Invisible Man, The (1933)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Invisible Man, The (1933)

Post by bunniefuu »





MAN: Twenty.

You hear about Mrs. Mason's little Willy?

Sent him to school and found him buried 1 0-foot-deep in a snow drift.

How did they get him out?

Brought the fire engine round.

Put the hose pipe in, pumped it backwards and sucked him out.






Fifty. Well done.




l want a room and a fire.



There's a gent here who wants a room and a fire.

Want a room?

l said a room.

We ain't got none ready, not at this time of year.

We don't usually have folks stop in, except in the summer.

You can get one ready.

Certainly, sir. Minnie!

Yes? l want a private sitting room too.

Certainly, sir.

Will you come through, sir? This way, sir.

lt's the coldest winter we've had down here for years.

They've had all the sheep and the cows in for a fortnight now.

Poor things. They can't get a blade of green grass.

You may be near-sighted, but you can't be deaf and dumb as well.


Could l take your coat and hat, sir, and give them a nice dry in the kitchen?

No. l prefer to keep them on.

Very good, sir. The room will be warm soon. l've got some luggage at the station. How can l have it sent? l'll get it brought over tomorrow, sir. Are you going to stay a bit?

Yes. ls there no way of getting it tonight?

Oh, not tonight, sir.

Very well.

Bring me some food.

Right away, sir.

lf you ask me, he's a criminal flying from justice.

Go on. He's snow-blind, that's what he is.

Has to wear goggles to save his eyes.

Anyway, you be careful and lock your money up.

A bottle of Bass, Herbert.

Here you are, dear.

l hope he'll be a bit more communicative this time.


Your supper, sir.

ls there a key to that door?

A key, sir? l haven't ever seen one. l don't think there was one when we came here. l want to be left alone and undisturbed. l'll see that no one disturbs you, sir.


Here's the mustard, ma'am.

You'll be the death of me with your slowness.

Here, you let me take the gentleman's supper in and forget the mustard !

And him wanting to be left alone!


There she goes again. . .

l told you not to disturb me. lt's only the mustard, sir. l forgot it. l'm sorry.

Thank you.

Have you been motoring on them slippery roads, sir?

You can take my overcoat and dry it.

Very good, sir.

Leave the hat.

Yes, sir.

Bandages right up to the top of his head, all round his ears.

Any blood?

No, no blood.

Looks like some kind of horrible accident.

Bumped his head on the prison wall getting over.

Father. l wish you'd leave me alone, Flora, when l'm working. l can't bear it. We've got to do something.

Do something? What about?

About Jack.

Oh, he'll come back. Don't you worry.

Father, please put that horrid thing down and listen. lt's nearly a month now without a word.

But the note he left was quite clear.

He said we might not hear for a while. lt's a good thing to go away when you're finishing a difficult experiment.

What kind of experiment is it, Father?

Something of his own. l had a terrible feeling last night. l felt he was in desperate trouble.

Hello, Kemp. Flora's worried about Griffin. l don't wonder. l should've thought at least he could drop a line. lt's a q*eer thing. lt certainly is, considering he was in your employ.

He had my permission to carry out his own experiments in his spare time.

And clear off when he liked, for as long as he liked?

What does it matter, if he's in trouble?


l've got the car outside. lt'll give you a rest to come for a run.

Do you think there are any papers in his room to help us?

Surely he must have arranged where he was going.

There may be letters.

He left a heap of burnt papers in his fireplace, that's all.

He was so strange those last few days before he went. . .

So excited and strung up. And yet he wouldn't say a word to explain. l've never seen him like it before.

He was always so keen to tell me about his experiments.

He meddled in things men should leave alone.

What do you mean?

Your father's a scientist, Flora.

He's discovered more about preserving food than any man living.

Jack and l were employed to help him.

That's a plain, straightforward job. lt's not romantic, but it saves hundreds of deaths and thousands of stomach aches.

What did you mean about "things men should leave alone"?

He worked in secret.

He kept a lot of stuff locked in a cupboard in his laboratory.

He never opened that cupboard until he'd barred the door and drawn the blinds.

Straightforward scientists have no need for barred doors and drawn blinds.

He cares nothing for you, Flora.

He'll never care about anything but test tubes and chemicals.

How can he go away like this without a word?

Flora, dear. . . Please, darling, let me tell you how l feel. l can't work or sleep until l know.

Oh, leave me alone! How can you?


Damn ! You annoy me.

There's a way back, you fool.

There must be a way back.


What is it? JENNY: Your lunch, sir.

Take it away.

