03x16 - Louder Than a b*mb

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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03x16 - Louder Than a b*mb

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Take your time ♪ Let me see what you got.

♪ I don't mind if we stay in the rain ♪ ♪ These liquid skies will show the way ♪ ♪ Let it fall to the ground and your soul ♪ Go.



Oh, my God.

Oh, I heard you broke up with your hot doctor lover.

I heard you broke up with yours.


Yeah, we're dumb.

So dumb.

We're so dumb.

Hey, where's your baby?


I have a baby?

[Both laugh]


She's having a sleepover with my sister in some fancy hotel.

Which means that I can have an adult sleepover.



Hey, I think I love you.

♪ Waterfall ♪ ♪ We could be hiding ♪ I can't hear you.

Excuse me.

♪ We could be hiding, love ♪ So, are we talking about it or drinking about it?

The second thing.

[Liquid pours]

♪ ♪ Oh, my God!

My house!

My life!

[Siren wails in distance]

Don't worry.

My dad's coming.

Right, Mami?

Sí, mi amor.

They're coming.

They're coming.

[Wailing continues]

Lawrence: Let's go, fellas!

Move it, Souza.


Herrera, charge that hose!

Let's go, boys.

Need that delta wall opened up so I can check for a connection.

♪ Washing away ♪ [Sighs]

[Glasses thud]


Have you at least talked to him?

Who, my husband?

Or you mean the guy who turned himself in to the Civil Service Commission without consulting his wife?

Or, wait, do you mean the guy who got suspended without pay for stealing narcotics in order to take down our Fire Chief...

which didn't work, by the way...

and all it did was delay my father's funeral?

You mean that guy?

See, I'm confused 'cause...

[Glasses clink]

...I thought those were all the same guy.

♪ In this pouring rain ♪ [Glass thuds]


♪ No one can break us ♪ You know, I don't think I've ever seen you not mad at your husband, which [Laughs]

is kind of funny 'cause I don't think I've ever seen you not mad at your dad, either.


♪ This endless rain ♪ Yeah.

No, not funny.


♪ We could be hiding love ♪ [Sighs]

♪ We could be hiding ♪ [Cellphone clicks]

Lawrence: Ma'am, is there anyone else in the house?

No, no.

My husband's at work, thank God.

[Radio squawks]

Souza, help Herrera knock that fire down!

Souza: On it!

♪ ♪ Cap, looks like we've got an electrical short.

Well, you know what to do.



Your dad...

he's one of the greats.


Thank you, ladies.


It's Sandra.

Leave me a message.



I don't want to talk about my dad or my husband, so if it's either of those things...

It's not.

Okay, it was gonna be, so now I'm just gonna stand here in awkward silence.

Come on.

Come dance.

We haven't all hung out on our night off in forever.

Okay, fine, but...

I need another shot first.


Look who I convinced to dance!

[All cheering]

Maya: [Laughs]


Well, your old man did pretty good today, m'ija, right?


Elena: Let me take a picture of the two of you.

Of course.


Let's see.

Look serious, like a firefighter.

Come on.

One, two, and...




[Camera shutter clicks]

Okay, back to work.


Love you.



Travis: Yes!



That's awesome.


♪ Waterfall, waterfall ♪ Whoo!

♪ Making it wonderful, wonderful ♪ ♪ Toeing the line, yeah ♪ [Cellphone ringing]

♪ This endless rain ♪ ♪ Under the waterfall, waterfall ♪ ♪ We could be hiding, love ♪ [Birds chirping]

[Cellphones chiming, buzzing]

[Chiming, buzzing continues]

Andy: Ugh.


Wake up.

We're getting called in.


Where's my phone?

[Cellphones chiming]

Ohh, fffffffor God's sake.




What happened?


Why are you in my bed?

'Cause Travis and Emmett slept in mine.

Why are you yelling?

You can't just sleep in my bed.



Where's my girlfriend?

You have a girlfriend?


I wouldn't call her your girlfriend.


Where is my girlfriend?!

I don't know.

Why are you yelling?!

My head hurts!


My head hurts, too!

Guys, it is a five-alarm fire.

