Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »


PETER: All right, let's do this one last time.

My name is Peter Parker.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

And for 10 years... [BRAKES SQUEAL]

I've been the one and only Spider-Man.

I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

With great power comes great responsibility.

I saved a bunch of people, fell in love, saved the city.

And then I saved the city again.

And again and again and again. [GROANING]

And I did, uh...

I did this.

♪ Get on up Get yourself together ♪

♪ Drive that funky soul ♪ We don't really talk about this.

Look, I'm a comic book. I'm a cereal.

Did a Christmas album.

I have an excellent theme song.

♪ Spider-man Spider-man ♪ And a so-so popsicle.

I mean, I've looked worse.

But after everything... [GRUNTS]

I still love being Spider-Man.

I mean, who wouldn't?

So no matter how many hits I take...


...I always find a way to come back.

Because the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is me.

There's only one Spider-Man.

And you're lookin' at him.


MILES: ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


♪ Needless to say... ♪


♪ Nevertheless Callin' it quits ♪

♪ Now, baby, I'm a wreck ♪ RIO: Miles!

[CONTINUES FLUBBING LYRICS] Miles, papá, time for school!



Miles! Yeah! Yeah?

JEFFERSON: Are you finished packing for school?


Just ironing my last shirt.


♪ You're a sunflower... ♪ [GRUNTS]

JEFFERSON: Come on! You a grown man now.

Let's show these teachers that. RIO: Miles!

Where's my laptop? [RIO SPEAKS SPANISH]

If you want me to drive you, we gotta go now.

No, Dad, I'll walk.

Personal chauffeur going once. It's okay.


[IN ENGLISH] Miles! Gotta go. In a minute!

RIO: Gotta go. In a minute!

[KISSES] Mom, I gotta go.

In a minute.



[IN ENGLISH] See you Friday.


Look who's back. Yo, what's going on, bro?

Hey, I'm just walking by. How you doin'?


Yo, Miles! You feel that earthquake last night?

[IN ENGLISH] What you talkin' about? I slept like a baby last night.

How's that new school? So easy.

We miss you, Miles. You miss me? I still live here!

Wait, you miss me?




Oh, come on.

Seriously, Dad. Walking would've been fine.

You can walk plenty on Saturday when you peel those stickers off.

You saw that? I don't know if that was me.

And the two from yesterday on Clinton.

Yeah, those were me.

Look at that. Another new coffee shop.

You see that? Totally. Yeah.

What's that one called? Foam Party.

[LAUGHING] "Foam Party"? Come on.

And everyone is just linin' up. You see that?

I see it.

Is that a coffee shop or a disco?

Dad, you're old, man.

REPORTER [OVER TV]: There are multiple reports of another mysterious seismic event last night.

Sources close to Spider-Man say he's looking into the problem.

[SIGHS] Spider-Man. I mean, this guy swings in once a day, zip-zap-zop in his little mask and answers to no one. Right?

Yeah, Dad. Yeah.

Meanwhile, my guys are out there, lives on the line, no masks. Uh-huh.

We show our faces. Speed up. I know these kids.

JEFFERSON: With great ability comes great accountability.

That's not even how the saying goes.

I do like his cereal, though. I'll give him that.

Oh, my gosh. Don't cops run red lights?

Oh, yeah, some do. But not your dad.


♪ My memories keep begging ♪

♪ For someone else ♪

♪ I know this feeling, yes I know it very well ♪ Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?

You've given it two weeks.

We're not having this conversation.

I just think that this new school is elitist.

"Elitist"? And I would prefer to be at a normal school among the people.

"The people"? These are your people.

I'm only here 'cause I won that stupid lottery.

No way. You passed the entry test just like everybody else.

You have an opportunity here. You wanna blow that?

You wanna end up like your uncle?

What's wrong with Uncle Aaron? He's a good guy.

We all make choices in life.

It doesn't feel like I have a choice right now.

You don't!



I love you, Miles.

Yeah, I know, Dad. See you Friday.


You gotta say "I love you" back. Dad, are you serious?

I wanna hear it. "I love you, Dad."

You wanna hear me say it?

You're dropping me off at a school.

"I love you, Dad." Look at this place.

"Dad, I love you."


Dad, I love you.

That's a copy.

[STUDENTS LAUGHING] Tie your shoes, please.


BOY 1: "I love you, Dad."

Hey, good morning. How you doin'?

Weekend was short, huh? BOY 2: "That's a copy."

Oh, my gosh! This is embarrassing.

We wore the same jacket.

Hey. Your shoe's untied.

Yeah, I'm aware. It's a choice.

♪ Theory is that All matter is composed ♪

[BELL RINGS] ♪ Of at least three ♪

♪ Fundamental particles ♪ Who can solve this for XY?

And that is known as a syllogism.

Read two chapters of Great Expectations.

A take-home quiz on volumetric pressure.

Five-page essay with your conclusions stressed.


WOMAN [OVER PROJECTOR]: ...countless other possibilities.

There could be a universe where I am wearing red.

Or wearing leather pants.

Mr. Morales. Movin' in the dark. You're late again.

Einstein said time was relative, right?

Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early.


Sorry. It was just so quiet.

CALLEROS: Would you like to keep standing there, or do you wanna sit down? [REMOTE CLICKS]

Our universe is, in fact, one of many parallel universes happening at the exact same time.

Thanks to everyone here at the Fisk Family Foundation...

I liked your joke. Really?

I mean, it wasn't funny. That's why I laughed.

But it was smart, so I liked it.

I don't think I've seen you before. [SHUSHES]

WOMAN [OVER PROJECTOR]: Every choice that we make would create countless other possibilities.

A what-if to infinity. [BELL RINGS]

A zero? A few more of those, you'd probably have to kick me outta here, huh?

Maybe I'm just not right for this school.

If a person wearing a blindfold picked the answers on a true-or-false quiz at random, do you know what score they would get?

50%? That's right!

The only way to get all the answers wrong is to know which answers are right.

[WHISPERS] You're trying to quit.

And I'm not gonna let you.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] I'm assigning you a personal essay.

Not about physics, but about you, and what kind of person you want to be.




♪ Unh. Unh ♪ ♪ Unh. Unh ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Ha, sicker than Your average ♪

♪ Poppa twist cabbage Off instinct ♪

♪ Don't think ♪


♪ My Detroit players, timbs for My hooligans in Brooklyn ♪

♪ Dead right, if the head Right, Biggie there e'rynight ♪


♪ Never lose, never choose to Bruise crews who ♪

♪ Do something to us... ♪ ♪ Come on ♪ Uncle Aaron! Hey! Were you scared?



[GRUNTING] You want that?

What's up with school?

Going great! Got tons of friends.

You can't tell me it's all that bad there.

Smart girls is where it's at.

Place must be full of 'em.


No, there's no one.

Yo, I can't have no nephew of mine on the streets with no game.

Hey, I got game. There's a new girl.

Actually, you know, she's kinda into me.

You know how it is.

What's her name?

[STUTTERS] You know, we layin' down the groundwork right now.

[LAUGHS] You know about the shoulder touch?

'Course I do.

But tell me anyway.

Tomorrow, find that girl. You walk up to her and be like:


You serious, Uncle Aaron?

I'm tellin' you, man, it's science.

So walk up to her and be like: "Hey."

[SUAVELY] No, no, no, no. Like: "Hey."

[DEEPLY] "Hey."

[SUAVELY] No. "Hey."



You sure you my nephew, man? [PHONE BEEPS]

Is that her?

I should probably go. Still got a paper to do tonight.

Yo, you been holdin' out on me? You throw these up yet?

Naw, man. You know my dad. I can't.

