Holmes & Watson (2018)

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Holmes & Watson (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

It was destiny that brought the great Sherlock Holmes into my life that fateful day I met the finest most compassionate most beautiful man I would ever have the honor to know.

You look radiant this morning my darling.

Green and proud. Not a blemish on your perfect skin.

Oh you beautiful green succulent bitch.

I first met him after my return from the Afghan w*r.

The w*r had left me with a broken leg, and a broken spirit.

I was in dire straits.

Do you like this? Hmm?

I was going to end it all, but that terrible moment became the greatest of my life.

You unforgiving turd. He saw I was about to jump to my death, and he immediately tried to stop me. Get out of the way! I''m going to jump!

Jump... into that garden, over there. Are you telling me not to jump?

There are many other ways you could k*ll yourself. We had instant connection This man cares about me. A little cup of poison, dead.

He gave me a reason to live. We'll go and have a drink.

I will get my g*n and fill your heart... full of b*ll*ts.

Yes! Right in the heart. It's crazy, but I love you too!

This man of great compassion. I'm losing patience with you.

You're right! Life really is worth living!

No no no no!


You saved me. I'm alive! Your giant vegetable saved me.

Thank you my new friend! I'm in your debt forever!

Oh God. It has been my honor ever since.

John Watson. Yes, Hi. Sherlock Holmes.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Moriarty's crime spree over!

Professor James Moriarty faces justice today!

The Napoleon of crime on trial!

Greatest criminal in the empire! That's fake news.

Professor James Moriarty.

You have been the organizer of half that is evil and all that goes undetected in this great city.

Today, you are charged with m*rder in the first degree, but all the witnesses have died.

Without said witnesses, I have no choice but to set you free.

Inspector Lestrade, you simply must take better care of your witnesses.

Mark my words, Sherlock Holmes is on his way and, with him, the evidence that will damn you to the noose.

Then we should all pray he arrives soon, for, on the strike of noon, I shall have to release this menace.

Sherlock will be here.

He is about to burst through those doors right now.

Stop this trial at once!

I, Sherlock Holmes, have solved the case of Professor James Moriarty.

Wonderful. Wonderful, Holmes.

A dramatic entrance worthy of your greatest achievement.

Watson, did you notice my emphasis on "Professor James Moriarty"?

Yes, with the finger, yes.

Much better than the hand. Yes.

Instead of the karate chop, I went to the index finger.

Yes, it's the best one yet.

This is the moment everyone's been waiting for. Right here.

Yes, and they're literally waiting for it now.

Oh, yes. You must get dressed.

Yes? Very well.

There we are. There are your things.

Remember, trial of the century. Yes.

We have but... Oh, let's see now.

Just 16 minutes left, Holmes.

Speed is of the essence. - Nearly there? Nearly there.

A sniff of morning cocaine always helps the brain. Ah!

Come now, Sherlock.

We mustn't let that trial conclude.

For this occasion, I have selected a new hat.

From now on, when people utter the name "Sherlock Holmes," they will picture this.

Brilliant. Can we go?

Your furrowed brow betrays your lying lips.

Oh, no.

Not to worry.


Hey, there, cowboy.

That's the one. That's the one. Bang, bang.

We should leave, yes?

Oh! Aye, aye.

I say, I like that one very much.

You don't want to be late, Mr. Holmes.

Mrs. Hudson, what do you think of this one?

Me? I'm just a housekeeper from the Glasgow slums.

The likes of me telling the likes of you what to put on his noggin?

Good point.

Back to your monkey work, Hudson.

Perfect, right? May I show you a few more hats?

No! Someone's left a wee box.

What are you going on about?

I never even heard anyone knocking. Did you hear anything?

How very q*eer.

Queerer and queerer. Hmm.

Very odd.

Watson, no.

Holmes, why are you getting so exercised?

It's merely an empty box.

Watson, this is sent from Moriarty.

He means to k*ll us.


Shut that window.

If this winged menace escapes, it may cause a pandemic.

A k*ller mosquito?

The insect is infected with African plague.

One bite means death.

Now, dance a Dutch jig.

♪ ♪ You don't have to ask me twice to do a Dutch jig, but why?

Your body heat will attract him to dine on your flesh.


Hold! Don't move.

Where is it? Right there.

There. Right there on your forehead.

k*ll it, Holmes. I'm going to k*ll it.

There it is. Where?

Hold, hold. No, no. Where?

No, hold, hold.

Is it biting?

I hear it.

I see it.

The tip!

Don't worry, boys. I brought a net.

