12x18 - Darkness Before the Dawn Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderators: Virginia Rilee, Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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12x18 - Darkness Before the Dawn Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ ♪ Have you talked to Detective Murdoch?

Both Murdoch and McWorthy think that arresting John makes sense.

- Apparently there's evidence.

- Oof!

Evidence, my eye.

- Our son hasn't done anything wrong!

- I know that, Margaret.

I don't want you to set foot in this hospital until you've cleared our son's name.



Constable, as his doctor, I must ask that you wait outside.

Thank you, Dr.


Let's see how you're healing.

I still can't feel my legs.

Can you move your toes for me?


John, it's possible that there's still swelling near the spine which will abate in time.

But we have to consider...

- the possibility...

- Am I interrupting?

We'll talk soon, all right?

I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner.

How are you?

They think I k*lled Lucille Palmer.

John, I...

I'm sorry.

Do you remember what you told me before?

"Saying sorry doesn't change anything, so why waste energy in saying it"?

It sounds callous.

It's true.

Well, I mixed you up in this.

- And it's my fault.

- No.


Look, I knew Sutton was dangerous and I kept that from you.

And now they think I'm a m*rder*r.

And I'm not.


Toronto's new Chief Coroner.

You must have friends in high places.

I resent your implication.



- I've earned this position.

- I'm sure.

Congratulations, Miss Hart.

Thank you, Inspector.

What did you want to talk to me about?

John doesn't remember sh**ting Mr.


Also, John stated that he heard footsteps when he entered the room.


Sutton wasn't wearing any shoes.

And he was found seated holding the g*n.

- Was someone else there?

- Perhaps.

I've asked Miss Hart to test Mr.

Sutton's hands for any g*n powder residue.

Just as the Detective suspected, I found no trace.

Sir, the man who shot John is still at large.

And I intend to find him.


John went into that building to investigate Lucille Palmer's m*rder.

Perhaps whoever shot him did so to keep the truth from coming out.

Sir, could that have been Arthur Carmichael?

I mean, he pointed the finger at John.

- Bring him in, George.

- Sir.

Your office is so dreary.

I didn't ask you here for decorating advice, Mr.


- Have a seat.

- No, you asked me here to blame me for something your boss's son did.

How well do you know Grant Sutton?

I knew he was a damn fool.

Violent, too.

We believe someone else may have been involved the night that my constable was shot.

- Where were you?

- I was at home.

Can anyone confirm this?

That might be tricky.

I was giving a party that night.

Only about 80 of my dearest friends and colleagues can attest to my whereabouts.


Constable Crabtree.

You'll be pleased to know you can have your desk back.

- I've concluded my research.

- Oh.

About your book...


The one you read without my permission?


Allow me to apologize again.

I didn't mean any offence.


I glanced at it, and then couldn't stop reading.

Oh, really?

- So you quite liked it.

- Oh, I just tore through it.

The first three chapters were moving, honest, gripping.

But then...

it rather falls apart when the little men from Venus arrive.

I mean, really they just chase the main character around, and it becomes silly.


Well, thank you, Miss Newsome.

Considering I never asked you to read, - let alone critique, my work.

- I was only trying to help.

Yes, well, maybe next time, you can keep your help to yourself.

Arthur Carmichael has an alibi for the sh**ting of Grant Sutton.

But we don't yet know his whereabouts for the sh**ting of Lucille Palmer.

So, you have no idea where he was for...

four days?

So it would seem.

At any rate, he's our most compelling suspect.


Well, we know it wasn't Grant Sutton.

I mean, if it wasn't Carmichael, who else is there?

I hate to level such an accusation, but...

Inspector McWorthy may have been involved in covering-up the m*rder.

You don't think he did it himself?

I don't know.

But if he was involved in covering up one m*rder, he may have been involved in covering up more.

Who did Lucille address the letter to?

It doesn't say.

She wrote that she was carrying a child and wants the father to marry her.

- I swear, she never told me any of this.

- Are you sure?

She was just trying to trap you.


I'm sorry I got so angry.

I forgive you.

I've never seen that letter.

It couldn't have been meant for me.

The piece of b*llet they found in Miss Palmer came from your g*n.

That's impossible.

I didn't k*ll her.

I wasn't even there when Lucille was shot.

And no one else knew that you had been carrying a g*n around, did they John?


You finally agreed to have a drink with me.

I felt like celebrating.

