Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends (2014)

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Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

They're here! Shinsengumi!

Hitokiri Battousai!

Where?! Where are you?!

Prepare yourself Shinsengumi Third Division Captain Saito Hajime!

Show yourself, Battousai!

We won! It's Nishiki's group!

Are you guys from the Rebel Army?!

We've won!

It's begun...

The New Era.


Himura Battousai!

Do you think it ends here?

Although the world is about to change...

We all live and die by the sword. This will never change for us.


Why am I the only one...

What's with this katana?

This was Hitokiri Battousai's...

And now a few words from Admiral Aritomo Yamagata!


At ease!

It has been 10 years since the Restoration!

This Country is now a model for Western European countries!

To new trade agreements!

We shall make this new government last and thrive!

There will be happiness and stability all over!

The era of fear and v*olence is now over!


Humans are weak.

Let us discuss this ideal.

Humans eventually become what they fear, monsters.

For yourself.

For profit.

And for pleasure.

Excuse me.

You did well. I'm proud of you Megumi.

Thank you.

This calls for a new pin.

The change from man to beast.

You may go.

I know how to use humans. One will be enough for now.

Which one?

Thank you very much!

Damn it!

Let's go!

Leave him!

That man ...

Battousai will take care of him.

Banzai! Banzai!

Come on! How about some grilled dumplings?

One please!

He was an undercover police officer.

A serial k*ller?

Hitokiri Battousai again? Why now, all of a sudden?

A fake.


There's something wrong with the way this man was k*lled.

What do you...?

This was no Battousai.


"Hitokiri Battousai..."

Kamiya Kasshin Ryu?

You there!

To carry a sword, ignoring the law against them...

Are you the rumored Hitokiri Battousai?


They found a m*rder victim today. Come quietly!

Hold on! Wait a second!

Shut up!

You're mistaken!


I'm a wanderer...

I'm merely a wandering swordsman, that's all.

You understand?

Right, then what's with that thing?

This is a reverse-blade sword.

Reverse blade sword?

This sword...

has the blade reversed, on the opposite side reversed from the normal katana.

You can't k*ll people with that.


That's unnecessary.

In any case, that description...

It started six months ago...

Every time he kills, he leaves a letter claiming responsibility.

Even though times have changed...



We have a guest.

I thought the person who called the police was already in custody?

Here, want one?

What about it?

An undercover cop was k*lled last night.

He calls himself "Battousai."

The ghostly samurai from 10 years ago?

You think he's the k*ller?

What are you storing at the Shinbashi warehouse?


Ah, no need to worry about that one.

We just keep all our imported goods in that warehouse, nothing illegal.

Of course if you wanted to search it, You would need a formal warrant.

Otherwise, you'll stay out of it.

Because it is a new era

Quit f*cking around.

That samurai is long gone, times have changed.

There's food!

Look at this hapless bunch.

Samurai have no choice but to wander aimlessly in this Meiji Era.

It's a terrible time for them, and they work for practically nothing.

And when the dogs are hungry, they get to eat.

Do you still think you're a samurai?

I still am.

The government mule does not fit.

Be warned.

The police may need proof and evidence, but not me.

Kanryu-sama, Megumi isn't here.

Wait what? Megumi ran away?!

Money in exchange for information from the police.

So much commotion over one woman.

That bitch, Megumi!

"Don't worry!"

If they find out about the opium, we're in trouble.

Stupid big brother I know how to handle such desperate women.

Do you guys even understand women?

What'd you say punk?!

Shut up!

Return that woman to me immediately.

Don't touch me.

What'd you say?

I'll do it.


Don't k*ll her Jin'ei.

I need that woman for her "purification methods."

After that, do as you like...Battousai.

Aren't you the one that needs protection?

You must understand, if you don't tell us...

well, I guess there's nothing we can do.

Hey there!

It's over there over there

Move! Move!

Are you the "Battousai"?!

What the-?!

Don't move!


This is not sorcery.

Nikaidou Heiho Ryu, "Shin No Ippou"

Human fear is fragile.

When their fear is intensified, they are unable to move.


People with fragile hearts are easily controlled.


