11x17 - Shadows Are Falling

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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11x17 - Shadows Are Falling

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

♪ ♪ Look at the craftsmanship on that horse, Crabtree.

In time, that will become a treasured heirloom.

Sir, what does a child care about an heirloom?

That toy car, that's the thing.

Don't be daft.

What if it's a girl?

Sir, girls enjoy cars just as much as boys, I believe.

I'm sure a girl would enjoy a car as much as a boy.

Although for a baby, perhaps a teddy bear.

Well, that's that surprise ruined.

I've always wanted one of those spinning tops.

We'll make a note to get you one for your own kid when the time comes.

In fact, Crabtree, do yourself a favour and marry that pretty dancer of yours.

Then stick her up the duff.


Nina is...

a free spirit.

I hesitate to push her into something that...

well, that essentially would be a lifelong commitment.

I mean, even more so than marriage, if you think about it.

Take the bull by the horns, Crabtree.

Tell her it's your way or no way.

I'm not sure that's a good idea, sir.

Well, it might be unwise to force her decision, sir, but I would like to have a family of my own at some point.

It's been weighing on me more lately, perhaps because of your happy news, sir.

Well, George, everything has a way of working itself out.

All right then, gentlemen.

Enough loitering.

We have work to do.


Would you like to have a closer look?

All right.

I think he'll make a good father, sir.

That's a very big horse, yes?

[Static from gramophone]


1, ERIK SATIE) ♪ ♪ [Screaming]




[Static from gramophone]

Good lord!





Are you awake?


Doctor, what happened?

Felt a bit dizzy, did we?

I guess...

I just...

I hope that's all it was.


Oh, George!

George, go and get William!


Crabtree, meet us at the hospital.



And no arguments from you!


no, you're right.

Put your arm around me.

We have to go right away.

There's something wrong with the baby.

Hang in there, Doctor.

At what period of development, Nurse?

It's the 4th month.

It's maternal causes.

It could be uterine scarring.

14 weeks.

Any outward signs of trauma?


It has to be internal.

Everything else has been healthy.

Has there been any interference?


Where's William?

Is that your husband, dear?

I understand he's on his way.

There's no need for her husband to see this.

Where is she?!

She's all right.

Why is she here if she's all right?

The doctor's with her.

Doctor: Quickly!

Let's contain that bleeding!

It's best if you wait.

Sir, let the doctors take...

I don't want dilation!

Sedate her.


There still could be a chance that...



It's going to be all right.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so...

I'd advise you to step out.

Let the doctor do his work.

[Sombre music]

♪ ♪ Margaret had a scare just like this one when she was expecting John.



She was on bedrest for a couple of months, not that she enjoyed that, but everything turned out just fine.

Yes, perhaps you're right.

Perhaps that's all it is.

[Door opening]


Your wife is fine, but I'm sorry to tell you the baby didn't survive.

Oh, God.

Leave him alone, Crabtree.

Least said, soonest mended.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Inaudible]

[Soft groan]

Thank you.

I've brought you a glass of water.

I can fix you a cup of tea if you like.

No, thank you.

A glass of sherry?

[Julia sighing]


I just want to sleep.

Of course.

[Forceful knocking]

Stay put.

I'll be right back.

[Forceful knocking]

Just a moment!

Detective Murdoch!

Thank God you're here.


Nate, this isn't really a good time.

I need your help.

What is it?

What's happened?

I got into a fight earlier today.

A fight?

In Chatham or here?


What's wrong, Nate?

Where's Rebecca?

Is something wrong?

She's fine, but Rebecca can't know about this, at least not until...

Nate, please.

I came to town to take care of a problem.

Can I trust your discretion?

I don't want Rebecca worried.

Until I know what's going on, Nate, I can make no such promise.

[Forceful knocking]

Toronto Constabulary.

Open the door.

They're after me.

[Door being forced open]

Detective Murdoch, this man has escaped custody.

We're here to carry out an arrest.

On what grounds?

This matter is not in your jurisdiction.

At the moment, it's in my home.

Just a moment, here!



[Cry of pain]


He pushed my wife!

We are apprehending a suspect!

Please, stop!

I'll go quietly.

What are the charges?

Detective, I promise you...

Doctor, I...

I didn't do it.

Please remember that.

What are the charges?!

Your friend k*lled a man, Detective.