So all it took was you getting a raise.

Well, a drink for this promotion, and...

just think what we'll do the next time I get promoted.

But you're coroner now.

What's higher than that?

I'm sure I'll think of something.

Will you be having a drink with any of the other inspectors?


Just you.


- What an awful place to die.

- Indeed.

How did John Brackenreid ever fall in with such company?

Let's focus on the b*llet's trajectory, George.

The b*llet that k*lled Lucille Palmer travelled straight through her heart and exited just left of her ninth vertebrae.

Where was the body found?

On the floor next to the bed.

And the b*llet?

In the mattress.

I suppose she was lying there in the bed, was shot, tried to crawl away and ended up on the floor.

I don't think so.

Sir, the lads from Station House One said they found the b*llet in the mattress right here.

Well, that may be George, but that's not the b*llet that k*lled her.

That b*llet exited her body.

Do you see any blood here?

Someone shot Lucille Palmer, then shot the mattress.

Planting a b*llet from John's g*n.

Whoever it was would have had to have gotten John's g*n, shot the mattress, then taken a shard of the b*llet and placed it inside Miss Palmer's body.

Was John's g*n placed in the evidence lock-up at Station House One?

Yes, after he was shot.

I'm having George look at their evidence log book.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

May I have a moment?

We're busy I'm afraid, Miss Hart.

I'm sorry.

This may be important.

A few days ago, I noticed that the spare key for the cold storage room was missing.

When exactly did you notice this?

Monday, I believe.

Whoever stole that key could've planted the b*llet shard in Miss Palmer.

They would've had to have taken John's g*n out of evidence first.

Inspector McWorthy.

It was him, Murdoch.

He shot my son and then framed him for m*rder.

Yes, sir.

And if that's the case, he'll spend the rest of his days behind bars.

Thank you Miss Hart.




He was like this when I found him.

Fortunate for you.

Still, very odd.

He died from a blow to the back of the head.

Likely with this.

I'll have to examine it for fingermarks.

Who would want him dead?

Present company excluded, of course.

Oh, and I found this in his jacket pocket.

Let's see if it's familiar to Miss Hart.


Is this the key to your cold storage room, Miss Hart?

Yes, where did you find it?

Inspector McWorthy's pocket.

- He stole it?

- He must have.

In which case, he could have planted the b*llet fragment in Lucille Palmer's body.

Do you really think he would frame - Constable Brackenreid for her m*rder?

- It's possible.

He was hit in the back of the head with a large paperweight.

I believe you'll conclude that the cause of death was blunt force trauma.

Of course.

I'll get to work.


Where do you think it will land?

I have no idea.

I've dropped this marble from the same position every time.

Each time, the outcome is different.

- It shouldn't be.


Do you want a drink?

- Yes, please.

- One for the lady.

So, are we to blame for the results of our actions if the outcome is not predictable?

Of course we are.

Or do we just feel we should take responsibility even though we have no control?

We have control.

John Brackenreid is lying in a bed in the hospital facing the possibility he may never walk again because I refused to wait for a more experienced surgeon.

And my actions put you into the position you're in.

Or did they?

Perhaps the way things turn out is beyond our control.


- I don't believe that.

- Look at that.

100 points.


Is that the paperweight that k*lled McWorthy?

I believe so.

I've obtained some fingermarks from it.

I'd like to compare them to Arthur Carmichael's.

Sir, weren't they friends?

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call them friends.

I believe McWorthy may have been in Arthur Carmichael's pocket.

Perhaps he drew the line at m*rder.

- Have you found anything?

- Well, sir, I went down to Station House One to have a look at the logbook.

It's not there.

It's been subpoenaed by the Crown Attorney's office.

The Board hasn't met as of yet to decide on your position.

With all due respect, sir, that isn't why I'm here.

I need access to the Station House One's evidence room log book.

- I believe...

- I wish I could help you, Detective.

But that log book is being held as evidence in another case.

- Sir, it's very important that I see that book.

- I'm sorry.


Do you think he's telling the truth, sir?

Well, I'd certainly like to think so.

I might have a way of finding out.

It wouldn't be entirely legal...

Then perhaps it's best you don't tell me.

- Detective.

- Miss Newsome.


I see they've let you out of the station.

Miss Newsome.

Actually, I came by, I wanted to apologize.

I truly regret my harsh words.

You were trying to give me some constructive criticism on my book, and I...

well, I took it poorly, to say the least.

