06x06 - True or False

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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06x06 - True or False

Post by bunniefuu »

All right, all right.

Half soy, half coffee. I kid.

I know you like it black.

Thank you.

You know what the greatest part about this situation is?

It's only 8:00 in the morning.

Screw the coffee.

No, no, no.



Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding me.

Come on.

Every time she's supposed to do something, she drops the ball.

It's incredible.

My sister's supposed to pick my dad up and bring him to the doctor, and she bailed again.

Yeah, I get it.

I don't do yelling, and I don't do slamming.

Not even a little bit.

Yeah, Dad...

Hey, listen...I'm, uh, I'm sorry about before.

All right? I want you to know to know I'm not a yeller or a slammer.

I just..you know, family stuff makes me crazy.

I get it.

Thank you. Thank you.


But you've been warned.

Hey, listen, uh, when we get closer to the district, drop me off a few blocks away.

We're just driving into work together.

People who aren't sleeping together don't drive to work together.

Not to mention, the people we work with are elite detectives, so...

All right. But look--

I don't want this getting out.

Oh, ouch.

I'm just being honest. I don't wanna have to talk to Voight about our relationship or whatever this is-- fill out HR forms.

I hear ya. We're on the same page.

But, hey, listen, my cousin is having a party this weekend.

There are no HR forms involved, and it should be a good time.

What do you think? Let me think about it.

All right.

Units in the 21 and units on the citywide, we have reports of a female screaming for help inside a residence at 1226 North State.

Oh, yeah. 5021 Henry, Squad advise-- plain clothes officers rolling on that.

We're three blocks out.

Copy that, 5021 Henry.

Hey. Over here! Stop the car! Stop the car!

Stop! Stop!

Inside--just in here. She was screaming.

She was screaming inside the house.

Okay, ma'am. Get back in your house.

She was screaming, and I think she's in trouble.

Get back in your house, ma'am.

I got a car fleeing in the back!

♪ Chicago police. Turn off the car.

Exit the vehicle.

5021 Ida. I got a blue Honda trying to flee southbound from the area of a distress call.

Get out of the car.

Illinois plate, 79 Victor Paul eight Zebra five.

Get out of the car or I'll sh**t.

Squad, he's backing up on me. Stop!

♪ sh*ts fired by the police.

That car just tried to run me down.

It's fleeing down the alley, northbound.

Copy that, 5021 Ida. Down the alley northbound.

5021 Henry--roll an ambo to 1226 North State Street.

Copy that, 5021 Henry.

Ambo en route. Okay.

♪ Ah, okay.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

I'm the police, okay?

Help is on the way.

All right.

I'm right here. I'm right here.


Just We're gonna find the person that did this to you, okay?

We're gonna find the person that did this.

Stay with me, stay with me! Stay with me.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, okay.

Look at me. Look at me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

No. No.

Hailey, is the house clear?

Hailey, you all right?



Yeah, I'm fine.

All right, stay with her. I'm gonna clear the house.


Victim's name is Allison Collier.

Her husband is-- Jason Collier.

Yeah, he's Alderman for the 43rd Ward.

We crossed paths way back when he was a prosecutor.

Sarge, this looks like this was a burglary.

The back door was pried open with a crowbar.

It was on the floor near Allison's body.

I had Forensics send it to the crime lab, requested a rush order.

Hopefully, we can pull a print.

Hey, man.

You okay? I guess.

The, uh, plates on the blue Honda came back to a Lincoln Town Car.

How nice. So, the offender steals a plate off a random Lincoln, and he puts it on his Honda.

I'll figure out where the Town Car was parked, see if I can get some surveillance photos out of the deal. Okay, good.

Meantime, run every blue Honda in Chicago.

Let's see if one of the owners has a sheet to match the M.O.

And start canvassing the neighborhood for witnesses, PODs, surveillance cameras.


The press is gonna be all over this.

Not a word to anyone. Copy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I heard about Allison. What the hell happened?

Well, we're not sure.