You don't want it cold, do you?

Do you suppose that l'm going to carry trays backwards and forwards all day?

Lunch is at 1 :00, and it's 1 :00 now!

Get out!



He's not gonna stay under this roof, not another hour.

Crashed the tray out of me hand and swore at me.

Turned my best sitting room into a chemist's shop.

Spilled it on the carpets.

And him a week behind with his money.

Go and tell him if he ain't packed up and gone in half an hour, we'll have the law in to turn him out.

And take him his bill !

Three pounds ten. And see you get it before you come out.

Go on !

Let's leave him a bit, Jenny, till he cools off.

Go on. Do it now. Him and his goggles and his chemist's shop. lf you don't kick him out, l'm clearing out meself, and that's the truth.

And l mean it this time.


And a whole day's work ruined, by a foolish, ignorant woman !

There must be a way back.

God knows there's a way back.

(KNOCKlNG ON DOOR) lf only they'd leave me alone.

Look here, mister. We can't have this no more.

You've broken the wife's best china.

You're a week behind with the rent.

You've got to pack up and go. l'm expecting some money, Mr. Hall. l'll pay you directly it comes.

You said that last week, and it hasn't come yet. l came here for quiet and secrecy. l'm carrying out a difficult experiment. l must be left alone. lt's vital. lt's life and death that l should be left alone.

You don't understand. l understand all right.

You don't pay.

And what's more, you're driving folks away from our house.

Mr. Hall, l've had a serious accident. lt's d*sfigured me, affected my eyes. l don't mean that. l mean the way you carry on, throwing things about on the carpets and swearing. lt's no good, mister. You've got to go. l implore you to let me stay. l beg of you.

The wife says if you don't go, she is. So it's got to be you.

Come on. l'll help you to get this stuff packed up.

Leave that alone and get out of here!

Look here! ls this my house or yours?



What are you doing? Help!



Help! Help! Police!



He's a raving lunatic!


Go and get a policeman.

Please don't cry, now. He'll be all right. He's not harmed.

He's all right. Please don't cry.



Shut up!

Please don't cry.

Come on, Jaffers.

What's all this? lt's the stranger with the goggles. He's gone mad.

He assaulted Mrs. Hall and nearly k*lled her husband.


Where is he?

He's upstairs in the sitting room.

He's in there in the sitting room. He's homicidal.


Let that down.


Keep back, you kids there.

Go on out.

What's all this?

Keep back there.

Keep back? Me? Do you know who you're talking to? l give you a last chance to leave me alone.

Give me a last chance?

You've committed as*ault, that's what you've done.

You can come along to the station with me.

Come along, now. Come quietly. Unless you want me to put the handcuffs on.

Stop where you are. You don't know what you're doing. l know what l'm doing all right. Come on.

MAN 1 : Get hold of him. MAN 2: Lock him up.

All right, you fools.

You've brought it on yourselves.

Everything would've come right if you'd only left me alone.

You've driven me near madness with your peering through the keyholes. . .

And peeping through the curtains.

And now you'll suffer for it!

You're crazy to know who l am, aren't you?

All right, l'll show you !

There's a souvenir for you.

And one for you ! l'll show you who l am and what l am !


Look. He's all eaten away.

How do you like that, eh?



(LAUGHlNG CONTlNUES) lt was horrible.

What's wrong?

Well, Jaffers, what do you think?

He's invisible.

That's what's the matter with him. lf he gets the rest of them clothes off, we'll never catch him in a thousand years.

Come on.

They've asked for it, the country bumpkins.

This will give them a bit of a shock.

Something to write home about.

A nice bedtime story for the kids, too, if they want it.


Put the handcuffs on.

How can l handcuff a bloomin' shirt?

Quick, get hold of him !



JACK: Are you satisfied now, you fools?

lt's easy, really, if you're clever.

A few chemicals mixed together, that's all.

And flesh and blood and bone just fade away.

A little of this injected under the skin of the arm every day for a month.

An invisible man can rule the world !

Nobody will see him come. Nobody will see him go.

He can hear every secret. He can rob and r*pe and k*ll !


Not if he can't get no further than this room, he won't.

Here, shut that door.

Now, then, you'd better come along quietly.


MAN: Look out! Mind that window!


JACK: You think l'd escape like a common criminal?

You need a lesson. l think l'll throttle you.


Let go of me! Let go!


JACK: You must be made to understand what l can do.


MAN: Hey, look out!



Hey, whoa!


Hey! Hey!

Let him go! Look out!


JACK: l'm afraid l need this bicycle. (CHUCKLES)

MAN: He stole my bike!

