16x11 - Going Native

Episode transcripts of the TV show, "South Park." Aired August 1997 to current.*
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The misadventures of four boys who live in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado.
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16x11 - Going Native

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time friendly faces everywhere humble folks without temptation I'm goin' down to South Park gonna leave my woes behind ample Parking day or night, people spouting, "howdy, neighbor"

I'm headin' down to South Park gonna see if I can't unwind.

So come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine.

Fellas! Fellas!!!!


You'll never guess what happened?

Butters just beat up Scott Malkinson.

Butters? Why?

It was crazy, Scott was just talking about how he needed to take his Insulin shot, and outta nowhere Butters said he's sick of people with diabetes feeling sorry for themselves.

Scott told Butters to shut up, and Butters just starting whaling on him.

You're talking about Butters.

Dude, I'm telling you Butters beat the crap out Scott and then he locked himself in the bathroom.


Leave me alone!

Butters come out here.

Get outta here all of you!

Butters, people can't just go around beating up people who have diabetes.

Now, whatever your problem is you just... you just think you know everything, don't you Kyle!

Every little thing you gotta sh**t your mouth off like you're the expert! Well you don't know everything because... your best friend is a kid who thinks the entire planet revolves around him and he only cares about his image!

You guys think Cartman is the only selfish piece of crap at this school?

You are all fake and stuck up and none of you have the courage to tell Jimmy that his jokes aren't funny.

The only kid here with any sense of dignity is Kenny, and the rest of you have your heads up your!

Well, apparently Kenny is Butters' best friend.

You guys gonna make out, Kenny?

And that's another thing!

You're always trivializing everything I say by gettin' the last word!

Well you're not gettin' the last word this time!

Double wow!

I'm sorry, but your son is distracting the other students and his attitude is just getting worse.

Butters, what on earth has gotten into you?

I don't know dad, I was just piss off I guess.

Do you think this behavior is fair to your teacher and classmates?

I don't suppose it is, but I don't give a darn!

Do you have any idea how grounded you are about to be, mister?

Why don't you shut up dad and stick it in yer ear for crying out loud!!!!

Stephen... are you thinking what I'm thinking.

Yes. Our little Butters is flowering.

He has reached the age of Panua.

Excuse me?

Principal Victoria... this isn't Butter's fault.

It's not?

It has to do with biology.

You've maybe noticed that Butters isn't... Exactly like other kids.


You probably think Butters seems somehow different.

Hey yeah, all the time!

It's because he is.

His mother and I... our whole family... we're not of this place.

I'm sorry I really don't understand.

Please, just try to understand that for our people it is a very private matter.

He can't be helped by your discipline, this must be dealt with by his own kind.

If it's alright with you, we'd like an extended leave for our boy.

Please, it's a cultural thing.

I don't want him to go, Stephen! He's too young!

It's our people's way, Linda!

You know that better then I do!

Then we can go with him!

You know that's not allowed!

Will somebody tell me what the friggy fookshmeres going on?!

Butters, you've reached the age where you must journey to your birthplace for the ceremony of hapa noa.

But I'm from here!

No, we moved here just before you started preschool. You were born in our native land, Butters.

A distant and very secluded island world... Called 'hava-ii'.

We're from Hawaii?

Only haoles pronounce it 'Hawaii', Butters. But those of us from Havaii are a very special people.

We have many customs and traditions to keep our culture alive.

We drink drink chichis from the coconut.

We eat poke that the safeway provides.

And when we've chosen a mate, we marry at the fern grotto-as your mother and I did so... Very long ago.

As a stotch, Butters, you are actually Hawaiian royalty, your grandma and grandpa were there in the time of the king.

But what does being Hawaiian have to do with me acting like an emo chick on her period?

Not an emo chick on her period, Butters, like a salmon needing to swim back up river.

All Hawaiians feel it. It is called 'hapa hua opae loa', and it means now it is your time to make your trip to our island home.

You must do your walkabout to your homeland, Butters... and you must do it alone.

Take this, son.

It is our Mahalo rewards card.

It will provide you with all you need.

And now I must turn my back on you.

Holy shit balls, holy shit balls.

Guess what you guys, holy shit balls.


Butters just got on a bus with his bags packed and said he's going to Hawaii.


He said he had to go back to his homeland and then told me it was none of my business and to keep my fat mouth shut.

Dude what the? Somebody's gotta stop him!

After all he said to us, he can go ahead.

Kenny, you're clearly his best friend, go stop him.

I'm not his best friend.

Yeah mister perfect, go rescue Butters so he can lick your balls some more.

Butters, come on.

They won't let me on the plane.

I can't do anything right.

No, no! I have to go to Hawaii Kenny! I have no idea what's waiting there for me but I can't go on like this!

Excuse me, he needs to get to Hawaii.

I already told him. I can't allow anyone on the aircraft who appears to be intoxicated.

