Rocky IV (1985)

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Rocky IV (1985)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, champ. You ain't so bad!

Come on!

Come on!

You're out!

We made a deal.

I know, but this is extremely crazy.

Yeah, it's mentally irregular.

But it makes sense.

You owe me a favor.

I know, but when did you think of this?

About three years ago This is very crazy, Apollo Look, Stallion you won that last fight by one second You beat me by one second.

That's very hard for a man of my intelligence to handle Is it? Didn't you say afterwards you learned how to live with it?

I lied.You lied So now you have to prove it to yourself?

Just for myself. No TV or newspapers, just you and me.

Nothing. Just you and me.

Age before beautyAnything you say, son.

I do all the work.

You better go slow.

You ain't as young as springtime no more.

I'm still young enough to whip your butt.

Yeah? How will you do that?

You taught me everything you know.

Almost everything Remember, you fight great but I'm a great fighter, you ready Absolutely.All right.

You know, Stallion.

It's too bad we have to get old, yeah?

Just keep punching, Apollo.

Want to ring the bell?

All right.

Come on!

Come on!

You really move good for an older guy.

Look at him fly.Look out.

No, you don't want any of this.

Maybe I'm in here with the wrong guy.

Dad, you're late.

Mom's going to yell at you.

How you doing? Fine.

Don't you think that's a little bright? A little bit.

Where'd you get that hat?

A friend gave it to me. Like it?

Who punched you in the eye?

Same friend.

That's weird. Better hurry, Dad You know, you're developing a very loud personality.

Don't go too fast or you'll get out of focus Really?


Yo, It's about time.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Why don't you get ready to eat, ok?

You're here. Now stop calling him name You been calling me names?

We wait any longer, it will be my next birthday Where have you been?

Out getting punched.

Bring the cake in here, and let's get the celebration underway.

I'm hungry.

Babe, get the cake. He'll love it.

We have a great surprise for you.

You'll love this cake, ok?

You'll love your present, Uncle Paulie.

Where is it?

Let me set the mood here. I have to turn the lights down.

Watch this It's parked in the driveway?

Just be patient, would you?

I'm so excited, I'm sweating.

I feel like I'm going into a big fight.

Happy birthday, Paulie.

What the hell is this?

Your present.

I wanted a sports car for my birthday. not a walking trash can.

Come on, he looks great here.

This is extremely psycho.

Since you don't have any friends, we thought you'd like it.

Yeah. Pretend you're happy. It'll keep you company when you're all alone.

That's a great-looking guy.

Please make a wish It's creepy! That thing talks!

Creepy? These things are great! I wish I had one when I was growing up.

Make a wish, like he said.

I wish I wasn't in this nightmare.

A very classy wish.

What do you think?

Very good.

Want to help me put out this forest fire?


On the count of three. One Two Three

They're out.

You drowned me!

Don't worry.

I'll clean it up for you, Paulie.


Yeah, you noticed.

What are you doing with that cake?

The party ain't over yet.

Still got to celebrate.

It's a special night.

Yeah, it's Wednesday.

It's definitely Wednesday. but in case you forgot. it's almost been nine years since you married me. so here's your prize.

But our anniversary's a week away.

That's true. But why wait?

Has it been that rough? No.

It's been excellent.

Open your prize. Go on.

All right.

Do you like it?

It's beautiful.All right.

I was so nervous. I didn't know.

I hope you like it.

The guy I bought it from says. even if it looks like a snake, don't worry.

It won't bite you.

It's beautiful.

You know what's amazing?

After all these years. everything still seems kind of new.

You remember a long time ago I told you that you ain't never getting rid of me. remember that?

You're not.

You're never getting rid of me.

Happy almost anniversary.

Can you answer a few questions?

How long you here for?

We talk later, please.

When are you fighting, Drago?

We talk it later.

Is it definite the Soviet Union will enter professional boxing?

Please, no more talk now.

We will talk at press conference.

Do you know where it will be held?

We talk it later.

Today may have proved to be a landmark in sports history.

After unraveling years of red tape, Russia will now throw its hat into the ring.

The prize ring, that is.

The introductions were made by his wife Ludmilla Vobet Drago.

She was the double gold medalist in swimming.

