Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (2015)

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Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Embassy of the Eastern Trade of the Southeast Economic Alliance... has just been occupied.

11 armed soldiers have taken 42 civilians as hostages.

Major Kusanagi, you are a talented professional.

Thank you, Advisor Fujimoto.

Success is just one step away, Lt. Col. Kurutsu.

I agree with you, Ambassador Richard.

Talking face to face is just formality.

The age of government officials working with Al has come.

Is it okay for us to meet like this?

Your team and the government are on the same side on important issues.

The world has been changing drastically after the w*r.

This country is no exception.

Wars have sped up the development of cyberbrain and prosthetic bodies.

The progress has generated numberous cybercrimes.

But the is not the essence of the problem.

The development of cyberbrain and prosthetic bodies has given rise to... gigantic profit-seeking systems.

It is impossible for any country... to manage the huge amount of data that is shared in real time.

In future, huge economic alliances may eliminate countries or races, but for now, the country still has its role to perform.

Yes, many anarchistic systems are causing chaos in the name of trade.

The country's primary role of protecting its citiizens is jeopardized.

Move back!

Cyberbrain and prosthetic bodies connect the military and the economy.

It's meaningless for the government to interfere now.

People can't say no law-enforcing unit can monitor all networks... and break the laws laid forward by the country.

We need to tackle directly... the people who break the law.

Either we let informatization become the system, or submit to the system.

What we need now is...

An offensive law-enforcing unit that can monitor and judge all systems.

A network unified with the system that enables people to choose correctly.

Lt. Col. Kurutsu, we welcome you and your organization very much.

An anti-terrorism unit that reports directly to the government...

High-tech investigation of cybercrime, exposure of commercial crimes...

There's nothing your team can't do.

Major, are you done yet?

Only a few more minutes. How's the situation?

It's already an hour since the attack.

It's as heated up as a carnival here.

Damn, it's the old ape from Section 9.

Didn't Chief Aramaki request us to act?

He wants us to join his section.

But Major likes to work independently.

That old ape has network authority. What should we do, Major?

Should we hack the network of Section 9?

I'll talk to him. You wait here quietly.

The Prime Minister wants to settle this as soon as possible.

I will give you network authority to do your work.

Thank you, Advisor Fujimoto.

Do you like this country?

I like it as much as the drive it has given me to use my talents.

Then the country should work hard to earn your love.

"g*n shot has been confimed at the occupied Embassy."

I'll go right away.



Your smile is too perfect.

There's no need to isolate the memory of your prosthetic body like that.

I've never made a programmed smile, Advisor Fujimoto.

Well... I have no intentions to doubt your Ghost.

I'll go to the Embassy now.

All the best.

Ishikawa, any information?

Our budget is approved in the 320th congress meeting. That's great, Major!

Come into my cyberbrain. We need to solve this fast!

Kusanagi... I didn't expect to see you here.

You are here to kiss the ass of the government?

And you're here to help greedy businessmen gross more profit?

Almost half of the military has been privatized. This IS w*r.

The side that loses will be doomed.

The w*r is over.

I don't want anyone to engrave a serial number on my Ghost.

Humans are all exchangeable consumer commodities.

Very soon we'll know which of us is expendable.

I'll be there in 7 minutes. Have we got all the information?

11 soldiers who object to downgrade the Ministry of Defense (MOD)... have seized the Embassy of Eastern Trade of Southeast Economic Alliance.

This is the location of the g*ng, their past history and related units.

All eleven of them are cyborgs.

Two of them are heavily prosthetized.

The Police Tactical Unit won't be able to handle this.

There are 42 hostages, 36 of them are detained in the lobby with a b*mb.

The other 6 are senior officials who hid in the panic room.

I guess they are the real targets.

It'll be a disaster if the door is opened.

Either they'll shut themselves inside the Embassy for weeks, or they'll execute the hostages in public.

What are they asking for?

Maintain the status of the MOD and terminate court-martial.

There's no mention of escape route.

They just want a w*r zone of their own?

Follow my command and force a domination.

Wait. Is it only us?

After the attack we will follow up with a hack to their cyberbrains.

The Logicomas will be our shield.

The police will stop the g*ng from getting help. What else do we need?

Are you serious?

You can't do anything without your necktie and textbook, greenhorn?

You're the only one who's not a cyborg, it'll be hard for you to work with us.

Why don't you take this chance to prosthetize your whole body?


If you die, I'll give your pretty wife a call.

Before your cyberbrain is smashed, I'll help to retrieve your last words.

If you wanna die without pain, remember to let me know.

Stop joking, you guys.

I'll show you guys I can do it!

