Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956)

Post by bunniefuu »

I pronounce this man dead.

Another one for Thompson.

You don't think much of the D.A., do you, Austin?

On the contrary.

He is an extremely able man.

Then why are you always attacking him in your editorial page?

Because I think he is trying to reach the Governor's chair over the bodies of ex*cuted men.

I'm fighting against the capital punishment.

That's why I wanted you to witness that execution.

After you've seen one, you...

Ever meet Thompson?


He just came in.


Guess I'd better go and say hello to Austin Spencer.

You're looking for trouble?

Why wait for tomorrow's editorial?

Might as well hear it now. Join me?

No thanks. I'll read it into tomorrow's paper.

Hello, Roy.

Good to see you, Austin.

I'd like you to meet Tom Garrett.

Here is our District Attorney, Roy Thompson.

How do you do? Join us for a moment?


Will you have a drink? No, not now.

I enjoyed your novel very much, Mr. Garrett. Congratulations.

Thank you.

I guess you're very pleased with yourself.

Not particularly.

Why should I be?

Peters committed a m*rder.

And it doesn't bother you to send him to the electric chair?

I presented certain facts to the jury.

They decided, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was guilty.

The law says he must be ex*cuted.

There were no eyewitnesses, no direct testimony establishing his guilt.

Only circumstantial evidence.

Which you handled masterfully.

You don't mean to say Peters was innocent, do you?

He might be.

The jury didn't think so.

Roy, I've sat in too many Courts not to know than an able and persuasive prosecutor like you can make a jury believe something is a fact when it isn't.

Especially as the defense attorney wasn't as capable as you are.

Would you have Mr. Thompson ignore circumstantial evidence?

No, not at all.

I just think the State shouldn't take a man's life in such a case.

In fact, I'm not sure life should be taken in any event.

There are six States in this country that don't have capital punishment.

But this State does.

And I'm sworn to uphold the laws of this State.

Good to see you, Austin.

I'm very happy to have met you, Mr. Garrett.

My pleasure, sir.

He is friendly enough.

Why not? I've always been fair to him personally in the paper.

We just don't agree on capital punishment, that's all.

Well, let's face it, Austin.

This argument has been going on for centuries.

And I doubt that you or Mr. Thompson are going to settle it.

I think I can but not just by talking about it.

I've got to be getting back to the office.


Can I drop you? No, Susan promised to meet me here.

You two are beginning to sound serious.

Any objection?

If I had, I wouldn't have let you leave the paper when you wanted to write that novel.

What has that got to do with it?

My daughter has expensive tastes.

I don't think you'd have made much progress on the salary you got from me.



I couldn't reach the top of his head.

You didn't try very hard.

If you two can spare me.

We'll manage.

See you later.

Thank you.

Would you like a drink?

No thanks.

Thank you.


What would you like to do?

I feel like dancing.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon?

I'll take you dancing tonight. I feel like dancing now.

All right.


I've never been to your apartment.

Aren't we all little mixed up?

That's supposed to be my line.

But you never used it.

Next month, we'll make you a June bride.

Let it ring. Go ahead and answer.

I'll go home and get ready.

I'll get rid of this and drive you. Never mind, I'll take a cab.

Hold on a second, will you?

What time shall I pick you up tonight?

About 8.

And tell her you're spoken for.



It works too!

I couldn't spend the rest of my life watching you search for matches.


And so are you.

I'm glad you two finally set a date.

I'm afraid we might have to postpone for a while.

That telephone call was my publisher.

He hit the ceiling when he found out how much progress I hadn't made.

What has it got to do with your being married?

He wants the book right away.

So I'll have to bugle down and get it written.

It might surprise you to know that there are successful writers who are married.

But I'm not a successful writer yet.

One book doesn't prove anything.

That's why the second one is so important.

I'll have to concentrate on it.

You can understand that, can't you, Austin?

Yes, you can't afford to let down after your first book.

I hope you understand.

Of course I understands. I wouldn't dream of forcing you to do anything you obviously don't want.

Susan! Yes?

Darling, I love you very much and I want our marriage to start right.

And the only way is to finish the book first.

I couldn't write if I were distracted.

And being married to you should certainly distract me.

Are you trying to tell me that, if we were married, you'd be too distracted to write.

I should certainly hope so. But I'll try to get used to it.

All I'm asking you is to postpone it for a little while.

I'll finish the book, and then we can start together with nothing on our mind but ourselves.

Write fast, will you!

I've been thinking about what you said at the club today about death penalty.

You get engaged to my daughter and all you can think of is capital punishment?

I'm serious, Austin.

I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.

You mean that you agree with me?

I'm not sure about that but the idea that an innocent man could be ex*cuted bothers me.

That could be a good story for a book.

A fictitious story wouldn't prove anything.

It could only be proven by a fact that no one could deny.


By having someone whose innocence I knew and could prove arrested, tried and convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit.

It wouldn't be possible if the police had any real suspect.

In a big city like this, homicides occur quite frequently.

Sometimes the police is completely baffled.

They have no clues, no suspects, nothing to go on.

I believe in such a case it would be possible for an innocent man to plant evidence that would lead to his arrest, trial and conviction.

A case like that doesn't come up once in ten years.

You say a case like that doesn't come up once in ten years.

Yet, here it is!