Today the Soviet Union has officially entered professional boxing.

My husband and great undefeated heavyweight world amateur champion Captain Ivan Drago. has come with his trainers to America to compete as an international sportsman and ambassador of goodwill.

Has Drago ever boxed against a real professional?

From having been trained in Russia by great boxing coach, Manuel Vega and now by Sergei Rimsky, we hope he's qualified to do so.


Well, I know he is, but I don't want to sound too confident.

If possible, we would like to have an exhibition bout with your famous champion Rocky Balboa.

What makes you think he can fight someone as seasoned as Balboa?

No one can match his strength, his endurance or his aggressiveness.

You sound like he's indestructible.

Yes, he is.

Well. Can this mammoth Russian, already nicknamed the Siberian Express, wreak havoc among the professional heavyweight ranks?

Whoever he fights first, it'll be one hot ticket.

We'll be right back with a check on today's pro football scoreboard.

Dad, when can I learn to fight?

I can't hear you. What?

I want to learn to fight.

Could you turn your robot down?

You see I fight, so you don't have to fight.

I want you to use your head for something instead of a punching bag like I do.

Your head doesn't look like a punching bag.

That's nice. Thanks a lot.

It looks like a catcher's mitt.

A wise guy.

Mr. Balboa, Mr. Creed's on the phone.

Yeah? I'll be right there.

You can get it right here.

I hope it's not another rematch.

Don't worry about it.

Hello? Yeah, Apollo.

Turn that down. How are you doing?

Yeah? You're coming out?

That's great. What am I doing?

I'm just getting dizzy.

My husband and I thank you for coming to our training quarters today.

As you can see, it is highly advanced and we wish to show the American press a small portion of the advances our country's made in the technology of human performance.

Coach Rimsky, what does all this do to enhance performance?

Well...If I may answer.

It makes a man a better man a great athlete a super athlete by harnessing all his strength.

Though most of the world is ignorant in body chemistry, we wish to educate your country.

There have been rumors of doping and distribution of anabolic steroids in the Soviet Union.

Has Drago partaken in any such experiments?

No, Ivan in naturally trained.

Then how do you explain his freakish strength?

Like your Popeye, he ate his spinach every day.

Shall we have a demonstration?

Please do.Thank you.

A normal heavyweight averages 700 pounds of pressure per square inch.

Drago averages 1850 pounds.

So the result is quite obvious.

What results are those?

Whatever he hits, he destroys.

He's big and he's strong, but he's clumsy.

I know I can beat him.

Why do you want to fight again?

It's something I believe in.

You can do your homework.

Okay. Later, Dad.

Later, Uncle Paulie, Apollo.

Later, big man.See you later, kiddo.

Don't you think people are expecting to see Rocky whack this bum out first?

Yeah, and he will when it's for real.

This is just an exhibition bout. It's kid stuff.

What's the purpose?

What's worth getting hurt for?

What the hell is that?

That's my girl.

Thanks, honey.You're welcome.

Nice song.

It's my favorite. You're the greatest.

See you, sport.

See you.

Paulie, who taught it to talk like that?

She loves me.

Like I was saying, I don't want this chump to come here with all that hype trying to make us look bad.

They try every other way.

With Rock's help, we can get great media coverage, We can make them look bad I think it's wrong.

It's never been more right.

You're a great fighter, but you've been retired for five years.

Don't you think it's time to think about something else?

How much can you take?

Either of you.

I'll get the coffee.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

I just care about you both.

You ever try these comics?


Keeps your fertility.


This was a great fight.

Great? I'm getting punchy just watching.

What you using for a chin there, Stallion?

I should have slipped that one.

Yeah, You definitely should have slipped.

It's crazy how people care about you when you're in that ring bleeding, but once you step out of that ring, you're ancient history.

You ain't ancient history.

Nobody's asking for autographs.

Apollo, Can I ask you something?


You know this fight you're having against the Russian.

Do you think maybe it ain't against him?

If it's not him, then who is it against?

Do you think maybe it's like you against you?

No, I think you really are getting brain damaged.

That's what I think.

Yeah, maybe, but I'm speaking the truth, Apollo.

Are you? Yeah.

I don't think I want to hear this.

