Justice League: Doom (2012)

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Justice League: Doom (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Batman. I've found them.

Tell Cyborg he was right about how they've been breaking into these places.

Copy that.

Hold your position. Help is on the wa...

That's what I call a safecracker.

How many times do I have to tell you?

We don't want industrial diamonds.

But, boss... Listen to the King, Ten.

Quality over quantity.

Jack, we're on a timetable.

What are you doing out there?

Keeping watch.

Peekaboo, I see you.

Pick a card, any card.

Cute. I can do this all day.

Can you?

Forget it, Jack. Everybody, take what you can and get out.

Right. Soon as I k*ll Batman.

No way Batman came here alone.

What, I'm supposed to be worried about Robin?


You might wanna give up now.

Crap. It's the Justice League.

That's three you owe me.

We keeping score? Not literally.

Because if we are, it's 8 to 7, my favor.

Batman, are you okay? I'll live.

So will Ace, apparently.

He's still a little embarrassed from last time.

He sucker punched me.

I've got Queen.

That leaves Jack. Haven't seen him since he sicced Ace on me.

Couldn't have gone far. You search the vaults. I'll take the rest of the building.

Don't bother. I just looked.

Everywhere? The whole complex... except for the last vault room. Shall we?

After you. Heh, like you've got a choice.

Found him. You fast enough to go in... and knock him out before he glances in your direction?

We could wait until his eye laser runs out of power.

Flank him. I'll make sure he stays inside until you get there.

That will work too.

All right, now come the warning sh*ts.

Give up? Please say no.

You'll never catch me, Lantern.

Lots of women say that.


Say good night, Ace.

Surrender peacefully. You will not be harmed.

Really don't think so, martian.

Come on in. I'll k*ll you where you stand.

Trying to make me look away?

It's not gonna work.

I'm pretty sure it is, Jack.


I am unharmed.

Intangibility. Works every time.

What? King escaped me.

He was headed in that direction.

Don't think so, Your Highness.

Handheld plasma generator. Nice work.

Hey, guys. You missed one, but I got him for you.

What were you doing here? I thought you were helping.

I am helping.

Batman thought your robbery spree was being done with extra-dimensional tech.

You were right by the way.

I asked him to consult because his father did work in the field.

Since Dad passed, I'm the world's ranking expert... in multi-dimensional interface.

The Royal Flush g*ng knows more about this tech than you?

Somebody does, but not these mooks.

Flying playing cards is one thing, but this?

Agreed, this isn't even their standard MO. Anything on the hard drive?

A lot. I'm still sorting it all out.

Wake up, King.

Got some questions for you.

I want a lawyer. You're getting ahead of yourself.

First, you want a doctor, then you want a lawyer.

Diana, would you be so kind?

You sure know how to take the fun out of an interrogation.

Who gave you the technology that allows you to walk through walls?

I do not know.

The lasso compels you to tell the truth.

I do not know.

I know you don't like to do it, J'onn.... Not unnecessarily.

I've read the minds of his entire group.

None of them knows the origin of the device.

Then we haven't found the end of the thread.

We've found all we're going to tonight.

I'll take these guys to booking. The rest of you can sleep on what we've learned.

I don't need to sleep, I need to follow up... Your injuries are severe.

If you wish, a session with my healing ray could save you days of recovery time.

I'm fine, Diana.

Well, I'm tired.

Unless something comes up, we'll reconvene at the meeting on Thursday.

I think we could search the hard drive on the device for...

I've got 16 petabytes of data to sort through.

I'll call you as soon as I've got something. Honest.

Authorized vehicle operator recognized.

Security systems disarmed.

Late night playing cards, Master Bruce?

Something like that. How did you know?

I believe tradition calls for hiding these up one's sleeves.

Was that sarcasm, Alfred?

Mild teasing, at best.

I'm being uncharacteristically gentle with you... mainly because you're bleeding all over my nice clean floor.

Not going to let me go to work.

That is correct, Master Bruce.

Not until you've had medical attention... Fine.