Come on. I got a spot you ain't gon' believe.

Naw, I can't. I can't. Can't.


I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

AARON: Hey, man. Tell him your art teacher made you.

MILES: How'd you know about this place?

AARON: Did an engineering job down here.

♪ One, two, three Four, five... ♪



What's up? [LAUGHS]

Yeah, man, I knew we were related.

MILES: Whoa!

[ECHOING] Brooklyn!


AARON: There's a lot of history on these walls.

This is so fresh.



And now you on your own, Miles.

Whoa, slow down a little.

That's better.

♪ Who's the black sheep? What's the black sheep? ♪

♪ Don't know who I am When I'm coming so you sleep ♪ See what you got now? Makin' mistakes is part of it.

♪ And you can't beat that... ♪

The real Miles comin' outta hidin'.

♪ You gotta hay? It's for the hoes ♪ Now you can cut that line with another color.

♪ You can get with this Or you can get with that ♪

♪ You can get with this or You can get with that ♪

♪ You can get with this Or you can get with that ♪

♪ I think you'll get with this For this is where it's at ♪ Little help?

♪ ...who was quite contrary Talkin' 'bout Mary... ♪ AARON: Did you want drips? 'Cause if you do, that's cool, but if you don't, you gotta keep it moving.

MILES: That's intentional.


Wow. Is it too crazy?

No, man.

Miles, I see exactly what you're doing there.

Yeah. You know, me and your dad used to do this back in the day.

Stop lyin'. It's true.

Then he took on the cop thing, and I don't know...

He's a good guy, just...

You know what I'm sayin'.


All right, come on, man. I gotta roll.





AARON: Miles, let's go.





[THINKING] That's weird.

My pants shrank.

I think I hit puberty.


[THINKING] I gotta get new pants.

Wait. Why is the voice in my head so loud?


Oh! Are you okay? What?

[THINKING] Why am I so sweaty?

Why are you so sweaty?

It's a puberty thing.

I don't know why I said that. I'm not going through puberty.

I did, but I'm done.

[IN DEEP VOICE] I'm a man.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] So you're, like, new here, right? We got that in common.

Yeah. That's one thing.

Cool. Yeah. I'm Miles.

I'm Gwe... anda.

Wait, your name is Gwanda?

Yes, it's African. I'm South African.

No accent though 'cause I was raised here.

[THINKING] Do the shoulder touch now before she walks away.

Why is this so scary?

Am I doing this in slow motion or does it just feel that way?

I'm kidding. It's Wanda. No "G." That's crazy. Heh.


Okay, then.

I'll see you around.

Oh. See you.

Sorry. Um... Hey.

Oh, crap. Can you let go, please?

I can't let go. Ow! Ow! Calm down. It's fine.


Miles, let go. Workin' on it.

It's just puberty. [STUDENTS MURMURING]

I don't think you know what puberty is. Just relax.

Okay, I have a plan. Great.

I'm gonna pull really hard. That's a terrible plan.

One. Don't do this.

Two. Three!



Nice to meet you?

Sure. Total pleasure.

[THINKING] No one saw. It's okay.

No one knows, no one knows.


Everyone knows.

Everyone knows. They're talkin' 'bout me.

They saw everything!

He knows. She knows. They know.

Wow, she's super tall.

Why is he smiling? Am I the weird guy now?

What am I doing?

That guy's such a weirdo.

[THINKING] How do I stop?

Can they hear my thoughts?!

Why are all my thoughts so loud?!

Hey! I know you snuck out last night, Morales.

[THINKING] Play dumb!

Who's Morales?

[THINKING] Not that dumb!




[THINKING] Okay, okay. You're okay.

You're okay.

He'll never find you.




What are you doing in my office, Morales?!

Morales! Open up!

♪ Oh, Spider-bells Goblin smells ♪ Why is this happening?

MAN [ON COMPUTER]: ♪ Spider-buggy blew a tire ♪ He's got a nice voice.

♪ Spidey-bells, Spidey-bells ♪ GUARD: Open up! [MILES GRUNTS]

Stop sticking! [YELPING]

Keep sticking, Miles! Oh!




Hofstadter is suggesting...

...is that we...

...look on the...






My room!

"Why is this happening?"


[THINKING] "Please stop sticking."

"Please keep st..."

Wait, wait, wait.

How could there be two Spider-Men?

There can't be two Spider-Men.

[THINKING] Can there?


[THINKING] Come on, Uncle Aaron, pick up. Pick up!

AARON [OVER VOICE MAIL]: Yo, it's Aaron.

I'm outta town for a few days.

I'll hit you when I'm back. Peace.

No. No-No-No-No-No.

It's not possible!

It's just puberty.

It's a normal spider and I'm a normal kid!


All right!

[THINKING] I gotta tell someone.



Okay, you're being crazy, Miles. You're being crazy.

Find the spider.

You'll see.

It's a normal spider.

It's, like, boring how normal this spider is.



I'm right here.

[THINKING] Why is this happening to me?

Slow down! What am I doing?

VOICE 1: Way over there.

VOICE 2: You're like me.

VOICE 3: Miles. Look out.

VOICE 4: I don't wanna be a hero.

VOICE 4: Miles.



PETER: Norman, listen to me.

[THINKING] Spider-Man?

I cannot let you open a portal to another dimension.

Brooklyn is not zoned for that.

NORMAN: It's not up to me.

[THINKING] Is that Green Goblin?!

Why won't you quit?!

I guess I like Brooklyn not being sucked into a black hole.

I think I'm gonna go.

PETER: Staten Island, maybe. Not Brooklyn.



No! No!





[ECHOING]: Whoa!

What now?

What is this place?







Did you know your shoes are untied?

Uh-huh. This is a onesie, so I don't really have to worry about it.

I thought I was the only one. You're like me.

I don't wanna be.

I don't think you have a choice, kiddo.

Got a lot going through your head, I'm sure.


You're gonna be fine. I can help you.

If you stick around, I can show you the ropes.


I just need to destroy this big machine real quick before the space-time continuum collapses.

Don't move.

See you in a bit.


[THINKING] How does he do that?

Is it here? No, no, it's here.

All right, folks.

I always get this wrong.

Oh, boy.


Man, I was in the middle of something.

I am so tired.


Are you mad at me? I feel like you're mad at me.

That all you got?


Aw, so gross.

[THINKING] I should go up there and help him.

Who am I kidding? I should not do that.


KINGPIN [WHISPERS]: Watch out. Here comes the Spider-Man.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] You like my new toy?

Cost me a fortune, but, hey, can't take it with you, right?

You came all this way. Watch the test.

It's a hell of a freaking light show.

You're gonna love this.


No! No, don't do this! Stop!

You don't know what it can do! You'll k*ll us all!



SCIENTIST: I see multiple dimensions opening!

That was three, four and five separate dimensions.

It's unstable! We should stop.



Norm, what's your take on head trauma?


I tried to warn you, pal.




Goblin, no! Get him outta there!


VANESSA: Wilson! Where are we?

GWEN: Really weird.

VANESSA: Wilson!






Hey! Are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just resting.

Can't you get up? Yeah.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, I always get up.


The coughing's probably not a good sign.

KINGPIN: Find him. Now.

Listen, we gotta team up here. We don't have that much time.

This override key is the only way to stop the collider.

Swing up there, use this key, push the button and blow it up.

You need to hide your face.

You don't tell anyone who you are.

No one can know. He's got everyone in his pocket.

If he turns the machine on again, everything you know will disappear.

Your family, everyone.


Promise me you'll do this.

I promise.

Go. Destroy the collider.

I'll come and find you.


It's gonna be okay.