It is now seven minutes before noon.

Upon the lowering of my gavel, the charges shall be dismissed.

I shall raise my gavel in the air that so... and then bring it down briskly, making a satisfying bang, at which point the prisoner shall go free.

Angle of approach.

Compensate for warp in floor.

Count for resistance due to dust motes.

Probable outcome, termination of mosquito.

Integrity of bee habitat maintained.

Deadly bee swarm averted.

The mosquito's vanquished.

Well done, Holmes.

It's a simple matter of geometry, entomology and physics.

Oh, my God! Oh, shit.

Watson! Stop panicking! We can disable the queen.

It's making them angry, Holmes!

Oh, my God. What are they doing?

They're turning this way!

Just do anything! Help me!

It's working!

It's not working!

Get it off! It's not working!

Holmes, we retreat.

Run for safety. I'll lead them away.

Stop this trial!

May I present to you the greatest detective of all time, solver of the unsolvable, untier of Gordian knots, bester of conundrums, the great Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock! Sherlock! Sherlock!

Sherlock! Sherlock! Sherlock!

Stop this trial at once!

Thank goodness you've arrived, Mr. Holmes.

Now, what startling new evidence do you have for the court?

I am the evidence.

Inspector Lestrade, called upon me for assistance, for he lacked the mental capacity to solve it himself.

The inspector is a handsome man, ruddy, strapping.

Legs like oaken trunks, teeth like ivory, and yet his wife is of hideous visage.

Terrible to look upon.

They say her gaze curdles milk.

Who says that? Face like a pig's rectum.

Jeffrey... Holmes! Close those pillowy lips!

I am under oath!

Actually, you're not under oath. Not under yours!

Under my own sworn duty, as a detective.

I cannot allow my brain to be clouded with feelings!

Now... I recall the day vividly.

I arrived at the crime scene alone.

Completely and utterly alone.

I meticulously inspected every nook and cranny of that study, hunting for clues, much like a panther st*lks its prey.

And as I stood there, I began to employ a groundbreaking new technique.

Right there.

Behold! Fingerprints.

Imagine a print being taken from a finger.

I love it.

How do these prove Moriarty's guilt?


Moriarty would never leave a trail of clues, which begs the question, why was this crime scene so uncharacteristically littered with fingerprints?

Good work, Watson.

Thank you. I just thought of what you might have done.

I compared these prints to those of the man standing before you.

A perfect match.

Unequivocal proof that this man is innocent. What?

But if those are Moriarty's prints, then Moriarty is the m*rder*r.

This man is not Moriarty.

He sure looks like Moriarty.

He's an impostor. His name is Jacob Musgrave.

A complete look-alike, a doppelganger.

A patsy framed to hang for Moriarty's crimes, so that I may abandon my pursuit of him and he can begin life anew in America.

Why would an innocent man agree to hang for Moriarty's crimes?

Elementary. This man is terminally ill.

Look at him. His pallid complexion.

The palsy in his left hand.

Wait. I know. He's an onanist.

Yes, of the most enthusiastic kind.

What's an onanist?

He... Let's see.

He pours his own tea.

He likes to create his own sauce.

He is a saucier. Huh?

And the name of his restaurant is Crotch Kitchen.

On a daily basis, he creams his own eclair.

He is Romeo and Juliet.

That should do it.

This here. Oh, he's a w*nk*r.

Thank you.

Sorry, ladies.

This chap here had nothing to lose by being ex*cuted.

He was literally dying by his own hand.

It causes death, you see.

The infallible Sherlock Holmes has indeed spoken.

In light of his testimony, I order the release of the suspect.

What? This is an outrage! Do not let this m*rder*r free.

Bang, bang, bang! Court is adjourned.

Sherlock Holmes has done it again!

Why are you cheering?


Sherlock! Sherlock! Sherlock!

That couldn't have gone better.

It couldn't have.

And I tell you, that case was rather...

It took us three years to catch him.

If we release him now, we may never find him again.

Put aside your ego and admit I am right.

I am afraid Moriarty's long gone to America.

Whatever crimes Moriarty commits from now on are on your head.

I quite like seeing Lestrade upset.

Yeah. I do, too.

Professor James Moriarty fled to the Americas and would never darken England again.

What a fine ending to my fine Luc Au Revoir adventures All there is left to do now is to let the ink dry on this one copy of my manuscript.


Are you upset?

It's just that Moriarty was the whetstone upon which I sharpened my mental blade.

With him gone, not there to challenge me, why go on?

Instead, I shall occupy my great, great mind with nutritional science.