I'm not intoxicated. I'm just deligerent cuz it's my hapa noa huy loa!

Please can you just let him on the plane.

It's really important.


Tell you what - there's plenty of points on his Mahalo rewards card.

If you want to fly with him I can let him go.


Can't you see I'm in horrible pain.

*** okay! Okay I'll go.

Well, we're here. Now what do I do?

Can I help you wid anything?

Uh yeah, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go.

Ok, well are you on a cruise ship or a land tour group?

Oh I'm not a tourist.

I'm a native Hawaiian.

Butters stotch?


Welcome home young Keiki.

Your parents said you would be coming for your ceremony.

Uhh who's this?

Oh this is my friend, Kenny.

Butters, native Hawaiians don't really approve of haoles coming to their ceremonies.

Oh please, if it weren't for him I couldn't have come.

Very well we shall speak with the chief of our island and see.

Come now.

You folks are all native Hawaiians too?

Yes. My wife Patty and I have been coming to Kauai for almost five years, and Bill and Donna actually own a timeshare in poipu.

Yes, but poipu is getting pretty overrun with tourists, I'm afraid.

Let us eat.

Ah yes, let us eat.

Aloha. Five orders of saimin, please what's samimin?

It is one of the foods of our people.

Oh I get twenty percent off.

I'm a native. Here's my Mahalo rewards card.


Come on ya tourists! Buy a postcard..

These are the ancient ruins of our ancestors.

They say the spirit of the king is still in there.

You must stay away this place, it is kapu.

That means taboo especially the haoles.

That there is bubbuh's burgers, us natives used to always eat there.

Here's the Sheraton. Just another megahotel for the throngs of tourists.

Here's where many of us natives live.

*** it's alright, we're natives.

Protector and chief, I present to you the keiki Butters stotch.

Ahhh, Steven and Linda's child.

Last time I saw you, you were the size of a coconut.

Who's the haole?

My dearest friends. I am living amongst the natives in the remote and tiny island of Kauai.

What can I tell you of this mysterious island and its people?

It is a place of wonder and yet to the outsider like me, a place of odd tradition.

The people here are peaceful and joyous and seem to care little for the rush and worry of the outside world.

Their diet is mostly an odd mixture of coconut milk, pineapple juice and vodka which they call 'the chi chi'.

As for Butters, he is quickly learning the ways of his ancestors, and seems to be feeling better with every passing day.

He still seems quite angry at times, but luckily, his ceremony will finally take place on the morrow.

On the morrow? What is wrong with Kenny?

To wit I have found nothing wrong with this remote place, and I must admit it will be with some melancholy that I will leave this island and return home.

I saw this chick in a bikini on the beach, too.

She had the nicest boobs ever.

Humbly yours, Kenneth.

In the time honored traditioions of our ancestors, e honor the native Hawaiian.

Butters stotch with his hapa noa.

The shark's tooth necklace represents your connection to our island.

Now drink the chi chi.

Ooh it's like gasoline!

Drink, young Keiki, and you will feel the last of your aggression melt away.

Hey I do feel Butter... better.

Oh spirits of ancestors.

We ask that you bless this native Hawaiian with his hapa noa!

We ask that you... listen. Listen everyone. I have terrible, horrible news!

Do you realize that you are interrupting a hapa noa?!

I've just come from the front office.

The Mahalo rewards card is... what? What has happened?! Speak!

The Mahalo rewards card is being eliminated.

They are trying to say our points are...

Are no longer going to be accepted.

I knew one day it would come to this.

To what? What does this mean?

The haloes are trying to do away with us.

With no rewards program...

They'll be no distinction between who's a native to this island and who isn't!

Why can't your people respect our island?

Why do you always want more?

I'm sorry Keiki your hapa noa will have to wait!

For we must unite together as never before!

It is time to show the haoles that this is our island!

Stop ruining our island, haoles! Fire!

What are they doing?

Take a swing, let them know they are not welcome.

I've never done this before.

It's alright, just try to tap into that anger that's inside you.

My anger... my anger!

Stupid... Ben Affleck!

Hold on!!! Hold on!!!

I can't I can't I can't I can't!

I love you I love you!!!

I love you too ahghghgh!!!!!!

This is Breaking News!

An insurrection in the Hawaiian islands has escalated to w*r.

After sinking a cruise ship the natives of Kauai continue to go berserk forcing all tourists off their island.

They just pushed us onto airplanes and said we weren't welcome anymore.

Then a little boy called me a skank.

The president says he will send the coast guard to take the island back, though he sympathizes being a native Hawaiian himself. Hmmm...

Are all the tourists gone from our island?

All but a few who are hiding out at Duke's restaurant.

We've sent Bob and Trishia Turner to smoke them out.

What about him?

What about me?

He's a tourist and he knows everything we have to k*ll him.