KINGPIN: Tombstone.

We're done with tests.

Get that thing ready to go again. And soon.

Run faster!

These guys are weak.

I'd say it's nice to see you again, Spider-Man, but it's not.

Hey, Kingpin. How's business?

Boomin'. Heh.

Nice. Aw, that's a no-no. [KINGPIN CHUCKLES]

PETER: This might open a black hole under Brooklyn.

It can't be worth the risk.

It's not always about the money, Spider-Man.



Don't you wanna know what I saw in there?


I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work.

They're gone.


Get rid of the body.

[METAL CLATTERS] What was that?


k*ll that guy.







Stop sticking!




MAN [OVER SPEAKER]: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.






Yeah, I think it's a Banksy.


JEFFERSON: Police! Put your hands up!

Miles? Miles?

Why aren't you at school?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay. It's okay.

Miles? ¿Qué te pasa?



Is it the earthquake?

Can I sleep here tonight?

Miles. It's a weeknight.

You made a commitment to that school.

He's upset.

[SIGHS] Of course you can stay.

Dad? Yeah.

Do you really hate Spider-Man?


Yeah. I mean, with a vigilante, there is...

Jeff, mi amor.

What? He asked me.

Baby, you know how I feel about Spider-Man. Come on.

Tú sabes que él te quiere mucho.

That's why he's tough on you. You know that, right?

Mom, do you ever think about moving out of Brooklyn?

Our family doesn't run from things, Miles.

Yeah, I know.

JEFFERSON: What's that about?

RIO: He's having a hard time, Jeff.

JEFFERSON: When it gets hard, that's when he's gotta stick it out.




REPORTER 1: We interrupt this broadcast for a special report.

Sad news tonight.

The hero known as Spider-Man has died after injuries related to another powerful earthquake in Brooklyn. Multiple sources are confirming that Peter Parker, a 26-year-old grad student and part-time photographer operated as Spider-Man for at least a decade.

♪ I'm not runnin' Runnin', runnin' ♪

♪ No, I'm not afraid Of the fall ♪

♪ I'm not scared... ♪ REPORTER 2: He is survived by his wife, Mary Jane, and his aunt, May Parker.

Our hero, Spider-Man, is gone.

♪ I'm not scared... ♪ MARY JANE: My husband, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person.

He always said it could've been anyone behind the mask.

He was just the kid who happened to get bit.

I'm going to miss him.


We were friends, you know.

Can I return it if it doesn't fit?

It always fits eventually.

MARY JANE: He didn't ask for his powers,

but he chose to be Spider-Man.

My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful.

We all have powers of one kind or another.

♪ Of the dark... ♪ But in our own way.

We are all Spider-Man.

And we're all counting on you.

They're counting on me.

Probably not you specifically. I think it's a metaphor.


















I'm sorry, Mr. Parker.

That thing you gave me, that key I think I really messed it up.

I wanna do what you asked.

I really do.

But I'm sorry.

I'm not sure I'm the guy.

I can't do this without you.

[GASPS] Hey, kid.



What did I do to him?!



Who are you?

PETER 2: All right, people, let's do this one last time.

My name is Peter B. Parker.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

And for the last 22 years, I thought I was the one and only Spider-Man.

What a day.

I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

You see, I saved the city, fell in love, I got married, saved the city some more, maybe too much.

My marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices.

Don't invest in a spider-themed restaurant.

Then like 15 years passed. Blah, blah, blah. Super boring.

I broke my back, a drone flew into my face, I buried Aunt May.

My wife and I split up.

But I handled it like a champion.

[CRYING] 'Cause, you know what, no matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up. [ALARM CHIMING AND BUZZING]


And I got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself.

Did you know that seahorses, that they mate for life?

Could you imagine?

A seahorse seeing another seahorse and then making it work?


She wanted kids and...

And it scared me.

I'm pretty sure I broke her heart.

Flash-forward: I'm in my apartment doing push-ups, doing ab crunches, getting strong, when this weird thing happened.

And I gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot.

But this was real weird.





You see, I was in New York, but things were different.

Also, I was dead.

And blond.

I was kind of perfect.

It was like looking in a mirror.

I have a feeling that the thing that brought me here was the thing that got him k*lled.

You wanna know what happened next?



Me, too.

MILES: Who are you?

OFFICER 1: What are you doin' over there?

Freeze! P.D.N.Y.



Are you kidding me right now?

OFFICER 2: Stop! Stop!

I gotcha. I gotcha.

OFFICER 1: Hey, kid. Drop the body.

Hey, kid. Get over here! OFFICER 2: Come on, now!

MILES: Whoa.

See you, officers!

Aw, come on.




OFFICER 1: Hey, kid. OFFICER 2: Kid, come on, now!

Put 'em up, son!


Uh... adiós?



Help! Somebody stop that train!






PETER 2: Oh, hey. What the...?




I'm gonna die!

OFFICER [OVER RADIO]: Looks like a child dressed like Spider-Man dragging a homeless corpse behind a train.


Yes! I didn't k*ll you.

PETER 2: Who are you? MILES: Who are you?

PETER 2: Why are you trying to k*ll me?

I'm not. I'm trying to save you.




MILES: Hey, maybe you guys can go around?

[BARKS] All right. Thanks, New York.

PETER 2: What was that?

Kid electrocuted me with his hands.


You're like me. I got some questions.


Why do you look like Peter Parker?


Because I am Peter Parker.

Then why aren't you dead? And why is your hair different?

Why are you older? And why is your body a different shape?

Pretty sure you just called me fat.

You don't look so hot either, kid.

Most superheroes don't wear their own merch.

Are you a ghost? No.

Are you a zombie? Stop it.

Am I a zombie? You're not even close.

Are you from another dimension? Like a parallel universe where things are like this universe but different?

And you're Spider-Man in that universe?

But somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?

Wow. That was really just a guess?

We learned about it in physics.

Quantum theory. This is amazing!

You can teach me like Peter said he would.

Before he died.

Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, right.

Look, I made a promise to him.

Here's lesson number one, kid.

Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands.



Peter, seriously...

[SIGHS] Trust me, kid.

This'll all make you a better Spider-Man.


Hey, are you okay?

PETER 2: No, I'm not.

What's going on with your body?

I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension.


Look, I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spider-Man coach.

I got a lot going on in my dimension.

"With great power comes great..."

Don't you dare finish that sentence.

Don't do it! I'm sick of it.



Want my advice? Go back to being a regular kid.

I don't have a choice!

Kingpin's got a supercollider.

He's tryin' to k*ll me.

What did you just say? Kingpin's tryin' to k*ll me.

Who cares about that. Where's the collider?

Brooklyn. Under Fisk Tower.

Goodbye. Where you going?

When it runs again, I'll jump in and get back to my life. You can't let them run it.

I'm supposed to destroy it so it never runs again or everyone's gonna die.

"Or everyone's gonna die." That is what they always say.

But there's always a little bit of time before everybody dies and that's when I do my best work.

Aren't you gonna need this?

Aw, you have a goober. Give it.

Wait, no. Not so fast. He called it an override key.

There's always a bypass key, a virus key, a who-cares key.

I can never remember, so I always call it a goober. Give it.

I need it to destroy the collider.

I need it to go home.

I'll swallow it. Don't play with me.

What? I said...

The collider created a portal that brought me here.

And I have to get...

Did you break this? No, it broke.

I don't remember what happened.

See, this is why I never had kids.

Can't we make another one?

We can't do anything. Thanks to you, I have to re-steal what your guy stole from Alchemax and make another one of these. [GRUNTS]

If I don't turn off the collider after you leave, everyone in this city, my parents, my uncle and millions of others, will die.

