01x11 - I Answer to No Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: October 2017 to present.*
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Soap opera reboot of the 1980's show.
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01x11 - I Answer to No Man

Post by bunniefuu »

[Anders] Previously on Dynasty:

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish] Hi, Celia.


Get Blake to sign the deal.

[in English] How could you bring that monster back into our lives?

You're talking about my husband and Sammy Jo's father.

Everything she owned could all be mine when I marry her.

I won't let you hurt my father.

You take your best sh*t. I'll rain hellfire down on you.

That deal was never gonna happen. He tried to play us against each other.

[in Spanish]

No, you made a mistake, by messing with me and my family.

[Cristal in Spanish]

-Here. Let me help you. -[groaning]

[Alejandro in English] Sleeping beauty wakes.

[Fallon] What have you done?

Where am I?

Oh, my God.

Is this Venezuela?

Did you two psychopaths take me home with you?

[in Spanish]

We're not in Venezuela. We can't go back there. Not empty-handed.

I have to make up for the deal your stepmother screwed me out of.

So, I'm paying for Cristal's mistakes? [grunts] How fitting.

[Alejandro] Your father will pay, -assuming he wants you back. -[in English] I wouldn't.

He'll make you regret you ever heard the name Carrington.

I guarantee he's turning Atlanta upside down trying to find me.

I've never been so at peace.

I don't know what's being done to me, but it's so relaxing.

[Cristal in English] She's unlocking your chakras.

-[bowls humming] -Mmm.

Not to mention my brother, who I was supposed to be meeting this morning.

When I don't show up, he'll be sounding the alarms, too.

-Doughnuts? -[Steven] What happened there?

Had to eat the gold-dusted bacon cruller before Fallon did.

[both chuckle]

-Where is she? -No idea.

More for me.

[Fallon] Then there's my business partner, Jeff Colby, who I was going to meet last night.

He was expecting me before Bonnie Parker interrupted.

I'm sure Jeff called the cops hours ago.

[woman on recording] ...and exhale.

You two are in way over your heads.

You think you have this all under control, but everyone is looking for me.

For God's sakes, I'm Fallon Carrington!


-Thank you. -[Blake] Amazing.

But you can't tell anyone I did that, whatever that was.

Oh, it'll be our little secret.


[both moaning]

Don't get me started. We have a meeting with the new chief of police.

I saw that on our schedule.

Given how close this family was to Stansfield, it seemed only right that I reach out to his replacement.

Plus, police department's endorsement would help Paul Daniels' campaign.

-The senator? -He's up for reelection.

I delivered Stansfield's endorsement last time, I'm hoping that the new chief is as supportive.

Maybe with a sizable donation.

If they need more balloons at the Policeman's Ball, I am happy to help.


You're not taking the Versaces?

Gianni d*ed for your sins.

-They're all yours. -Thank you.

Feels good walking away from all this, you know.

-Giving up the safety net. -Mm.

The buffet breakfast prepared by personal chefs, in-house dry cleaning, afternoon rendezvous with Gustav after massages.

Don't be jealous.

-I'll miss you, Sam. And my family. -You're moving to Edgewood, not Australia.

And you can never really leave family, even if you want to.

Cristal and I moved to another country and still couldn't cut ties with ours.

No one escapes Hurricane Machado.

My last act of service to you, Master Steven... before you come running home.

Not this time, Anders. But thank you.

I can feel the love.

-Why? -Just checking for a pulse.

[clears throat, then chuckles]

Chief Johnson, so sorry to keep you waiting.

We were stuck in a meeting.

Running a multi-billion dollar company keeps you busy.

My COO Cristal, more importantly, my wife.

-Welcome to Carrington Atlantic. -And congratulations on your promotions.

Tell me a little about yourself. Are you a born-and-raised Atlantan?

I am, just like you.

Oh, so I'm sure, like me, you value your ties to the community.

[cell phone jingling]

Sorry, heh.

