10x02 - Smug Alert!

Episode transcripts of the TV show, "South Park." Aired August 1997 to current.*
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The misadventures of four boys who live in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado.
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10x02 - Smug Alert!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Going down to south park ♪

♪ Gonna have myself a time ♪

♪ Friendly faces everywhere ♪

♪ Humble folks without temptation ♪

♪ Going down to south park ♪

♪ Gonna leave my woe's behind ♪

♪ Ample parking day or night ♪

♪ People spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪

♪ Headed on up to south park ♪

♪ Gonna see if I can't unwind ♪

♪ (Mumbling) ♪

♪ Come on down to south park ♪

♪ And meet some friends of mine ♪♪

Hey there, richard.

Oh hey, gerald, new car?

Yeah, it's a hybrid.

I just... I just couldn't sit back and be a part of destroying the earth anymore.

Well... Good for you.

Oh, thanks!

Well, there goes the new high and mighty gerald broflovski.

Yeah, ever since he got that new hybrid he thinks he's better than everyone else.

You know... The emissions from a vehicle like yours causes irreparable damage to the ozone.

I drive a hybrid.

It's much better for the environment.


Dad, can we go home?

All you ever do since you got this car is drive around and show it off.

Hey, is that a hybrid?

Oh yes, you've got one too, I see.

Yeah, I like to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem...

Well, anyway, good for you.


Dad, I think ike is starving to death.

Hold on boys, we still have to go the hardware store and hand out awareness citations to suv cars in the parking lot.


Okay, there's another one.

Oh man, look at that?

Can you believe this?

An suv with a v-8 engine!

Makes me sick-

"Ticket for driving a gas guzzler"!

Dad... Can we go home, please?

Look, there's a jeep over there.

Go write them a ticket, kyle.

Now, kyle! But dad-

Hey, kyle!

Oh hey, dude, what are you doing here?

Helping my dad pick out some cool new power tools.

What are you doing?

Helping my dad give people fake tickets.

What's this?

Oh - sorry randy, looks like you got a ticket.

A ticket?

"Failure to care about the environment."

Oh godammit, did you do this, gerald?!

Yeah, I'm just- trying to make people more aware.

You know-

You've got some nerve you know that!

Where do you come off ticketing people?

Now randy, calm down, it's not a real ticket.

I know it's not a real ticket!


Did you put this crap on my windshield?!

Jimbo, your truck gets less than 10 miles a gallon.

Well thanks, officer dickhole!

Dad, let's just go.

Look, I'm just trying to make the people of south park aware of a very serious problem!

The problem, gerald is that ever since you got a hybrid car you've gotten so smug that you love the smell of your own farts!

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was high and mighty to care about the earth.

And that too!

Stop talking with your eyes closed!

That's what smug people do!

Well, I don't really see how-

That has anything to do with-

There like that, stop that!

Who the hell put a faggy fake ticket on my truck?

Alright that does it, come on, kyle!

I don't want you hanging around with these ignorant idiots!

Yeah, I think it's best we just do it right away...

Dad, ike and I have been talking, and well...

We feel that your new car is changing you.

Yes, it certainly is.

We're thinking that a lot of people in town are starting to...

Take offense.

Are starting to take offense at your actions.

We feel like you're starting to become...


Starting to become alienated from some of your friends.

Well, I totally agree, kyle.

You do?

Yes, a lot of people in town just aren't ready to drive hybrid cars.

Right! Okay, good.

And that's why, I've talked it over with your mother, and... We've decided to move!


We need to be where everyone is motivated and progressive like us!

Start getting your things packed boys, the broflovski family is moving to san francisco!

(Knocking) yeah.

Hey stan, you should come on over.

They're having a goin' away party for kyle.

Going away party? What do you mean?

Wul, don't you know? Kyle's moving away.

Moving away? Kyle can't move away!

Wul, he is.

Where is the going away party?

At cartman's house.

Hey everybody there's more pop in the refrigerator!

Let's make this the best going away party ever!


Hey eric, where's kyle?


Kyle, the person leaving!

Kyle- why would I invite kyle?

Dude, a going away party is supposed to be for the person who is going away!

Kyle? Kyle!

Kyle's not here, cartman didn't invite him.


You guys, this is our party.

That no good back-stabbing jew rat is finally leaving.