Looks like a burglary gone bad.

I was friends with her and Jason for years.

Superintendent is close with them, too.

She's a good woman.

I already did.

Jason's at a conference in Boston.

Poor guy couldn't even talk.

I want bracelets on someone by the end of the day.

Is that understood? Yes, ma'am.

I was coming home from pilates, checking my texts, and I heard a woman screaming.

Did you happen to see anyone near the house?

Anyone who looks suspicious?


Early this morning there was this guy near the gangway. He was just walking around.

He seemed out of place.

I'm not saying he k*lled her.

I'm just saying I noticed him.

Okay, can you describe the guy?

He was black-- I mean, African-American.

Um, average height.

Thin and young, early 20s.

Did you see what he was wearing?

He had a white hat on his head.

That's all I remember.

But again, I'm not saying this man is involved.

And it has nothing to do with the fact that he's African-American.

Right, he just looked suspicious.

Like he was casing the house that he was about to rob, right?

Yeah, he looked suspicious.

Very suspicious.

And...he was holding something in his right hand, too, under his jacket.

Maybe. I couldn't tell.

Jason, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you, Sergeant.

What do we know?

Looks like a home invasion.

Offender appears to be a young African-American male.

That's about it right now.

But it's early.

Look, was there anything going on we should know about?

Any jealous boyfriends, girlfriends, stalkers, that kind of thing.

No, nothing like that.

We were good.

Well, if you think of anything that might be useful...

We are gonna find this son of a bitch.

You have my word on that.

Hey, boss.

Good news. Okay.

So, the POD cameras near Collier's house, they were able to pick out an image of the blue Honda.

You can't see the driver, but I was able to find a "Franklin's Plastics" decal.

It looks like an employee parking decal on the windshield. All right.

So, find out who works there that drives a blue Honda.

I did, it's a man by the name of Jerome York.

He's got no priors.

Good. Grab Upton, track his ass down.

Oh, hey.

How is it that you and Upton showed up at the crime scene together this morning?

Uh, her car's in the shop, so I gave her a ride.

Oh, oh.

Well, if her car keeps having problems, and you keep giving her rides...

You should probably tell your supervisor, fill out the proper HR forms.

I'm not the only person in the city of Chicago with a blue Honda.

You're the only one with a "Franklin Plastics" decal on it.

Go back inside.

I just wanted to know if you're okay.

Get back inside, now.

Don't talk to my daughter.

Let her answer the question.

She caught an elbow yesterday, after school.

Did that happen at soccer practice? Yes.

Yesterday, after school.

Kia, go to your room now.

You got some nerve accusing me--

I didn't accuse you of anything.

I asked a question. Get off my property or I'll file a complaint.

I want the name of that soccer coach.

I want your badge number. 5-5-0-5-5--

Whoa, hey, Detective Upton, why don't I take it from here?

No, we're all right. No, no, no.

I'm gonna take this.

I got it, Detective Upton.

♪ She's got no right asking me questions like that.

Sir, I know you're upset... None, whatsoever.

All I care about is the blue Honda--most likely your car--

I saw fleeing the scene of a m*rder this morning.

Yes, m*rder.

That's why we're here, sir.

That's why we need to know where you were this morning.

♪ I was here at home, working on my computer, sending emails.

You could ask my wife or check my laptop.

We will. I got nothing to hide.

We will. Who else has access to the car?

A kid from the neighborhood, Devin Williams.

I'm trying to help him out.

He runs errands for us.

I gave him the car last night.

He's a good kid.

He wouldn't do anything like this.

No, he hasn't.

With his grandma.

Corner of 10th and Bradley.

Tan house.

All right, thank you.

I apologize.

♪ What the hell was that?

Kid had a black eye.

Yeah, it sounds like she got it at soccer practice.

You kept pushing. We're chasing a m*rder here.

I don't care what we're chasing.

She's a kid. She needs to be protected.

That is not the point.

I asked a simple question. It's not a big deal.

