05x22 - Homecoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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05x22 - Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »

( tense music )

♪ ♪

You put a good man in jail.

You put a good man in jail.

Alvin Olinsky has dedicated his life to the people of this city.

He dedicated his life to you.

That's why he's in jail.

You say what you want, but you did him dirty.

I did him the way I had to. Take a seat.

Let's get this done.

I'm with Sergeant Hank Voight to discuss...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

No recordings, not until we have a deal.


Tell me what you have to say.

What kind of deal you looking for, off the record?

We'll go from there.

( dramatic music )

♪ ♪

( sighs )

Let's say, hypothetically...

♪ ♪

I confess to k*lling the son of a bitch who m*rder*d my son.

I tell you I hunted Kevin Bingham like a dog, made him dig his own grave, and then shot him in the face.

I say that on the record.

Would that be enough to drop all charges against Olinsky?

( sighs )

I think it would.

Let me call Osha, and we will work out all the details in person tonight.

( indistinct chatter )

♪ ♪

I'll listen to your proffer, Hank.

If everything you have to say is consistent with what Denny told me over the phone, I'll drop any and all charges against Detective Olinsky, all right?

And Alvin gets released from Cook County first thing in the morning?


( phone vibrating )



This is Assistant State's Attorney James Osha.

I'm here with Lieutenant Denny Woods, independent auditor, and Sergeant Hank Voight, head of intelligence.

We're here to discuss the events surrounding the m*rder of Kevin Bingham.

( vibrating continues )

Just tell us what happened, Sergeant Voight.

More details, the better.

Ready when you are, Hank.


Hey, man, listen, I'm looking for Detective Alvin Olinsky...

Hey, Al!

Chicago PD. Al.

Al, it's me.

You be strong, you hear me?

You hang in there, Al.

I got this, man.

I know.

I got this.

I know.

They're gonna fix you up.

You're gonna be... you're gonna be okay.

♪ ♪

( inaudible )

♪ ♪

Oh, hey, Doc. I'm Sergeant Voight.

How can I help you?

This patient in there, Detective Olinksy, how is he?

He didn't make it. I'm very sorry.

( somber music )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

You okay?

All right.

All right.

I know.

I mean, we're all in pain. I get it.

But the best way to honor Al is to find the son of a bitch responsible for this.

So, for now, let's pull all our energy, all our passion... our love for Al... into finding the person who did this.

I know that's what Al would want.

I guarantee it.

Then, when this is over, when we got this prick, then we'll mourn Al.

( soft dramatic music )

♪ ♪

So... take the time you need.

But just know... right now we got some business to do.

♪ ♪

Hey! Hey!

Oh, man, you got some balls showing up here.

How's he doing?

He's dead, Jimmy.


I've known Al for 20 years.

Well, you buried him, and I was there.

I was in the courtroom.

No, no, no.

That's not how it went down.

Oh, yeah?

My hands were tied.

Too many people involved... Denny, the State's Attorney, the mayor.

That doesn't mean you just... just roll over and bury the guy.

I was doing my job.

You screwed him, Jimmy!

( scoffs )

Hank, listen to me.

Stop, Hank. I didn't have a choice.

I understand the press is all over you, but I'm not gonna give a quote or a statement until I know the damn facts.

Until then, just... just refer all calls.

Refer... what the hell you doing?

I want every piece of surveillance footage.

Hank, maybe we could...

I wanna talk to every guard...

Hank, slow down.

And inmate in the vicinity.

I am the warden of this place.

Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

The son of a bitch who let some punk k*ll my good friend, Alvin Olinsky.

We will find out who did this...

I will find out who did this!

This is my case.

You understand?

( scoffs )

You're unbelievable.

One, I need an office here, in the jail.

Two, I want every piece of evidence you have in the next ten minutes, or, you and me, we're gonna have a problem.

All right, where we at?

The jail is on lockdown.

Good, keep me in the loop.

Guards are going through cells, hallways, laundry rooms, looking for blood.

Any eyewitnesses?

Not yet.

We talked to inmates that were in proximity to the stabbing.

Well, inmates being blind, I get.

What about guards?

No luck so far.

The w*apon's at the lab.

They're checking it for prints and DNA.

It was a plastic comb before they turned it into a shank.

Boss, I found a guard who actually saw the attack.

His name is Dietz. He's waiting in the hallway.

Kim, Hailey... track down every frame of surveillance video you can get your hands on.

Got it.


We were escorting the inmates to the cells after dinner and someone att*cked him.

Someone? You didn't see his face?

No, it happened real fast.

Were there no inmates standing nearby?

No, I brought him back early to protect him.