As I was saying, it's our goal at CA to do what we can to--

[cell phone jingling]


That's my daughter. Could you give me a moment?


-Fallon, this is not a great time. -It never is.

-Hello, Blake. -Alejandro? How's--?

-How do you have my daughter's phone? -Not just her phone. I have your daughter.

If you want her returned, deliver 15 million in cash, provide us safe passage out of the country for me, Iris and the money on your jet.

I'll provide the pilot.

If you contact the police, the deal...

-and your daughter are dead. -How do I know this isn't a hoax?

I don't have time for jokes. You have until 5 to gather the money.

-That's not gonna happen. -You'll make it happen.

You probably have 15 mil in your bedside table.

Something's getting lost in translation.

It's not the 15 million.

I'm not paying anything.

-I should see where Blake went. -I have my department to run.

We're not global, but we are busy.

Blake and I are committed to continuing to support your department in any way we can.

In return, Blake was hoping you'd support Paul Daniels' next election.

-Sorry? -Your department backed him in 2016, and Blake wanted to convey--

That was Stansfield's department. And Daniels is not my senator.

If Blake invited me, thinking he could buy our endorsement--

Not buy, of course not.

If you knew us, you'd know that we wanna give back to the city that has given us so much.

Can we try this again?

Where the hell did you go? You left me in there to drown.

Uh... I just got a call from Alejandro.

-He and your sister have Fallon. -What does that mean?

-They want $15 million ransom. -They kidnapped her?

-We have to tell Chief Johnson. -No. We're not involving anyone.

I am doing this my way.

Alejandro is dangerous. You don't--

He knows that a hostage is only worth anything alive.

Even if this isn't a bluff, we need to be willing to walk away.

-Or give him what he wants. -Caving into their demands this early would only leave us more vulnerable down the road.

He doesn't take you seriously. It's why he isn't engaging.

You're telling me how to do this? You're not my first hostage.

You're not the first arrogant douche bag I've seen ruin a deal.

You admitted you don't know what you're doing by asking for 15 million.

You think that's what I'm worth? I make that much in one quarter.

-Honestly, I'm kind of insulted. -[in Spanish]

Stay here... and stay calm.


How are you so calm?

Because I'm in control.

And as long as it stays that way... we'll be all right.

[cell phone ringing]

Dad. What's up?

-[Blake] Have you seen Fallon today? -No.

She didn't wanna get roped into helping me pack.

Is everything okay?

Are you alone?

-I'm with Sam. -Don't go anywhere. I'll be there soon.


[Culhane] Sir?

-What's going on? -We have a situation.

Fallon has been taken by Sam's father, Alejandro.


-What can I do? -Drive. That's what you can do.

It's important that we keep our emotions in check.

I know how much my daughter means to you... the last four years.

You knew?


[clears throat] Sir, I'm sorry.

I'm not.

I've always liked you. I consider myself lucky that she's with someone who was so good to her.

[cell phone jingling]

-Yeah? -You wanted to play hardball, so let's play.

Thanks to your hesitation, the price has gone up. Twenty-five million.

-That's not how a negotiation works. -We're not negotiating.

I have no reason to believe you have my daughter.

Oh, you wanted proof? Why didn't you say so?

[Fallon] No, no! [screams]

You touch one hair on her head... you get nothing.

I wouldn't waste your breath on threats, or you may not recognize your daughter by the time you get her back.

You have less than four hours.

-[Culhane] Sir? -Just drive.

I've dismissed the staff.

The fewer variables we have, the better. Where's Sam?

-Want me to find him? -No. Keep an eye

-on the camera closest to him. -Dad.

Can't forget, it's his parents that have your sister.

We can't trust anyone except for the people in this room.

-Cristal? -And Cristal.

Whose sister is the reason we're in this situation.

I don't have time to argue with you.

The question still remains. Do we engage, or do we play out the gambit?

-We engage. -If we wait, we force them to pivot.

Getty strung out his son's kidnappers for months.