The charge is m*rder.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ So McWorthy has been appointed to inspector.

Payback for doing Davis' dirty work, I'd imagine.

No experience, just handed the job.

Perhaps Station House #1 has improved since Davis was brought to justice?

You can't clean up a station house that fast, Murdoch.

I wouldn't trust that lot as far as I could throw them.

Sloppy and corrupt.

I'll assign Watts to look into it.

Actually, I'll be taking the lead on this, Inspector.

Don't be foolish.

Look, even I had a week off without pay when Margaret was on bedrest.

You should be at home with the good doctor.

I thought that would be for the best also, but Julia has other ideas.



I was told you weren't coming in today.

Well, you were misinformed.

I'm very sorry.

Thank you, Miss Hart.

I can't find my dissecting forceps.

Is it possible you've misplaced them?

I don't believe so.

You would have used them yesterday when you were working on Mr.



I believe I'm ready to handle a post-mortem, Doctor.

If I have any difficulties, I shall consult with you.

Well, thank you.

If I need your help, I will ask for it.

[Door opening]



I thought perhaps you would have recused yourself from this case, given your interest in it.

Your implication is offensive, Inspector McWorthy.


Ogden would never let her personal feelings get...


Let's see if your observations match up to what I already know of the m*rder.


Charlie Lewis, a victim of a beating around the head and the neck with a foreign object.

So far, so good.

Based on the shape of the injuries and the residue left by the w*apon, I believe you are looking for a fireplace poker.


There was a poker found near the body.

Yes, I'm sure.

The victim also has a contusion on the left jaw, but this injury was not inflicted by the poker.

We know Lewis was in a fight the afternoon before he was k*lled.

Multiple witnesses saw him hit in the face...

by your Nate Desmond.

It seems as though Inspector McWorthy decided that Nate was guilty because of this fight hours earlier.

Well, I would certainly want to take a look at him.


Desmond was quite clear in protesting his innocence.

Don't they all?

But I do believe that Nate Desmond is a good chap.

"A man was arrested following the word of witnesses who saw him near the scene of the crime at the time in question." "Near the scene"?

Presumably the investigation is in the early stages as yet.

Well, exactly.

We need more information.

I'm going back to the body.

Julia, you'll stop and rest if you feel the need, yes?

Yes, of course, William.


Someone needs to speak to Nate Desmond.

They likely won't let me near Station House 1.

You know the men there, Watts.


Robinson is typically on duty in the cells, and Robinson has a taste for booze that belongs to someone else.

Miss Bloom.



I just got your note.

I'm so sorry.

How are the Murdochs doing?

Not very well, I'm afraid.

One wishes they could do more at a time like this.

This is the problem with families.

It's always the source of so much pain.

Well, that didn't keep them from wanting it very much.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Detective.

Thank you, Miss Bloom.

I can see you're very busy here.

I'll see you later, George.


That's right.

I don't think I had a chance to say it last night, but...

I'm so sorry.


Could you check into Charlie Lewis at Police Records, George?

Perhaps he wasn't a model citizen.

Yes, of course.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ [Door closing]

I've already told the others, I'm not talking to any police.

Well, Detective Murdoch sent me.

You can trust me.

So, tell me what happened yesterday.

You got in a fight with Mr.



On the street outside the pub he favours, yes.

But I only punched him.

He walked away after.

It was...

it was no m*rder.

Why the fight?

He owed me money.

And he wouldn't pay?

Well, he said he didn't have any money.

He shoved me, said he didn't owe me a thing.

That's when I hit him.

Look, I know I made a mistake.

I couldn't help myself.

Well, I suppose that's why the Inspector here believes you couldn't help yourself later that night either.

Well, no!

That was hours later.

I had come to my senses by then.

So it was just a coincidence, then?

Charlie Lewis getting beaten to death in his apartment hours after you had a fight with him.

Nate insists he never visited Mr.

Lewis at his home.

And you believed him?

Even authenticity can be faked, in my experience.


The newspaper said there were witnesses.

Oh, yes.

As much of the case file as Robinson could manage to copy out for us.

I have their names.

Very good.

[Sombre music]

♪ ♪ Sir, this is Eugene Lough.

He lives across from our victim there.



I understand you saw a man the night of the m*rder.

Oh, I didn't see anyone.

What I did is I heard an argument in Charlie's apartment.


around midnight.