Neko, nya!



You're "Battousai"?

Why are you doing this?

The name Kamiya Kasshin Ryu has been smeared...

Because of you. My father -

The Kamiya Kasshin Ryu left by my father!

What happened to your father?

He frowned upon the use of swords to k*ll or be k*lled.

The people who took advantage of the sword, those people!

Does a woman with a wooden sword expect to stand up to me?

Shut up!

What you can do with this stick?

What does a sword bathed in blood live for?

You will find out in the afterlife.

Don't forget this.

Who are you?

Just someone else.

You. Are you the one calling himself, "Battousai"?

That scar...

That agility...

You are the legendary...

It doesn't work on you...


This way! This way!

It's the Battousai!

Living through this world finally has meaning.

You can't get away!

Are you okay?

Battousai went this way!

Get him!

This way.

No, this way!


I'd say thanks, but I was fine. I can take care of myself. I didn't need your help.

Do you normally look for trouble this early?

Kamiya Kaoru assistant instructor...

It was originally a school.

But my father died.

We had many students practicing here.

But six months ago, the "Battousai" mess began.

This is all that's left.

I have to stop that man as soon as possible.

Why must you do this?


That man is stronger than you Kaoru-dono.

Accepting one's own strength, and the strength of others is an important quality of a swordsman.

It is something you will come to find naturally, through technique.

The reputation of one's style.

Is it worth risking your life to protect such a thing?

"The sword is not a tool for k*lling."

To go against the human ideal is Kamiya Kasshin Ryu.

Swordsmanship is the art of k*lling.

A mere wanderer... would not understand my frustration!

"A sword that protects."


Your wounds are still fresh, so you won't be able to fight tonight.

Also, I don't think your father would want her daughter's life to be spent so that the family style would be protected.

Pardon me.

What a mess!

Is this a challenge?


Oh it's you...

Whaddya mean "oh it's you"?

Myojin Yahiko-sama is more like it!

Quiet down.

Is there any breakfast?

Please! Give an orphan a hot meal, so he can practice!

Shut up.

Practice was earlier.

Kaoru: Clean up! Yahiko: Come on...

What do you guys want?

To buy this dojo.

What'd you say?

I'll give you a good amount.

A very wealthy man wants to buy this dojo.

For you...

It's not such a bad deal.

What are you talking about?

My father's dojo is not for sale!

Assistant instructor dude!

You're quite the brazen woman aren't you?

From a school that trained a m*rder*r!

Battousai has nothing to do with us!


This is the famous "Hitokiri" dojo!

No one believes you.

Wait! Stop it!

Stop that!

What're you punks doing?!


What is this kid?

Samurai Myojin Yahiko of Tokyo. Bullying is unforgivable!

Let the child go!

What are you!

If the boss says so, we shall!

That's correct!

The school here preaches, "you must not take advantage of the sword."

And that sword there, are you not taking advantage?!

Do not enter with your dirty shoes!

What is a sword without a human?

Remove your shoes!

A sword is not a tool for k*lling.

That is the essence of swordsmanship.


You'll pay...

What the-?


Out of the way!

Who're you?!

Certainly, It's been said that the katana, is merely the tool, and the person kills.

That makes sense does it not?

The sword is a w*apon.

Swordsmanship is learning how to k*ll.

No matter how much you sugar coat it, that is the truth.

I believe that is the truth.

But what Kaoru-dono is saying, I kind of like that idea better.

Get him!

The style of Hitokiri Battousai is Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu.

It is a style meant to fight many.

As long as it's this sword.

None of you will die.




Did something happen?!

They're dead!

Wait a minute!

What happened ... was that?

Is he the k*ller?!

You're mistaken!

These people were vandals!

But everything's fine.

No one was k*lled. Just unconscious.

Over here!

What happened here?!

Don't you guys know it is forbidden to wear swords!

Arrest them!

What happened?

Don't blame them.

I am a wanderer and I happened to pass by.

This dojo has nothing to do with any of this.

Let's go!

Hold it!


What is it?

Tell me your name.


Wait a minute!

Himura Kenshin.

Out of the way!


