03x14 - The Ghosts That Haunt Me

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x14 - The Ghosts That Haunt Me

Post by bunniefuu »


my God.

O-Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I look ridiculous.

You look...


.. festive.

Okay, look.



I'm a doctor.

Okay, what if people, you know...

see this?

No, well, better hope they see it.

We got to sell like 3,000 of them to get people to pay for Pruitt's funeral.

Hey, yo, look, Pruitt wasn't a proud man.

Maybe we just say a few words and...

you know, pour one out.

No, I-I don't know, Mr.


I think everyone in the world...

Maya: Yeah!

...needs to see this.


Maya: Yes!

Come on down to Jack's Farmers Market.


Travis: Ooh, on a hot day...

Jack: All right, all right, you know, to be fair, carrots are good for vision.

What's up, doc?

I'm giving a good message out.

Um, I'm Andy Herrera.

I used to work here.


Welcome back.

Thanks, guys.

I missed you.


what is...



Oh, my God.

Did you...

Ben: Yeah.

Did you all do one?


It was all Hughes' idea.

I just figured our Captain deserves a Captain's funeral, you know?

Travis: Yes.

And a spaghetti dinner.

Get some foot traffic in here, shake the change out of some neighbors.

Thank you.

I love it.

I'm gonna need at least a case of these.

Vic: Well, we have a lot.

[Door closes]

Morning, 19.


Morning, Chief.


♪ ♪ Warren, if you have a problem...

I'm still gonna need my coffee first.

♪ ♪ ["Be Like That" plays]

♪ I push your button ♪ ♪ You say turn it off again ♪ Oh, we have to stop.


We shouldn't be doing this at your work.



We are on the taxpayers' dime right now.


And they are not paying you to make out with me.

Oh, we could reimburse them.


[Knock on door]

[Inhales sharply]


Hi, Captain Bishop?

Um, sorry to interrupt.

Uh, your mom is here?





[Door closes]

Uh, what are you doing?

You didn't...


No warning.

Uh, why?

I thought it was finally time to see where my daughter works.

[Clears throat]

Big Time Captain.



Are you one of Maya's firewomen?


I'm not a firefighter.

I'm Dr.

Carina DeLuca.

Oh, you're my daughter's doctor.

Uh, I am a doctor, but I'm not Maya's.

I am actually...



Oh, did I walk in at a bad time?

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no, no.

I was just about to leave.

I've already wasted enough taxpayers' time.

But it was wonderful to meet you.





[Door opens, closes]

Mom, what are you doing here?


I left your father.


So, how exactly did you get the back of your earring stuck in your ear?

I have no idea.

I woke up, and my hair was, like, wrapped around it, and it's one of those old screw posts, so it somehow burrowed into my ear.

It was my grandma's, and it's worth more than everything that I own, and I was scared if I tried to pull it out, it might, like, break the diamond.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Did I get you?



Thank God.

That's for you.

Thank you.

It didn't even hurt.

All right.

This is a disinfectant.


That did hurt!


All right.

You're all set.

Just, um, make sure you disinfect twice a day for the next few days, and maybe don't go to bed with your grandmother's diamonds on?


Oh, my God.

This is you?

Oh, no, no.

That is some other person, named Mr.


How much?



It's $25.

Happy to donate to the cause.

And, well, I don't have a smooth line for that one.

That's my number.



Thank you.


Sasha Bennett.

Thank you, Dean Miller.



[Door opens, closes]


Oh, geez.

She cute.

She cute.


Yeah, she is.



I almost didn't notice until she gave me her card.

How do you not notice?

I don't know.


What do you mean, "Uh-huh"?

Use this.

Dating is, like, the millionth thing on my mind.

I haven't slept with anybody since Pru was born.

I don't know.

I don't move on at the speed of light, so...



I'm just saying.


No, you're not just saying.

You're judging out of nowhere for no reason, and it's not cool.


I-I lash out when I'm freaked out!

I don't know...

Okay, you are a hot single dad and you got a hot single girl's number.

Just call her and climb up on that.

It's good to have you back at work.