You are the best 'parts' I've ever found.

If you don't perform to your best, I'll just purge you out!

If I didn't let you stay in my squad, most of you here will just end up in jail or get stabbed in the back.

Don't ever forget this!

Get ready to break in!

She doesn't need to call us 'parts'.

You want to break in like that?

What a naive princess.

She's a demon.

Damn gorilla woman!

She's the worst!

That's beacause she really trusts us.

Damn it, we really might be k*lled.

We can't break in with just our teams.

How about the Special Unit and the Ranger Team?

All of them refused to help.

They don't want to fight their own pals for some foreign military businessmen.

What they should do is stop their pals from sinning further.

All the related parties will be accused as conspirators.

Chief Aramaki, please retreive your men.

You have arrived finally, Major?

I'm sorry to say this but please retreive your men.

So the secret budget that just got approved is for you?

Teamming up with politicians is so not like you.

There's too much bureaucray so I'd rather talk directly to the top guy.

Working directly under the Prime Minister is just some terms on paper.

I think you'd better set up your squad in compliance with international laws.

Like a special unit within the int'l rescue team as your suggested?

If it wasn't the w*r, I would've set that up already.

We can stop these incidents from happening if we have such a team.

Let's not talk about a hypothetic unit here.

I'd rather get my job done first.

What is the time of domination?

2O seconds later.

We don't want to k*ll, so please don't act until we have finished.

You guys are like a bunch of kids playing with a new toy.

Start the domination.

Communication is lost... our system is dominated.

Shit! It's an advanced domination.

I can't aim, my eyes are intruded.

What's going on?

Come on!


Damn it!

Logicoma, protect the hostages.

Got it!

So you are my prey?

Quick! Don't let them take the hostages!

We need to do whatever we can to gain time!


I can also do it!

Come on, just fall down!

What are you aiming at? No k*lling.

Don't monitor my eyesight!

Please stop your habit of k*lling. The w*r is over.

There're many dudes who're still continuing.

Go to hell!

I feel sorry for you.

You're prosthetized for strength only, how absurd.

When you almost died in the w*r and then later got prosthetized, you must've thought that you've become the strongest man.

I also thought the same way.

Major, this side is cleared.

How about the panic room?

The door is intact. I see two guys moving.

Batou and I will go after them. You go and release the hostages.

Bring all the captured soldiers to the lobby.

Shall we also break in?

Do you wanna make yourself a fool?

We just need to be the first one to take control of the onsite inspection.

It only takes 7 people to take down a group that is surrounded by 200. Nice!

"Occupation came to a deadlock"

He's alive, Mr. Prime Minister.

Hmm... I'll issue an execution order.


Major? Where is the enemy?

What happened, lshikawa?

There was a moment of interference.

There is a 12th criminal inside the Embassy.

A 12th one? Find him now!


Attacking fellow team members?

Get outta here fast!

Strange... there should be one more.

There's some noise just now...

Hey, don't touch that!

The hostages are infected!

This pattern...

A false memory virus...

It's the Fire Starter! Distribute the vaccine quickly!

Didn't we activate their Ghost locks?

Why can they still move?

It's the 12th person!

He's the source of the packaged virus.

Destroy his cyberbrain quickly!

I haven't got a permit to k*ll for a long time!

Please wait, Mr. Prime Minister.

My ear!

My ear is real! I'm so gonna k*ll you!

What happened?

Virtual cyberbrain...

It's a remote controlled puppet without a Ghost.

Where is the 12th person?

I lost him. I'm searching again.

Emergency warning issued by the government?

Secret meeting at the Yagasaki Hotel? b*mb attack?

What's this about? Who's dead?

It's the first time in our history that the current Prime Minister is m*rder*d.

At the same time, the Embassy of the Southeast Economic Alliance is taken.

Are the m*rder of the Prime Minister and the Embassy occupation related?

The investigating unit has requested Vice-Minister of Defense Kitahara to...

Now look who is expendable...

Someone has disposed of you after using you?

I'll dig him out and put his body next to yours, Kurutsu.

The secret meeting was held with Ambassador Richard of Eastern Trade.

Analyze the background of the Embassy occupation thoroughly.

Yes sir.

Investigate the Prime Minister's official residence thoroughly.

Monitor those who plan to exercise their privilege from arrest.

Yes sir.

I should have done something... to stop all these from happening.

Is maintenance over?

If we have a generous budget, we can have better maintenance.

Now that the PM is dead, are we going to get our next budget?

Gimme two hours to fix my body.

I'll k*ll the guy who hit me!

Saito, search for cyborgs that are the same model as Major.