And you're just gonna go home and leave me here to figure this out for myself?

You good with that, Spider-Man? Yeah.


What are you doing?

Making you feel guilty. Is it working?

How could it...? No. Look at me.

Does it look like it's working?

No. No, it's not... [SIGHS, CHUCKLES]


No! No! No! Do not let him win!

All right, kid. You win.

Come on, we don't have a second to lose.

Mmm. I love this burger. So delicious.

One of the best burgers I've ever had.

In my universe, this place closed six years ago.

I don't know why. I really don't.


You have money, right? I'm not very liquid right now.

Can we focus? Mm-hm. Sure.

The other Peter... You gonna eat that?

I'm listening.

The other Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes. Wow.

MILES: You got any Spider-Man tips you can tell me now?

Yeah, I got plenty.

Disinfect the mask.

You're gonna wanna use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints.

You don't want any chafing, right?

Anything else? Nope, that was everything.

I think you're gonna be a bad teacher.

Uh-uh-uh? Look up where Alchemax is.

"A private technological campus in Hudson Valley, New York."

[GASPS] You can teach me to swing on the way there.


I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, Miles.

Not after a hearty burger breakfast.

Keep your legs fresh. You're gonna thank me later.

♪ I can see a new horizon ♪

♪ Underneath the blazing sky ♪

♪ I'll be where the eagle's Flying higher... ♪ And it's a no on the cape. I think it's cool.

Take that off. It's disrespectful.

Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape. [GROANS]

MILES: So how do we retrace Peter's steps?

That's a good question.

What would I do if I were me?

Got it.

Step One: I infiltrate the lab.

Two: Find the head scientist's computer.

MILES: That lady with the bike is the head scientist.

I saw her in this documentary.

PETER 2: Cool! Step Three: I reexamine my personal biases.

Step Four: I hack the computer.

It's not technically hacking.

Not now. I just lost my train of thought.

Step Five: Download the important stuff.

I'll know it when I see it.

Step Six: I grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run.

So, what am I doing?

Step Seven: You stay here. You're lookout. Very important.

Look, man. You gotta teach me how to do Spider-Man stuff or I won't be able to help.


Watch and learn, kid! I'll quiz ya later!


Why did I get stuck with the janky, old, broke hobo Spider-Man?!


That's new.





What am I doing? What am I doing?

What am I doing? What am I doing?





[YELPS] Peter!

What are you doing here? Kingpin's here.

Just move over.

You're steppin' on my foot. Go back outside.

No! I can't sit there and let Spider-Man die without doing anything about it.

I'm not doing that again.


Most people I meet in the workplace try to k*ll me, so you're a nice change of pace.

Mr. Fisk! Look at this data.

I know you can't really understand it, but these are really good numbers.

And I got the password.

Mr. Fisk. If we fire again this week there could be a black hole under Brooklyn.

You see this? And this?

This is multiple dimensions beginning to crash into each other.

This is pretty standard Spider-Man stakes.

You get used to it. Watch this.

He's gonna say, "You've got 24 hours."

You've got 24 hours.

What this means is there could be a rupture in the space-time continuum.

Ooh. That's bad.

Actually, everything she said was bad.

I was lying before.




SCIENTIST: Hold on. Let me get you some more data.

What are you doing, bud? I can't move.

Okay, relax your fingers.

We don't have time. Just let go. Be in the moment.

I am in the moment. It's a terrible moment.

I'm not refusing. No more excuses.

I just need more time.

They're right there. They're gonna see you.

Miles, you gotta unstick.

What do you do to relax?

Relax. Okay, okay, okay.

[FUMBLING LYRICS] ♪ Needless to say, I... ♪ Oh, for crying out loud.

♪ Callin' it quits Now, baby, I'm a wreck ♪


♪ You're a wreck, ooh... ♪


[SIGHS] Teenagers: just the worst.

Miles, where did you go? MILES: I'm right here.

Where? I can't see ya. I'm right in front of you.

Can Spider-Man turn invisible? PETER 2: Not in my universe.

Aah! You just poked me in my eye!

This is incredible. Some kind of fight or flight thing.

[DOOR CREAKS] What's that?

Remember this password. D-G-F-A-M-P-E-S-A-N-D...

Slow down!


I need to write it down! Download the schematic.

MILES: How do I do that? While I turn on the charm.


Oh, hey. Didn't see you there.

Wow. [GASPS]

Okay, I'm kinda freaking out right now.

You're supposed to be dead.

Surprise! Okay. That's a no-no. We don't like that.

This is fascinating.

Okay, that's my face.

An entirely different Peter Parker.

Little bit of a gut, perhaps from dimensional warping.

Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah. I was way flatter before I warped.

[QUIETLY MUTTERING PASSWORD] Travel through the multiverse appears to have deteriorated the...

MILES: What was the rest?! [WHISTLES SOFTLY]

Hey, how old are you?

'Cause you don't look a day over 35.

SCIENTIST: They said I was crazy! They said I was crazy!

PETER 2: You showed 'em you're not crazy.

This might pinch a little. [GRUNTS]


I know. I just need to get these samples.


MILES: Organize your desktop, lady.

Wow. Just complete cellular decay.

I've never seen anything like this.

What are you doing?

MILES: I'm just taking the whole thing.

And obviously you've been glitching.

"Glitchin'"? No. Why would you even say that?

If you stay in this dimension too long, your body's gonna disintegrate.

Do you know how painful that would be, Peter Parker?

I don't know.

You can't imagine.

And I, for one, can't wait to watch.

What did you say your name was?

Dr. Olivia Octavius.



Can I assume that your friends call you Doc Ock?

My friends actually call me Liv.

My enemies call me Doc Ock.

I got this! Run!

OLIVIA: Who are you talking to?


I got it! Oh, you "got it," Peter?


I got it handled, buddy!

Everything is fine!


PETER 2: Okay, this is a little bit bad. OLIVIA: You're chatty.

Gotta go.

This is the moment that I'm losin' the fight.

Let me tell you the good news. We don't need the monitor.


You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend!

Could you give me that back, young man?


It's proprietary.


This'd be a good time to turn invisible. Yep.

Okay, not gonna turn invisible. Selecting a bagel.

Act super normal.


You know, that's funny, I get that a lot. Hey.

Spider-Man? Hey! Hands up!

Now we do a switchy-switchy.

WOMAN: Get back here!

Where do you think you're going?

He took a bagel! Time to swing, just like I taught ya. When did you teach me that?

I didn't. It's a little joke for team-building.


All right, you ready? Of course I'm not ready!


I can't do this yet!

Everybody knows that the best way to learn is under intense life-threatening pressure.

Come on, come on, come on.




PETER 2: What are you doing down there?

I run better than I swing.

You gotta swing or they'll catch you.

This is what you wanted.




OLIVIA: Come back, little boy.

Aim with your hips! Look where you want it to hit.

Square your shoulders. Don't forget to follow through!

Don't sh**t off your back foot.

That's too many things! Then stop listening to me!

That's the best idea you've had all day!

PETER 2: Nice, Miles!

[MILES LAUGHS] Good. You're doin' it.

Double tap to release and thwip it out again.

Thwip and release.

And thwip. Release. Thwip. And release.

You're a natural. Thwip. Release.

Feel the rhythm? Thwip. And release!

Good, Miles.

I gotta say, you're amazing, man.

We're a little team!

Me as the teacher who could still do it.

You as the student who can do it, just not as good.

I'm proud of us. Is there something you want to say to me?




What the...? PETER 2: Who did that?




Hey, guys.


It's Gwen, actually.

Oh, you know her. Very cool.