Hailey, look, you outrank me in everything, but if you're gonna accuse a father of smacking around his kid, you gotta have some evidence first.

I did. It's called a black eye.

♪ Don't ever undermine me or dismiss me from an interview like that again.

Hold up.

Bingo. Blue Honda inside.

All right, come on.

Hello, ma'am. Chicago PD.

Is Devin Williams home? We'd like to talk to him.

Why y'all want to talk to him?

The car he was driving was spotted near the scene of a m*rder.

Devin ain't involved in no damn m*rder.

I can promise you that much.

Yeah well, that's great. Then we'll be in and out.

Two, three minutes.

The truth is, ma'am, is that we know Devin isn't involved.

We've heard really good things about him.

But, you know, we gotta check him off a list, so...

Come on in.


Can I get you all something to drink?

Some water, some tea, some coffee, or something?

Wait a--wait a minute! He's running your way.

Devin, don't run. Boy, get back here.

Stop right there. Stop, man. Stop!

Stop, stop! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Stay down. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You're done, bro. You're done. You're done. You're done.

Stay down.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

No. No, no, no, no. You got the wrong guy.

I got nothing to do with that m*rder on the North Side, I swear. You got the wrong guy!

What you talking about, pal?

The one where that lady got k*lled.

I--I didn't--I didn't do that, I swear.

Okay, we believe you, Devin. We really do.

Come on.

The best thing you can do is tell us what really happened at that house.

If you do that, we can talk to the State's Attorney's Office and try to work out a good deal.

Like I said, I didn't k*ll her.

I haven't been to the North Side in...weeks.

Okay. The problem is, Devin, you keep talking about a m*rder on the North Side...

Right? Mm-hmm.

We never told you about that.

You keep denying something you shouldn't know about.

Means you're guilty.

But I'm not.

Then how do you know someone from the North Side was m*rder*d?

I... just know...I guess.

Where were you this morning between 9:00 and 10:00?

Humboldt Park. Uh, I was, uh, smoking weed near the chess tables.

Hey, look at me. You still high?

Yeah, but only a little.

Yeah. Were you alone, with someone else?

I was with someone else.


Yeah. We were hanging out.

Talking to each other.

And it was really nice.

Or is he really that clueless?

I just talked to the lab.

Still no fingerprints or DNA hits.

We got the witness, though, Sarge.

Neighbor said she got a good look at the offender.

That's right.

Well, get her down here right away.

Just let us know if you see the man you saw standing outside of Allison's house this morning.

Take a look. See if anyone looks familiar.

I'm pretty sure it's number three.

Good. Thank you.

I guess we got him, boss.

Yeah, all right. So, take a run at him.

Let's put this thing to bed.

Copy that.

'Sup, bro?

Oh, let me help you out with those.

Oh, thanks. Hey, bro, hold on.

Let me help you with these. Okay.

You want a sandwich or something to go with those?

Just let me know. Yeah, that would be awesome.

Yeah, man.

First thing's first. Let's talk about what happened.


I'm gonna keep it 100 with you, man.

No BS, no games.

I appreciate that.

A witness just... picked you out of a lineup.

She said she saw you outside the house the morning of the m*rder. We also got that getaway car, the blue Honda--found that parked at your granny's garage.

This is where it gets bad.

Your fingerprints are all over the crowbar that k*lled the female victim.

We know you did the m*rder.

But I think you're a decent kid, and I would love to give you a deal.

I just need you to help me understand what really happened.

I keep trying to tell you guys, I didn't k*ll her.

I was in Humboldt Park.

Can I get one of them sandwiches now?

Yeah, well, I were you, I'd enjoy it.

'Cause the food in prison sucks.

Well, I guess you already know that.

You did two years in Danville, right?

Well, honey...

I'm here to tell you, life is different.

There's no light at the end of the tunnel.

There's no calendar.

No girlfriend to look forward to.

It's just you.

And your cell.


That's why we're trying to help you, Devin.

To give you that light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm really thirsty. Can

You think I'm running a restaurant?

