
Series, Sequels, Trilogies, Saga Movie Collections.

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Series, Sequels, Trilogies, Saga Movie Collections.
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Post by bunniefuu »


We're lucky to be in The City.

They say the w*r was terrible.

That the rest of the world was destroyed.

Our founders built the wall to keep us safe...

and they divided us into five groups...

factions, to keep the peace.

The smart ones, the ones who value knowledge and logic...

are in Erudite.

They know everything.

Amity farm the land.

They're all about kindness and harmony, always happy.

Candor value honesty and order.

They tell the truth, even when you wish they wouldn't.

And then there's Dauntless.

They're our protectors, our soldiers, our police.

I always thought they were amazing.

Brave, fearless and free.

Some people think Dauntless are crazy...

which, they kind of, are.

Come on, Beatrice.

My faction is Abnegation.

The others all call us "stiffs." We lead a simple life...

selfless, dedicated to helping others.

We even feed the Factionless...

the ones who don't fit in anywhere.

Because we're public servants...

we're trusted to run the government.

My father works alongside our leader, Marcus.

It all works.

Everyone knows where they belong.

Except for me.

My mother says there's an art to losing yourself.

But I haven't figured it out, yet.

I'm supposed to never think of myself...

to always help others.

To never look too long in the mirror.

Are you nervous?


Were you?

For your test?



I was terrified.

But I didn't have any reason to be, and neither do you.

That's all you get.

Rules are rules.

Today I take the test.

I'm scared it'll tell me I'm not Abnegation.

That I have to leave my family.

But I'm even more scared that it will tell me to stay.

For my brother Caleb, it's easy.

Let me help you with that.

He's a natural.

Beatrice, do you wanna get the other bags?


What if she'd been blind, or an amputee?

Would you've helped her, then?

I was thinking about helping her.

It's not that hard.

For you, maybe.

Just relax, Beatrice.

Take a deep breath and trust the test.

Trust the test.

Test will tell me who I am, where I belong.

Am I smart?


Am I honest?


Or brave?


So, all the food that we're not getting...

you guys are giving away to the Factionless?




You're a liar.

Why are you lying to me?

Everybody knows you keep it for yourselves.

So, why don't you just admit it?


I'm talking to you.

Are all you stiffs deaf, or somethin'?




One hundred years ago, after the w*r...

our founders created a system they believed...

would prevent future conflict and create lasting peace.

Today, aptitude testing based on your personality...

will assign you to one of the factions.

While it is our belief that choosing the faction...

indicated by your test is the best way to ensure success...

within the faction system...

it is your right tomorrow, at the choosing ceremony...

to choose any of the five factions, regardless of your test results.

However, once the choice has been made...

there will be no change permitted.

What is it with you Abnegation and mirrors?

We reject vanity.

Yeah, I know.

Sit down.

I'm Tori.

I'll be administering your test.

You'll be offered a series of choices...

to test your aptitude for each faction...

until you get one result.

I wouldn't sweat it.

95% get the faction of their origin...

and from the looks of you...

What is it?

Bottoms up.



Before it's too late.


What will I do with them?


Just tell me.


Get up.

We're going out the back door before a supervisor comes.

But what was my result?

Come on!

What happened?

You're going to tell your family that the serum made you sick...

and that I sent you home.

All right?

No, but what was my result?


And Erudite.

And Dauntless.


Your results were inconclusive.

That's impossible.

It doesn't make any sense.

No, not impossible.

It's just extremely rare.

They call it "Divergent." You can't tell anyone about this.

Not even your parents.

As far as the world is concerned...

you received an Abnegation result...

because that is what I manually entered.

So, what am I supposed to do at the choosing ceremony?

I was supposed to learn what to do.

This was supposed to tell me what faction to choose, the test.

We're supposed to trust the test.

The test didn't work on you.

You have to trust yourself.

What happened to you today?

Where did you go after your test?

I got sick, so they sent me home early.

Did you finish your test?


What was your result?

What was yours?

Why did you just leave without telling anybody?

I was sick.


I don't think you understand the level of scrutiny we're under.

They're doing everything they can to discredit us right now.

Who is?


They believe that they should be the governing faction, not us.