A burlesque dancer found strangled with a stocking in a ravine, just outside the town.

The police apparently have no clues.

And you think we could have someone who's innocent arrested, convicted and sentenced for this?

Don't you?

I don't know.

But I admit that if we pulled it off, that'd make a great story.

Who could we get for a guinea pig?



Why not?

It requires someone with imagination, ingenuity, someone who would be believable as the unwilling victim of circumstances.

You could do it.

That's a weird, crazy idea.

But maybe that's the reason it intrigues me.

What about the risks?

There wouldn't be any.

Of course you might be acquitted.

But if we're lucky, you'll get the chair.

That's the part that bothers me.

That is where I would come in.

After you're convicted, I would reveal the details of our plan.

I have some standing in this community.

You would be pardoned automatically.

You make it all sound very simple.

It would be.

Everyone knows that I've been trying for years to have that law on capital punishment changed.

Of course, we might be criticized for the way we do it but that wouldn't bother me if we accomplish something.

How can we be sure the police have no suspects?

That's easy.

Charlie Miller.

Yes Sir.

Just a moment.

Yeah, the Patty Gray case.

Lieutenant Kennedy has got it.

Looks like a good story.

Can you find out what they really have on it, if anything.

I think so but Kennedy will go off the record for the time being.

That's all right. We'll cooperate.

But I want to know step by step what they're doing.

Yes Sir.

If they haven't got a suspect, we'll give them one.

We've got fifty suspects. That gal kept pretty busy.

The guy at the stage door couldn't keep track of them.

Any prospects among them?

It doesn�t look too good.

We've got a few descriptions we're checking out now.

The only thing we really know is that she lived alone in a rooming-house.

There's a strange thing about that. Why?

After her body was found, we went over her room.

It had obviously been ransacked. We couldn't find a thing.

No letters, no papers, no address book.

No fingerprints. Nothing.

The girls from the club are here, lieutenant.

Send in... Joan Williams first.

Miss Williams.

Sit down.

At one time, you lived with Patty Gray. Correct?

You two were pretty good friends. I hardly knew her.

How did you come to be living with her?

When I came to town to work at the club, a few weeks ago, I didn't have any place to stay.

Patty offered to let me live with her if I paid 15 dollars a week.

I think she needed the money.

You moved out a few days before she was m*rder*d.

Why? You two have a fight?

Oh, no.

She just came home one night and told me to get out, just like that, for no reason.

I thought she needed the money. That's what I thought too.

I asked her about it.

She just laughed and said she didn't need my... my lousy 15 bucks any more.

She had an awful lot of money with her that night.

Did she say where she got it?

She didn't say anything.

She just told me to get out.

Is there anything you can tell me that would help us to find her m*rder*r?

Oh gee, I wish I could but I'm afraid I can't help.

Like I said, I've only been here a couple of weeks.

This is only my first job.

Thank you for coming in, Miss Williams.

Send in those two other girls.

What do you want with us?

I'd like to ask you girls a few questions.

In the middle of the night? It's a quarter to three.

We are artists, we need our sleep.

Yeah, we've got to keep in shape.

You�re doing a very good job. Thanks.

What about some breakfast?

Yeah, what about some coffee?

What? no doughnuts?

No doughnuts. Thanks.

For this, you need a knife and a fork.

You girls shared a dressing-room with Patty Gray.

What sort of a girl was she?

All right, I guess. All right? She was a creep.

What d'you mean, a creep?

A creep, a conniver, a tramp.

What about her private life?

Nobody knew much about that, but she wouldn't have won no popularity contest.

If nobody knew about her, why was she so unpopular?

It was like this, she was that kind of people, when you knew her a little, you didn't like her.

You had to know her real good to despise her.

We're trying to find out who k*lled Patty Gray.

If there's any cooperation you can give us...

For Pete's sake, tell him. I can't stay and have any more of this coffee.

There's nothin' to tell. I didn't even have a good look at him.

Who? The guy who picked her up the night she was bumped off. Somebody picked her up?

Yeah. Patty and me left the club together that night.

There was a fellow waiting for her in a car. They drove off together.

What did he look like?

He was sort of average build.

He had a grey tweed topcoat and a brown hat and he was smoking a pipe.

Did you see his face?

They drove off too quick.

What kind of a car was he driving?

It was sort of a dark, new sedan. I don't know what kind.

Did you get the license number?

What for?

Well, it's six days.

And the police apparently don't have more now than when they started.

Only a vague description of the man who picked her up that night.

You think they'll be able to develop anything from that?

I doubt it.

That's not very much of a lead to work on.

Well, I think I'm ready to risk it now.

What about you?

I can easily make myself the man in the grey coat and the brown hat.

I even drive a dark, late model car Now we must remember this: any evidence we plant must be things that could happen to any innocent unwitting suspect.

What about Susan?

Do we let her in on this?

I'd rather not.

If you're arrested, the police is certain to question her.

Under pressure, she might let something slip.

Seems like an awful thing to do to her.

She loves you, Tom.

She'll never believe that you did it. I hope you're right.

If I know Susan, she'll even try to help.

Then you'll see that she won't try to help too much.

If she starts to fight for me, we might a little difficulty in getting me convicted.

So, what's the next move?

What about an evening of cultural entertainment?

Didn't a couple of these girls share a dressing-room with Patty Gray?