We got to go.









Did she sleep in here?


Emmett was so smart to quit.

Has anyone seen my phone?

[Cellphone ringing]

That's it.

That's it.

Is one of you calling me?

Vic: Mnh-mnh.

[Ringing continues]

[Ringing stops]



Tía Sandra finally called me back, and I missed it.

Damn it!

Uh, who's Tía Sandra?

Hey, you know what?

It doesn't matter, 'cause we got to go!

I'm supposed to have lunch with Marsha, Inara, and Marcus.

Change it to dinner, Jack.


Robert's surgery.

I'm supposed to be at Grey-Sloan, like, now.

You know what?

You get a pass, okay?

You sit this one out.

I love a good five-alarm.

[Door opens]

Hey, don't worry.

There will be others.

Go be with your...

battalion chief.

Oh, my God, I still can't say "husband," either.


Hey, dude, where's your girlfriend?

[Klaxons sounding]


Dad, what are you doing here?

Well, I figured I'd stop by and see my daughter the captain in action.

I've been calling you for days.



I'm sorry.

There's been a lot going on.

And I have to go, but just hang here until I get back.

Sure, kiddo.


Go, Captain.

[Siren wailing]

[Horn honks]


[Exhales sharply]


I can just tell from the way you smell that I am very glad I had to stay home with two sick kids last night.

Yeah, you're so lucky.


Tell me when we get there.

Will do.

Chief Sato: Dispatch from hospital IC...

we've had an expl*si*n at Pac North.

Contact Puget Sound Energy to request a supervisor and gas-leak response team.

Additionally, we need Seattle PD to shut down all traffic north and west of the hospital.

Maya: Thought the hospital was closed.

Chief Sato: Mostly.

ER's open and transferring admits.

Radiology on the first floor, research wing in the basement.

Gas leak?

That's our guess.

Utilities are off.


♪ ♪ [Radio squawks]

Dispatch, this is Pac North IC.

We just had an expl*si*n on the third floor.

♪ ♪ Ben: Seattle Fire!

Everyone needs to evacuate now!

Duncan: Help!

Help, please!

C-Can someone help?!




I'm inside here!

I have a bad back, and I...

and I can't get out.

There was an expl*si*n or something, and the kid just left, ran out screaming.

So I see they haven't improved their staff much here.

All right, we'll get you out.

[Button clicks]


What's happening?

It's jammed!


Machine must be faulty.

Great hospital.

And we can't use tools because...

Because this thing's a giant magnet, and if it turns back on, we're screwed.

Oh, cool.

That's just great for my anxiety.

Hey, buddy, what's your name?

Uh, Duncan.


Okay, Duncan, we're gonna get you out.


I weigh like 250.

Well, that's okay, because our job is to work out.


It's not.


Seattle Fire!

Everyone out!

Let's go!

Let's go!

♪ ♪ Everyone, we need to evacuate now!

Monica, don't forget the lab notes.

And grab those samples over there.

Jack: Ma'am, did you hear me?

Th-There's a fire.

I am not letting my life's work burn to the ground.

Lives depend on it.

And it's not "ma'am." It's "Doctor." Vic: Really?

Because your lives depend on us evacuating you right now.

This floor is an active fire scene.

[Glass shatters]

Oh, damn it!

Help me!


Alba is really close to a cure for lymphoma.

You're firefighters.

Your risk of developing occupationally derived cancer is what?

[Keyboard clacking]

Grab all of those frozen specimens in there.

♪ ♪ Ben: Hey, uh, Duncan...


...why were you in the hospital today?

Is it your back?

You rupture a disc?


Hey, Duncan, the more you talk, the less anxious you'll be.

I cheated on my wife before we got married.

[Cries softly]


It was a mistake.

It was just one night, and I've always, always regretted it.

But I can't never tell Carla.

But I got to tell somebody, especially if I'm about to die.


Hey, hey, hey, hey!


Hey, you know what?

I slept with an engaged friend.


I did.

Even after he wasn't engaged anymore, I kept sleeping with him because I liked it.

I slept with him even after I knew he was falling in love with me.

I actually slept with him last night.