You're the only one who's seen him.

I'll do both.

What should we do now, Major?

Paz, go to the Embassy. Borma, go to the expl*si*n site.

Check if these two incidents are connected.

How about the cyberbrains of Kurutsu and the others?

They're severly damaged. No data can be retreived.

I'll investigate her and the virus.

If the cyborg really did spread the virus, can I k*ll him?

Can a dead person talk?

Stop your habit of k*lling, idiot!

Should I investigate the soldiers with the greenhorn?

If we waste more time here, they might have excaped overseas already.

If the enemy's goal is political, they must've infiltrated into the government.

They won't act immediately.

So a third party is planning this and manipulating the pro-MOD soldiers?

I hope they're not from this country.

I hate k*lling my own people.

Check the background of all the people who are related.

I don't wanna lose the race of gathering information.

Advisor Fujimoto...

I came to assist in the DNA check of the dead body.

They cannot tell if it's my father from the appearance of the corpse.

I will find out the person behind this.

I'm really confused. I can't even recall what happened yesterday.

I don't even remember what I last said to my father.

I have experienced the same thing at the w*r field.

Did you remember in the end?

Yes, I recalled everything, and never forget about them.

It seems that my father had sent me an execution order before he died.

But it was intercepted by someone.

Can you help me to find out what my father had asked me to do?

And also...


Would you care to have dinner with me?


I want to talk to you more, if you don't mind.

The number of restaurants that welcome me is very limited.

Did you hear it, lshikawa?

Yes, I'll go check about it.

Should we also follow that guy?

Stop doing unneccessary things. Dig out the criminals' network.

Flirting with woman the next day his old pal got blasted?

And it's Major, not any woman.

Maybe he has always liked her.

The 3rd generation of a congressman doesn't get to meet women like Major.

Let's just focus on work.

Now that we've got network authority.

We haven't seen any moving humans in 900 hours already.

I've heard of the privatization of Unit 501.

But I don't know it's been transformed into an automated factory.

Everyone has switched to work for Harimadara.

What's your matter? Did you come for a factory tour?

Why was Kurutsu at the site of the expl*si*n?

For profit and survival.

Richard and the PM have agreed to slow down the development of... prosthectic technology, just to prolong the life span of the production lines.

The country's been financing research to avoid the deadend, hasn't it?

Exactly the opposite. A lot of prosthetic bodies that we use now... cannot be upgraded in the next generation.

Different from you who have been prosthetized since 0 year old.

Your prosthetic body was designed with the possibility of version upgrade.

Owing to the wisdom of the designer Dr. Kusanagi.

So this is where you manufactured the parts?

Yes, for the sake of our survival.

Decelerating technology development to strenghthen the vested interests.

Or innovating technology to seize huge market shares.

Kurutsu believed in the former and got erased by interest parties of the latter.

So the culprit has huge incentives to k*ll both the PM and the Ambassador?

Thanks for the information.

Go say "hi" to your parents.

I'll do it next time.

Just come any time.

Like us, your parents aren't going anywhere.

Kouichi Sawada, ex-communication soldier in the Army Panzer Division.

Someone who manages the military network has to live in a place like this?

Yes, if the records left in the cyberbrains of the criminals are true.

Logicoma According to the temperature sensor, there's only one person inside.

Anyone dead?

I can't detect that.

A dead person won't talk.

If he's not alive, we'll have to start our investigation from scratch.

What a group of noisy visitors.

Can't you just keep the door closed?

Because I have a gut feeling that someone will come to talk to me.

What do you want to know?

Are you Kouichi Sawada? We're from a special squad of the government.

We would like to ask you something about the m*rder of the PM.

What information do you want?

The last words of the soldiers who are involved.

These soldiers don't have anything to leave behind except their last words.

After they die, since they have no friends or relatives, their last words are sent to me, an officer whom they have never met.

If only they can come and tell me their last words in person.

Is somebody dead?

Not in here. You wait for us outside.

Roget Any message that seems connected to the m*rder of the Prime Minister?

No, but the last words of those who occupied the Embassy have come.

Anyone gone missing?

A lot. Let me send you the name list.

Is there anyone who looks like a leader?

The most influential among the list would be Army Col. Haruyoshi Nada.

He's the adviser of Vice-Minister of Defense Kitahara.

But he has gone missing before the incidents.

You can come and tell me your last words.


Most of those who end their lives are full cyborgs.

As the spec of the cyberbrain changes they can't switch to new prosthetics.


Just like me.

If I don't have this job, I would have k*lled myself already.

You can only choose to upgrade your cyberbrain, or get left behind by the change in technology.

