X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

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X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

The future a dark, desolate world.

A world of w*r.


Loss on both sides.

Mutants and the humans who dared to help them.

Fighting an enemy we cannot defeat.

Are we destined on this path?

Destined to destroy ourselves like so many species before us?

Or can we evolve fast enough to change ourselves?

Change our fate?

Is the future truly set?

They're here.

Time's up. Sentinels.


Let's go.


Blink No.

Too late assholes...

So few of us left.


I found them.



Hey kid.

Professor, you made it.

Whenever the sentinels attack warpath spots them... and I send bishop back to warn us of the attack before it happens.

Blink scouts the next site and... well, then we leave before they ever know we were there.

Because we never were.

What do you mean you were never there?

She projects bishop back in time a few days to warn the others of the coming attack.

Then she sends bishop back in time.

No, just his consciousness into his younger self his younger body.

This might just work Charles.

What might work?

The sentinel program was originally conceived by doctor Bolivar Trask.

In the early 70's he was one of the world's leading weapons designers.

But covert he had begun experimenting on mutants... using their gifts to fuel his own research.

There was one mutant who had discovered what he was doing.

A mutant with the ability to transform herself into anyone.


I knew her as Raven.

We met when we were children, grew up together.

She was like a sister to me.

I tried to help her but only succeeded in driving her away.

She hunted Trask across the world... and at the Paris peace accords in 1973 after the Vietnam w*r she found Trask

and k*lled him.

It was the first time she k*lled.

It wasn't her last.

But k*lling Trask did not have the outcome she expected.

It only persuaded the government to believe in his program.

They captured her that day.

Tortured her.

Experimented on her.

In her DNA they discovered the secrets to her powers of transformation.

It gave them the key they needed to create... weapons that could adapt to any mutant power... and the result is the machines that have destroyed so many of our kind were created... and it all started that day in 1973.

The day she first k*lled the day she truly became Mystique.

You wanna go back there?

If I can get to her, stop the assassination, keep her out of their hands... then we can stop the sentinels from ever being born and end this w*r before it ever begins.

I can send someone back a couple of weeks... maybe a month but you're talking about going back decades.

You have the most powerful brain in the world... Professor but the mind can only stretch so far before it snaps it would rip you apart I'm sorry no one could survive that trip.

What if someone's mind has a way of snapping back?

What if someone could heal as fast as they rip apart?

Ok spread out.

Get in position.

So I wake up in my younger body, God knows where, then what?

You'll need to go to my house and find me.

Convince me of all of this.

Won't you just be able to read my mind?

I didn't have my powers in 1973.

Logan, you're going to have to do for me what I once did for you.

Lead me, guide me.

I was a very different man then.

You'll have to be patient with me.

Patience isn't my strongest suit.

You'll need me as well.


After Mystique left Charles she came with me and I set her on a dangerous path.

A darker path.

It's going to take the two of us side by side.

At a time when we couldn't be further apart.


So where do I find you?

Well, it's complicated.

Basically your body will go to sleep, while your mind travels back in time.

As long as you're back there past and present will continue to coexist.

But once you wake up... whatever you've done will take hold and become history.

And for the rest of us it'll be the only history that we know.

It'll be like the last 50 years never happened.

In this world, this w*r.

The only person who will remember it is you.

Alright Logan I need you to clear your head and to stay as calm as possible.

What, what do you mean?

If your mind gets rocky it'll be harder for me to hold you.

You could start to slip between past and future.

What if I need to get a little rocky.

Think peaceful thoughts.

Peaceful thoughts.

Do you have any good news?

Well, you don't really age so you'll pretty much look the same.

You won't have much time in the past.

Sentinels will find us.

They always do.

And this time we won't be able to run, we'll have no escape.

This is our last chance.

Do you really think this will work?

I have faith in him.

It's not him I'm worried about, it us, we were young.

We didn't know any better.

We will now.

As we always do.

This might sting a little.

Holy shit.


Hey! What's going on?

Get dressed.

Hey... I don't know what's going on.