Yes, that one, Terri LaRue and this blonde, Dolly Moore.

How do you know?

Charlie Miller said so.

May I take your things?

Any time.

The hat!

What impression did you get about this girl from Charlie?

So-so. No genius, but not too stupid either.

What will you have?

Do you have a suggestion on how I may meet miss Moore?

The artists don't date with the customers.

The artists eat in the joint across the street.

Scotch and soda please.

Oh, I'm sor...


Terribly sorry.

Having a good time?

I'm sorry. Really.

I was only trying to help. Who? You or me?

Could I pay for the damage I've done?

That's the least you can do.

It's very embarrassing. I don't have much money with me.

What did you know!

I'm sorry.

Could I get in touch with you?

You've touched enough already.

I apologize for the trouble I've caused you.

I think he is a doll.


Grey tweed looks particularly well on you, sir.

That's fine. I'll take it.

How much is it?

That'll be 39.50 I'll just wear it.

There you are.

Thank you, sir. I'll have your change and receipt in a moment.

It's okay?

Wait! Why don't you get yourself in the picture? In the mirror.

That's a good idea.

This ought to be about right.

Can you direct me to miss Dolly Moore room, please?

Room 2. Thank you.

All right, girls. On you go.


I'll be back in a couple of minutes. I'm looking for Dolly Moore.

You again! Get lost!

I hate to bother you.

But I told you I want to pay for the outfit I ruined.

So, if you told me how much it cost.

I don't remember but it was a very expensive outfit, of course.

Of course.

Would a hundred cover it?

It probably cost more but I'm not greedy like some girls.

I'm sorry I lost my temper but... my performances are very tiring.

I can imagine.

Just to show there are no hard feelings, will you let me buy you dinner?

Well... I mean... I don't usually...

I understand.

Have you ever been to the Continental?

Hey... I heard it's a very classy place.

It's very nice.

Would you like to go tomorrow night after work?

Say... you're all right.

So are you, Dolly. I'll pick you up after the show tomorrow.

Good night.


Hello, darling. Hello.

Darling, you look absolutely wonderful.

You've been neglecting me. I want to show you what you've been missing.

What can I fix you to drink?

Oh... Sherry?

How is the book going? Coming along!

But there's an awful lot of research involved.

I'll try to take your mind off it.

What would you like to do after dinner?

I know what I'd like to do but, unfortunately, I've got to get back to work.

You asked me to write fast, remember?

I wish it were finished. So do I, darling, I don't enjoy it any more than you do.

Do you believe that, father?

I would hate to think he was having a good time.


Oh, hi!

May I wait in here for Dolly?

If you're in a hurry, I'm ready to leave.

Thanks for the offer. Any time.

Cigarette? No thanks.

What's this?

Body make-up.

Do you all use the same kind?


I just wondered if Patty Gray used this kind.

Yeah. Did you know Patty? No. I was just curious about it.

Her hair wasn't the same color as yours and Dolly's.

How do you know it wasn't?

Her pictures were all over the papers.

Lot of good that publicity does her now.

Give me a hand, will you, honey? Sure.

It's more trouble getting into this than getting out of it, eh?

That's true.

Hello Dolly. You two havin' a good time?

I was just entertaining him while you were gone.

I can do my own entertaining.

Can't I?

Quote- A rising young author whose initials are Tom Garrett has been seen lately in several spots with a dazzling blonde.

He was at the Continental the other night.

We wonder what Susan Spencer thinks about this.


Is that your idea of research?

Nothing for you to get upset about, believe me.

No. It's perfectly natural for you to celebrate our engagement that dazzling blonde. Did you two have a good time?

I'm trying to write a book.

About women?

Actually, that's part of my work.

Oh, Tom, I'm hardly a prude and I think I'm reasonably modern.

If you're giving your ego a workout having a flame, have fun. But dishonesty, not with me.

Susan, this is something I have to do.

Give me one good reason why.

I can't explain it now but you'll understand later.

Just trust me.

You were on page four three weeks ago, and you're on page four now.

You're not a slow writer, you just don't write.

You must listen to me, there's a point to all this.

I've just gotten it. You�re obviously distracted enough without me.

So I'll make things easy for you. You wanted a postponement?

Well, dear boy, you've got one.

She was pretty sore.

It's no fit of temper, she means it.

I know, but what can I do?

We agreed not to tell her about this.

True, but I don't to see your happiness or yours jeopardized.

Neither do I.

I think it will be all right when we tell her what we're doing.

Are you sure this where they found her?

Oh, yes.

Enough pictures of it in the papers.

They found the girl's body down there.

I hope the police finds it. I'm sentimental about it.

Can you see the date of the newspaper?

If I get close enough.

Let's see...

They ought to find it in there.

When shall we start working on the car?

Tonight, after I've had dinner with Dolly.

Has she seen you in the coat and the hat yet?

She will tonight.

There you are.

Pretty good.

Thanks for dinner. Sorry I haven't got more time.

What about later? The night's nice. We could go for a drive.

Sounds great. Hey you two, break it up.

We gonna be late.

Go along! I'll pick you up later.

Good night, Terri. Good night.

Want a candy?

Hey Terri, quit digging the scenery.

I thought we were late.

How much do you know about that guy?

He's the best score I've made in a long time.

Maybe you shouldn't get so so chummy with him.

