11x15 - Murdoch Schmurdoch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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11x15 - Murdoch Schmurdoch

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

♪ ♪ [Indistinct crowd clamour]

Go back!

Go back to your filthy wharf!

That's it!

Tell 'em what for, boys!

Go back to the wharf!

We don't want you here!

That's it!

Tell 'em what for, boys!

Get out of here then!

Go back to wherever you come from or we'll send you packing!

Crowd, chanting: No more Jews!

No more Jews!

No more Jews!

You throw that, you'll be spending the night in jail.

Send them back!

Send them back!


Get him!

[Crowd clamour]

[Police whistles]

Get over here!

That's it, fellas, yes!

Come on, fellas!

Let them have it!


Why are you arresting my men?

It's our right to protest.

Take it up with my inspector, not me.

John, look!

It's the Jolson Brothers!


You don't know who the Jolson Broth...

They're the hottest act in Vaudeville!

Come on.

Shouldn't we keep an eye on things out here?

I think we've done our job already, wouldn't you say?

[Indistinct chatter]

Two tickets to the show?

Yes, please.


Uh, Constable Brackenreid?

[Piano music playing]

Woman: ♪ Won't you come home now, baby ♪ ♪ Won't you come home ♪ No bank will accept that.

♪ I've moaned the whole day long ♪ There's more of it here than not.

John: Yeah.

Besides, it's all we have.

♪ I'll pay the rent ♪ ♪ I know I've done you wrong ♪ ♪ Remember that rainy evenin' ♪ ♪ I drove you out ♪ ♪ With nothing but a fine toothcomb ♪ ♪ I know I'm to blame ♪ ♪ Well, ain't that a shame ♪ I already told you, I'm only going on if Michaelson pays up front.

Why do you have to be such a pain in the neck, Al?

He swore on his grave he'd give us our money right after the show.

♪ The sun was shining fine ♪ ♪ The lady love of poor Bill Bailey ♪ ♪ Was hanging clothes on the line in her backyard ♪ ♪ And weeping hard ♪ Who's is that?

I've never heard of her before.

Not much of a singer.

I think she's wonderful.

♪ Bellerin' like a prune-fed calf ♪ ♪ With a big g*ng hanging around ♪ ♪ And to that crowd ♪ ♪ She yelled out loud ♪ ♪ Remember that rainy evenin' ♪ ♪ I drove you out ♪ ♪ With nothing but a fine toothcomb ♪ ♪ I know I'm to blame ♪ ♪ But ain't that a shame ♪ ♪ Bill Bailey, won't you please come home ♪ ♪ I know I'm to blame ♪ Listen to this sorry excuse for a singer.

Hey, don't you dare walk away from me.

We're on as soon as she's finished butchering this song.

Then get us our money.

♪ Come home ♪ Just...


[Audience applauding]


Lovely song.


Oh, thank you, Harry!

You're on, Harry.

Good evening, folks.

Thrilled to be here in Toronto.




That was the beautiful and talented Charlotte Hanson.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the brothers who are taking America by storm: Harry and Al Jolson!

[Audience cheering]


Al, get back here!

We're on!

Good evening, folks!

Thrilled to be here in Toronto!

A fine, fine town!

Out on the street, a bum says to me, "Give me a dollar till payday, will ya?" And I ask, "When's payday?" And he says, "I don't know, you're the one who's working!" [Sparse laughter]

But my brother, Al, him, I wish he'd learn a trade, so I'd knew what kind of work he's out of.

I thought you said these guys were good.

It's supposed to be a doubles act.

Come on, bring out Al?




An old Jewish gentleman got knocked over by a horse and buggy.

A constable rushed over, put his jacket under the old gent's head and asked, "Are you comfortable, sir?" And the old man shrugged and said...

"I'm not rich, but I make a living!" Hello, folks!

♪ Oh, I come from Alabama ♪ ♪ With a banjo on my knee ♪ ♪ I'm goin' to Louisiana ♪ ♪ My true love for to see ♪ So, Al, I heard last week you weren't feeling too good, you went to see the doctor.

Yeah, Harry.

I let him examine me.

And what did the doctor have to say?


Jolson, I'm afraid you have only six months to live.