What's going on is that you're supposed to be... guarding the boss' daughter, not screwing her.

I didn't sleep with her.

No? No.

I mean yes, I slept with her many times but...


That wasn't me, that was the old me, I just got here like 20 seconds ago.

Really, yeah.

Well then what happened to your clothes?

Would you believe me if I told you I was sent here from the future?


Get out of here sweetheart, yeah!

We're gonna take care of this comedian.

No you're not.

You're gonna give me the keys to your car and some... money for gas or you're gonna wake up in the hospital.

Trust me, I know how these things play out.

Oh, because you're from the future.

No, because of these.

What the hell!


Peaceful thoughts.

We are reviewing all of our defense expenditures... and all the black books are being opened.

We can't support a w*apon that targets our own citizens.

If these mutants as you described are already living... among us then they are living here peacefully.

We haven't had an incident in over 10 years.

After what happened in Cuba, it was never confirmed.

We have real enemies out there, the Russians, the Chinese.

We are talking about a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of our population.

Allow me to read something to you.


This was acquired by our friends at the CIA.

It's a dissertation written by a mutant at Oxford university and I quote... to h*m*-Neanderthals, his mutant cousin h*m* which is us.

Was an aberration, the arrival of the mutated human species, h*m*... was followed by the immediate extinction of their less evolved kind.

Well, now we are the Neanderthal.

Speak for yourself Dr. Trask.

You know, when you sent those soldiers to Vietnam... without the weapons, they needed to win the w*r.

You underestimated your enemy.

You do that with this enemy, it won't be some... border skirmish halfway around the world.

This time the w*r will be for our streets, our cities, our homes and by the time you see the need for my program, it'll be... too late and you will have lost two wars in one lifetime.

We're sorry Dr. Trask.

But your sentinel program, it ain't gonna fly.

Can I help you Colonel?

Just here to give our boys a proper send off.

Sorry Sir! But we have orders. This is a Quarantined Area.

Stand aside Soldier! That's an order.


At ease.

What is all this?

Lab reports, blood tests.

Some getting packed up and shipped back.

Where is it going?

Same place they are.

Trask Industries.

Let's go gentlemen.

Taking you outta this shit show.

Shipping home?

Not just yet.

What are you doing with those?

It's gonna make the ride a little smoother.

We're transferring you to a private facility where we can... run a few more tests.

Your men are not military.

Private outfit.

We're authorized to remand these men.

These troops are going home.

Well, colonel, I don't think you have jurisdiction in this matter.

I'm afraid I do son.

I'm sorry who are you?

The question is major...

who are you?


That's not my name.

I had him.

I know.

Let's move out, come on let's go.

Where's Eric? I'm on my own now.

Let's go move it.

Hold that plane.

Wouldn't wanna leave these boys in this godforsaken country.

You're not coming with us are you?

My w*r's not over, the enemy is still out there.

Where'd they go?

The four privates, where'd they go?

They were headed towards the Tarmac.

Can I help you?

Uh yeah, what happened to the school?

School's been shut for years.

Are you a parent?

Sure as hell hope not.

Who are you?

I'm Hank, Hank McCoy, I look after the house now.

You're Beast?

Look at you, well, I guess you're a late bloomer.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

So where's the Professor?

There's no Professor here.

You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid.

Come on, sure there's not a Beast in there.

Come on! Beast.

There's no one here Come on! Beastie.

I said this school is closed, you need to leave.

Not until I see the Professor.

There's no Professor here, I told you that.

Look kid you and I are gonna be good friends.

You just don't know it yet.



Hank, what's going on here?


Please don't call me that.

You know this guy.

Yeah, he looks slightly familiar, get off the bloody chandelier. Hank!

You can walk.

You're a perceptive one.

I thought Erik...

Which was likely that you managed to miss our sign on the way in, this is a private property my friend, I'm gonna ask him to ask you to leave.

Well, I'm afraid I can't do that because...

because I was sent here for you.

Well, tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm busy.

This is gonna be a little tricky because the person who sent me was you.


About 50 years from now.

50 years from now like in the future 50 years from now?