This is the deadend of prosthetics development.

How about the dead person?

There's nothing we can do to help.

If the body can't be fixed, I suggest data retreival and system restoration.

If the person is dead, you can't restore its Ghost or anything.

It seems like a very inconvenient unit.

Mr. Batou, have you been dead before?

I almost died but then I got my whole body prosthetized.

Do you work for Major as a 'part' because you want to die?


A good man like me doesn't die easily, understand?

Yes. Thank you for your teaching.

Make a request through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

We are victims. We object to hiding the military identity of the criminals.

We will request for a compensation from the government.

He looks more like a trouble maker than a victim.

Robert Lee, representative of the Eastern Trade.

He's a notorious fixer.

Upon the request of the US, he was once sent into exile.

But somehow he made his way back into the country.

He might be att*cked again but he seems not to care.

I bet he has a lot of things to hide.

I want to know who set up the secret meeting for the Prime Minister.

Maybe the place of the meeting was leaked by someone.

Please tell Major she is welcome to join hands with us in investigating.

The spec of cyberbrain and prosthetics are like borders of a country.

Although the borders will create differences among the countries, no country will give up its own borders.

Lt. Col. Kurutsu and I were searching for the way to the next generation.

Councillor Amegata, you've been reaping profits from cross-border trade.

I'm not a councillor anymore.

Lt. Col. Kurutsu once said, One day, the cyberbrain network will cross the borders of enterprises.

This can be something in the far future.

If you think you'll be in danger, we can send someone to protect you.

There's no need.

Your ex-colleauges will protect me and my company.


What have you got?

I still haven't found out who intercepted the PM's execution order.

But I know Lt. Col. Kurutsu has sent out some data.

The data was sent one minute after the expl*si*n automatically.

It's not like the last words of a soldier. It's sent to another place.

Give me the address, I'll go right away.

The members of Unit 501 are all working for large enterprises now?

Or you've all become subjects of research?

Stop your investigation, Kusanagi.

Instructor Ibachi...

We will take care of Kurutsu's case.

Stop messing with this!

You don't even have backup in prosthetic maintenance, loner!

If you continue to do stupid things, you'll be dead.

Beware of the ex-members of Unit 501 who're now working for Harimadara.

They might interfere with our investigation.

Okay. I think they'd be very keen on taking revenge.

We found govt documents on avoiding deadends in prosthetic development.

2O years ago, the government had started a discussion on this.

And there was even a security plan related to this discussion.

Security plan? What happened?

A large scale search for a missing couple.

A doctor who's doing prosthetic research and his pregnant wife.

At last they're found in the accident scene of some chemical weapons.

Their corpses were kept in a government institution for research.

Are you listening, Major?

Send the data to my Al for further analysis.

Check if that's related to the two incidents.

You belong to a different section now?

Besides the military, we're having more visitors from the private sector.

We need to bring up children with a wider range of skills and talents.

These children are good deals for enterprises, right?

It's a good thing we can secure the future for these children.

That way.


Hello. What is your name?


I am Motoko Kusanagi. I used to live here.

Do you miss this place?

Yes. I recall a lot of things that happened here.

Do you know Kurutsu?

We all know her.

She's the one who promised to create a future for us, but she's dead now.

Can you share her message with me?


When you see this message, I'm no longer in this world.

Confirm in your own network about the rights and obligations I entrusted you.

I know you will feel anxious, but I assure you that we have a future.

If you believe in the Third World, we will meet again some day.

The Third World is...

A world without people and material, a world with data only.

She said even if we can't change to newer prosthetic bodies... and therefore cannot live anymore, we will still have a place to go to.

Do you believe in it?

I'm not sure...

This is the whole message?

Yes, will I see you again?

Yes, let's meet again.

Why do we have to talk face to face?

You think my cyber lobby is not safe?

I think chatting over meals is as important as talking in the cyber lobby.

What are you saying?

You're the one who brought this guy with flesh and blood into our team!

The greenhorn is worrying if you're just a robot.

I didn't say that. I'm just trying to build up trust and understanding.

He complained about not having leave and not having sakura viewing parties.

I didn't say that!

It's about the pro-MOD g*ng...

Similar last words have been sent out from the 11 criminals, Colonel Nada and the seven missing soldiers.

Chances are they're all hiding and waiting to strike again.

We only found something strange in the last words of Colonel Nada.

He said he had received a gift from the Third World.

Does it mean Colonel Nada has got the virus from the broker?

No... but it's really strange.


The Third World? Is it some kind of a myth?

Check if anyone in the MOD or related enterprises uses the same term.