Now that'll be $10." "$10," I said.

"I can't afford $10!" "Alright," the doctor says, "I'll give you twelve months." [People laughing]

[Man groaning]

[Audience exclaiming]

[Dramatic music]

What happened?

Is this part of the... ?

[Indistinct chatter]

It's a great deal of blood for such a small wound.


It's possible the abdominal aorta was lacerated.

That would explain the volume of blood.

Murdoch: And the amount of time between the victim's stabbing and his actual death?

The rate of blood loss suggests a rapid death, but I'd have to examine the body to be more specific.

Of course.

Have we established the victim's identity?

His name was Abraham Michaelson, sir.

He owned this building.


No one is to leave here.

I'd like you to begin questioning all of the performers.

Right away.

Where does this trail of blood originate?

It starts in the alleyway, sir.

[Indistinct talking]

The blood trail begins just over here, sir.

I looked everywhere, but I wasn't able to locate a m*rder w*apon.

♪ ♪ Perhaps we'll have more luck in the full light of day.

[Dog barking]

This way!

Come on!

Why are you after us?

We're in the right here.

Unless you're one of them.

One of whom?

The Jews.

How would that matter one way or the other?

Move along!

Stay with him!

Come on!

Keep moving!

I'll show you!

Release these men!

And you responsible for this rabble?

They've got a right to speak their minds, haven't they?

By what law are you arresting these men?

Well, let's see.

Try disturbing the peace, damage to property.

Take your pick.

You put a stop to the protest, now let them go.

They can go home when I say so.

[Sinister music]

I'd advise you to back away.

Alright then.

How much is this gonna cost me?

[Money rustling]

Are you trying to bribe me?

Do yourself a favour.

Put your money away and get out of my station house.

[Indistinct chatter]

John: If you happen to remember anything, please contact me.

Thank you.

What have you, John?

No one I've spoken to so far has seen anything noteworthy.

Who is this young woman?

She's Miss Charlotte Hanson, sir.

Uh, the singer.

She seems quite distressed.

What was her relationship to the deceased?

[Stuttering]: I don't know.

I was reluctant to disturb her.

I did ask you to speak with everyone.

[Gentle piano music]

[Miss hanson sobbing]

Miss Hanson.

Detective Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.

Thank you.

Did you know the deceased?


He was a very good man.

When did you last see Mr.


Before the show.

He and Saul...

Saul... ?

Saul Levine, the director.

He and Abe...




They were backstage speaking with the Jolson brothers.

Or rather arguing.

What were they arguing about?

The Jolsons wanted their pay before going on stage.

When I went into my dressing room, they were still at it.

Well, there's Saul now.

Oh, he must be terribly upset.

Abe was my brother-in-law.

His wife, my sister, we're all from the same town in Latvia.

Has she been informed?

She's not even in the country.

She was intending on coming over but I guess now...

I understand Mr.

Michaelson owns this building.


He offered it to me for the fundraiser.

We were intending to open a full-time theatre here.

I see.

And when did you last see him?

I went to the box office just before the show started.

He was counting up the money.

We did very nicely...

almost $200!

And where is that money now?

It's gone.


Perhaps he had it on him?

There was nothing found on Mr.

Michaelson's person.

This is terrible.

How will I pay the performers?

You and Mr.

Michaelson were heard arguing with the Jolsons earlier today, over money.

We were only arguing with Al.

Such a hothead!

And Mr.

Michaelson refused?

We both did.

It's not done that way.

You don't pay until they play.

But Al Jolson thought different.


We're performers, Detective Murdoch, not K*llers.

Where were you both when the show began?

I was waiting in the wings to go on after the lady singer.

She and Levine saw me there.

Then I was onstage.

And you were late to make your entrance.

I'd gone to my dressing room for a smoke.

I guess I lost track of time.

Is it possible that you were in the alleyway?

Nah, I was in my dressing room, like I said.

You smoke cigarettes?

Sure do.

New brand.


Helps the voice.

But hard to get your hands on.


Where did you find those?

In the alleyway.


You're kidding?

I wonder how they got there.

You dropped them there.

Because you were in the alleyway when the m*rder occurred.