And then bangs and thuds.

And you didn't check in on your neighbour?

Well, to tell you the truth, arguments were never anything new.

Charlie and his wife Isabel had many quarrels.

His wife?

Do you know where she is?

Visiting her mother, I believe.

Then after the bangs and thuds, I heard a man escape down the back stairs.

If you didn't see him, how are you sure it was a man?

I heard the fight.

It was a man.

I was standing right here.

No one uses the back stairs, so of course it attracted my attention.

A man came out of Mr.

Lewis' back door and ran right down there.

I got a good look at him, clear as day.

You all...


I am, indeed.

If I may, sir, what were you doing in the alleyway at midnight?

I like to take my last pipe of the night outside.

We have what they call bachelor flats to let at a reasonable rent to good tenants, such as yourself.


How did you see his face if it was dark?

It is a ways away from here.

There's a lamp right there.

Besides, I've seen him since.

That other policeman brought a man by this morning, asked if I recognized him.

And did you?

You bet I did.

I could see right away they had the exact same man.

Could've knocked me over they go him so fast.

Said his name was Desmond.


Do you have an address for Isabelle Lewis' mother?

I could find it for you.

And after that, I'll show you our best apartment.


Now, this is Charlie Lewis' apartment.

No sign of forced entry.

McWorthy's theory was that Mr.

Lewis was ambushed near the door.

So the blood spatter would suggest.

Good lord.

Ransacked belongings.

Perhaps Isabel Lewis came back to get some of her things.

She heard her husband approaching, so she hid behind the door with the fireplace poker in hand.

Possibly, but that's a lot of speculation.

Why Mrs.

Lewis and not anyone else, even your man Desmond?


Oh, hello.

"Dear Isabel...

" I don't know who that's from.

I have lots of old letters.

Maybe Charlie put them in the fire.

When did you last see your husband, Mrs.


Not since Sunday.

We argued, and I...

I wanted to visit my mother.

This is all very hard on Isabel.

Charlie was a good husband.

He wanted to have children.

Such a tragedy!

He would've been a terrible father.

Don't you see what he did to me?


Charlie did that?

Yes, Mother.


right then.


Lewis, where were you...


.. at about midnight of last night?

I was here.

And is that something your mother could corroborate?

Of course I'm sure my Isabel is telling the truth, but strictly speaking, I...


It's all right, Mother.

You see, I was out nursing a sick neighbour all night.

Very good.

Just one moment.

Sir, are you quite all right?

Yes, fine.

I'm going to check on Julia at the morgue.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ Perhaps...

perhaps we should focus on the silver lining.

What do you mean?


we thought it was an impossibility for you to conceive.

We now know that it is possible.

And, in time, perhaps you will be able to try again.

Don't you think?

The doctor didn't say you couldn't.

Has there been progress with Nate's case?


We're doing the best we can.

I'm sure you are.

It seems the victim's marriage was a troubled one.

The wife...


Perhaps she decided to fight back.

Was she at home at the time of the m*rder?


I don't...

I don't know.

Well, we have to find out, William.

I can't have Nate and Rebecca's fate on my head as well.

What do you mean "as well"?


Julia, you must know this wasn't your fault.

Miss Hart!

Have you tested Mr.

Lewis' stomach contents?


I found traces of chicken, rice and mung bean sprouts.

I thought perhaps the victim ate Chinese food.

Yes, I remember the man.

He's a regular customer.

Tai Po chicken.

Did he dine alone?

No, he was with a woman.

A small lady, brown hair, mark on her face.


Did they leave together?


I remember he helped her out, taking her arm.

A gentleman.

They walked off that way.

Is that right?

Thank you.

Isabelle Lewis lied to us about when she last saw her husband.

She's an entirely viable suspect.

McWorthy should've looked into her already.


Lewis might be unaccounted for, sir, but McWorthy still has two witnesses.

One of them a credible eyewitness who has made a positive identification.

Let's see how credible this eyewitness actually is.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪ Mr.

Sanders, would you agree that conditions tonight are essentially the same as the night of the m*rder?

Yes, exactly the same.

I could see Mr.

Desmond because of that light over there.

Right then.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Did you get a good look at him?

Is the light the same as the night that Mr.

Lewis died?

Yes, indeed.

Which of these men did you just see?

Take your time.

It was him.