Heart of Sword?

Shut the f*ck up!

A newbie!

Walk quickly!


The man with the cross-shaped scar.

It was you.

It's been awhile.

Hitokiri Battousai.

It's been 10 years since the battle at Toba Fushimi.

What's your story?


Hitokiri Battousai...?

It's been a long time, where have you been?


I suppose your disappearance in the last decade is testament to your devotion to "never k*lling again."


This man?

That was a different era.

I wanted a better country.

Now, it is Fujita Goro's job to protect.

What do you want with me?

These things are purchased openly.

Known as "Spider's Web"

Looks ordinary, but its contents are completely different.

We've come across them a few times now.

Opium will destroy a nation.

Even the Kano Dynasty was unable to stop opium.

Some of the land became colonies of England.

I am only a wanderer.

Why're you telling me this?

If they can make this, no doubt they are planning something bigger.

Lend me your strength.

In return, you will have a key position in the Army.

Use the strength in these arms once more.

I have no intention of becoming "hitokiri" again.

"Hitokiri" huh?

That's it? This is for the Restoration!

Have you become a fool?

What is this joke of a katana?

How does one protect people without k*lling?

With this sword...

I'm able to protect those around me.

Show me.

Because those words are just words unless you can protect yourself.

I won't draw my sword.

Screw you!

Reverse your sword, or I will make you suffer.

It was like this...

Do you remember those days?

That was me in the past, I don't k*ll anymore.

Forget it!

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Let him go.

Hey Kaoru?



Hey! Are you okay?!

Please help!

I'm being chased!

Please ...


You have nowhere to go, right?

Come with me.

Because you helped me.

I understand.

But I'm the "hitokiri"-

I don't know who that is.

The person I met, was a wanderer named Kenshin.

Everyone has a past they wish to erase.



Take it!

Let's go!


Let's go!

Come inside.

Excuse me.


Myojin Yahiko, sometimes I teach him fencing.

And kind of stays here.

Only because you have no other students.

He has a bad mouth. But he has a good heart.

Shut up! I'm going to be strong!

I know I know.

Kenshin will be staying with us from today.

Well, I'm the sempai then!

Nice to meet you.

Hey! Introduce me too!

Who are you?!

She was soaking wet so I let her take a bath.

Without asking me?!

Hey, who's the gentlemen over there?

Wait! Wait-!

A wanderer, Kenshin.

Oh it's you!

I heard it from this child I am Takani Megumi, Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too.

I brought you a change of clothes.

You didn't have to.

These were my fathers, they are all I have left from when I was a child, but they should fit.


Is the color too much?

No...It's fine.

"A sword that protects."


By the way...

Why are you here?

Oh, she seems to be bothered by my words.

There's not a lot of people in this area, right?

Where's your home? Where are you from?


"Mysterious Beauty" sounds nice, right?


Here you go.

Oh, thanks.

I want to thank you for helping me. Eat as much as you want.



Isn't it?

Hot! Hot!

Eat carefully!

I know!

Kaoru-chan Things are tough at the dojo, huh?


Let me know if we can help.

Everyone around here will help you no matter what happens.



Takeda Kanryu!

He's the wealthy merchant who owns a mansion at the edge of town.

Where is the kitchen?

Over there


Please excuse me for interrupting your meal.

Aren't you the person who beat up the 10 thugs at a nearby dojo?

I am a businessman.


We'll be straightforward.

We want to hire you with this money We can hire 10 people with that. That's 10 times the amount for one.

What do you think? Want to be our body guard?

I must refuse.

Is this not enough?

I see.

You're "the samurai who hasn't eaten, yet picks his teeth"

That's all fine!

But in the Meiji Era, money is everything!

Unfortunately I don't value such pride.

Unlike this man here.

I do not take such valuables so lightly, that I can throw it away!

All it takes is one walk down the red-light district, and you could lose your wife or even your daughters!

I am merely trying to free this world of samurai and catch all bandits!

That life may be fine for samurai.

To have fun, and live, remember this.

You're being very rude.

You would throw away my money?!

Then give me the money.



You can hire me.

What are you?