No, I'm--I'm just really thirsty.

We got a young woman beaten to death, and all you care about is pop?

I'm sorry, sir. I--I don't mean no disrespect.

Let me tell you something, that woman you k*lled?

Her husband is an alderman.

And that's about as close as you get to being a king in Chicago.

And when the wife of an alderman gets beaten to death with a crowbar, somebody is gonna pay.

You understand?

The only question is, how much?

How long? How painful?

♪ I keep telling you guys, I didn't do it.

I--I was in Humboldt Park.

Now, if it's okay, can I--can I please get that soda?

Kid is a trip. Yup.

Can't figure out where he's coming from.

No, well, whatever he's doing, it's working.

It's been seven hours; he hasn't given up a damn thing.

Yeah, he hasn't lawyered up yet, though, which is good, but it's odd.

I mean, I don't know why he's still talking to us.

He doesn't know any better.

Lab says there's still no forensics tying Devin to the crowbar and body, the crime scene--nothing.

Sarge, let me take a run at him.

I've been going over his file. I think I have an angle to play.

Give it a shot. Oh--

Kid wants a pop.


I just wanted to check in on you.

See how you're holding up.

Is it okay if I sit down?

How old were you when they started?

The beatings.

I don't know.



Your dad, he beat your mom, too, right?


That's why I had to move.



For me, it was worst on the weekends.

My dad...

Would start drinking early.

Like, noon.

He'd just sit around... getting more and more pissed off.

My brothers and I, we were just kids, you know?

We wanted to have fun.

♪ And it drove him crazy.

So he'd pick a fight with my mom, saying that we were being too loud.

She'd defend us, because she always did.

So he'd go after her.

And then he'd come after us... with anything he could get his hands on.

Belt... extension cord.

You ever think about k*lling yourself?

♪ Yeah.

But I didn't, because I'm strong like you.

Hailey's good.

This cop thing doesn't work out, she should think about being an actor.


Sometimes I get this...anger inside of me.

It's like a need for revenge, you know?

Like I want someone else to feel the pain that I felt.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

I do.

Feels good to let it out, doesn't it?


Until it's over.

And then you hate yourself even more.

You need to remember that it's not your fault.

Your dad made you this way. He made you violent.

♪ Everybody makes mistakes.

You didn't know that lady was gonna be home.

When you saw her there, you probably got scared.

She probably got scared.

Yeah. She got scared.

She hit me.

So you hit her back.


With the crowbar.

I wanted her to stop screaming and crying.

Or was someone else with you?

No, it was just me.

I'm s--I'm so sorry.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I know.

♪ Got him.

Yeah, you sure did.

That was great work.

All right. I'm gonna call the ASA.

Ah, you...really got that boy.

For real. Like, for a second there, I thought he was gonna confess to sh**ting Abraham Lincoln, too.

Say what you need to, right?

Good job. Thanks.

Those stories that you just told...

Were complete crap.

The truth is, I played his ass, and now he's going down for m*rder.

All right.

Confessions are great.

But we still need to make sure that they're admissible, that they were made voluntarily.

Well, I can tell you Upton did this right.

I was there. Great.

I'll look over the video, and get back to you.



I wanna tell you, you were terrific.

I mean, you found that kid's weakness, made him vulnerable, and you buried his ass.

Hey, we finally got a DNA hit inside the Collier house.

Strand of hair in the living room.

Good. More evidence, the better.

Yeah, the problem is, it's not a match to Devin.

Belongs to a guy named Nate Stevenson.

In and out of the joint since he was 18.

Not sure.

All we know is that they live in the same neighborhood.

Okay. Get a search warrant.


I got it. You got it.

♪ We're good.

Nate Stevenson. Chicago PD.

Open up.

You there?

♪ All right, let's move. Yeah.

Clear. Go.

♪ Clear.

Clear. Yeah, it's all clear.

All right. Well, we have a search warrant, so let's search.

Pick a room, start tossing the place.

♪ Yo, check this out.