[Phone ringing]

Your eyewitness is useless.

I beg your pardon?

More importantly, Mr.

Lewis' wife had motive to k*ll him, and she lied to you about her whereabouts that day.

I know all about the Chinese restaurant, Detective Murdoch.

So you know that they were together less than an hour before he was k*lled?

They walked out of the restaurant together, and then he put her in a cab.

Then she drove off, leaving him there alone.


Lewis could have doubled back to their apartment after getting into the cab.

You know, you're not the only detective in the city.

I spoke to the cab driver.

He took Isabel all the way back to her mother's home.

She had motive.

It doesn't matter if she wasn't there.

Lewis was k*lled when he got home.

She couldn't have made it back there in time to k*ll him.

None of this proves that Nate Desmond is your k*ller.


What's this?

You think that's the m*rder w*apon?

It's perfectly clean.

Are there traces of blood on it?

Have you even checked it for Nate Desmond's finger marks?

Desmond's finger marks were nowhere at the crime scene.

He had these in his pocket when we picked him up.

Face it, Murdoch.

Your friend's a m*rder*r, and he's gonna hang for it.

There's no shame in getting it wrong.

You've got a lot on your mind.

I'm not wrong.

I've just yet to discover what's right.

Look, as much as we don't want to believe it, it's possible that he has the right suspect.

The wife.

The wife has an alibi.

Yes, yes, but she's involved.

You want to believe Nate is innocent, but what do you have to go on?

It's a significant coincidence, don't you think, that Mrs.

Lewis met her husband for a late dinner the night he was k*lled.

I suppose you're looking for her accomplice.


She could've hired someone.

Solicited the help of a friend.

The mother.

The mother would know who she would turn to.


This is may be a goose chase with a bad end.

Stay by his side.

Keep your eye on him.


I will.

I didn't even see that he'd been hurting her this whole time.

You see?

She was protecting me.

She's a good girl.

I haven't asked you about your daughter's character, ma'am.

I asked you about her precise movements in the days leading up to her husband's death.

Ma'am, if you could please try to think back.

The day of the m*rder, did your daughter leave at all?

She never left the house.

If you do not tell us the truth, we'll be forced to ask these questions of your neighbours.

Would you like your neighbours to know that your daughter is suspected of a crime?


And, of course, we won't have to do that as long as you're telling us the truth.

Tell us the truth!

What did your daughter do on the day of her husband's m*rder?

Did she see any visitors?

She was afraid to so much as answer the door.

Afraid he'd come for her, I suppose.

And I didn't want to see what was right in front of my eyes.

I had no sympathy for her.

I complained when I had to answer the door for the telegram.

What telegram?

Who sent it?

I am trying to help my daughter in her time of need and you're badgering me!

I don't know what the telegram was about!

Who sent it?!

Someone called Nate Desmond.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Charlie's death.

How do you know Isabel Lewis?

She's a friend of Aunt Hattie's.

My aunt's roof was leaking.

I knew Hattie needed help, and I asked Charlie to fix her roof for her.

He ended up cheating her..

and I felt very badly.

You told me Mr.

Lewis owed you money.

Charlie Lewis owed money to my aunt.

She told me how to find Charlie's wife.

Of course I wanted to help, so I replied to Mr.

Desmond's telegram to say as much.

That's why you invited Mr.

Lewis to the Chinese restaurant that night?

To ask him to repay Mr.

Desmond's aunt?


And it worked.

Charlie wanted to make it up to me after our last quarrel.

He wanted me to come home.

He was making all kinds of promises.

So you see, Mr.

Desmond had no reason to hurt him, Detective.

I didn't know what came of their meeting.

The police came for me before I could find out.

But why would I go after him if there was still a chance she could fix it all up?

All right.


One other thing.

We found a letter to Isabel in the fireplace at Charlie Lewis' apartment.

What do you know about it?

I don't know anything about any letters.

Why would I?

That letter could be anything.

Desmond says he didn't know a thing about it.

Well, I don't understand why he would, since he wasn't in the apartment to begin with, in which case...

he's not lying at all.

I don't disagree with you, Doctor, yet my impression was that Mr.

Desmond cared very much about that letter.

Do we have a sample of his handwriting?

Oh, William, surely you don't think...

I thought of that.

I had him write this out.

Not exactly a match.

Well, it's similar.