Sagara Sanosuke of the Brawlers.

Fishing for money straight out of jail?

Are you worth this much money?

Are those arms?

I'll give it a shot, against the legendary "hitokiri."

Himura Battousai-san Eh?!

How about a fight so they can hire me?

This is not the place.

Meet me outside.

Oh! I've been waiting for this!

Come out and watch everyone!

They are going to fight! Come out and watch everyone!

They are going to fight!

This guy here, is a horse k*lling sword called Zanbato.

It's an antique from the Onin Wars.

It doesn't look like you share my tastes.


It can still crush you.

Get over here!

Himura Battousai!

Assassin for the Ishin Shishi Faction, A k*ller from the age of 14 to 19.

I've been waiting for this for 10 years!

That's good!

You're in!

Out of the way! Move!

I will not draw my sword.

You'll need your sword to fight me!

You will not touch me with that huge sword.

Why is that?!

There is no reason to adjust the sword.

That man...

You would fight for a man like him?

Kanryu: What is it?! What's going on!

What's happening over there?!

What are you doing, Brawler?

Hurry up and finish him!

Shut up!

You don't tell me how to fight from where you are!

Is it over?

Oh well.

I'd probably end up back at the police station.

The trouble is over folks!

Hey everyone back to the store!

The show is over!

It's over, it's over!

I'll be back!

I ran into trouble.

Let's eat.

We should not be wasteful.

He's the real deal.

You have done well

Battousai is not someone that can be bought.

Your pleasure!

I need blood!

I need more blood!

I still thirst for more!

I thirst for Hitokiri Battousai!

The work of the fake battousai again...

He kills people, policemen, which side is he on?

Once you become a m*rder*r, there's no turning back.

That is the life of a "hitokiri."

Please, go ahead of me.


Let's go Hold on!

I got it!

Those men who att*cked the dojo, You should have k*lled them back then.

The trick is to k*ll them, So that the cops don't get mixed up in all this.

I wonder if that reversed-blade sword, really does protect people!

Out of the way!

Out of my way!

An assassin for the sake of a new era.

Beyond the life that was sacrificed

So that everyone can live in peace

The dawn of a new era.

Still the world is At a time like this -

Do not mention the Shugen!

Sorry Is it not good enough?

Such a happy person!

He's just jealous!


Who goes there? Identify yourself!

Are you "Battousai"?

You damn spy!


I don't want to die!

I can't die!

There are people who are important to me I'm not going die!

I can't die yet!

People are important ...

Can not die ...

I must not die!

To k*ll the young man responsible for the future What will this assassination bring for the new era?

Was I correct?

"You're just a m*rder*r."



You didn't come back, I thought something happened.

I didn't know if you had gone somewhere.

I'm hungry all of a sudden.


I didn't think such a thing existed.

And, what of our plans?

Everything has been arranged.

I'm wasting my time around this harbor.

Where shall I smuggle opium next?

All over Japan!


All over the world!

What is the best way to siphon money from opium?

Replace the weapons!

A Kanryu Empire!

That will be the new government!

It's time... awaken the battousai.


For you to be in such a place...

The one who had the method of purifying opium.

Together. No...

A common "opium" dealer.

Maybe I should tell your friends,

Be careful.

Megumi made food!

Kenshin is making soup. And the fish...

The fish made by Kaoru.

This is good training eh?

It's good to marry a woman who can cook.

He'll be taken...

Hey you!


I'm too busy looking for disciples.

Especially when this child is incapable of washing his own hands.

Better get in line!

Now now Kaoru-dono, you too Yahiko.

Come get some food.

Hey! Kaoru-chan!

Someone! Is anyone there?



Her body suddenly began to shiver!

She has a hard time breathing!

What about a doctor?

I've asked everyone, I couldn't find one since yesterday.

Do you have any idea what this is?


Be careful.

This dojo will suffer!

Kaoru-chan! Kaoru-chan!



Help Kaoru-chan!

What's wrong?

Her stomache has been burning since this morning!

One of the servants fell too.


What's going on?!

Such a horrible disease!


Someone call a doctor quick!

I'm a doctor

She has a high fever.