Then my cell phone rang. I got distracted.

When I turned around, I saw Olinsky on the floor over here.

All right, finish up later.

I ran over to him, called for help.


I tried to stop the bleeding.

You got no idea who did this?

Like I said, I didn't see it.

If I were a betting man, I'd say it had something to do with what happened two days ago.

What are you talking about?

Olinsky tuned up some Aryan Nation idiot real good.

Slammed his head into a cell three, four times.

All right, what's this Aryan prick's name?

So how'd it go down, Ross?

How'd what go down?

The stabbing.

'Cause we know he smacked you around like a little bitch.

You and your boys decided to get a little payback.

Wasn't me. Wish it was, though.

Taking out a cop has a lot of cachet in a place like this.

It's like taking out a pedophile or a r*pist.



Too bad someone got to him first.

Well, if it wasn't you, who was it?

( laughs softly ) Go to hell.

( grunts )

I want a name.

Don't got a name.

Just a race... ( coughs )

Dude that stabbed your boy... ( wincing )

Was a taco-head.

We get that surveillance video yet?

Ruzek's pulling it up right now.

All right, four cameras, all of cell block G.

Here comes Al walking right there.

Walks up to these two guys. They start jawing.

Guard comes, breaks it up, two guys keep moving.

Now it's a different angle, different camera.

You're gonna see the guard still with him at this point.

Now, the guard's gonna get a phone call right here and break away.

Al keeps walking towards his cell.

( keyboard clacks )

This is where it happens.

( soft dramatic music )

♪ ♪

Okay, run it.

( key clacks )

♪ ♪

Wait, freeze it.

( key clacks )

All right, blow it up.

Still can't see the b*st*rd's face.

All right, so we got any other angles?

Other cameras?

Pull it up right now.

The hell is he doing?

He's just standing there.

He's a coward.

The son of a bitch is in on it.

All right, his name is Dan Dietz.

Run his financials. Antonio, come on.

You and me.

Who paid you to look the other way?

We watched the video.

You just stood there doing nothing for five seconds.

Let me see your phone.

Excuse me?

There never was a call. It was a scam.

Look, I had nothing to do with what happened to Al.

We just ran your financials, dumbass.

Someone put five grand into your checking account an hour before the attack.

This is your one and only chance to come clean.

( sighs ) I...

Come on!

Okay, I...

I-I got some money.

But he said it was just gonna be a beatdown.

He didn't say anything about a stabbing, I swear to God.

Who? Who paid you off?

( sighs )


( inmates shouting )

Get up. I said, get up.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hands in front.

Take it easy, homes.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of a police officer.

You're coming with me.

( door slams loudly )

( grunts )

( panting )

( tense music )

The guard you paid off... Dietz.

He gave you up.

( grunts )

( winces )

This can go one of two ways.


( wincing )

Or really bad.

You come clean.

You tell me why you did it, who you working with.

♪ ♪

Things will go a lot better than if you don't.

Kiss my Mexican ass, you...

( shouts )

( grunts, blows landing )

All right, that's... guard, unlock the door.

No, no, we're good, we're good.

Listen, this is the guy that k*lled Al.

I know that, but this not...

No, what are you trying to protect him for?

Stop, we don't need you! Stop!

Back up. This is not what Al would wa...

( panting )

I interrogated the prisoner.

He was not cooperative.

I am convinced he's involved.

( groans quietly )

For God's sakes, Hank.

Hey, he tried to choke me with his handcuffs.

What the hell are you doing here?

You don't believe my story?

I wanna do right by Al...

I said, he tried to choke me with his handcuffs.

You don't believe me? Then file a beef.

And get the hell off the case.

Andre Gomez is definitely our guy.

There was ton of blood on his DOC uniform and his sneakers.

They're on the way to the lab right now.

Andre Gomez, 35, long jacket.

Affiliated with the Latin Scorpions.

Doing time on a double m*rder.

Yeah, he's been at Cook County for a month.

His case is on appeal right now.


Okay, so why?

Why Andre? Why Al?

Well, he was a cop.

Maybe, but if it's just police hate, why put in all that effort?

I mean, this guy paid a guard five grand to look the other way.

We know where this money came from?

Yeah, Western Union. It was a money transfer.

We can't ID the sender, though.

Right, so how the hell's some punk doing life get his hands on 5K?

Doesn't make sense.

Well, he definitely has somebody helping him on the outside.

The question is, is someone on the outside helping Andre, or is Andre helping someone on the outside?

You think this could be a contracted hit?

Feels that way to me.

All right, let's dig into this Andre.

See if he's connected to someone who has a grudge against Al.