Stop him ! Stop him !

JACK: Here's your blooming bicycle.

You can do what you like with it.

How's that for a hair brush, George Henry?


Good morning, grandfather. How do you do?


We do our part.


Mama, never mind the plated goods. Give me the diamonds.

On the gospel, it's the truth. He tried to strangle me, sir.

Where are you speaking from, Jaffers?

Lion's Head lnn, eh?

Did you say an invisible man?

Well, look here. You put more water in it next time.

He won't believe me. You tell him.

Mr. Hall speaking. The constable's telling the truth, all right.

MAN: lnvisible man special ! Horrible m*rder in lping ! lnvisible man. . .

Not the slightest clue. l didn't expect there would be.

That's where the clues are. He wasn't leaving anything to chance.

Griffin was never the man for secrets. He came to me with everything.

He kept a lot of stuff locked in here. l came in one evening when he wasn't expecting me.

He was standing here by this cupboard. lt was full of instruments.

When he saw me, he slammed the door and turned the key.


You say he brought a packing case up here?

The night before he disappeared, l heard him hammering, packing everything up.

Here's something, Kemp.

What is it? Bad news? lt's only a rough note, a list of chemicals.

And the last on the list is monocaine.

Monocaine? What is monocaine?

Monocaine's a terrible drug. l never heard of it.

You wouldn't, Kemp. lt's never used now. l didn't know it was even made. lt's a drug that's made from a flower that's grown in lndia. lt draws color from everything it touches.

Years ago they tried it for bleaching cloth.

They gave it up because it destroyed the material.

That doesn't sound terrible.

Yes, l know. But it does something else, Kemp. lt was tried out on some poor animal. . . A dog, l believe. lt was injected under the skin, and it turned the dog dead white like a marble statue. ls that so?

Yes, and it also sent it raving mad.

You surely don't think. . . l only pray to God that Griffin hasn't been meddling with this ghastly stuff.

He'd never touch a thing with madness in it.

He might not know. l found that experiment in an old German book, just by chance.

The English books only described the bleaching power.

They were printed before the German experiment.

What are we going to do, Doctor? l think we must tell the police that Griffin's disappeared.

But only that he's disappeared. l put you on your honor, Kemp, not to breathe a word of this to anyone.

Shall l go down to the police station with you? lt's all right, Kemp. l'll go tonight when lnspector Lane's on duty. l'll run along back home, then.

Good night.

Good night, Kemp.


MAN: (OVER RADlO) This is the national station broadcasting this evening's news.

Remarkable story from country village.

Police and doctors are investigating an astonishing story told this afternoon by the people of the village of Iping.

It appears that a mysterious disease has broken out infecting a large number of the inhabitants. lt takes the form of a delusion that an invisible man is living among them.

Several people have been seriously injured, probably through fighting among themselves in the belief the their opponent is an invisible man.

The whole village is in a state of panic, and everyone...

JACK: And everyone deserves the fate that's coming to them.

Panic, death, things worse than death.

Don't be afraid, Kemp. lt's me, Griffin.

Jack Griffin. How are you, my friend?

(SHlVERlNG) l'm frozen with cold.

Dead tired. Thank God for a fire.


Sit down, you fool. Let's have a decent fire.

Did you hear me? Sit down.

Unless you want me to knock your brains out.

Sit down !

l want you to listen carefully, Kemp. l've been through hell today. l want food and sleep.

But before we sleep, there's work to do. May l have a cigarette?

You always were a dirty little card, Kemp.

You're frightened out of your wits, aren't you?

Oh, it's no good talking like this.

Have you got a good long surgical bandage?

Good. And a pair of dark glasses?

Right. Go and get them at once.

Let me have a dressing gown, and pajamas, and a pair of gloves.

You'll feel better if you can see me, won't you?

Come on. We've no time to waste.


You'll find some pajamas in that room.

Here are the gloves and bandages. l'll bring you the glasses.

Thank you. Don't be long.

JACK: Put them on the table.

Now go down and draw the blinds in your sitting room.

Are we alone in the house?

Yes. Good.

All right, go now. lf you raise a finger against me, you're a dead man. l'm strong, and l'll strangle you. Understand?

Wait for me downstairs.

JACK: The sitting room, l said, Kemp.

And if you try and escape by the window, l shall follow you.

And no one in the world can save you.

Here comes the inspector now.

Get up.

Nice fool you've made of me. l've got reports for ten miles around.

Not a sign of anything. l'll tell you what l think of your invisible man. lt's a hoax.