And give you a chance to move in.

I'm not kidding.

You ought to be more careful. Remember what happened to Patty.

Oh, come on!

Notice what he was wearing?

A grey tweed topcoat.

A brown hat.

And what about that new black car he drives?

Now you ???

This guy got a lot of class.

If he's got class, what is he doing with you?

There's something wrong with me?

I didn't mean it like that, Dolly.


Oh honey, you figure it out.

A guy shows up out of nowhere. Goes on the make.

With his looks, what's he shopping in the basement for?

Why, you... He's the two aspirins I owe you.

Now my credit's good.

You're seeing him later?

He did ask me to go for a ride later.

Yeah... Just remember the last ride Patty took.

I guess it won't hurt to play safe.

But if you try to move in, I'll put you in bandages.

I'll call that lieutenant Kennedy.

The police will surely look for Patty Gray's fingerprints.

As we can't get hers, it should make them suspicious that they can't find any fingerprint at all.

It will give them something to think about.

I bought this body make-up today.

Here's a dated pay slip.

Keep it with the pictures.


Just a second.

I'll rub most of this stuff off.

I'm sure enough will stay in the seams.

All true?

Not quite.

It's pretty good.

Here's a very important little item.

I hope it's the right size.

Hold it.

Well... That should do it.

You'd better take that bottle of make-up, that rag and those gloves when you go.

I can't have them found around here.



Are you sure you want to go through with this?

We're into it too far.

I couldn't back out now.

Lieutenant, if the guy is o.k., I don't want him to get sore at me.

We'll be as discrete as possible.

You just act normally and don't be afraid. we'll be watching you every minute.

What are we doing here?

It's a nice view from up here.

I thought you might like it.

Yes, it's very nice. Let's go back.

What's your hurry?

I'm tired.

Just relax, you'll feel better.

I don't want to.

You will.

Stop it! Let me go!

All right, unwind.

What do you want?

Lieutenant Kennedy, Homicide.

You've been asking me questions for four hours now.

We're investigating a homicide, Mr. Garrett.

I've been telling you I didn't know that girl or anything about her.

What were you doing Wednesday evening the 9th of this month?

That's almost three weeks ago.

Not a very long time.

Can you remember what you were doing that night?

I am asking the questions, Mr. Garrett.

I can't recall what I was doing.


I think I went to the movies. At what time?

I went to the late show, at about 11 o'clock.

Then I got home and went to bed.

What has it got to do with all this.

Did you go alone?

Yes. Can you substantiate this?

I told you I went alone, how could I substantiate it?

You will have to take my word for it.

Thank you, Mr. Garrett. Please wait outside.

Are you through with Dolly Moore? You can send her home.

Watch your step on this case, Roy.

Meaning what?

Garrett is Spencer's future son in law.

Everybody knows Spencer's been opposing you on capital punishment.

If the idea ever gets started that you're prosecuting Garrett to get at Spenser...

This case can be the biggest step I've ever made if I handle it right.

And I will.

I'll get you coffee if you want some.

Thanks, I don't expect to be here that long.

Take him downstairs, Joe. Pete's waiting to book him.

You're booking me, Thompson? That's right, Mr. Garrett.

For what? Suspicion of m*rder.

I wear a grey topcoat, drive a black car, and a burlesque dancer gets suspicious and for this, you're booking me for m*rder.

There's more to it than that. What more could there be?

I'm not going to try the case here. I'll do that in Court.

Let's go, Garrett.

x You know that Tom has nothing to do with this.

If you're honest, you'll insist that the police finds the real m*rder*r.

No newspaper can do that.

Once a case starts, we can't take sides.

We just report.

I don't understand your attitude. It's quite simple.

I don't want to prejudge this case.

That's what trials are for.

Did you run down his background?

Yeah, went to college in Michigan. Good record.

Ran out of money and had to quit.

Worked in a Chicago newspaper before he worked for Spencer.

Quit to write a novel. Hit big with it.

None of this helps us much.

Maybe you ought to have a talk with Spencer and his daughter.

I wish you'd ask someone else to do that, Roy.


I used to know Susan Spencer. We went together for a while.

What happened? Nothing happened.

I guess she wasn't interested.

Were you?

And still?

Well, she'll understand. You're just doing your job.


This is very difficult for all of us but if you can shed any light on this case.

Did you have any reason to suspect Garrett's relationship with Patty Gray.

Certainly not. I know nothing about it, Bob.

I know you think I'm trying to protect Tom but I have no reason to do that.

You're engaged to him.

No, we broke it up long before it happened.


Nothing to do with the case, but I realized he wasn't the man for me.

What reason could he possibly have for such a crime?

Thompson believes that Garrett had a clandestine affair with this girl.

She resisted or he couldn't get rid of her and he strangled her.

That's ridiculous.

I admit I'm disillusioned about Tom for personal reasons but he's certainly no m*rder*r.

I must tell you that a gold lighter with the inscription "From Tom to Susan" has been found near the ravine where the girl's body was discovered.

Do you know anything about this lighter?

I gave that lighter to Tom.

Will you help me if you can?

Neither Susan nor I have any information that would substantiate Tom Garrett's guilt.

Forgive me for troubling you.

I'm sorry, Susan.


m*rder, after all, can be committed by anyone, rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful, famous or unknown.