Or toxic rodenticide What?

Poison? Are you certain?

Hurry! If I don't extract the poison quickly!

But the well water is no good!

It's potentially toxic as well!

Go to the herbal shop, and buy some castor!

Kettle with the same towel You!

Go to Mizuya and buy as much water as you can!

Kaoru-san! Is there an herbalist in the next town?

There is!

Bring me the medicine I need.

Detoxification treatment, and quickly!

Kenshin: Understood! Kaoru: Right!

I've got some water! Do you guys have any water?!

Hang in there! Do your best!

It's cured.

This is unforgivable.

What if they had died.


I think it's time you told me the truth.

Did you say Takani-san?

Do you know Megumi-san?

You know her?

I don't know her, But any living doctor would know the name Takani.

Takani Family, is a venerable family of doctors that span generations.

But ever since the Aizu w*r, I heard that everyone in the family was k*lled.

That's that.

The little girls are safe.

You, you're the man slayer right?

Before asking people about the truth, I wonder if there is another here who should speak.

I am sure those hands have deprived many of their lives.

That scar?

Are you proud of it?

Perhaps it's some kind of medal.

This scar...

Belongs to a young samurai.

And the other scar,

The wife of a man I k*lled.

I have many others.

I've taken many lives-

I'm different from you.

I have no family or relatives.

I worked for Kanryu.

Became his woman.

Just to use each other.

He sells opium for the money,

I do it to survive.

To survive.

Please give me opium! Please!

No way!

Pipe down!

Kanryu is holed up in his mansion with 250 guards.

Most haven't fought since the Restoration.

You have my fists.

I'll go with you.


Kenshin, look at this!

Megumi-san isn't here!

Don't tell me...

I'm going too!

Kaoru-dono must stay here.

This is no concern for the head of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu.

But ...

We'll be fighting all night.

Make sure to have breakfast ready for us.

I'm also going!


You'll only be a nuisance.

Shut up!


You will remain in the dojo.


Protect the dojo with Kaoru-dono.

Of course...

I knew you'd come back.

You can't return home,

because you belong here.

Now, tomorrow-

I didn't come back,

to make more opium.


I came to k*ll you!

Don't worry!

We will do down together!

I'll die soon enough!

What are you guys waiting for?!

Stop this at once.

I will atone for my sins!

This bitch!

This is how you treat me?!

They've come.

It's him.

Takeda Kanryu!

Hey there! I'm here to kick some ass.

Come out here now!

Himura Battousai!


I'm paying you all to k*ll anyone who enters the premises!

What's wrong with you idiots?!

What're you talking about?!

There's no need to hesitate!

Do it!


k*ll him! There's plenty of money to go around!

Get your money!

I'll pay the man who defeats them any amount of money!

k*ll them!

I don't get it!

Why?! What reason does the Battousai have for coming after me?

He needs no reason. This is who he has become.

As a fellow patriot of the Isshin Shishi Faction.

Is that so?

It's time!

For "that"? But!

No more questions!

This is merely business! k*ll or be k*lled!

Grab the woman!

He does this for you.

Where's that squid with glasses?

I'll find him.

Which one of you is my opponent?

I'm your opponent!

Fist to fist? It's the brawler's turn!

Hurry, go!


So you're the Battousai?

Where is Megumi-dono?

Is that woman worth your help?

No human is beyond help.

Such a worthy reason.

And you?

Why sell your soul to Kanryu?


I believe you guys used to be samurai.

What a stupid notion.

To not eat, because men like us have no place in times of peace.

Hey there! Hey!

Kenshin! Are you okay?!


What is that katana?

My vow never to k*ll.

My "sakaba" sword.

Hey! Where you going?!

Hold on! Wait!

Why am I waiting?!

You want to eat some too?


I'm a vegetarian Poor thing

Do you drink?

Give me.

You have to k*ll people to survive you can't do that with a "sakaba" sword!

Don't give me that bullshit!

Fight with everything!

Head to head!

It was fun!

[Sagara Suplex!]

You're finally getting serious.

What is this vow not to k*ll?

Do you think you can end this fight without k*lling me?