So you have to be careful right now, okay?

Even Marcus is under attack.

For what?

It's an old accusation.

That he mistreated his son...

and that's why the boy defected.

Is that true?


'Course not.

Children defect for all kinds of reasons.

Don't take too long, in here.

You need a good night's sleep...

For tomorrow.

I, um...

We love you.

Good night.

I'm so proud of you, honey.



Tomorrow when we choose...

You have to think of the family.


But you also have to think of yourself.

Factions, please gather in your assigned areas.

Morning, Jeanine.

Good morning, Andrew.

How is Marcus holding up?

As well as can be expected.

We need to find out who's behind these rumors.

I think we all know who it is.

If it's someone from Erudite, I promise I'll find out who.

These are your children.

I don't think I knew they were choosing, today.

What's your name?


I'm Caleb.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Jeanine Matthews.

And you are?

This is Beatrice.

Well, you both have a big decision to make, today.

I'm sure your parents will support whatever choice you make.

That's not supposed to be a choice.

The test should tell us what to do.

You're still free to choose.

But you don't really want that.


I want you to choose who you truly are...

and where you truly belong.

Not on a whim.

Not because you wish you were someone you're not...

but because you honestly know yourself.

I want you to choose wisely.

And I know you will.

The faction system is a living being...

composed of cells, all of you.

And the only way it can survive and thrive...

is for each of you to claim your rightful place.

The future belongs to those who know where they belong.

When we leave this room...

you will no longer be dependents...

but full-fledged members of our society.

Faction before blood.

Faction before blood.

I love you...

No matter what.

Jonathan Ziegler.


Jeffrey Yates.


Morgan Stokes.


Claire Satron.


Sam Robertson.


Caleb Prior.


Quiet, please.

Beatrice Prior.


Welcome to Dauntless!

Come on!

Let's go!

Come on!


You made it.

I'm Christina.


Is it just me or are they trying to k*ll us?

Get ready!


They're jumping.


What if you don't jump?

What do you think?

You'll be Factionless.

Good luck, Al.




One, two, three...

All right, listen up!

I'm Eric.

I'm one of your leaders.

If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in.

And if you don't have the guts to jump...

then you don't belong in Dauntless.

Is there water at the bottom, or something?

I guess you'll find out.

Or not.

We just jumped.

They want us to jump again?

Someone's gotta go first.

Who's it gonna be?


Yeah stiff, take it off!

Put it back on!

Today, Initiate.

What, you get pushed?


What's your name?


Is that a hard one?

You can pick a new one if you want, but make it good.

You don't get to pick again.


my name's Tris.

First jumper, Tris!

Welcome to Dauntless.

Dauntless-born, go with Lauren, transfers, stay with me.


This way.

Most of the time I work in Intelligence...

but during your training, I'll be your instructor.

My name's Four.

Four, like the number?

Exactly like the number.

What happened, one through three were taken?

What's your name?


Well, Christina.

The first lesson you learn from me...

if you wanna survive here..

is keep your mouth shut.

Do you understand me?



Follow me.

This is The Pit.

The center of life, here at Dauntless.

You're gonna be sleeping here for the next ten weeks.

Girls, or boys?



That works.

If you like this, you're gonna love the bathroom.




Is there no other area?

Are you kidding?

You should feel right at home, Candor.

Everything out in the open.

Is this a joke?

Get changed.


Shower, anyone?

Nice legs, stiff.


How you doin'?

Shall we sit there?

Have you never seen a hamburger before?

No, I've seen one.

I just have never eaten one.

Abnegation eat plain food.

Plant-based diet with no sauces and a minimum of seasoning.

Which textbook did you swallow?

Nice to meet you, too.

I'm Will.


Of course you are.

No offense, but I'm surprised Abnegation even eats at all.

Too selfish, right?

No wonder you left.

You gotta be pretty self-confident to be friends with a Candor.

What is that supposed to mean?

You have no filter.

You say the first thing that comes into your head.

You mean like, "You're an idiot"?

Nice one, Al.

At least we tell the truth.

Erudite can tell the truth because we have the facts.

I don't want to hear about your old factions.

You're Dauntless now.

Were you a transfer, too?

Or Dauntless-born?