That's a Cartier. Same as on the list of items stolen from Collier's house, right?

Sure was.


That looks like Allison's, but I think the one I bought her was thinner.

Did you pay with a credit card?

I think so.

Let me go check.

Where did--where did you find this?

At a house belonging to a guy named Nate Stevenson.

Does that mean a second person's involved?

Could be. We're still investigating.

You ever hear of this guy? No.

Not yet. We're still looking.


I'll get you what you need.

Hey, put out a BOLO on Nate Stevenson.

Get some boots on the ground, too.

Let's find this prick.


We gotta talk.

So, I just spoke to the Manager of Operations for Humboldt Park.

Yeah, the one that was looking into Devin's alibi.

So, yeah. He just sent me a video that confirms that Devin was telling the truth.

He was smoking weed at the chess tables.

That's impossible.

I don't think so. Look, that's Devin for sure.

The timestamp says 9:32.

The 911 call was at 9:25.

How can he be at the park at 9:32?

Because I don't think he ever was at Collier's house in the first place.

Devin, you've got some explaining to do, my friend.

Oh, God.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Devin! Get an ambulance down here, now! Devin, Devin.

Hold on. Hold him up.

I got him. I got him.


Okay, down. Down.

Please, no. No, Devin.

Don't you die, Devin. Hailey, come on.

No, no. No, no, no.

He's dead. Hailey, come on.

Stop it. He's dead.

No, no, no. Hailey, we're too late.

He was telling the truth.

Kid was at Humboldt Park the whole time.

I was so desperate to get a confession, I didn't even consider the fact that he could be innocent.

I just kept poking at his pain--his wounds.

Hailey, you did what you were supposed to do.

You had a suspect in the box without a lawyer, you got him talking, and you exploited a weakness.

I exploited a 20-year-old kid's tragic past.

All the evidence pointed to Devin.

I would have done the same thing.

I know.

Hey. Are you all right?

I heard what happened. Yeah, I'm good.

Hey, brother. Hey.

Just having a tequila. You want one?

No, I'm okay. I--I heard what happened.

I wanted to come and check on Hailey.

I'm okay.

I'm glad to hear it.

You sure you don't want a drink?

No, I don't wanna interrupt.

You guys should talk, partner to partner.

I'll see you guys tomorrow.

I'm glad you're okay.

Thanks. Good night.

See you tomorrow, Jay. Yeah.

Or was that pretty uncomfortable?

Um, maybe a little.

It's Adam though. He's awkward.

I hope he doesn't think that you and I are...

No, he knows I don't date people I work with.

Smart policy. Nothing good comes out of a workplace romance.

I'm, uh--I'm actually a little tired.

But thanks for coming by. Yeah.

You should get some rest. Yeah.


All right.

Devin Williams confesses to a crime he didn't do.



Do you know for sure he's innocent?

That he has no involvement in this crime?

No, we're still looking into that, but we do know he wasn't at the crime scene, and he didn't do the m*rder.

Press is gonna be all over this.

Another false confession.

Okay, well, you address this any way you want.

But Detective Upton did nothing wrong.

I'll raise my right hand to that.

We track down Nate Stevenson yet?

Trying but he's still in the wind.

I ran Devin's phone.

He got a series of threatening texts yesterday.

"Snitches die. Grandmas do too."

Sounds like Nate and Devin are connected.

Yeah. So Devin loans Nate the blue Honda.

Nate puts the stolen Lincoln plates on the car, drives over to the Colliers', robs the joint, kills Allison.

Gives the car back to Devin.

All right, ping the phone sending those texts, get a location.

I just did--the address is 2244 Adams Street.

Tact up, hit it now.


Hey, we got something.

♪ Our DOA is Nate Stevenson, the guy we think really k*lled Allison Collier.

I've been going through Nate's phone.

He's been getting a lot of texts from an unknown number.

The most recent one says: "Need to meet, bro.

Have cash and passport."

Somebody's trying to help Nate get out of the country.