I'll show you.

Just try!

Looks like it was a flashy fight.

Let us go.

Wait ...

This duel isn't over!


This duel is over.




Yes Sanosuke!

Maybe the tobacco is making me slow eh?

That one? You're not the one I want, you messed me up!

The mother fucker!

You're the one blabbering about stinkie!

Where is the legendary "hitokiri"?!

Don't take me so lightly!

If it's to bring him in, I'll lend a hand.

You- Why?

One of your friends rushed to the police.


Over here!


A g*n like that only works in one direction.

The other side is the blind spot.

Hey! Come out!

Welcome! Welcome!

What're you doing?!

You've got me!

I surrender!

Hey hey! Don't sh**t!

You've already won.

Right, Kenshin?

Just get out here, we can't win.

I surrender.

Put the katana down.

Now apologize, and bow down to me.

Take them off! Take off all your clothes!

And bow down to me!

Not in this lifetime!

Damn you!

sh**t me!

Fire fire fire!

sh**t sh**t more and more!

Damn you!

Do you know what money can't buy?

What you have now...


Stop it!

So finally we get to kick your ass!

I'll take it from here. Go!



Sorry we're late.

It's all right now.

Are you okay?

You must hurry! Kaoru-san is-!

You're finally awake.

You won't break free.

I will use you as a hostage and it'll make Battousai angry.

He'll be so angry he'll go back to k*lling people like before.

He should be arriving any moment now.

Kenshin ...

Are you angry?

To involve Kaoru-dono in such matters, I could not stop myself.


Excellent, Battousai!

Get angry! Even more!


Are you going to k*ll me with that katana?


Did you not predict that move?


Not yet!

You still haven't reverted to the old Battousai.


A stronger version of Shin No Ippou. I've paralyzed her lungs.

She has about 2 minutes.


There's no time.

Say what you have to say with your sword-!

As expected...

One life is enough!

Don't subject Kaoru-dono to this, let her go!

It's too late.

There's only two ways...

k*ll them.

Or k*ll the user of the jutsu.

Will you break your vow?

In that case!

Fight me, Himura Battousai!

No more games.

You want me to k*ll, come at me!

[Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Ryu Tsui Sen]

Is this the infamous Battou-jutsu?

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Battou-jutsu, Sou Ryu Sen.

I broke your elbow joint and the muscles around it.

You life with the sword is over.

And ...

This is the one life,

for the sake of protecting Kaoru-dono.

I once again return to being "hitokiri."

k*ll Die!

Stop Kenshin!

She overcame it.


Please don't go back to being a "hitokiri"!

Don't k*ll him!

You're not supposed to k*ll!

Kenshin ...

Do you ...

For those who were k*lled

Do you ...

Until now ...

For those you who haved helped

You cannot k*ll again!

You can help someone else.

Isn't that...


Kenshin aimed for in the new world?


I'll end this, Battousai.

That's enough.

You have no chance of winning using only your left hand.

That won't stop me.

It is in human nature to k*ll.

I may not be talking to the same person as before...

m*rder is m*rder after all

Can you be a wanderer forever?

I'll see you in the depths of hell.

You do realize...

You won't be able to bring about justice and security wandering around without k*lling.

Can you?

When one person kills, resentment is born.

Just let people k*ll themselves.

Until that ideal is severed.

That is the purpose of my sword.

Pretty words, I'll give you that.

Going to wander off again?

The path of rurouni is an escape for the weak!

Live by the sword die by the sword.

There is no other way for us.

There's a lot of drug trafficking!

Do not miss even one!

Don't let any of this leave the harbor!

These are all very valuable!

I've got money in my pocket!

Money in the pockets!

Gold over here in the pocket Can you at least grab my shoe?! it fell off!


It's not difficult to walk!

I'll be back, just you wait! I'll be back!


Oh, you're awake?


Where's Kenshin?


No way!

What is it?

H-Hold on!



You're already up I see, Kaoru-dono.

To the very end!

A new diet today! Kenshin was getting groceries.

Ah! I'm hungry!

Welcome back, Kenshin...

I'm back...
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