Are you kidding?


What makes you think you can talk to me?


Must be because you're so approachable.



You, my friend, have a death wish.

You know, he was first in his class.

They tried to recruit him for leadership twice, but he said no.

Initiates, stand.

You have chosen to join the warrior faction..

tasked with the defense of this city and all its inhabitants.

We believe in ordinary acts of bravery...

and the courage that drives one person...

to stand up for another.

Respect that.

Do us proud.


I want everyone in The Pit.

Two minutes.

There are two stages of training.

The first is physical.

Push your bodies to the breaking point...

and you'll master the methods of combat.

The second is mental.

Again, breaking point.

You'll face your worst fears and conquer them...

unless they get you first.

You'll be trained separately from the Dauntless-born...

but you'll be ranked together.

After initiations, rankings will determine...

what jobs you move into.

Leadership, guarding the fence...

or keeping the Factionless from k*lling each other.

The rankings will also determine who gets cut.


At the end of each stage of training...

the lowest ranking Initiates will be leaving us.

To do what?

There's no going home to your families...

so, you'd live Factionless.

Why didn't we know that?

It's a new rule.

A new rule?

Somebody should have told us that.


Would you have chosen differently?

Out of fear?

I mean, if that's the case, you might as well get out now.

If you're really one of us...

it won't matter to you that you might fail.

Now, you chose us.

Now we get to choose you.

Statistically speaking, you should have hit the target...

at least once, by now.

Even by accident.


What have you got?


Not doing anything.

Check it out, stiff.

That's gonna be your new family.

Go say "Hi." You ready for some real fighting?

Not even close.

First jumper!

In the ring.

Last jumper!

Time to fight.

How long do we fight for?

Till one of you can't continue.

Or one of you concedes.

According to the old rules.

New rules, no one concedes.

You really want to lose 'em on their first fight?

A brave man never surrenders.

Lucky for you, those weren't the rules when we fought.

You'll be scored on this, so fight hard.


Don't be scared, stiff!

Nice, Tris!



All right, guys, over here.

Listen up.

Know what this board is?

It's your life.

We grade you every day.

If you're still in the red by the end of the first stage, you're out.

I'm never gonna make it.

Yes, you are.

I'm the weakest one here.

Then you'll be most improved.

You're Candor.

You're not supposed to lie.

I was Candor.

And I'm not lying.

If they cut me, I think my parents would take me back.

No, it doesn't work like that.

Even if they wanted to, their faction wouldn't allow it.

Even if my parents would take me back...

I wouldn't belong there anymore.

This is getting depressing.


You know what we should do?

Get tattoos.

Did you know they had a tattoo of your face?

Like it?


Where would you get it?

I don't know.

Where do you suggest?

Anywhere you want.

Here, it's this thing here.

You remember me, right?

I was just wondering if you could...


I just do tattoos.


I'd like this one.


Can I just ask you...

You made a mistake choosing Dauntless.

They'll find out about you...


Who will?

The people you're a threat to.

What people?

Who, Dauntless?

No, society.

If you don't fit into a category, they can't control you.

I don't get it.

I'm Dauntless.

I'm going to be Dauntless.

I chose Dauntless.

For your sake, I hope so.

You're weak.

You have no muscle.

You're never gonna win, not like that.

That's good to know.

Yeah, you're gonna have to use your whole body.

Keep tension here.


And go on offense.

You're fast, so you could win if you attack first.

You get inside, you jab to the throat.


Keep working.

Sorry about that, Will.

Come on, Chris.



I'm done.

I'm done.

You need to stop?


Let me give you a hand.


All right, let's everyone take a break!

You feelin' a little better?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Grab the rail.

Or, don't.

You've got three options.

Hang there, and I'll forget your cowardice.

Fall and die.

Or, give up.

But if you give up, you're out.

Come on, Chris!


Dauntless never give up.

As Dauntless, we fight to protect every life inside the fence...

without fail.

That's why we train you the way we do.

To teach you not to give up.

And to find out who has what it takes.

Even though it's been quiet out there for years...

that could change at any moment.

So, we have to be ready for everything.


What's out there?


Amity farms.

No, I know.

But beyond that?

Places that never recovered from the w*r.