I sent you from the future.

Piss off!

If you had your powers you would know I was telling the truth.

How do you know I don't have my..

Who are you?

I told you.

Are you CIA?


You were watching me.

I know you Charles.

We've been friends for years.

I know your powers came when you were 9.

I know you thought you were going crazy when it started, all the voices in your head.

And it wasn't until you were 12 that you realized that all the voices were in everyone else's head do you want me to go on?

I never told anyone that.

Not yet no but, you will.

Alright you've piqued my interest, what do you want?

We have to stop Raven.

I need your help.

We need your help.

Think I'd like to wake up now.

What does she have to do with this?

So you're saying that they took Raven's power and what, they weaponized it.


She is unique.

Yes she is.

In the beginning the sentinels were just targeting mutants.

Then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants.

Who'd eventually have mutant children or grandchildren.

Many of the humans tried to help us, it was a slaughter.

Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge.

I've been in a lot of wars.

I've never seen anything like this.

And it all starts with her.

Let's just say that for the sake of, sake that...

I choose to believe you, that I choose to help you...

Raven won't listen to me.

No her heart and soul belongs to someone else now.

I know.

That's why we're gonna need Magneto too.

Eric, you do know where he is?


He's where he belongs.

So that's it, you're just gonna walk out.

Oh top marks, like I said, you are perceptive.

The Professor I know would never turn his back on someone who lost their path especially someone he loved.

You know, I think I do remember you now.

Yeah, we came to you a long time ago seeking your help.

And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then.

f*ck off!

Listen to me you little shit!

I've come a long way, and I watched a lot of people die, good people, friends.

If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing... then you're gonna watch the same thing, you understand?

We all have to die some time.

Told you there was no Professor here.

What the hell happened to him?

He lost everything.

Eric, Raven, his legs.

We built the school, the labs, this whole place.

Then just after the first semester the w*r in Vietnam got worse.

Many of the teachers and all the students were drafted.

It really broke him.

He retreated into himself.

I wanted to help do something so I designed a serum to treat his spine.

Derived from the same formula that helps me control my mutation.

I take just enough to keep myself balanced but he takes too much.

I tried easing him back but he just couldn't bear the pain.

The voices, the treatment gives him his legs but it's not enough.

He's just lost too much.

You're not scared of me?

I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world.

Charles Xavier.


You're hungry and alone?

Take whatever you want, we've got lots of food, you don't have to steal.

In fact you never have to steal again and that's a promise.

I'll help you get her.

But not for any of your future sh*ts but for her.

Fair enough.

Tell you this, you don't know Eric, that man is a monster, a m*rder*r.

You think you can convince Raven to change, to come home.


But what makes you think you can change him?

Because you and Eric sent me back here together.

The room they're holding him in was built during the...

2nd World w*r when there was a shortage of steel.

So the foundation is pure concrete and sand, no metal.

And he's being held a 100 floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet.

Why is he in there?

What, he forgot to mention?


He k*lled.

What else would explain the b*llet miraculously curving through the air.

Eric's always had a way with g*ns.

You're sure you want to carry on with this?

Well, this is your plan not mine.

We don't have any resources to get us in, or out.

It's just me and Hank.

I know a guy.

Yeah, he'd be a young man now grew up outside of DC.

He could get into anywhere, just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him.

With Cerebro out of the question.

We have a phone book.

I thought you'd be getting ready for your trip Sir.

I just came to grab a couple files.

Is that a new scarf, it's nice.

Thank you.

Dr. Trask.

One second.

We added some names to the Paris meeting.

Thank you.

Is something wrong Sir?

No, it's nothing.

Would you mind taping up my itinerary? I don't wanna miss anything.

Stop! Don't get used to it.

What has he done now?

I'll just write you a check for whatever he took.

We just need talk to him.

Peter, the cops are here, again.

I didn't do anything.

I've been here all day.

Just relax Peter, we're not cops.

Course you're not cops, if you were cops you wouldn't drive a rental car.

How'd you know we got a rental car?