And a little bit this morning.

Do you love him?



That's cold.

Yeah, I know.


♪ ♪ And, uh, you know...

And I...

I-I'm, uh...

I am extremely judgmental.



You know, I'm a...

I'm a friendly guy.

I like people.

But, uh, I secretly judge them for not living up to my standards.

You serious?

I am.

I, uh, am silently judging you right now.

Both of you.

[Plastic creaks, radio squawks]

Vic: Hughes here.

Requesting backup in the research wing.


[Radio squawks]

Copy that.

Warren and I are on our way as soon as we evac our patient.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephone rings]

♪ ♪ Lawrence: Andy, your dad...

he's one of the greats.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Breathing heavily]

♪ ♪ Robert, I'm so sorry I'm late.

You didn't come home last night.

I-I told you.


I was...

I was hanging out with the guys.

You didn't tell me you were sleeping over with the guys.

You're right.

I'm sorry.



I'm still getting used to this whole marriage thing.

Sandra finally called me back, but she didn't leave a message, and now she's not answering, which is...

I mean, she must know something, right?

Maybe she heard about your dad's passing and then tried to extend her condolences.

That's why she called.

She hated my father.


They didn't speak for decades.

He kept her from me.

He kept my cousins from me.

You know, sometimes it's easier to be mad at someone you lost than to grieve them, Andy.

I am grieving him.

You're trying to find a reason...

I-I miss him...

...to be mad at your father and...

...every minute of every day, and I'm furious with him for lying to me and keeping my family from me.

Why can't both of those things be true?

Because he just died!


Saving your entire team.


[Clears throat]

I'm interrupting something, clearly.



Shepherd, right?



Good to see you again.

Good to see you.

[Cellphone ringing]



Jack: All right, everybody, let's double-time it.

Come on.

Keep it moving, guys.

Keep it moving.

Double time.

Come on.

Hey, Cutler, take them outside and make sure they stay there.

I don't want anyone else coming back inside the building.

Let's go.

This incubator and all these files...

we need all of this out.

Travis: So, we're a moving service now?

Does she know there's a fire upstairs?

This is her lymphoma research.

She's refusing to leave without it, and we can't leave without her, so...

Isn't all this stuff digitized?

You can't digitize a living organism.

I mean, she's right.

You can't.

[Radio squawks]

Maya: Gibson, I need all of 19 out of that building now.

Copy, Captain.

Doctor, it's time to go, okay?


Get your hands off of me!


[Woman screams]

Look out!




[Objects clattering]




Miller, you good?

Everybody okay?

♪ ♪ Oh, no.

My God.

Maya: We have two firefighters from 23 with blast injuries.

19.19, do you copy?

[Radio squawks]


expl*si*n above us caused collapse of the hallway outside.

Gibson here with Hughes, Miller, Warren, Montgomery, and one patient.

[Radio squawks]

But where's Dr.







Travis: Oh, no.


Vic: Come on.

Come on.

Doctor, we're gonna get you out, okay?

My phone!

I need my phone!

I need to call my partner!

Maya: Gibson, do you have egress?





Third expl*si*n and fire on the third floor weakened structural integrity, causing partial collapse.

We have two from 23 injured and five currently trapped in the basement research wing.

Reporter: Chief Dixon!

Over here, sir!

Requesting USAR company to come in a-and...

Dixon: Afternoon, all.


Happy to answer any questions you may have at this time.


What's USAR's ETA?

He said five minutes out.


[Indistinct announcement over P.A.]

Pruitt: Anytime I say anything, you think it's a criticism.

You sound like it!

You're criticizing me!

Because I'm unhappy!

Oh, you're unhappy.

God, what.



♪ ♪ [Chuckles]

♪ ♪ [Telephone rings]

♪ ♪ So, the surgery is happening?

Oh, it's happening.

And the odds of it working are still just 50-50?


But I'm feeling lucky.


No narcotics after surgery, okay?

I'm not gonna let this take me out.

I admire your commitment, and you don't have to decide right now.

The first couple days are gonna be painful.

I can take it.

We are gonna want you up on your feet right away, walking and standing.


