


Seattle Fire! Everybody's got to get out!

Miller! Here!

Found him!


I can't! I'm sorry!

I can't do it to Pru! Nobody's dying today!


Anyone here?

I'm turned around in here.

You found him?

Hey, get him to the PRT!

And I'll find whoever that is. Hurry.

Ready? ‭Yeah.

One, two, and...

Right, 'cause where else would you store propane?

Captain, some genius decided to store their spare propane tanks in one of the lockers.

I'm out.


50-year-old male, unresponsive, with severe burns and smoke inhalation.

Copy, Herrera. Stand by.

Should we re-route all the hose lines to Herrera's position?

If that thing blows, we don't know what that expl*si*n will do.

It could collapse the whole building.

We're confident we got all the civilians out.

We're just protecting property now.

I mean, the only lives at risk are our people.

We can hit the fire from outside with heavy streams.

All right, I'm pulling them out.

Emergency traffic, all units.

This is an operational retreat.

All units exit the building.

We are transitioning to defensive mode.

Repeat, all firefighters, exit the building.

All units exit the building and check in.

All right, Herrera, we got our orders.

Let's go. Wait.

If we block off this vent, we may be able to give our people more time to get out.


Got a crispy one for ya.

Was this guy living in there?

Apparently. I got to get back in there and help the team.

You just carried a dude out of a burning building.

You not get a break or something?

Breaks are for the weak. All right, look, another ground rule... you cannot be this heroic. Oh, it's like your face.

Can't control it.

I do not know how Bailey does this.

Hmm? ‭Watching someone she cares about run into burning buildings.

Yeah, well, she, uh... she worried.

And didn't sleep.

And, uh, then she had a heart attack.

Yeah. I thought you two broke up.

We did, but that doesn't mean I want to see her die in a fire.

Okay, sir...

Where am I? Everything hurts!

S-Sir, you were badly burned in a fire, but we're taking care of you.

My wife...

What, is she inside? No.


She died five years ago.

She would be so mad at me now.

I lost my house.

I've been living out of a storage unit.

She would say, "Luke, God can only do so much for you.

You have to help Him help you."

She would tell me to stop being so proud.

She would...

Deep breaths.

Sir? Sir?

Sir? Yeah, his BP's dropping.

Start dopamine.

Got muffled heart sounds here.

And JVD. Damn it.

Yeah, he's definitely got fluid around his heart.

He'll die if we don't drain it.

Tube him. I'll get the ultrasound.

Ah... Okay.

Problem? ‭Uh, no, it's just been a while.

Usually, all my patients are intubated by the time I get them into the OR.

It's kind of like having a Lamborghini mechanic tune up a pickup truck, you know?

So... you're a Lamborghini?

Don't. I-I heard it as soon as I said it.

Yeah. ‭Please do not tell Vic I just said that.

No promises.

Wait, isn't it back this way?

I don't know. All these hallways look the same.

This way, I think...

I think this is the way out.


Uh, hey, Bishop, the visibility is almost zero.

We're having trouble finding the way out.


Bishop, do you copy?

Where are we on ventilation?

15 is using chainsaws, rotary saws, everything they have to breach the walls.

But they're chopping on cinder blocks and brick.

Well, they need to get it done now, before our people run out of air.

Careful not to pierce the heart.

I'm in the pericardial sac.

There's no fluid coming out at all.

There is definitely fluid around the heart. I can see it.

Too thick for the needle, maybe?

There is something... Something's off here.

Pre-existing conditions?

Like lung cancer or HIV? Uh, lupus, I guess?

I mean, we don't have time to get his real records, so what are we supposed to do in this situation?

We got to open him up.

What do you mean? Here?

We're in an OR, Avery. Get used to it.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Get some better snacks next time.

Thank you, sir. Attempting to minimize the blast.


That kid of yours, Herrera?

She's better than you ever were.

Well, I could not agree more.

I still think of her as a little kid trying to help us roll hoses.

She was a good kid.

Elena used to, uh, tell her stories every night before she went to bed.