And I shouldn't have taken your manuscript.

Care to join me?

I haven't the time.

In fact, I have a favour to ask you.

Regarding the Crown Attorney's office.

That's why you apologized?

No, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't very important.

Now, Detective Murdoch needs to see a page from the log book from Station House One, and you're the only person I know who could get that.

- Detective Murdoch involved in subterfuge?

- Only very mildly.

Isn't he up for the inspector position?

He is, which is why we need to be very discreet about this.

Why is this book so important?

Well, that's a long story...

Then you can help me finish this sandwich while you convince me.

What kind of sandwich is it?

He was always such an athletic boy.

Always first in every race.

Margaret, you must stop talking like this.

I suppose we'll have to get him his own wheelchair now.

If they allow one in prison.

Mother, stop!

I won't go to prison!

Then why is there a guard outside your door?

And why isn't your father out clearing your name?

- He will.

Won't you, Father?

- Yes, of course.

And you - are going to fully recover.

- Oh!

Margaret, come here.

- I am just being realistic.

- So am I.

That lovely girl might not want to wait for John to walk again, and be exonerated for m*rder.


His life will be over before it's begun.

My legs...

The numbness is getting worse.

I've transcribed the entries from the log book - for the day in question.

- Can I see it?

- Thank you very much, Miss Newsome.

- And that's not all.

I've managed to find files on Arthur Carmichael.

He was arrested for a variety of crimes, but the Crown never brought them to trial.

- What sort of crimes?

- Vandalism, public intoxication, as*ault and battery...

Thank you.

I have to show these to the detective.


I've gotten two sets of fingermarks from this.

One presumably is Inspector McWorthy's.

- The other could be Arthur Carmichael.

- Right.

You'll want to have a look at these.

Only one person signed into the evidence room shortly after John's g*n was checked in.


Constable Bauder.

- McWorthy could have sent him.

- Sir, look at these...

files on Arthur Carmichael.

It seems every case built against him was eventually dropped.

And sir, they all went through the same Crown Prosecutor.

(MURDOCH): Allen Templeton...

Where did you get these?

Sir, these files show an escalation of v*olence in Arthur Carmichael's actions.

And what's more, he kept getting away with it.

Not only are you accusing my office of malfeasance, you had files purloined.

Leave it alone, Detective.

I can't just walk away from this, and you know that.

There are interests at play here bigger than either of us, Detective.

I'll tell you this only once: stop this investigation.

Or what?

Or not only will you lose any chance at promotion to Inspector, you'll lose your current position.

As will anyone else who is helping you.


Hey, you.

Get out of here.

Come on, get out of here.




Constable Bauder.

Detective Murdoch.

- What do you want?

- You signed into the evidence locker at Station House Number One on the night that Sutton and Constable Brackenreid were shot.

- So?

- So, that night, a g*n was stolen and used to sh**t a b*llet into a mattress.

How does this concern me?

That b*llet is being used to frame an innocent man.

I had nothing to do with that.

You're the only one who accessed the evidence locker that night.

Did you deliberately take that g*n to falsely plant evidence?

Talk to us, Bauder, or so help me God, we will pitch your body off this bridge!

Tell us the truth, - or we will have your badge.

- All right.

- All right, it was me.

- Who put you up to it?

- Inspector McWorthy?

- No...

no, it wasn't McWorthy.

- Well, then who?

- I don't know.

He found me while I was on my rounds that night.

An older gentleman, well-dressed.

He gave me precise instructions.

Get the g*n, sh**t the mattress...

He paid me $50.

How could I turn that down?

I have a family.

A constable's salary isn't enough to feed four children.

So, all you did was sh**t the b*llet in the mattress?

McWorthy was to take care of the rest.

No, that's just it.

The last thing the man said was, "McWorthy can't know a thing about this".

Carry on, Constable.

This could mean someone else was protecting Arthur Carmichael.

Allen Templeton hinted at someone more powerful than him.

I'd be willing to wager that that someone is Arthur Carmichael's father.

The Chief Crown Attorney.

What a mess.


- Higgins!

- Oh, George.

- Henry!

Are you all right?

- I don't...

know, sir.


I was alone and some men...

I barely saw them, sir.

Two of them rushed me and two ran into your office.

- Are you all right?

- Ah, yes.



- No!

It's gone!

- What were they after?

The paperweight that k*lled McWorthy!