Food, and a minimum of eight hours bed rest.

Let's just get this over with.

I made chicken soup. You can eat while you brood... and I'll put in your stitches myself. It will be delightful, I'm sure.

All right.

By the way, the part about the stitches? That would be sarcasm.

This is Mirror Master. I'm in.

Then get to work.

This is the most vulnerable moment of the entire plan.

You sure this thing will work?

For the amount of money I paid LexCorp, it had better.

I couldn't see anything while I was in the mirror.

Maybe I should snoop around and see if I can find out who he really is.

The information I sent you to steal is far more valuable... than Batman's secret identity.

Besides, I already know it.

You know who Batma...? Download complete.

It's not broken.

You've arrived.

Star Sapphire.

If this is an elaborate ambush, you won't fare any better than the alligator.

I suspect we'd do a bit better.

It's Bane, isn't it?

I'm Metallo. Big fan of your work.

The scary guy's Ma'alefa'ak... and the lady with the claws is Cheetah.

What's that supposed to be? An invitation.

Welcome to the Hall of Doom.

I'm Vandal Savage.

I'm pleased to see you all here.

For $10 million, I'm inclined to accept any invitation.

Makes me wonder, though.

What if we'd just kept the money and not shown up?

You'd live the rest of your very short lives... in fear of the moment when I would inevitably find you.

Tough talk.

None of us are that easy to k*ll.

Everybody dies, child.

That's not what I've heard about you.

You five and Mirror Master are here because you each have... a personal vendetta against a member of the Justice League.

You wish to see them dead.

While I have no personal enmity towards them...

I have a vision for this world, and they would stand in my way.

Their deaths would serve my goals.

In short, we need each other.

I don't speak for the others, but I'm perfectly capable... of k*lling Wonder Woman by myself.

History says otherwise.

You've all tried and failed to k*ll members of the league on multiple occasions.

Savage has foolproof plans for how we can destroy them.

And I will pay you $100 million, plus expenses... for each Justice Leaguer you take off the table.

Wait a minute. You just committed over a half a billion dollars... just to get the JLA out of the way of another plan?

As Ma'alefa'ak implied earlier, I'm very old.

Fifty thousand years has been sufficient time to amass a fortune... that dwarfs any other in human history.

Even so, to spend that much money just to clear the decks... the payoff must be huge.

Inconceivably so.

Any who would like to continue working with me are welcome to share in the riches.

After you've destroyed the Justice League.

I don't see any of us looking for the exit.

Then it's settled.

Welcome to the Legion of Doom.

Master Bruce.

What is it, Alfred?

I have some unpleasant news.


How could this have happened?

Where are my parents' caskets?

I don't know, sir.

We found it like this just a few minutes ago.

I called the house right away.

Whoever did this is going to pay.

Perhaps I can help you with that.

When I said I didn't know who was responsible for this...

I may have been lying.


Come on, John.

We actually surprised you?

It's been a busy week. I'd forgotten it was my birthday.

Also, I'd never mentioned it to any of you.

Your stalker knows all.

She really likes you, you know.

I didn't know how old you were, so I just put a lot.

You're supposed to wait for us to sing "Happy Birthday."

Ugh, I hope you at least made a wish.

I didn't order that.

It's from the lady.

Do you know her?

I do not.

Thank you for the drink, but I'm on duty.

I figured. It's a soda.

Got a light? I don't smoke.

You seem very familiar.

You don't need a line, John.

I'm obviously interested in you.

I can't place your face.

That's unusual for me.

Really look.

Use your martian vision.

How do you...?

What do you want, Cheetah?

To hurt you, Diana. What else?

Hey, can we wrap this up?

We're blocking traffic, and it's obvious what happened here.

Is it?

Come on, Allen, don't do this to me again.

The facts don't fit the scenario. You guys hear the news?

You mean the part where I blow my date tonight and therefore die alone... because Allen turned my hit-and-run into a homicide?

I'm serious. Mirror Master's robbing the new maglev train from Keystone City.

Bag and tag everything, and be thorough. This is a m*rder, not an accident.