-Kid lost an ear. He was never the same. -They didn't k*ll him.

As harsh as it may sound... a dead body only gets them the gas chamber.

-This isn't a game. -No, it's a negotiation.

It's what I do best.

So, fall in line or you can leave.

-Where are we with finances? -Sam?

What is happening?

It can't be true.

With everything you have in the safe, your checking accounts and your safety-deposit boxes, you'd have $11 million by the deadline.

Even if we wanted to engage, we're 14 short.

You're not liquid enough, not on such short notice.

-I caught up Sammy Jo. -Of course. He should be.

I'm sorry. I can't believe my parents could do something like this.

-Or at least my mom. -[Cristal] No need to apologize.

This has no reflection on you. We're all on the same team.

-We're 14 million short. Price went up. -You have friends with money. Call them.

It's dangerous. The second this leaves our circle, everything changes.

It stays in the family. We're in control and we hold the cards.

Apart from the wild card that is Fallon.

[weeping] How am I supposed to live like this?


My stylist books four months out.

Five for extensions.

[Alejandro] You're lucky.

-Hair grows back. -Not by summer.

-You should've sh*t me. -Keep talking, I'll turn it into a mullet.

[in Spanish]

[Fallon] God, he's such an ass.

How could you be with a guy like that?

You're cute, in an Eileen Fisher way.

You seem smart when I can understand what you're saying. You could do better.

[in Spanish]

I bet none of this was your idea.

When I look at you, I'm not like, "I bet she has chloroform in her purse.” Though you seem like the type who would do anything for a man.

-[in English] What does that mean? -The doe-eyed, insecure, Squeaky Fromme-type.

Alejandro and I are partners, okay? I wouldn't be here if I didn't wanna be.

You mean, if he didn't want you to be.

He calls the sh*ts from what I see.

But I also see that you're stronger than you think.

Really? You see me?

You're a gold-plated bitch who thinks the world revolves around her.

So, if you think you're gonna turn me by preaching some sort of sisterhood propaganda... you can screw off.

Oh, and if you think that me working with Alejandro means he has control over me, what about the men in your life?

Where are you pulling that from?

I answer to no man.

But you're Daddy's little girl.

I was at your party, trust fund baby.

Everything you have is from him.

Not my career.

That's right.

My sister said that you quit his company... to work for another man.


Jeff just backs the company. I am still the boss, technically.

Well... technically, I'm the boss now.


As soon as we get the location, my friend is meeting me there.

I thought we were keeping this in the family.

Gavin is like family with Israeli m*llitary training.

I prefer New Zealand's SIS program, helps one find their way around a firearm more efficiently.

You can be backup, Anders.

[knocking on door]

If you're looking for Fallon, she called off work.

-Little too much fun at her birthday. -[Anders] Heck of a hangover.

Save it. Mike said you needed help.

-Mike? -[Culhane] I called him.

This is all I could do on short notice. Eight in cash and jewelry.

Get out. This is a family matter.

Fallon said business and family are one and the same.

-l assume she learned that from you. -Fallon's safety's more important

-than whatever's going on between you two. -Even with his 8 million, still less than Alejandro wanted.

Could be enough to get Fallon to safety before he does the final count.

And give our m*llitary friend a chance to get a sh*t off if he's good enough.

-Okay. -Great. Where's the drop?

-I'll take it from here. -The hell you will.

This is not a debate. I'm doing this alone.

Reread your confidentiality agreement before making more unilateral decisions.

-Blake, I'm sorry. -l understand.

You were just trying to help.

Since you got Colby involved, you can help by making sure he is not a problem.

Or else we have a problem, understand?

Yes, sir.

[knocks on door]

Can I come in?

Everything okay?

-You didn't hear from Fallon, did you? -No.

I wanted to thank you for rounding up that money.

Wish I could do more.

Same. Blake froze me out of his rescue mission, too.

I thought maybe I'd stop by her office, see if I could find anything that'll help.