Not in your dressing room as you claimed.

But you see, that...


You're lying to the wrong person, Mr.


What's the big deal?

So I forgot I was out in the alley.

You were heard arguing with Mr.

Michaelson about money.

You could have followed him out into the alleyway, m*rder*d him and taken the cash he was holding.


Alright, you're right I was out there, but I didn't k*ll that cheap b*st*rd.

Then why lie?


the truth is embarrassing.

More embarrassing than jail time?

I sometimes get sick with nerves before a show.

Physically sick.


A performer with stage fright?

If it ever got out, I'd be the laughing stock of Vaudeville.

I find it very difficult to believe that someone with your experience...

I can prove it!

There was a kid out there, a Jewish boy, about yea high.

He had my picture and asked me to sign it.

So I did.

Find the kid, he'll tell you.

His brother confirms that he's often indisposed due to stage fright.

So Mr.

Jolson could very well have been in the alley for less than nefarious reasons.

So someone else.

Perhaps the boy saw more than just Mr.

Jolson in the alleyway.

If he actually exists.

Why not release Mr.

Jolson into my custody?

I'll take him to the Ward to see whether we can find this boy.



I'm sorry about your performance last night.

I certainly hope you and your brother will be back in Toronto soon.

The Jolson Brothers no longer exist.

What are you talking about?

Harry took off on me, quit the act.

Never got along anyway.

Maybe you'll be better off on your own.

I don't know, Vaudeville is a tough business, and now there's the nickelodeons to compete with.

You could try that.

Moving pictures?

They don't even have any talking in them.

Anyway, I'm gonna need a new schtick.

A schtick?

What's that?

A schtick is a show-business gimmick you get known by.

Like ventriloquism or sword swallowing?

Those are acts.

A schtick is just a bit of flim-flam, something you get known for, like, say, smoking a cigar or dressing like a tramp.


Shall we?

Are you heading to the theatre?

Perhaps I should join you?

Sorry, kid.

We're going to the Ward.

Why the sudden interest in theatre?



I've always been interested in theatre.

And the people there.


With me.

In the Jewish religion, a holy man prays over the body until burial.

It's a little distracting.

Have you been able to conduct your post-mortem?


As I suspected, the abdominal aorta was lacerated.

He wouldn't have lasted longer than five minutes.

There's also an unusual narrow bruise above the wound.

Suggesting the m*rder w*apon had a perpendicular handle?


There's also something else.

I found this debris in the wound.

Mortar particles.

There is some masonry work underway in the alley where the m*rder occurred.

Perhaps the w*apon was a masonry tool?

It's my thoughts exactly.

Woman: Dr.


Oh, Miss Clark!

To what do we owe the pleasure?

I have something to show you.

One of the previously infertile rabbits has now successfully given birth to...

to this healthy specimen.

Oh, how wonderful!


Although unfortunately, it is male.

May I?

Yes, of course.

[Ogden laughing]




That is extraordinary, Miss Clark.


We are most grateful to you.

You needn't be.

The priority here is the work which is being done by your wife and myself.

Of course.

Of course.

But as a prospective father, I can't help but tell you that I am...

If a baby is born, you will have been merely its donor.

Good day.

Don't worry, William, I think you're much more than that.

[Ogden laughing]

[Indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪ Religions tend to produce many beautiful objects.

Yeah, if you go in for that sort of thing.

I read that those leather boxes contain tiny scrolls inscribed with Torah verses.

I haven't worn one of them since my bar mitzvah.

Why the hairpieces?

They're called scheitels.

Some Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads.


To show fidelity to their husbands.

I'm not sure I follow.

Is that to make them less attractive to other men?

I guess so.

But those wigs ain't much better.

Looking for that kid here is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I once found a needle in a haystack.

I can't believe my eyes!

It's Al Jolson!

What's that you have there?

That's it.

That's the picture I signed for the kid!

How did you come by this?

I bought it outside the show from a boy named Yitzhak.

Only this big, but already a little gesheftsman.


An antreprneye'r, yeah.

Do you know where we might find him?

Always everywhere, that little yungatsh.

Who knows?

Maybe he even pays the schoolhouse a visit now and then.

