05x07 - Care Under Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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05x07 - Care Under Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Go. Go. You gotta go faster than that. Come on, man.

Keep it going. Oh!

That's illegal.

You're faster than Jim at school.

Of course I'm faster than Jim at school.

Jim at school is rubbish.

( phone buzzes )

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

No cheating here.

I gotta go.

Mom, Uncle Adam's gotta go to work.

Don't say it like that.

What, are you trying to break my heart?

Huh? It's working!

I'm gonna see you on Tuesday, okay?



All right, I love you, pal.

Want me to pack up some breakfast?

No, I'm okay. Thanks.

Is everything all right?

Yeah. Yeah, it will be.

( dramatic music )

( pounds table )

( man moans )


( whimpering )

Jay. Hey, man. Wake up.

Hey, it's all right. Whoa.

Ho ho ho! Whoa.

You okay?

You all right?

Yeah, man. I just came in to take a nap.

A nap? It's 7:30 in the a.m., man.

What are you doing here so early?

I had to do some paperwork.

Are you sure you're all right?

Yeah, man. It was just... a bad dream.

( somber music )

Need a car at 5490 South Ellis.

Drunk and disorderly. 2221, you close?

2221. 10-4, We're riding on it.

1831, just threw one in your queue.

Handle the three-car pileup at Wacker and Wells.

One of the drivers is being transported to Med.

I'll send another car for traffic...

Disregard. Incorrect pass code by resident.

Units in 21 and units on the city-wide, we have multiple calls of a man with a g*n.

Randolph Park. Male, black, 5'11", wearing a hoodie and blue jeans.

5021 George, hold me down on that.

Advise responding; plainclothes officer will be on the scene.

Copy that.

( tires screeching )

Hey! You got sh*ts fired?

No sh*ts fired.

No eyes on him yet.

Get a perimeter set up.

Tell him to keep the cars coming.

I got you.

Move, move, move.

5021 George. I've got people running out of 1014 Randolph Park Ave.

Send me some help now!

Copy that.

( dramatic music )

( overlapping shouting, commotion )

Where is he? Where is he?

Up there, up there!

All right, go. Get outside!

( tense music )

5021 George, sh**t's on the second floor of 1014 Randolph...

( woman screams )

( g*nshots )

( ominous music )

( clattering )

( boom )

( distorted sound )

Chicago PD!

Police! Police!

Take the exit!

( dramatic music )

5021 George. Emergency. We got one down.

Roll an ambulance.

Copy that.

Ambo on the way.

How you doing?


You okay?


Offenders are in the wind. The way this went down, there's gotta be more than one of them, 'cause he couldn't have got behind me that fast.

How many victims?

One. Her name was Theresa Mattel, she was a student at Central Chicago University.

Sarge, the offender fired three rounds.

Two center mass, one head tap.

Doesn't sound like a mass sh**ting.

Yeah. It did not feel like one.

He used a military stun grenade. M84.

Huh. You were the first detective on scene?

Yeah. I was right around the corner.

Huh. All right. Start pulling footage from the park, inside the building. Let's find out where they were coming from.


We have a witness who saw our female victim running inside with a kid.

She hid, heard g*nshots, looked up, and saw the offender running for an exit with a boy over his shoulder.

Any sign of the boy?

( somber music )

So this is a kidnapping?

Tell me we got an ID on this boy.

Not yet, but we do know more about the DOA.

She is originally from Dayton, Ohio.

Biology major, worked part-time as a nanny.

So I assume the boy was under her watch.

We're dumping her phone.

Got a car on the way to her dorm.

Local police are on the way to talk to her parents.

Anything that might make us think our DOA was the intended target?

No. Sarge, it looks like these guys were there to kidnap the boy, and Theresa just got in the way.



There's Theresa and the boy.


There's our sh**t.

There's our sh**t's ghost.

When this guy comes in, he scans all the exits like he's never been there before.

Then he goes up as cover.

I don't think they meant to go in.

I think this went wrong.

Theresa saw them in the park and she ran to protect the boy, and it got her k*lled instead.

It might be a long shot, but Narcotics has had a bead on a kidnapping and ransom crew they can't make.