Good business for the saloon bar, Mr. Hall?

Suppose l'd break my neck to sell a gallon of beer? l'll have an inquiry right now.

Bring in everybody who thinks they saw or heard anything. l'll get at the bottom of this before the night's out.

CONSTABLE: Here. Get those tables together.

Now, Kemp.

Now, then, we can talk as man to man.

Sit down.

One day l'll tell you everything. There's no time now. l began five years ago in secret, working all night, every night, right into the dawn.

A thousand experiments, a thousand failures.

And then, at last, the great, wonderful day.

But, Griffin, it's ghastly.

The great, wonderful day.

The last little mixture of dr*gs. l couldn't stay here any longer, Kemp. l couldn't let you see me slowly fading away.

So l packed up and went to a little village for secrecy and quiet, to finish the experiment and complete the antidote, the way back to visible man again. l meant to come back just as l was when you saw me last.

The fools wouldn't let me work in peace. l had to teach them a lesson.

But why. . . Why do it, Griffin?

Just a scientific experiment at first. That's all.

To do something no other man in the world had done.

But there's more to it than that, Kemp. l know now. lt came to me suddenly. The dr*gs l took seemed to light up my brain.

Suddenly l realized the power l held.

The power to rule, to make the world grovel at my feet.


We'll soon put the world right now, Kemp.

You and l. l? You mean. . . l must have a partner, Kemp.

A visible partner to help me in the little things.

You're my partner, Kemp.

We'll begin with a reign of terror, a few murders here and there.

Murders of great men, murders of little men, just to show we make no distinction.

We might even wreck a train or two.

Just these fingers around a signalman's throat.

That's all.

Griffin, for heaven's sake!

You want me to take these off?

No, no.

Very well, then. We'll make our plans tomorrow.

Tonight we have a small job to do.

Go and get your car out, Kemp.

Why? Where are we going?

Back to the village l left this morning. l came away without my notebooks.

They contain all the results of my experiments. l must have them here.

But it's past 8:00. lt's only 1 5 miles. Go now, quickly.

And take a bag with you for the books.

Put a warm rug in the car. lt's cold outside when you have to go about naked.

JACK: All ready?


JACK: Come on ! Get in !

Where is that rug? ln the back. l'm frozen. Cold enough to freeze the icicles off an Eskimo.

We'll stop in a lane 1 00 yards from the inn. l'll go in and give you the books through the window.

They'll have a guard.

What can a guard do, you fool? l must have those books, Kemp. l'll work in your laboratory till l find the antidote.

And sometimes l'll make you invisible, give me a rest. l was walkin' home to my lunch, sir, when all of a sudden, something takes hold of me hat and throws it in the pond.

How many drinks did you have on your way home?

Only a couple, sir. That's all.

A couple of drinks and a gust of wind. So much for you.

Now, then, about the bicycle.

Where's the owner of the bicycle?

Here, sir. lt was pulled clean out of me hands, sir.

Then it went peddling off down the street, all by itself.

JACK: Stop here.

Come on, get out.

Take your bag and walk straight down the street. l'll guide you.

Wait outside the pub window till the books come out.

Put them in your bag and come back to the car. Then wait for me.

Don't stare at me, you fool. Look in front of you.

Come on, get a move on !

Here we are, Kemp. ln here. (CHUCKLES)

Here. Stroll up and down as though you were waiting for someone.

Watch for that window to open.

Griffin? Griffin? Are you there?

Who's that, opened that door? lt's them boys again, sir.


Here, you leave this door alone. lt's private, see?

We never touched it!

Yes, you did. Go on !

Go on ! Off you go!

Crazies! Crazies!


JACK: Here you are, Kemp.

Lies from beginning to end ! l have a good mind to prosecute the whole lot of you for conspiracy. l shall announce this evening that the whole thing is a hoax and you'll be the laughingstock of the entire country.

He's here! The lnvisible Man !





Don't leave me! Wait for me! Don't leave me! Wait for me!


JACK: A hoax, is it? All a hoax?


All a hoax?




All right, off you go.


Go for your life too!

JACK: Did you hear some shouting and screaming?

What was that screaming?

Had to take some exercise to keep warm. l k*lled a stupid little policeman. Smashed his head in.

We start in earnest tomorrow morning, Kemp.

Good evening, Doctor. Good evening. ls lnspector Lane at the station? l want a word with him.

Yes, sir. . .

Extra special ! lnvisible Man slays policeman !



BOY: Evening paper! Get your paper!

Nasty business, this. lt's a conjuring trick, that's what it is. l saw a fellow make a peanut disappear once.