I'm from another dimension.

I mean, another-another dimension.

GWEN: All right, people. Let's start at the beginning one last time.

My name is Gwen Stacy.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

And for the last two years, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman.

You guys know the rest.

I joined a band.

Saved my dad.


I couldn't save my best friend, Peter Parker, so now I save everyone else.

And I don't do friends anymore, just to avoid any distractions.

And one day this weird thing happened.

And I mean, like, really weird.

I was blown into last week.


I landed in New York, but not my New York.


REPORTER: Lucky for these folks, Spider-Man was there to save the day.

My Spider-sense told me to head to Visions Academy.

...you guys are early.

Wasn't sure why until I met you.


I like your haircut.

You don't get to like my haircut.

Let's go.

How many more Spider-People are there?

Save it for Comic-Con.

What's Comic-Con? Whoa!





KINGPIN: You're dead, Spider-Man.

Wilson! What are you doing?


Richard, come on.

Vanessa! Richard!


Don't look back, honey. It's okay. It's okay.




I k*lled Spider-Man.

Why did I just see two more?

There's three, actually.

No, this is good. This is very, very good.

This means you get what you want.

It means my collider works.

All we have to do is k*ll a couple of Spiders.

And the collider will bring your family back.

As many families as you want.

Tomorrow, at my collider.

Our collider.

He broke this?

Yeah. He's actually really embarrassed about it, [WHISPERS] so just keep it between us, okay?


I know where we can make a new one.

And we won't let him break it this time.


I'm sorry about your friend.

Thanks, Miles.


I know how hard this is.

To have to figure this stuff out on your own.

It's kinda nice not being the only Spider-person around.



If you ever decide to do friends again, I could always open up a slot.

I'll keep you posted.

MILES: Cool.


We should probably go.

GWEN: Peter, we're literally on the doorstep.

PETER 2: Bad idea. This is a bad idea.

GWEN: Just relax. [PETER 2 GRUNTS]

WOMAN: You guys are all very sweet, but no more fans today, please.


I'm not ready for this.



Hey, Aunt May.

So this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure that I'm from an...

An alternate dimension.


You look tired, Peter.

Well, I am tired.

And older. And thicker. Yeah. I've heard that already.

Oh, jeez. Are those sweatpants?

Yup, that's what they are.

I was there, when it all happened.

I am so sorry.

And what dimension are you from?


Did Peter have a place where we could make another one of these?

MAY: A goober.

Follow me.


PETER 2: Oh, yeah, I got one of these, too.

A little, old shed where I keep my Spider-gear.


I mean, this place is pretentious.


Dude. Was yours anything like this?

Mine was like this, but take away the jeep, the plane.

Imagine it way smaller. Imagine a futon.

I feel sad for this guy.

[WHISPERS] Hey, Peter.

I think this is a cape.


Peter knew how dangerous the job was.

But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man.

Kingpin knows we're coming.

We're going to be outnumbered.

Don't be so sure.

You might need these.


You think you're the only people who thought to come here?

Hey, fellas.

Is he in black and white?

Where's that wind coming from? We're in a basement.

Wherever I go, the wind follows.

And the wind, it smells like rain.

Hi, guys!


This could literally not get any weirder.

It can get weirder.

I just washed my hands. That's why they're wet.

No other reason.



ALL: You're like me.

PETER NOIR: My name is Peter Parker.

PENI: My name is Peni Parker.

PORKER: My name is Peter Porker.

PETER NOIR & PENI: I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

PORKER: I was bitten by a radioactive pig.

PETER NOIR: In my universe, it's 1933, and I'm a private eye.

I like to drink egg creams, and I like to fight Nazis. A lot.

PENI: I'm from New York in the year 3145.

I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside my father's robot.

And we're best friends. Forever.

PETER NOIR: Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something, anything.


PORKER: I'm a photographer for the Daily Beagle.

When I'm not pooching around, I'm working like a dog, trying to sniff out the latest story.

♪ I frolic and I dance ♪

♪ And I do this With my pants ♪ Okay! Enough!

So how did you get here?

Well, it's kind of a long story.

Maybe not that long.

And now we're just trying to find a way home.


The only way home is back through that collider gizmo.

The only trouble is...

One of us has to stay behind and destroy it.

I'll do it. - I'll do it. I'll do it.

No, no, no. You guys don't get it.

Don't get what?

None of you can stay here. If you stay here, you'll die.

I'm the guy who's gonna turn it off.

And I'm gonna get you all home before I do.

Look, I made a promise. So I have to keep it.

Who are you again?

This is Miles.

And he's gonna save the multiverse.

Yeah, man.

This kid can turn himself invisible.

Watch this. He can do it now.


I can't do it on command. He can't do it on command.

But it is cool. Show 'em the zappy thing, Miles.


Can't do it on command. He can't do it on command.

But he can do so much more. What else do you do?

Just those two things. Just those two things.

Aw, man.

Look, I've seen him in action. He's got potential.

I think he's gonna get us home.

Okay, little fella, Kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya.

I'm talkin' hard boys, real biscuit boxers.

Can you fight them all off at once?

I haven't actually fought anyone.

Surprise attack!

Can you rewire a mainframe while being shot at?

Can I what? Show me!

Surprise attack! [GRUNTS]

Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?

Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?

Can you help your aunt create an online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?

Can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?

Can you be strong? Ruthless?

Disciplined? I don't know. Maybe.

Psychic? Show me some moxie, soldier!

Above all, no matter how many times you get hit, can you get back up? [EXCLAIMS]

'Cause when a Spider-Man is on the floor...

When you think you can't keep goin'...

Come on, Miles. Come on. You can do it.

You can do this. Guys, cool it.

Come on. You can do it! Get up, Miles.

Come on, Miles. Get up.

You need to be more honest with yourself about this.

He's not ready. It's obvious.

There's no way. He's just a kid.

GWEN: If he can't do this, we have to stay and do it for him.

He's looking right at us while we talk about him.




You see that? He can, um...

He can turn invisible.


♪ When it gets dark Outside ♪

♪ In you I confide ♪

♪ You help me face my demons I won't hide... ♪ JEFFERSON: Miles, what is going on with you?

Nobody's heard from you. We don't know what's going on.

If you're hidin' something from us, you need to come clean.

You call me back. Now.

He's not answering me either.

AARON [ON VOICE MAIL]: It's Aaron. I'm outta town for a few days.

I'll hit you when I'm back. Peace.

Aaron, it's Jeff.

Look, I need you to call me if you've heard from Miles.

He has a...

He has a soft spot for you, and we haven't heard from him.

And you know I wouldn't reach out if this wasn't important.

Hope you're good.


MILES: Dear Uncle Aaron.

I gotta do something, and I don't know if I can do it.

I'm scared, man.

I'm just tired of lettin' everybody down.

You're the only one I can talk to.

I just wish you were here. [FIRE ESCAPE CLANKS]





Hello, Mr. Fisk.

I've got the security tapes from the tunnel right here.

If the kid's out there, I'll find him.

You know me, sir. I don't ever quit.









♪ Personal insanity They gotta like the ally ♪

♪ Turn it up Against the rally ♪

♪ You're running in While they're counting ♪

♪ Even score, got the tally Knock 'em off at the finale ♪

♪ Go, go! They don't want it, yeah ♪

♪ They don't want it, yeah ♪ This is...

Purple. No.

Blue? No.

Has anyone heard from Miles?

Look, he's just clearing his head. I know the kid.

He's got what it takes.

I bet you he's gonna come back through that door, recharged and ready to fight.

My uncle. Hey, where have you been?

My uncle Aaron, he's the Prowler.