Murdoch: That's not conclusive.


I've just spoken to Nate Desmond's aunt.

A very nice woman.

Completely within her faculties, so far as I can tell.

Get to the point, Crabtree.

She said that she'd never heard of Charlie or Isabel Lewis.

Nate lied?

He lied.

Well, I don't mean to state the obvious, but it seems like Nate and Isabel were having an affair.

I can't believe that of him.

We don't want to believe it, but the fact is he lied about everything: why he fought with Charlie Lewis, why he contacted Isabel Lewis.

If the letter is from Nate, it's possible Mr.

Lewis finds out about the affair.

The two of them fight, she leaves to stay at her mother's.

The husband threatens to tell Miss James about the affair.

Of course, that's the last thing that Nate wants.



Lewis arranges to meet her husband somewhere away from the apartment, the Chinese restaurant.

She tells Nate.

He knows the apartment will be empty.

He can go in and destroy the letters.

That also creates opportunity.

Nate wants to protect Isabel Lewis from the man who has been harming her, so he waits... and kills him.


He then burns the letters to cover up any connection to the crime.

You said the eyewitness was wrong.

Well, I proved that he couldn't be sure who he saw, but that doesn't mean he didn't see Nate Desmond.


Lewis' body is ready to be released for burial.

I've stitched it up and sent notification to his family.

I need to check under the fingernails.

There could be traces of the k*ller's skin.

We've done that already, Doctor.

Well, then, I'll comb his hair out again.

There may still be evidence caught in it.

We've done that as well.

We've done everything we can.

Perhaps you should go home and...

Miss Hart.

You're more than welcome to go home if you like, but I'm...

I'm not done here.


I received your note.

I thought you would want to know.

I'm sure this isn't the outcome you were hoping for.


No, indeed, it wasn't.

I'm sorry to send you bad news.

I'm somewhat of a failure, it seems.

Scientific endeavours will entail failures.

Setbacks are to be expected.

In this case particularly.

I'm not sure I understand.

Given my complicated medical history, you might've anticipated failure.

It's a wonder you allowed me to proceed.

Well, you yourself made a strong case for being a subject.

I was entirely biased.

You shouldn't have let me.

This experiment is at the forefront...

Please, stop talking about the experiment!

This was my child!

I have done something wrong.

I do apologize.

Please leave.

[Door opening]


[Door closing]

If Nate took anything from Mr.

Lewis' apartment or made note of anything...

There's nothing here, sir.

The lads have been over it twice.


[Tense music]

♪ ♪ [Jingling]

Third time's the charm.

If Isabel gave Nate the key to her apartment, it's proof that they conspired to k*ll her husband.

Nate will surely hang.

He lied.

Sir, it's not your fault.

He came into my home, asked me to save him, and he lied to me.

Sir, none of us wanted to...

Well, that's over now.

He'll get what he deserves.

Everybody gets what they deserve.

It would appear you were right all along.

I apologize for any disrespect.

Good of you to own up, Murdoch, and the additional evidence will be helpful in court.


Ogden telephoned Rebecca.

She's coming from Chatham.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

You did the right thing, Murdoch.



I'm sorry to see you again under these circumstances, Dr.


It's Dr.

Desmond now, Inspector.

And I must admit, I'm having trouble understanding what exactly the circumstances are.

A man has been k*lled.

And Nate is accused of his m*rder?

We suspect he was involved in a...

conflict with the husband of a woman he knows.

You think Nate was having an affair with this woman?

I can promise you you're wrong.

We did try to prove otherwise.

Your best hope now is to get yourself a good lawyer.

I want to talk to Nate.

Of course.

I'll take you to him.

It's been a long day.

You should get some rest.

She seemed quite sure that Nate wasn't unfaithful.

She likely wanted to hear it from him rather than take our word.

If she is right, where does that leave us?

What other reason could he and Mrs.

Lewis have for colluding?

Something they feel they can't tell us.

Isabel Lewis knows the truth.

I wasn't having an affair with Mr.


But we know that you were colluding, Mrs.


What was the reason?

If Mr.

Desmond hasn't told you himself, then I...

He will hang for this!

What could you possibly have to say that would make it any worse?

I have nothing to say that can help him.

Do you know what you and Mr.

Desmond have done?

My wife has lost...

She is out of her sickbed at work trying to help him.

I should be with her.

We should...