There are one or two things you must understand, Kemp. l must always remain in hiding for an hour after meals.

The food is visible inside me until it is digested. l can only work on fine, clear days. lf l work in the rain, the water can be seen on my head and shoulders. ln a fog, you can see me, like a bubble. ln smoky cities, the soot settles on me, until you can see a dark outline.

You must always be near at hand to wipe off my feet.

Even dirt between my fingernails would give me away. lt is difficult, at first, to walk down stairs.

We are so accustomed to watching our feet.

But these are trivial difficulties.

We shall find ways of defeating everything.

You will sleep in the room opposite and bring me some more food at 8:00.

Good night.





Now you'll understand my plans.

You're in charge of all country east of here, Thompson, for 20 miles to the north of the main road.

Very good, sir.

Neville, you take the opposite section to the south.

Stollen, you take charge of the search in the hills.

And Hogan, you'll take all the villages out to the river.

Right, sir.

Now, we shall comb the country for 20 miles round.

We've got a terrible responsibility. He's mad, and he's invisible.

He may be standing beside us now.

But he's human, and we shall get him.

We shall have 1 000 men out tonight.

Tomorrow we shall have 1 0,000 volunteers to help them.

There's a broadcast warning going out at 1 0:30.

Now, at all costs, we must avoid a panic spreading.

Now get away to your districts at once, and send me a note of your headquarters.

And remember, he'll leave tracks, even if he himself is invisible.


MAN: (OVER RADlO) I must interrupt the dance music for a moment.

I have an urgent message from police headquarters.

Earlier this evening, we broadcast a report of an invisible man.

The report has now been confirmed.

It appears that an unknown man, by scientific means, has made himself invisible.

He has att*cked and k*lled a police inspector and is now at large.

The chief of police appeals to the public for help and assistance.

Those willing to cooperate in the search are requested to report tomorrow morning to their local station.

The Invisible Man works without clothing. He will have to seek shelter.

You're requested to lock every door and window and every outbuilding he may use to hide in.

The police will be glad to receive any suggestions that will help in capturing the fugitive.

Remember, he's solid but cannot be seen.

A reward of £1 ,000 will be given to any person, whose information leads to his capture.

The police appeal to the public to keep calm and to admit uniformed search parties to all property.


MAN 1 : Bar the windows. WOMAN 1 : Keep the fiend out.

MAN 2: Lock up the doors. MAN 3: Take no chances.

Lock the windows.

MAN 4: Check the building round back.

WOMAN 2: Lock the door.

MAN 5: l've got the doors padlocked.

MAN 6: l'll keep him out.


Hello. Get me eashire, 1 021 .


Hello? Doctor, listen.

There's something ghastly. lt's Griffin. He's come back.

He's the lnvisible Man. He's asleep in my room.

He's mad, a raving lunatic! He's k*lled a man tonight.

Listen to me, Kemp. No one but you and l know that it's Griffin. l shall come in the morning.

You must come now! l can't bear it! lf l come now, he'll be suspicious and escape.

You must keep him calm and quiet for tonight. l trust you, Kemp.

Who was that, Father? lt was Kemp.

lt was about Jack. l know it. What is it?

Tell me.

Oh, leave me alone, Flora, please. l'm not afraid. Tell me.

Jack Griffin's come back. He's at Dr. Kemp's house now.

Jack Griffin's the lnvisible Man.

Say, is that the police? Was that £1 ,000 reward right?

Well, listen, l've got a way to catch him.

The paper says he threw ink at the man he k*lled.

Well, you get your own back and squirt ink about with a hosepipe until you hit him.

The ink'll stick on him, see? Then you can sh**t him. ls that the police? l want to tell you how to catch the lnvisible Man.

The paper says it's gonna be frosty in a day or two.

Well, you watch out when it's frosty, then you can see his breath.

Police, quickly. ls this the police? This is Dr. Kemp.

The lnvisible Man is in my house, asleep upstairs.

Come at once. Hurry!

Listen, Doctor, l've only got five men here. l'll want a hundred to surround the house.

Yes, all right, l'll send them up as soon as possible.

You must leave it to me and Kemp.

We shall work day and night to undo this terrible experiment.

You must let me go to him.

Only when he's well again.

No, now. l can do more with Jack than you or Dr. Kemp.

But, Flora, he's not normal. His mind's unhinged. At present, he's mad. l can persuade him to help you.

You're powerless unless he does.

Get your coat, Father. l'll be ready in five minutes.

But it's past midnight.