I'm sorry, Detective, I am confused as to your intention.

Are you here to accuse me of something?

You covered up your son's petty crimes.

So you claim.

You wanted to protect your son.

I understand that.

But we are now looking at m*rder.

Three murders, and a police constable who may never fully recover from being shot.

None of this has anything to do with me.

There is a conspiracy to protect your son.

We believe Inspector McWorthy was involved.

- And others.

- Others?

Someone with enough power and influence to force Inspector McWorthy's hand.

And, when Mr.

McWorthy got in the way, have him k*lled.

And all of these people are meant to be protecting...


- I hardly think him capable of m*rder.

- I do.

And if so, he will go to prison, as will everyone else who has been protecting him.

Well, this is all very interesting, Detective.

I hope you find the people you're looking for.

Inspector McWorthy's k*ller left the m*rder w*apon at the scene of the crime.

Some hired men ransacked my Station House and stole it.

That sounds like an impediment.

Well, not particularly in this case.

You see, I was able to document fingermarks from it.

You wanted to protect your son.

But when I catch whoever k*lled Inspector McWorthy, he will be faced with a choice: turn in all those who helped him, or hang.

How far do you think he'll be willing to go to protect you?





- Are you sure?

- I could feel it yesterday, but...

It's getting worse, isn't it?


Doctor Ogden, what's happening?

I don't know.


Excuse me.



- Has he gotten worse?

- Who?

You only have one patient, Doctor.

He's losing sensation above the waist.

It moves higher every day.


- What?

- Think.

Acute damage to the spinal cord would be static.

If the paralysis is progressing, the damage may not be permanent.

- Pressure?

What could be causing that?

- I've read about this.

Blood trapped in the spinal column is forced upwards as the pressure increases.

And that could cause the paralysis?

Yes, but drainage could make it reversible.

- He'll need another surgery?

- Yes, right away.


I can't do it.

- Why not?

- I...

Even the thought of performing another surgery, I...

I simply can't.

I'll do it.


Will he walk again?

We can't know that for certain.

We're only guessing that this is the cause of his paralysis.

But if you're right it would save my legs.

If we're right, and if the surgery is successful, yes.

He already can't walk as it is.

What's the risk?

Well, the surgery is highly invasive.

Complications could arise and...

The risk is that the patient could die.

But I will perform the surgery, and Dr.

Ogden will assist.

So, this is what we should do?

- Tom, I can't say...

- Do you believe that this is the best thing?


Then do it.


The patient is stable.

We're clear to the spine, just need to drain it.


To Dr.

Ogden, please.

- Doctor, this is your surgery.

- What are you doing?

- Finish the procedure!

- You'll finish.

- I...

I won't!

- Yes, you will.

I'm pulling the stylus.

Insert the syringe.

- The patient needs you.

- Doctor Dixon!

This is not a joke.

This procedure must be finished quickly and cleanly - or the patient might...

- Or the patient may die.

There's no one else to bring in here.

And I'm not going to do it.

So, it's up to you.

It's up to you.

Save his life.




You bastard.

How could you do that?

What was that all about?

The surgery was a success.

If this ink gets on my furniture...

This won't take long, Mr.


Next time, please call ahead.

Then I'll know to be out.


Are you quite sure?

If you don't mind, my driver has the Apollo idling.

You have an Apollo?

Indeed, I do.

Picked it up a few weeks ago.

It's a beautiful automobile.

They only sell them in Chicago.

Were you in Chicago a few weeks ago?


I suppose I was.


Carmichael, we have spent a great deal of time tracking your movements over the past few weeks, - and no one mentioned Chicago.

- Yourself included.

- So, what?

- So, when exactly did you go off on this little sojourn?

Because from everything we've heard, you've been seen out carousing in Toronto nearly every evening last month.

Except for the four days surrounding Miss Palmer's m*rder.


You caught me.

I went to Chicago a few days before Lucille was k*lled.

- And you decided not to mention that?

- It slipped my mind.

An alibi for m*rder slipped your mind?

Are you gonna charge me with a crime or am I free to go?


Carmichael, why would you ever keep that from us?

I mean...

- are you protecting somebody?

- Good day, gentlemen.

The hotel!

That wasn't you.

We believed your last known whereabouts prior to the four days unaccounted for was at the hotel with Miss Palmer, beginning two days before she was k*lled.

But you weren't there.

You were in Chicago.

Which means the Mr.