Do you know?

Let's just say they built their fence for a reason.


You're kinda good at this.

Come on.

That was pathetic.

It slipped.

Well, go get it!

What, while they're throwing?

Are you afraid?

Of getting stabbed by an airborne knife?


Everybody stop.

Stand in front of the target.

Four, gimme a hand here.

You're gonna stand there while he throws those knives.

And if I see you flinch, you're out.

One thing you will learn here...

is that orders are not optional.


Anyone can stand in front of a target.

It doesn't prove anything.

Then, it should be easy for you to take his place.

Same rules apply.

Oh, come on, Four.

You can get closer than that.

You want me to give her a little trim?

Yeah, maybe just a little, off the top.

Points for bravery, stiff.

Not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth.

Now watch yourself.

We train soldiers, not rebels.

But we're done for today.

Get out.

You all right?

You cut me.

I meant to.

You meant to?

You think he was gonna let you off without a scratch?

You'd still be standing there if I hadn't hit you.

So am I supposed to thank you?

You're supposed to be smart.

If I wanted to hurt you, I would have.

There she is.

You do have a death wish.

I can't believe you said that to Eric.

You're the only one who's ever stood up to him.

Look at your ear.

Let's get you cleaned up.

Hey, Tris.

That was cool.


Impressive, stiff.


Shut up.


Hey, you're famous, now.

I mean, not because of the thing with Eric.

Hey, you're in the news.

Yeah, listen...

"The recent transfers of Beatrice and Caleb Prior...

children of Andrew Prior, call into question the soundness...

of Abnegation's teachings and values.

What prompted them to leave?

Perhaps the answer lies in the corrupted ideal...

of an entire faction.

The theft of resources, the general incompetence...

the abuse of their children." Did they beat you, like Marcus Eaton's kid?

They didn't beat anyone.

They're good people.


And that's why you left?

Was it something I said?

He's an idiot.



That's okay.

What's she doing at Dauntless?


You're Andrew Prior's daughter, aren't you?


It's just Tris, now.

Tris, I like that.


You made an impressive choice, Tris, despite your parents.

And your test result.

You've seen my test result?

Of course.

I'm glad you were smart enough to know your own mind.

Let me know if you ever need anything.

Well, that was weird.


What do you think is goin' on?

I bet they're hunting Divergents.

That's all they talk about at Erudite, these days.


Divergents are real?

Come on, Al.

First fight.

Peter versus Tris.



It's Eric.

He's just trying to get back at you.



Remember what I said about attack?

First shot, right to the throat.

And you watch him.

He steps before he punches.

All right?


All right there, stiff?

Look like you're about to cry.

Might take it easy on you if you cry.

Come on, Tris.

Get up.

Get up.

Come on.

Stop playin' with each other.


You look...

Look bad.

How long have I been here?

About a day.

A day?

Have you seen the scoreboard?

Where am I?

You got below the line.

Why are you wearing those vests?

w*r games.


What are you doing?

I'm coming.

You can't.

Eric says you're done.


He said you're out.

Your father's on the council, Tris.

Maybe they'll make an exception and let you go home.

We're sorry, Tris.

We gotta go.

We're gonna miss the train.

Yeah, okay.







What are you doing here?

I just figured that I had to make it.

Who let you out?

I did.

You did?


Let's sit you down.

The game's simple.

It's like Capture the Flag.

w*apon of choice.

You call that a g*n?

Neuro-stim dart.

Simulates the pain of a real g*nsh*t wound.

Only lasts a couple minutes.

Two teams.

Four and I are captains.

You pick first.



I'll take the stiff.


Picking the weak ones...

so you've got someone to blame when you lose.

Something like that.

Where did Eric's team go?

They must have gone to the end.

All right.

Lights off.

Gather around.

Come on.


What's your strategy?

We can hide the flag well enough, so they can't find it.

Let's send out a team to scout their location.

See if we can find their flag.

I say we blitz them.

Just beat them with swift...

Yeah, that's the best way to lose quickly.

Let's make them come to us.

End this quickly, they won't expect it.

We don't know where they are.

Okay, we split into two groups, defense and offense.

Who put you in charge?

Someone has to make a decision.

We need to be more aggressive.