I heard about this. They're going after kids connected to west-side dope gangs.

Right. The crew, they nab a kid, set ransom, banger pays them with drug money, never calls the cops.

No victim, no crime.

All they got is what they're hearing on the streets.

Crew's three males. Black, Hispanic, white.

20s, trained.

I mean, if we're to assume our guys had a getaway driver, it's a match.

Dig into it.

Hey, boss.


We ID'd the boy. Theresa's calendar says she picked up a Cody Barton.

He was at a music lesson two blocks away from Randolph Park.

Olinksy's on his way with the mom right now.

Hey, tell Lugo keep a lid on this to the press.

If there's a crew out there working a ransom, we don't want word of it to hit.

Copy that.

Yes, that's Theresa.

She helps my ex-husband driving, babysitting, but I...

Cody's dad hasn't called. Cody was with him all weekend.

Yeah, we're trying to track down your ex-husband right now.

Can you tell me what does Ben do for a living?

He's an accountant.


So... Theresa... she's dead?

I'm afraid so.


Amy, can you think of anyone who might do this?

No. Of course not.

Not someone who would want to k*ll a young woman and take my son.

Hey, Amy, please. Hey.

I want you to try to stay with me.

Just one more question, okay?

When you and Ben were getting divorced, were there any custody issues?


Ben was a terrible husband, but he is a good father.

Cody's the only thing we ever agreed on.

This doesn't make sense.

We're just a normal family.

This can't be happening!

( sobbing )

I'm so sorry.

Ben Barton! Chicago PD, open up!

( dark music )

Keys and cell phone are on the table.

Oh, God.

( ominous chords )

Take a look.

Get that away from me, man.

Looks like this K&R crew just snatched another kid.

You said you needed to talk to me about a stash house.

I lied. Now, Rey...

I know your nephew was kidnapped six months ago.

I am not talking to you about this, bro.

They sliced his finger off and sent it to your brother in a cardboard box.

Come on, man.

I'm not talking to you about this!

This crew just grabbed another kid.

Tell me how they work!

Okay. How about I file that case I got sitting in my drawer?

Violate your parole? Huh?

Relax, okay?

My brother got a call.

They said they had his kid.

They told him look on the porch.

It was Bruno's finger in a box.

They gave him 48 hours to get 400K.

They told him where to place the cash, where to drop it.

Pricks got the cash.

And they dropped Bruno off on the side of the highway.

All he remembers is that one of these guys had a messed up arm.

He said it looked like his whole right forearm had been burnt up. Like it was melting away.

And that's it, bro.

So what do we got on the crew?

Well, these guys are trained, so ran a query through the VA.


There's 350 soldiers injured with similar age, weight, and burn.

But only four of them live in Chicago.

And only one matches this well. That's Luis Vega, 28, 1st Ranger Battalion.

Luis got booted last year due to an IED injury. Right forearm burned through.

After he got out, he spent three months in South America on contract as security.

AKA, he did kidnapping and ransoms.

Yep. Height and weight match this guy to a T.

We got someone headed to him?

Covert car en route.

We'll get eyes.


Okay, but what's the plan, though?

'Cause we can't grab him up on what we got, and odds of him talking are not good.

Plus if we spook the crew, we could get this kid k*lled.

Well, that's why we get eyes on Luis right away.

Or you put me under.

He was a Ranger. We served at the same time.

I can connect with him.

That's a bad idea. No.

An undercover would only heat him up.

We don't have enough info.

That would be the point.

I'd get it.


What about you? You got a take, Hailey?

No. I'm neutral.

( edgy music )

Okay. Let's give it a shot.

Ruzek will log everything.

I'll stick by you in the field, and Antonio will be there as a second.

We'll have eyes on you even if you can't see us.

Why the neutral?

Just been a little concerned lately.

About what?

About you.

You cover well, but I got eyes, Jay.

You sure you're solid?

Yo. We just got the undercover narcotics up to speed.

We got the coverts trailing Luis to the Veil Club.

Bartender there named Camila. That's his sister.

Let's roll.

( rock music plays )

Can I get you a drink?

Yeah. Just beer. You pick.