Carmichael who was with Miss Palmer must have been...

Your father.




- I'm afraid we're here...

- I know why you're here.

You'll find everything explained in my confession.

It's quite simple, really.

I k*lled them all.


you can give us the details down at the Station House.

Please, come with us.

May God have mercy on my soul.

- NO!

- NO!

In his confession, Carmichael took responsibility for everything.

He was the one having the affair with Lucille Palmer.

Arthur tried to absorb suspicion by leaving out the fact that he had alibi.

- And John?

- Well, Grant Sutton already knew about the affair.

Once John started investigating, Carmichael tried to k*ll them both.

But John survived, so he tried to pin the m*rder on him instead.

- What about McWorthy?

- He had found out what was going on and wasn't going to keep quiet about it.

- Carmichael did it all on his own?

- So it would seem.

If the son had any involvement, the father covered for him one last time.

It's only a shame we didn't get the chance to hang him ourselves.

Sir, all of the charges against John have been dropped, of course.

I'm sorry it ever had to happen, but we did have to follow the evidence.

I'm glad you did.

♪ He turned his back on his own patient!

What if I'd been unable to continue?

What if I'd made a mistake?

He believed you would succeed.

It was cruel!

And reckless!

- Unforgivable.

- And what was the outcome?

Well, it was a success.

- John will likely regain his mobility.

- Julia...

you were prepared to throw away your new career.

What was the outcome for you?

Can you explain this to me, Miss Newsome?

- It's from Deakins of Canada.

- Yes!

They want to see more of my book!

Why is this a bad thing?

I'm wondering how they got a hold of it in the first place?

- I sent it to them, obviously.

- Yes, I deduced that, Miss Newsome!

That's why I'm here waving my arms about in anger.

Well, that's a stupid reason to be angry.

You took it out of my wastebasket - and sent it to them without my permission!

- You're right!

It was wrong of me to take it.

But something good has come of it.

Just like when you asked me to steal - subpoenaed evidence from the Crown Attorney.

- That is not the same...

- That is similar, but it is...

- Then rip it up.

Rip it up right now.

Go ahead!

It's obvious you're too afraid to write the rest of your book, because if you do and it's not any good, it'll prove you're not a real writer.

I'm already a real writer.

- No, you're not.


You've written three chapters, plus some drivel about Venusians.

Oh, and that one about the mummies.

- You've read that?

- Of course not, it's nonsense!

Now, what are you going to do?

Give up?

Or write the rest of your book the way it's meant to be written?



It seems this is the place to find Llewellyn Watts.

I like it here.

The light is pleasing.

I looked for you at the running club.

Well, I've given that up.

And replaced it with drink?

Can you think of anything better?

Detective Watts, we may not know the outcome of our actions, but I do know this...

There are no outcomes without action.


I see.

Would you care to join me for another?

I have things to do.

As I hope you do as well.

- Does this look familiar?

- It does!

You were right.

It was found in the alley just off of Church Street.

- Thank you.

- Now, be mindful of your surroundings.

The constable will see you home.

Making yourself comfortable?

Listen to this.

"I purchased a g*n at a pawn shop on the corner of Parliament and Queen Streets, then went about to find Grant Sutton." That's part of Mr.

Carmichael's confession letter.

What of it?

What happened to his other g*n?

His other g*n?

Only a few weeks earlier, he shot Lucille Palmer.

Then he bought a new g*n to sh**t Sutton?

- What happened to the first g*n?

- I expect he disposed of it.

- It was a m*rder w*apon after all.

- He never mentions it.

He provides multiple corroborating details about the g*n that k*lled Sutton and the paperweight that k*lled McWorthy.

But there are no details supporting his claim he m*rder*d Lucille Palmer.

Something's not right.

Not only was there no mention of the g*n, we never found a trace of the b*llet.

Perhaps Carmichael collected it and disposed of it along with the m*rder w*apon.

But from whence?

You're right.

The b*llet that k*lled Lucille Palmer passed cleanly through her.

It had to have struck something in this room.

And yet, there is no evidence of a b*llet hole to be found.

Perhaps the reason there is no sign of a b*llet in this room is because the b*llet didn't end its trip in this room.

It's the same.

The striations are both a match for John's g*n.


John Brackenreid didn't k*ll her.

I don't believe he did either.

The question is who had John's g*n?

And when?

Father was always a fool.