We need to be smart about it.

You're not gonna jump, are you?

No, I'm just trying to get a good vantage point.

Good thinking.

You don't have to come with me.

You should go easy.

You took a beating.

I'm surprised you noticed.

I saw you leave during the fight.

Yeah, well, it's not something I wanted to watch.


You good?

You okay?


I'm fine.

This is high enough.

No, we need to go higher.

You all right?

You're afraid of heights.

Everyone's afraid of something.

I didn't think you were afraid of anything.

Come on, Tris.


Are you even human?

This isn't so bad.

Good eye.


There it is.

All right.

What's your plan?

We split into two groups.

We'll go up this side and let the rest of you engage Eric.

I can see 'em.



Light 'em up!

There's two more!

I'm gonna move in closer!

Follow me.


Watch on your right!

Go, go, go.


Christina, let's go!

Get 'em, get 'em!

This way!

Cover me!

All right.

Tell me if this hurts.

You tell me.

You bitch!


That was awesome!

Get covered!

Go, Tris!

I'll guard.


Game over!

Good job, Tris!

Hey, Tris!


Come with us.

Where you going?

Shortcut back.

A little initiation ritual, Dauntless style.


All right, let's do this!


All right, you good?

Hang tight.


Go, go!

Fly, baby.


You're up.

All right, do it!

Come on, girl.

Go for it!

Do it, Tris!

Like flying!

Don't forget to pull the brake at the bottom!



You ready?

Harness is good.

Pull the brake!

Pull the brake!







You know, I wanted to say that you were really good tonight.

You were brave.


Anyway, you should get back to your friends.


If you're ranked above the red line...

you'll move on to the second stage of training.

If you're below it...

we'll waste no more time on you.

Here are your rankings.


You made it.

You made it, Tris.

Got it.

Thank you.

Here you go.

So we pass the first stage of training, and this is our reward.

Toss it up!



Oh, my girl!

Mom, what are you doing here?

I knew they'd assign you here sooner, or later.

Look at you!

God, you're so strong and beautiful.

Mom, you can't be here.

I know, but you're in danger.


I had to ask you something.

You weren't sick the day you took your aptitude test, were you?


What were your test results?

Honey, it's okay.

You can tell me.

They were...

they were inconclusive.


You can't tell anyone.

You can't tell your friends, your instructors.

You can't trust anyone.

I'm not.

People have always been so threatened by Divergents.

But now Erudite is looking for them everywhere.

They're actively seeking them out.


Mom, what am I?

You don't conform.

Your mind works in a million different ways.


they're scared of you.

Stage two of training is where you are most at risk.

They're gonna get inside your head..

and watch how you respond to fear.

But you can pass.

You can make it through Dauntless.

I have seen it before.

How do you know so much about this?

About Dauntless?

Never mind about me.

Do not let them know who you are.



Were you Dauntless?



What are you doing?

Truck's loaded.

Let's go.

What did they do to her?


Take a seat.

I'm going to inject you with a serum that stimulates...

the part of your brain that processes fear.


It induces a hallucination...

and then transmitters in the serum...

allow me to see the images in your mind.

You can see inside my mind?


Lay back.

Now, you're gonna be facing your worst fears, Tris.

Most people have ten to fifteen really bad ones.

You have to calm yourself.

Slow your heart rate and your breathing...

and deal with what's in front of you.

Be brave.

This isn't real.

It's all right, it's all right.

You okay?

How long do you think you were in the hallucination, Tris?

Twenty minutes?


Four times faster than the average.

I've never seen anyone do that well the first time.

How did you get rid of the birds?

The image wasn't clear.


I just went into the water.

Well, next time it'll be a lot easier.

I have to do that again?

Yeah, you have to practice several times before the final...


you're a natural.

You got nothing to worry about.

My whole body was covered in these little insects.

They were in my ears, and my throat...

I couldn't breathe.

Yeah, I heard about this guy, like, two years ago...

so panicked, he had a heart attack in his chair...

and he almost died.


Yeah, so we've got that to look forward to, right?

You didn't seem to have any problem, at all.


No, no, my God, it was awful.

Oh, come on.

No one even came close to your time.

You were amazing.