Maybe we form our own operation. Thought I'd start by tracking her car.

She didn't take one. All vehicles are accounted for.

Maybe yours, but when I was at the manor, I didn't see the Porsche I got Fallon.

You got her--?

Of course you did. So, can you track it?

I'm no appraiser, but these are real.

Not that a fisherman from Caracas would know.

It's still less than he wants. Alejandro might balk at that alone.

-It's almost 5:00. -When will he call?

Last minute. He won't want us getting ahead of him and setting a trap.

All we can do is wait.

Do you kidnap many children on your day off?

[doorbell rings]

That better not be Colby again.

-Hi. I'm here for the Carringtons. -[Cristal] Oh, my God.

Uh, Chief Bobbi Johnson.

Forgot I invited her when you ditched me. I was trying to make things less awkward.

-Couldn't be more awkward. -Cristal invited me for dinner.

-Of course. Come in. May I take your coat? -I'll tell her I have a migraine.

No. We can't raise any red flags, especially not now.

Besides, we still need that endorsement.

Let's start you off with a drink.

[Bobbi] Oh, my coat. Thank you.

Anybody left in the kitchen?

-I dismissed everyone. -It could be cold cuts and string cheese.

And that won't look at all suspicious, will it?


How long have you been with the department?

Uh, 15 years. Started out as a b*at cop, graduated to detective.

I worked a lot of different cases: robberies, murders, kidnappings.


-Are you all right? -[Steven] Yeah. Just the wrong pipe.

[Steven clears throat]

-Can I pour you another glass? -Oh, sure.

-How rude of me. -Thank you.

[both gasp]

-I'm sorry. -Would you get us a towel, Anders?

At least it's not red wine. [chuckles]

[Cristal] Oh! Um...

[Steven] That must've been from last night.

We had a party here for my sister.

-Fake jewels all over the table. -Yeah.

-Remarkable how real it looks. -[cell phone jingling]

Excuse me. It's another work emergency.

[Cristal clears throat]

-Welcome to my childhood. -[chuckles]

-I have the money. -[Alejandro in English] Good.

Fulton County Airport. Alone.

I'll be waiting outside the private terminal. You have one hour.

[cell phone beeping]

It's go time. Fulton County Airport. Get your team into position now.

What team?

What are you doing?

-Why aren't you out there with Bobbi? -Alejandro told you to go alone.

Single backup's one thing. If he finds out you're trying to ambush him, he'll k*ll her.

Fallon is my daughter. We're doing it my way.

-Where did you get that? -[Fallon] What?

-Iris gave it to me. -She's lying.

-Why would I help her? Ah! -Shut up!

As for you...

you're lucky your daddy is coming to rescue you.

Or you'd get it worse.

Time to get out of here. Let's go.


Are you okay?

Come here.

You know none of this has to do with you, right?


I know they're awful, but as much as I can't stand thinking something might happen to Fallon, I'm terrified to think that my parents might not make it out alive.

-Have you tried calling your mom? -No, I didn't think I should.

Didn't wanna interfere with Blake's plan.

Can I borrow your phone?

No, thanks for going out there.

My security guy found Fallon's car, ditched in an empty parking structure, still had the gold bow on it.

I got a bad feeling about this.

-We need real help. -Alejandro said no cops.

I don't give a damn what some Alejandro said.

Blake said no cops.

-I don't care what he thinks. -I'm saying it, too.


-Pick up my damn phone. -[chuckles]

Pick up my phone or we got a problem, bruh.

You asked for my help, had no problems taking my money.

I'm not gonna let you jeopardize Fallon's life by calling the cops.

-I shouldn't have let you get this far. -[scoffs] Let me?

Let me?

You didn't come to help, you came to keep an eye on me.


Carrington has your leash pulled tight. He train you, too? Teach you to stay?

I came here for Fallon.

Does Monica know that?

If you can't let my girlfriend go, the least you could do is stop screwing my sister.