Where you going? Train station.

For what? It's a robbery in progress, not a crime scene.

Mirror Master's there. It'll be a crime scene soon enough.

Who's the officer in charge?

Special Agent Porter. My office reached out to you.

An unknown number of heavily armed militiamen have taken over the mine.

A salt mine? For what?

They call themselves the Identity Brotherhood.

They plan to use the salt mine as their base during the second American revolution... which is, they claim, imminent.

They've k*lled a dozen people, wounded three of my men.

Why not go in hard and take them down? I'd like to.

But they have at least six hostages, workers, trapped down there with them.

We hoped you might be able to take a more subtle approach... than the responses we have available.

Got it.

This is Green Lantern. I'm coming in.

If you harm any of those hostages, you'll answer to me.

Back in five.

Flash. Mirror Master's in here.

One at a time. We're shipping old cash to the reserve.

Old cash? It's being taken out of circulation.

It'll be destroyed and replaced with new bills.

Unless Mirror Master steals it first, which ain't gonna happen on my watch.

Yeah. I just untied you, remember? You're lucky he let you live.

Stay here and I'll take a crack at him.

Took you long enough to get here.

I brought you something.

I thought this was a robbery.

It looks more like you're doing the feds' work for them.

Hologram. Figures.

Which one of us is real?

I don't care.

What did you do with their bodies?

When we fought before, I broke the bat.

Today, I break the man.

Come on, I'm not gonna k*ll you yet.

What's in the box?

Dead grandma.

What kind of sick...? Relax.

I got a little ahead of myself.

You can hardly blame me trying to keep up with the likes of you.

She's still alive.

Don't move.

You really wanna hear all this first.

I call this my hostage box.

At the end of the countdown, already in progress... the box will activate and instantly k*ll the old woman... unless you use your super-speed to get her out.

It's a trap. Most probably... but you can't take that chance, or pass up the challenge.

Are you fast enough, Flash?

Careful. It's bolted through your wrist.

What? It's a b*mb with a three-mile blast radius.

If you try to remove the b*mb, it explodes.

If you do nothing in 60 seconds, it explodes.

Before you heroically leave the train to protect the passengers... there's one last thing.

Once you start running, if you decelerate...

It explodes.

You've got 12 seconds to decide what to do.

I don't much care which way you go because I'm not really here.

Why are you here, Ma'alefa'ak?

To buy you a drink.

It's laced with a chemical that has an odd effect on martian biology.

You couldn't taste it over the soda.

It's a poison.

Oh, it won't k*ll you. Your body will filter it out in a few hours.

Unfortunately, you'll sweat the poison out of your pores.

It's magnesium, by the way.


John. That guy just fell down.

What's the matter, can't hold your liquor?

Stay back. Oh, man.

He's the freaking Martian Manhunter.

Listen, you must get everyone away from me.

You're all in grave danger.

Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here.

Hold on, John.

Stop, drop and roll, partner.

Hang in there, we'll get this...

He doesn't smoke.

I think that guy's gonna jump.

Does anybody know him? I don't know.

Can you see him? Working on it, Lois.

I think that guy works for our paper.

The bond issue should easily cover the budget shortfall... into the third quarter of our next fiscal year.

We all know the federal money was a one-time thing...

...to help boost the economy. Hello?

It's me. You know Henry Ackerdson?

Used to be White House beat, got downsized.

He was a good reporter. A real shame. It's about to be a bigger shame.

He's going to jump off of the top of the Daily Planet.

I'm on my way.

That's far enough, Lantern.

You make a move, any move, and that drill's coming down on their heads.

You're not in a position to make a deal. Step away from the control panel... and you won't get hurt. There's no other way out of this.

The shut-off is controlled from one of the other consoles.

I'll tell you which one if you let me go.

That bracelet trick always impresses me, but at least I got you once.

You drugged me.

Catch me if you can.

It's not possible.

Wonder Woman. Look, it's Wonder Woman.

It's Wonder Woman. No way.

Wonder Woman. What's she doing here?