It wasn't right of Lucille to blackmail him, but surely he didn't have to k*ll her.

And what was he doing with her in the first place?

They would have never met if it hadn't been for me.

- It's all my fault...

- It's not your fault.

- Isabel, you didn't know.

- I should have.

When he came home that night, he wouldn't even look at me.

Never in a million years would I have thought that he'd just shot two people.

The night Sutton and I were shot?


But you said you were on a train to Hamilton.


Even I didn't know he had that g*n.

Well, someone must have.

- Otherwise John really did...

- Wait.

Isabel knew.

She's in there with him now.

Why did you lie about where you were?

Why are you questioning me?

- Grant Sutton shot you...

- No, he didn't.

Where were you, Isabel?

What are you doing?



just let me explain.

You took my g*n, didn't you?

Your father didn't k*ll Lucille...

My father was too weak.

She would have ruined our family.


- (g*nsh*t)


Your father wasn't the one who shot me.

I had to do it.

Do you understand?

- You tried to k*ll me!

- I didn't have a choice!

You're a m*rder*r!

I knew about you and Lucille.


And I wanted to believe that you loved me!

- But now, I know that you really didn't!

- What are you doing?!


We could have been happy together, John.

And now look what you're making me do.








Are you all right, son?

Yeah, I think so.

- It wasn't me, I didn't, I...

- Enough.

It's over, Miss Carmichael.

You need to work on your choice of women, John.

I have terrible taste in women.

You think you were right.

Maybe you were.

But if you ever try anything like that again, - I will have you fired.

- I don't think I'll have to, Doctor.

I said anything like that.

I'll have my eye on you, Dr.


I have my eye on you, too, Julia.


I can feel them.

I don't think I can stand yet, but I can feel them.

You'll be back pounding the beat in no time.

I don't think so.


I'm handing in my badge, Father.

I need something else.

- University?

- No.

I want to be an actor.

At least it's not dangerous...

Look, Father, I'm sorry I let you down.

I wanted to follow in your footsteps...

but I can't.

You know I always fancied the roar of the crowd, the smell of the grease paint.

I know.

Good on you, John.

You'll get to do what I never did.

But when you're making your mark on the stage, you just remember one thing...

once upon a time, you used to be a copper.

And a bloody good one at that.


Miss Newsome.

You're not working here any longer?


Templeton figured out where you got those files.

I've been fired.

- I'm sorry, I...

- Save your breath.

I knew the risk when I decided to help.

You asked, but I chose to do it.

Just like you chose to finish your manuscript for that publisher.

And what makes you think I decided to do that?

The fact that you're not an idiot.

Not an idiot?

You know, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

I won't make a habit of it.

What are you going to do now that you're out of work?

I've had an offer already.

A defense firm in London wants me to sail immediately.

- You're leaving Toronto?

- No.

I've refused.

Instead, I've convinced them to open a branch in Canada.

Or, rather, I will convince them.

There's a lot of crime here.

As soon as they see the statistics, they'll see that I'm right.

And if they don't?

- I don't understand the question.


Well, if you're staying around, then perhaps you and I could have dinner or something?

Are you courting me?

- I suppose that...

- Good.

- Then let's start with lunch.


You are a remarkable woman, Miss Newsome.

Remarkable how?

Remarkably tall for one thing.

It's not me that's big, George.

It's the world that's small.

- You're back.

- I am.

And I intend to train until I can beat you.

Llewellyn Watts.

I never got your name.

Thomas Longboat.

Good to meet you.

Now, let's go!


(MURDOCH): Could I have done this any differently?

You pursued the truth at great expense to yourself.

I hardly think that's a choice for William Murdoch.

Aren't you even a little disappointed that you aren't married to Toronto's newest police inspector?

A little.



I am happier that I am married to you.

- Detective.

- Miss Hart.

Are you happy with your choice?

What choice?

To be city coroner.

Of course!

This is all I've wanted for the last two years.

Now, there's just something about all this that never added up.

Inspector McWorthy was k*lled because he had turned on the Carmichaels.

I suppose he made the wrong choice.

That's just it.

He made his decision prior to the b*llet fragment being planted in Lucille Palmer's body.

He was left out of the cover-up.

He had the key to the cold storage room.

Who else could have done it?

I can think of only one person.

Well, they should be arrested.

If you can prove it.

I can't.

And perhaps never will.

A shame.

Shame indeed.


Good day, Miss Hart.
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