[both grunting]

With state funding drying up, the Carrington Foundation handed out a million dollars in law enforcement grants last year.

That is very generous.

Stansfield never hesitated to ask when he needed something. You shouldn't either.

Sorry to interrupt. I have a question about the main course.

I loaded everything into the Bentley.

Our money, Jeff's duffle, but there's a problem.

The Bentley's gone.

-What do you mean? -And so is Cristal.

[Alejandro] You're lucky your sister took the call.

[Cristal] You're the lucky one.

You'd be dead if she hadn't.

There's a team of sn*pers waiting for you at the airport.

I have your money, but I need to see her first.

What is this?

You didn't give us time. Those will more than cover the balance.

What, do I look like, a pawnshop? How do I know these are real?

[in Spanish]

There's 16 million in cash, Alejandro, that's plenty.

Just let Fallon go.

[in English] What I need is more collateral, not less.

Get in the car.

[Cristal] Iris.

[Alejandro] Get in the car.

[Culhane sighs]

Not a bad hook for a tech kid.

I wasn't always a tech kid.

My bad. Private school kid.

You and I grew up fighting the same fights.

Did we? Is this the part where you say that we're not so different after all?

You and I are nothing alike. You fight like a guy who has something to prove.

I've already proven it.

-Why are you so pretentious? -Because I have no one to answer to.

-[scoffs] -[cell phone jingling]

And there he is.

-No. Money doesn't buy you freedom. Hello? -Michael, I need you to track the Bentley.

-You can do that, right? -I'll need a minute.

But why that car? What's going on?

Cristal went rogue. She went to deliver the ransom.

I'm on it. I'll call you back.

If Cristal made the drop, they could've ditched her car like they did Fallon's.

-Seeing as how it's our only lead... -lt isn't.

We should follow the money.

I put a tracking device on one of the watches with the ransom.

So, how do we track it?

Who are you calling?

If you wanna do it Blake's way, go do it.

If not, what's he gonna do, fire you?

Let him.

Come work with me and Fallon.

Dad, I am dying out there. The longer Chief Johnson is here, the more likely she is to figure out what's going on.

-I think we should just tell her-- -Can no one follow a directive?

-What's so hard to understand? -All of it. Fallon's been kidnapped, and the chief of police is sitting in our Great Room.

All I need is for you to buy me another hour.

Where is Sam? I told you to keep an eye on him.

It's not outside the realm of possibility he's in on this.

That boy is about to lose his family in one fell swoop, his life is falling apart.

Last thing he needs is for us to point an accusing finger at him.


[cell phone jingling]

Culhane, did you get the address?

-That's in Union City. -Twenty minutes from here.

But if your m*llitary contact is at Fulton County Airport--

Well, I can't wait for them.

I'm on my way.

[Fallon] Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

Did you really have to tie us together?

She smells like she took a bath in patchouli.

[Alejandro] Get used to it. Since I didn't get my plane, you two are my insurance to get out of Atlanta safely.

[in Spanish]

Please don't do anything stupid.

There's gotta be something here we can use.

Wow, great idea. Original.

They caught me trying to melt off my zip ties.

-With what? -A lighter.

Then the Demon Barber of Caracas hurled it over there.

Right after he hit Iris.

Your sister's pretty Stockholmed, huh?

I can't help thinking it's my fault.

-If hadn't abandoned her in Venezuela-- -You are far from perfect, but you are not responsible for her crazy.

She's my sister.

But so are you.

-Yeah. I'm not-- -I'm gonna get you out of here.

Now, how do these work?

They're plastic, more your medium.

If it were a Cartier Love bracelet--

What about that gold hair stick I gave you?

-You mean gold-plated. -Shut up.

Tilt your head. I'm gonna pull it out.

Come on. Down this way.

-To the left. -Okay.

Now, pull down, go. Got it.


[car engine revving]

-[Culhane] Sure this is the right place? -[Jeff] According to the coordinates.

Money's probably inside.