I will demonstrate to you that Tom Garrett, successful author, is in fact a m*rder*r.

That beneath his intellectual and cultured exterior, he was moved by brutal impulses which induced him to commit, deliberately and premeditatedly, a particularly vicious m*rder.

I shall prove it, as the law requires, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Before Patty Gray was m*rder*d, she told you she didn't want you to room with her anymore.

You also testified that she had quite a bit of money with her.

Is that correct? Yes, Sir.

She took it out of her purse and flashed it around in front of me.

How much money would you say she had?

I couldn't say for sure, but there must've been at least 2 or 3,000 dollars.

Did she say where she got the money? No.

All she said was: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I told her I would, but she still didn't tell me.

There you are, my dear.

Things didn't go too badly today.

Particularly when I made it clear that Tom's gray topcoat is a popular, ready-made model worn by thousands of other men.

And those two dancers didn't help Thompson's case, either.

I tried to point out that Terri Larue's description of the man who picked up Patty Gray could apply to a lot of men.

I think you made your point.

They're showing highlights of the trial every evening.

Let's see how it looked today

following the testimony of Terri Larue, the last person to see Patty Gray alive, District attorney Thompson put John Higgins, a police laboratory technician, on the stand.

I ask you, as an expert of the subject of fingerprints, If it is likely that in the ordinary cleaning of a car, all fingerprints would be removed from the interior and exterior surfaces?

I think that would be very unusual.

In other words, cleaning a car in such a manner would indicate a desire to remove fingerprints rather than any passion for cleanliness. Is that correct?

I object, your honor. This is not proper examination.

The district attorney's attempting to draw a conclusion from the witness I withdraw the question, your honor.

This is a conclusion which should be made by the jury.

Thompson has a great talent for making minor points seem important.

Later in the day, Thompson recalled Dolly Moore to the stand.

The technician of the police department has testified that traces of makeup were found in the seams of the upholstery of the defendant's car.

This makeup has been identified as Foster's makeup number 9.

Do you know what brand of makeup Miss Gray used?

Foster number 9.

To your knowledge, did she ever use any other kind?

No, sir.

We have presented highlights of today's session of the Garrett trial.

Seems to me that Thompson didn't make very much of the body makeup.

Yes. That worries me.

I didn't expect him to make so little of it.

He must have something up his sleeve.

And when did you give this lighter to the defendant?

May 7th.

Well, only two days before the m*rder of Patty Gray.

What did the lighter cost?

275 dollars.

Do you recall when you last saw this lighter in the possession of the defendant?

Miss Spencer, I ask you again, when did you last see this lighter in the defendant's possession?

I...I don't remember.

I don't know how it got up there. I'd lost the lighter.

Whoever found it must have dropped it up there.

It has been testified that Patty Gray wore a brand of makeup, particles of which were found in your car.

Was Patty Gray ever in your car?

She was not. I never met her in my life.

Dolly Moore has been in my car several times.

She's a performer, wears body makeup.

I guess the makeup must have rubbed off her.

I'm sure that explains it.

It has also been testified that the man seen driving off with Patty Gray that night was smoking a pipe.

Do you now or have you ever smoked a pipe?

I have never smoked a pipe at any time.

Then you want us to believe that you lost this gold cigarette lighter between the time Miss Spencer gave it to you and the time Patty Gray was m*rder*d.

The space of only two days? It's true.

And am I right that you and Susan Spencer became engaged two days before the m*rder of Patty Gray?

I don't see what one thing has to do with the other.

Oh, might there not be a connection, if, for instance, you had to get rid of Patty Gray in order to fulfill your commitment to Miss Spencer?

Your honor, I object strongly to this.

All right, Mr. Wilson. I withdraw the question.

Did you file a claim with the insurance company for the loss of this valuable lighter, which you now allege to have lost so innocently?

No, I guess not.

Yesterday's transcript.

Mr. Garrett...

Yesterday, in attempting to explain the absence of fingerprints in your car, you testified, and I quote...

"What is so unusual about that?

"I am very fussy about my car, And I keep it clean at all times." Unquote.

That's true.

Well, Mr. Garrett, with such a fetish for neatness, how do you explain the fact that a woman's stocking--

One stocking--was found in the glove compartment of your car?

Some time ago, a lady friend of mine got a bad run in her stocking.

She took it off and put it in the glove compartment.

Who was the lady?

I don't remember.

I believe it was someone I met at a party.

I merely drove her home. I didn't really know her.

You've testified, Mr. Garrett, that you never smoked a pipe.

That's right. You sure?

You may have forgotten.

I'd certainly remember whether or not I'd ever smoked a pipe.

Really? Perhaps not.

You can't even remember what you were doing the night Patty Gray was m*rder*d.

I told you what I was doing. I went to the movies.

Oh, of course. You went to the movies, alone.

That's your claim, isn't it? It's the truth.

Is there a pipe smoker among the gentlemen of the jury?

Will you please fill and light your pipe for us?

Stand up so they can all see.

Oh, one moment, please. May I?

You'll recall it's been testified that the man last seen with Patty Gray on that night was smoking a pipe.

Now, please note the circular brown stain On the back of this match cover just used by your fellow juror here.

You'll also notice similar stains on these match covers, which were found by the police in the home and the garage of the defendant after his arrest.

And you have never smoked a pipe, Mr. Garrett?