Come on, Apollo. you're a great fighter. No doubt about that.

But we have to face the facts too.

You don't want to believe it, but maybe the show is over.

That's easy for you to say. You're still on top.

What happens when you're not on top? Then what?

Where do we go? We sure can't be born again.

I know we can't be born again, but we have to change sometime.

I don't want to change! I like who I am!

I like who you are too, but look at that.

You don't want to believe this, but that ain't us no more.

We can't do that the way we did before.

We're changing. We're turning into regular people.

No, maybe you think you're changing. but you can't change what you really are.

Forget all this money and stuff around you. It don't change a thing.

You and me don't even have a choice.

We're born with a k*ller instinct, you can't turn off and on like a radio.

We have to be in the middle of the action because we're warriors.

Without some challenge, without some w*r to fight then the warrior may as well be dead.

So I'm asking you, as a friend,

stand by my side this one last time.

You're a great talker, Apollo.

All right, but when this is over.

You know me, Stallion.

I always think of something else.

That's what I'm afraid of.

All right, you have a deal.

I feel sorry for that guy.

Apollo, what made you decide to put on an exhibition with Drago?

Call it a sense of responsibility.

Responsibility, how?

I have to teach this young fellow how to box American style.

Isn't Drago a little inexperienced to be in the same ring?

Some folks have to learn the hard way.

No knockout prediction?

I'm not angry with him.

I just want to show the world Russia doesn't have all the best athletes.

How do you think Apollo should fight Drago?

Personally, the first thing you need is a ladder.

How does it feel to spar with the great former champion?

The man's tongue didn't come through customs.

My husband is very happy to have this opportunity.

It's his dream.

Dream. How do you mean?

In our country, Apollo Creed is well-known and very respected.

It could be a good victory.

Wait a minute. Win?

You don't really think you're going to whip me, do you?

He didn't come here to lose.

You hold on, little lady.

Lose and lose royally he will do.

How can you be so sure?

I've been with best, I've beaten the best.

I've retired more men than Social Security.

Excuse, please.

You are not very realistic.

Where did you come from?

What are you talking about?

You can box, yes, but you are far too old to think you can win over Drago.

Is that a fact?

Yes, and it could be a painful one.

You put that heavy bag without balls in the ring with me and you'll see the meaning of pain!

Why do you insult us?

You just hold on here.

Don't make me out as the bad guy.

I came to talk about a friendly exhibition bout till you started up. come right the big mouth body You are the aggressor! This is obvious!

I wish to say to the press in all fairness, Drago should not even fight this man, He is a has-been!

You get that big chump in the ring right now!

Bring it on. I don't want to hear her.

Just let that chump go.

All right I said what I feel.

We'll finish this in the ring.

You understand? Whatever you like.

You and all your puppets just shut up!

You are history, chump.

How did I do?

A little loud for my taste.

But good? Yeah, very good.

Welcome one and all to the city of lights Las Vegas, and one of the most unusual events in years East meets West.

Age versus youth in a goodwill exhibition match as the former champion Apollo Creed takes on a mountain of muscle from the Soviet Union Ivan Drago.

Come on.Patience is a virtue.

I'm ready to rock and roll.

I understand, but you need your equipment. There you go.

Now you look like a mummy.

I feel like a mummy.Does it feel okay?

It feels great. I could eat nails.

I never tried them things.


I never had snails.

I seen them in the garden, but I never wanted to eat them.

I didn't say anything about snails. I said, "nails,"

Nail. Stallion. Yeah You look pretty good but do me a favor when you go up there Try not to wear yourself out Yeah, wear myself out It's just that you haven't been in the ring for five years I just want you to maintain a bit You sound like I'm an old man I'm in the best shape of my life. I'm stronger. I'm quicker I'm not saying you're not ready but, personally, if it were me I wouldn't mind postponing it a couple weeks Postpone? Yeah Come on, we don't really know anything about this guy you're fighting Let's say I postpone.

I pull out, somebody else steps in and whips this chump Where does that leave me? What do you mean?

It's just some exhibition fight.

This don't mean nothing No, that's where you're wrong This is not just an exhibition that doesn't mean anything This is us against them. Come on Stallion maybe you don't know what I'm talking about now but you will when it's over Believe me, you will when it's over!