It's good to be back.

I was starting to get a little stir-crazy.



What do you mean?

Oh, where were you going stir-crazy?

I mean, you haven't been home lately.



It's complicated.

Ah, it's usually just an address.


Okay, Andy, this isn't about our...

history or whatever.

You're my friend.

And our lives...

You know, with everything that's happened lately, I'm just...

I'm just asking my friend if she's...


It's Sullivan.

I'm sleeping at Sullivan's.

'Cause we got married.

So, just shut up about it.


Talk to me.

I have an event to organize, Mom.

We're doing this spaghetti fundraiser dinner tonight, and...

Then let me help.

I used to organize the spaghetti dinners for your track team.

No, you didn't.

Well, no.


Your father didn't let me.

He didn't like me socializing...

Did you come here just to bad-mouth Dad?

No, honey.

I came here to talk to you.

And to apologize for the abuse because I didn't...

I didn't protect you, and...


and that is a mother's job.

I'm so sorry.



What are you talking about?


Sweetie, I know you love your dad...

I do love my dad.

I also literally don't know what you're talking about.

The silent treatments?

The broken dishes?

The fist-sized holes in our walls?

The 90-mile-an-hour drives home from your track meets?

He's emotional.

Yes, and he uses his emotions to control us.

All of us.


your father is abusive.


[Voice breaking]

I was in crisis.

Wow, Mom.

Drama much?

[Klaxons sound]

Dispatch: Engine 19, Ladder 19, Aid Car 19, reported fire at bowling alley.

2849 Springfield.


Now, that is a crisis.

Maya, wait.

[Door opens]


Um, what's up with you?

My mom.

Your mom?

She's here.

She left my dad, apparently.

She's being dramatic.


Bishop has a mom.

Kind of just figured she grew up in a secret government Russian lab somewhere.

[Siren wailing]

♪ ♪ [Knock on door]

Warren, how can I help you?

There's no comfortable way to say this, sir.

I'm gonna need you to pee in a cup.

You know you're beyond your rank, Warren.

Oh, I could make this much messier for you, sir, so I think you should be grateful that I'm giving you a quiet chance to turn yourself in...

Oh, you're giving me a chance?

Warren, you need to stand down.

And admit that you performed your duties while under the influence.

Warren, stand down!

I have never, would never...

Spoken like a true addict.

[Door closes]

Why did you become a firefighter, Robert?

Who you calling Robert?

I'm your Battalion Chief.

Why did you become a firefighter, Robert?

To help people.


To save lives.


Now, how is being high in a life-or-death situation gonna do that?

Warren, you're a doctor.

You of all people should know that addiction is not exactly it out to be.

What I know as you make is that you stole dr*gs from the PRT, which is a felony, and then you persuaded me to falsify those records, which is also a felony.

And then you were commander of multiple fire companies while under the influence, which I don't know if it's a felony, but it's damn sure a crime.

I miss Joe's bar.

I heard they're rebuilding.


It's been two weeks.

What's taking so long?


Hey, w-when did you know?

You know, that...

that you wanted to be a firefighter?


I was 7 years old.

You knew that you wanted to be a firefighter when you were 7?

The red trucks, the sirens, the suspenders, the boots.


I loved it all.

How could I be anything else?


Hey, you were a great firefighter, sir.

I was a good firefighter.

Great firefighters get good firefighters k*lled.

You succeed or fail as a team.

You can paint outside the lines once in a while, but it's always about the team.

♪ ♪ [Siren wailing]




I-It's crazy.

I know.

Crazy is two exes moving in together.

This is...

I don't know...


Excuse me, but I'm grieving.

You have to be nice to me.

I never signed anything that said that.

Andy, you married your Battalion Chief, who I assume you've only been dating for like a month, because we slept together not that long ago.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Andy, you didn't even tell me you were dating him.

We haven't talked since the storage unit.

How are you doing?


No, we're not doing that.

We're not changing the subject.

You were...

You were trapped, just like in the skyscraper.

Were you triggered?

Andy, you got married.

That's what we're talking about.

I'm not...