I told you that.

I do have visitors occasionally, however.

Some of them smoke pipes.

I guess that would explain how the match covers became stained.

I doubt it, Mr. Garrett. I doubt it very much.

Now, Mr. Garrett, miss Williams has testified That Patty Gray had a considerable sum of money with her, Perhaps as much as $3,000, two days before she was m*rder*d.

Have you any idea how she might have obtained it?

How would I know? I've told you a hundred times, I don't know anything about Patty Gray.

But our investigation of your bank records discloses that two days before Patty Gray was m*rder*d, You withdrew the sum of $3,000 from your account.

Did you give that money to Patty Gray?

I certainly did not.

Then why did you withdraw the money?

Not that it's any concern of yours, but I withdrew the money to purchase an engagement ring.

How do you explain that three days later, you redeposited $2,800?

Did you purchase an engagement ring for $200?

I didn't purchase an engagement ring.

My engagement was... postponed.

Are you sure you didn't withdraw that money to give to miss Gray? and after murdering her, ransacked her apartment, Reclaim what was left of the money, and redeposit it?

That's absolutely untrue.

It was just an awful coincidence.

Another coincidence, Mr. Garrett?

Apparently, that's your explanation for all the evidence in this case.

Well, now, let's move on to another, uh, coincidence.

Other than Patty Gray and Dolly Moore, Can you tell us what other female theatrical performers have recently been in your car?

Patty Gray was never in my car. I told you, I never even met her.

Ah, yes, yes, you did say that, didn't you?

Well, other than Dolly Moore, what other female performers have recently been in your car?

There were no others.

With the court's permission, I would like to excuse this witness temporarily and recall Miss Moore to the stand.

You may do so.

Miss Moore, please.

You realize, Miss Moore, that you're still testifying under oath.

Yes, sir.

Miss Moore, the defendant has testified that the particles of body makeup which were found in his car must have rubbed off you.

Don't you believe it.

I always take my body makeup off before I leave the club.

I see.

Was this Miss Patty Gray's habit also?

No, just the opposite.

She always waited till she got home to take it off.

The body makeup, I mean.

Thank you, miss Moore.

The jury has been out since early yesterday.

After being locked up for the night, They resumed their deliberations early this morning.

Although there has been no indication when they will be ready to render their verdict, it is the feeling of most observers who have followed the trial that a decision may be expected some time this morning.

Court sessions usually open at 10:00, But before 9 a.m., spectators and the press had already begun to congregate at the courthouse.

The trial of Tom Garrett has attracted increasingly wide attention.

At the time of his arrest, Garrett was at work on his second novel.

And so, the fate of Tom Garrett today rests solely in the hearts and minds of 12 jurors.

Hello, Jonathan.

Hello, Tom. Don't get up.

The jury still out? Yes.

Relax, Jonathan, you're not on trial.

Getting upset's not going to help at all.

They've been out two days now, almost. I'm worried.

So am I, but I can't do anything about it.

Neither can you, so take it easy.

What's the trouble, Jonathan?

I've never seen you like this before.

You've got enough troubles.

Come on, something's on your mind. What is it?

I didn't want to bother you with this.

But you'll have to know sooner or later.

Something terrible has happened.

Austin Spencer was k*lled this morning in an automobile accident.

That's impossible.

It's a great shock to me, too, Tom.

He's got to be alive.

I wish he were, but we just have to face it.

He can't be dead, Jonathan! Everything depends on him.

I don't understand. Austin's the only one who knows I didn't k*ll this girl. He knows the whole story.

What are you talking about?

He was in on it from the beginning.

We planted all the evidence together after the girl was k*lled.

The lighter, the makeup, the stocking, everything.

It was all part of a plan we had...

And in view of this extraordinary revelation by Mr. Garrett, I respectfully move that this case be reopened for the submission of new evidence.

Your Honor, This is obviously the frantic effort of a desperate man.

It is highly significant that the defendant comes up with this incredible, fantastic story of an alleged plan now, after Mr. Spencer's death.

To reopen the case now, on the grounds presented by Mr. Wilson would be a travesty of our judicial process.

The state vigorously opposes such a motion.

I'm inclined to agree with the district attorney, Mr. Wilson.

However, the court is deeply cognizant of the fact that a man's life is at stake here.

I'll give the defense an opportunity To present tangible, corroborative evidence in support of this motion.

The verdict of the jury will be withheld until I make final ruling on this motion tomorrow.

He said the pictures would be here. There's no reason for him to mislead us.

Are you sure he said the safe?

He said he'd seen your father put them there.

Austin may have taken them to the office. Let's check there.

Let's check his desk first.


This court is now in session.

Be seated.

The defense has failed to indicate to the court that it is able to present any further testimony which could properly be considered new evidence.

The motion to reopen is denied.

Bring the jury in.

Have you reached a verdict?

We have, your Honor.

What is your verdict?

We find the defendant guilty of m*rder in the first degree.

Tom, I've got to know the truth.

I can't take any more lies.

I'm not lying, Susan. There were pictures.

Your father even wrote dates and places on the back of the pictures.

This plan, whose idea was it?

I believe he mentioned it first, And then the idea began to intrigue me.

Don't you believe me, Susan?

I don't know what to believe now.

Do you think I could have k*lled that girl?