Slow down, Miles. He works for Kingpin.

He tried to k*ll me!

PETER NOIR: This is a pretty hard-core origin story.

It's okay. We're gonna figure it out.

Were you followed? No, I don't think so.




Cute place. Real homey. Oh, great. It's Liv.

I guess I was followed.

Oh, no.

Get out of here, kid.

You messed up bigtime, kid. Very sloppy.


Let me guess. You're Scorpion. Well, we're the Spider g*ng.

Would you mind taking this outside?

We don't pick the ballroom, we just dance.

Ooh, I think I'll be taking that.


Stand, niñito, dale. Prepárate a morir.

Man, stupid pillows.




I said, take it outside!

I got it!

I got this, buddy. Leave the kid alone!

No, no, no! No!

You gotta go, man.

DISPATCHER: All vehicles in the area, we have a disturbance involving multiple Spiderpeople?

Yeah. On my way.



PROWLER: Give me that thing.

Don't be stupid, kid. Hand it over, now!



Nowhere left to run.


[WHISPERS] Uncle Aaron.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, Uncle Aaron.

KINGPIN: Prowler.

What are you waitin' for? Finish it.






[COCKS g*n]


Get out of here!










Uncle Aaron.

This is my fault.


No, Miles.

I'm sorry.

I wanted you to look up to me.

I let you down, man. I let you down.

You're the best of all of us, Miles.

You're on your way.

Just keep going.

Just keep going.




Hands up!

Put your arms up. Now!

Turn around.

Hey! Hey!

Aaron. Aaron, no. No!


All units.

I want an APB on a new Spider-Man.





Hey, bud.

You okay?


We've all been there. You know, for me, it was my Uncle Ben.

For me, it was my Uncle Benjamin.

For me, it was my father.

For me, it was my best friend.

Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody.

Look, it was my fault. You wouldn't understand.

Miles, we're probably the only ones who do understand.



♪ Who in here trying To start a riot? ♪ That way, that way.

Other way, other way, other way, other way.

♪ Who that swinging In the air? ♪ Hey there.

Do animals talk in this dimension?

'Cause I don't wanna freak him out.

♪ Let's stand up, stand up You better just fix your... ♪

What's going on?

Bye, Miles.

Miles, I came to say goodbye.

We can say goodbye at the collider.

You're not getting it. You're staying here.

I need to be there. So you can all go home.

They are going home, Miles. I'm the only one stayin'.

You're taking my place? If you stay here, you'll die.

I'm doing what needs to be done.

I just wanted you to hear it from me.

What about MJ?

Not everything works out, kid.

I need the goober.

Please don't make me take it from you.

That's not fair!

You gotta tell them I can do this.

It wasn't their decision.

I gotta make Kingpin pay! You have to let me make him pay!

Miles, you're gonna get yourself k*lled.

But I'm ready. I promise!



Then venom-strike me right now.

Or turn invisible on command so you can get past me.



PETER 2: Look, I know how much you want this, kid.

Poor little guy.

But you don't have it yet.

I'm sorry.

When will I know I'm ready?

You won't. It's a leap of faith.

That's all it is, Miles.

A leap of faith.








Miles, it's your dad.

Please open the door.

Miles, I can see your shadow movin' around.

Yeah, okay, I get it. I get it. You're still ignoring me.

Look, can we talk for a minute?


Something happened to...

[CHOKING UP] Look, sometimes people drift apart, Miles.

And I don't want that to happen to us, okay?

I know I don't always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say.

I see this spark in you. It's amazing. It's why I push you.

But it's yours.

Whatever you choose to do with it, you'll be great.

Look, call me when you can. Okay?

I love you.

You don't have to say it back, though.









♪ 200 miles per hour With a blindfold on ♪

♪ Mama always asking "Where did I go wrong?" ♪ Took you long enough.

♪ Ah, what's up, danger? ♪


JEFFERSON: I see this spark in you.

It's amazing.

Whatever you choose to do with it, you'll be great.

RIO: Our family doesn't run from things.

AARON: You're the best of all of us, Miles. You're on your way.

Just keep going.

MILES: When do I know I'm Spider-Man?

PETER 2: You won't.

That's all it is, Miles.

A leap of faith.

♪ Like, what's up, danger? ♪

♪ Like, what's up, danger? ♪

♪ Like, what's up, danger? ♪

♪ Like, what's up, danger? ♪ Made 'em myself.

They fit perfectly.

♪ Can't stop me now ♪ ♪ Traveled 200 miles ♪

♪ I'm knockin' at your door And I don't really care ♪

♪ If you ain't done wrong ♪ ♪ I said I got you now ♪

♪ Come on, what's up, danger? ♪

♪ Don't be a stranger ♪

♪ I'm right here at your door ♪

♪ I won't leave, I want more ♪

♪ What's up, danger? ♪

♪ Yeah, what's up, danger? ♪


♪ Can't stop me now ♪

♪ 'Cause I like high G's Sister, I might lose ♪

♪ I like it all on the edge Just like you, hey ♪

♪ I like tall buildings So I can leap off of 'em ♪

♪ I go hard with it No matter how dark it is ♪

♪ Come on, what's up, danger? ♪




PENI: Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below.

Didn't count on having an audience.


ALL: You gotta be kidding me.

KINGPIN: Thank you. It's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man.

He and I were very close.

What a pig. I'm right here.

Hold on. Get a load of how the waiters are dressed.

It's in poor taste, but...

It can't be that easy.

It's that easy.

KINGPIN: I just wanna thank Mary Jane Parker for being here this evening.



Pay attention. It's not your MJ, Peter, okay?

I'm sorry, I'll be right back.

GWEN: Peter! Come here. Trust me.

I've been there. You gotta move on, buddy.

It will take one second. Let me just... Oh!

Hello. Oh, wow.

Um... I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table 12.


I'm just... I'm really sorry.

Oh! Don't be sorry. It's just bread.

I wasn't there for you when you needed me.

Mm-hmm. I didn't even try.

That's fine. You know, I should really get going.

I know I could do better if I just had another chance to give you the bread that you deserve.

Are you okay?

We'll take care of that bread right now.

Well, it's been nice talking to you.

For you, they should fill this place up with fresh bread.

You all right, man? Oh, yeah. Totally.

Good, 'cause we are not getting any bread.


KINGPIN: I'm just sorry my family can't see what we're doing here tonight.

Initializing primary ignition sequence.




Start the sequence.

Uploading Vanessa Fisk and Richard Fisk DNA sequence.

Beginning scan for dimensional matches.


AUTOMATED VOICE: Secondary ignition in five, four, three, two, one.





Peter, you don't have to stay behind. I can do it.

It's okay.

I've made up my mind.


I'll put the goober in and take over the beam.

After you're gone, I'll blow it up.

Good luck, guys.

They know we're here.



Nice to see you again, Peter.


PENI: I got you covered!

These guys are the pits.




Why is this always difficult?

[SCREAMS] Where you going, Peter?

Any last words?

Can I get a minute to think about it? You have a pen?

Goodbye, Peter Parker.



Who did that?!


Miles? Spider-Man?

Wow, Miles. You're doing it on command!

It's about time, right?

Look who's here! You figured it out.

I love you! I am so proud of you!


Do I want kids?

Oh, yeah, I forgot about her.

Well, that doesn't look promising.

No, it doesn't.

SCIENTIST: I've got genetic matches. Hold on.

It's too risky.

Shut up and turn it up.

PETER 2: On your left! MILES: On your right!

PETER 2: I got five o'clock! Three o'clock! Two o'clock!

Every direction! [BOTH GRUNT]

Get to a shelter. I'll be right there.