I'm not gonna defend myself to you.

I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking if you need help to back out of what was a massive, panic-driven mistake.

I was not panicking.

You were panicking from the minute you knew your dad was sick again.

Look, I know what it looks like.

It was fast.

But I don't regret it.

Because my dad got to walk me down the aisle.

That's a beautiful thing.

And you'll always have that memory.

And it's not too late to get it annulled.

You're not funny.

I'm not joking.

[Siren wails]

[Brakes screech]

[Doors close]


You got an assignment for us?

Yeah, 19, you're on search and rescue.

I need everybody evacuated from that building.

And, Cap, structural integrity's not great.

Be careful in there.

Got it.

19, we're on search and rescue.

Structural integrity is compromised.

Dean: Hey, it's okay.

They're trapped.


They're all trapped inside.


Who's trapped?


And my grandpa, he's trapped.

I tried to help him.


Okay, don't worry.

We'll get him.

Yeah, we'll get him.

Go, go, go.


Jack: Do we have a head count?

Incident commander: Negative.

At least a dozen.

Miller, Montgomery.

Cutler, you're with me.

♪ ♪ Walter: Is somebody there?

I'm over here!

Wait, whoa!

Watch your step, Miller.

We're on a lane.

Down here!

Bowling IC, this is Search and Rescue.

We have a 70-year-old male who's trapped underneath pinsetters in lane two.

We're gonna need hydraulic spreaders and a med kit.

Travis: Seattle F.D.

We're here to get you out.

What's your name?


Airway is clear, but...

there's a lot of bleeding.

A lot or a little?


And that's just what I can see.

Looks like there's crush injuries.

Let's get it off of him.

All right.

One, two, three!



50 years I owned this place.

First time it turned on me.

Walter, I need you to stay really still, okay?

We're gonna get you out.



My granddaughter, Rachel, did she get out?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

She got out.

Andy: Miller!

Miller, call out to me!


Hey, we're here!

In the back!

Watch your step!

It's slippery!

Help's on the way, Walter.

Did all the other kids make it out?

What other kids?

Birthday party.

About a dozen of them.


Near the arcade.

Andy: Captain, there's a kids birthday party.

I need hands and eyes in here.

Gibson, Dixon!

On it!

Hey, there's still a threat of collapse.

Work fast.


I can't.

You can't what?

I can't, uh...

I can't go back in there.

I can't go in there.

I think, uh...

I c...

I can't, Captain.

Get to triage, assist where you can, and stay the hell out of my sight.

[Radio chatter, indistinct conversations]

[Hydraulics whirring]

Dean: Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.


Okay, that's not gonna work.

When I lift this side, basically the other side is crushing him.

We need cribbing.

Got it.

I'm on it.

Walter: [Groans]

I know that sound.

What sound?

In your voice.


I'm a goner, huh?

[Metal creaks]

No, sir.

You just sit tight.

We will...

[Fire whooshes, crackling]

Montgomery, I need that cribbing now!

Right now!

♪ ♪ Ben: You know, just once, I would like to get the truth out of you.

I have a chronic pain issue that has been...

"excruciating" doesn't do it justice.

The worst pain I've ever endured.

It could end my career, and surgery's only 50/50.

So I needed to buy some time so I could figure out my options.

And I made a serious mistake.

So the whole thing just...

got away from me.

So you put everyone's life on the line.

You put my life on the line to protect your career?


Do you see how messed up that is?

Can you even see that?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Where you going with that?

To take that damn drug test of yours.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

You're gonna do that right here so I can make sure you're not switching it out.

Are you serious?

Department regulations.


I have to witness the donation.



Jack: Can anyone hear me?

I think there's a party area off to the side of the arcade here.

You know this place?

Yeah, my dad used to take me here when I was little.


There's a door.

[Both breathing through masks]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Jack: I got someone.

I'll take her.


There's another door.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Andy: Hey, guys.

It's okay.

You don't have to be scared.

We're from the fire department, and we're gonna get you out of here.

I've owned these lanes for over 50 years.

That is a long time, Walter.

I already said that, didn't I?