Damn it. We need more people in the team.

I will add more people, if I can find the right 'parts'.

You are calling people 'parts' again.

What's the problem?

This greenhorn once said, What kind of a team leader would call her teammates 'parts'?

What? I didn't say that.

I have something to report, Major.

After examining the r*fles used by the criminals and the b*llet trace, it is certain that the sn*pers shot with remote machine g*ns.

The same person is attacking with the virus and controlling the cyborgs?

This isn't a cyborg that is the same model as Major.

This IS Major!

I'm getting excited for some k*lling.

By the way, I feel like someone's stalking me and staring at me.

I also feel the same.

So do I.

Is it the old ape from Section 9?

No, it doesn't feel like him.

I found someone who's related to the incidents.

I have something interesting to show you.

Get into my cyber lobby.

What do you want to show us?

I did a research on the movement of objects caused by the expl*si*n,

by a tool called Pyro-reverse Measurement.

It's like a reverse play-back of the expl*si*n.

This is really cool!

The case that contains the b*mb has a fingerprint recognition system.

Only the Prime Minister and those who are close to him can open it.

How about the surveillance camera?

It's military equipment but the transmission range is very limited.

I tried to send in random noise.

It uses a cheap cipher circuit operated by Al.

I got connected to the network of the peeking man.

What is your name and department?

Our hitman can't wait to k*ll, you know.

I belong to Section D of Treaty Deliberation.

Sent by the Police to the MOD?

Who's involved in the Prime Minister's secret meeting?

I'm Akiyama from Treaty Deliberation.

Please explain to us briefly.

A month ago, we found this guy who sells the Fire Starter.

The virus that can brainwash, initiate Ghost infiltration and create false memory silmutaneously.

A triple packaged virus that makes the impossible possible.

That person uses the same name as the virus.

You approached him to get the virus but got tricked in the end.

So you decided to spy on me, a cyborg with the same model?

You are a super-wizard-class hacker.

It'd be strange not to suspect you.

Two officials were manipulated by the enemy.


Their help was needed to execute the Prime Minister's plan.

One of them is Col. Haruyoshi Nada.

The Colonel that went missing before the incidents?

His role is to isolate the radical group that supports the MOD.

But suddenly he's attacking both sides.

I can only say that his character has changed suddenly.

He's infected with the virus.

Does a broker need to do all that for a deal?

The enemy of the PM must have paid a huge amount for the virus.

I want to dig out who they are, and also the broker.

Who is the other official?

Vice-Minister of Defense Kitahara.

What do you want to do?

Don't move!

You bunch of crap who don't respect rules and systems.

I'll arrest you for illegal investigation.

Stop it!

I did"£ think it Will turn out like this...

Let's have a talk.

So she got infected via Col. Nada and led the pro-MOD g*ng to start a riot.

All for getting media support to downgrade the MOD and... sacking thousands of soldiers?

Is this related to the death of the PM?

No as of now.

Offcials of the MOD and MFA were manipulated in the m*rder of the PM?

The virus is still not located.

If this woman is behind this...

The hacking route of the cyberbrain is specified.

The victim is also aware.

Who dares to say this is some act that I put up and perform by myself?


He's not from Section 9, right?

He's the head of the Strategy Department of Intelligence.

He's also chasing the broker of the virus.


So Intelligence has paid more than Treaty Deliberation to get the virus?

We don't know anythiny about Treaty Deliberation.

We faked the deal to catch the broker, but lost him before getting the virus.

If that's how you want to tell the story.

We need all the help we can get now.

Major, join hands with us.

Those who protect themselves by detaining the witness is also as guilty.

You loner and your team stop being so arrogant!

We'll let you know when we break in.

You can take on after we finish.

Fire Starter, the "Team" has found its way to Kitahara.

Your virus is good enough to sweep those trouble makers away, right?

Don't worry. Treaty Deliberation and Intelligence are both under our control.

And the truth is the biggest scandal and tragedy this country's ever seen.

Is it really safe to bet on their loyalty to the country?

Don't let them find us.

Then I'll need a bigger reward.

Motoko Kusanagi... maybe some day I'll snatch this name for my own use.

It is certain that the PM had sent out an execution order before the blast.

The only connection to this is... a deserted ship in the memory of Vice-Minister of Defense Kitahara.

It's docked at the Newport Pier, and the owner of the ship is unknown.

Although this is the secret hideout of Col. Nada and his g*ng, surprisingly Intelligence seems to know nothing about it.

Maybe Col. Nada was infected just as Treaty Deliberated said.

This is 90% a trap.

The sailing route of the ship coincides with the layout of undersea cables.

