06x05 - Fathers and Sons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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06x05 - Fathers and Sons

Post by bunniefuu »

So, okay, uh, graduated magna cum laude from Loyola, played varsity soccer in high school, sang karaoke with Mike Ditka at Franky's Tavern.

"You Don't Send Me Flowers." Barbra Streisand. Neil Diamond.

Go. Okay.

Ditka don't do karaoke so that's the lie.

No, definitely not. It's soccer.

The woman hates moving. Yeah, there's no way you played varsity soccer in high school.

Well, they didn't even have girls' soccer back then, so. all: Whoa!

Up high.

Jesus? Oh, my...

What is it? What is it It's the Loyola thing.

I dropped out after two years so I could move to LA with my boyfriend.

I played keyboards in a heavy metal rock band called Black Ice. What could possibly go wrong?

25 years, I think that's pretty amazing.

Yeah, well, it's actually insane and by the way, it feels more like 50 so get out while you can.

Hey, guys, sorry to break up the party.

I got a call from the CI.

Drug mule just showed up at his motel.

We gotta roll.

Girl got here an hour ago.

She's been seeing two guys that were here before.


No. Uh, one was young, like, 20.

The other is 35, maybe 40.

Both Hispanic.

Not sure.

They, uh, checked in room 204.

All right, thanks, Greg.

♪ Room 204.

Copy that.

♪ Sir, can you stop right there, please.

Sir. Hey!

Chicago Police. I need you to stop right there.

Hey, hey!

Hey, get behind me. Don't move, stop!

Don't move! Stay down.

Offender jumped downstairs.

Chicago PD!

Drop the w*apon!

Call it in!

Get back, get back. Hey, clear this floor.

Go, go, go!

Oh, my God.

♪ What kind of animal does something like that?

♪ Kind who doesn't lose his dr*gs.

Got an ID on the female DOA.

Name is Gloria Sanchez, 19.

For now, the male DOA is a John Doe.

So John Doe takes the trip with the mule, delivers her to the buyer, make sure nothing goes wrong.

Sounds right to me.

Poor kid had enough cocaine in her system to k*ll a horse.

Stomach acid ate through the latex.

Was she alive when they cut her open?

Looks that way.


I did find something else you might be interested in.

All right, this was found on the back of Gloria's hand.

Guessing it's one of those invisible nightclub stamps.

Okay, but why would a girl with a kilo worth of blow inside of her walk into that nightclub?

Manifest came in from Customs, guys.

I got the name of the John Doe.

It's Miguel Lopez, age 29. Lists his recent place of employment as the Scorpion Club.

Occupation: bartender.

Anything on this girl he gutted, Gloria Sanchez?

Yeah, also Scorpion Club. Occupation: dancer.

Yeah, that's the place on 6th and Steward, right?

Yeah, that's the one.

The logo matches the hand stamp.

All right, so run the owner and every employee.

Look, this is a homicide now.

We bust the guy moving the dr*gs, we can nail him for m*rder too.

Bartender's name is Larry Wozniak.

He's got one prior for possession with intent to distribute. My CI heard, he was the one moving coke at the Scorpion.

Larry, got it. Yeah, he's tall.

Black hair. Got it.

This guy got busted for a half ounce, like, two years ago. You sure he's a shot caller now? This guy?

He's running drug mules from Mexico?

We gotta start somewhere, right?

Right now, somewhere is Larry.

So how long you been dancing, Riley?

Yeah, uh, that's not really my thing.

I just like to party.

Enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.


Uh, I got a question for you. Mm.

My girl said that you're the guy to come to for some... party products.

Oh, yeah, and who's your girl?

Katie, stage name August. She used to work here.

You remember her. Yeah.

Yeah, she said there was a hot bartender at the Scorpion who has top-notch blow and I just assumed it was you.

♪ Hey, cover for me. Okay.

Come with me.

♪ Price is 250 an eight-ball.

That's pretty steep. That's what it costs.

Unless, of course, you're willing to trade it for something else of value.

No, thank you.

Aw, come on, Riley.

This powder's pure as snow.

Sex on this stuff will blow your mind.

This guy's pushing his luck. It's all right.

She knows how to handle idiots like that.

If she needs backup, she'll use the safe word.

Uh, I'm--

This is very tempting but, uh--

Come on, Riley. You're k*lling me.

I'm seeing somebody so you should step back...


♪ But I'll still give you the 250.


I like cash too.


♪ Hey, look, I don't know if you're interested but the guy I'm seeing-- He, um... he's looking to do some deals. Some big deals.

