Cat Returns, The (2002)

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Cat Returns, The (2002)

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh no!

-Haru, are you up? -I am now.


I mean, really. Why bother to set your alarm?


No breakfast? It's so delicious.

Oh, so delicious.

You're awful!


My shoe!

Excuse me... Oh, come on!

"The Kingdom is gone... yet the mountains and rivers remain.

And the castle is draped... in the vivid green of spring."

Miss Yoshioka.

Nice of you to join us. Sit down.

Yes, sir.

Caught again.

I hate this.

Humiliated in front of the whole class.

Machida was laughing too.

I noticed that.

Why? What's wrong with me?

It must be some kind of omen.

Something even worse is going to happen.

Usually someone would be encouraging.

HOMEMADE CAKES What an unusual cat.

What's so great about Machida?

He's just so cool.

-Then tell him. -He's taken.

Ah, the freshman. She's pretty hot.

So you knew.

If he ignores you, I'll comfort you.

You're horrible!

-Tsuge is so cool. -If he ignores you...

-He was carrying something. -Stolen goods?

Who knows?

What's he doing?

Hey cat, watch out!

-Oh well. -Hey, that's dangerous.


What's he doing?

Haru, wait!

You've got it!

Hey! Stop that truck!

Are you okay, cat?

I'm grateful. I think you just saved my life.

I hope you're all right.

I'm sorry, but I must hurry.

I will thank you properly another day.

Don't mention it.


Oh, you broke it.

Well, a cat's life is more important.

Did you see that?

He bowed to me.

Haru, are you okay?

I'm home.

Watch your step.

I just can't decide which pattern to use.

Honey, can you make dinner?


Can cats talk?

Well, let's see...


You reminded me of something.

When you were little... you used to say you could talk to cats.

I did?

Yes, don't you remember?

What's wrong?

Oh, you're hungry.

Do you like fish?

Here, have some of these.

You need a bath.

Taste good?

Ah, I see.

Want some more?

Here, eat them all.

You don't have to thank me.

-Haru? -Mom!

-What were you doing? -Talking to a cat.

I asked you what the cat said.

You answered, "It's tough to survive in this world."

You were so serious, I couldn't help laughing.

I totally forgot about that.

Anyway, better not miss breakfast tomorrow.


YOSHIOKA AOI CITY WAKABADAI 1-5 Um... please come out.

A bit closer.

Allow me to introduce... the King of the Kingdom of Cats.

A king among kings.

The Cat King!

That's me.

The cat whose life you saved... was Prince Lune, His Majesty's son.

For this important service to the Kingdom...

His Majesty wishes to express his gratitude.

Thanks a bunch.

Here's your program.

Starting tomorrow... unlimited happiness will be yours.


See you.

What a dream.

So you mean... it wasn't you?

You must be joking.

Then who did this?

Haru, get down here!

What on earth is this?


I'm working too hard. I better go back to bed.



Haru, here's one of the troublesome sticks!

Morning! Sorry, gotta run.

-What's she up to? -Maybe she's got catnip.

Catnip? Why?

Who knows?

Hey Yoshioka, leave your cats at home.

They're not mine!

What is going on?

It wasn't a dream. They were serious.

Maybe I shouldn't have saved that cat.

-Haru. -Wha... What now?

Did you lose your cat posse?

Oh, sure. No problem. The cats are gone.

That's good.

Listen, I really need your help.

Can you fill in for me? Tsuge has a match.

I'll miss it if I don't leave right after class.


Sure, I guess.

Cleanup duty, right?

Haru, you're the best.

Go for it, Tsuge!

Tsuge wins! He's so cool.

-Watch the step. -Thank you.

Ow, that hurt.

Oh no!

What a mess.

Hey, come back.

What's wrong with me, anyway?

There you are. Miss Haru! Miss Haru!

You cats! One thing after another all morning.

You must be pleased.

I'm not!

I don't understand.

The whole kingdom just wants you to be happy.

You don't get it. I don't eat mice.

I don't like cattails or catnip.

How astonishing.

Please pardon our ignorance... but this is quite unexpected.

How will I tell His Majesty?

I'm sorry if I upset you.

I've said too much.

Lots of stuff's been going on.

What kind of stuff?

Just stuff, that's all.

I see. That's too bad.

Even a beautiful lady like yourself has problems.

Oh, come on.

No, I'm serious. Your problems are our problems.