This could've been a spy ship for collecting intelligence.

Intelligence has detained Kitahara so this is all the info we got. What to do?

Let's seize the ship and find out.

What? Sudden attack?

If you have any doubts you can leave the team.

All these are related to the m*rder of the Prime Minister.

Do you want to find out the truth or give up here?

Follow your Ghost.

Is it not a place smeared with blood?

Nor a place leading to death?

Is the place you're heading for gonna give us a living place?

At least we're gonna get the position we deserve.

Stand-by here. I dunno what will happen.

Many talk about an independent offensive unit with top priority.

None has succeeded in setting up one so far.

There's no one outside the ship.

It's coming!

Where does the t*nk come from?

We shouldn't have come here!


I can't get it!

Damn it!

It's thermal optical camouflage model 2092, latest version from Kyoren.

How much capital do you need to have your own tanks and troops?

I'm gonna seize control of the ship, cover me!


Let me show you, greenhorn.


Major, go now!

I'm at the mid-level security bar.

Confirm the gate array of the barrier.

It's a subspecies of the stretegic barrier used by Army Intelligence.

There're numeraous entrances but only one exit. So much trouble!

I'll dig a tunnel. Damn it!

It's all null data inside.

They escaped in the last minute!

The null data is fake.

The data is on the other side.

I'll find another way to get to it.

I can't wait!

Let me burst it open!

The active protect system of the data transmission vehicle is damaged.

Disconnect immediately!

It's too late.

What is it?

Hey! How many hidden servers are there?

I won't break in unprepared.

I've seized control of the ship.

I'll pass the info--

What is this?

Signal 2, 6 and 7 are lost.

There're enemies on the ship, their position is not clear.

Seems that the sh**ting control room is seized by the enemies.

Great! Finally got it!

We're also done here.


Get down now!

There's one more t*nk?

Mr. Batou!


Why's there still no cockpit?

We're still applying for it.

Reorganization of the Army?

Why is my squad... Who did this?

So this is it...

Escape now, Major!

Major, what's wrong?

Hey, What's going on?

She's seized control already, hasn't she?

Someone is near so they've changed to control the ship remotely.

Saito, find those guys and finish them!

I need more inforamtion...

Got it!

You're really good at your job. If she dies, I'll employ you.

The guy has escaped!

Why aren't they chasing and attacking us?

Their goal is not getting back the ship?

Is everyone alright?


What happened?

You used the Ghost infiltration key?

She's forcing us to gather together.

There's not much time so I'll make it short.

I'll continue the investigation by myself basing on a certain hypothesis.

There's no need for all of us to take the risk.


It's just data, not the real person.

I've just announced the dismissal of our team.

Your reference letter is with Chief Aramaki.

You can switch to whatever job you like.

You are the greatest 'parts'.

When you guys get together, you can achieve something much greater than what I can do by myself.

That's all I have to say. Follow your Ghost.

Her cyber lobby is locked.

So she's decided to purge herself out.

Maybe we are the ones who're left out.

So what's going on? It's not funny.

The Ghost lock is not working...

It's a remote controlled cyborg!

Did you catch Colonel Nada?

Is he dissastifed with the indefinite postponement of the examination?

I don't even know what's real anymore.

He's not dissatisfied.

Ask the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) or Eastern Trade to pay for the repair.

I'll need to borrow another car.

Fire Starter... Is it originally the code of the virus?

Or originally a name?

What's the difference?

We've given up the spy ship as per your request.

What else do you want?

The whereabouts of the key person Major Kusanagi is still not clear.

Please look for her in your network.

Your help is much appreciated.

We're about to reveal the biggest political scandal after the w*r.

Vice-Minister of Defense Kitahara is m*rder*d.

And Colonel Nada is still missing.

It's very hard to prove that what you said is true.

Plus your team has lost the authority to investigate.

But you can continue the investigation as members of Section 9.


I'm not interested at all.


Who would do this kind of thing?

Hey! Are you guys gonna give up like this?

Where do you want to start again?

If we can't get anything from the ship, look for those who refuse to testify.

Do you mean Robert Lee from Eastern Trade?

He's a strong opponent. Use the network of Section 9.


sh**t have come out, let's give it more time to grow.

I won't let anyone destroy it... Major.

I've got new information.

The couple that's involved in the policy to avoid cyborg development deadend.

Their corpses are kept in Unit 501 for reseach purpose.

The wife was pregnant when she died, wasn't she?

What's this about?

About someone who's made a full cyborg at birth.

Are they Major's parents?

There's no way we can confirm.

The corpses were too polluted for identification.