I checked your registration when you were walking through the door.

I also had some time to k*ll so I went through your rental agreements.

Saw you were from out of town, are you FBI?

No, you're not cops, hey what's up with this gypsy place?

That's an old card.

Well he's fascinating.

He's a pain in the ass.

What, a teleporter?

No, he's just fast but when I knew him he wasn't so young.

Young, you're just old.

So you're not afraid to show your powers?

Powers!, what powers?, what are you talking about?

Did you see something strange here?

Nothing anybody would believe you if you told them.

So who are you and what do you want?

We need your help, Peter.

With what?

Break into a highly secured facility and get someone out.

Prison break.

That's illegal you know.

Well, only if you get caught.

So what's in it for me?

You, the kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon.

How do I know I can trust you?

Because we're just like you.

Show him.

It's cool, just disgusting.

Built in 1943 the Pentagon is the world's largest office building housing.

More than 25000 military and police stretched over 6 million square feet.

Where is the bathroom?

Yeah, we're getting broadcast signal down here, what's going on?

Damn it, call maintenance, get him down here.

In 3 seconds those doors are going to open and 20 guards will be here to sh**t us.

I know, that's what I'm waiting for.

What are you doing?

I'm holding your neck so you won't get whiplash.


Whip... lash.

Don't move!

You're good, it'll pass.

It happens with everyone.

Must have done something pretty serious.

What'd you do?

What'd you do?

Why'd they have you in there?

For k*lling the President.

The only thing I'm guilty of is fighting for people like us.

You take karate, you're a karate man?

I don't know karate, but I know crazy.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls this is a code red situation.

We are evacuating the entire floor so that we... my uh associate and I can uh secure the prisoner.

Who are you?

We are special operations CB, FE, CIE.

Look, perhaps you didn't hear me at first but it's imperative that, you understand we're in complete lock-down situation.

We have to get to the 3rd floor.

Oh I'm sorry were you finished.

They told me you control metal.


You know, my mom once knew a guy who could do that.

Sorry, I'm just not very good with v*olence.


Good to see you too old friend... and walking.

No thanks to you.

You're the last person in the world I expected to see today.

Believe me.

I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to.

If we get you out of here we do it my way, no k*lling.

No helmet.

I couldn't disobey you even if I wanted.

I'm never getting inside of that head again.

I need your word, Eric.

Nobody move.

Hold it right there.


Don't move.

Hands up or we will sh**t.

Freeze them Charles.

I can't.


Thanks kid.

Peter thank you very very much.

You take care.

Why are you going to Paris?

Imagine if they were metal.

Do me a favor and return it for me.

And Peter.

Take it slow.

Where did they dig you up?

You're gonna find this hard to believe but uh, you sent me.

You and Charles, from the future.

How did you lose them the treatment for my spine fixed my DNA.

You sacrificed your power so you could walk.

I sacrificed my power so that I could sl..

What do you know about it?

I lost my fair share.


Dry your eyes. Eric!

Doesn't justify what you've done.

You have no idea what I've done.

I know that you took the things that mean most to me.

Well maybe you should have fought harder for them.

Do you want to fight? Eric. I will give you a fight. Sit down... let him come.

You abandoned me.

You took her away and you abandoned me.

Angel, Azazel, Emma, Banshee... our mutant brothers and sisters... all dead,

captured, experimented on, butchered.


Where were you Charles?

We were supposed to protect them.

Where were you when your own people needed you.


You and Hank.

Pretending you were something you're not.


You abandoned us all.

So you were always an assh*le.

I take it we're best buddies in the future.

I spent a lot of years trying to bring you down, bub.

How's that work out for you?

You're like me.

You're a survivor.

Wanna pick all that shit up?

I'm sorry..

No. It was my fault.

Fancy a game been a while.

I'm not in the mood for games thank you.

Haven't had a real sip in 10 years.

I didn't k*ll the President.

The b*llet curved Eric.

Because I was trying to save him.

They took me out before I could.

Why would you try and save him?

Because he was one of us.

You must think me so foolish.

We always said they would come after us.