That is gonna be uncomfortable, to say the least.

I can order you a nerve block...

No narcotics.

Oh, my God.

Tía Sandra called.

She's on her way to Seattle.


She said she couldn't talk over the phone, but...

What does...

What does that mean?


Uh, w-we're gonna be taking Robert up to the pre-op area pretty soon.


Right, right.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm fine.

Uh, would you show Ms.

Herrera to the plant room?


What's that?

Studies have shown that nature, greenery, uh, helps calm the central nervous system.

Works for me.


Good luck.

I will be right here.


And I'll see you right after.




I love you.

I love you.

Oh, there.


Robert, is she...

Is she what?




She's grieving her father.

She's spinning out.

That was my next guess.


you are gonna need her support after the surgery.

I'm gonna have it, okay?

She'll be there for me.

She's just going through a lot, is all.

[Inhales deeply]


All right.


What are you doing?

We're having a meeting, you and me, right now.

A meeting?

I'm about to have surgery.

And you just got married, and your wife just lost her father, and you could lose your job and go to jail.

Your life is in session, and you are keeping it all inside, and that is a recipe for relapse.

I'm not gonna relapse.

I just need to get through this surgery right now without using and...

And how do addicts get through life without using?


We talk to each other.

Come on.

♪ ♪ God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...

We lost Wi-Fi mid-transfer, so I am going to have to read you what I can myself, and I need you to take it down exactly.

If I die in here, I need my research not to.

All right, one more, on three.

One, two...



[All grunt]


Jack: Okay, clear the area.

Clear the area.


Alba: [Groaning]

[Breathing heavily]

I'm gonna get the first-aid kit.

Okay, now read those data points back to me.


I think the universe is trying to tell me something.



I keep getting trapped in places.

It's like immersion therapy, but it's not working.

What do we think caused the multiple explosions?

We turned the gas off.


You inverted the last value I gave you.

Make sure they correspond.

I'm gonna cut.

Right there.

[Groaning, whimpering]

♪ ♪ [Coughs]

[Radio squawks]

Captain, we are still trapped, and we've got a patient with crush injuries, including a pelvic fracture and open radial fracture and substantial blood loss.


[Ax thudding]

Jack: Solid here, too.

♪ ♪ [Whimpering, panting]

Everybody, radios off.

Turn your radios off.




J-Just turn them off now!


Alba: Okay, now plot everything so that we can assess the...


Alba, turn off your phone!

Miller, what's the problem?

The explosions...

they're a bravo tango.


A b*mb?!

Why would you...

'Cause I just found another one.

Bishop, we have a suspicious device.

No, no, wait.

No, no, no.

No radios.

No radios.

If it's a b*mb, we got to call it in, get the b*mb squad in here.

How athey gonna get in here?

How do we even know it's a b*mb?

I trained with the b*mb squad.

You did?




We doing this now?





Okay, what do we do?

Get the hell out of here.

♪ ♪ Miller, get away from that.

It looks homemade.

Who the hell bombs a hospital, anyway?


It's not the first time they've att*cked me.

I use embryonic stem cells in my research.

How can people claim to be pro-life but be willing to sacrifice millions of lives that could be saved by research?



Chief Sato: This is Pac North IC requesting SPD b*mb Squad, Code Red response.

And we still have a news chopper and a drone.

Medevac's still not clear to land.

There's my girl.

Being boss.

Dad, what are you doing here?

Well, I saw you on the news.

I wanted to watch you actually do something.

Dad, you can't...

Don't "Dad" me.

Go do something, Captain.




Travis: Hey, Dr.

Alba, you got to stay awake for us, okay?

Her pulse is thready.

She's bleeding internally.

[Breathing heavily]

Miller, you are really testing me right now.


I just need to see if there's a clock.

Jack: Hey, Miller, please don't do that.

I'm just gonna pull this out.

No, Miller, stop!




Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!


How many of you trained with the b*mb squad?


If I don't defuse this, it will go off, just like the other three.

USAR will get us out.

The b*mb squad will come in.

This ain't your job, Miller.

Stand down.

What time did we get that first call?

A few minutes after 11:00.