I tried the school, but I can't get through.


MILES: Guys, are you seeing this?


Looks like our dimensions are coming to us.

Does look cool though, right?

We gotta get back up there.


Is that all you got?

You gonna fight or you just bumping gums?

You hard-boiled turtle slapper!







What are you, some kind of silly cartoon?

You got a problem with cartoons?





Did that feel like a cartoon?






I like your suit.

Thanks. I made it myself.

That was adorable, team! Now, hold on tight!


Buckle up, guys. This is gonna take a while.



All right. Never mind.

Let's end this thing.

Guys, I got it.

I'll go. I'm the one with the goo...

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands.


Miles! Be careful!



That was crazy.

We taught him that, right?

I didn't teach him that. And you definitely didn't.




You okay?

Come on.


Guys, I got control of the beam! Get up here!


AUTOMATED VOICE: Alert! Quantum polarity has been reversed.



Guess this is it.

Well, nice to know we're not alone.

Right? Yeah.

[SIGHS] I got the portal open. You first, Peni.

Thank you, Miles.

From both of us.

I, uh, love you all.

I'm taking this cube thing with me.

I don't understand it.

But I will.

I want you to have this.

It'll fit in your pocket.

That's all, folks.

PETER 2: Is he allowed to say that, legally?

Do I get to like the hairdo now?


You know I'm older than you.

15 months, but it's pretty significant if you ask me.

Well, Einstein said time was relative, right?






See you around, Spider-Man.



Your turn.

Yeah, yeah. Right.


You're not going anywhere!

I'll hold him off. You shut this down.

Peter, that wasn't the deal!

Push the green button! Do not wait for me!



What are you doing? You gotta go home!

This guy could k*ll you! I can't let Spider-Man die.

Neither can I.

It's okay.

Yeah, it is okay.


You gotta go home, man.

How do I know I'm not gonna mess it up again?

You won't.


It's a leap of faith.


Not bad, kid.





Sorry! That's cheating.


I gotta get to that button.


[STRAINS] Oh, no.

Not so easy doing it on your own, is it?

I can't wait to k*ll one more Spider-Man.


VANESSA: Where am I? What?

VANESSA: Wilson?

Is this what you want, man? VANESSA: What are you doing?

Vanessa. Vanessa.

What are we doing here? I don't know, Richard.

It's me. You know me.

VANESSA: We're leaving now.

Don't go.

Stay with me.



You're not stopping this. Not today.

I am stopping this. Right now!











Come on.



The real Spider-Man couldn't even beat me.


You're nothing! [GRUNTS]


You took my family.

And now I'm gonna make sure you never see yours again.




Get up, Spider-Man.

JEFFERSON: Get up! Come on!


Come on. Come on. Come on.



I'll always have my family.

You ever hear of the shoulder touch?





Hey, Kingpin! Push the green button for me!










Miles? Miles? Are you okay?

MILES: Yeah, I'm okay.

You're probably busy...

No! I can talk, I can talk.

Look, so I came by earlier because...

Your uncle... I know, Dad.

I am so sorry.


Do you know who did it?

I thought I did.

But I was wrong.

Look, Miles, what I said at the door, it wasn't just talk.

Look, you know, I was thinking maybe we could find a nice wall, privately owned, like at the police station, and you could "throw up" some of your art.

[WHISPERS] Man, I'm bad at this.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] Okay, Miles. Miles? You there?

Oh, come on, man. C-Mobile!

Officer. Spider-Man!

Listen, down there, that was...

I mean, I owe you...




[IN BROOKLYN ACCENT] I look forward to workin' with you.

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, me, too. I guess.

I don't approve of your methods, but we're just gonna have to agree to disagree.

Thank you for your bravery tonight.

I love you. [CHUCKLES]

Wait, what?

And look behind you!



All right. Cool. Yeah.

Thanks, Spider-Man.

Spider-Man, a su servicio. Thank you.

Hey, man. What's up, little man?

New Spider-Man.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm the new Spider-Man.

Check it out.


That was part of the move.

MILES: Okay, let's do this one last time, yeah?

For real this time. This is it.

My name is Miles Morales.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

And for like two days, I've been the one and only Spider-Man.

I think you know the rest.

I finished my essay.

Saved a bunch of people.

Got hit by a drone. [GRUNTS]

I did this with my dad.

Met my roommate. Finally.

Slapped a sticker where my dad's never gonna find it.

And when I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it.


I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff.

But I can.

Anyone can wear the mask.

You could wear the mask.

If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now.

'Cause I'm Spider-Man.

And I'm not the only one. [MUSIC PLAYING ON HEADPHONES]

Not by a long shot.

♪ Needless to say I keep her in check ♪

♪ She was all bad-bad Nevertheless ♪

♪ Callin' it quits now Baby, I'm a wreck... ♪ GWEN: Miles. Miles!

You got a minute?