Bearded man [laughing]: You're Al Jolson!



Al Jolson.

Can I help you with something, Constable?

My name's John.

All right.

My name's Charlotte.

I'm assisting Mr.

Jolson with his new act.

Are you really?

I am.

Then you ought to know he's not here.

Yes, um...

I just had a few more questions regarding the case.


I think you're quite talented.

That was your question?

Oh-oh, oh no.



wanted to ask if you would step out for tea with me.

I'm flattered, Constable, and I admit I am partial to men in uniform, but you must realize, that having just lost Abe, I remain deep in mourning.

Who's Abe?



We were...


But he was old.

Well, young men can be sweet, but older men have a special appeal.

I'm sorry to have troubled you.

♪ ♪ If Mr.

Jolson is telling the truth, he entered the theatre through that door followed shortly after by Mr.

Michaelson who left this trail of blood.

Now, the m*rder likely occurred...


Michaelson must have entered the alley from the street, or Jolson would have seen him.

Or he exited the building through the box office and entered the alley that way.

But why?

And where's the bloody m*rder w*apon?

Toronto Constabulary.

You must be here because of that m*rder.

I saw the blood.


May we have a look at your tools?

This one is brand new.

It is.

I left mine yesterday.

When I came back this morning, it was gone.

I just got back from buying a new one.

Where were you last evening between the hours of 6:45 and 7:15?

I was at the pub across the street.

Ask anyone.

We will.

I think we'll have to hold on to this.

But I just bought it!

Life's tough.

We'll compare this against the wound, but the m*rder w*apon is likely one of these.

Our k*ller must have seen the original lying there, picked it up and then done the deed.

Suggesting the m*rder was not premeditated.


What are you doing on my property?!

I think you'll find that this alleyway belongs to the City.

Well, this building belongs to me.

A m*rder occurred here last night.


And the tool that was in use on your building is more than likely the m*rder w*apon.

Where were you last night between the hours of 6:45 and 7:15?

I was on my way to your station house.

That's no more than 10-minutes walk from here.

You didn't arrive 'til after 7:45.

I first went to my office to procure the cash which you so rudely rejected.

Now if you'll excuse me, you can talk to my lawyer if you have any further questions.

Good day, gentlemen.

Let's get a move on here, please!

Two days at this?!

Two days, really?!

[Door opening and closing]

The boy is certainly proving elusive.

[Children singing in foreign language]

I believe my mother used to sing that song to me.

Oh yeah?

[Al singing in yiddish]

That's an old Yiddish lullaby.


If your mother sang that, your family must be Jewish.

That's highly unlikely.

Watts is not a Jewish name.

Names are changed all the time when folks get off the boat from the old country.

And if your mother was Jewish, so are you.

Welcome in, my friend.


Now I know where you get your tremendous sense of humour.

Are you being facetious?

Probably, whatever that means.

[Children singing in Yiddish]

Sirs, I just spoke to Miss Hanson.

The singer.


She told me she was in a relationship with the victim.

Thought he was married.

He was.

But his wife is still in Latvia.

Why did she not tell us this before?

I don't know, I didn't ask.


I'm off to the theatre.

Thank you.


[Indistinct chatter]


What were you doing back at the theatre?

Asking more questions.

On your own?


Did Murdoch ask you to do that?

Well, not exactly...

Not exactly?


I went back to ask Miss Hanson to tea.

Lady of the theatre?

Excellent choice!

Older woman, is she?

She's not old!

She's older than you, though.

And experience is a great attribute.

Especially in a woman.

Mum's the word, eh?

[Clicks tongue]


♪ ♪ Why did you not mention your relationship to Mr.


Well, no one asked me.

And he always insisted we keep it secret.

He was very protective of my honour.

Did you know he was married?

His wife stayed behind in Latvia.

And he was going to divorce her, and we were going to move to New York.

He thought I could be a star down there.

When were you planning on leaving?

As soon as I got offstage that night.

He said we could use the gate money to make our getaway, and he'd sell the building later.

Why the sudden rush?

He wouldn't say.

Just that he had no choice, and it was now or never.

Sounds like the director had reason to k*ll Michaelson.



He stood to lose the most.