And the second blast happened when?

11, uh, 30.

11:30, when we got here.

Third expl*si*n happened around noon.


That sounds like a pattern.

And if it is a pattern, that b*mb will go off in elev...

11 minutes.


Stop it.

Go help...

Go help him.

Get my life's work out of here.

No, we're not gonna leave you, Dr.


I am already dead.

Save my life's work.


Save countless millions.



♪ ♪ Vic: Okay.

♪ And the sun comes out again ♪ Amelia: Ready?


Count back from 10 for me.

10, 9, 8...

♪ We could see into forever ♪ [Telephone rings]

♪ ♪ ♪ What goes up ♪ Oh!


♪ Must come down ♪ ♪ With golden lies, you filled your crown ♪ ♪ It weighs, it weighs you down ♪ Mami, it's not even lunchtime yet.

Well, guess what.

You deserve a break, baby.

♪ It weighs, it weighs you down ♪ [Horn blaring]

♪ And the flame, it keeps me warm ♪ I want you to try every single one of them, okay?

I want you to experiment, explore.

♪ The fire's been set free ♪ Oh, yum!


Promise me that you'll never settle in life.

♪ What goes up must come down ♪ [Laughs]

There you go.

Look at the sky, honey.

Look at the sky.

Never, ever take your eyes off it.

There we go.


♪ It weighs you down ♪ ♪ It weighs, it weighs you down ♪ Ohh!

Oh, my goodness!



Are you okay?



My husband's in surgery.

I can get an update for you.

My dad died.


He just died.

I had heard that.


I'm so sorry.

I know the two of you were close.

I thought we were.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

And, you know, every...

everyone thinks it's the grief talking, and maybe it is, but I-I can't shake the feeling that maybe something really awful happened.

With your dad?

With my mom.

Oh, God, I am sorry.

You don't even know me.

No, no.


It's okay.

I-I have plenty of stuff in my own life.

I could use a break.

You can talk.

I thought my parents were happy.

But I-I keep getting these flashes of them fighting, screaming, my mom crying.

[Inhales sharply]

[Voice breaking]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I just...

It's okay.

You know, the one favorite memory I have of my mother, the one I-I've kept with me all these years, was our last fun day together.

And I-I've always held on to that as an example of how much she loved me, how much I lost.

But now...

now I think maybe she knew it was our last day together.

And now I think maybe she k*lled herself.

♪ It weighs, it weighs us down ♪ Oh, no.



I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

♪ It weighs me down ♪ This is the best day ever.

[Crickets chirping]

I want you to remember something, baby.

If anything ever happens to me, Daddy will always take care of you, okay?

What's gonna happen to you?

Nothing, honey.

Just remember...

he'll take care of you, and you'll take care of him, okay?

I love you.

Andy: My mom died when I was 9, and it's always been just me and my dad.

But I started to remember...

we had this big extended family.


And when my mom died, everyone just disappeared, like we were lepers.

And I didn't...

I didn't even remember them.

I didn't think about them.


It's like I blocked them out or something.

Until my dad died.

And, you know, I started going through his stuff, and then I talked to my dad's friend, and he was cagey and...


I don't.


I'm probably being paranoid.

Or you're just remembering stuff that you tried very hard to forget.

The brain is an amazing machine.

If there's an event or a loss that's too traumatic, it has a way of walling itself off so you can survive the trauma.

And then here come the memories.

They come back in fragments and little puzzle pieces that then you have to put together.

And when that happens, that hurts.

And I'm not talking about just emotionally.

The body remembers the event.

The brain remembers the trauma.

And that...

that's a whole body ache.

Thank you.

Thank you for...


The people who love me keep telling me I sound crazy.

Oh, Herrera, you know what?

For what it's worth, you don't sound crazy.

And sometimes a breakthrough can look an awful lot like a breakdown.

♪ ♪ [Indistinct shouting]

Maya: We have five firefighters and a civilian trapped in the basement with what we think is a suspicious device, and now we have no communication.

They switched off radios to avoid any electrical interference with the detonator.


Our crew is on the move.

Hey, kiddo.


Come here.

Hey, Dad, you should probably wait for me at home.