No, I never thought so, but... perhaps I can't face the possibility that someone who had been so close to me has done such a thing.

I've never done anything to make you doubt me.

There were pictures.

Find them, and then you'll know I'm telling the truth.

I hope so.

Come to think of it, Father did behave rather strangely at the time of Tom's arrest.

He was very fond of Tom, and... and yet he...

He didn't seem as surprised or disturbed as he should have been. as he should have been.

If was almost as if... as if he were confident, as if he knew something.

If what Tom says is true, that could explain it.

Might be.

But if it is true and there were pictures, what happened to them?

You've searched the house, the office.

Father would never destroy the pictures.


Unless he had them with him in the car at the time of the accident.

They were photographs, all right, But they're charred beyond recognition.

The lab couldn't determine what was on them.

But there must be negatives.

My father always used one of those self-developing cameras, And there are no negatives. But, surely, isn't this enough?

No, they're just remnants of photographs.

But now we know he's telling the truth.

They could be pictures of anything.

Tom's always been insisting that there were photographs, But he couldn't possibly have known about the pictures in the car.

That's more than just a coincidence, Bob.

You might be right.

But, officially, the situation hasn't changed.

You still don't have any real evidence to back up his story.

If you love someone, you must believe in him.

I understand how you feel, but But these charred photographs do not prove Garrett's innocence legally.

They do for me, and I'll start from there.

I must see him, Bob.

I'm afraid you can't now.

He's being transferred to the State prison.

But that's less than an hour from here.

A new prisoner in...death row can't have visitors the first week.

You didn't run much of a story on the denial of Mr. Garrett's appeal.

What was there to say?

We can only report that they denied it.

Oh, but I want more than that.

Use the newspaper in every way you can: editorials, feature series, anything to arouse public opinion in support of Mr. Garrett.

Miss Spencer, your father told us to handle this case the way we would normally.

I don't know how he would have felt about our taking sides.

I own this newspaper now.

Not that I'm qualified to run it, I don't intend to.

My father made provision in his will for a committee to run it.

But the executor is in Europe and won't return for some time.

Meanwhile, the will can't be probated.

That leaves things pretty much in my own hands.

I'm willing to take the responsibility but I must insist you do as I say.

Well, that's quite an editorial.

Even Austin Spencer never went that far, and that's the girl you were once interested in?

I still am. After this?

Don't you have any doubts about Garrett's guilt?

None at all.

I've never doubted it, neither did the jury.

They do now.

I read those interviews with the jurors.

I know all about the petitions and telegrams pouring in for Garrett.

But that's because that girl has used the paper to arouse everyone's emotions.

And she's even got you all steamed up.

What's more important, she may even get under the governor's skin.

I understand he's been following the case quite closely.

That's why I can't let myself be swayed emotionally.

Whatever happens in this case has got to be based on facts and the law, not on how people feel.

Yeah, that might be.

But it might also be that you're hanging yourself politically.

You could end up as popular as poison ivy at a picnic.

I can't help that.

If I retreat now just because of public pressure, I'm dead.

Wounded, maybe.

You're not dead till the governor pardons him.

We've still got another week before the execution.

I want to know more about Patty Gray.

Her last job was in Kansas City.

Start there and work back to her first job in Miami if you have to.


If we could find any possible connection between Garrett and Patty Gray in the past, the governor couldn't possibly pardon him, in spite of all the artificial emotion Susan Spencer's stirring up.

You're beating a dead horse, Roy.

Nothing about this case will be dead until Garrett's ex*cuted.

Get started.

I've tried everything.

I talked to the governor personally.

He wouldn't do anything?

He'd like to, but he says he can't without new evidence Or some other valid reason for him to step into the case.

I even tried to get him to postpone it to give us more time.

But he won't do it without a recommendation from Thompson.


He wouldn't lift his little finger to help me.

Maybe Susan can do something through the paper.

I'm afraid not.

Allen Kirk, her father's executor, has returned from Europe.

He's in charge now.

Tomorrow night.

What time?


A little out of your territory in Miami, ain't you?

Yeah, a little.

You remember a girl by the name of Patty Gray?

There are lots of girls.

Why expect me to remember their names?

Well, this one worked here for you some time ago.

What did this mouse look like?

All right, girls.

Oh yeah. Her!

Six, seven years ago.

Some dish.

She sure could throw it around.

What did she do?

She was a waitress.

But with a build like hers, she was wasting her time waiting on tables.

Gave her a chance to show what she had.

Worked out great.

Guys were drooling all over the place.

Yeah, Patty Gray.

Then this was her first dancing job, huh?

Sure. I gave her her start.

I even named her.

You mean her name wasn't Patty Gray?

You kidding?

You know what this cookie's real name was?

Emma Blucher.

How about that?

Burlie queen named Emma Blucher.

She have any family?

Nah, she was an orphan or something.

What about her friends?

Friends? Emma?

She was out to take everybody.

She didn't miss an angle.

She even tried to put the squeeze on me.

I gave her a fast brush.

Served her right, getting mixed up with Mike Robinson.


Who is he?

Played the drums in a band I had working here.

Emma tried to play him for a sucker.

But he was too much for her to handle.

He gave her a real rough time.

In what way?

Oh, if he didn't like something, he'd rough her up.

Sometimes he'd rough her up for nothing, just to keep in practice.