Wonder Woman. Dude, she's so hot.

Is it really her? Is that Wonder Woman?

Why is she looking at us like that?

Hey, is that...? There he is!

Mr. Ackerdson?

May I call you Henry?

Call me whatever you want.

It doesn't matter.

Nothing does.

I'm going to have to disagree with you, sir.

Everything matters.

Everybody matters.

Don't come any closer. I'll do it.

I'm staying right here.

I want you to get out of here as quickly as you can.

Follow the light, it's a safe path back to the surface.

They've still got Carol. Carol?

From Bookkeeping. They took her hostage first.

I'll get her out. Go.

Help me.

Don't hurt her.

It'll do you no good.

All your partners are captured, or worse.

All of them? All of them.

You've got no options.

I've got one.


I don't understand.

Why didn't I disarm him?

Why didn't I...?

Oh, no.

I'm so sorry.

She sort of looks like me, doesn't she?


Yes. Her name was Carol too.

She's beautiful, of course, and she has dark hair like mine.

And the stench of your failure hanging over her.

I didn't mean...

You didn't mean to get all those people k*lled?

You didn't mean to betray me, drive me into becoming this?

What didn't you mean, Hal?

I don't know. I'm...


Afraid that you don't deserve to have so much power?

That nobody does?


I don't deserve this.

Then I hope you have the decency to do what's right... and suffer for your many sins.

You don't understand.

I've been a newspaperman for 40 years.

I started as a copyboy when I was 16.

Always thought I'd be doing it until the day I died.

Heh, guess I got that part right.

There are other jobs.

Newspapers are dying.

I spent my life fighting for the little guy, fighting for truth and justice.

It isn't relevant anymore.

That's what some people say.

But I've fought for the same things, even when they don't seem fashionable.

It's a never-ending battle, but we can't quit.

I'm not the man you think I am.

I'm too weak to fight anymore.

You're stronger than you know, Mr. Ackerdson.

Kryptonite b*llet.

Kryptonite heart.


Hello, Bruce.

Sorry I couldn't be there for this... but I have a rather large check to pick up.

Payment for dealing with you.

Oh, you were concerned about where I put your parents.

Don't be.

They're very close.

Rest in peace.

It was easier than I thought.

To victory.

To victory.

To the Legion of Doom.

To the Legion of Doom.

Wait. A further toast.

I've been trying to k*ll Batman for nearly 10 years.

Well, this time, I did better than k*ll him...

I humiliated him.

Hear, hear.

Each of us finally got the better of our opposite numbers... and it's all thanks to the genius of one man...

Vandal Savage.

Yes, he's the man. Ha, ha, to the man.

And his checks clear. I love my money.

Our business is completed.

You are, of course, free to go.

You hinted at a larger scheme and said there would be a place for us in it... should we so choose.

I did.

And the offer remains open to you all.

But I fear you may lack the vision to go along with me.

The next stage of my plans might be considered... genocidal.

What are you gonna do, destroy the world?

Nothing so crude.

Half. Two-thirds at the most.

It's not a joke.

It's the next step in a plan to transform the planet in a manner... that will render your $100-million payday both trivial and meaningless.

What possible profit could there be in destroying the world?

The first thing you have to understand is that I am old.

Older than the human race.

I know that you believe this to be true.

It is true.

Eighty thousand years ago...

I was living in what is now the island of Sumatra.

One night, the sky lit up with streaks of fire.


But my primitive mind thought the stars were falling from the sky.

One meteor fell to Earth in my valley.

My compatriots ran... but it was very cold and the glowing stone was warm.

I slept there... bathed in the meteor's strange radiations.

And when I awoke the next morning, I was forever changed.

The radiation mutated me, evolving me.

I was instantly aware of my increased intelligence.

It was only with the passage of time that I discovered the rest of my gift.

So far as I know, I cannot die.

Is that a fact?

Go ahead.

Why'd you do that? Don't you realize what he's planning?

In his new world, our money doesn't matter.

You are correct.

Money won't matter.