Nah, I'm good.

He'd be a good customer.

Because he's rich.

Our third date, he gave me this.

Costs ten grand.

We're up.


This is Jake.

Larry. Good to meet you.

Tell me, how does a bartender get his hand on 95% pure coke?

Well, I got friends... and they got friends... in Juarez.

Okay, I'd like to get my hands on some.

You think you could help me with that?

Sure. How much you looking for?

Three kilos.

That's a lot of weight. I can maybe hook you up with a few ounces, maybe a quarter key.

Quarter key.

I'm sorry, Riley made it sound like you were more connected than that.

I think we've had a misunderstanding.

Oh, no. Hold on, hold on.

If you want...

I can hook you up with my source.

His name is Spiro. He runs the Scorpion Club.

He can get his hands on all kinds of weight.

That sounds good.

But I want 10% commission on every purchase you make.

All right.

If the product is as good as what I sampled, Larry, you have yourself a deal.

All right.

I'll be in touch.

Spiro Dalon. Grew up in Greek Town.

He's got a clean record. He owns the Scorpion Club and he does pretty well for himself.

Suspiciously well.

I had Asset Forfeiture run the financials for his club and the numbers don't add up.

He's in the hole until six months ago and then there's this huge surge in profits.

I mean, there's no way that's legit business.

They'd need, like, a revolving door for all those customers.

Right, so I checked with Immigration.

Along with Gloria Sanchez, I got a dozen other temporary work visas for exotic dancers from Juarez this year.

They all list Scorpion Club as their place of employment.

Frequent border crossings. Multiple trips, it's a pattern.

Okay, so Spiro uses his own girls as mules to smuggle the coke in his own club to launder the money. Smart hustle.

Well, now it's your turn to hustle.

Once you get in with this guy, get him to trust you and make a deal.

Spiro... this is guy I was telling you about, Jake.


The kid with the Aston Martin.

♪ And who's this? I'm Riley.

Nice to meet you, Riley.

Thank you, Larry.

♪ Have a seat. Whoo!

This is a nice place you have here, Spiro.

This is a nice place.

That's very nice of you. Thank you.

Yeah, I put a lot of time and money into this place.


You know...

Larry tells me that you're interested in doing some business.

I am. Very much so.

♪ Up and down the North Shore. Evanston, Winnetka.

All my clients are white upper-class professionals.

So premium price, premium product.

Seems like you got it all figured out.

I did... But, uh, my supplier--

He got into a little disagreement with his friends down south and he split town in a hurry, leaving me with a lot of very unhappy customers.

You know what I mean? Mm-hmm.

♪ And this, uh...

Supplier... does he have a name?

Oh, I don't give out names. No disrespect.

I'm sure you can appreciate that.

Fair enough.

♪ Let me see your driver's license.


Well, you know, Jake, you seem cool.

You know. So... let me do my due diligence and... see if we can work something out.

All right.

All right! Hey, Boss.

Rita's downstairs. Oh, good.

♪ We just lost audio.

♪ Tell her I'll be down in a sec.

Something wrong?

No. No.

I get jumpy around cops.

Relax, He's with me.

He's my security guy.


You know it doesn't hurt to have a cop around every once in a while. Sure.

I'm gonna keep that in mind. Thank you for your time.

My pleasure. We'll talk soon.

♪ We lost signal for a few minutes toward the end of the conversation--

Yeah, yeah. My, uh, battery died.

We're good. All right.

♪ What the hell just happened in there?

♪ Do you know that cop in there?



♪ That's my dad.

♪ My dad's a cop. Did I ever tell you that?

No. Yeah, so I guess... he must be moonlighting here.

He just never told me about it.

Okay, so let me get this straight.

Your dad, who's a cop, works security at the Scorpion Club.

I think he works for Spiro.

Spiro said "he's with me" so I assume he works for Spiro. I don't know.

Adam, is there a chance your dad's dirty?


Hey! What are you doing, old man?

You know you can hire people for that.

Yeah, and they cost 100 bucks an hour.

Hey, that was a hell of a surprise last night, huh?

A little bit, yeah. Made me a little nervous.

You didn't give me up, did you?

No, I didn't give you up.

I mean, I figured you were undercover.

Why else would you be dressed like such a jackass.

So, uh...

This case you're working on got anything to do with the owner?


I'm just asking, that's all.

I can't talk about the case, Pops, you know that.

I'm your father.

I can't talk about the case.