My research suggests that the sulfurous compounds of the common onion can increase your red blood cells.

Vital for human health.

Just bite it like an apple, eh? Mmm-hmm.

Definitely takes four or five bites.

Are we meant to eat the whole thing?

The whole thing.

Let the juice slither down the back of your throat.

Congratulations, Holmes.

You're not only the smartest man in London, you shall soon be the healthiest.


Now, where's my opium?


Mrs. Hudson!

Hudson! Hudson!


Hudson, Watson has stuck a carrot up my bum!

Hudson, help!

Fire! Fire! Call the police!

Hudson, your mother has died!

You brain-dead bag of bones!

Hudson! Hudson!


Hudson, where are you?


Did you not hear any of that?

We screamed "fire." Where?

And we were screaming your name.

You were just there in my bedroom?


Sufferin' Succotash. The great Sherlock Holmes.

I'm Honor- You curl your R's, indicating a native from a less educated United State, Namely Missouri.

Smudge of ink on your waistcoat, index finger of your right hand calloused from a quill...

Shut up. Come on.

No wonder my room always smells like fish pie and semen.

This came for you.


Sealed by hands unused to manual labor.



Saliva from a protein-rich diet of chicken kidneys.

Why, Watson, it's from the Queen.


Seems Her Majesty requests my services.

A crime that has baffled even her closest advisors, and only my singular intellect can solve it.

Well, well, well, look who's back in the game.

Watson, are you all right?

I'm just very nervous.

I've not met the Queen before.

Deep breath. Your Majesty, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.

My God, it's really her.



Say something.

I love you.

I know I am duty-bound to serve you, but let me just say, on a personal note, I really like you. Stop touching her.

Just as a fan.

Please, sir.

Don't touch the Queen.


Quite right.

Sorry, Your Majesty.

You look a lot smaller in person.

Just stop. Just stop. Sorry. It's true.

Just stop talking.

Yes. Stop talking.

I'm crazy about your look.

What did I say?

Am I still talking out loud? You are. You are.

It's just the Queen. Yes.

Okay? Okay.

Your Majesty, how may we be of service to the realm?

Mr. Holmes, pray follow us.

There is danger about.

What a looker, right?

She is stunning in person.

Fear not, Your Majesty, Sherlock will allow no harm to come to you, and neither will I.

Five, four, three, two, one.


Thank you. Thank you.

Had I been a non-genius such as yourselves, there's a 72% chance I would have been surprised.

Oh! 72%.

Happy birthday, Sherlock Holmes.

We wish you well and thank you for your many years...

Your many years of public service.

So, Holmes. Yes.

When did you know?



You were seven minutes late coming home.

Stopped at the stationer's, confirmed by the scent of paper mulch.

You have the nose of a bloodhound.

Your mustache betrayed a dusting of crumbs.

Evidence of cake sampling.


And you purchased a case of pre-phylloxera champagne.

You lack the self-esteem to buy yourself such an extravagant bottle.

It's true.

I don't deserve nice things.

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ And so say all of us ♪ Bravo.

Thank you.

That was delightful.

Oh, a layer cake.

It's shaped like a magnifying glass.


The second layer is rather thick.

There must be a few nuts in there. Uh, if I may.

Would you mind? Here. Yes, of course.

Do you see what I'm talking about?

Yes. Yes.

Ah. Raspberry jam.

Mmm. My weakness.

I know what I need.

What the... He's getting an ax!

Brilliant. Charge!


Stand back. Back, everyone, I say.

A m*rder in Buckingham Palace.

Look, a note. There.

Right under your nose.

"A birthday present for you, Sherlock.

"A crime to challenge your wits.

"Stop me in four days' time, "or I will destroy London's greatest marvel and k*ll the Queen, "and I will rewrite history."

Signed "Professor James Moriarty."


This is Jimmy Gruber, the witness who disappeared, whose testimony prompted Moriarty's arrest and whom Moriarty swore to k*ll.

And your conclusion?

That Moriarty has k*lled again, as I predicted.

Ah. The most obvious conclusion.

No, this is definitely the work of someone who is going to extraordinary lengths to make it appear as if Moriarty committed these crimes.

Sherlock Holmes. The Queen.

We charge you with the task of stopping this criminal before he can do us harm.

Solve this case on behalf of your queen and country.

I will. We will.

But, Your Majesty...

Sherlock Holmes has never failed us.

The bold ingenuity of this crime calls me back to the profession of detecting like a siren song.

I won't let anyone hurt you.

Watson. To the morgue.