He found out that Michaelson was about to make off with the money and put a stop to it.

Not to mention the victim had been dishonouring Mr.

Levine's sister.


Sirs, was the missing money from the theatre recovered?



I've just heard Mr.

Levine is re-staging the show, and he's paying every performer what he owes them.

♪ ♪ Mr.


We understand you'll be remounting your show.

Oh, uh, that's right.

But I thought the money that was to be used for that purpose had gone missing.

That's true, but...


We paid admittance with this very bill.

This is the money from the box office.

That money came from your brother-in-law's dead body.

That's not true.

I noticed a suitcase in his office.

I looked inside and found the cash that was intended for the show.

In a suitcase.

Did you not find that odd?

I was just happy to find the money.

Perhaps you were unsurprised because you knew of Mr.

Michaelson's plans.

His plans to abandon you, your dream of a Yiddish theatre, and worst of all, your sister.

I wanted that Abe should honour his marriage to my sister but I didn't want him dead!

I beg of you...

my wife needs me at the house.

Why do you say that?

We're holding the Shiva there.

He was my brother-in-law, and he was my friend.

I didn't k*ll him.

Speak to Charlotte Hanson.

She saw me go straight into the audience to watch the show after I introduced the Jolsons.

I never would have had time to do anything to Abe.

It's true.

Just after he introduced the Jolsons, I saw Mr.

Levine take the seat he'd reserved for himself.

All right.

Thank you, Miss Hanson.

Not at all.

And you, Constable?

Did you have any questions for me?

Only, um...

Well, how about compliments?


Let's go.


What was that about?



Nothing with anything.

Are you all right?

You seem a little odd.

[Miss Hanson singing]


I mean, no.

I mean I'm not odd, I'm just the way I usually am.



What brings you here?

I intend to contact Michaelson's widow.

They have addresses in Latvia?

Someone here must know, hmm?

What do you need her address for?

Michaelson's dead.

I'm assuming the building goes to his wife.

I plan on making her an offer.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll find that weasel Levine.


It appears that my parents were in fact the Wattenbergs.

They wouldn't be the first to change their names.

My name used to be Asa Yoelson.

Perhaps they were simply non-believers?

You don't need belief to be a Jew.

Just attitude.

But surely the religion is defined by its dogma.


All you need to be a Jew is to know how to cry and laugh at the same time.


I have a lot to learn then.

What about all the rules and the rituals?

There's a lot of 'em.

More than I can keep track of.

And if you neglect to follow them...

You're still a Jew.

You're just a bad Jew.

Say, I have an idea.

I'm on my way to Michaelson's Shiva...

What's a Shiva?

A gathering at the mourners' home to support the one's grieving.

Also to perform the Kaddish.

What's the Kaddish?

A prayer recited for the dead.

Anyway, Levine is desperate for there to be enough Jewish males to form a Minyan.


Oh, what's a...

The ten men needed to say the prayer twice a day.

Why ten?

Why not, say, nine?

Or five?

Oy, the questions with this one.

How should I know?

Come with me, Detective Wattenberg.

They can always use another Jew.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Typing noise]

♪ ♪ Sir?

Saul Levine walked past Charlotte Hanson backstage at approximately 7:10 p.m.

and made his way to his seat in the audience.

Therefore, he could not have made it out into the alley in time to commit the m*rder.


Sir, while I was at the theatre, who should show up, but Horace Barney.

For what purpose?

He intends to buy the building from Michaelson's widow.

Presumably to put an end to the Yiddish Theatre.

Well, sir, I thought so too, but I went to the City Licensing Department and I had a look at Mr.

Barney's business dealings and...

♪ ♪ He's building an office tower.

A skyscraper, sir.

Fourteen stories.

This one would cover nearly that entire block of Queen Street.

Yes, but Mr.

Barney's plans are barely drawings on paper until he's able to procure all the properties necessary.

Including the theatre building, sir.


Excellent initiative, Henry.

Thank you, sir.

[Indistinct conversations]

My father never shed a tear when my mother died, but he still tore his shirt.

Why would he do that?

Oh, it's obligatory for the immediate family members, the mourners.

He didn't change that shirt the entire week of the Shiva.