Good luck.

I hope after we can be friend.

I hope so Of course.

They're sportsmen, not soldiers.

Enjoy the fight

Good evening, everyone.

Along with Warner Wolf, I'm Stu Nahan We welcome you to a most unusual event For the first time, West against East in professional sports.

Thanks for getting me here.

I owe you one.

No, we're even God, I feel born again Ladies and gentlemen, welcome I would like to announce the presence of a true fighting champion that defines the word courage The Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa Excuse me, would you Certainly Rocky

Tonight's special event features two great athletes In the blue corner weighing 221 pounds the former heavyweight champion of the world the Dancing Destroyer the King of Sting the Count of Monte Fisto You think you have enough names?

Be patient. We're almost done The Master of Disaster, the one and only Apollo Creed!

The crowd anticipating a great fight.

Apollo is playing to the crowd.

In the red corner weighing an even 261 pounds gold medalist and undefeated world amateur champion from the Soviet Union the Siberian Bull Ivan Drago!

I want you!

I want you!

The two fighters come to the center of the ring for the instructions from referee Lou Filippo.

You boys know the rules Watch your low blows, kidney punches, rabbit punches In case of a knockdown, you go to the corner I tell you and you stay there until I tell you to come out Shake hands and let's have a good fight It's time to go to school, son Get your hands up.

Do you need an interpreter?

It's time to go to school You will lose

All right The bad blood between these two can be felt all over this arena.

I can't get over the size of this Russian

It's show time!

Excuse me.

Didn't you forget something?

Come on Apollo seems to be in great spirits tonight He's really putting on a show for this capacity crowd Be back in a minute Round one Creed dancing around Creed backpedaling now He's been away five years Don't wait him, get out first.

Come on

Come on Neither fighter ready to throw a punch A left jab there.

A left jab once again by Creed.

A slip by Creed This is bizarre Creed is over the hill, and the Russian hasn't fought anybody.

Keep moving! Stick him! Apollo.

Drago moving in again A left hand by Creed and another. Drago moves away Come on Get your hands up!

Another left hand by Creed!

Drago waiting, cocking that right hand.

Get out there!

Get out of there!

And a left hand!

He's taking some punishment now!

Drago moves him against the ropes!

Tie him up now!

Now the Russian throws Creed across the ring!


It is Drago with the upper hand!

Drago with a left to the midsection!

Get out of that corner!

Another right and another right!

Another right, another right!

Creed is against the ropes!

They step in and stop it!

What are you guys doing?

This is supposed to be an exhibition! You understand?

Just an exhibition!

A tremendous end to the first round by the Russian And a very bloody Apollo Creed The Soviet's strength is incredible!

Champ, I have to stop you This fight's finished. I have to call it Champ, you can't do no more out there I'm here to fight He's k*lling you. I have to stop this thing.

I'm here to fight.

Promise me you won't stop this fight.

That was a pulverizing round for the ex-champion Ivan Drago is definitely for real.

Don't stop this fight no matter what

no matter what

Creed comes out for round two, dancing around.

The legs appear to be still a little rubbery Get your hands up Get your hands up Now it is the Russian just standing there.

The Russian trying to intimidate Creed.

The Russian throws a right hand and staggers Creed!

Another right to the jaw!

A left to the head!

Creed is being pounded without mercy!

Stop the fight!

The referee tries to step in and he's thrown across the ring!

Throw the towel!

No I have never seen Apollo take so much punishment!

Throw the damn towel!



My God!

Creed is down!

Apollo could be badly hurt Let him breathe!

Get move back.Get these guys out of here!

The winner: Ivan Drago Let me through! Apollo!

I cannot be defeated Is he okay? Somebody get a doctor!

There is no movement by Creed Get that light off him!

I defeat all men Is he dead? Get out of here!

It's absolute pandemonium!

Stand back Let him breathe!

You can do it Soon I defeat real champion Where's the stretcher?

Let him breathe!

What started out as a joke has turned out to be a disaster Creed appears to be in very serious condition Is the man alive?

You can make it, Apollo.

If he dies, he dies.