Hey, Kim?


Um, whenever you're ready, if you can, will you get a box together? Get Al's stuff.

Whenever you're ready, okay?

( soft dramatic music )

♪ ♪

That was a hell of a thing, Olinsky.

Dumb b*st*rd could be playing nine holes in Tucson right now.

Instead, he's on a slab in the medical examiner's office.

Yeah, you just don't see that kind of loyalty anymore, huh?

These days, most guys flip before you even say hello.

Yeah, well, considering how things turned out, maybe he should've been just a little bit less loyal.

So what the hell happens now?

Without Olinsky, I think we should go back and try to build a case against Voight.

Well, that's what we've been trying to do for the last year.

Relax, Denny, all right?

I'm just trying to tell you what I think our next move is.

( sighs )

So what do we have?

Not much.

All the evidence we have is circumstantial.

I'm just... I'm chasing it, all right?

I just need a little bit of time to think it through.

I got a potential witness.

A witness?

Yeah, some lady says that she saw Bingham and Voight together the night of the m*rder.

And she's coming forward now?


How come?

I don't know. I haven't talked to her yet.

I'm gonna meet with her tomorrow.

You got a name and number for this witness?

Nope, not a good idea. Let me talk to her first.

I want her name and number now.

♪ ♪

I-I was...

I was hanging out with Bingham, right?

We were at his house.

You two were in a relationship?

Here and there.

It wasn't much.

Okay, keep going.

Me and Kevin were just getting stoned.

And all of a sudden, someone kicks in the door.

Right, and this cop comes in, grabs Kevin by the hair, and drags him outside.

How do you know it was a cop?

So I saw his picture on the news.

He's the one whose son got m*rder*d a while back.

Is this the man you saw?

That's him.

His name's Voight.

So what happened after he dragged Kevin outside?

I'm not sure.

I didn't look.

How come you didn't report this earlier?

'Cause I was afraid.

That cop said if I opened my mouth, he'd k*ll me.

But you're not afraid now?

I didn't say that.

I'm confused.

All right, look.

Truth is, I sort of forgot about what happened.

I moved on.

But then, I saw on the news that they arrested some other cop for Kevin's m*rder.

Reminded me of what I saw.

It made me realize that I was sitting on some pretty valuable information.

So I thought it made sense for me to talk to someone.

You know, find out how much it may be worth.

That is not how this works, all right?

There's no money involved here.

Yeah, well, look, I'm broke.

I got no job. I got no insurance.

So I don't really care about any of that.

If you want my help, price is 20 grand.

So, we got anything yet?

We're doing a deep dive into Al's old cases.

Everyone he's ever arrested so far, they've got one thing in common.

There's no connection whatsoever to Andre Gomez.

All right, so what else do we know about this punk?

Sarge, I think we got something.

Andre had two visitors last week at Cook County... his mother and his lawyer.

His lawyer's name is Fidel Castro.

Obviously the name's bogus.

Okay, facial rec?

Nothing yet.

Well, we got any leads on this guy?

Yeah, Andre made two phone calls the day he was meeting with Fidel, and they were both to a cell phone registered to an Alberto Flores.

I'll work on getting it pinged.

Okay, you and Antonio. Ruzek, you ride with me.

Keeping digging.

Chicago PD!

Alberto Flores!


Come here.

( grunts )

Get up.

All right, we're good. We got it from here.

You sure? We can take him.

Yeah, we're good.

Yo, what did I even do, man? What's going on, man?

You visited Andre Gomez in prison, right?

I don't even know who that is.

No? No? Who's this?

Who is this? Is that you, Alberto?

Signed in under Fidel Castro?

( scoffs )

What'd you talk about?



Who you working for?


That's the wrong answer.

( shouts )

( yelps )

( groaning )

Hey, look at me.

Did you tell Andre Gomez to k*ll someone?

Yes or no.

( scoffs )

Yes or no?


Are you working with anyone else?

No, no, no, just me.

You're a small-time punk, Alberto.

You don't have 5K to pay off a prison guard.

That means you're lying.

( plastic cups clattering )

That's strike one. Now, who you working with?

No one, just me...

( crashing, clattering )

Strike two. One more.

( blubbering ) I can't, he'll k*ll me.

What do you think I'm gonna do?



Last chance, Alberto.

No, wait, wait, wait! Okay, okay!

Please, please.

His name is Carlos DeLeon, okay?

Carlos DeLeon!

Take him.

Got him... Carlos DeLeon washes money for the Cali Cartel.

Runs the cash through a legit furniture business that he owns.

The feds have been after him for years, but this guy's made of Teflon.