Lestrade, clean this mess up now.

The game is a-starting. Yeah.

Who is this copycat pretending to be Moriarty?

Finally, a problem worthy of my brain.

This birthday cake is delicious.

Did you get a chance to try it?

No, there was a corpse in it. Oh.



Oh, my goodness.


Finders keepers.


Are you sure you wouldn't rather wait out here?

The last time you were in the morgue, you...

Watson, I am a man of stout constitution.

Yes, of course. I just thought, after the last time, with the...

And the...

Merely a bout of stomach influenza.

Yes, but the time before that?

Bad clams. And before that?

I shook hands with a prost*tute.


No, no. Put that away.

I'm not some vaporous, giggling, fainting maiden who...

Oh, ye of little...

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

I think I'm starting to feel a bit...

I wouldn't...

Are you... No, no, I'm fine. I'm fine.

'Cause if you start to feel sick, then I'll start to feel...

Surely, I must be done. Yes.

Next to impossible to still...

There you are.

All done. Yes, there.

Would you like some water? Did you say water...

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Shall we begin the autopsy?

Oh, thank goodness these cleaning women are here to clean up this dreadful mess.

Someone's made sick. Oh.

My dear Watson, these women are far too well-dressed to be cleaning women.

They're here to identify their well-to-do husbands' bodies.

Sorry for your loss.

Thank you, but I am the doctor.

Look, Watson, grief has scrambled her brain.

Mmm. She thinks she's a doctor.

Fortunately, Miss, there's a real doctor here who may help you.

Would you like some heroin?

Dr. Watson, I presume.

And you must be Sherlock Holmes.

Dr. Grace Hart of Boston.

A woman doctor?

What times we live in. Yes.

In America, we're much more progressive.

I now make 30 cents for every dollar a man earns.

What does "doctor" mean in America?

It means "doctor."

You're Dr. G. Hart?

Of Boston? Yes.

Holmes, we're in the presence of a pioneer.

Dr. Hart's work with the use of electroshock therapy to cure female hysteria is groundbreaking.

Yes, I proved the higher the voltage, the more demons are released.

Well, of course.

Some of my patients live as long as a week.

"Doctor"? Spelled D-O-C-T-O-R?


This is my aide, Millicent.

She's very shy, but a wonderful traveling companion.

Shall we proceed to the examination?

Please. Our cadaver awaits.

No, no, no.


Mr. Holmes, you look rather unwell.

Perhaps you would rather stay here and keep Millicent company.

Sherlock Holmes.

Charmed to meet...

To meet you.

Millicent is the subject of my research.

She was raised by feral cats.

She has the mental capacity of a four-year-old, but it is my belief that, with sufficient electroshock therapy, she can achieve the intellect of a six-year-old.

We are truly in the golden age of medicine.

There's nothing left to learn.


What a creature you are.

You're devouring that onion with such passion.

It's strangely arousing.

Dr. Watson, I have always been taken by your unwavering devotion to Mr. Holmes, but haven't you ever considered something more?

Perhaps a co-detective?

He and I?



Oh, the very idea!

Uh... Solving crimes together?

Laughing and enjoying the esprit de corps of two best friends pursuing a noble cause!

Madness. No, dear.

No. No, not I.

Not here.

Not even in my most rapturous moments of private fantasy.

Anyway, let's go clean this cake-covered bastard, shall we?

The wonders of modern medicine.

Now, you're going to laugh, but I found the most important tool of an autopsy is...



You, too?

♪ Oh, my love ♪ This one always gets me in the mood.

So begins the dance.

You have some dribble. Hmm?

Just a touch of dribble right...

♪ And time goes by... ♪ There is something so sensual about forensic autopsy, isn't there?

You are a delight.

Your eyes say more than words ever could.


The tincture of ammonia and scrotum.

Hello, Inspector Lestrade.

We have combed the manifests of every ship to set sail for the Americas and found not a single Moriarty.

Moriarty's too cunning to use his own name.

He's sailing under an alias.

Ah, here we are.

So, after a thorough...

Very thorough.

Stop. No, you stop.

Examination of the body...

And I must say, Dr. Hart made some beautiful lateral incisions there.

No, watching you flay the skin from his face so gently!

I would flay 1,000 faces for you. And the way...

Just tell me what you found!


Cause of death indeterminate.


What do you mean?

It means he doesn't know.

Proceed, Watson. Yes.

We found a freshly applied tattoo of a cross and the numbers one and 20.

I have the oddest feeling.

It's like knowing, but the opposite.

Meaning you haven't a clue.