You know, there were, uh... there were moments when Elena was a really good mother to Andy.

She'd make up these wild stories about princesses dancing until their shoes turned to dust.

Oh, and the dragons... Andy really liked the ones about the dragons.

Then when Elena wasn't there to tell stories anymore, Andy couldn't sleep.

For weeks.

Hell, I couldn't make up a story to save my life.

So, I-I'd just pull out my department radio and I'd leave it on, and the two of us would listen to it together before bed every night.

And I'd tell her about the calls that I went on that day, and Her little eyes would get so wide in awe, and she'd call me a superhero.

"FireMan." She'd say it with the emphasis on man.


And then she grew up to find out you were the worst probie ever to fail up the ladder, huh?

You know, man, I haven't thought about Elena in years.

Yeah. Well, that whole situation was just...

Yeah, I-I did the best I could, you know?

We know.

Herrera, Gibson. Check in.

The fire is spreading inside the unit.

The propane tanks are engulfed.

We're closing the door now to try and...

Herrera, do you copy?




Herrera, do you copy?



No response from inside.

Herrera, do you copy?


But I don't see Gibson.


Ah. Evacuating now.

Okay, so we're through the linea alba and into the retrosternal space.

I'm telling you, this patient needs a cardiothoracic surgeon.

I already told you, I'm on it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Are we going to Grey-Sloan now?

No, he could die during transport.

And the whole point of the PRT is to render treatment immediately.

So, if you can't bring the patient to the surgeon... you bring the surgeon to the patient.


Oh, you guys look so cool.

Did we just go in a circle?

I don't know. It all looks the same.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Doubling our efforts on horizontal ventilation.

I want all of 23 on that wall with rotary saws.

Yeah, Bishop's making a good call.

They're a great team, Herrera.

Yeah, they can handle themselves in there.

Cap. I can't see an inch in front of me.

It'll work out.

Remember that shipping dock fire?

This is nothing compared to that.

Here we go. Hey, it's a good story.

Shipping containers filled with fertilizer?

What do I do? Send the men in!

Vent each container... pop, pop, pop, pop!

We were heroes that day. Prevented an expl*si*n.

And when the press came to take our pictures... everyone's covered in horse crap.

Grinning from ear to ear, huh?

Bishop. Captain.


Something's not right.

I can't find a way out.

There's no way out.

I'm trapped.

I'm trapped!


I got 5% left on my t*nk.

Yeah, yeah, I think we're good.

Is this it?

Travis, is this how we die?

Oh, God!

Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're fine.

You got to be calm, okay? You can't...

You can't breathe like that.

Hey. Eyes on me. Eyes on me, all right?

Yeah? Hey, hey, your air... your air is my air.

Okay? Your air is my air.

Okay? Your air is my air.

Okay? Let's breathe together.

Herrera hasn't found her way out yet? ‭No, sir.

I'm turning incident command over to you, Captain.

Wait, what?

The entire battalion is here.

This is a chief's job.

What're you doing?

What are you doing?

People date for a long time so they can learn all the ugly, awful things about each other.

Mm-hmm. ‭We've... We've been in love for a long time, but this... this is brand-new.

We only know the good stuff.

Like, how do... how do we get married when we only know the good stuff?

All right, I snore sometimes.

Not like a rhythmic snoring, more like one loud snort.

I've been accused of being too neat.

Mm. ‭To a fault.

Possibly compulsion.

Hmm. ‭I drive too fast.

I'm too nervous on planes.

I... I'm quick to anger.

I don't say that I'm sorry nearly as quickly as I should.

And if oysters are served, I will not share mine.

Now you.


I have a hundred pairs of socks because I hate doing laundry.


I eat crappy sugar cereal out of the box with my hands.


I am quick to anger, too.

I'm stubborn, too.


I take stuff way too personally sometimes.


...I was almost engaged to Jack.

Gibson? Y-Your roommate? Yeah, it was a while ago.

Okay. ‭I mean, I said no.


Also, I slept with him.