Wait till the morning. lt's life or death, Father. You know that. l'll go alone, then. Flora.


Who's that? Who's that?

Unlock the door, Kemp. Let me in.

What are you doing here, Kemp? l couldn't sleep. l had to get up, come down.

Why did you lock the door? l. . . l was afraid.

Wouldn't you be afraid if l were invisible like you?

There's no need to be afraid, Kemp.

We're partners. Bosom friends.

We've a busy day ahead. You must sleep.


l see. You told the police.

That was why you went downstairs.

No, l. . . l didn't. l swear l didn't.

Look, it's not the police. lt's Dr. Cranley and Flora.


Why, yes, of course. l had to tell them you were back, Griffin.

Flora was nearly mad with anxiety.

How could l forget?


KEMP: Shall l let them in?

Yes, of course you must let them in. l shall go and prepare myself in my room. l shall see Flora. . . alone.


He knows you're here. You said he was asleep.

He saw you from the window. He wants to see Flora alone.

No, Flora, don't.

He's calm now, quiet.

Jack won't do me any harm. l tell you, he's insane. lt's for us to cure him, Kemp and l.

Keep away, Flora. l must go to him.

Listen, Doctor, he was a different man when he saw Flora leave the car.

He won't hurt her. We must play for time.

Why for time?

We must prepare things. lf we try and bind him now, he'll throw us off and escape.

We must take him when he's asleep and chloroform him. Wait here.

Flora, my darling.

Thank God you're home, Jack. l would have come to you at once, Flora, but for this.

How wonderful it is to see you.

How beautiful you look.


That funny little hat, l always liked. You've been crying. l want to help you. Why did you do this?

For you, Flora.

For me?

Yes, for you, my darling. l wanted to do something tremendous, to achieve what men of science have dreamt of since the world began, to gain wealth and fame and honor.

To write my name above the greatest scientists of all time. l was so pitifully poor. l had nothing to offer you, Flora. l was just a poor, struggling chemist. l shall come back to you, Flora, very soon now.

The secret of invisibility lies there in my books. l shall work in Kemp's laboratory till l find a way back.

There is a way back, Flora. And then l shall come to you. l shall offer my secret to the world, with all its terrible power.

The nations of the world will bid for it. Thousands, millions.

The nation that wins my secret can sweep the world with invisible armies.

Jack, l want you to let my father help you.

You know how clever he is. He'll work with you day and night, until you find that second secret, the one that'll bring you back to us.

Then we'll have those lovely, peaceful days again, out under the trees, after your work in the evening.

Your father? Clever? (CHUCKLES) You think he can help me?

He's got the brain of a tapeworm, a maggot beside mine.

Don't you see what it means? Power! Power to rule!

To make the world grovel at my feet!

Jack, listen to me! Listen !

My father found a note in your room.

He knows something about monocaine even you don't know. lt alters you, changes you, makes you feel differently.

Father believes the power of it will go, if you know what you're fighting.

Oh, come and stay with us. Let's fight this thing out together.

Power, l said !

Power to walk into the gold vaults of the nations, into the secrets of kings, into the Holy of Holies, power to make multitudes run, squealing in terror at the touch of my little invisible finger.

Even the moon's frightened of me, frightened to death.

The whole world's frightened to death.


So, l see. Kemp couldn't sleep.

He had to go downstairs. He was frightened. l put my trust in Kemp. l told him my secret, and he gave me his word of honor.

You must go now, Flora. l want to help you.

There is nothing for you to do, my dear, except to go. l shall come back. l swear l shall come back, because l shall defeat them.

Go now, my dear.

No. l want to stay. You must hide.

Don't worry. The whole world's my hiding place. l can stand out there amongst them in the day or night and laugh at them.

Come along, my darling.

Oh, Father.

Pass on word, link hands all around the house.

Link hands. Link hands.

Stay close together, or he'll slip under your arm.

Now, boys, forward.

JACK: Thank you, Kemp, for opening the window.

You're a true friend, Kemp, a man to trust. l've no time now, but believe me, as surely as the moon will set and the sun will rise, l shall k*ll you tomorrow night. l shall k*ll you, even if you hide in the deepest cave of the earth.

At 1 0:00 tomorrow night, l shall k*ll you.

Help! Help! He's here! He's here!

Here he comes!

Link hands where you are!

Keep your arms down.

What is it?

Something smacked my face.


JACK: Naughty boy.


Let go!

What's the matter with you?

He pinched my nose.

Now, steady, boys. We've got him all right this time.

JACK: Good shot.


Get that hat!