Major was born without a body and raised as a military equipment.

She has nothing to lose.

Coz she's never own anything that she can lose.

She's been living like that before the w*r eneded and going independent?

Why did the victims who might be Major' parents have to run away?

It was for Major. They must have found something big in their research.

This is my thought. Major must've seen something dangerous on the ship.

Something so dangerous that she has to purge us out.

Don't tell me she's trying to protect us. Pfllaugh.

She's the one who calls us 'parts'.

Though she calls us 'parts', she's never treated us like 'parts'.

Anyway, being a full cyborg is full of 'parts'.

You either join an organization to get support on maintenance, or rot away gradually as you live on.

Where're you going?

Follow my Ghost, you know.

What I see is telling me to do so.

One spy ship, two tanks and seven armed soldiers.

This trap must have cost a fortune.

What did she see?

I came to talk to you.

Sorry for the sudden visit.

I heard you wanted to return to Intelligence.

If you'll give us information on Major Kusanagi, I'll think about it.

You are the one to give information!

I need to do my job as a messenger...

Kouichi Sawada, ex-communication soldier in the Army Panzer Division.

Your identity matches with one of the soldiers who's k*lled on the spy ship.


Col. Haruyoshi Nada, someone has planted false memories in you.

Ishikawa! How could you do this to your old teammate?

You think you can get away with this?

This is a micro machine that can magnify pain 7000 times.

It only takes 5 mintues to reach your cyberbrain.

The pain's definitely not something you can bear.

Stop it!


Corning out from there...

Get in!

The executives of Southeast Economic Alliance and that cyborg are allies.

So we can't say the same party att*cked both sides.

Why did you go to the Embassy?

The gigantic electronic paper that was found in the expl*si*n site...

I was able to recover part of the data.

A 3D map of the Embassy?

The goal of the PM's secret meeting is... That's impossible.

The spy ship is used for collecting intelligence in collaboration with USA.

It's not for political scandals, it's for defence issues.

Why would they go as far as giving up the spy ship to frame Major?

Who's the enemy of the Prime Minister?

The PM wanted to use the pro-MOD g*ng to curb opposition from MOC.

That's all I know. Please let me go.

That's just vitamin, stupid!

So it was Colonel Nada?

Maybe his sympathy towards frontline soldiers has created these memories.

The wish or guilt of the person has become the core of the false memory?

And then he got manipulated to thr*aten the government.

This is unbelievable...

Robert Lee later seized control of Ambassador Richard's rare earth mine.

They seem to be working together, but actually they're in opposition.

So it's about military businessmen trying to get rid of each other.

The PM has requested Ambassador Richard to m*rder Richard Lee.

Then Richard Lee counter-att*cked.

The broker has probably provided the virus to both sides.

The broker must've compared the rewards and decided to take both.

So this is a w*r between the PM and Southeast Ecomonic Alliance.

I got it.

An arrest order for Major has just been released.

Where're you going?

It's something that even Major would choose to handle alone.

I don't think you guys are gonna have the guts to do anything.

Don't underestimate us.

Pleaes bring Major back safely.


Major Kusanagi?

Section 9 asked me to inform them if I see you.

Do you want me to keep this meeting a secret?

That is up to you, Advisor Fujimoto.

You are the one who sent the b*mb prepared by the enemy to your father.

How can this be...

One more thing. The discussion on a certain part of our budget is unclear.

Where did the money come from?

It must be money left from privatizing Unit 501.

Please help me to restore my memory.

I can't stand to have this memory in my mind...

I would rather choose the truth.

No matter how much I want, I'd never trade my memory with a fake.

Never again.

Remote controlled cyborg...


Bring me to the server floor.

Network for virus development...

External transmission?

An attack barrier plus a barrier maze...

It must be something really important that needs both of your to protect.

We haven't been seen in this form for a long time.

I'm sorry but we have to stop you.

Is it an order from Kurutsu?

It's a wish of us all.

Kurutsu is only a part of it.

She's still alive, isn't she?

Please don't resist, Kusanagi.

I don't want to make you k*ll.

It's enough, Kusanagi.

You loner and loser!

Get out of my way!

This is your limitation, Kusanagi.


Hey, are you awake?

We broke into your hidden laboratory.

Don't complain.

Hiding weapons in your prosthetics to lower its performance is so not you.

Why are you here?

Why didn't you say it like this?

As the team leader I can't order you to follow me.

But as a person with a Ghost, I'd like to give you the option to go with me.

Escape now.

I will, after you come out of the maze.

Until then, we'll just do whatever we like to do.

Can you bear the responsibility?

Don't worry. We'll use government officials to settle this.