She finally beat it out of here one night, to get away from him.

Leave it Emma. She took off with all of his dough.

Mike was really fried.

Said he'd get her if it was the last thing he did.

Uh, rum and coke?

No, just coke, thanks Did he ever find her?

Don't know.

Never heard from him again.

Is this Robinson?


Mike was kind of blond.

Little skinny guy. But real rough.

Do you ever remember seeing this man at any time?

Nope, never seen him.

Say, what's this all about? Oh, just curious about Patty.

Is the kid in trouble?

Not anymore.

As far as Garrett's concerned, I couldn't find any connection between him and this girl, Either when she was Patty Gray or Emma Blucher.

Then does this mean the governor might postpone the execution?

If Thompson recommends it, he will.

After all, this is the first possible suspect we've had with a motive.

But that doesn't mean Tom will be set free.

No, but it'll give us time to run the thing down.

Thompson started a tracer on Robinson yesterday, as soon as I phoned him from Miami.

You know, it's strange, I never thought I'd be leaning on you, relying on you like this.

I'm not sure I deserve it.

I'm very grateful to you.

Forget it.


Are you alone, Bob?

No, Roy, Susan Spencer is here.

What is it?

Mike Robinson died 4 years ago in Chicago.

I'm sorry, miss Spencer.

Excuse me, Mr. Thompson but Jonathan Wilson is very anxious to see you.

You must forgive me, Roy, for barging in.


Oh, Susan. I'm glad you're here.

This is Allen Kirk, Austin Spencer's executor.

He's preparing the will and Well, Allen, maybe you'd better tell him about it.

Mr. Spencer's personal and business affairs were quite considerable and involved, as you may imagine.

We had to get Court orders to open his various deposit vaults.

In one of them, we found this envelope.

It's addressed to you.

"This document is hand-written by me

"For delivery to you in the event that Tom Garrett shall have been convicted

"for the m*rder of Patty Gray, subsequent to my death."

"...under oath."

Is there any question about this being the handwriting of Austin Spencer?

Absolutely none. It's definitely his.

Well, it's all here.

The dates, the places, the explanations.

He kept a written and photographic record of everything he and Garrett did.

Garrett has been telling the truth.

He sent a recommendation to the governor for pardon immediately and notified the press.

Trying to save face at the last minute?

Oh, no, I'm sure he was sincere.

He even made arrangements for us to meet here so I could tell you about the party.

Very big of him.

Oh, don't be bitter.

Don't be bitter? If Thompson had had his way, He would have kept this thing pinned on me.

But it's all over now. Be grateful, darling.

I told him from the start I'd never even met this girl If Thompson hadn't been trying to make a name for himself over my dead, He would've admitted he was wrong a long time ago.

He should've been trying to find out who really k*lled Emma, instead of putting me through all this.

I don't have anything to be grateful to him for.

How did you know the girl's name was Emma?

I read it in the newspaper.

It hasn't been in the newspaper.

I must've heard it from someone.

You k*lled that girl, didn't you?

Look, this girl, A long time ago, I was just a kid... We...

I had to marry her.

I found out later that it was just a trap.

I never lived with her.

I gave her all the money I could raise, and she promised to go to Mexico and get a divorce.

I never saw or heard of her again.

Until she came back, after my book was published.

And then I found out she hadn't divorced me at all.

But all you could think of was m*rder?

I didn't, at first.

I didn't even think about it.

And then your father started talking about capital punishment, and all of a sudden, I realized he was showing me a way I could get rid of her without any risk.

We had our whole lives ahead of us That's what I was trying to save.

And I did.

I thought you were innocent.

You would've fought for me anyway, if you'd known why I did it.

I... I don't know what I would've done.


I know what you've done for me, what you've been through.

Please. Please let me go. I...

I can't think. Please let me go.

I called the prison, but they said you'd left.

I thought you'd want to know... the governor has called a press conference at 9:00.

He'll officially announce and sign the pardon then.

In less than an hour, it'll all be over.

How did he take it?

I'm glad you're here, Bob.

You've done a lot for me.

I wanted to help if I could.


I guess for the same reason that you wanted to help Garrett.

You know how I feel about you.

If I were accused of a crime and you thought that I might be guilty, that I wasn't the same person you thought I was, would you still help me?

How could I love you and not do anything I could?


Even if you believed that I committed m*rder?

What is it, Susan? What's wrong?

You've helped save the man you love.

This should be a very happy moment for you.

The man I saw in prison wasn't the man I loved.

He was a stranger, someone I never knew.

What happened at the prison, Susan?

If something important happened, you can't keep it to yourself.

Oh, please, Bob, please.

In half an hour, Garrett will be free.

If he's pardoned, he can never be tried again, nor punished.

If you know something, you must speak now, no matter how much it hurts.

State prison.

I can't. I can't. I can't do it. I can't.

State prison. Hello.

Hello. This is the State prison.

Nice smile, Governor.

Are you going to resume with your writing, Mr. Garrett?

Well, I suppose so. That's the way I make my living.

What about you and Miss Spencer?

Hello. Yes. Who is this talking?

Just a moment.

It's for you, Governor.


Are you quite sure about this?

Is Miss Spencer with you now?

I see. Thank you.

Warden, have Mr. Garrett taken back to his cell.

There will be no pardon.

Guard, take Garrett back to his cell.
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