Now, then, boys, advance slowly. lt's all right, he's unarmed, and we've got him easy.

Help! Help! He's got me by the feet! Here he is! Help!


(POLlCE CHATTERlNG) lt's the lnvisible Man !

He's got him by the feet. Help him, boys, quick!


Grab him ! Grab him !


Help me!

What do you know about that?




Here we go gathering nuts in May Nuts in May, nuts in May Here we go gathering nuts in May On a cold and frosty morning


He threatened to k*ll me at 1 0:00 tonight.

You must lock me up. Put me in prison.

You're not the only one in danger, Dr. Kemp. l'll see that you have protection.

Now, Dr. Cranley, you're concealing something from me.

Well. . . One moment! l want you to explain why you and your daughter were in this house at 2:00 this morning?

Dr. Kemp called me up, he told me the man was here, he wanted my help.

Why did he ring you before the police?

Why did your daughter come too?

She came to drive the car.

You know who the lnvisible Man is, Doctor.

l understand you have another assistant besides Dr. Kemp.

A Dr. Griffin. Where is Dr. Griffin?

He's gone away. lt is Griffin !

What's the good of concealing it? lt's Griffin, and he's threatened to m*rder me!

He may be here now, beside us, or in the garden looking through the window, or in a corner of my bedroom waiting for me, waiting to k*ll me!

And you all sit there, doing nothing ! Nothing !

We've doubled the search party ten miles around Kemp's house.

There's nothing to report, sir.

The policeman's trousers were found in a ditch a mile away. That's all.

Well, it's beaten me. l'll give £1 ,000 for a practical idea.

He's roaming the country at will. A madman !

JACK: Here l am. Aren't you pleased you've found me?



JACK: Would you like to keep him company?


Stand away! Keep back!



Thank you.

MAN: Give me £5 worth of silver, please.

BANKER: Yes, sir.

Thank you. Good day.

WOMAN: Good morning, Mr. Simpson. Good morning.

Morning. Morning, sir.

Pleasant day, sir? Rather nice.

JACK: There you are. A present from the lnvisible Man !

Money! Money! Money! Money!



Up and down the City Road In and out the eagle That's the way the money goes Pop goes the weasel Money, money, money, money, money, money, money!

Twenty men of the search parties have been k*lled and a hundred in the train disaster.

The lnvisible Man has been reported in a hundred different places.

Now, l appeal to you to help us keep the public calm.

Can you tell us what plans you've got for capturing him?

A hundred thousand men are searching and watching.

Yes, l know. But have you any secret means of getting him?

The police have offered £2,000 for the first effective means.

Why not bloodhounds?

The bloodhounds have lost the scent.

Why not put wet tar on all the roads, then chase the black soles of his feet?

Because he's not a fool. Now, we've got one hope, gentlemen, but l daren't say a word of it here.

He may be standing there beside you, listening.

Try and sleep now, my dear.

There's nothing you can do.

We must just pray that the police can take him without harming him.



Stand back, close against the wall.

Now, then, drag that net clear across the room.

Now, everything depends on the way we carry out my plan. l'll tell you after we've made certain he's not in this room.

Good. Now we're safe here at last.

Constable, keep an eye on that window.

Now come here, all of you, and sit down.


Now listen carefully.

We've got a chance tonight that will never come again.

He's threatened to m*rder Dr. Kemp at 1 0:00.

And from what we know of him, he'll do his utmost to carry that out.

He's certain to be near this house, watching for some time beforehand.

Now, at 9:30, Dr. Kemp, with a bodyguard of police, will leave this house and walk down to the police station. lt's a natural thing for Dr. Kemp to seek protection.

Now, the lnvisible Man is certain to be near.

He's certain to see what's happening.

You mean you're going to use me as a bait? Yes. l can't.

You must. You'll be perfectly safe.

Safe? l tell you, he's not human.

He can go through anything. Prison walls, everything.

Don't be a fool. l tell you, l can't sit in that station waiting.

He'll k*ll you, k*ll you all, then take the keys and come to me.

Very well. lf you're afraid of waiting in the police station, you can leave it directly you're inside.

There's a secret way out through the inspector's private house.

We'll disguise you as a policeman, and you can walk out with other uniformed men and drive away.

Even if he sees you, he won't recognize you.

He'll most probably be waiting in front to break in at 1 0:00.

What happens to me then? l'll have you driven back quietly to this house by the back lanes.

Then get into your car and drive away into the country.

Miles away. And stay there until you heard we've got him.

Now you needn't be afraid. We'll get him all right this time. l'll lay traps that even an invisible man can't pass.