Hey, you like that scrawny dude over there?

Well, that's my brother.

I mean, he doesn't usually swing that way, but I can make an intro.

No, just the beer is fine. Thanks.

Was your brother in the Army?

Yeah, he was. Ranger.

Me too. I must have seen him at Benning.


That's the Marines.


Hey, Luis.

Luis, this is, uh...


75th. 3rd Rangers out of Benning.

I must've seen you there, man.

I was there the tail end of '06, '07.

So where'd you serve?

Hey, man. I just came here for the drink, not to swap stories.

That was so nice. Is he always like that?

A d*ck? Yeah. A solid 98% of the time.

I just thought it'd be fun.


Yo, man. Watch where you're going.

What, you got a problem, tough guy?

What you think?

Hey, does your brother know those guys?

Oh, you a tough guy, huh?

What's going on?

Bitch, get your ass back to the bar.

What'd you say?

Calm down.

I said get back to the bar, bitch.

Unless you want to come to my house...

You do whatever you want.

Hey, watch your mouth.

What are you gonna do about it?

You wanna go?

Take it outside.

Yo, man! Hey, hey!

Your six!

Need some help?

( groans )

Get out of here before the cops come!

You all right? Come on, I got ya.

Four tours? Damn, man.

That's a lot of time in country.

So what's it like being back home?

You working anywhere?

I do private security.

Me too, man. Where you at?

Nothing formal.

I just work for another vet.

Where the hell is she?

Hey, man. Who's this other vet?

And is he hiring?

Look, my current job, I make 7.50 an hour.

And I gotta wear a frickin' nametag that says, "Hi, I'm security friendly."

( both snickering )

It's a small group. I'm sorry.

Yeah. Right on.


I lost my keys.

( chuckles )

Whoa! You all right?

Thanks for having my back today, man.

That's it? You going to bed?

What are you doing?


It's a bad habit.

You going through my mail?

Either you didn't tell me your name or I forgot it, so...

Yeah, I'm goin' through your mail.

I was just trying to be smooth.

Camila Marie Vega.

I even get the middle name.

I don't want you digging around for my birth certificate.

Is, uh, your brother okay?

He seems a little...


Just alcohol?

Excuse me?

Well, usually it's alcohol and opiates, you know?

If you're stuck at orange all the time, Oxy's the only that brings you back to white.

Evens you out.

Numbs you out.

But thanks for your input.

Sorry, I'm not trying to...

Pry? Give me advice? Yeah, you are.

I've just been there. That's all.

I spent about seven months doing nothing but drink, smoke, screw, fight.

So is this how you usually hit on women?

What? It's not working?

So how'd you get over it?

I got no idea.

Yeah, well my brother, he just... he hasn't come back all the way.

I don't think anybody ever does.

I think you just kind of... fill up whatever's missing with something else.

( somber music )

You need some help?


Halsted caught that dude flush.

Innocent bystander too.

Wasn't he only supposed to throw one punch?

If that. Upton said it got a little hairy in there.

No wonder she was pissed.

That undercover must be mad as hell.

Mm-hmm. And that Good Samaritan's probably gonna sue when he finds out that Halsted was a cop.

You're gonna delete that, right?

Of course. I'm not logging that.

All right, anything on Cody's dad?

Not yet, but he likes to visit the bank a lot.


His finances show a hell of a lot of cash deposits. All 9 grand, so that's just under the federal threshold.

All right, have Antonio and Burgess hit up their CIs.

Someone in Players gotta know this guy.

Copy that.

And Halsted?

Uh... he's all good.

He actually just got in contact with Luis a few hours ago.


I ain't never gonna get rid of you, am I?

Do what I ask?

Yeah, I asked my cousin about Ben Barton.

He washes money for us. He ain't smart at it.

How's that?

He lost a million about a month ago.

Got played on some restaurant thing.

Guy on the other end ran off with the cash.

And Barton's still alive?

He paid the money back.

He's got that kind of cash?

He did till then.

You saying he's broke now?

He called one of my cousins' people about an hour ago.

Ernesto. He asked to borrow 500 grand.

Ben Barton. Sit down.

I told you they'd k*ll Cody if I talked to cops.

Hey, listen to me. It's all right.

Nobody knows you're here.

I just want to get my son back!

So do we.

We know you wash money for gangs, we don't care.

Not now, anyway.

Look, I'm trying to do what I can, but I'm broke.

I can barely scrape together 100 grand, and none of my associates are willing to help!

All right. How much did they ask for?

$1 million!

The man said I had 48 hours or he'd sh**t Cody in the head.

What time did you get the call?

Yesterday. 2 p.m.

All right, we got 26 hours. Listen to me.

We will do everything in our power to help you save your son.

But you gotta help us.

( dark music )

How you holding up, man?

I'm okay.

Hold on, let me get this. Yeah.

How's your hand?

It's fine. It was the right move.

Yeah. It was a move. I'm not sure if it was right.

Pulled everything I could find on Luis.

Psych history, medical, details on ops.

Served in Iraq during the surge.

Korengal Valley, '08. Probably saw some...

I did a tour there too. I know what he saw.

So that stuff you told Camila about when you got back.

( quietly ) Is that true?

All right, talk to you later. All right, man.

This number's Antonio.

He's talking to Lugo, trying to get his hands on 900K so we can make the drop.

We need you to ID these guys.

Are these lookalikes?

You want me to give Luis actual dr*gs?

I'm assuming we all know that's illegal.

We need an easy in. This is it.

Just make sure your wire's off.

( heavy music )

( knocking on door )

What's up, man? Is Camila home?

No. Working.

Really? We were gonna hang out.

Yeah, she was gonna help me celebrate. I got fired.

Apparently, I'm not friendly enough.

Um... you know what time she's coming back?

You mind if I stick around, wait for a while?

Yeah, I do mind.

I've been very respectful.

You're a soldier, bro.

I know what you've seen, done.

My sister don't need another person like that in her life, you know?

All right, if that's how you feel, I'll back off, man.

All right.

Yeah, um...

You want a drink, man?

You wanna have a few sh*ts? I got a bottle of vodka.

Help me celebrate. Come on.

Damn, man. Simmons with the uh...

With the face tic, yeah.

I can't believe that guy made it in country.

He made it out, too. A lot of people didn't.

Hell of a lot that died that didn't sign up, you know?

Kids, the women.

Yeah, kids are the worst.

I still see this, uh... this eight-year-old girl.

I have nightmares about her. Beautiful face, dark skin.



That's young.

Yeah. My nine, it went through a combatant, and then it went through a doorway, and it ripped open her neck.

( dark music )

She didn't die right away, though.

Now, if I slow down, I see her.

And I see all of it. I see the valley.

I see the kids, dogs.

For me it's a 17-year-old.

Kid used to kick it with us.

Town leaders k*lled him with an IED.

Nobody wanted to touch him after, so I scooped up the pieces. Used a trash bag.

Ain't never gonna leave us, man.

( phone buzzes )

Hey. Your friend Ryan is here.

He said he was supposed to meet you.

( tense music )


See you then.

You were supposed to meet Camila tonight?

At the apartment?

How come she didn't know that?

'Cause I didn't tell her.

Man, I was gonna show up.

Be all vulnerable, charming. She was gonna love it.

I ended up talking about all this depressing crap with your ugly ass.

I should get going, though.

Look, man. If you ever need something to like take the edge off, I got you covered.

Oh, yeah?


With what?

Right now all I got on me is some Oxy.

Yeah? How much you want for it?

No, man. It's on the house.

If you set me up with your private security buddy.

You know I don't really do private security, right?

Man, I don't care.

I just need a job. Some excitement.

I'm gonna lose my damn mind. Come on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Deal.

All right.

It's a burn bag.

Best I can do, Hank.

Yeah, well Lugo already approved the 1505 funds.

Well, he made a mistake.

Since the new reform package went through, all requests for cash run through me.

Unfortunately, I just signed off 700K to Narcotics.

Denny, listen to me.

If I go to these people with a bag full of phony cash, they're gonna k*ll this child.

You know I suggest you slow down...

There's an eight-year-old boy out there!

You come in here with your ego?

The hell is wrong with you?

This 700K that I gave to Narcotics, that money's going to a cartel buy that's gonna take down three bosses... each one of them wanted on multiple murders!

Not to mention the dope we'll get off the street!

Dope that has caused 246 ODs!

So that is where the cash is going.

I wish we had another 900K sitting around, but we don't!

I know you've got a guy under. You just have to figure out...

I got it. You made your point.

What, are you waiting around for a thank you or a I'm sorry?

'Cause it ain't coming.

So you should probably go.

( dramatic music )

( knocking on door )


How the hell did you get in here?

The neighbor buzzed me in since you didn't.

You were supposed to swing by this morning.

Yeah, well thing's changed.

No, man. We made a deal and I already gave you my end.

And you'll get your end too, but not now.

No, man. That's not how it's gonna work.

A deal's a deal. So what's up?

You made your damn point already, man.

I don't need a leash...

Who the hell are you?

It's my boy Ryan. He was just stopping by.

We were at Benning together. He's a Ranger.

And you thought today would be a good day to have a little date?

( dramatic music )

We're gonna go.

Okay. Here we go.


Victor, seven, three, Nora, Andy, four, six.

And nine, Mary, one, William, x-ray, five, one.

Okay, first plate is registered to a Josh Miller.

28. No priors.

Second plate is Marcus Tate. 25.

Height and weight match our college sh**t.

He's got two DUIs and an as*ault charge in the last two years.

Angry guy. We could use something there.

Marcus is former Army Infantry and Josh is a Marine vet.

We got them.

You want us to pull Marcus?

Yeah, if you guys pull him, I can get Luis to get Josh to use me.

You get him out, I'm in.


No? What the hell does that mean?

It means it's too risky.

You're not seeing straight. You trust this guy, and you shouldn't. You went offline at the club, you punched a civilian.

I didn't have a choice.

Yes, you did.

All right, all right, enough.

Okay. We pull Marcus.


This is our only play, Hailey.

Okay. We're done talking.

( engine turns over )

( edgy music )

You know you should never come to this place in the daytime, right?

It doesn't look good without makeup.

Wait, what do you mean makeup?

Hundred people in a drug haze.

Oh. Oh yeah, it's definitely depressing in here.

Heard you've been hanging with my brother.

Yeah, we're talking a few work type things.

Do you know where I could find him?

Oh, that's why you're here.

For a second, I thought it was for me.

Nope, it's all about Luis. Sorry.


Okay, you know what?

Actually it's 50% Luis and it's 50% you.

But just between you and me, he's not excited about you hanging out with an ex-Ranger.


Yeah, well, I make my own decisions.

( rock music plays )

I do need to talk to him, though.

Do you know where I could find him?

That's your response?

I'm sorry, I say really stupid things when beautiful women kiss me out of the blue. You're right.

Try Donahue on Wells.

Thank you.

( sighs )

What, are you stalking me now?

No, man. Your sister said you'd be here.

What's wrong with you? You look terrible, man.

It's fine, I...

My boss is freaking.

Third guy apparently left town.

They got a job in an hour.

That's great, man. Tell him to use me.

He's not gonna use you.

You don't know that.

He's gonna want to use me over nobody.

Right? He's not gonna want to change his tact plan.

All you gotta do is convince him.

And you sure as hell don't look like you want to do whatever this is with just him.

Now we've had the same training, so you know I'm gonna have your back.

It's gonna be like any other op.

If you don't want to go in alone, don't.

I don't know him from Jack.

I do.

You think that that means something?

Man, it's him or nothing. You want six eyes?

Look, you guys can keep arguing about me, or you can tell me what you want.

I'm here to do you a favor. Tell me yes or no.

I'm not gonna waste my time.

He's not gonna waste his time.

Okay. You want the plan?

I'm gonna make a call, then we're gonna go.

It's a simple security job. Gonna get a location, a photograph of the man we're gonna meet, You keep a bead on his forehead the whole time.

When I say it's time to leave, you leave.

Think you can handle that?

Yeah, I can handle it.

This is on you.

Is that all he's gonna tell me?

That's all he's gonna tell me?

You'll be fine.

Are you kidding me?

What is that? What are you doing?

It's one pill.

No! No, man.

No, no, no, no. This is not happening.

I'm gonna do this thing with you, all right?

But I'm not going in there blind with you jammed out of your mind, so tell me something. Give me some details, man.

I can't give you any details, man.

Tell me what the job is!

I can't!

I'm useless to you! Come on!

Fine, it's a K&R, all right?

Kid's elsewhere. We're just picking up the money.


You kidnapped somebody?

Hey, lower your voice!

Are you...

It's fine. Simple.

There's not one thing linking any of this to us.

The kid's being held. I don't know where.

With one of Josh's connects, I don't know who.

Guy doesn't even have a phone, all right?

( tense music )

There's no way in hell I'm saying that!

Listen, this is our best...

This is our only shot.

Look, I know neither of you know me, but you can trust me.

This is what I do for a living.

( tense music )

Look, I lost my son.

And I promise you I'm doing everything I can to make sure you don't.

( phone rings )


Right now, you're gonna drive to Grant Park. Michigan and Eighth Street.

On the corner, you're going to see a red trash can.

You walk to that can, you put the money in that can, and you walk away.

You get in your car, and you drive home.

You follow these instructions, and we will release your son.

Do you understand?

( shouting ) Do you understand me, Ben?


No, I'm not giving you anything.

I'm not giving you a damn thing.

I'm calling the police!

( phone beeps )

( yelling ) God!

Let me ask you something, if he axes this, does he k*ll the kid?

We've done this before, all right? It's...

Don't tell me it's fine!

He's gonna k*ll this kid, isn't he?

Listen, if I gotta convince you where you need to be on this, then so be it! We are not k*lling a kid!

We're gonna stop this, do you understand me?

We can't stop it. I don't know where the kid is.

Even if I did, anyone who goes through that door that's not Josh, they're getting shot.

So what? So what?

How many doors have we gone through?

Not another kid, man. I can't carry another kid.

Can you?


No, no, no. Not you. You stay there!

( softly ) The mission's over.


It's over.

So, what...

You know it is.

So we gotta k*ll everyone?

I don't want to k*ll everyone, man.

Give me your phone.


Give me your phone.

( tense music )

Now give Luis your g*n.

Hey... hey, I'm not giving you my g*n.

Relax, we're just going for a ride.

I'm not giving you my g*n, Luis.

Shut up, man.

You're not getting it, man.

Ryan, give me your g*n.

You know what's about to go down.

Give me your g*n. Get in the damn car.

( dramatic music )

( ominous chords )

Get out.

I'm not getting out of the car.

You get out, or we get you out.

We gotta tie him up, come on.

He's got this place wired up. There's a camera right there.

He probably already knows we're here.

All right, then we move fast. I got your back.


( dark music )


Stay on me. Stay on me. Watch out.

( child cries )

I want my mom!

( crying )

( g*nf*re )


Police officer. Let's get you out of here.

Come on, let's go!

( g*nf*re continues )

Chicago PD!



Take him down!

You're okay.

( distorted sound )

Come on!

( echoing ) Jay.

Come on.





( melancholy music )

I got it.

He's really okay!

He's really all right?

He's fine.

I don't know how I can ever... I owe you!

You don't owe me anything right now.

We'll talk about all that later.

Go see your son, Ben.

Mom! Dad!


See you back at the district?


( emotional music )

This is it, okay?

I couldn't get the bug planted, but that right there... it's enough for a case of official misconduct, so you and me, we're good.

You're gonna tell me when we're good?

I've done everything you've asked, so... yeah!

Just let my sister off the hook.


Young people like you hang around Hank Voight long enough, you start thinking he's real police.

Old timer. Tough. Invincible.

Rubs off on you a bit, huh?

Who in the hell do you think it is taught him to be that way?

You don't talk to me like that ever.

And you and me are not good.

Until I say we are.

( engine turns over )

( somber music )

( phone buzzing )

( doorbell buzzing )

( click, buzz )

Did you hear? I mean, I don't understand.

None of it makes sense. The police said they were with some guy and they were...

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Were you there?


No, I wasn't.

Come in, Ryan.

( melancholy music )

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