There's a lot I could say about this man I don't know if it matters now I guess what matters is what he stood for what he lived for and what he died for You always did everything the way you wanted it

I didn't understand that, but

now I understand

I'll never forget you, Apollo

You're the best

Rocky, is the decision final?


Are you the first to give up his crown?

I don't know about that Doesn the title mean anything to you anymore?

Not until this is over.

Coach Rimsky, considering Rocky's known punching power. do you still think this will be an easy fight?

Yes, of course. It's a matter of size and evolution. Isn't it, gentlemen?

Drago is the most perfectly trained athlete ever.

This other man has not the size or the endurance or the genetics to win.

It's physically impossible for this little man to win.

Drago is a look at the future.

There's been no mention yet, but how much are you making for this fight?

No money.

It's not about money.

Has the fight date been set yet?

December 25 Why Christmas?

That's what I was told.Where?

It's in Russia.

Are you nuts?

What's going on?

Why did you agree to this?

We fight in Soviet Union or we fight nowhere.

Why don't you ask Drago's wife why she is afraid?

Tell them, please.

I'm afraid for my husband's life.

We have threats of v*olence everywhere.

We are not in politics.

All I want is for my husband to be safe, to be treated fairly.

You call him a k*ller.

He's a professional fighter, not a k*ller.

You have this belief that you are better than us.

You have this belief that this country is so very good and we are so very bad.

You have this belief that you are so fair and we are so cruel.

It's all lies and false propaganda. to support this antagonistic and violent government!


We don't keep our people behind a wall with machine g*ns.

Who are you? Who am I?

I'm the unsilent majority, big mouth!


Yes, insult us!

It's more typical rude behavior toward visiting foreigners But perhaps this simple defeat of this little so-called champion will be a perfect example of how pathetic and weak your society has become!

We go!

Mrs. Balboa!

How do you feel about going to Russia?

How does it feel to be part of such a controversial decision?

Did Creed's death make up your husband's mind?

I don't know what you're talking about! why will fight in Christmas?

Is it his decision?

When will you go to Russia?

I'm not going to Russia. I don't know what you're talking about. or what you people are doing here.

You all right?

Yeah Fine Why did you do it?

I just have to do what I have to do.

You don't have to do anything

No, Adrian, I do.

I have to leave this place too.

So where are you going?

They said they would let me train in Russia.

I just want to go someplace where I won't think of nothing except him Rocky, give it some time.

Don't do this.

A lot of people live with hurt.

Adrian, a lot of people don't have the choice.

I do.

And for that you're willing to lose everything?

This ain't everything This house and the stuff we have ain't everything There's a lot more than this Before, there were reasons to fight I could understand. but I don't understand this Even if you win, what have you won?

Apollo is still gone.

Why can't you change your thinking?

Everybody else does!

Because I'm a fighter That's the way I'm made That's what you married We can't change what we are Yes, you can.

You can't change anything.

All we can do is just go with what we are.

You cann't go with what we are.

Have you read the papers?

Do you know what everybody says?

Everybody says it's su1c1de!

You've seen him. You know how strong he is You can't win!

Adrian always tells the truth Maybe I can't win Maybe the only thing I can do is just take everything he's got But to beat me he'll have to k*ll me And to k*ll me he'll have to have the heart to stand in front of me And to do that he has to be willing to die himself I don't know if he's ready to do that I don't know

I don't know.

Be careful with the plaid ones.

They belong to the boss.

Did you pack your toothbrush?

You know how tobacco stains your teeth.

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.

Stop busting my chops I'll have her wires tied when I get back When will you be back?

Pretty soon Are you scared?

No.Yes, you are A little maybe?

Wouldn't you be?

If a big giant man wanted to beat me up, I'd be real scared.

The truth is, sometimes I do get a little scared When I'm in that ring really getting hit and my arms hurt so much I can't lift them I'm thinking, "God, I wish this guy would hit me on the chin, so I don't feel nothing anymore."

Then there's another side that comes out that isn't so scared.

It's another side that wants to take more that wants to go that one more round because by going that one more roundwhen you don't think you can That's what makes all the difference in your life You know what I mean?

Can you remember one more thing?

Remember that Daddy thinks you're the best boy in the world And Daddy loves you, no matter what

I have to go now Will you take care of everything Don't forget to feed your robot Bye, babe Good luck Thanks Come on! The meter's running!