Your family's falling apart, and you're playing Fire Captain?

I'm not playing anything.

I am Captain.

Did your mother fill your head with drama?


IS that why you're treating me this way?

You know, Dad, I have to go, and you have to...

Don't raise your voice at me, young lady.

Eight minutes.

Okay, Miller, what do we do?


Over there.

It looks like a microwave.

Ben: Right.

Right, right, right, right.

It's for sterilization, but it's airtight.

It can dampen the expl*si*n.

We got to get it closer to the b*mb.

[All grunting]



It's bolted down.


Dad, interfering with emergency personnel is a crime.

I am not gonna ask you again.

Are you threatening me?

I am in charge, and I am ordering you to leave my scene.

What did you say?

You heard me.

Get your hands off of me!



This thing's not going anywhere.

And we are running out of time.

Four minutes.

Four minutes!

[All breathing heavily]

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Vic: Miller!


No, no, guys, guys, guys!

Either I put that in there or we all die.

And my research.


Countless millions, right?



Let me do it.



Hey, hey.

I'm not gonna let you orphan your daughter.

I'm not letting you...


Let me do...

Let me do it!

♪ ♪ Lane: Oh, yeah.

Oh, you need your big, strong men to fight your battles, huh, Captain?

No, Dad, I don't!

I don't need to win my gold medals through other people.

Unlike you, I win them myself.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

I'm fine.

Everyone back to work.

Go on.

Get to the other side.

Let's go.

I'm gonna open the door.

Come on.

To the other side!

Let's go!

Go, go, go!

That's an order.

Let's go!

♪ ♪ Dr.


Jack: Other side now.

That's an order.

To the other side.




Alba, we're gonna move you now, okay?

She's gone.

She's gone.

[Breathing heavily]

We got two minutes.

Two minutes.

Vic: Okay.

Travis: Help me move her.

One, two, three.

[Exhales sharply]


Vic: Here.

Go help them.

Go help.

Ben: Take the mice.

Save the research.

Dean: Come on.

Get in, get in, get in.

Help him.

Help him.

I got it.

I got it.

[Jackhammer rattling]

♪ ♪ Here we go.

♪ ♪ [Rattling continues]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Dixon: And I will let Police Commissioner Clark update you on the details of the bombing investigation.

Thank you all very much.

Sir, a word, please?

[Rattling continues]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ How much time do we have?

About a minute.

You're fine, Gibson.


Just take your time, okay?

[Breathing heavily]


Okay, okay.

Just keep it level.

If that switch moves and the mercury...

Got it...

I die.

Thanks, Miller.

[Rattling continues]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Exhales sharply]

♪ ♪ Vic: Come on, come on, come on!

Travis: Gibson, get your ass over here!

Come on!

Ben: Move, move, move, move, move!

Move, move, move!

Get in!

Get in!

Get in!


Hey, Smitty.

At ease.

Michael Dixon, we have a warrant for your arrest.

What is this, some kind of prank?

You're being charged with fraud and extortion.

♪ I believe in you ♪ You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be held a...

I know the Miranda rights.

♪ I believe in love ♪ ♪ And the darker it gets, the more I do ♪ ♪ Try and fill us with your hate, and we will shine a light ♪ ♪ And the days will become endless ♪ ♪ And never and never turn to night ♪ ♪ And never and never turn to night ♪ [expl*si*n]

[Glass shattering]

♪ Then it's just too much ♪ ♪ I cannot get you close enough ♪ ♪ A hundred arms, a hundred years ♪ ♪ You can always find me here ♪ [All coughing]

Ben: You okay?

♪ Let me hold you lightly ♪ [Jackhammer rattling]

♪ Instead of ones that hold too tightly ♪ [Coughs]


[All coughing]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I want b*mb squad to comb through every inch of that hospital.

If there were four, who knows how many more there are.

♪ Ha, ha ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Funerals were held all over the city ♪ ♪ The youth bleed in the square ♪ Is that...


It sure as hell is.

I never want to forget this moment.

I want it etched in my memory forever.

Forever and ever.



Told you all.

s*x offender.