You see, it covers a fairly wide range. l've got 20 of these g*ns and a good man to each.

One splash of this on his skin, and we've got something to follow at last.

Why not paint the top of the wall?

Because he'd smell it. l've got a better plan. l'm going to put a thin layer of loose earth along the top of the wall.

The slightest touch will disturb it, and we've got him trapped.

Oh, l see. Pretty good.

Forward. Quick, march !

They think they're very clever.

All right, take him straight inside.

Twenty minutes to 1 0:00. Keep your eyes open now, boys.

Here, quick, sir. l heard footsteps outside.

Soft footsteps, like naked feet.



MAN: All ready. Come on.

Where are you going to? ln the mountains, 1 00 miles away.

Drive away quickly.

Well. . . lt's ten minutes to 1 0:00.

He's bound to do something any minute.

Do you suppose he'll try getting in through the station?

Every door and window is barred, with a double guard on each.

He'll try the wall right enough.

There he goes! There!

To your stations now. Watch the wall.

He's over the wall. l felt breathing down my neck.

He's in here!

1 0:00! 1 0:00 he wanted to m*rder me!

JACK: l think this'll do nicely, Kemp. We'll stop here. lt's 1 0:00. l came with you to keep my promise.


No! lt's all a mistake, Griffin. l swear, l never told the police. l want to help you. Let me be your partner. l've had a cold and uncomfortable journey just to keep my promise at 1 0:00. l went into the police station with you, Kemp. l stood by while you changed into that coat. l rode on the running board of the car that took you home again.




l know that l could never tell who you are. Who are you?

There. You sit there. l've got you where l want you.

JACK: l hope your car's insured, Kemp. l'm afraid there's going to be a nasty accident in a minute.

A very nasty accident.

Listen, l'll do anything, everything you ask me.

You will? That's fine.

Just sit where you are. l'll get out and take the hand brake off and give you a little shove to help you on.

You'll run gently down and through the railings.

You'll have a big thrill for 1 00 yards or so till you hit a boulder.

Then you'll do a somersault and probably break your arms.

Then a grand finish-up with a broken neck.

Well, good-bye, Kemp. l always said you were a dirty little coward.

You're a dirty, sneaking little rat as well. Good-bye.



A thousand replies have come to my appeal for suggesting ways of catching the lnvisible Man.

Some are clever, some stupid, but all are impossible.

He's got to sleep. They might catch him asleep.

He's got to eat and drink.

A cafe was robbed last night in Manton.

There's no proof he did it.

There are robberies every night by ordinary burglars.


This feels good.





Look there! We wanted help. There it is.

lt's now or never. Snow won't lie long at this time of year. lt may be gone in a few hours.

Find out if the snow is general over the country.

Send out a broadcast message.

He can't stay out in this bitter cold. He'll seek shelter.

Excuse me, sir. There's breathing in my barn.

What do you mean, breathing in your barn?

The lnvisible Man, sir, sure as l stand here.

The farmer may have imagined it, but we can't leave anything to chance.

Surround the barn. No use trying to take him on the inside.

Force him out into the snow.

Take a pile of wood and gasoline and set fire to it.


That's it, sir. He's in there under a pile of straw, sir.

Are there any windows he can watch from?

No, sir. Only the door, sir.


There's a reward of £1 ,000 waiting for you if we're successful.

That's the place, and we're lucky to have the open country.

Take your men over to the line of trees and cover the country from the road to the top of the hill.

Line the ridge through those trees, double.

Now, Chief. There's no time to lose.

We can't wait till he comes out to search for food.

We must fire the barn at once and drive him out into the snow.

You men, keep in single file.

We don't want a lot of your footprints around the barn.

We want to keep the snow for his feet alone.

Get that searchlight on the door of that barn.

He's out! Look!

Shall l give the signal to advance?


l don't think your guard will be needed any longer.

How is he?

He's very near the end.

Are you Dr. Cranley?

Yes. l had a message to come immediately.

Towards dawn this morning, he grew quiet.

He called the name of a girl. l understand your daughter, Dr. Cranley.

She's waiting below. ls there any chance?

b*llet passed through both lungs. lt's impossible to treat the wound.

Do you think your daughter could bear to go to him? l'm afraid the end may be rather terrible.

The effect of the dr*gs will die with him.

His body will become visible as life goes. l'll bring her now.

JACK: ls Flora there?

She's coming now.

l knew you would come to me, Flora. l wanted to come back to you.

My darling, l failed. l meddled in things that man must leave alone.


Father, come quickly!
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