Come on, everyone let's sing!

♪ Na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na ♪

♪ Hey hey hey ♪

♪ Goodbye kyle ♪ kyle, dude, what is going on?!

My dad says he can't live here any more.

Mr. Broflovski, please, kyle's my best friend.

I'm sorry, stan.

But unfortunately you live in a small-minded town filled with ignorant boobs.

Wul... Maybe they'll change.

I wouldn't count on it.

Come on boys, get in the car.


Maybe you can make a difference, stan.

Maybe you can get everyone to drive hybrid cars.

Until that day...

We're just going to have to be with our own kind.

I will!

I'll get everyone to drive hybrid cars!

I swear it!

Well, what do you think, huh?

Oh gerald, it's beautiful!

Yeah, now this is a house!

Oh hello there, you must be the new neighbors.

Yes, that's right, we're the broflovskis.

Welcome to san francisco, I'm peter thompson, this is my wife nancy jarvis and our son brian thompson-jarvis.

So, how do you like the neighborhood?

Oh, it's gorgeous!

These old houses are so neat!

Yes, well, unlike most cities, in san francisco we try to keep all the historic houses instead of knocking them down...

You in here, peter?

Oh, hey paul, come on in and meet the broflovskis.

Hello there, I'm paul mcdonahugh, this is my wife holly beumont-mccallahan and our daughter mindy mcdonaugh-beumont-mccallahan.

Hello! Hello!

We noticed your hybrid out front, that's the "v" series, right?

Yeah, that's right!

Hooo nice car, but we're gonna have to get you into the b-t series, its emissions are actually cleaner.

Wow, so... Everyone here drives a hybrid, huh?

Oh of course, we're a little more progressive and ahead of the curve here in san francisco.


(Sniffing) ahhhh!

Well, anyway I'm sure you'll find it much better here.

Yes, you'll find that san francisco is pretty much more open-minded and grown-up than than the midwest.


(Sniffing) ahhhh!

We're just a little bit more protective of our environment here in san francisco.

Yeah, we sure are!

♪ Come on people ♪

♪ Come on, people now... ♪ Dude, what are you doing?

I'm writing a song about the importance of hybrid cars, so maybe people will change their ways.

That's gay.

Well if I have any chance of getting kyle back I have to get people to stop driving suvs!

Why do you want kyle back?

Don't you see how awesome it is without him?

You know cartman, you may be stoked now...

But I bet you're gonna find that without kyle around to rip on your life is empty and hollow.

Whatever, dude.

I don't need kyle to rip on, I've got butters!

Come on butters, you stupid jew!

Yeah, I'm a dumb jew!

♪ Come on people ♪

♪ Come on people, now ♪ alright all you dreamers and creamers out there in south park.

I'm gonna play a song by a local artist that really made me think about my impact on the earth.

This is stan marsh with, "hey people, you got to drive hybrids already."

♪ Come on people now people now♪

♪ People now come on people now ♪

♪ Got to drive hybrids people now ♪

♪ People now, people now, people now ♪

♪ Hybrids are for people now people now ♪

♪ Good for people driving people now ♪

♪ Get a hybrid be good people now ♪ he's right.

♪ We have all got to be people now ♪

♪ People driving hybrid people now ♪

♪ People now people now hybrid now ♪

♪ Hybrid people driving people now ♪

♪ Come on people, let's be people now ♪

♪ Hybrid people driving people now ♪

♪ Come on everybody, be people now ♪ hey jimbo, you got a hybrid too?

Yeah, I just wanted to try to set an example, you know?

Yeah, I guess it's up to us to show everyone the way.

Good for you!


Can you believe some people still don't drive hybrids?

I know, it's like, "earth to america, hello?"

This is simple stuff here, gallll!

Well, from now on I'm only going to associate with other hybrid car drivers.

Everyone else is just ignorant, m'kay.

Good for you!


At least we're smart enough to know better!


♪ Come on everybody, be people now ♪♪ and so, we are here to honor stan marsh, for making south park the city with the highest percentage of hybrid owners in the country!

If only the rest of the country was as insightful as we are.

Uh thanks, I was really just trying to make it so my friend could move back here so...

If you don't mind, I'm gonna go try to get ahold of him now.

Great speech.