What a horrendous flight This is Russia? Don't look so tough

Mr. Balboa We take you to quarters now When does the sun come up?

This is detrimental to my sinuses.

Weather changes hour to hour.

Get used to it.

Get in car now We have very long trip.

He sounds like Dracula's cousin.

Come on, Paulie.

Like you requested, yes?

You requested this dumb location? Yeah Why? You planning to grow reindeer or something?

I just wanted to get away from things The equipment you requested is in barn

Who are they? "They"?

They are assigned to you Official chaperones.

Where you go, they go I have a bad dream here It's okay.It's okay?

This is below human standards.

There's no antennas. You have to complain.

We'll crack out here You have everything I have been instructed to provide We are finished, yes?

No sparring?

I don't think I need it anymore No sparring? No TV? Nothing?

How the heck is he supposed to train around here?

No TV. What about the Rose Bowl game?

No room service, I bet.

I hope they got my comics here.

What a depressing vacation


Checkmate, friend

Champ, can I come up? Sure

How you doing?

Pretty good Some kind of weather we're having It's pretty rough But for what you have to do it's good Toughen you up I guess so You'll have to do almost everything alone but I'll be with you.Yeah, I know Apollo was like my son I raised him When he died part of me died But now you're the one You're the one that's going to keep his spirit alive.You're the one that's going to make sure he didn't die for nothing You'll have to go through hell worse than any nightmare you ever dreamed But in the end I know you'll be the one standing I'll try

I'll try

You know what you have to do Do it Do it

Thanks, Duke

I couldn't stay away any more

I missed you

I missed you I'm with you no matter what

"No matter what"?

No matter what

No pain No pain No pain



Hello, everybody, and Merry Christmas from a very unusual place We're in Moscow in the Soviet Union I'm Barry Tompkins along with Al Bandiero This promises to be the most-watched event in boxing history The iron horse from America, Rocky Balboa

Drago Since that tragedy in Las Vegas and the death of Apollo Creed Drago has been nicknamed Death From Above.

The General Secretary of the Soviet and other members of the Politburo have made their way to their seats high above the ring here in Moscow

I know you're busy just now but I want to tell you some things I never told you I know sometimes I act stupid and say stupid things But you kept me around when others would have said, "Drop that bum."

You give me respect It's hard for me to say these things because that ain't my way but if I could just be someone else I'd want to be you You're all heart, man.

Thanks, Paulio Now blast this guy's teeth out!

I'll try

One of the fighters is starting to make his way toward the ring Listen to this crowd!

This borders on pure hatred.

Rocky's face absolutely like stone He is the picture of concentration.

The booing crowd here does not seem to bother him one bit The champ has a look tonight that can burn through lead The booing crowd has absolutely no effect on the man.

His concentration seems to be like stone That's my dad We know.We're not nerds.

Listen to this crowd. It sounds insane.

Now the entrance of the Russian national champion Ivan Drago, a man with an entire country in his corner.

Look at the expression on the face of Ivan Drago He seems impervious to the madness of the crowd.

He's like a volcano just waiting to erupt The Russian champion is amazingly cool as he acknowledges his premier.

I'd like to point out again this is a non-sanctioned fight This is not for the title The American boxing commission has not sanctioned this bout

Ladies and gentlemen

It's unbelievable.

I've never seen such a hostile crowd.

It's an unbelievable sight to see.

They're toe-to-toe.

The Russian towers above the American It's a true case of David and Goliath.

The condition of both men is unbelievable I must break you

Remember what I said back there about wanting to be you?

Forget it Thanks, Paulio

Take it straight to him and be a rock for me. Understand?

Be strong!

All right? Take it to him.

No pain.No pain Do it!

There's the opening round bell.

Rocky comes into the center of the ring The Russian way back into Balboa's corner now

Get out of there! Let's go!

Once more, it's Drago backing up Rocky with a jab.

Balboa is not staying on balance because of the Russian's long jab Brace yourself!

Hands up!

Charge him! Now!

He can't seem to touch the Russian!

Rocky pounding away at the midsection of the Russian!

He hit him with everything he's got!