Incident Commander, this is Ladder 19.

I am with a trapped patient, unable to extricate.

I need those hose lines to protect him.

Incident commander: Ladder 19 from Incident Command.


I'll get you that hose line as soon as possible.

These pinsetters weigh about 1,500 pounds.

I need you to save your breath, Walter.

And I need you to go save those kids.

I am with you right now.

My friends, they are saving those kids.

What's your name, son?


Dean Miller.

[Fire whooshes]

Dean Miller, I'm an old man.

Happy man.

It's not that I did everything right.

I screwed up my son so bad, he picked dr*gs over his own daughter, but...

but I did the best I could.


Raised her.

Built a place for my community where they could get together.

I had my time, Dean.


Those kids, they haven't even got started yet.

I'm toast.

We both know it.


You go save those kids.

That's not the way this works, Walter.

And that is not the way I work.

There are a lot of good firefighters, and they are looking for those kids.

They're gonna be fine.

You tell Rachel to forgive her dad.

All that anger, not good to carry it around.

[Fire whooshes]

I'm not telling her anything.

Okay, I'm gonna beat back this fire, and then you, you're gonna teach me how to bowl, okay, Walter?



Dean, I'm a terrible bowler.

Never broke 200.

Where's that damn hose line?

I'm gonna go get that hose line, and you're gonna teach me how to bowl.

You just sit tight, and you wait for me!

I'm gonna be right back!

I'll be back for you!

You better not, Dean Miller.

You better not.

[Fire whooshing]


Rachel: I just don't get how it happened.

We were just cleaning shoes...

and then all of a sudden...

I-I don't know.

It sounded like waves, like...

And there was just fire just pouring out from where the pinsetters were.


My grandpa...

he always said those were flammable.


Can you get him out?

You can, right?

Yeah, look, we've, um...

got people in there, okay?

I'm sure they're getting him out.

[Pen light clicks]

Bowling IC from Ladder 19, we have seven minors in the arcade, no visible injuries.

Additionally, we have one adult female that is unconscious.

Commencing evacuation.

Maya: Copy that, 19.



We got to get her to an aid car.


What about the kids?

We're right behind you, all right?

Okay, kids.

Come out, come out.

There we go.

Anyone that is wearing a sweatshirt or an extra T-shirt, I want you to take it off and I want you to wrap it around your head like this, okay?

Like a cowboy.

Why are we cowboys?

Because this is the Wild West and we're on an adventure.


Trevor has asthma.

He needs his inhaler.

Montgomery, I've got a kid in respiratory distress.

Just cover your face for me, sweetie.

This one?

Hey, little man, I'm gonna pick you up, okay?


Come on.

All right.

Okay, kids.

I'll go first.

You form a line.

Just follow me, okay?

It's gonna be all right.

That's it.


♪ ♪ Okay, kids, let's head back in, okay?

Andy: All right, everyone, get back into the room.

Nice and easy.

Get on the floor.

Head back in, to the back.

As quick as you can, okay?

Get on the floor.

Cover your faces.

As quickly as you can.



Herrera, Gibson, report.

Andy: Ladder 19, this is Herrera.

We're okay.

The kids are fine.

But we lost part of the roof, and the collapse took out our only exit.

♪ ♪ [Child coughs]

[Child whimpers]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Jack, let's get the kids away from there.

It's not safe.

We can make an opening.

We can squeeze through.

Maya: We're gonna get you out.

We can squeeze through.

We can...

can get out.

We can...

We have to get out.

We have to get out!

We have to get out!

We have to get out!

Captain, get us out.

We have to get out!

[Indistinct talking]

♪ ♪ [Coughs]

[Siren wails]

♪ ♪ [Breathing heavily]

I couldn't save her grandpa.

I didn't have enough time.

The last thing he asked me to do was to save those kids, so I'm gonna go save those kids.

Miller, you will wait for my orders!

Captain, I did a perimeter sweep.

There's no egress on the north wall, and I think that's where they are.

Bowling IC, this is Ladder 19.

I have two firefighters and seven minors trapped in the arcade.