Yeah, what's amazing is that...

she's gonna knock you right out of Dauntless.

She's not gonna knock me out of Dauntless.

Look, she's gone from being the worst to one of the best.

Somebody's gotta take her place at the bottom.

Who's it gonna be?


Do you ever stop talking?

I just want to know how she does it.

What's your trick?

I don't have a trick.

Nobody gets through it that fast.

Why don't you tell us how you do it?

At least tell your friends.

What's he talkin' about?

Is there some way to make it easier?


No, I...

I'm not doing anything.



This isn't real.

How'd you do that?


How'd you break the glass?

I don't know.

Just did it.

You just did it?

What were your test results?

Your aptitude test.


I don't think so.


I think you're lying to me.

Why would I lie to you?

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

What were your test results?


Time for you to go.


Just so you know...

Dauntless don't break the glass like that.

My brother was like you.

During the second stage, he got good really fast.

Last day of the simulations...

one of the Dauntless leaders came to watch him.

The next morning we found his body...

at the bottom of the chasm.

They got rid of him.

Who did?

Dauntless leadership.

You can't let them find out about you.

And what if they already know?

Then you're already dead.


What are you doing here?

I'm in trouble.

What happened?

I'm not gonna make it at Dauntless.

I don't fit in there.

You have to fit in there.

I can't.

I'm just...

I'm not like them.

I mean, who is?

They're crazy.

Maybe I can go back to Abnegation.

You can't go back.

I know, but...

They're never gonna let you do that.



They're not gonna let Abnegation break any more rules.

They actually think that they're running the government now?

They might be soon.

Wait, really?

Erudite should be in charge.

Certainly not Abnegation.

Wait, hold on, Caleb.

How can you say that?

It's what all the other factions want, now that Abnegation failed.


That's just what they're telling you here...

It's true.

It's not true.

It's not.

There are liars here.

There are people who know how to manipulate you.

You need to understand that.


I think you should go.

Faction before blood.


Got it.

I need you to come with me.


Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Please, sit down.

Thank you.

I'm glad you came here today.

You are?

Are you happy with your new faction?


But you came to see your brother.

I just...

I just wanted to talk to him.

Have you seen your parents?


It's hard to let go.

Faction before blood.

It's an important ideal...

but sometimes difficult to fulfill.

It goes against our fundamental human nature.

But that's exactly the weakness...

we need to overcome.

You think that human nature is a weakness?

I think human nature is the enemy.

It's human nature to keep secrets, lie, steal.

And I wanna eradicate that.

That's how we'll maintain a stable, peaceful society.

You would help me with that, wouldn't you?

How would I help you?

You're aware that Abnegation is undermining...

the faction system and breaking laws...

harboring Divergents?

I didn't know that.

But if that's true, then I'm glad that I left.

See, I need to know that I can count on you...

to enforce the law...

even if it's been broken by someone close to you.

Someone you care about.

Of course.


Then I'll have my car take you back to Dauntless.

Come on!

Get her over!

Come on, do it!

Do it!


You all right?


Come on.

Let's go.

Here, put this on.

Thank you.

You'll be safe here.


It's okay.

I can't believe Al...

You're moving up through the ranks, and he's failing.

It makes him hate himself and it makes him hate you.

He's just afraid.

Everyone's afraid.

I know, but fear does something strange to people like Al.

But not you.

Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.

I've seen it.

You should lie down.

Get some sleep.


I'll take the floor.

How you feeling?



Where'd you go yesterday?

To see my brother.

It's getting a little boring for you here, is it?

My brother said that...

He thinks Erudite is planning to overthrow Abnegation.

Do you think they could do that?

Yeah, I do.

I think it's possible.

Depends how far they're willing to go.

I'm worried about my parents.


But I think you got other things you need to worry about.

Don't you?


I should go.



Is that your sweater?


So what happened to you last night?

Tris, can I talk to you for a second?

Listen, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

Please, can you ever forgive me?

If you ever come close to me again, I will k*ll you.


You need to stay away from me!

You are a coward.

I just can't believe he would do that.

It's not like him, at all.

What's that?

Come on.

Oh, my God!

Guess he just jumped.



Leave me alone.

I'm sorry about Al.