I can send as many troops from our subsidiary enterprises as you wish.

It's okay to have a huge number of people dying as in a w*r?

It's a business that's worth 500 billion dollars. We can't stop.

After all, the idiots who want to change the world are just minority.

Getting rid of them quickly is what you people call democracy, right?

Don't resist, Kusanagi.

I don't want to smash your cyberbrain.

My barrier is not as cheap as you think.

I didn't think she would attack our barrier.

We'll all die if she doesn't stop.

Then you'd better tell me before we all die.

Where's the real Kurutsu? What does she want to do?

We don't know where she is.

Her possession of multiple prosthetic bodies is top secret.

Her goal hasn't changed at all.

No matter which side wins, she wants to live on.

I think you might know that the goal of Southeast Economic Alliance is to... innovate prosthetic technology and monopolise the market.

Many kids can still upgrade their prosthetic body, it's not a deadend yet.

Do you wanna sell them to enterprises as commodities?

They have inherited hopes and dreams from all of us.

They'll become next-gen prosthetics.

They can have upgrades in the long term.

Do you want them to repeat the same thing?

And to sell their Ghost?

This is...

You've always been free.

Always wanting to create your own future.

We really envy you.

You two are protecting me...

Our cyberbrain is our limit anyway.

We'll shift to the Third World before we meet our deadend.

We hope to become a part of the sea of information.

Maybe some day we can connect with you again in a new form of life.

Is it there?


Damn it! Don't mess with me!

Is everyone still alive?

If you die you can't be repaired.

A good man like me doesn't die easily.

Why are you standing here like a log?

If this is your level of performance, I'm gonna purge you out.

I'm just about to show you what I've got, gorilla woman!


You stupid loner!

Are you alright, Major?

Normal prosthetics are the best, right?

I thought I've told you to escape.

You bunch of stupid festival lovers.

I don't think I'll ever find...

'parts' like you 9W5-

We still have some important work to finish, haven't we?

What's going to change after you arrest me?

The same game will just repeat after the dismissal of the cabinet.

Some ministers who'd stepped down also said the same but I disagree.

We use money and technology to resist wicked systems and business.

And you guys use g*ns.

We're just doing the same thing.

No, we hate crime. But you create criminals for reaping profits.

One day you will understand.

She's there...

You're late. She's about to leave.


Kurutsu is dead.

Even though the same prosthetics is used, the character won't be the same.

Even myself feels strange.

When did you start doing this?

From the beginning.

I've been using micro machines to fix the incomplete growth of my body.

Since I couldn't be prosthetized, I've started to use multiple prosthetics.

But no matter what I do, I can't seize your body and name.

How about Fire Starter? Did you develop it?

You'll understand some day.

The variety of packaged information and the birth of a new world.

I'm going to that place where everyone is.

You are freer than anyone else.

It's a pity you have to stay in a world like this.

Were you able to say goodbye to her?

Why did you use her?

Cyberbrains and prosthetics... are the two possibilities in avoiding the deadend of prosthetic development.

Which is you and her.

It's just that simple.

Take him back.

Please stop searching for the names of the dead.

You won't find anything.

As someone who's lived as a dead man for a long time, that's my advice.

What is it?

You are not taking us?

Where should we go...

What do you want?

Do you want to sell your body and Ghost to get a standardized cyborg?

Sacrificing those who don't have the chance to get it?

All of you have your own cyberbrain.

You have a Ghost which you should follow.

Stop expecting to get from others, think about what you can give.

Create your own future.

The framework of the government does not conflict with our trade.

If the sl*ve countries are slow in serving, the rich ones will feel hungry.

Shortage of labour will only encourage sl*very.

Are we really doing this, Major?

Head of Eastern Trade plus Secretary Ito from MOC and other officials?


MFA and MOD are also watching.

We'd like to invite Secretary Ito to help with our investigation.

About the m*rder of the Prime Minister.

We're doomed.

That won't happen. His petition for political asylum has been approved.

When did that happen?

I have no obligations to answer.

The document is in the Embassy. I'll forward it to you later.

There'll still be people carrying out orders of the ex-Prime Minister.

You'll be assasinated.

Isn't this country a civilized and pacifist nation?

Is it?

Outside the window!

Help me!

Stop it!

It's nice to view the sakura together.

This is also work.

Keeping the sakura under surveillance 24 hours a day.

Major, I've got work for you. In South Newport--

No way.

Your budget's approved. Start working.


Yes I just checked the report on the approval of our budget.

Good. Stop watching the sakura.


You are the best 'parts' I've ever found.

Perform to your best and get the job done!
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