I never imagined they would use Raven's DNA to do it.

When did you last see her?

The day I left for Dallas.

And how was she?

Strong, driven, loyal.

How, how was she?

She was...

I could see why she had so much talent?

You should be proud of her Charles.

She's out there fighting for our cause.

Your cause?

The girl I raise, she was not capable of k*lling.

You didn't raise her, you grew up with her.

She couldn't stay a little girl forever that's why she left.

She left because you got inside her head.

That's not my power.

She made a choice.

But now we know where that choice leads, don't we?

She's going to m*rder Trask, they're going to... capture her, and then they're going to wipe us out.

Not if we get to her first.

Not if we change history tomorrow.

I'm sorry Charles.

For what happened, I truly am.

It's been a while since I played.

I'll go easy on you.

Might finally get a fair fight.

You have the first move.

The diplomats all around the world are arriving here today, at the hotel royale.

A historic day as the official ending of the...

United States' fierce involvement in Vietnam.

There's the South vietnamese foreign minister with other South vietnamese dignitaries.

The summit doesn't begin for another hour.

The hotel has arranged a private room upstairs for your special guest.

There will be plenty of time.

Good afternoon everyone, hello, thank you for coming.

Congratulations on winning this w*r.

Now I know you all have hands to shake and photos to take downstairs so I will get right to the point.

There is a new enemy out there.

An enemy that will render your arsenals useless, your armies powerless and your nations defenseless.

You'll need a new w*apon for this w*r.

I call them Sentinels.

Named after the ancient guardians that stood at the gates of the Citadel.

They have the aeronautic capabilities of a harrier jet, armed with g*ns that can fire off more than 2000 rounds per minute with thermo-ceramic amm*nit*on.

But size, power, speed, you can find that at Lockheed or Boeing.

No, what makes the sentinels so special is the ability to target the Mutant-X gene.

A genetic guidance system that can lock onto a mark half a mile away and won't trigger unless it has identified the target.

With this w*apon there'll be no human collateral damage.

If I turn it on the system couldn't even activate in here

unless there's a mutant.

There has to be some kind of mistake.

My machines don't make mistakes.

What are you?

I assure you.

No don't sh**t it.

I don't know what you're talking about.





We've come for you, Eric and I, together.

I never thought I could see you again.

I'm going to keep you safe I'm going to keep you out of their hands.


Eric, what are you doing?

Securing our future.

Forgive me Mystique, as long as you're out there we'll never be safe.


Use your powers Charles, stop him.

He can't.

He's slipping he's slipping back.


Restrain him.



Where am I?

How the hell did I get here?

What, you came to us?

Who are you?


Charles Xavier.

I don't know you.

The hell is that.

Whoa whoa, I can deal with this, just go, stop Eric.

I'm sorry.

You're Logan, that's Hank McCoy, I'm Charles.

Xavier, you spent the last couple of days with us.

You're on acid.

Somebody gave you really bad acid.


Just hold on tight we'll get through this together.

Oh God, Kitty.

She's wounded pretty bad.

I got him back.


What happened to you?

I just saw someone who's going to bring me a lot of pain someday.

Where's Raven?



We have to get out of here.

Yesterday the Paris peace summit was rocked... by the appearance of unidentified assailants.

The likes of which the world has never seen.

Mass hysteria has gripped the nation as people ask:

Where do they come from, will they be back?

And most importantly are they friend or foe?

What the hell are we dealing with here.

Off the record.

2 days ago this man Eric Lehnsherr escaped from a maximum prison inside the Pentagon.

We believe that this woman is a former associate of Lehnsherr's.

They were together in Cuba at the day of the crisis in '62.

He was also linked to the Kennedy assassination.

What about that thing?

We don't know what that thing is Sir.

Actually we really don't know what any of them are.

Yes, yes we do.

They're mutants.

He has the power to control metal last I checked.

That's what most of your weapons were made of.

And she can transform into anyone.

A general, a secret service man, even you Mr. President.

She could walk into this office and order a nuclear strike if she was in the mood.