I don't see any way but through. I'm gonna do it. I'll ram the fence.

In the Lambo?

Of course.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Blake.

-Are they inside? -Don't know. We can't get in.

I understand you tracked the money. Thanks for that.

Now wait for my security. We can't take chances.

-Turn off the car. -[engine revs]

-Damn it, who called the cops? -Not us.

[Alejandro in Spanish]

-What's going on? -Her men have come to rescue her.

So much for the sisterhood.

-What? -Go, get out!

-[grunts] -[in English] Hey!

[Alejandro yelling]

Are you out of your mind? You'll get your sister k*lled.

He did the right thing.

[Alejandro in Spanish]

[in English] Okay.

Cristal, it's over. Let's go.

Did you know she's Jeff's cousin? He was on the phone to her.

-She's a friend of the family. -Why didn't you tell me?

-How did this not come up? -[Bobbi] You were too busy covering up your daughter's kidnapping to talk family trees.

I said let-- Oh.

That's adorable.

Fallon, run!

Burn in hell, Alejandro.

[g*n cocks]

[gate beeps, then buzzes]

[in Spanish]

-Sir, look! -[man] Movement! Target!

[Blake] Stand down! Don't sh**t!

Do not sh**t!

[man] Stand down, stand down.

[Blake grunts]

It's okay. You're all right. You're all right, sweetheart.

-Where's Cristal? -She's still in there.

She didn't make it out.

[man singing in Spanish over radio]

Why are you listening to him?

Alejandro's been more family to me than you've ever been.

And what about Sammy Jo?

Sammy Jo left me years ago. For you.

He never left you.

Family can't leave.

No matter where we go or how screwed up we get, we are blood.

And that is something Alejandro will never be.

You see how he turns on you? How he blamed you for letting us go?

It's not a question of whether he'll sacrifice you to save himself, it's a matter of when, and you know that.

You have a chance now, Iris.

You don't have to choose me... but please, don't choose him.

♪ On the concrete ground ♪


[in Spanish]

♪ And when it feels like I'm taking to the coming up ♪

♪ You're still on the come down Come down, boy ♪

♪ Whoa, oh-oh-oh ♪

[grunting and yelling]

♪ Don't let the sun unfold ya ♪

♪ Don't think that they'll adore ya ♪

♪ On the come down The come down ♪


♪ Don't let the world fight for ya ♪

♪ Don't let their reign exploit ya I

[screams, then coughs]

♪ On the come down The come down ♪

♪ Don't know Don't know what you do to me ♪

♪ Don't know Don't know what you do to me ♪


I You're out with the sharks ♪

♪ Tired of watching you drown I

[Bobbi] You're certain Iris Machado wasn't working with Alejandro?

The only thing Iris did wrong was marry a bad man.

His family were my neighbors back home, and when he found out I had married into the Carringtons, -he decided to make a payday out of it. -l see.

Iris is as much a victim as Fallon and I were.

She made it out of the warehouse before things got violent.

-And where is Iris now? -Who knows? She was running for her life.

[in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

[Cristal in English] I doubt I'll see her again.

It was just you and Mr. Raya in the truck? So, the g*nsh*t...

[Cristal] / did it.

Alejandro had a g*n to my head.

-I managed to fight him off. -And this fight--

All due respect, chief, are you forgetting who the real victim is here?

Cristal's telling the truth.

If it wasn't for Iris, neither one of us would've escaped.

I'm just glad that maniac got his karma and that Iris wasn't harmed.

We weren't all so lucky.

Well, if there is nothing else to add, I'll get started on my report.

-Thank you. -Yep.

-Thanks for everything, chief. -Anytime.

Colby, um...

I'm sure that your cousin will see to it that your funds are returned in full.

You're welcome, if that's what you're getting at.

And I hear your senator friend needs the Atlanta P.D.'s endorsement.

I'll talk to my cousin.

Can't guarantee anything, but having a direct tie to the chief of police has to be good for something.


You got a minute?