This is a reminder of the divine presence above us who watches our every act.

Most people take that to mean God.

Unfortunately for me, it was my father.

♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]


I'm surprised to see you here.

Detective Watts recently discovered his Jewishness.

You converted?

Uhhh, no, I recognized a song.

Is that a joke, Detective?

Mazel tov you'll make a very fine Jew one day.

Allow me to introduce my wife, Rivka.

We're hosting the Shiva because Abe has no immediate family here.

Oh, it's very generous of you.

Honestly, I'd much rather be at the theatre.

[Both]: Mhm.

Ah, I better gather the men for mynian.

[Indistinct talking]

Do Orthodox Jewish women not speak?

Normally, you can't shut them up.

But I think maybe she just got off the boat.

And speaks no English?

Probably a little, but not comfortable with it yet.

If she's the hostess, she's doing a lousy job.

This Shiva house is a mess.

There aren't even enough plates for the food.

[Prayer in yiddish]

Come on, Wattenberg, this is our cue.

How can I join in a prayer when I don't know it?

Just move your lips and hum, you'll do fine.

[Praying in yiddish]

Is there something particularly interesting about that bicycle, Constable?

No, no.


Detective Watts, may I ask your advice?


It's about a woman.

Let me guess, you invited a lady to accompany you on an outing, and she declined.

Yes, how did...

how did you know?

I would counsel you to persevere.

Ask again.

As Lord Nelson wrote, "The boldest measures are the safest." Although, I suppose a woman is quite unlike a Danish fleet.

But I should persevere?


Tread softly, Young Brackenreid.

Let her know that if her inclination changes, your offer still stands.

I'm going back to the theater.

This lady is in the theatrical profession?

She is.

You continue to surprise me, Constable.

All right.

♪ ♪ In the past several months, Mr.

Barney's company has bought this one, this one and I believe this one.

He would need several more properties to make his project viable.

I've spoken to several of the neighbours and they say that he has been pressuring them to sell.

Although he's not offering enough to make it worth their while.

Presumably that included Mr.


And he has been stoking anti-Semitic protests to pressure him.

But Michaelson still wouldn't sell.

And he ended up dead.

Even a low-ball offer would seem like a fortune to his widow back in Latvia.



It's really him.


[Coins clinking]

That's him!

That's the kid!



Gotcha, you little runt!

What's that in your hand?

Ah, looky here...

A pile of Al Jolson photos.

Did you steal these from me?

And they're all autographed.

Not by me.

Yitzhak, it seems, is a young thief.

And an excellent forger.

So that's why you ran, you little yungatsh.


I just wanted some money to buy my mom a chicken for the Sabbath.

One chicken?

What are you doing, kid?

Giving 'em away?

[Indistinct chatter]

And after Mr.

Jolson signed the photograph?

He said he better get onstage before his brother drove the audience away.

So he went back inside?

What happened after that?

I went to the street to watch the protests, but everyone was gone.

Then I heard yelling coming from the alley and saw someone running.

Can you describe this person?

It was dark and his back was to me, but the street lamp lit up the top of his head because he was bald.

Excuse me, sirs.

I've brought in Mr.


How dare you drag me down here!

We just have a few questions, Mr.


Well, then get it over with...

my dinner's already cold.

♪ ♪ Right this way.

This better be brief.

[Amused sight]

You k*lled Mr.

Michaelson so that you could pressure his widow into selling you the property.

You've got it backwards, Detective.

Michaelson and I, we weren't enemies.

You certainly weren't friends.

We were in business together.

You organized an anti-Semitic protest outside of his theatre.

That was his idea.

He wanted you to protest his own theatre?

When I approached him about buying his building, he suggested instead we become partners.

Together we'd buy every property on the block.

And put up a skyscraper.


♪ ♪ So, why the protests then?

That was the genius of Abe's plan.

He knew the Jews moving into the neighbourhood would drive down property values, but we wanted to be sure.

So you incited v*olence.

Nothing serious.

Just enough to put the other landowners into a panic.

Maybe you got greedy, you wanted to own the entire enterprise yourself.

Why would I k*ll my own business partner when everything was going our way?