Any connection to Olinsky?

Nothing yet, Sarge.

I was just talking to an agent at the DEA.

It turns out, Al got loaned out to a DEA task force years back.

The target was Carlos DeLeon.

It was a federal case.

That's why it's not in our files.

So why the grudge against Olinsky?

His little brother got popped for speeding.

He had a load of g*ns in the car.

The feds lock him up and try to give him the flip on Carlos.

That sounds like business as usual.

It was until little bro gets k*lled in jail.

So Al gets made in jail.

Somehow, word gets back to DeLeon, and DeLeon orders a hit on Al to get revenge.

Let's grab this guy now.

( dramatic music )

♪ ♪

Hit it.

Chicago PD!

What do you want?

Carlos DeLeon!

He's not here.

Where is he?

He's not here.

Where is he?

You can't come in my house without a search warrant...

Right here, signed by Judge Thomas Wells.

Well, your husband, Carlos... where is he?

I told you, he's not here.

Hey, I just found her in the back, Sergeant.

I don't know if she speaks English or not.

What's your name? Tu nombre.



She's my mother. Now get your hands off of her.

There's men's clothes in the suitcase on the floor in the bedroom.

Looks like someone left in a hurry.

All right, where'd he go?


My husband travels for business.

He sells furniture.

Your husband launders money for the cartel, and he ordered the m*rder of a Chicago police officer.

So you got one chance to cooperate.

Or what? You gonna hit me?

Sarge, we got this.

Let Hailey and I talk to her.

That's a good idea.

Tear this place apart.

Come on.

Come with me.


Come on, Carmen, you knew the day you married Carlos this moment was coming.

Play it right, you walk, play it wrong, you...

My husband sells furniture.

Now get the hell out of my face.

You listen to me, you bitch.

Your husband k*lled my partner. Do you understand?

So either you help me here and now, or I will bury your ass.

I'm calling my lawyer.

They call him "The Shark."

He'll make your life a living hell.

Call him.

( speaking Spanish )

( speaking Spanish )

Uh-uh-uh, she stays.

For God's sake, leave her alone.

( phone vibrating )

Oh, I will. I need her papers first.

She has nothing to do with this.

Papers now.

Look at this text.

Okay. We ran your mother's name.

Seems she doesn't exist.

I'm guessing she's here illegally.

One call to ICE and she's gone.

Slow train back to Mexico, Carmen.

It's a real easy choice... your sweet, loving mother...

Or your scumbag murdering husband.

Who's going to prison for the rest of his life.

Last chance.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Ramon picked him up about an hour ago.

Who's Ramon?

Carlos' cousin.

They're at his warehouse.

There you go.

If you're lying...

I'm not.

So go. Do what you gotta do.

( tense music )

♪ ♪


All right, Atwater, Antonio with me.

You guys go right. Let's move.

♪ ♪

( g*nf*re )



♪ ♪

( g*nshots )

You guys ready? Ready.

( g*n clicking )

Chicago PD!

♪ ♪

Behind you.

Let's go, Burgess.


( pop, b*llet clanks )

( yelps )

( groans )

You good?

Yeah, I'm good.

He's still alive. Go.

♪ ♪

Where'd it come from? Where, where, where?


Sarge, you see something?

You go that way. I'm going here.

Oh, wait, I was...

It's an order.

♪ ♪

Carlos DeLeon.

Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t.

I don't have a g*n.

Drop the bag.

Drop it!

Okay, okay, okay. I don't have a g*n.

Get your hands above your head.

Listen, there's 400 grand in that bag, maybe more.

Shut up.

Just take it.

Shut up!

No one's gonna know.

Just take it.

Get your hands over your head!

Please, don't sh**t me.

Alvin Olinsky was my best friend.

( whimpering ) Please, please.

Get on your knees.

Don't sh**t me.

Don't sh**t me...

Get on your knees!

Hank, you okay?

What happened?

He's got a g*n in his waistband he was reaching for.

♪ ♪

Yo, what the hell, man? You just k*lled that dude!

He had his hands up. You shot his ass anyway.

I saw the whole thing. You shot him in cold blood.

You got no right to do that! No right at all!

Hey, what happened out there?

This witness is all over the news saying DeLeon's hands were up high?

Yeah, is he telling the truth?

I don't know. I didn't see it.

I got to the scene right after Voight opened fire.

Press about to go crazy over this.

Yeah, this is not a good look for Voight.

I get it, but I mean...

But what?

There's nothing I can do. I wasn't there, so I can't confirm or deny if Carlos reached for his weap...

You can't confirm or deny? What, are you a lawyer?