It's our duty to make you happy.

-There's more? -Indeed.

We invite you to visit the Kingdom of Cats.

The Kingdom of Cats?

It's heaven on earth.

Beautiful scenery and scrumptious food.

The whole kingdom is ready to welcome you.

And there's more!

His Majesty is very eager... to repay you for saving Prince Lune.

You and the prince shall be married!

No way. That's completely impossible.

I mean, he's a cat.

What's wrong with that?

He's not only a cat, he's cool!

He is?


It might be nice after all.

Just lying around all day...


It sounds perfect.

Gourmet food, then a nice nap.

Nobody bugging you.

But marrying a cat would be weird.

Even if he is a... huh?

Very good. We'll see you tonight.

What do you mean? Hey, wait!


That one really hurt.

I need to think.

I mean... the thing is...

What do I do? Those cats mean business.

They'll kidnap me for sure.

I'll be a cat's bride!

No, no, not that!


Where are you?

Go to the Cat Business Office.

They'll help you there.

Who's that? Where are you?

What's the Cat Business Office?

They're sure to help.

A big white cat will show you the way.

A big white cat?

Go to the crossroad.

He'll be waiting for you.

What's a cat business office anyway?

How do I find some big white cat?

But the voice was beautiful. Maybe the cat is too.

All this walking around is getting to me.

Time for a break.

Wait, what's going on?

Such a fat cat!

What are you doing there?

A big white cat. Is this the one?

I'm looking for the Cat Business Office.

I need some help.

Guess I got the wrong guy... or the wrong cat.

Sorry I sat on you.

-Follow me. -You!

Hey wait up, would you?

Can't we just walk on the street?

You're just mad at me.

Because I called you fat?


What a strange place.

So, where's the Cat Business Office?


I've got a problem.

I'll be taken to the Cat Kingdom.

What kind of place is this?

Hey Baron! Got a visitor.

Cut the theatrics and get out here.

Welcome to the Cat Business Office.


Our world overlaps with yours, but it's different.

Sometimes, when people create something... and they put their heart into it... their creation comes alive, with its own soul.

Like me. Like him.

Oh my gosh!

This is Toto, our resident gargoyle.

Baron, you rarely have visitors.

She's rather charming, isn't she?


I'm Baron Humbert von Gikkingen.

My maker named me.

So you're Baron.

I heard about you.

Trouble with cats? From the Cat Kingdom?

That's right.

I saved a cat from getting run over.

Now they want me to visit their kingdom.

To pay you back? It figures.

A goody two-shoes.

You shouldn't have bothered.

You're as cynical as ever, Muta.

Don't you understand? She saved his life.

And look what she gets.

Never mess with other people's business.

Where did you meet?

At the crossroad. She knew about the office.

I heard a voice.

I didn't recognize it.

-A voice? -And you did what it said?

That's the dumbest... Ouch!

-Watch it! -Why don't you hold your tongue?

Butt out!

Please, don't fight because of me.


And your name is?

Oh, it's Haru. My name is Haru.

Okay, Haru. Please come in.

Don't worry about them.

You lousy blackbird!

I'm a crow, you stupid cat!

Where are you? It's too dark.

You're so fat you glow in the dark.

-Go get fried, chicken wings. -Moo shu pork!

Pardon me.

Wow, this place is gorgeous.

-Come in and have a seat. -Thanks.

Tea, with lemon or milk?

Milk, please.

I love this style.

-Here you are. -Thank you.


My special blend.

I can't guarantee the flavor. It's different every time.

This is good. This is really good.

You're lucky.

How can you drink that bitter stuff?

Too refined for you, I bet.

Go catch a worm, bird.

Muta, tell me about the Kingdom of Cats again.

The whole place is fake.

It's for cats who don't know where they belong.

Where they belong?

One cat told me... their king wants me to marry his son.

Why don't you do it?

No way.

Might not be bad.

That's absurd!

Could be interesting.

I see.

I've always wanted to visit the Kingdom of Cats.

Maybe it's time.

You've got guts. I'll give it a miss.

You're coming too.

Sorry, that place gives me the creeps.

You're not taking her, are you?

That wouldn't be wise.

But, we can't leave her here.

Don't look at me. Do I look like a babysitter?

-Are you busy? -Not exactly.

I'd better go home.

I'm just making trouble for everyone.

I got into this mess.

I have to get myself out.

I see.

I'm sorry we couldn't help you.