We are gonna breach the wall.

Incident commander: Roger, 19.

Gibson and Herrera, I need you to clear the kids of the north exterior wall.

All of 19, I want you on the north wall with pry bars and sledgehammers.


Someone get me a battering ram.

[Breathing heavily]

♪ ♪ Time for my therapy session.


I never went into an incident under the influence.


You think that gets you my respect?

Oh, you lost all my respect.

Not only did you lie and steal, but you got a probie caught up in all your lying and stealing, a probie who happens to be the Chief's son.

Well, I didn't expect it to go down that way, so...

Your excuses just make it worse.



This is what we're gonna do.

You are gonna go to the Chief right now, and you're gonna tell him the truth...

all of it.

Tell him what, exactly?

Tell him that you are unfit for this job.

Tell him that it's your fault Pruitt Herrera died up on that roof.

I had a feeling to go into that storage unit.

You're Battalion Chief!

You don't get to break rules just because you have a feeling!

You abandoned your command, and you abandoned your team.

I had no other choice.

You could have gone up on that roof.

The roof was su1c1de.

Captain Herrera had cancer...

No, don't you dare make this about his cancer!

If Pruitt Herrera had been perfectly healthy, he still would have gone up on that roof.

It never once occurred to you to climb up there and do that.

I have to stay alive for my wife, who has lost enough this year and who was going to lose her father soon, with or without the fire.

Your what?

Andy and I got married a couple weeks ago.

Her father walked her down the aisle.

He blessed it.

He shook my hand.

Warren, I had to go in there to save my wife.

And I had to stay alive.

Herrera, is the north exterior wall clear of civilians?

We're getting through.

Andy: Affirmative, but there are arcade games.

Well, you're gonna need to move those.

It's a cavity wall.

There's a second layer.


Then we swing harder.


Look, I know it's a little scary in here, but we're gonna get you out, okay?

Son of a...

All right, you know what?

Kids, why don't we, uh, cluster together?

Damn it!

Get close.

Let's hug each other.

Big group hug.

That's it.

Son of a...

You know what?

Hugs help our bodies calm down.

That's it.

Hang tight here.

I'll be right back.

Jack, you're panicking.

You're scaring the kids.

Our team is out there pulling down the wall.

We have to let them.

That's what I'm trying to do.

Help me.

Just help me!




Now they can get through to us.

Let's get back to the kids.

We have to get out.

Okay, Jack...

We have to get out!

Okay, look at me, look at me!



You were right!

You were right!

It might have been a mistake to marry Sullivan.

[Breathing heavily]

Come on.

It seemed like a good idea.

I was mostly thinking about my dad walking me down the aisle before he died, and Diane got inside my head about how I was trying to replace my father, and I was trying to prove her wrong but somehow ended up proving her right.

Kids, how are we doing?

Can we sing while we hug?

Yes, you can.

That is an excellent idea.

[Breathing heavily]

Kids: ♪ You are my sunshine ♪ I-I'm scared to even tell people we're married.

♪ My only sunshine ♪ Look, I know it's crazy what we did.

♪ You make me happy ♪ And...


And they'll think I just did it...

♪ When skies are gray ♪ ..

out of panic, fear, and grief, but maybe I did.

♪ You'll never know, dear ♪ But also, I swear...

♪ How much I love you ♪ ..

I did it out of love.

♪ Please don't take ♪ I do love him, Jack.

♪ My sunshine away ♪ But...

I'm terrified.

♪ My only sunshine ♪ [Pounding]

You kinda should be.

♪ You make me happy ♪ [Wall crumbles]

♪ When skies are gray ♪ [Both grunt]

All right.

We got through.

Get the battering ram in here.

All right.



All right.

One, two, three.


♪ You are my sunshine ♪ Keep singing, kids!

♪ My only sunshine ♪ We're almost out!


♪ You make me happy ♪ [Rumbling]

♪ When skies are gray ♪ ♪ You'll never know, dear ♪ We have another structural collapse on the way.

That's beautiful, kids.

One more verse, and we'll have you out of here.