I would like to know what the hell you're doing working for the owner of a strip club, though.

I'm getting paid.

Work security.

Right, well, there's nothing else I need to know about?

I'm asking if there's anything else I need to know about, that's all.

No. Okay, good. Good.

And I assume my name isn't going to appear on some police report. I mean, I know it's not a big deal, but technically it is a violation to work for some guy who owns an establishment like that.

No, you're good.

What do you do for him, exactly, day to day?

Hang out. Run errands.

Sometimes I take a girl to a bachelor party make sure no one acts like an idiot, that kinda thing.

Speaking of girls, who's that Rita you guys were talking about?

Rita Moore.

That's, uh, Spiro's lady friend.

His lady friend.

♪ This is Rita Moore. Spiro's current girlfriend.

Found these pictures on her Instagram feed.

This was posted two days ago, right here, 4:00 p.m.

This is Spiro, of course, Rita, and back here...

Huh. Gloria Sanchez.

Less than an hour before her m*rder.

Looks like Rita just became our number-one eyewitness.

She's an exotic dancer, uh, single mother, two drug priors, and she's got a pending case for a DUI.

Good work. Hailey, bring her in.

♪ You got a DUI trial comin' up, Rita.

It's your third offense.

I know I messed up but my lawyer says if I plea out, I might get probation. No.

Your baby was in the back seat.

You're looking at two, maybe three years.

Which means time away from your daughter.


What the hell are you talking about?

My lawyer said I'd be fine.

Your lawyer is wrong. Now, look, hey, the good news is, we can help.

But you gotta help us first.

♪ We need information... about Spiro.


No way. Spiro is a good guy.

♪ You know this girl?

Yeah, her name is Gloria.

Haven't seen her around in a couple months, and she came by the club the other day.


♪ Oh, my God.

Turns out, he's not such a good guy.

♪ All right, come on, Rita, tell us what happened that night. Hm?

♪ Come on, what'd you see? What'd you hear?

♪ Gloria showed up... said that she needed to see Spiro right away, that she wasn't feeling well. Mm-hmm.

Spiro came over, started talking to her...

♪ Then he called someone.

Yeah, but... not his normal one.

It was a different color, I think.

All right, then what happened?

♪ Spiro and Gloria left. I don't know where they went.

Yeah, well, I do.

They went somewhere where Spiro did that to Gloria so he didn't lose his precious cocaine stuffed inside her.

♪ Okay.

I'll help you.

Tell me what you need me to do.

Rita just walked into the VIP room with Spiro and another male, 30s, Latino, average build.

Yo, bro, I gotta ask, man.

Why you lying about the COH thing?

I checked it.

Your battery wasn't dead.

Oh, that's my bad.

I made a mistake.

Like that? What kinda mistake is that?

♪ I can't talk about it, bro. Sorry.

No, I hear you. I hear what you're saying, man.

Vodka soda, thanks.

Hey, baby. Can I borrow your phone?

Hang on. I took some photos on it the other day and I wanna send them to myself.

Go get yourself another drink. No!

I got some business to take care of.

Rita's pushing too damn hard now.


All right, Hailey.

Pull Rita. Now.

♪ We're calling it. It's not gonna happen tonight.

Spiro doesn't suspect a thing.

We'll try again tomorrow.

Go back in there, act normal.

Don't bring up the damn phone.

Deal's still good. We'll talk tomorrow morning and we'll figure something else out Okay? Okay.


♪ Any news from your dad?

What do you mean?

You talk to him yesterday?

No. I'm trying to keep as much distance as possible until we're done with the case.

Why, was he at the club? Yeah.

I don't know.

But I gotta be honest. He's making me nervous.

All right, fair enough.


Son of a bitch.

♪ Clear.

♪ Clear.

♪ Clear.

♪ Ah.

♪ Okay, okay.

5021 Ida. We got a DOA at our location.

Notify Forensics.


♪ Damn it!

Someone slit her throat. Not someone, Spiro.

DCFS is looking after the baby, and I got three patrol guys outside knocking on doors and looking for witnesses but so far, nothing.

So there's no sign of forced entry, no sign of struggle, so... it seems like she let her k*ller in the door.

Or he had a key.

I'll get an emergency ping on Spiro's phone.

We did everything we could, Hailey.

We pulled her out. No, we pulled her in.

We used her kid as leverage and forced her to push too hard.

Look, I hope I'm wrong about your dad.

Yo, don't go there with me right now.

Last night, your dad saw me. He saw me nod to Rita.