No! Kenny's my friend!

He's the only kid at school I actually like you bunch a jerks!

Be careful young Keiki, your anger stills controls you because we were not able to finish your ceremony... perhaps we should finish it now.

Finish his ceremony?! We are at w*r David!

I have lived on this island for ten years. Ten years.

Every July and part of August.

And I can tell you all that what we are about to face from the haoles is nothing short of genocide.

He's right, David. We can't trust any tourists.

He won't betray us, will you Kenny?

No I won't betray anybody.

Then let him prove himself.

Trial by ***

He's only a child.

If he wants to be one of us...

Then he must face the challenge.

Very well.

This isn't right.

He's not a native he's going to get k*lled!

Kenny be careful!

Quiet. He must face this challenge alone.

By the gods, perhaps he does have the heart of a native after all.

He still has yet to make the turn...

That's pretty good.


I told you a haole couldn't do it!

Did you make the turn your first try?

Did any of us?

Don't worry Butters, your friend will find his way back to his kind.

The gods will protect him.

We have called for this great meeting, because if we are to survive this w*r, all the native Hawaiian tribes must join as one.

We are not joining with people of the Hyatt grand vacations.

They have no right to call themselves natives.

And and you do?!

Your ancestors came on an airplane six months ago!

Our ancestors sailed here.

On a cruise ship. Nine months ago.

Look if we are to fight the haoles we have to allow all natives to stay.

It doesn't matter how many tribes we have-we can't win.

We are but few against the haoles' military might.

We may have passion but passion does not win wars!

Oh no? Come up here Keiki, come on... this child sunk a cruise ship by himself.

Tell them Keiki.

I don't know about the rest of ya but I'm sick and tired of being pushed around all the time!

I came all the way down here for my hapa noa ceremony and I can't even have it, cuz the haoles have to ruin everything.

Yeah! Screw them!

If you ask me the only good haole's a dead haole! With a... with a - stick... up his and a, and his cut off!

Let us make a pact with more chi chis!

Um. We're, we're out of chichis.

Oh right, we've closed off all the ports.

But they're still letting vodka through, right?

They can't cut off our chichis...

Oh my God.

This is the U.S. coast guard.

We have instructions to take you by force if necessary.

Ready! Fire!


Launch the bocce balls!

Dang it...

Keep fighting!! Stand your ground!!!!

We can't fight without chichis!

You can and you must!!!

Stupid! Greedy! Haoles!

k*ll! Them! All!!!!

Listen everyone.

We gave it all we had...

It's over.

We must go down to nawiliwili harbor and surrender to the American government.

Surrender? No! To heck with that!!!

We can't hold out here any longer.

Well I won't do it you hear me?!?!

I'm not licking anybody's -...

Young Keiki... try to control your anger-no! This is our home!

And I'm sick of everyone who thinks they're better than me just cuz they got good looks and just cuz, even after massacring daredevil they happen to come back and hit a home run that everyone loves!!!!

You shouldn't be able to be good looking, and be with Jennifer Lopez and be a good director.

Alright, alright fine, Argo is a good movie.

There I admitted it! I told people it didn't hold up.

But it holds up God darn it! Ben Affleck has everything.

Everyone! Look I say!

The haole did it!

My dear friends of the mainland.

What adventures I have found on the tiny island of Kauai.

I have truly become one with the natives, who found new courage to fight their oppressors.

We are not surrendering today!

Go back and tell your leaders that we will fight them until the end!

You people just don't give up do you?

The American goverment finally gave in to the natives, and had the Mahalo rewards cards reinstated.

Our two cultures, it appears, will once again live in peace.

With the w*r at an end, our Butters is able to have his hapa noa ceremony and with any help from the gods, become his old cheery self again.

And so it is with great honor that we recognize these two natives with their hapa loa.

Take your cards, boys.

A puy loa hapa loa!!!

Apa a a hoo ha!

It's finally over young Keiki.

Is your anger at rest?

Yeah I guess so...

Except it still doesn't change the fact that Ben Affleck gets to be handsome, talented and then gets to go home and kiss Jennifer Lopez.

Ben Affleck isn't with Jennifer Lopez anymore, he's married to Jennifer Garner.

Yeah/yup/that's right...

What?! Really?

But I thought I was totally jealous of him!

He's just married to Jennifer Garner? Oh my gosh... I feel so much better!

You do?

Yeah! Oh... I like that Ben Affleck guy.

He's a good filmmaker.

Come on Kenny, I guess I owe the kids at school an apology.

Did you see Argo, Kenny?

It's a pretty good movie.

Ben Affleck has a lot going for him.

Not everything, but a lot. Whooppee!

Well, apparently Kenny is Butters Best friend.

You guys gonna make out Kenny?

And that's another thing!

You're always trivializing everything I say by gettin' the last word!

Well you're not getting the last word this time!

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