Put some muscle into it, 19!


Let's go!

Let's go!

Hey, um...




I'm sorry about Ryan.

I know you two were close.

♪ Everything I hear ♪ Yeah, he was...

he was a good kid, good cop.

You know, when I first started this job, I was afraid I'd go numb.

I knew a lot of guys, old-timers, that had seen such horrific things on the job that they didn't even take it in anymore.

They'd see a body in the street and...

they'd see it as debris that needed to be cleared.

But when I saw Ryan lying there...

So at least I haven't gone numb.

♪ There are things that I've seen ♪ Like, ever?

Like, you want to feel it all?

I-I feel like my goal is to go numb sometimes.


One time.

Was so bad, I couldn't feel it.

It was the first year that I was Lieutenant.

Middle of the night, got called out to a nasty drunk-driving accident.

Whole family of five gone because one drunk kid couldn't call a cab.


Yeah, I found out later that the kid was pulled over earlier in the night by a cop I knew.

Blew a .12.


Cop let him go.

Told him to go right home.


Kid was the mayor's son.

The cop wanted the mayor to owe him one.

Kid did one night in jail and then walked.

I will never forget that.

I-I was numb for days.

Then the whole thing washed over me, and all I felt was rage.



Where's that cop now?

He cashed in that favor.

♪ ♪ You know, you're not exactly a rule follower.

There are three kinds of people.

One, people who follow the rules no matter what.

Two, people who break the rules to save the lives of others.

Three, people who break the rules to save themselves.

Now, me, I'm the kind of guy who drives a car in a breakdown lane because I have someone dying in the back seat.

You drive in the breakdown lane just because you happen to be running late for work.

[Watch beeps]

♪ ♪ Clean, right?

It's clean.


All right, we're done here.


We are not done.

Let me be very clear...

You have no idea what I survived in my life.

I don't give a rat's ass what you survived.

We've all survived plenty.

Surviving is what is expected of us.

But what kind of man did life make you?

You want me to believe that you're the man you think you are?

It's easy.

Just do the right thing.

But you better do it before I do it for you.

♪ ♪ Um, hi.


Are you in charge?

Oh, no.

I'm just helping my daughter organize.

She's the Captain.



Yeah, she's a powerhouse.

Thank you.

And you are?


Miranda Bailey.

I-I actually just came by to drop this off.

We passed it around at the hospital, and there's a good chunk of change in here, and I didn't want to risk one of my interns having sticky fingers.

How wonderful.


So, they...

are they out on a call?


Bowling alley fire.

Ben: Actually, sir, no.

But those two have been yelling up there all day.

It shatters my nerves.

That's why I just have to keep busy.

What are they yelling about?

I'm not sure, but they each seem very convinced that they are right.

Sullivan: You keep forgetting who's in charge here.

You know, just once, I would like the truth out of you.

Um, sorry to interrupt.

No problem, Dr.


I was just on my way out.

You all right?

Oh, I'm more than all right.

I'm righteous.

But I gotta go.




I don't trust him as far as I can kick him.

Hey, you gonna bring the boys for spaghetti dinner?

Um, any reason not to have to cook.

Hey, proud of you, Ben Warren!

[Metal thuds]

All: ♪ You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ♪ All right, stand down.

I think we can start to let the kids through.

Kids: ♪ You make me happy when skies are gray ♪ ♪ You'll never know, dear...

♪ Okay.

Who wants to be brave?

♪ Heartache in bone ♪ This hole right here.

Jack: You ready?

Stick your arms out.

All right.

All right.

One at a time.


You ready?

Careful, careful, careful, careful.

Got her.

That was fun.


Okay, good.

Dean: [Laughs]

That was fun.

♪ The battle lines fading?

♪ ♪ ♪ Okay.

All civilian minors cleared.

All right.

You first.

I can't get through.

It's not big enough.

♪ They're sweeping the bar ♪ You go first.


we leave together.

It's okay.

They're gonna get us out.

♪ There's a car outside waiting ♪ My grandpa?

Miss, I need you to step back.

Where is he?

Did you get him out?