Drago just smiled at him.

Keep chopping away! Chop him down!

Come on, Rocky Rocky Balboa is in serious trouble!

They might have to stop this one before somebody gets k*lled.

Break his rhythm!

Rocky's hurt. He woke the sleeping giant.

Now he's paying the price A solid hand from Drago sends Rocky Balboa 15 feet across the ring!

And the champ is down!

Rocky, get up!

Hand up Hand up

Drago continuing to punish Rocky Balboa!

Hejust will not let him out of that corner!

Rocky Balboa is just trying to get through this first round.

The Russian just threw Balboa into his own corner like a rag doll A tough first three minutes for Rocky.

He's not only fighting what appears to be an invincible opponenthe's also fighting a very hostile crowd The Russian Premier and most of the Politburo are looking on What's happening out there?

He's winning I see three of him out there Get the one in the middle.

Right, hit the one in the middle.

Take his heart. If you hurt him, you'll take his heart No pain.No pain.

Take his heart Keep working!

There's the bell for round two. It's been a one-sided fight so far It will take more than luck for Rocky to survive this round.

Rocky's been hit with bombs.

Slip and hook!

Balboa trying to stay in the middle of the ring against the big Russian Move the head!

Do you get to do. Stay with him!

No pain!


Balboa goes down again! Bounces right back up!

He's getting k*lled!

Rocky Balboa has taken Ivan Drago's best punches so far.

He's cut and bleeding, but he's on his feet and on the run.

He's cut!

He dead!

The Russian's cut! It's a bad cut!

Now it's Rocky Balboa coming after Ivan Drago!

Incredible! Get him!

The Russian wants to go on!

He grabs Balboa by the throat!

Balboa picks up the Russian and throws him to the ground like a wrestler!

It's a gutter w*r!

No holds barred in Moscow!

Rocky may be on the receiving end so far, but he's here to fight!

This is shaping up to be a personal w*r.

Right now, it's anybody's boxing match You're doing good.

I couldn't do better myself

You got him hurt bad.Yeah Now he's worried. You cut him!

You hurt him! You hurt him!

You see? You see?

He's not a machine! He's a man!

You want it more than he does!

No pain! No pain!

Okay, Take it to him!

A big right hand by Rocky Balboa!

You're doing great.

You've come a long way.

Charge him! Now!

Punch him!

Come on!

A few cheers now for Balboa Suddenly Moscow is pro Rocky!

No pain.

Keep taking it to him.

Al, this place is ready to explode Lethal punch after punch!

Amazing willpower!

Neither man backing off Rocky Balboa's determination is actually winning over the once-hostile crowd.

This is incredible What round is it?

Fifteenth. One more round.

There's no stopping us now.

This is our round

No stopping now!

You start, and you don't stop!

All your strength!

All your power! All your love!

Everything you've got!

To win, you have to knock him out!

Punch till you can't punch no more!

This is your whole life here!

Knock him out Do it now!

There's the bell. The w*r is on.

This is the last round.

To the end Which one of these fighters will be standing at the end of this round?

Drago snaps out a stiff jab and another Go on Rocky taking punishment, trying to get inside!

He's completely exhausted Come on, cut him What are you waiting for?

Hit him!

Come on, fight!

Balboa is chopping the Russian down!

Drago's hard right hand stuns Rocky Balboa

Don't go down!

Don't go down.Go away.

Forget technique. Forget strategy.

This is just a street fight.

It's a question of who wants it most.

What is he doing? He's winning!

To the body!

Come on!

Rocky knock his head off!

Rocky, knock his head off!

Come on! Finish him!

Don't stop Don't stop You're gonna do it!

Four Six!

Rocky Balboa has done the impossible and these people love it!

It is absolute pandemonium!

Thank you

I came here tonight and I didn't know what to expect I've seen a lot of people hating me and I didn't knowwhat to feel about that so I guess I didn't like you much either

During this fight I seen a lot of changing

the way you felt about me and the way I felt about you

In here, there were two guys k*lling each other But I guess that's better than 20 million

What I'm trying to say is if I can change and you can change everybody can change!

I just want to say one thing to my kid who should be home sleeping. Merry Christmas, kid!

I love you!

I love you!
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