♪ Stepped out of my zone ♪

♪ I had to get out all alone ♪

♪ And figure it out on my own ♪

♪ And I know what I really want now ♪

♪ Can't stop me Can't break me ♪

♪ What don't k*ll me Gon' make me ♪

♪ sh**t for the stars No safety ♪

♪ And now I see clear in HD ♪

♪ Gotta go hard ♪ ♪ Gotta go hard ♪

♪ I ain't got time to waste ♪ ♪ I ain't got time ♪

♪ I gotta go high ♪ ♪ Gotta go high ♪

♪ I gotta elevate ♪ ♪ I gotta elevate ♪

♪ They wanna fight ♪ ♪ They wanna fight ♪

♪ I'm just gon' let 'em hate ♪ ♪ I'm just gon' let 'em hate ♪

♪ I gotta go high ♪ ♪ Gotta go high ♪

♪ I gotta elevate ♪ ♪ I gotta elevate ♪

♪ You gotta choose a side You gotta choose a side ♪

♪ You better keep You better do what's right ♪

♪ Or you gonna lose the fight ♪

♪ You gonna ♪ ♪ Gotta go hard ♪

♪ Gotta choose a side ♪

♪ I'm gonna elevate ♪

♪ You better ♪ ♪ Gotta go high ♪

♪ You better do what's right ♪ ♪ I gotta elevate ♪

♪ Heroes never die ♪

♪ I'm a web slinger To a gunslinger ♪

♪ No millimeter This is my arena ♪

♪ I'm the black widow With the best stinger ♪

♪ And I'll make you scream Like a bad singer ♪

♪ I'm everything that you Wanna be plus more ♪

♪ Since there's No heroes anymore ♪

♪ Jump out the window Him with the mask on ♪

♪ Who the bad man That our man gotta bash on? ♪

♪ Oh, we'll never link up Blink and you will see us ♪

♪ Young prince 'bout to ink up See me in the NYC ♪

♪ You can never swing by me ♪

♪ Oh, we'll never link up Blink and you will see us ♪

♪ Young prince 'bout to ink up See me in the NYC ♪

♪ Home of the B.I.G., yo ♪

♪ They just slander me I just plan to be ♪

♪ Something powerful For my family ♪

♪ Tried to balance life And my sanity ♪

♪ Show a different side Of humanity ♪

♪ So amazing, keep upraising ♪

♪ Save you from A home invasion ♪

♪ Chasing robbers From the bank ♪

♪ You facing friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man ♪

♪ Gotta go hard ♪

♪ I ain't got time to waste ♪ ♪ I ain't got time ♪

♪ I gotta go high ♪ ♪ Gotta go high ♪

♪ I gotta elevate ♪ ♪ I gotta elevate ♪

♪ They wanna fight ♪ ♪ They wanna fight ♪

♪ I'm just gon' let 'em hate ♪ ♪ I'm just gon' let 'em hate ♪

♪ I gotta go high ♪ ♪ Gotta go high ♪

♪ I gotta elevate ♪ ♪ I gotta elevate ♪

♪ Okay, I fight crime Through the nighttime ♪

♪ When the lights shine I go python ♪

♪ I'm falling on My last lifeline ♪

♪ There's no way In my right mind ♪

♪ My city up on my back tight ♪

♪ How can I possibly Act right? ♪

♪ I'm Robin Hood I'm the black knight ♪

♪ I know you heard 'Bout my last fight ♪

♪ 'Cause I win Over and over again ♪

♪ Battling evil I'm hoping to win ♪

♪ Fighting my demons I'm nice for a reason ♪

♪ Enticed with the bleeding I'm showing my sins ♪

♪ How can you expect me To stay sane? ♪

♪ Protect me My technique go X speed ♪

♪ On highways and Jet Skis ♪

♪ Look, I ain't got no time To be hanging around nobody ♪

♪ Trying to figure out If they good or evil ♪

♪ I'm fighting the crime Saving your lives ♪

♪ One at a time I'm k*lling the rhymes ♪

♪ I do it for the people ♪

♪ I'm Peter Parker Running through The Six ♪

♪ With a bag full of tricks You better choose a side ♪

♪ I can promise you I will not lose this time ♪

♪ I did it all independent Now we winning ♪

♪ I got my homeys Cooking in the kitchen ♪

♪ We gon' have to win And give us the business ♪

♪ The world is mine and you Gon' have to pay me attention ♪

♪ I did everything That I did on my own ♪

♪ I'm the only one for real There can never be a clone ♪

♪ Better talk to me nice Better watch your tone ♪

♪ And I'm putting on For my home slice ♪

♪ So I gotta go hard ♪

[ECHOING] ♪ I gotta elevate ♪


♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ I went from boy to a man, Why? ♪

♪ Officer sure had to Stand down ♪

♪ But I had to make A perfect plan ♪

♪ I'm on a wave ♪ ♪ Brave, brave ♪

♪ I had to fight For the city ♪

♪ For the city ♪

♪ I had to fight for people ♪ ♪ For the people ♪

♪ You gotta do What all leaders do, go ♪

♪ Everyone here We been needing you ♪

♪ I know you can be a hero 'Cause I seen you do it ♪

♪ This is the time We needed you ♪

♪ Everyone is here To see you move ♪

♪ We want it, we want it We want it, we want it ♪

♪ We put our wallet away ♪ ♪ Wallet ♪

♪ And every time Each one of you ♪

♪ Through the city You were saving the day, go ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ We gotta fight For the town, town ♪

♪ Now there's no feelings allowed, allowed ♪

♪ Everyone cheer in the crowd ♪

♪ Bought 'em so well I'm over the clouds ♪

♪ We gotta fight for the city ♪ ♪ City ♪

♪ Competition was lethal ♪ ♪ Lethal ♪

♪ Honestly, it's no biggie ♪ ♪ Biggie ♪

♪ I had to do What all leaders do ♪

♪ Uh-oh They don't want it, man ♪

♪ Uh-oh They don't wanna know ♪

♪ Promise, uh-oh They don't want it, man ♪

♪ Uh-oh They don't wanna know ♪

♪ Promise, uh-oh They don't want it, man ♪

♪ Uh-oh, they can't Handle my powers ♪

♪ They always hate on us ♪

♪ But they can't do it Without us ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We gotta clean up These city streets ♪

♪ We don't accept defeat ♪ ♪ 'Feat ♪

♪ We keep on going Until we win ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ All of 'em weak In the knees ♪

♪ Scary how lights When they freeze ♪

♪ Well, we keep on going Until we win ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are the way up ♪

♪ Well ♪



♪ This morning I woke up ♪

♪ In a fortress of distortion ♪

♪ I'm at w*r with my emotions ♪

♪ I'm at w*r with They enforce me ♪

♪ Trying to fight for what's Right, and got sidetracked ♪

♪ Where your mind at? Never mind that ♪

♪ Got me thinking a blink You swim and you sinking ♪

♪ You wouldn't, you leave me Here for my loaded w*apon ♪

♪ I still owe my brother My present protection ♪

♪ My prayer, my sights So I'm doing what's right ♪

♪ And I ask you no questions ♪

♪ I wanna be home-free ♪

♪ Where's one that was lonely ♪

♪ But I'm ready and waiting ♪

♪ For my day of salvation And I'm patient ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I'm coming home, now ♪

♪ I'm coming home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ My rebel lone yell ♪

♪ My rebel lone ♪

♪ They looking for saviors I'm looking for safety ♪

♪ They never gonna break me Take me ♪

♪ Down on my knees, believe ♪

♪ I'm never gonna beg Or plead ♪

♪ I never say never But I guarantee ♪

♪ Gather my strength Goin' hard in the paint ♪

♪ Paint some more pictures Put on display ♪

♪ I'm a get they don't Get them my check ♪

♪ Can't take me down now ♪

♪ My feet on the ground now ♪

♪ Punchin' 'em on down now ♪

♪ Say it out loud now ♪

♪ Say it out loud Are you ready for w*r? ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I'm coming home now ♪

♪ I'm coming home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ My rebel lone yell ♪

♪ My rebel lone ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪


PETER 2: ♪ Oh, Spidey-bells Spidey-bells ♪

♪ Swinging through Midtown ♪

♪ Oh, what fun to sling a web ♪

♪ And take the bad guys down ♪

♪ Spidey-bells, Spidey-bells ♪

♪ Quipping all the time ♪

♪ Oh, what fun To swing around ♪

♪ New York While fighting crime ♪

♪ Swinging through The streets ♪

♪ On a web of spider silk ♪

♪ Kicking all the butts ♪

♪ Of villains and their ilk ♪

♪ Bombs from Goblins fling Fling ♪

♪ Pumpkins blooming bright Bright ♪

♪ How hard it is To consistently bring ♪

♪ Peace to New York all night ♪

♪ Oh, Spidey-bells Might be swell ♪

♪ To do more than fight crime ♪

♪ I got a lot of qualities That don't get much airtime ♪

♪ I can sing, I can dance I tell jokes, I act ♪

♪ I get big, big, big deal ♪

♪ If my agent called me back ♪


♪ Why did I agree ♪

♪ To do this stupid song? ♪

♪ I have a degree ♪

♪ In chemical engineering ♪


You're a bit late.

MAN: We can't all be everywhere at once.

Little text might've been nice.

MAN: I was gone for less than two hours. What happened?

Okay. I know what it looks like.

But here's the good news. MAN: Oh, here we go.

The multiverse didn't collapse.

MAN: Oh, cool! Little touch and go.

But it worked out.

MAN: Great story. Did you finish the goober?

It's not a goober. It's a gizmo.

MAN: Do you always have to call me out?

It's just really frustrating and bums me out.

WOMAN: Don't get excited, Miguel.

It's just a prototype. MAN: Not excited.

WOMAN: But you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump.

Or the last.

So we're just gonna roll the dice on this?

So, what you do you say, pal? Where you want to go first?

Let's start at the beginning one last time.

Earth '67.


Whoa! What the...?

I'm Spider-Man.

I need you to come with me. Who the heck are you?

I just told you... Listen. I'm from the future.

How dare you point at me! You were pointing first.

It's rude to point. You're being very rude.

Which one pointed first?

Spider-Man pointed first. Obviously.

You're pointing at me right now. I'm not pointing.

Look at your finger.

I'm pointing out your pointing, which is different.

You haven't seen pointing.

You're accusing me of pointing while you're...!

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