I didn't see what happened.

It doesn't matter.

Who cares?

Excuse me?

We're talking about the guy who k*lled Al here.

We're talking about a career criminal who paid some punk to k*ll our friend, our brother, and you're worried about what you saw or didn't see?

I don't understand.

Watch yourself.

Watch myself? I'm right here.

All right, enough!

Not today.

What is going on?

We're good.

We're just talking over a few things.

( sighs ) Antonio, Ivory Tower called.

They wanna talk to you about the Carlos DeLeon sh**ting.


( soft dramatic music )

♪ ♪

( inaudible )

( phone vibrating )

In the course of pursuit, I managed to trap the offender on the roof of this warehouse.

And I ordered the offender to raise his hands above his head, get down on his knees.

He refused to comply with my order.

And he reached into his waistband for a handgun.

At this point, I was afraid for my life, so I fired one shot, center mass.

Offender went down.

And on the ground he reached again for his handgun, so I fired a second lethal round through his heart.

And that's it. That's what happened.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Yeah, it was... it was a good sh**t.

I mean, I did what I had to do.

Simple as that.

You're late.

Why'd you change the location three times?

Don't worry about it. Let me see your phone.


I said, give me your damn phone.


I wanna see who you've been talking to.

Necklace, off, in this bag right now.

The hell are you doing?

Just being cautious.

You mean disrespectful.

When you ask for money, the rules change, sweetie.

That's just the way it is.

Anything else you wanna check?

Nah, we're good.

You want the money, you need to make a few adjustments to your testimony.

You didn't just see Voight and Bingham leave the house.

You saw Voight put a p*stol to his head, throw him in the trunk of the car, and say, "It's time for you to pay for what you did to my son."

You want me to lie?

You want the 20 grand?

Yeah, sure, fine. I'll say whatever you want.

All right, good.

I'll set up a meeting with the prosecutor first thing in the morning.

You tell them exactly what you told me, plus the new details we talked about.


You get 10 grand now, 10 grand after you testify.

Yeah, whatever, man. That's cool.

Yeah, have a nice day.

Hank, it's me.

We need to talk in private.

Come on in. Drink?

No thanks.


I'll cut to it.

( glass clinks )

( drink trickles )

We have a witness that put you and Bingham together the night of the m*rder.

And it, uh, might just be the straw that breaks old Hank Voight's back.

Maybe I will take one of those bourbons, if you're still offering.

( drink trickling )

How'd things get so crazy, you and me?

Man, we were partners.


You came after me.

You left me no choice.

Denny, you crossed the line.

What, once in 32 years?


You planted a g*n on an innocent man.

That's not something I can abide.

Not something you can abide?

Just who the hell are you?

Dirtiest damn cop in Chicago to abide or not abide my actions.

I'm not dirty.

I don't hurt innocent people.

I never did. I never will.

Is that a joke?

You don't get it, do you?

After all this time.

Get what?

The difference between dirty and necessary.

That, like it or not, you and all your self-righteous friends in the Ivory Tower, you need people like me out on the streets, doing the things regular cops are unwilling to do, going the extra mile to make sure the truly evil, the truly dangerous, go away.

I thin the herd for the greater good.

Well, I thin the herd, too, getting rid of cowboy cops.

I just want to make Chicago a better place to live.


You don't give a damn about Chicago.

You never did.

You care about you, Denny Woods.

That's what this is really about...

You... your ego, your ambition.

( chuckles )

You know what's crazy?


I mean, despite all that's happened...

I still love you, Hank.

Damn if I know why, but I do.

That's why I am willing to offer you a deal.

Now, you confess to k*lling Bingham, we'll plead you down to manslaughter.

You'll do five years, maybe seven.

♪ ♪

Tell me about this witness you found.

Aw, now you know I cannot do that.

Is she credible?


Name's Kate, right?

You gave her 20 grand... 10 now, 10 later?

Bribing a witness...

That's a serious crime.

( sighs ) You son of a bitch.

( knock at door )

You left me no choice.

I had to give that tape to Internal Affairs.

( knock at door )

Chicago PD!

( tense music )

It's over, Denny.

♪ ♪

Sir, I'm gonna need you to stand up.

I'm gonna need your g*n and your badge.

♪ ♪

You pulled it off.

Yeah, he couldn't help himself.

Son of a bitch had it coming.

Listen, I appreciate what you did, Jimmy.

You too, Kate.

Hey, I meant what I said about Al.

I'm truly sorry.

He was one of a kind.


( somber music )

♪ ♪

I'm sorry, Al.

So sorry...

♪ ♪

( inaudible )

( screaming )
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