Fine, I'll do it.

I'll hang out with her.

Excellent, Muta.

Then it's settled.

Haru, take a seat.


Muta's always complaining.

But he's a good guy.

I get it.

He's just a p*ssy cat.

That's right.

Oh, stop it.

Thanks for your help, Moo-ta.

Moo-ta? Did you just call me a fat cow?

No, but you are fat... oops!

I'm starting to like this girl.

I changed my mind.

Didn't we have some delicious chiffon cake in the cupboard?


Top shelf right.

Why didn't you say so?

Let's have a little party.

Then you'll need my special mulberries.

This is getting interesting.

Can I help out?

Haru, there's something more important.

You've got to discover where you truly belong.

Then you'll have nothing to worry about.

Baron, give me a hand with this whipped cream.

You're going all out.


It feels like something wonderful is going to happen.

Yes? Maybe that's Toto.

Miss Haru, we've come for you.


What are you doing?


Not good.

Calm down!

You promised to help me!

A horde of cats is headed this way.

-Now you tell us? -After them!


-We looked everywhere for you. -I'm going home!


Let me go. Take me back this instant!

Don't worry, every bride gets nervous.

I'm not nervous!

This is completely insane.

Go away!

Ouch! Hey, let go!

Muta and Baron!

Let go, I'm telling you!

Toto, now!

Don't let go!

-Why did you do that? -We had to.

Why, you...


He's too heavy!

-Toto... -I'm there!

Where are you going?


We're losing them.

-Climb! -Hold tight.

Now what?

They're riding the wind.

I'm on it!


I landed on my back.

What's going on?

Where am I?

Muta? You got bigger.

No, you got smaller.


Because we're here.

In the Kingdom of Cats?

This is it.

Wow, there are cats everywhere.

It's their kingdom, you know.


It's so nice and relaxing.

C'mon, let's blow this catnip stand.

-Not yet. -Listen, you...

I mean, it feels so nice.

No! You must leave at once.

Please run away from here.

What a beautiful cat.

Even the cats are prettier here.

Please, there's no time to lose!

This is not where you belong, Haru.

How do you know my name?

Miss Haru!

It's that cat again.

I'm so relieved to find you.

We dropped you on the way in.

Your servant was over the weight limit.


No, this is Muta.

Shall we go? The banquet is ready. Please join us, Moo-ta.


But I...

His Majesty is waiting.

-Where? -In the palace. See?

-Oh, right. -Yes indeed.

You're not going, are you?

I should at least greet the king.

Are you crazy? Let's go!

-This way. -Just a minute.

Can she come with us?

Your name?

Yuki, sir. I serve at the royal table.

So, you work at the palace?

Miss Haru, she'll be at the banquet.

Okay, see you soon.



What are those? They look creepy.

She's finally here... My future daughter-in-law.

I must welcome her in person!

Where have I seen that cat before?

You'll need to change before you meet the King.

New clothes?

-Please wait outside. -Why should I?

-Beat it! -What's your problem?

We've prepared some refreshments.

I'll wait.

I think I like this.

The dress highlights your beauty.

Prince Lune is adored by all the ladies.

We know you'll be very happy.


No, I mean, that's not why I'm here.

A picture of perfection.

You're the purr-fect bride for the crown prince.

Natoru, who is that cat?

I believe his name is Moo-ta.


What a bizarre name.

That was just an appetizer.

Listen, I'm really sorry... but I'm not ready to get married.

But I thought you already said yes.

That's what I heard too.

Where's the Prince?

He's touring the provinces.

It's just... well, I don't really know him.

And anyway, he's a cat, right?

And of course, I'm not a cat...

I wouldn't worry about that.

Take a look!

Here you are.

Wow, real cat ears.

I'm a cat?

Muta, where are you?

What happened to him?

He wanted catnip jelly enough to swim in it.

And as you see...

Did he have to die like this?

Muta, how could you do this?

The banquet, Miss Haru.

I can't leave him.

Then we'll bring him along.

Is that Miss Haru?

Such perfect ears.

Such soft, attractive paws!

I was told you don't care for mice... so I brought you a whole fresh fish.

The bride doesn't seem pleased.

What's our entertainment?

The usual.

Not funny enough!

Oh, my...


Is that the best you can do?

Allow me to amuse Miss Haru.


Well, why not?

Would you care to dance?

I'm an awful dancer. Oh no, I even talk like a cat!