Or make Nate think he was trying to help him get out of the country, so he could just track him down and sh**t him.

I pinged the unknown number.

All the texts were made downtown, corner of Superior and Michigan.

Well, unless the k*ller's name is Neiman Marcus, that doesn't really help us.

I found a surveillance camera across the street from the warehouse.

We got a man wearing a hoodie entering the warehouse at 3:12 p.m. and leaving at 3:21.

Okay, that makes sense. The M.E. put the time of death between 2:30 and 4:00.

Of him, no. His car, yes.

I'll pull up the plates right now.

Oh, my God.

It's Alderman Collier.

So, I've been digging into Collier's finances.

For starters, he bought a Cartier watch from Landsberg Jewelers for 14 grand.

That's the same make that we found at Nate's house.

All right, so he did know it was his wife's watch--that means he was lying to us.

He also made two $9,000 withdrawals while his bro, Nate, made two $9,000 deposits last week.

All right, so Collier paid Nate 18 grand to whack his wife, and he whacked Nate to tie things off.

The question is, why?

I think I have the answer to that.

Found an email Allison wrote to one of her friends.

"Need to talk to you about finding a good lawyer.

Lots to discuss. None of it good."

She seemed pretty desperate to begin the process, so I gave her the name of a few divorce lawyers that I know.

Okay, did she mention why she wanted to split up?

Yes. But given what's happened, there's probably no point in talking about it.

Well, there's definitely a point.

We think her husband's involved.

♪ Oh, my God.

It was Jason. It all makes perfect sense.

Jason Collier was physically abusing Allison, and she wanted a divorce.

So he had her k*lled.

Afraid so.

I went by his office, his house...

He's in the wind.

Let me reach out to him.

I'll tell him the person we think is responsible for Allison's death, this Nate Stevenson guy, was just found dead.

The case is officially closed.

Let me know when and where.

I had no idea Jason was capable of this.

Everyone is capable of this.

It's why we're so busy.

I know you don't wanna talk about it.

That's a terrible way to start a sentence.

I wanna make sure you're okay.

I can't believe he k*lled himself.

I know. I get it.

Internal Affairs wants to look into it now.

Apparently, they have concerns about my interrogation tactics.

Screw that. You did it right.

Maybe. No, definitely.

There he is.

Collier's on site. He's heading east on Randolph, toward his house.

♪ Take him.

Go to the next block. I got the alley.

♪ He's going through the yards.

Stop running!

Stop--police! Stop running!

Chicago PD! Don't move.

Get your hands in the air now!

Jason Collier, you're under arrest for m*rder.

Hands in the air now.

This whole damn thing is her fault.

She made a big deal over nothing.


I grabbed her arms a few times.

That doesn't mean she gets to ruin my career.

My life.

Get on your knees now.

Screw that.

Stay back. Stay back!

Drop your w*apon. I will sh**t you.

Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon now!

I will sh**t you!

Drop your w*apon. I'll--

I ordered the suspect to get on his knees.

He refused to comply.

And then he reached into his waistband and pulled out a w*apon.

But you didn't engage.


I shot before she could, boss.

Well, I know that, Adam.

I'm trying to understand why Hailey didn't fire on the offender before you did.

She had two pedestrians in her line of fire.

She knew I was there. She knew I had the shot, so she let me take it.


Okay, good.

Listen, Hailey...

I don't want you meeting with IAD right now.

Just tell them--tell them you need to see your FOP rep first.


For someone who has had a long week, you look great.

And it's only Wednesday.


So, this Halstead thing...

Oh, don't worry about that. He's your partner.

I get it.

I do have to ask, though.

Why didn't you take the shot?

I don't know.

I just froze.

I got a lot on my mind, I guess.


Yeah, I know. I've noticed.

I don't wanna push you.

If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to.

But the stories that you told about your father...

♪ Yeah.

Those were true.

He wasn't like that all the time.

Sometimes he was funny.

And sweet.

It's a lot more complicated than people think.

Come over here.

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