Where is my grandpa?

Did you leave him in there?

Miss, step back!

♪ I burned down the bridges ♪ Miller, no stopping.

There are living people in there.


Eyes forward!

♪ Save me ♪ ♪ I'm praying for wishes ♪ ♪ Like I'm religious ♪ We're coming out!

♪ Save me ♪ ♪ I burned down the bridges ♪ ♪ And I need forgiveness ♪ Thanks.


♪ I'm a sinner like you ♪ ♪ I'm a sinner like you ♪ You good, Gibson?



♪ I'm a sinner like you ♪ ♪ I'm a sinner like you ♪ Rachel.

My name is Dean Miller.

Your grandpa asked me to tell you some things.

I was with him when he died, and he asked me to tell you to forgive your dad.


He said forgive him.

And he told me to save those kids.

Incident commander: Search and Rescue 19, this is Bowling IC.

We've contained the fire.


We've completed extrication of the children and firefighters.

[Breathing heavily]

♪ ♪ I'm telling the Captain to bench you.


For what?

You lost control today.

I was doing my job.


You scared the hell out of those kids, and you scared the hell out of me.

If you're getting scared, maybe you're the one that needs to be benched.

You have PTSD.

It's a diagnosis.

You're triggered right now, and...

and that's okay.

It's not your fault.

But it does impair your ability to do this job.

I've buried a lot of people I love this year, and I am not about to add you to the list.

I am...

I am getting help.

Don't lie to me.

I'm not.

I-I've been seeing Diane about some stuff, and...

and it's helped.

I'll talk to her about the PTSD.

What "stuff" have you been seeing Diane about?

s*x stuff.

Love stuff.

Are you talking about me?

Kind of.

How I only seem to want women who can't love me back.


It's only funny 'cause it's true.

[Laughs sarcastically]

Hey, did you only say all that stuff about being scared to calm me down?

Yes and no.

I don't know.


I'm a mess.

You know who you should talk to?

Don't say Diane.

Your husband.

♪ ♪ Uh, sir.



Um, sir.

[Clears throat]

I need to speak with you.

Please tell me this is not about this Line of Duty funeral.

You know what?



I'm tired of talking about it.

Uh, uh, no, sir.

Oh, but thank you, sir.


That's great news.

Chief, I need to discuss my behavior.


I'm literally walking to my car.

We're married.

You two?


Herrera and I.



Well, we should be talking about whether or not I transfer stations.


You know what?

You're a smart guy.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Anything else?

[Clears throat]

Yes, sir.

I need to report myself.

I stole dr*gs.


On the job.


You haven't?


I love that.

What is this?

Thank you so much.

Yeah, it's so easy.


Oh, hi.

I-I know you needed help getting ready for your spaghetti dinner, so we helped.

I didn't ask you to do that.

I know.

Maya, we were just trying to make it easier for y...


T-minus two hours until doors open.

Chop-chop, people.

Oh, wait.

Who's on garlic duty?

Not it.

N-Not it.

Someone's got to do it!

Maya: Probie, you're on garlic duty.

But I just did...


Garlic or suspension...

your choice.



Uh, yeah, I-I like garlic.

Mom, thank you, but you can't just show up at my work and take over.

I didn't think...

Dad never laid a hand on us.

He didn't have to.

His rage.

His moods.

Yeah, he was tough.

He could be a jerk.

He could be mean.

But that doesn't mean he abused us.

Tough is grounding you for breaking curfew.

Abuse is making you walk home 20 miles from your track meet for coming in second.

I came in first, actually.

But I didn't beat my own time.


Come with me to my next therapy session.

I beat it the next time.

You know, I agree.

You need therapy.

But I'm good.

♪ ♪ If you acted alone, why's Warren here?

Uh, to hold me accountable.

You understand how this works, right?

Maybe you're not as smart as I thought.

If nobody knows, it never happened.

You tell no one else, you keep your job.

You keep your title.

Bishop keeps her title.

Herrera keeps her job.

Warren keeps his job.

The PRT keeps running.

God knows I don't need a drug scandal in my first year as Chief.