And that's only two of them.

Well, do we have any countermeasures, any defense?

I was waiting for you to ask me that question.

That's an experimental program, strictly off the books.

You're telling me these mutants are out in the world and our best defense are these giant metal robots.

Many of the mutants looks like us my sentinels can tell the difference.

I have 8 prototypes ready to go, they're built out of a space age polymer, not an ounce of metal on them.

I wanna make a demonstration, I want the world to know that we can protect them.

What do you need to get these things operational.

I already gave that number to congress.

Unfortunately they elected to shut me down.

It's going to cost a bit more to turn them on.

Whatever you need.

Oh and one more thing, if we do manage to capture them.

I would like her for research purposes of course.

How terrible?


I mean, to be like that?

Like that?

Can you imagine?

How can she even look in the mirror?

Yes, I can.

From where did she come from?

You think she has any family?

Yes, she does..

If I see so much as a screw I'll jam this into your throat.

How did you find me?

You taught me well.

It's been a long time since we were this close.

I missed you.

You tried to k*ll me.

So the rest of us could live.

What do you mean?

I received a message from the future.

Don't lie to me.

I never lied and I never will.

Humans use your blood, your genes to create a w*apon that wipes us all out.

I was only doing what I thought necessary to secure our future.

So what's to stop me from k*lling you right now and securing my future.


It doesn't matter anymore, they have your DNA.

Your blood was on the street.

Whose fault was that?


I've seen their plans.

They're creating a w*apon and now they have what they need to take it further.

We have to strike now while we still hold the upper hand.

I've seen too many friends die Eric.

I don't want a w*r.

I only want the man who m*rder*d them.

This is w*r.

What happened to you?

Did you lose your way when I was gone?

Are you still Charles' Raven?

Or are you Mystique.

Trask is the enemy.

k*lling one man isn't enough.

It never was for you.

Goodbye Eric.

What happened?

Can he walk? He need his treatment.

Hank, I can hear them.

It's ok, I'll make it stop. I'll get it.

Hey, hey, pull yourself together it's not over yet.

You don't believe that.

How do you know?

As these go,

this comes back.

They all come back.


I'm still here.

She's still out there.

But we need your help Charles.

Not like this, I'll need "you".

We can't find Raven not without your powers.

I added a little extra cause you missed a dose.


Hank! do me a favor.

Would you help me to my study please?

Are you sure about this?

Absolutely not.

This creature is extraordinary.

Her genes could hold the key to mutation itself.

I need more.

That's all they were able to scrape off the pavement in Paris.

More than blood.

I need brain tissue, spinal fluid, bone marrow.

Imagine sentinels that could transform, adapt to any target.

If I could just get my hands on her.

This girl, she could lead the program forward years, decades into the future.

How old is your son now, Major?


He's coming up on 10 now if you can believe it.

8 years from fighting age.

And how many of our sons and brothers did we just ship home in body bags?

Maybe 50/55 thousands.

And how many more on the other side?

Never before in all of human history has there.

Been a cause which could unite us as a species.

Until now.

You really hate mutants doctor, don't you?

On the contrary.

I rather admire them.

The things they can do.

I see mutants as our salvation.

A common enemy.

A common struggle against the ultimate enemy.


I believe our new friends are going to help us Usher in a new era, Bill.

A new era of genuine and long lasting peace.

Attention, Attention.

Transport departure begins in an hour.

Repeat, transport departure begins in an hour.

When was the last time you were down here?

The last time we went looking for students a lifetime ago.

Welcome Professor!

Raven is wounded, she won't be moving fast.

These are muscles I haven't stretched in a long time.



Charles, it's alright.

I'll go check the generator.

It's not the machinery is it?

I can't do this, my mind.. Yes you can.

It won't take it.

You're just a little rusty.

You don't understand, it's not a question of being rusty.

I can flip the switches, I can turn the knobs but my power comes from here, it comes from and it's broken.

I feel like one of my students.


It was a mistake coming down here, it was a mistake bringing Eric.

This whole thing has been one bloody mistake.