Perhaps you simply didn't want a Jewish partner.

This is the modern age, Detective...

business trumps religion, pure and simple.

[Indistinct chatter]

I didn't need you to bring me home.

A boy your age should be in bed by now, not out roaming the streets.

This is it?

Toronto Constabulary.

[Knocking on door]

I found your little businessman.

What did you do now, Yitzhak?

Get inside!



I'm sorry for whatever wrong he did.

It was nothing serious.

You are Jewish?


apparently I am.

You will join us for the Shabbos meal tomorrow?

Very kind, but I'm sure I would be intruding.

Thank you, though.

Michaelson stood to make a fortune if this deal with Barney succeeded.

Why would he decide to run off with the money if he stood to make a lot more?

Something compelled him.

A heat-of the-moment decision.

And some bald geezer got in the way.


And Mr.

Barney had no motive, as it turns out.

Jewish women sometime shave their heads.

What for?

It's a tradition of some kind.

So the boy could have seen a woman?

It's possible.


Levine had an alibi, but we've yet to question his wife.

Perhaps she shared his motive.

They're hosting the Shiva for Michaelson at their home.

How do you know so much about all this?

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten to mention I inadvertently discovered that I'm Jewish.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Woman sniffling]

Does it seem at all unusual that Mrs.

Levine would be so bereft?

Yeah, given that she's not a close family member.

She's an in-law of an in-law, isn't she?


Levine, a word?


Levine sniffling]

We'd like to ask you some questions about your brother-in-law, Abraham Michaelson.

This is a Shiva House.

Have you no respect?

As a sister-in-law, would Mrs.

Levine be considered a mourner, one who wears a tear in her clothing?


You said she was doing a lousy job as a hostess.


Levine, could you please remove your shawl?

Leave her be.

My wife has nothing to do with any of this!

I don't believe she is your wife at all.

What are you... ?

Oh, you're not an in-law.


Watts: Remove your shawl.

This is not the place.

I demand that you leave my house immediately!

We're not leaving, Mr.


This woman is a mourner.

Beneath her shawl, I believe we will find that she's wearing a torn garment indicating that she's the victim's wife.

Get out!


♪ ♪ Mrs.

Michaelson, I'm placing you under arrest for the m*rder of Abraham Michaelson.

When I discovered Abe's affair with Charlotte, I sent Rivka the money to come to Canada.

On the day of the show, she came to the theatre and confronted Abe.

He sent her away.

But you didn't leave.


Stop it!

No, I'm not!

You talk to me!



No get!

No divorce!

You will, you have to!

[Words in yiddish]

I don't want you!

Please, Abraham.



♪ ♪ [Speaking yiddish]




Michaelson, please explain to me; why would you choose to hold a Shiva for the husband who betrayed you?

Why would you mourn him?

I did a terrible thing, but...

I still praise God.


♪ I know I'm to blame ♪ ♪ Well, ain't that a shame ♪ ♪ Bill Bailey, won't you please come home ♪ [Chuckling]

♪ I know I'm to blame ♪ ♪ Well, ain't that a shame ♪ ♪ Bill Bailey, won't you please come home ♪ [Applause and cheering]


How nice to see you!

Have I done something wrong?


I just wanted to apologize if I was too forward.

You were anything but.

♪ ♪ Was there something else?


I just wanted to ask...

when you've had enough time to get over your recent heartbreak...

And when do you think that will be?


I don't know.

You can take as much time as you need.

I was thinking maybe next week?

Or the week after.

[Gentle music]


I don't know.

Sorry, it was a silly idea.

I'm afraid I won't be available next week, Constable.

I'm off to New York.

But if circumstances had been different...

And who knows?

Maybe one day, they will be.

♪ ♪ So you'll do all right without your brother?

I'll do fine.

He was holding me back anyway.

Someone like me needs the spotlight.

No shortage of humility, I see.

Humility is for those who want to end up in second place.

So Mr.

Wattenberg, you're going to continue your search for who you are and where you come from?


I think I will.

Good for you.

Are you sure you don't want to stick around tonight?

I'm premiering my new schtick.


I think I'll pass.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ [Knocking on door]

[Speaking Yiddish]

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