I'm sure you don't, either.

Sir, there are rules.



I'm sure you're really worried about the rules, Bob.

It was you.

Excuse me?

Pruitt Herrera told me a story.

You're the cop who cashed in the favor.

You want your little drug ring exposed?

I'm sorry.

Drug ring?

If Robert stole fentanyl from 19, then someone had to sign off on those inventory reports.

Sullivan: Whoa, whoa, h-hold on.

The fact that you're here tells me you're that someone, and if that comes to light, I may have to turn this whole mess over to the feds, which means both you and your wife may be facing serious prison time.

No, no, no, no.

No, no.

My wife has nothing to do with this!

I don't see it that way!

Sir, you do not...

The PRT is a joint operation with your wife's hospital.

It's nothing...

If you don't think she'll get dragged into this, you don't know the first thing about politics.

You should stick to running into burning buildings.

It's a lot safer than ticking me off.

♪ People living their lives for you ♪ Congratulations on your marriage.

♪ They say they're better than you, and you agree ♪ And Sullivan?

You owe me.

I won't forget that.

♪ Those cold brick walls ♪ ♪ Says, "Come here, boys, there ain't nothing for free" ♪ [Indistinct conversations]

It's good to see you, Mrs.


I'm glad to see that you don't have your neck brace on.

Oh, you have no idea.

That thing was worse than a chastity belt.

Speaking of chastity belts, uh, explain to me how this is fair.

I had to take my shirt off for this thing.


And you are covered head to toe.

In purple spandex.



It's not...

It's just really tight.

It looks...

It's, like, super tight.

Would you like some bread?

Which is...



What's the problem?


Okay, slow down, or these people will think I don't feed you at home.


I want to go down that pole.

Ben won't let us.


Then maybe we shouldn't ask him.

Uh, you do ask him, and he does say no.

[Both chuckle]

Hey, uh, can we go get seconds?

Yeah, go on.



They're fine.


All right, what happened with Sullivan?


We went to Dixon.

Told him everything.

And nothing.

He just sweeps it under the rug.

I'm a good person.

A good man.

The best.


But I let myself forget that lately, in service of the greater good.

You know, Pruitt Herrera, you could say a lot of things about him, but one thing he never did is compromise his values.

He was good through and through.

I-I need to honor that...

the best way I know how.

♪ Own ♪ I'm gonna take down Fire Chief Dixon.

♪ Own ♪ ♪ ♪ I, too, love my dad very much.


He's brilliant.


He's funny.


He's my hero, in so many ways.

But that's why it took me so long to realize that he wasn't okay.

It took me so long to realize that...

that it isn't normal to live your life on eggshells.


Denial is a strong force, a-a-and the abuse your mom described outside is still abuse...

I'm not in denial.

I won a gold medal because of my dad.

I am the youngest Fire Captain in Seattle and this station's first female Captain because of my dad.

I am not in denial.

I am pissed.

♪ Who will save your soul ♪ ♪ If you won't save your own?

♪ ♪ Own ♪ ♪ Own ♪ Dixon knows.

[Clears throat]

Knows what?


You, me, us.

The dr*gs.

He knows.

It's all over.

No one loses their job.

[Exhales sharply]

Are you serious?

And he also approved your father's Line of Duty funeral.

Oh, my God, Robert.

That's amazing.

Listen, I want to be able to kiss my wife in public.

We're not in public.

We're at work.

Well, I want to let them know.




I-It's not the time...


I-I just want to let you know that, uh, thanks to you, we won.

We, uh, got the funding for Captain Herrera's Line of Duty funeral.

[Cheers and applause]



And, um...

one more announcement while I have you here.

Come on.

Don't be scared.

I would like to say publicly that I love this woman.

And I love her so much that I married her.

So this is sort of our wedding reception.

♪ Who will save your soul ♪ ♪ After all the lies you told?

♪ Yeah!



♪ ...save your soul ♪ No more secrets.

♪ If you won't save your own ♪ ♪ Own ♪ ♪ O-O-Own ♪ ♪ If you won't save your own ♪
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