Why are we carrying rodents, 19?

Because we're saving the lives of untold millions.


Like we do.

♪ ♪ I need a drink.

Don't say "drink." Vic: [Groans]

Hair of the dog?



Today was...

Vic: Ugh.

Oh, come on, guys.

Look, Dixon is fired.

And in jail.


We gotta at least celebrate that.

Okay, sure.


I'm down.

Dean: All right, fine.

Let's do it.

Pru's still at my sister's.

Ding dong, Dixon is dead.

Yes, he is.

Come on.

Let's go.

Oh, shut up.


♪ ♪ [Breathes shakily]

♪ ♪ [Breathing heavily]

♪ ♪ [Crying]

[Exhales sharply]


[Exhales sharply]

[Scissors clatter]

♪ ♪ I was so stupid.

Everyone saw the truth about my dad but me.


It's how these things usually go.

I ruined the best relationship I ever had because of him.

You could apologize.

It's too late for that.

Way too late.

You'd be surprised how far an "I'm sorry" can get you.

[Breathes deeply]

I'm sorry, Jack.

We're all going to the houseboat.

We're gonna raise a glass to Dixon's demise.


I can't.

Have fun.

Hair looks kinda cool.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Ofenbach's "Paradise" plays]

If I had died today, Miranda would have k*lled me.


Miranda would have k*lled all of us if we'd let you die.

Yeah, well, if I had died today, you'd all already be dead, too.

I'd like to propose a toast.

Vic: Ooh, yeah.

To Dr.

Ben Warren...


Though he may be judgmental...


...he holds us all accountable.

That's true, especially Sullivan.

Also, with Pruitt gone, I think we're looking for a new father figure.

Okay, you call me old one more time, I'm gonna send you to bed without your dinner, young lady.



But seriously, though, can you think of a better way to honor Pruitt Herrera than bringing down that asshat?



Sorry, probie.

No, don't be.

My dad is an asshat.


And I'm not a probie anymore.

Yeah, you'll always be probie to us.

Dean: You know what?

No more crying.

We're here.

We're still breathing.

Vic: Always be a probie.

So let's act like it.

All right, get ready to dance!


♪ Bom-bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom ♪ Come on, Jack.

Come on.

Come on!

No, no, no, I-I don't...

Dance, Jack.

Come on, Jack.


I'm just gonna watch.

That came out weird, but, you know, I'm just gonna...

Oh, whatever!

You guys are good.



Coming in hot!

Hey, uh, can I talk to you for a minute...




♪ ...as if you're bulletproof ♪ Ben: I didn't know it was that kind of party.

♪ You mention somethin' 'bout a room for two ♪ [Indistinct conversations]

♪ ♪ I think you would have done okay today.





Oh, you were joking.

Yeah, I'm joking.


Of course.

Side to side.

Do the shoulder.



No, cut...

cut shoulders.

Cut shoulders.

Cut shoulders.

Just feet.

Look, uh, I know that I have a lot to learn about...

pretty much everything.


But you got me here.

No, you did this, Emmett.

No, I couldn't have done this without you.

And I owe you so much.

I admire you so much.


I'm so grateful for you, Travis.

[Lee Dewyze's "Castles" plays]

I love you.

♪ ♪ I, um...

I am really happy for you, you know, for how far you've come...

for all this life that you have ahead of you.

And I am really sorry...

that I don't love you back.

♪ Sun is going down, backs are to the ground mid-November ♪ Yeah.

Me too.

♪ From your castle in the trees, hear you call to me ♪ ♪ I remember ♪ [Indistinct conversations]

♪ Oh, the things we miss ♪ Carina.

What do you want?

I'm an idiot.

You were right.

I was abused.

My dad was abusive, but that is no excuse for what I did to you, and...

[Inhales deeply]

Just please, please, please take me back.

I love you.

And I've never said that about anyone before, except my brother, so it means something.

I love you, Carina.

I am sorry.

I'm sorry.

♪ Tell me, do you?

[Voice breaking]

I'm sorry.

Just please forgive me.

Oh, my God.

Forgive her.






She cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend.

A-And then you throw it in my face just to hurt me, and what am I supposed to do now?