Yeah well, y'know, my son is just a little bit more clever than some.

Hello there, I'm ranger mcfriendly.

I'm the person who watches over the delicate ecosystem of south park.

You must be the little boy who wrote that song!


(Smack) aagh!

You son of a bitch!

Do you have any idea what you've done?


Come with me!

There, look!


There's never been smog over south park before.

Don't you get it?

When people drive hybrid cars they get so full of themselves that they spew tons of self-satisfied garbage into the air.

That isn't smog...

It's smug !


Hybrid cars are better for emission levels but people who drive hybrid cars are the leading cause of smug.

You get enough smug in the atmosphere and you know what that leads to?

Global laming.

Thanks to your gay little song, south park is now the second smuggiest city in america!

This is a south park news weather bulletin!

It looks like we have a smug alert here in south park, our own keenen williams has the details, keen?

Thanks tom, a smug alert is in effect through at least tomorrow morning.

All those hybrid cars on the road have caused heavy smug to develop over most of park and jefferson counties.

On the national map...

We can see smug over parts of denver, and developing smug in los angeles.

However, san francisco is once again the smuggiest city in the country.

♪ A smuggy day, in san francisco town ♪♪ sheila, did you meet gail and brian yet?

No! Hello, how are you?!

Really good, really good.



Hey there... Alan, right?

Actually it's alain.

Right, right, would you like red or white wine?

Could I just get an empty glass?

Oh, sure...

Can you believe those imbeciles in texas?

They just put another prisoner to death.



So... What do you do for fun?

We drink and take dr*gs.

You want some acid?

Oh, no thanks, we don't do that stuff.

You will.

There's a reason most san francisco kids take a lot of dr*gs.

It's the only thing that allows us to deal with our parents all walking around loving the smell of their own farts.

Everything okay in here, kyle?

Yeah, fine, dad.

So much better here with intellectuals, isn't it boys?


(Sniffing) ahhhh!


Well, maybe I'll take just half a hit of acid.

I want fhree !

No, no, I'm asking if there's a listing for broflovski in san francisco.

They just moved there.

Ha ha, take that, jew boy!

I guess you heebs can't even play video football!

Yeah, you're right!

You know butters, you make for a lousy jew.

I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not jewish, and-

No, no, don't apologize, you assh*le!


Oh crap, ranger mcfriendly.


You better come with me to the news station!

Our situation just got a lot worse!

I noticed it on the computer this morning...

Look here.

This... Is the smug over south park.

It's getting bigger and gaining strength.

The smug?

The smug is getting so massive that it's moving west and fusing with the san francisco smug... Here.

These two smug clouds are combining-

Fueling each other.

Now take a look at this.

What is that?

It's the smug from george clooney's acceptance speech at the academy awards.

George clooney's acceptance speech?

Did you hear it?

He talked about how people in hollywood are ahead of the curve on social matters, he even took credit for the civil rights movement-

Look, the point is -

The smug from his acceptance speech has been slowly drifting north since he gave it.

And it's headed straight for the supercell.

The south park and san francisco smug is already at critical mass.

If it gets hit by george clooney's acceptance speech it will be a disaster of epic proportions.

The perfect storm of self-satisfaction.

We've got to tell the townspeople.

South park still has a chance to make it through the storm.

What about san francisco?

Kid, thanks to your gay little song...

There's not gonna be a san francisco.

So that's it people.

When the smug from george clooney's speech hits the san francisco and south park smug...

We're going to witness a storm the likes of which we've never seen.

Are you trying to tell us the smug from our hybrids is actually going to k*ll us all?

If the smug clouds remain the way they are, yes.

This is all stan's fault!

He wrote that gay little song and got us to drive those damn hybrids!

Yeah, good going, stupid!


Though we all agree this is stan's fault, there is still something we can do.

If we all work together to reduce smugness we might be able to lessen the effects of the storm, at least here in our own town.

Then that's it-

There's only one way to reduce smugness.

We've got to destroy every hybrid car in town!

Uh-huh! Yeah! That's right!

Everyone get your hybrid and meet at dawson's!

Hey, where do you think you're going?

I'm gonna go try and warn kyle to get out of san francisco.

Oh no, you're not!

Your gay little song got us to drive hybrids you're gonna help us get rid of them!