Who is this genius pretender who's taken Moriarty's place, committing crimes exactly the way he would?

A fantastic new case.

I'm aroused both mentally and physically.

I was wondering, rather than working beside you on this case, I might work with you as a sort of...

Grace called it a "co-detective."

One cannot simply just make someone a detective.

It must be earned.

Well, I deduced you might say that, which is why, when we arrive home, I propose a game of chess.

If I should best you, then surely I possess the mental power...

Checkmate! Checkmate.

What? We haven't started yet.

You would have opened with the Queen's Gambit.

Oh, indeed. A reliable first move.

I would have countered with a Slav Defense.

Oh! An audacious move. Quite unexpected.

You would have panicked, thus exposing your queen.

No, not my queen!

Seeing your queen exposed would have compelled you to defend her.

Indeed. It is my duty in chess as in life.

Thereby neglecting my castle.


Perhaps another game?


Rock, rock, paper, paper, scissors, paper, rock, scissors, paper, rock.

Dash it all!

What about Battleship?

D-3, E-3, F-3, and G-3.

Damn it, you've sunk my battleship.

You're a good man, Watson, but you're not ready.

But why?

If you were ready, you'd know why.

Let the game begin.

A piece for a piece.

Two can play at that game.



Ah. Checkmate.

And to the victor, the spoils.

You'll never be co-detective.

Watson, I'm near a breakthrough.

My hypothesis is the true cause of death is ink poisoning via the fresh tattoo.

But I need your help.

You want me to be co-detective?


I'm awfully sorry, Dr. Watson.

Sorry for what?

Mr. Holmes left me no choice.

May you rest in peace. What's she on about?

All will be clear in three, two, one.

Excuse me.

I'll take that.

It's just something caught in my throat.

Oh, no.

I poisoned you.


To test my theory.

Am I going to die?

No, I have an antidote.

Oh. But I need to see it play out.

Now, let's see here.

Redness around the mouth. Good.

Help me.

You will have temporary brain damage.

Wake up, Watson. Wake up.

We have work to do. Watson.

Who's Watson? I'll k*ll him!

You son of a bitch!

Violent aggression.

Oh, please give me the antidote.

Drama queen syndrome.

Why am I doing this?

Confused mime.

Oh! Does this suit make me look fat?

Body image dysmorphia.

My eyes!

Sensitivity to light. My eyes! It burns!

Excruciating abdominal pain.

Yes, it's confirmed.

It was poison. Come, Watson.

Let us not be late.

Oh! Of course.


Why? Come along, Watson.

I'll explain in the cab.

There we go.

Oh, thank God for this antidote.

I feel as though I've completely recovered.

Yes, you have.


So where are we going?

The fact that the victim was poisoned suggests the k*ller lacked physical strength to overpower him.

The tattoos you examined have an uneven quality.

It leads me to believe that they were drawn by a one-armed man.

A one-armed man.


A weak man who would use poison.

There is only one one-armed tattoo artist in all of London.

The nefarious Gustav Klinger.

Dorset Street! And don't spare the horses!

Dorset Street.

Home of drunkards, thieves, and hairy, old whores.

And, if my theory is correct, the k*ller.

Hello, gorgeous.

Though all is calm now, we must be on highest alert.

Shall we ask someone if they've seen our one-armed Mr. Klinger?

This neighborhood does not welcome curious outsiders.

Excuse me. Have you the time?

Not for you, outsider.

Merciful God.

We must blend in.

Fortunately, my time tripping the boards has made me a master of disguise.



What have you done with Sherlock?

Why, Watson, I never left.

Amazing. Yes, I know.

Yes, you've outdone yourself this time.


Huh? No.

Still me. It's you?

It's still Sherlock.

All right. Rest assured.

It's very convincing.

Now for your disguise.

Oh, what will it be?

Yes. You, my friend, shall play a down-on-your-luck horseshit salesman.

Oh. Yes.

Yes. Yes.

Come, Watson. We have a one-armed k*ller to catch.

Get into character.

Horseshit for sale! There you go.

Who will buy my horse's shit? I'll take some.

No one must know our true purpose. Mmm.

What you toffs want?

To buy a pint for any man who can raise two hands.

Every man has both arms.

Klinger isn't here.

Our journey continues.

Blend in like a common oaf. Yes.

Keep drinking. We need to fit in.



More, more, more!

Oi! Oi! Oi!

They have boxing here.

I don't care if he's small!

k*ll! Come on, fight!

Shouldn't we be looking for Klinger?

Who cares about Klinger? