05x08 - Politics

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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05x08 - Politics

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks for coming, Hank.

I know this isn't your style, but I like to show you off from time to time.

Listen, I'm glad to be here.

There's not too many politicians willing to publically support the police these days.

I got to go press the flesh.

Do it.


How'd you get dragged into this?

Uh, my friend... my boyfriend invited me.

He worked with Congressman Graynor a few years back at the State's Attorney's Office.

Well, you look great.


I mean, the last time I wore this was my aunt's funeral.

Oh, glad you're getting some use out of it.

( chuckles ) Thanks.

So where is this new guy?

Running late. I don't know.

It's a busy man. Federal prosecutor now, right?

Yeah, it's very fancy.


Oh, there he is. Matt.

Oh, hey.



You sure you're really a cop?

Okay, Matt, this is Sergeant Hank Voight.

Otherwise known as my boss so be nice.


Nice to meet you, Sergeant.

Hank. All right, have fun.

I'm sorry I'm late. It's just been a crazy day.

I'm in the middle of that RICO case, and it's heating up so...

Oh, I knew how this goes: too much work.

Too busy, no time for a relationship.

Wow, well, that's a jaded way to look at it.

Oh, yeah? What's the rosy, optimistic way?

The fact that I didn't cancel tonight in the middle of the most important investigation of my life on the cusp of taking down the Odessa mob is an obvious indication of how important you are to me.

Ooh, you're good.

I know.

( clanking wine glass )

Thank you all for coming.

And thank you to our host, Jason Cassidy, for opening up his lovely home. ( light applause )

I am running for re-election. That's no secret.

Neither is Chicago's reputation.

We have fallen on hard times.

Quite simply the Chicago Police Department is under fire.

Rather than attacking them, we should be supporting them.

Because they are the best in the business.

I know that first hand.

As a prosecutor, I have worked alongside these selfless and courageous folks for years.

Like my friend, Sergeant Hank Voight.

Make no mistake.

These brave men and women are and will continue to be our precious city's saving grace.

( cheers and applause )

I don't want to bother you with this, but I'm just giving you a head's up.

I just got a call from IAD.

About what?

About the fight at the bar when I was undercover.

The kidnapping case? Who knew about that?

Upton, Atwater, the two narcotics cops we used, and Ruzek. He wrote the paper on it.

But I know for a fact that he didn't put anything in the case report about it.

Just keep it simple.

You were undercover. Fight broke out.

Guy rushed at you with a beer bottle.

( cell phone buzzing )

You were in fear of imminent bodily harm so you defended yourself. Hold on.


Right now?

I'm on my way.


Everything okay?

I'm just...

I got to ask, you didn't file anything about the fight, did you?

Are you seriously asking me that?

I didn't think so. I just wanted to check.

Look, I think after everything that happened you should consider talking to somebody.

I'm good.

Thanks for the suggestion.

You sure? Things got pretty intense.

We saved a kid's life. That's all that matters.

Yeah, I agree, but you just want to make sure that nothing got triggered.

Hailey, I appreciate you looking out for me.

I do, really.

I'm fine, and I don't need a babysitter.

Copy you.

All right, what do we know so far?

Somebody complained that there was an alarm clock that wouldn't shut off so a hotel manager knocked on the door, didn't get a response, and when he opened it he found a dead girl and a male guest passed out on the bed.


Nine millimeter.

It was there next to the bed.

( tense music )

Where's the male guest now?

In here, Sarge.


I know what this looks like, Hank, but...

I didn't do it.

I swear to God.

Victim's a Jane Doe.

Prints weren't in the system. No cell phone.

Only thing they found in her purse was a fake driver's license.

The name on it was Yasmine Molt.

We'll run it. We'll see if anything hits.

Anything on the g*n?

Unregistered. Suppresser attached.

And the serial number was defaced.

The only print they lifted off of it was Graynor's.

GSR on his hands?

Negative, but you know what?

He could have washed up before patrol got there.

16 round mag, assuming it was full, at least two b*ll*ts were fired.

Yeah, the victim was only shot once.

Did you find the other b*llet?

Mm-mm, no.

No shell casings either.

Run ballistics.

Who knows, maybe it will connect to another crime.


Start at the beginning, Scott.

Just walk us through what happened.

I came back from the party.

I had a drink at the hotel bar.

Started going through some emails and then this young lady started talking to me.

You get her name?

I think she said it was Yasmine.



She had an accent.

It was eastern European, maybe Russian.

So what you guys talk about?

Not sure.

Well, explain that to me.

My memory's... blurry.

You remember inviting her to your room?

No, but I can't imagine that I really did. I...

I don't cheat on my wife, and yes, I know that sounds absurd given the circumstances.

She must have drugged me when I got up to go to the restroom.

That is the only thing that makes sense.

I have never blacked out before.

Okay, so...

She drugged you. You went upstairs.

Then you passed out, and some guy other than you comes in, sh**t the girl, puts the g*n in your hand, gets your fingerprints all over it, then tosses the g*n on the ground and walks out.


That's a hell of a theory, Scott.

Somebody must have set me up.

It is the only plausible explanation to this totally implausible situation.

Any idea who might want to do that?

Too many to count.

How's that?

I voted against a major construction project in the 53rd Ward.

And after that the deal fell apart.

Then the people who lost out came after me.

There was verbal att*cks on social media, slashed tires.

Every builder and union rep and alderman in this city would love to see me fail.

Look, guys, Congressman Graynor clearly needs some rest. I assume he's free to go?

We're gonna keep him in custody a little longer until we can clear this up.

Just sit tight, Scott. Let us do our job.

We'll figure out what the hell really happened here.

Unless he's under arrest, we're walking out of here.

No, it's all right, Mike.

I trust Sergeant Voight.

Do what you need to do. I got nothing to hide.

The only thing I ask is... keep this out of the press.

I'll do my best but... the evidence goes against you, all bets are off.

This is a feed from last night.

There's your man at the bar.

Well, Graynor seems to be enjoying himself.

Hell yeah.

Wait, wait, what happened?

No idea.

Uh, can you fast forward that for me?

Let's see how long it stays off.

Oh. Okay, went out at 10:02. Came back online at 10:46.

Same time the Jane Doe was m*rder*d.

Yeah, that is a hell of a coincidence.

You know who was on duty last night?

Guy named Luke Ivey.

He's been with us for about three years, but he's a pretty mellow guy.

Can't imagine he's involved in this.

All right, well, we're gonna need his contact information right now.

I got a medical prescription for the weed, so it's totally legit...

We're not here about your weed.

We're actually here about last night. You were working security at the Bainbridge, right?

Oh, right.

I heard a girl got k*lled or something?

Yeah, and it just so happens that the surveillance system was shut down at the time of the m*rder.

Yeah, you know anything about that?

You think somebody intentionally shut down the security system?

It crossed our minds, yes.

You were working between 10:00 and 11:00, right?

Yeah, on and off.

I spent half the time in the back room, watching a fight on TV.

Luke, you ever seen this woman?

You recognize her?


Never. She the one that got k*lled?

Listen, the way this works is that we ask the questions, you answer.


My bad. Ask away.

All right, so you didn't shut it down.

Do you know who did?

Could have been anyone.

Lots of people have access to that room.

( rock music playing )

Scott Graynor?


Yeah, I know him.

You like him?

No. He's a r*cist, right-wing prick.

I'm not sure I agree with that, but that's not why I'm here, Ray.

So why are you here?

Off the record, we're looking at him for a homicide.

The facts are a bit odd.

But Graynor claims he didn't do it, thinks he was set up.

That is possible.

Ol' Scott isn't too popular around here, not right now anyway.

Yeah, I mean, I heard about the construction deal.

Yeah, mixed-use, urban village, cafes, apartments, offices... it would've been a game-changer.

All right, what happened?

Graynor redirected all the federal dollars elsewhere.

Gave some half-assed speech about how he wanted more investments in more rural areas.

The truth is the man doesn't believe in urban revitalization.

The only thing he wants to build in my ward is a damn prison.

So Graynor's telling the truth about having a lot of enemies.


You're damn right.

Any idea who might be at the top of the list?

Bill Mahoney.

He's the head of the Iron Workers Union.

Appreciate it, Ray.

No surprise, C.O.D. is exsanguination due to the b*llet entering her chest.

Huh. Any evidence of sexual activity?

None. No traces of third-party DNA, either.

But I did find this implanted in her upper arm.

You don't see this every day.

( tense music )

M.E. found a GPS chip in Jane Doe's arm.

Like something you put I love Cin a prized pet.

Unfortunately, we can't track it.

Someone was tracking her.

Yeah, probably the pimp.

That's a pretty sophisticated pimp.

Hey, tox report came back.

Graynor was right, about the dr*gs anyways.

They found Ketamine and Oxy in his blood.

Well, that explains the blacking out.

Yeah, but now the question is did he drug himself?

Or was he drugged?

I don't know, even if he took the dr*gs himself, it still doesn't make sense.

This sh**ting was premeditated. The g*n had a sil*ncer.

The odds of someone doing a m*rder in that state of mind?

Pretty remote.

Yeah, I agree.

Either Graynor is the dumbest criminal ever or somebody set him up.

Bill Mahoney, how you doing?

Just need to ask you a few questions.

About what?

Congressman Graynor.

Did he wind up dead or something?

Well, that's an interesting response.

I'm busy. What the hell is this about?

Do you mind telling us where you were last night?


Well, we're happy to take you down to the station if you prefer.

You gonna tell me what this is about?

Your name came up as a person of interest in a homicide.

That's all I can say right now.


You think I'm involved in some m*rder?

( scoffs ) That's crazy.


So tell us where you were last night between 10:00 and 10:30.

At the hospital.

My sister had a baby girl.


Six pounds, nine ounces.

Mom and baby are doing great, thanks for asking.

Now, if there's nothing else...

( car door opens )

Mahoney's alibi checks out.

He was at Chicago Med from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am.

Which brings us back to Graynor.

I don't know.

Whether or not you agree with his politics, he's clean.

Northwestern. Served in the marines.

Active in his church. Married 17 years with two kids.

Yeah, 'cause church-going men never cheat on their wives.

All right, what about our Jane Doe?

We find anything new?

I talked to a pimp CI.

He couldn't ID her, but he said there are lots of Eastern European girls working the Gold Coast hotels.

Which jibes with Graynor's story.

He said the girl had an accent.


The g*n that k*lled our Jane Doe just showed up in another sh**ting, a woman, late 30s.

Someone found her in a car last night two blocks from the Bainbridge.

She going to make it?


She just got out of surgery. She's in stable condition.

Let's go.

Her name's Irina Petrova.

Still a little groggy, keeps asking about her daughter.



Ma'am. I'm Sergeant Hank Voight.

This is Detective Olinsky.

We want to ask you a couple of questions.

Is my daughter okay?

Your daughter?


Sasha. I'm very worried about her.

That's our Jane Doe.

Ma'am, I'm so sorry. Your daughter's dead.


She's m*rder*d?

I'm afraid so.

( crying )

I think I know who he is.

The man who k*lled her.

That's great. Who is he?

A man came and offered my daughter and her friend modeling contracts.

So they came here to Chicago.

Three months I hadn't heard from her.

And I called and called.

And then two weeks ago, I got a message.

Sasha said she was... a hostage.

That this man took her passport and money and that he was watching her every move.

Well, what'd you do?

I bought a ticket, and I came here myself.

She's my daughter.

( sniffling )

I know this is hard, but...

Do you think you could identify the man who shot you?

He's not here.

He was younger and bald.

And he was Ukrainian.

How do you know that?

He called me "sooka."

Before he shot me.

That means bitch.

( sniffling, crying )

The mom canvassed the Ukrainian village with a photo of her daughter Sasha.

Found some guy works at a grocery store recognized her.

Apparently, she and the other girls buy food there.

Yeah, so Irina paid the guy 100 bucks to smuggle a burner phone into her groceries.

Sasha texts her mom and they hatch an escape plan.

But someone found the phone before they could pull it off.

Hey, guys.

I got something.

All right, I pulled this from a security camera two blocks away from the Bainbridge.

That's Irina in her rental car.

Look at the time stamp. 10:22.

It's around the same time Sasha was k*lled.

Yeah, but first he tries taking out the mom.

So he sh**t Irina, and then he walks over to the hotel and he kills her daughter.

All right, blow that image up, see if we get a hit on facial rec of our bald friend.

If not, get the picture out on the streets.

I want to find this son of a bitch.

Hey, so I just talked to Robbery-Homicide.

There's a ring of Eastern European women that have been active in the Viagra Triangle over the last six months.

Yeah, my pimp CI said the same thing.

But they're not hookers. They're identity thieves.

They target wealthy men in high-end hotels.

Drug them, clone their credit cards, steal watches, loose cash, whatever they can grab.

The scam is run by the Odessa mob.

That makes sense.

Sasha and her friend were recruited from a village not far from there.

Hey, you run Graynor's credit cards yet?

Yeah. ( grabs paper )

All four were maxed out, and starting yesterday, all the charges originated in Eastern Europe.

Free to go, Scott.

You found the k*ller?

We got a few solid leads.

We do know you're not responsible for what happened to that young lady.

I appreciate you saying that out loud.

I still can't believe this really happened.

Listen, I want you to go out this way.

It leads to a back alley.

I called your lawyer. He's waiting for you.

So no one knows about any of this?


I appreciate that, Hank.

Man of his word.

Rare commodity.

In my business anyway.

Thank you. So what's going on?

It sounded important.

Are you breaking up with me at the coffee cart?

( laughs ) I wouldn't break up with you at a coffee cart.

Come on, I'm too classy for that.

Uh, no, there's a case we're investigating that I think might intersect with the one you're working on.

I ran it through facial recognition, didn't get a hit.

I'm thinking you might recognize the guy.

What's the case?


Young Ukrainian woman.

This guy's our prime suspect.

And we think that he's connected to the Odessa mob.


Hey. Do you know who he is?

I can't answer that.

Why not?

All I can say right now is he's a person of interest in the case we're investigating.

Yeah, us too, and it's a m*rder so I'm pretty sure that we win.

Yeah, it's not that simple.

Okay, uh, I need to talk to a few people about this, and you should talk to Voight.

I think we should all sit down and figure out the best way to move forward.

We're on the same team, right?

If you know who this guy is...


It's important, please.

Just talk to Voight, okay?

I'm gonna set up a meeting. We'll go from there.

Hey, would you just trust me?

I'm protecting both of us, okay?

Got it.

I'll call you later, okay?

You talked to your boyfriend about our case?

Well, Matt is investigating the Odessa mob.

They're building the RICO case.

So I thought he might be able to identify the suspect in our homicide.

Let me guess... he couldn't.

No, he thought that we should meet and discuss the best way to proceed.

I was trying to help, Sergeant.

We needed the name of the sh**t.

I thought he might know, and so yes, I told him about our case.

Look, Kim.

I could give a damn who you sleep with, but I care a whole hell of a lot who you share our information with.

I thought he could help us.

The Feds help the Feds. That's it, end of story.

( knocking on door ) Come in.

I got something.

What is it?

Been looking at surveillance video from the past month.

Found footage of Sasha and the bald guy, the sh**t from the bar.

And I just found a shot of him with our good friend, Luke Ivey.

Security guy.

That pothead was lying to us.

Get his ass in here. Now.

All right.


We got an open door.

( music playing )

Hey, Luke.


Luke. Where you at, man?

Hey. Hey, Chicago PD.

Get your hands up.

Hey, Luke.

Son of a bitch.

I'll go call it in.

Damn it.

Ivey took one right to the back of the head, close range.

Any sign of a break-in?

No, sir. No struggle. Straight execution.

I spoke to a neighbor.

She said she heard a g*nsh*t.

Looked out the window, saw a white, bald guy get into a black Mercedes.

She couldn't get the plates though.

You show her the surveillance photo?

Yeah, she says she's pretty positive it was him.

So our guy gets nervous.

( cell phone buzzing )

Dumps his inside man at the hotel. Makes sense.


I got a meeting with the FBI.

The Feds helping us out?

I said I had a meeting.

I didn't say anything about getting any help.

Like I told Kim, given the potential conflicts here, it makes sense for all of us to get on the same page.

So, from my understanding, Sergeant, your Unit is investigating a homicide that may be connected to the Odessa mob.

Actually, it's two homicides, but Kim was just speculating.

We don't have any evidence connecting him to this group.

We do. I recognized the photo Kim showed me.

He's a low level player, runs their cyber-fraud division.

That's great. Just give me his name.

We'll scoop him up. Save you the trouble.

Well, you said yourself, he's just a low-level punk.

We can't reveal that information.

Not at this point in time.

We've been investigating these pricks for two years.

We're this close to taking down the whole damn organization.

And we don't want to spook anyone.

We need them to think everything's normal.

Look, we get it. You've been working this a long time...

But when the case is over we'll give you everything you need to nail this son of a bitch.

I give you my word on that.

The thing is, guys, I got a dead girl, 18 years old.

And I highly doubt her mother gives a damn about your RICO case.

I get it, I get it. I really do.

But like I said before, we can't let a local case interfere with this investigation.

You asking me to sit on my hands?

Yes. Just for the time being.

( tense music )

Okay, you win.

Thank you for being so understanding.


We appreciate it.


( door opens )

All right, the good news is, we now know our suspect is part of the Odessa mob.

Call Antonio, get boots on the ground in Ukrainian Village.

Circulate the photo of Sasha and that male suspect.

Believe me, someone's gonna know so...

Wait, you just said we were gonna stand down until they made their case.

Listen, Kim, you got a chance to make a m*rder case, you make it; you don't wait.

So the investigation is still on?

We're gonna pretend like that meeting didn't happen?

Is that a problem?


So keep your mouth shut around Matt, you hear me?

Not a word.

Yeah, I hear you.

All right, head over to the hospital, show Irina that surveillance video.

Maybe she can ID her daughter's friend.

Um, do you mind taking a look at this?

I got it.

It's from the night that Sasha was k*lled.

( sniffling )

She was so beautiful.

I'm sorry to make you watch it.


You told Sergeant Voight that Sasha came to Chicago with a friend.

Yes, Olene Zelenko.


Do you see Olene anywhere in this video?

There, that's Olene.


Thank you. That's very helpful.

Are you going to rescue her?

We're gonna try.

We're gonna show this photo to people who work at hotels.

Hopefully, someone's seen her, can help us find her.

And then once we find Olene, hopefully she can help us find the man that k*lled Sasha.

Thank you.


Her name's Olene Zelenko.

She's being held c*ptive by the Odessa mob.

She's doing ID thefts at various high-end hotels on the Gold Coast so let's get these photos out there.


Thanks, Trudy.

No problem. Hey, um... ( clears throat )

I heard about your issue with your new beau.

Oh, it's not an issue.

Right, good. 'Cause you should be careful.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means things get complicated.

We do the same job as the Feds, but we are not on the same team.

So if you really like this guy, you might want to step away.

Step away from what?

The case.


I'm good, but thanks.


So, the word is you've moved off my favorite congressman.

You're even more connected than I thought.

Here's the problem, Hank.

My developer friends have told me they're still interested in the West Side project.

But the problem is we need Graynor on board.

Then talk to him.


Right here.

I have about 20 times.

The man just doesn't believe in it.

He's entitled to his opinion.

Not when it's bad for business... my business.

Look, you two don't see eye to eye.

It's got nothing to do with me.

( chuckles ) Sure it does.

How's that?

You owe me a favor.

I kept my mouth shut about that Irish cop.

McGrady. You remember him?

I do.

Framed that young brother for his own su1c1de.

Hell of a thing.

Don't worry, Hank.

I didn't say a word.

I just sat there and watched.

All you boys in blue saluting his ass, treating him like some damn hero.

What's the ask?

I want a picture.

What picture?

The crime scene photo.

Of Graynor and the dead girl.

I already told you, he's innocent.

Yeah, of m*rder, but he was still there.

He was a mark.

Who gives a damn?

The public sees that picture of a dead hooker in his hotel room, hell.

The damn Pope couldn't get out from under that.

( tense music )

It was good to see you, Ray.

Price wants to see crime scene photos.

Yeah, so he can blow up Graynor.

Wants to build some sort of fancy office project in his ward.

Just tell him to go to hell.

I wish I could.

I didn't know he had a marker.

Yeah, it's a pretty good one.

I like Graynor.

Yeah, so do I. Straight sh**t.

Supports the police. I like him, too.

Maybe, uh, Price is bluffing?

Maybe, it's possible, but...

If he's not, he can do a lot of damage.

He may ruin a few careers.

Hey, just got off the phone with the manager at the Langston hotel.

He said he just saw Olene get into an elevator with a middle-aged businessman.

Sound credible?


He said she has an accent and has the same dress Olene was wearing in the picture we sent over.

All right, grab Antonio. Check it out.


She showed up about an hour ago with two other girls.

A man was there too, watching.

Is it him?

No, somebody else.

This guy had way more hair.

When did she come up here?

Mm, about 20 minutes ago.

Room 2603.

Great. Thanks.

( door unlocks, opens )

Olene Zelenko. Chicago PD.

Please, don't arrest me. They make me do this.

No, no, no. It's okay. Hey, we're here to help.

Thank you. Thank God.

He's out cold.

He took our passports. We have to do what he says.

Bring him money.

Do you know who this man is?

Yes. But I can't say anything.

He will hurt my family. He tells us that all the time.

What's his name, Olene?

Tell us his name, and he won't hurt another soul, I promise.


Yuri Remnoff. He's a monster.

( suspenseful music )

So tell me.

I give you his name, so what happens now?

I just want to go home.

We know, and we're gonna help you.

We need to leave. Now.

The man who watches me, Alex, he will be here very soon to check on me.

Okay, we need to find Yuri and all the other girls that are working for him too.

But we need your help.

If you give me a g*n, I will sh**t him.

No, no.

I know how you feel.

But that's not what we meant.

He deserves to die for what he did to Sasha.

To all of us.

We just need to know where he is.

I don't know.

Alex, he takes us to Yuri whenever we get the credit card information.

Where's that?

The location changes all the time.

He keeps moving.

So, you'll see Yuri tonight?


If you're okay with this, take the credit cards, meet up with Alex, like everything is normal.

You want me to go back there with those horrible men? No.

We'll be following you.

We're gonna be there the whole time.

We're not gonna let anything happen to you.

Let's go, ladies.

Don't touch me.

Relax, pretty girl.

Quicker we get this done, quicker you're home.


They're walking towards the front door.

All right, copy.

How's your Ukrainian?

I can barely speak English.

( door opening )

What about Olene and the girls?

Where's Yuri?

He's not coming.


He's hiding. The police are looking for him.

So he told me to come instead.

Back in the car. ( speaking Ukrainian )

Sounds like Yuri got the heads-up.

From the Feds, no doubt.

What do we do?

All right, everybody listen up.

Stand down.

What about Olene and the girls?

Keep her in play for now.

Sarge, they're scared.

Just stay with the driver.

You and Antonio hold the main eye, find their location.

But unless she's in danger, we are not moving in, understand?

Yeah, copy that.

You good with this?


But it's the right move if we want to find Yuri anyway.

So we lost him?

Yeah, he's in the damn wind somewhere.

Burgess, come on in here.

What happened?

I thought Yuri was supposed to meet up with the girls after they got the credit cards.

What happen is the FBI and you boyfriend screwed us.


They tipped Yuri off.

How do you know that?

( yelling ) Because I know.

I have been spelling it out for you, but you still don't get it, do you?

The Feds don't care about our humble little m*rder case.

Not even a little. They never will.

I mean, all that talk about helping us down the road, it's crap. It's never gonna happen.

They're gonna flip Yuri to help their own case.

He'll get five years. If that.

Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm really sorry.

Like I said before, I was trying to help us...

I know that, I know. And you still can.

As a matter of fact, right now you're the only person who can fix this mess.

But I need to know.

Are you with us or them?

I'm with you.

Just, you tell me what you need me to do, and I'll do it.

Right answer.

( door opening )



Hey, everything all right?

Voight was coming down on you pretty hard last night.

Yeah, I'm good.

You sure?



It's me. Tell me what's going on.

Adam, this is case is falling apart, and it's my fault.

That's not true.

It is. It's my fault.

So now I have to, um...


I have to sell out my relationship with Matt.

I know that this isn't something you want to hear but...

I like the guy a lot.

Let me guess, Voight wants you to pick us or him.

Yeah. I mean, something like that, yeah.

This unit, we're family, plain and simple.

Life gets in the way, makes things a little more complicated.


I guess what I'm saying is sometimes you got nothing but bad choices.

No matter what you do, you're going to hate yourself.

( sighs )


Bottom line is you are one of the best people I've ever known.

So you do what you think is right.

And that will be good enough.

All right?



( somber music )

So what's going on?

I don't even know how to talk about this.

It's okay, just say it.

My boss, Voight, he doesn't play well with others.

Yeah, I, um... I kind of sensed that.

And he doesn't think that you're going to help us find our m*rder suspect.

He thinks you're going to flip him, use him as a cooperating witness in your RICO case.

What are you really saying here?

He wants us to start hitting doors, making arrests.

Arrests? Like who?

We've been surveilling the girls and the bodyguards.

We have their names and addresses.

And we figured we'd start there, see if we can figure out who the shot callers are.

All right, well then, obviously, that's not what we discussed the other day.

I know. That's why I'm here.

Well, I appreciate you telling me.

I know it couldn't have been easy for you.

You're right. It wasn't.

Hey, you did the right thing. Thank you.


I'll see you tonight, yeah?


All right.

Burgess is a pro. The guy doesn't have a clue.

( suspenseful music )

( device beeping )

( line trilling )

All right, bingo.

Ol' Matty is dialing up a storm.

Okay, we got lucky, guys.

Traced a series of calls.

Found our boy Yuri's hideout.

He's holed up at 4821 Briscoe.

It's a small house, looks like he's there alone.

Upton, Halstead, stake out the flophouse where the girls are being held.

We get word we got Yuri, move in.

Get Olene and the other girls out of there.

Bust everyone else.

Copy that.

All right, let's vest up.


I see you made your choice.

Yeah, now I just got to live with it.

I lied to his face, Adam.

I played him like a fool, and for good measure, I just... blew up the biggest case of his career.

My God, I screwed him.

You didn't screw him.

Nah, you made a choice.

You made the right choice.




Chicago PD!

( g*nsh*t )

( groans )

You all right? Kim?

Yeah, I'm good.

He's on the move!

5021 Ida Ten One. sh*ts fired at the police.

Offender fleeing eastbound on the south alley.

Copy that, 5021 Ida.

( g*nsh*t )

( groans )

You good?

I'm good, good. Go!




Get out of the way! Move!

( grunts )


Chicago PD!

Move, get out of the way.



Nice work.

( groans )


Yuri Remnoff. You're under arrest, pal.

Good job.

( groans )

That's what I'm talking about.

So you arrested him?

Are you kidding me? We just had this conversation.

Well, it wasn't much of a conversation, Brian.

Excuse me?

Seemed to me more of a speech.

You told me what you needed, why you needed it...

Are you trying to pick a fight with the FBI?

Have you lost your damn mind? Are you stupid?

We had reason to believe a m*rder suspect was gonna flee the country so we moved in.

I'm sorry that...

You're sorry?

That's all you got?

You jeopardized a two year investigation over some Ukrainian hooker...

Hey, watch yourself, Brian.

It's never a good idea to speak ill of the dead.

She was 18 years old, being held hostage...

I don't care if she was a saint; she is one person.

The case that we're chasing...

We're talking hundreds...

( cell phone buzzing )

Thousands of lives at stake.

Hold on a second.

Is there anything else I can do for you, Brian?


( approaching footsteps )

You sure about this?

I am.

I like you, Hank.

But please, don't make me play hard ball on this.

Is that a threat?

Oh, come on, Hank.

You and I are friends.

I'd never thr*aten you.

But I do intend to cash in on that favor.

Now you and me, we had a deal.

I know.

I intend to honor it.


But we're not friends.

Not after this.

These are the crime scene photos?

We're even.

I'm not sure why you're so upset.

This is no different than any other deal we've made.

Oh, sure it is.

How's that?

Those other deals...

The people we blew up were criminals.

If it was easy, Hank, it wouldn't be called a favor.

( chuckles )

( cell phone buzzing )

( solemn music )


Can I come in?

( exhales sharply )

Matt, please, just let me explain, okay?
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