I slept with him recently, too.

Around the time of the camping trip. ‭H-How...

And again after that call with the rocket.

But he's my friend.

I'm not in love with him, but I'm not willing to... Okay.

...cut him off as a friend.

Before I got my TENS device...

...I was self-medicating.

You told me.

Yeah, but I was self-medicating and I stole fentanyl from the PRT.

I OD'd.

And I almost died.

And I'm clean now... but I have serious amends to make.

And when I do...

...I might lose my job.


You can't go in without a partner.

It's against about a million protocols, plus common sense!


You could get... k*lled.



Hey, hey!


You're almost out of air.

Follow that hose line back outside.




Andy? Andy!

Are you okay?

The expl*si*n... I think I'm okay.

Wait, did you run inside alone?

Without backup?

Are you crazy?

You can be as mad at me as you want to be when we're safe.

Okay, but there's gonna be so much yelling... and cursing.

Come on! Aah! My leg.


Come on.


Charge the hose line!

No pressure.

The fire must have burned through it.

All right, we got to find another way out.

Okay, there's the diaphragm, so retract downwards.


See the pericardium?

Yep. ‭Yep.

Make a small incision.


Okay, now suction everything out.

And leave a tunneled catheter in the sac, and you're done.

Ah, look at that. Pressure's going up.

Heart's increased contractility. Very nice.

And I didn't even have to get my hands dirty.

Thank you, Maggie.

Next time, I'm doing it in real life.

That truck looks so cool!


Okay, let's, uh... let's finish up.

You okay? Yeah.


It, uh... I guess it just feels, um...

Like maybe you were asleep and now you're awake?

It's intoxicating.


I can't see anything.

Can't find an exit.

And I'm almost out of air.

Just keep trying, Gibson.

I'm just gonna close my eyes...

No. No, stay on the radio with me.

Stay awake.






I know that he's a good man, Andrea. I just...

I don't understand the rush.

It... It was really, really hard for me to come to terms with your decision not to get treatment.

I broke a lot of beer bottles.

I went to a condemned burn site and smashed the walls with a sledge for hours.

I... I screamed into a lot of pillows.

But I did it.

I let go.

And, you know, he helped me through a lot of it.

Robert makes me feel...

He makes me feel.

Not a lot of men have done that.

He loves me, Dad. I know that much.

And when you realized you loved Mami, how long did you wait?

Five minutes.

I want my dad here for this.

I'm here.

I'm here.


Vámonos. ‭ Bishop!

Move this ladder into position. I'm going up.

I can't, sir. The roof is too unstable.

Whoever vents that roof will fall in.

Copy that. Move the damn ladder.

Captain, wait, wait! Bishop...

You can't... Bishop, I hand-picked every member of this team.

Not all of you were the best recruits, but I picked each one of you specifically 'cause you were the right mix, the right magic to become a family.

A crew that would love each other.

Risk their lives for each other.

That's what I have to do today for my family.

But, sir, yo...

You're not well. You can't... ‭Exactly.

That's why I'm gonna save my daughter's life and I'm gonna do right now what I've done for the last 40 years of my life... which is be a damn firefighter.

Now, you get me on that roof!

That's an order from your Captain.

Yes, sir.

Maya, you tell Andrea that everything I did... every single thing I did her whole life, I did because I loved her.

I know made some mistakes, but I loved her.

You tell her that.

Yes, sir.

I do.

I do.

Copy that. What's... Hey.

Someone's on the roof.

Male. Around 60.

Damn it, Herrera. Hot-headed probie.

Bishop, my patient is stable.

We are headed to Grey-Sloan for further treatment.


Copy, Warren.

Is something wrong?


Captain Herrera is on the roof.

Finish closing and get him to the hospital.


Captain Herrera?


I need a rapid intervention team to recover a firefighter.


Prepare to sound out 20 bells for a fallen firefighter tonight.

He's retired.

What was Herrera doing when he died?

Venting a roof.

Sounds like an active firefighter to me.

Sound the damn bells.
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