It's trivial in the long run.

Let me tell you about the long run.

I've lived thousands of lives.

I've been a laborer, a scientist, a priest, an artist, a healer, a thief.

But most often a conqueror.

I'm still not seeing how this makes up for my money.

Seventy-five thousand years ago... a disaster nearly rendered humanity extinct.

I enslaved the survivors and ruled with an iron hand.

In a few generations... my people were well under way to repopulating the Earth... and becoming the planet's dominant species.

I was happy then.

You're taking the world over out of nostalgia?

I'm taking over because humanity is prideful and belligerent... and once again needs my guiding hand.

But before I take over, I intend to soften them up.

By destroying half the world.

Those who survive will happily follow a leader... who offers food, comfort and order.

That could work.

It will work.

To you, my warlords, I offer dominion over as much of what remains of the planet... as each of you can hold, second only to me.


You haven't left us much choice.

Heh, how do you propose to k*ll that many people?

Even without the Justice League, they will fight.

They'll lose.

Why are you guys attacking Wonder Woman?

Get out of my face, tin man.

I've had enough trouble with superheroes today to last me a lifetime.

Not as much as you're gonna have if you don't give me a straight answer.

She was fighting the Cheetah, then suddenly started attacking everyone.

We got the civilians out and the park sealed off... but we can't get near her.

Look at her. She's having a seizure or something.

You could be right.

Her pulse, blood pressure and respiration are off the charts.

If she keeps going at that pace, she's gonna drop dead.

That's not the worst outcome I can imagine right now.

I'm gonna talk her down. Pull your men back.

All officers, stand down and retreat to barriers.

Repeat, stand down.

You must be the real one.

Whatever that w*apon is, Cheetah, it won't work.

It's a scanner. Something's happening to you.

Did you just call me Cheetah?

She thinks I'm Cheetah.

Wonder Woman, just listen for a minute.

Whatever it looks like, I'm not Cheetah.

Think about it. All those dozens of Cheetahs you saw, how is that possible?

I don't know.

I think I do.

My sensors have detected a cluster of nanomachines... attached to your brain stem.

They're broadcasting into your visual and auditory centers... making you see whatever Cheetah wants you to.

It could be. It is.

She knows you'll never quit a fight.

You're supposed to keep going until your heart gives out... or you have an aneurism, or a cop gets lucky and sh**t you.

I've identified the frequency. I'm gonna broadcast inter...


I'm sorry you forced me to do this, Cheetah.

Let's get you some medical attention.

After you.


That's me, all right.

You wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?

Where have you been?

When I saw the grave restored, I assumed you'd gone after...

Later. I'm busy.

Bruce, Superman's been shot.

Surgeons bought to the scene have been unable to operate.

Superman's invulnerable flesh has thus far resisted all attempts to cut...

Flash, listen carefully. Go to S.T.A.R. Labs Kyoto... and have them forge a piece of kryptonite into a scalpel. Bring it...

Can't help you. I've got a b*mb bolted to my wrist. If I stop...

It'll explode. Yeah. I'm starting to get tired.

I'll have to try something soon.

Keep running. I'll call back when I can.

How did you know what was happening to Flash?

J'onn, I need your help. J'onn?

J'onn? J'onn!

It's Batman. What's happening?


I'm still burning!

Get the Batwing ready. The Justice League is under attack.

By whom? By me.

Batman to Justice League.

Wonder Woman here.

Are you all right? I am now.

I'm with Cyborg.

Bring him. The plans don't account for him. He could be the key.

Key to what? What's going on, Batman?

Do you know something?

The Justice League is in extreme danger.

You don't say. Listen, I can't keep running. I think I can vibrate...

No. It won't work. You have to trust me.

You got a better idea?

Slightly. How far away are you from an iceberg?

I'm never far from anything. You think that'll slow it down enough?

Just. But you make one misstep... Got it.

At least if it doesn't work, nobody dies but me.


Flash. Flash, are you okay?

Not the way I would have bet two seconds ago, but, yeah, I'm fine.