It's my fault that he's dead.

No, it's not because of you.

He made his own choice.

He would have been factionless.

He was not gonna pass that final test.

Neither am I.

Why do you say that?

You know why.

And as soon as all the others find out, they're gonna k*ll me.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

Shut the door.

You're gonna practice.

In my fear landscape?


In mine.

We go in together.

Have you ever done this before?

No, I haven't.

You sure you want to?

Why wouldn't I?

I don't know.

You haven't told me anything about yourself...

and now you're just gonna let me inside of your head?

Are you afraid of that?

You're not?


Fear of heights.

I'm not surprised.

It's not real.


We could just jump.

Divergent would jump.

Dauntless would get to that building.

If you want to pass, if you want to avoid discovery...

you have to do everything the way a Dauntless would do it.

You have to find some tool, some method to survive.

Fear of confinement.

You have to find a way of stopping it.

What would a Dauntless do?


Take your time.

I'm just enjoying myself in this shrinking box.

As a Dauntless soldier, you have to follow orders...

you don't always agree, with.

Who is she?

She's an innocent.

I have to k*ll her.

But I can never do it.

Unless I look away.

Why are we in Abnegation?

Your last fear is your worst fear.

It lives in the deepest part of your mind.

Marcus had a son.

What was his name?






I'm just trying to help you to be better.



Four fears?

Four then, four now.

I keep going in there, but I don't think you ever lose them.

Can I ask you something?


What's your tattoo?

You wanna see it?

It's amazing.

The factions.

Why do you have all of them?

I don't want to be just one thing.

I can't be.

I want to be brave and I want to be selfless...

intelligent, and honest, and kind.

Although I'm still working on "kind." I don't wanna go too fast.

It's okay.

I've already got my spot on the floor.



Come on.

I'm gonna show you something.





They're here every morning.

I've been watching them for weeks.

What are they doing at Dauntless?

Loading in supplies.


And these.

What is it?

I think it's some kind of cognitive transmitter.

You inject it, like a serum.


It's supposed to make you more susceptible to suggestion...

but as many as they have, they could create an army.

Attention, all initiates report for final testing.

All initiates report for final testing.

You're ready.

You can do this.

They can see your hallucinations on the screen.

So, you get past your fears the way a Dauntless would...

but do it quickly.


If I'm too good, then they'll k*ll me...

and if I'm too slow, then I'll die.


Good luck.

Good luck, Tris.

Hope you make it.






Aren't you Dauntless?

Please tell me that you weren't watching that.

Would you feel better if I said no?

You did well.


one final test.

You know what to do.


If you want to be Dauntless.


Do it.

You all right?

That looked good to me, okay?

Come on.

Let's go.


new members of Dauntless.



Come on.

Get in line.

All right, everybody, line up.

What's going on?

All Dauntless initiates...

report to your command leader.

All right, listen up!

Before you leave tonight, I want you all in four lines.

Everyone gets a tracking device.

Don't ask questions.

It's just a precaution.

Do you see Four?



What's going on?

Oh, my God.


You should be first in line, but...

I'll make it easy for you.

Hurts like a bitch, huh?

Now you're really one of us.

Hey, what's...

Faction before blood.

Oh, my God.

They can see and hear us.

They just don't process it the same way.

Commands come in through the transmitter.

What's goin' on?

What are we doin'?



Everything's fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

Hurry up!


Abnegation leaders must identify themselves.

We need to find my parents.

Just keep moving.

Where's your house?

We are looking for information.

All houses will be searched.

Do not resist.

You will not be hurt.



Where would they have gone?

I don't know.

This can't happen here!

Just stop it!

Do not resist.

All Abnegation will be questioned.

The legendary Four...

A mindless drone.

You were first in your class.

Now you're...



Think he might be...

There's one way to find out.

Say goodbye, assh*le.


Move and you die!

The stiff?

Two stiffs.

Two dead stiffs.

You can't let a single Divergent slip through.

This is what happens.

She's not gonna sh**t me.

Think you might be overestimating my character.


You were hit?


Right there!

Don't move!

Drop your weapons.

Tobias Eaton.

And you, Beatrice.

I thought it was intellect I was sensing in you.

Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

Why are you attacking all these innocent people?

Innocent people?

Abnegation, if left unchecked, will destroy the faction system.

Same can be said of both of you.

Somebody has to stop you.

If we don't, peace will be lost.

It's already been lost.

You destroyed it.

Human nature destroyed it.

Those of us with the vision to see that...

are called upon to protect the rest.

We will restore the peace.

And this time, it will last.

And what if you're wrong?

Bring him with us.

She's injured.

Any results would be unclear.

You can get rid of her.

All right.

Get down!

Let's go.

Come on!

Additional security teams, report to Mobile Command Level 5.






Okay, we gotta run!

You were Dauntless.

Served me well, today.

Is Dad okay?


He led a group over to Monroe and State.

We're gonna meet him there.

Let's go!

Copy 1-9!




Will, stop!





Come on, honey.

We gotta go.

I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

Come here.


Let's go find your father.

Cover me.


I'll go.

Got it, sir!

Don't stop!

Don't stop!


You okay?

Yeah, good.

I'm good.


Let's go!

We're good.



what is it?






Mom, no!





Mom, wake up!


Oh, my God, Mom!



I love you, Mom!

Oh, my God...

Where's my father?


Your mother?

She saved me.

She saved me.

Then it wasn't in vain.

We need to leave here.

Are there soldiers outside?

No, it's clear.

I should have believed you.

I left as soon as I realized.

Why is this happening?

I don't understand.

Why are Dauntless fighting for Erudite?

They don't know what they're doing.

They're under simulation.

We need to wake 'em up.

I need to get into Dauntless.

That's a fortress.

It's not gonna happen.

I can get us in there.

Get ready.

What now?

You're not gonna like it.

There's a net at the bottom.

Don't think, just jump.

Are you good?


Let's go.

Wait here.

Against the wall.

Against the wall!

How are you awake?

Because I'm smarter than you.

And they need me.

Where are they controlling it from?

Why would I tell you that?

It's not like you're gonna sh**t me.

Why do people keep saying that?

Where are they controlling it from?

Did you really need to sh**t him?

Every minute we waste, another Abnegation dies...

and another Dauntless becomes a m*rder*r.

Peter, let's go.

That's it, isn't it?


I've seen Jeanine go in there.

That's where she's controlling it from.

Like you said, there isn't a second to waste.

Dad, no!


Do whatever it takes...


Watch Caleb.

I'm going in there.





Four, it's me.

You're in a sim.

He can't hear you.

Amazing, isn't it?

Everything we think of that makes up a person...

thoughts, emotions, history...

all wiped away by chemistry.


He's gone.

And we're all safer for it.


How are we safer?

The brilliance of the faction system...

is that conformity to the faction removes the threat...

of anyone exercising their independent will.

Divergents thr*aten that system.

Don't get me wrong.

There's a certain beauty in your resistance...

your defiance of categorization.

But it's a beauty we can't afford.

Four, it's me.

It's me.

Please, Four, look at me.

Look at me.


It's me!

Four, stop!





It's okay, it's okay.

I love you.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I love you.

It's okay.

Four, look at me.

Look at me.

It's me.

It's me.

It's me.

It's me...



Finish it.



Shut it down.


I am not gonna ask you again.

Do it!

Shut it down!

I admire you're willing to die for what you believe...

but so am I.

You can't do it, can you?

Maybe you're not quite as Dauntless...

as you thought you were.

You're right.

I'm not.

I'm Divergent.

Now shut it down, and wipe the program.

Simulation abort.

System-wide shutdown.




Don't get me wrong.

There's a certain beauty to your resistance.


Lockdown now is in effect.

All right, let's move!

We gotta go.



We need to keep moving.

All right, move!


I got it!

I know you do.

My mom and dad died today.

They're gone.

I know.

But they loved you, Tris.

For them, there was no better way to show you.

Now we have nothing.

We have no home, no faction...

I don't even know who I am anymore.

I know exactly who you are.

You sure about that?

Yeah, I'm very sure.

Come here.

We're like the Factionless now.

We've left everything behind...

but we found ourselves and each other.

Tomorrow we may have to fight again...

but, for now, we'll ride the train to the end of the line...

And then we'll jump.
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