Okay, hey! He looked right at me... and now Rita's dead.

So my dad, who's a cop, what, he outs you as a cop, he outs Rita as a snitch, he goes and tells Spiro?

You don't know how off base you are, right now.

We have to look at the facts, Adam.

You like it or not, your dad is working for this prick.

You need to talk to Voight.

I already told you-- Today!

I'll take care of it. Or I will.


It's me.

Don't do that.

Don't try and play me.

I don't care if we're sleeping together that doesn't change how I do my job.

You should've told me sooner. I know.

I know. I wanted to, but, just--

Didn't wanna jam your father up for working at a strip club.

♪ I get it.

Boss, we're--we're good.

I mean, he's just working security, he doesn't know about the dr*gs, he doesn't know about the murders.

He thinks that Spiro is an idiot party boy.

You know what I mean? That's all.

I assume you didn't tell him who we're after... or what we're after. No, no, I never talked about the investigation. I never would.

He should be all right then.

We are gonna play this one out, though, Adam.

And we're gonna follow the facts, no matter where they lead... or who they point to so...

If you have any doubts-- No.

♪ Spiro was at the Scorpion Club all night.

He left around 4:15 a.m.

We even have the surveillance footage to back it up.

Right, and according to the ME, Rita died at 2:00 a.m. which takes Spiro off the hook for the m*rder, at least.

I got something.

This is from a resident's home security camera near Rita's apartment.

A man in a baseball cap enters at 1:50 a.m. exits again nine minutes later.

Can you get any closer to his face?

No, and I have been trying. But working backwards from PODS and footage from other buildings, I was able to piece together his path and pulled a plate from his car which is registered to a Juan Morales.

Male, 37, Hispanic.

He's get quite a rap sheet. Two narcotics related charges, and one aggravated battery with a deadly w*apon.

I saw this guy at the club with Spiro.

This guy.

Well, looks to me like Juan Morales is our alpha dog.

Uh, hold on, I mean... The only problem is, other than his car being near Rita's apartment, we don't have any real evidence tying him to either of these murders.

All right, so...

We lay off Morales for now. We focus on Spiro.

And you have gotta do, whatever you gotta do to make a drug deal with this guy.

Listen, we catch Spiro dirty, maybe we can get him to give up Morales on the murders.



So I'm gonna ask one more time.

You sure your old man is just holding doors?

'Cause that's your dad with the k*ller.

Nice to see you too--

Dad, I need you to answer the question.

Whoa, whoa, watch the tone. Dad, stop!

Who the hell is this?

It's a friend of Spiro's.

His name is Juan. Why You're done.

No more Spiro. No more security.

It's over.

We're looking at these guys for multiple felonies.

So you're done.

It doesn't matter what. These guys are bad,Pops.

Like, reallybad so you're getting out, all right.

Get out!

I love you! I'm--

Spiro. Hey.


Listen, I was, uh, hoping for a moment of your time.

I actually got to go audition this new chick right now.

It won't take a minute.

Come on, check it out.

Ladies, give me the room, please.

♪ You sure you wanna talk with the, uh... the young lady in the room?

She's Ukrainian. She don't speak English.

♪ All right.

♪ I was hoping that we continue talking about that thing that we discussed.


You know, I've been thinking about that.

I want you to be able to come here and enjoy the club, enjoy the ladies, but I don't think we can do business together.

I don't wanna do business with preppy rich kids from the North Shore. Makes me nervous.

Preppy rich kids from-- All right, honey, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Preppy rich kids from the North Shore? No, no, no.

You got the wrong guy.

I grew up in Cicero, I grew up with nothing.

I did three years in Stateville for aggravated battery.

I mean...

It was your girlfriend who told Larry that you were a rich kid.

Yeah, well, I was trying to impress her, wasn't I?

Come on, man.

Seemed like a much better angle to play than ex-con.

You know how dumb that girl is?

She thinks that I got this with my frat brothers... in grad school.

Certainly didn't tell her got it while I was on G-block.

You got me all wrong, man.

♪ Or you had me fooled.

♪ You're actually very convincing as the rich douchebag.

I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

♪ All right, I'm glad we got this cleared up.

All right!

I'll call you later with the details.

No, no, no. Sit down, sit down.


♪ Make sure you tip the girl.

♪ We're in position eyes to the front.

We got the back.

There's a vehicle approaching.

Silver SUV.

♪ It's Spiro.

♪ He's got a driver with him.

♪ Adam, it's your dad.


No, no, no. No!