Trust me.

They seem quite well-matched.

What is this?

I never felt like this before.

Being a cat might not be so bad.

No, Haru. This world is not for you.

It's not where you belong.

Don't you remember what I said?

Wait, you're...

Stop the music!

I smell a rat.

Just who are you?

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm certainly no rat.

I am Humbert von Gikkingen.

I've come for Haru!


Does he really...

Mean it?

He'd better not! Seize him!

I'm stuffed.

He's alive!

Muta, you're okay!


Stop, you scoundrels!

Take His Majesty to safety.

Don't let them escape!

This way to the emergency exits. Please proceed quietly.


Muta, you're great!

Every cat for himself.

This way.

I saw you before.

Baron, I knew you would come.

Do you know me?

I've heard about you and your Office.

If only I'd listened to you, this wouldn't have happened.

If you leave before dawn, you'll become human again.


This leads outside the castle.

Very convenient.

What about Muta?

He'll be all right. Let's hurry.

-A back door. -The tower leads to your world.

It's so tall...

You must find your way through the maze first.

We'll make it.

Good. Please take care of Haru.


She's gone. I didn't get to thank her.

Haru, this is just a guess... but I think she led you to me.

Haru, the Cat Business Office...

You're right. That beautiful voice was hers.

But why help me?

Thanks to you everyone's out to get me.

Let's just hurry.

Hey, I was talking.

Are they in?

Yes, Your Majesty.


They'll never find the way.

We have ringside seats.

This is complicated.

-At least the sun's still high. -It's always high.


It's probably past midnight back home.

Then we better hurry!

So, uhm... let's see...

Where do we go?

They're completely lost.

No one escapes from the labyrinth. Right, Your Majesty?

Yup, no hope for them now.

-And the guards? -Here they come.

This way.

We'll just have to try every route.

Aim for the tower. That's our goal.

Makes sense.

Muta, that's cheating.

No point in playing their game.

There he is.

Go chase somebody else!

Let's hurry while he keeps them busy.

What am I, bait?

Get back, Haru!

Nice work!

Is it bent?

I needed a new one anyway.


Nice shot!

That's one of ours!

Sire, how could you?

We won't count that one.

Natori, look.

The guards have scattered.

They're all lost.

What about Haru?

Oh! They're getting close.


Welcome back.

-Any luck? -Dead end.

They're falling for it.

Another dead end.

It's getting harder.


Wait, there wasn't a wall here before.

Must be your imagination.

No, I'm sure we went through here.

You mean the walls have legs?

This is no wall. It's fake!


Good work Haru!

You gotta be kidding.


How often have I told them not to line up like that?

They're getting away!

Your Majesty, wait!

Go ahead, I'll catch up.


-Baron, it's okay. -Don't worry!

Your Majesty, please. It's dangerous.

They won't escape!

I stationed soldiers in the tower, just in case.


That's the spirit. Get them!

Shoddy construction, I'm afraid.

This is outrageous!

We have no choice. Give me the secret w*apon.

What? No, not that!

Your Majesty, think of your image!


The cable simply won't reach.

Try the wireless unit.

Finally! The top floor.

Almost there.


-What's happening? -Hold on!

That was quite spectacular.

Let's go!

We're back on the ground.

Now we wait.

We're trapped.

Follow me, men!

Gikkingen! Splendid to see you again.

Haru, I'll have you back in the castle in a jiffy.

A cat's life isn't so bad.

Do I have to learn to like mice?

Hold on, it's too early to give up.

What in heaven's name happened here?


Lune, you're back already?

Stand at attention for the crown prince!

The prince?

Yuki sent word for me to return.

What's going on here?


Yuki, it's you.

Good, we're not too late.

I was just, err, welcoming her.

And I thought you'd be happy... to have a girl like Haru for your bride.

You needn't have worried.

I'm going to marry Yuki.

You're joking.

-Surprise, surprise. -The prince has style.

Yuki, it's for you.

I brought it from your hometown.

My goodness, it's been so long.

I used to love those cookies too.

I know.

You gave them to me when I was homeless and hungry.

That kitten, that was you!

You're so beautiful, I didn't recognize you.


Will you accept these as a symbol... of our life together?

Which means... you two are getting married?

That's great! I'm so happy for you, Yuki.

Thank you, Haru!

If you hadn't found me...

I might not have survived.

And you saved me from that truck.