How long do we have until the smug clouds collide?

Not long... The smug from george clooney's academy award acceptance speech has already crossed into arizona.

What the hell is that?

(Echoing & resonating) the thing about winning an academy award...

We are a little bit out of touch in hollywood...

...talked about civil rights when it wasn't really popular...

...talk about aids when it was just being whispered, ...gave hattie mcdaniel an oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting...

Oscar winner, george clooney...

Sexiest man alive...

Wow, eric, you sure are a great guy for doing this.

I don't have a choice.

Somebody has to get into san francisco and warn kyle's family to get out before the storm hits.

But... How come we can't just take the bus on into the city?

You don't know san francisco, butters.

It was the breeding ground of the hippie movement in the 60s there's hardcore liberals, lesbian activists and die-hard modern hippies young and old.

I swore I would never set foot in san francisco...

God help me.

Alright, butters, I'll be tethered to you through this cord.

It's my only lifeline so make sure it stays taut.

If you stop hearing my voice for the love of christ start reeling me in with all your strength.

I will!

You're really great for going to warn kyle, eric.

I'm not doing it for kyle.

I can't believe I'm actually gonna walk through san francisco.

Well... Here goes.

Hurry up!

Can't somebody else operate this?

I can't really reach.

Well then, you shouldn't have written that gay little song, should you have?!

Keenen, we've gotten rid of half the hybrid cars.

How are the smug levels?

They're dropping slowly...

But we're running out of time!

Yeah, it's like, san francisco is more of a european city, like paris or milan...

Agh, ooogh... Butters are you there?

I'm here eric.

I've started to enter the smug.

I'm about a quarter mile in, can you give me an e.l.?

You must be nearing union square.

Do you see a fountain to your left?

Yes, it's just beyond yet another wine and cheese store.

Take your next right, you've got to start heading west.

Turning right at 0-2-4 niner...

That's it! That's the last one!

Keenen we've smashed the last hybrid.

Hurry, the smug from clooney's speech is about to hit the other smug system!

Get everybody inside!


God help us...

(Resonating & echoing) oscar winner, george clooney...

(Thunder crashing)

(Lightning crackling)

Butters... Butters I think I'm here!

2419 Costillo?

That's it, eric hurry!

Something's going on out here!

Mr. Broflovski!

Mr. Broflovski, there's a smug storm!

We have to go.

Being smug is a good thing.

(Farting) (sniffing)

Oh my christ!

Kyle, kyle?

The acid.... Dude, I'm totally tripping balls!

I'm totally tripping balls!

I'm totally tripping balls....

We have to get out of here, now!



And now, the worst appears to be over.

Last nights' smug storm has left thousands homeless.

All across the mid-west people are picking up the pieces.

Cities like denver and salt lake are heavily damaged, but still alright.

However... San francisco, I'm afraid...

Has disappeared completely up its own assh*le.


I'm sorry, stan.

I'm sorry your gay little song k*lled your friend.

Hey, hey stan!

You're not gonna believe it!

You gotta come see!


It's a miracle!

Kyle! Hey stan!

Dude, what happened?

We don't know.

We were all passed out and...

Next thing we know we just woke up on a bus heading here.

It's like you had a guardian angel, m'kay.

Oh dude, I'm so glad you're not dead!

So I guess there's nothing left to do now but... Rebuild.

Yeah, first off, we're all gonna need new cars.

And let's just make sure nobody gets a stupid hybrid, right!

That's right! You said it! Yeah!

No, hybrid cars are a good thing!

But hybrid cars are the leading cause of smug.

Hybrid cars don't cause smugness.

People do.

Look, hybrid cars are important.

They may even save our planet one day!

What you all need to do is just learn to drive hybrids and not be smug about it.

You mean, drive in hybrids, but not act like we're better than everyone else because of it?


I'm... I'm not ready.

I don't think I can do it either.

It's simply asking too much.

Perhaps... One day we can learn to drive hybrids without being smug about it...

But for now...

The technology is just too much for us.

Come on everybody, let's go buy wasteful gas guzzlers!

Yeah! That's right! Yeah!

Well, looks like you're back for good, huh kyle?

Yeah, I guess so.

We just can't get rid of you, can we you sneaky jew rat?

Don't belittle my people you ----ing fat ass!

That's better.
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