I wanted to... talk about what happened earlier.

No need for apologies.

Tensions were high, your emotions got the best of you.

But we worked it out.

Did we?

Guess you were right. You didn't get fired for going against Blake, so you still have a decision to make.

-Job offer's still on the table. -Right.

You thought I was considering that?

The only reason I didn't kick your ass harder after everything you said was because I care about Fallon.

And you knew how to find her.

At least your cousin did. It's funny you never mentioned

-she was the police chief. -I got a lot of cousins.

-Didn't know that was a problem. -Just curious timing.

Considering that she replaced Stansfield.

Considering his history with the Carringtons.

No. Maybe it's all coincidence.

[chuckles] Yeah, life's full of them.

-I got nothing to hide. -Good. Because I am loyal to this family.

If you do have anything to hide...

1 will find it.

I look like a toddler that had an unfortunate gum incident.

At least your vanity is still intact.

For what it's worth, I think they're cute. I'm glad you're okay.

Well, I'm just sorry I didn't get to help you pack.

I figured you orchestrated the kidnapping just to get out of it.

Anyway, I'm not going. After today?

No. I wanna stay here with you.

Don't be insane, Steven. You have to go.

I've always admired the way you chose your own path.

After seeing the way Alejandro made Iris his puppet, it makes me never wanna be dependent on anyone.

You? Oh, please.

"Miss Independent” is your anthem.

-You've accomplished so much on your own. -Not on my own.

Not like you.


You're kind of my hero, Steven, but if anyone asks--

You're your own hero.

Mr. Carrington always preferred Scotch, but I thought tequila was more appropriate given the circumstances.

[Anders sighs]

I'm sorry about your father.

Yeah. It's all right.

And it's all right if it's not.

Just because your relationship was fraught, doesn't mean you shouldn't take time to mourn him.

If I'm being honest, you've been more of a father to me than he ever was.

Thank you.

Just checking for a pulse.

You know, you'll always have family here.

I was actually thinking maybe it's time for me to move out.

Find my own path, like you said.

-Try to make it on my own. -No need to make it on your own.

That's what family's for.

Well, yeah.

That's why I'm moving in with Steven.

[knock on door]

[Cristal] Are you okay?

I know that I owe you an apology.

I'm sorry this happened to you and that you felt the need to go behind my back.

You were acting like a dictator.

I knew you couldn't understand the danger we were in.

Clearly, I was right. You could've gotten Fallon k*lled or yourself.

I was just trying to help.

I can't compartmentalize my feelings like you can.

The way you were trying to control everything and everyone.

I wasn't gonna lose another child.

Blake, what are you talking about?

Before Steven and Fallon were born...

Alexis and I had a son.

When he was 6 months old, someone broke in the house, took him.

Blake, I'm so sorry.

1 did everything they tell you to do.

We were compliant.

Anders can tell you, I had my doubts, but we did what the police told us, and then one errant rookie cop with a hero complex...

got trigger-happy.

The kidnappers fired back, a couple cops were sh*t.

They got away.

They took my son from me.

I never saw Adam again.

Steven and Fallon don't even know.

I wasn't about to lose another child, and I wasn't gonna lose you.

♪ When I was lost You took your time playing your games

♪ Now I got it and you know it You're calling me ♪


Not even a kidnapping could keep Fallon Carrington from working it.

They might've stolen my hair, but they can never steal my hustle.

I am just happy you're safe.

It doesn't compare to what you went through, but the thought of you getting hurt, I never wanna feel that again.

I've always held a torch for you, Fallon.

But now I realize it's more than that.

Well, yesterday made some things clearer for me, too.

I wanna invest my money in our company, but I wanna use it to buy you out.

If you're not okay with that, then you can buy me out.

Make me an offer.

And as for us, I know I was only tied up for a day, but it made me realize that I have been tied to somebody my entire life.

I need to see this through, on my own.

♪ I'm gonna let myself ♪

♪ I'm gonna let myself ♪
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