I never dreamed you were the person Yuki talks about.

You saved both our lives.

How can we thank you?

You don't have to.

You've made me happy already.

I'm so glad I helped you both.

This is very moving.

So, you already had a fiancee.

Oh well, it can't be helped.

But poor Haru, you must be heartbroken.

Not me.

Now, now. If you can't marry Lune... why not marry me?

Just imagine.

You'll have all the cookies and fish you can eat. Well?

Just put me back the way I was.

Of course... if you say yes.

Are you out of your mind?

Of course I don't want to marry you... you crazy cat!

I don't understand.

This is great. The girl has spirit!

Marry you? Never!

I like a woman who speaks her mind.

I'll let you in on something.

I'm Renaldo Moon!


Renaldo Moon?

The Renaldo Moon?

Now I remember!

-What? -Have you forgotten, Sire?

The most notorious crime in the Kingdom's history!

A huge cat appeared suddenly... devoured all the fish in the lake, and escaped.

That was Renaldo Moon, criminal of the century!

-Unbelievable. -He's a monster!

Muta, that's disgraceful, even for you.

Maybe I'll gobble up the castle this time!

Quick, get His Majesty to safety!


-Protect Haru! -Yes sir.


-How dare you! -Your Majesty!

I'll handle my father.

You'd better go now.

But the tower has fallen.

It's still connected to the other side.


Oh no! It's already dawn.

-Leave it to me. -What are you doing?

Don't throw me!

Run! We're right behind you.

Take care!

Thanks, Yuki.

I guess I did right after all.

Saving the two of you... Feeling lost and down...

That was all part of discovering where I belong.

-I'll cover you. -Thanks.

Where is Father?

Up there.

Father, it's dangerous. Please come down.

He's out of his mind.

I'll bring him back.

We'll settle this with a duel!

-With pleasure. -Baron?

-Take care of Haru. -Right.

I win, Cat King.


I heard about the cat in top hat and tails... but never dreamed you were this good.

I heard you spend your days in some shop window.

You should have come to my kingdom and joined me.

I'm quite happy with life just as it is.

Where in the world am I?

What have you done?

I didn't do a thing.

Now that the tower has collapsed... who knows where the exit leads?

I must go!

Miss Haru...

I should've foreseen this.

But look, she's human again!

Oh no...

I think I'm going to fall.

I can't keep my balance!


Muta, please don't say I'm heavy.

Okay... but before we do this again... lose a little weight, will you?

I can't hold on!


We're going to die!

-We're not dead yet! Look down! -What?

Don't be afraid, just look down!

I can't!

Trust me!

Are we still alive?

-Yes! -Probably...

It just hit me.

I think we look pretty cool!

What's this?

-A whole flock. -And just in time.

Hey, Muta! How do you like being saved by birds?


It's that lousy black bird.

Thanks, Toto.

Good thing my friends were waiting up here.

Doesn't it hurt to be walked on?

You're light as a feather, Haru.

-Really? -I disagree.

Look, Haru.

It's my school.

I'm home. I made it back!

Thank you so much, everybody!

-They made it! -Hooray for Miss Haru!


Take care, Haru.

Your Majesty!

Natori, I think it's time for me to retire.

Then I shall join you, Sire.

Toto, thank you.

My heart is still pounding.

That's not surprising.

But it was fun, too.

Yeah, right.

Well, Haru has a school day ahead of her.

She'd better get some rest.

That's right.

Is this going to be goodbye?

One more load to carry.

Baron, I think I have a crush on you.

I like your honesty, Haru.

You'll find your way to the Cat Business Office... if you ever really need us again.

Until then, goodbye!


Thank you!

Baron! Toto! You too, Muta!

What do you mean, "you too"?

Thanks a lot!

Oh no, better get up.


Why are you up so early?

It's Sunday.

I'm going to the early show with Hiromi.

I'm off.

There's fried eggs and salad.

I already ate.

There's tea in the pot.

About the tea...

It's my special blend.

I can't guarantee the flavor. It's different every time.

Is that so?

Oh, it smells nice.

Haru! I've got news from a reliable source.

What's the big deal?

Machida broke up!

Oh, is that so.

What kind of reaction is that?


Don't you have anything to say?


It doesn't matter anymore.

Haru, did something happen?

-No. -Come on!

No, honestly.

How about you?


-How's it going with Tsuge? -Well, it's not, actually.
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