Now, everyone, listen very carefully.

We can still save Superman and Green Lantern... if you do exactly what I say.

How are you feeling?


You injected me with aluminum oxide?

On Batman's instruction.


It's harmless to my martian physiology... but ideal for neutralizing the magnesium I was secreting.

How did he know?

We'll ask him when we see him.

Right now, you have to prep for surgery.


Hal, listen to me.

However it looks, this wasn't your fault.

Who's fault was it, then?

I was the one with the most powerful w*apon in the universe.

I was the one whose arrogance led to this girl's death.

I know more than a little about arrogance.

I also know about dead bodies, and that isn't one.

She's a sophisticated android.

They all were.

The entire scenario was created to convince you that you made a bad call.

But you didn't.

I was afraid that... No.

You weren't afraid. Not really.

You were dosed with a synthesized version of the Scarecrow's fear gas... because will is the source of your strength.

And fear is the enemy of will.

I've got the antidote to the fear gas.

Don't need it.

Robots, advanced dr*gs, psychological profiling.

No way Star Sapphire came up with this on her own.

I did this to you.

To all of you.

You want me to perform surgery on him?

You're the only one who can.

Flash is at S.T.A.R. Labs Kyoto... waiting for them to finish making a kryptonite scalpel.

Nothing else can cut his skin.

But we've run out of time.

Your shapeshifting powers are his best hope.

This can work.

I'm glad you think so.

You're going to be doing the cutting.

Who with the what now?

What's that?

A piece of kryptonite that you're going to use like a lens.

Narrow your blaster to minimum and filter it through.

I really don't know if I can...


Tell me what to do.

That's good.

We're ready for you now.

I have it.

All right!


What happened?

Why don't you ask him?

It was a coordinated attack intended to k*ll us... or, failing that, put us out of commission for an extended period.

Obviously the first step of a larger scheme, something that we would stop.

The att*cks were strategically brilliant.

They were specifically targeted at our physical and psychological weaknesses.

Obviously by someone who knows us very well.

The plans were mine.

Yours? Say what, now?

I've carefully studied every Justice Leaguer, past and present... and created contingency plans to neutralize you...

...should that become necessary. You've gotta be kidding me.

Neutralize, not k*ll.

Whoever implemented my plans altered them.

It's still a completely unacceptable breach of our trust.

The Justice League are among the most powerful... and potentially dangerous people on the planet.

You think one of us would go over to the other side?

Or succumb to mind control. Yes, it's possible.

That's why I developed plans for containing any or all members... of the JLA should the need ever arise.

None of us would ever do that to you.

Then you're damned fools.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm just a visitor. This is getting personal.

Stay. You're part of this now.

I'm not sure I have a problem with Batman's contingency plans.

But letting somebody steal them was pretty damned dumb.

I've had some time to think about that and I know how it happened.

Security video from the Batcave.

He's in hologram form... so the motion detectors didn't have anything to lock on to.

Mirror Master's not that careful. And the technology, the scope of all this?

He's not working alone.

The video's from the night we caught the Royal Flush g*ng.

Whoever set them up with that interdimensional lock pick... also gave Mirror Master the means to steal encrypted files.

But the encryption on your files is all but unbreakable.

All but.

I can find them.

As you say, my encryption is formidable, but in the event that it ever was cracked...

You had a contingency plan.

When my files are decrypted, they call home.



So that thing's really going to k*ll half the population of Earth.

Not exactly.

The solar flare will do most of the damage.

Solar flare?

Think of this as a pilot light.

When our ideal launch window opens in just over an hour... this magnificent creation will fly into the sun... trailing magnetic resonance.

And when it hits? It will trigger a solar flare... that will propagate at light speed along the magnetic trail we've left.

Eight and a half minutes later... it will utterly destroy the sunward-facing side of the Earth.

Nearly half the world's population will die instantly.

And thanks to the accompanying electromagnetic pulse... any technology more advanced than, say, the steam engine... will simply stop working.

No technology, no superheroes, no functioning governments.

Except the one we control.