I'm sorry Logan, but they sent back the wrong man.

You're right.

I am.

Actually it was supposed to be you but I was the only one who could physically make the trip.

And uh, I don't know how long we've got here, but I do know that a long time a, actually, a long time from now.

I was your lost helpless student and you unlocked my mind.

You showed me what I was, you showed me what I could be.

I don't know how to do that for you.

You're right, I don't.

But I know someone who might.

Look into my mind.

You saw what I did to Cerebro.

You don't want me inside your head.

There's no damage you can do that hasn't already been done, trust me.


Hey Logan.

Hi... Jean.

k*ll me.

I love you.

Why you poor...

poor man?

Look past me.

No I don't want your suffering I don't want your future.

Look past my future.

Look for your future.

That's it.

That's it.



So this is what becomes of us.

Eric was right.

Humanity does this to us.

Not if we show them a better path.

You still believe.

Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever.

Sometimes we all need a little help.

I'm not the man I was.

I open my mind.

It almost overwhelms me.

You're afraid and Cerebro knows it.

All those voices.

So much pain.

It's not their pain you're afraid of.

It's yours, Charles.

And as frightening as it may be.

Their pain will make you stronger.

If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it.

It will make you more powerful than you ever imagined.

It's the greatest gift we have.

To bear their pain without breaking and it's born from the most human power.



Charles, we need you to hope again.

Find what you were looking for.

Power's back on.


Yes it is.

She's lost too much blood.

She can't keep going like this.

We have no choice Bobby.

We can wake him up.


They need more time.

I had a glimpse into the past.

If we wake Logan now we may set off an even darker course.

They need more time.

Raven, stop.

Stop running.


Where are you?

Back at the house where you should be.

I need you to come home.

I know what I need to do.

If you k*ll Trask you'll be creating countless more just like him.

Then I'll k*ll them too.

Those are Eric's words, not yours.

The girl I grew up with wasn't capable of k*lling.

She was good, fair, full of compassion.

I have compassion.

Just not for Trask.

He's been murdering too many of us.

Shut her down Charles, get in her head.

She's not letting me in.

I'm barely holding on, I'm not strong enough yet.

I know what Trask has done.

But k*lling him will not bring them back.

It will set you on a path from which there is no return.

An endless cycle of k*lling.

Us and them till there is nothing left.

But we can stop it right now you and I.

You just "have" to come home.

I "have" to.

You haven't changed at all Charles.

Like I said, I know exactly what I have to do.

Where is she?

At an airport boarding a plane.

A plane to where?

Washington DC.

Hey guys.

There's something I need to show you.

We're going backwards in time.

This the system I designed to record any news about Paris over all 3 networks and PBS.

All 3? Wow.

Yeah... and PBS.

Look what I found.

Tomorrow in front of the white house the President will make his announcement.

He'll be joined by secretary of defense Laird and has even sought the help of renowned scientist Bolivar Trask his special advisor to combat this mutant issue.

Raven doesn't realize but if she kills Trask at an event like that with the whole world watching.

Then I came a long way for nothing.

And there's more bad news, I saw a report they found traces of her blood in Paris.

For all we know they already have her DNA.

That's all they need to create the sentinels in the future.

Now there's a theory in time physics that time is immutable.

It's like a river, you can throw a pebble and it will create a ripple but the current always corrects itself.

No matter what you do the river just keeps flowing in the same direction.

What are you trying to say?

I'm saying that, what if the w*r is inevitable?

What if she's meant to k*ll Trask?

What if this is just simply who she is?

Just because someone stumbles, loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever?

No I don't believe that theory Hank and I cannot believe that that is who she is.

Ready the plane we're going to Washington.

You alright getting there.

Whatever happens today I need you to promise me something.

You looked into my mind and you've seen a lot of bad but you've seen the good too.

The X-Men.

Promise me you'll find us.

Use your power, bring us together.

Guide us, lead us.

Storm, Scott, Jean remember those names.

There's so many of us.

We will need you Professor.

I'll do my best.

Your best is enough.

Trust me.