Forget that?

Am I supposed to trust you?

I don't know.

I don't know.

♪ Still I know...

♪ But I'm okay spending every day trying to convince you to.

♪ Of the meadowlark written for me ♪ Forgive her.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It just...

If you love her, forgive her.

♪ ...we find ♪ ♪ When the scars are left behind ♪ I love you, Maya.


Come kiss me.

♪ Do you have to go?

Tell me, do you?

♪ ♪ ♪ [Knock on door]

♪ ♪ Hey.

[TV chatter]



[Door closes]

Inara: [Chuckles]


What are we watching?

Uh, whatever it is, it's awful.

Right, Marcus?

[All chuckle]

You're getting better.



[Both laugh]

♪ Oh, the things, oh, the things we miss ♪ ♪ Oh, the things we miss ♪ Hey.


♪ Do you have to go?

♪ ♪ Do you have to go?

♪ ♪ Tell me, do you?

♪ [Chuckles]


♪ You don't wanna go ♪ _ Uh, we...

Maybe we should look it up, yeah?


♪ Do you have to go?

♪ ♪ Do you have to go?

♪ ♪ Tell me, do ya?

♪ [Sighs]


You were, like, really amazing today.

Oh, I was?


That b*mb squad stuff?

Damn, Miller.



Aww, shucks.

I mean, I probably would have done the same thing, but like an idiot, and you actually knew what you were doing.

It was pretty hot.

You got to capitalize on that.

I think you should move out.



["The Times They Are a-Changin'" plays]


I, um...

I think you should move out of the houseboat.

♪ Wherever you roam ♪ Okay, is this because I s...

I slept on your bed?




Because [Laughs]

that was not...

I mean...


It's that and other things.

I'm seeing someone now.



You're a girl, and it's confusing.


I'm not confused.

I mean, I'm confused right now, but what...

♪ So you better start swimmin' ♪ We're friends, Miller.



Yes, we are, and I want it to stay that way, but it's just been confusing for...

for Sasha.

It's been confusing for Sasha.

For Sa...

Okay, so you're gonna kick me out for some girl you've been on three dates with?

No, no.

It's also confusing for Pru.

For Pru?

Yes, for Pru!

Okay, well...

When she gets older!

Well, then I'll leave in two years, Miller.

What the hell?

♪ Come, writers and critics who prophesize with your pen ♪ You have to go somewhere.

You have to find another place.

I'm grateful for all the help, you know, with me and Pru, but it's time.

♪ Don't speak too soon ♪ It's time.

You have to go.

♪ ...still in spin ♪ ♪ And there's no tellin' who that it's namin' ♪ ♪ For the loser now ♪ Okay.

♪ Will be later to win ♪ [Door slams]

♪ For the times, they are a-changin' ♪ [Monitor beeping]

♪ Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call ♪ [Groans]

♪ Don't stand in the doorway ♪ [Breathing sharply]




♪ Will be he who has stalled ♪ Uh, Dr.

Shepherd ordered morphine as needed.

I-I need it!

I need it!

I need it.


I need it!


I need it!


♪ And will rattle your walls ♪ ♪ For the times, they are a-changin' ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Come, mothers and fathers throughout the land ♪ [Sobbing]

♪ And don't criticize what you don't understand ♪ What's wrong, Mami?

We had a fun day today.

Sí, mi amor.

We had a beautiful day today.

♪ Your old road is rapidly aging ♪ ♪ Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand ♪ ♪ For the times, they are a-changin' ♪ [Crickets chirping]

♪ ♪ ♪ The line, it is drawn ♪ ♪ The curse, it is cast ♪ [Sighs]

♪ The slow one...

♪ Tía.

Oh, Andy.

It's been too long.

Your mom...

is sick, Andrea.

She's very sick.

But everything's gonna be okay.

♪ For the order is rapidly fadin' ♪ ♪ And the first one now ♪ [Inhales sharply]

Tía, just...

just tell me.


Just tell me.

Did my mom...


♪ They are a-changin' ♪ ♪ ♪ [Sighs]

♪ ♪ Mami?

♪ ♪
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