♪ I told him, Boss. I'm sorry!

I don't know how you wanna play this but I told him.

I told him he had to quit.

Hey! I told him.

We don't do this deal today, these guys aren't coming back to the table, no way.

You understand?

But you think your father might be dirty, that he could compromise you or Atwater, I'm not letting you go in. No, no, there's no way, no.

He's a good cop, he's my dad, there's no way he's--

He can't be dirty.

Nice neighborhood. What are you doing here?

You know, just a little real estate deal.

Like they say, "Buy low, sell high," right?

I'm telling you, this is the next big neighborhood.

Stay with the car, Bob.

♪ Kevin.

♪ I'm with Adam.

♪ If he says he's good, I'm good.

♪ All right. Go in there and do your thing.

Well, I got a lot of money on me, Spiro.

He's my protection. Where's the... product?

My partner's bringing it. He'll be here in a minute.

All right.

♪ Morales just pulled up with two, three unknowns with him.

All right, get ready. We go in on my signal.

♪ Yo.

Nice ride.

Thank you.

We do enough business together, I'll buy you one.

Let's see the cash.

I wanna test the product.

Nah, business is business, that's all.

Okay. I like careful more than I like stupid. Test away.


What is he doing?

We got a problem!

Bob's going into the building.

Everybody hold.

See, I told you. These are good guys.

You know, he's a quiet--

Get your hands off me.

Come on! I wasn't doing nothing.

Caught him creeping around. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow your roll. This--this is my guy.

It's my driver. Everybody just take it easy, all right, I'm just looking for a place to take a leak.

It's all good.

It's all good.

Bob, it's a big warehouse, you know, find somewhere else to take a leak.

I got it. I got it.

Now, you didn't see anything right, Bob?

♪ Right, Bob?

♪ No. I didn't see anything.

Sorry, I apologize.

You know, it's hard to find good help these days.

♪ Hey, Spiro.

Kiss my ass.

Wha--what the-- Guys, guys, are we gonna get this done? Are we gonna do this deal?

Get him out of here so we can get this done!

This is too much drama! Give me a second, all right.

What the hell is happening here?

sh**t him! Freeze!



♪ Hands in the air! Turn around, turn around!

Go. Kevin!

I got him. Put your hands up!

10-1, 10-1, officer down.

sh*ts fired by offender and police.

Roll an ambulance to 2322 West Lincoln.

Where the hell is Morales?

I got Morales taking off on foot rear west exit.

We're on it.

♪ Stop! Police!

♪ I'm gonna go around the side. Yeah, yeah, go!

Hey, stop. Police!

Chicago PD. Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon, now!

Put it down!

♪ Get on your knees.

b*llet went right through me.

Doc says I'll be out tomorrow.

Yeah, I heard.


What the hell happened? What happened?

I told you to get out. Why didn't you quit?


I'm broke, okay.

I--I'm busted.

I'm few weeks away from losing the house.

You-- What?

What are you talking about?

How could that even happen? I made some bad investments.

And, uh... Next thing you know, I'm-- maxed out credit cards.

I just needed to stay... a few more weeks.

I needed a few more of those envelopes from Spiro.


I didn't realize you were so close to busting him.

Adam, I'm sorry I screwed things up.

No, you didn't, Dad. I saw the cars.

I saw the people.

I--I know he was doing something illegal.

And I got nervous.

Look, son, I knew that you were...

That I were probably in there and I--I wanted to help.

You know, give you some-- some backup, in case things went south.

♪ If something ever happened to you, I couldn't live with myself.

Why didn't you ask me for help? I would've helped.

♪ What kind of man takes money from his own kid?



Um, yeah, he's okay.

He's gonna be good. b*llet went right through, so.

That's good. How you doing?


♪ Thanks for coming, Hailey. I really appreciate it.

What are you still doing here?

Catching up on some work. Oh, catch up tomorrow.

It's late.


I need to tell you I'm sorry. Hm.

I feel awful. I--

I need you to know that my father, you know, he-- he's not perfect but he's not dirty.

I know.

Oh, Spiro told us everything.

Gave up Morales on the two murders.

But he also told us your old man didn't know a damn thing about the dr*gs, murders, none of it.

All right, well, that's good to hear.

I mean, it's not gonna help with Internal Affairs but it's something.

Yeah, he'll be fine.

I mean, he was working undercover with us, right?

Helped us crack a vicious drug ring.


♪ Already did.

♪ Backdated the paperwork.

♪ Hey, he's your father.

♪ Means he's family.

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