That's quite an ambitious plan.

No wonder you wanted us out of the way.

I thought you took care of him. He should've been burning for weeks.

Don't feel bad.

Actually, none of you managed to finish the job.

Did you get all that?

We did.

Take them down.

Don't let them get to the m*ssile.


I still can't believe what you tried to do to me.

You hurt me, Jordan.

You broke my heart, and I'll never stop trying to hurt you back.

That's new.

You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?

Didn't I bury you alive?

That's where you made your mistake.

I won't repeat it.

You're good, but lately, I've had a lot of practice fighting you.

Where's the flipping countdown command?

m*ssile launch aborted.

You never asked me how my wrist was healing.

Fine, how's your...? Unh!

Surprisingly fast.

Manual launch sequence engaged.


Welcome to the dawn of a new world.

I've got work to do.

I do keep hurting you, don't I?

Savage launched the w*apon.

Superman's already in pursuit. On it.

Superman, where are you?

I'm approaching the m*ssile.

I should easily be able to intercept it before it detonates.

Superman? Can't talk now.


The solar flare is coming.

How do we stop it?

I don't know, but we've got less than eight minutes to figure something out.

Maybe longer.

Not much blood. Not much back.

You think he'll stop it? He'll stop it.

Not this time. Flare's on its way. We've got seven minutes to come up with something.

Seven minutes?

Hal's gonna try to buy us more, but that's all we can count on.

Maybe I could move the Earth out of the way?

If we had a week, I couldn't list all the reasons that won't work.

You have a plan? No, but Savage does.

This place is going to be sun side by the time the flare gets here.

The Legion wasn't worried either.

There must be some mechanism to protect them from the flare.

Start talking. I don't have time for niceties.

You don't have time to break an immortal either.

Don't have to.

I know how they intended to survive.

The intangibility tech he gave the Royal Flush g*ng.

It must've been a test run.

Sure, just let the flare pass right through this place.

But where's the apparatus? It would have to be huge.

That's the beauty part. The Hall of Doom is the apparatus.

I already downloaded the specs when I interfaced with the control panel.

Can this building generate a signal strong enough to make the whole Earth intangible?

If we had enough power.

Also, it would help if it were higher up.

How high? Low orbit.

I can help you out with that.

Everybody knows their jobs. Go.



It's Green Lantern. His shield just failed.

The solar flare is on its way.

What about it? Is the displacement field ready?

I think so, I'd like to test... This is the test.

I'm calling this official meeting to order.

First, some news for those of you who haven't heard.

The world court has just found Vandal Savage guilty... of crimes against humanity.

Tell them what the immortal got.

Life in prison, without possibility of parole.

A little new business. I want to officially welcome... the newest member of the Justice League by unanimous consent, Cyborg.

Nice. Way to go.

Good job. Congratulations, Victor.

Thanks, everybody.

And now, the main reason I called this session.

In light of the breach of trust revealed to us during the Vandal Savage matter... we have to decide whether Batman should be allowed to remain in the league.

All those in favor of... Wait.

Before we vote, the accused should be allowed a few words in his defense.


Okay. Batman?

My actions don't require any defense.

In the same situation, I'd do it again.

Oh, come on.

As individuals, and even more so as a group... the Justice League is too dangerous to lack a fail-safe... against any possible misuse of our power.

We use our power to protect the world. We always have.

And what if we ever used it for some other purpose?

If you people can't see the potential danger of an out-of-control Justice League...

I don't need to wait for a vote.

I don't belong here.

Got a minute?

What do you want?

You made contingency plans to stop everybody in the League... just in case any of us ever went bad.

My contingencies were intended to immobilize, not k*ll.

But Savage came up with the plan to bury you.

I assume so. It wasn't one of mine.

Was that it?

With all that talk about unchecked power... you're still so arrogant you didn't bother to come up with a plan to stop yourself?

I do have a plan.

It's called the Justice League.

Just wanted to be sure.

What is it?

If the league ever did go over to the wrong side...

I want there to be somebody I can trust to keep the planet safe.
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