I need for all of this to make sense, and none of it makes any sense.

And you sit here and say that you can't tell me what is going on?

His wife is my doctor.

[Soft crying]

The handwriting in that letter was similar to Nate's because...

you taught him to write.


The letter to Isabel was from you.

Yes, it was.

Rebecca Desmond is your doctor?

There's nothing wrong with that.

You could have told us that before.


No one else was supposed to know.

Only me, Dr.

Desmond and the doctor who helped her.

It was a secret between us three.

But then Charlie found her letters, and he was so sad about it.

And the only way he knew how to be sad was with his fists.

Don't you see?

I absolutely couldn't tell the police.


I gave Mr.

Desmond the key, but he was only supposed to get rid of the letters.

I never thought he would hurt Charlie.

[Soft crying]

[Door opening and closing]

You provided that woman with an abortion?

Yes, I did.

How did you know what to do?

I consulted the textbooks.

Is this what you do now?

That was the first time.


Lewis came to me looking for help.

She was in an untenable situation.

Then her husband found out about the procedure.

That's what started this mess!

When he found out, he tried to blackmail Rebecca.


He could have gone to the police.

Indeed, I could arrest you right now.

William, no!

What happened next?

We didn't have the money he wanted.

We wouldn't have given it to him anyway if we did.

Rebecca would have lost her medical license.

She could've gone to jail!

I had to protect my wife.

So you k*lled him?

I came to talk sense to him.

Then he told me about the letters.

Having the proof, I knew he wasn't gonna back down.

So you went to Isabel for help?

She gave you the key, and got him out of the apartment for you.

I went in.

I burned the letters.

When I heard Charlie at the door, I ran out the back window and down the back stairs.

You fought with Mr.

Lewis, then you ran out.

A witness heard you.

It didn't happen that way, Detective.

I know you have no reason to believe me.

I am sorry I lied to you before, but now that you know about the abortion, I can tell you the truth.

Once those letters were burned, I'd done what I came to do.

I got the heck out of there.

[Sombre music]

♪ ♪ Come with me.



May we come in?

There was no altercation before Nate Desmond ran down the back stairs.

The m*rder occurred after he left, and you would have a good reason to lie about that.

Because the fight was with you.


it wasn't...

I heard them.

I heard a man.

These apartments are furnished, aren't they, Mr.


Which means that you have the exact same fire poker that Mr.

Lewis had.

And when you saw Nate run off, you realized your opportunity.


that's not...

I wouldn't.

When we examine this, we will find human blood on it, and...

... hair, it would appear.

I love Isabel.

I couldn't stand it...

... sitting around like a coward while he hit her, and I did nothing.

I saw that man running.

I knew this was my chance to stop Charlie hurting her for good.

[Sombre music]

♪ ♪ [Handcuffs locking]

I'll get the bed ready for you.

No, William.

Let's talk first.

Is there something you'd like to tell me, Julia?

You sound as if you believe you already know.

You advised Rebecca to give Isabel Lewis an abortion.

I did not.

Rebecca consulted with you and provided the procedure.


William, I...

I don't like your tone.

I'm not one of your suspects.

That procedure was at the centre of this case.

You withheld vital information from me.

That's not true.

I didn't know who the patient was.

I only made the connection today when I saw Rebecca.

And you didn't tell me.

It was a matter of privilege.

Rebecca is your student, not a patient.

There is no privilege.

You're right.

I was protecting her.

Because you thought I would arrest her.

I'm afraid you still might!

It is a crime, Julia!

Well, it's a stupid law, William!

It is a moral law!

One you advised her to break.

I did not tell her to perform an abortion.

I told her to follow her own conscience!

And I would tell her to do the same 100 times over!

Meaning you have no moral misgivings on the subject.

That's right!

That's exactly what I told her.

You told her that there is nothing amoral about ending an innocent child's life?

That it doesn't matter if it lives or dies?

That it isn't a child if it isn't born yet?


This isn't about the case.

This is about our child.

This is about your actions.

We both wanted that baby, William.

You know...

You know how much I wanted her.

Do you really believe that God is punishing us for Isabel's abortion?

You're getting worked up.

Do you think that...

he's punishing us for the abortion I had years ago?

Get out.

If that's what you really believe, then you should just GET OUT!

[Door opening]

[Door closing]

[Melancholy music]
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