12 carriers inbound.

10 Miles.

They found us.

Thousands of people will be gathered here today they've come from all over the world to witness history along with news crews from at least 50 different countries.

Can I see your invitations please?

Yes you may.

These two are with me.

Go ahead.

Thank you.


Please, this way Sir.

Haven't found her yet but she has to be here.

The President of the United States.

My fellow Americans.

Today we face the greatest threat in our history.


We have prepared for this threat.

In the immortal words of Robert Oppenheimer.


The world will never be the same again.

Can I help you?

No you can't.

Here they come.

This for you brothers and sisters.


I have her.

Let me go Charles.

There, you see?

Secret service man left of the stage.

Got it. Go.

What the hell are you doing? I didn't tell you to activate them.

I didn't..

Raven please listen to me.

We've been given a second chance to define who we are.

Don't do this.

Gentlemen, you cannot pass this point.

We can't stop that many.

No, but we can slow them down.

What the hell is happening?



Take us to Def con 3.

Mr. President we are code red.

What the hell happened out there?

I will fix it.

You said that before.

I wanted to make a statement.

Now the whole g*dd*mn world knows we can't protect them.

I will fix it.

You damn well better.


Is everybody ok?


Behind you.



I'm probably not supposed to ask this kinda thing, but in the future do I make it?


But we can change it, right?

Do what you were made for.

Where are you?

I got this.


Oh dear God, no.

So much for being a survivor.

One of them is in here.


No no no no, don't k*ll it.

I need it alive.

What the hell has happened?

You built these weapons to destroy us.


Because you're afraid of our gifts.

Because we are different.

Humanity has always feared that which is different.

Well I'm here to tell you... to tell the world... you're right to fear us.

We are the future.

We are the ones who will inherit this earth and anyone who stands in our way will suffer... the same fate as these men you see before you.

Today was meant to be a display of your power... instead I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours.

Let this be a warning to the world... and to my mutant brothers and sisters out there.

I say this... no more hiding, no more suffering.

You have lived in the shadows and shame and fear for too long.

Come out.

Join me.

Fight together in the brotherhood of our kind.

A new tomorrow.

That starts today.

All those years wasted fighting each other Charles.

To have a precious few of them back.

Mr. President, no. Stand down.

I said stand down.

You wanna make a statement.

k*ll me fine but spare everyone else.

Very heroic, Mr. President.

But you have no intention of sparing any of us.

The future of our species begins now.

You used to be a better shot.

Trust me, I still am.

Get out of my head Charles.


Please, do not make us the enemy today.

Look around you, we already are.

Not all of us.

All you've done so far is save the lives of these men.

You can show them a better path.

Shut her down Charles.

I've been trying to control you ever since the day we met.

And look what that's got us?

Everything that happens now is in your hands.

I have faith in you, Raven.

He's all yours, Charles.

If you let them have me I'm as good as dead.

You know that.

I know.

Goodbye old friend.

Goodbye Eric.

You sure you should let them go.


I have hope for them.

There's going to be a time, Hank.

When we're all together.

What about Logan?

Good morning Logan.

Late start.

Good job thank you.

Very good job.



Hey Logan.

Are you okay?

You're here.

Where else would I be?


Easy pal.

Some things never change.

Good to see you Scott.

Uh huh.

Take it easy ok.



Is everything alright?


Yeah, I think it is.

You did it.

Did what?

Logan, don't you have a class to teach?

A class to.. Teach?

Yeah, history.


Actually I could use some help with that.

Help with what?

Pretty much everything after 1973.

The history I know is a little different.

Welcome back.

It's good to see you Charles.

It's good to see everyone.


I had a promise to keep.

You and I have a lot of catching up to do.


What's the last thing you remember?


The past.

A new and unsettled world.

A world with endless possibilities.

And infinite outcomes.

Isn't he?

Oh he's alive.

Countless choices define our faith.

Each choice.

Each moment.

A ripple in the river of time.

What do you want us to do with him, Major Stryker?

Enough ripples and you change the tide.

I'll take him from here.

For the future is
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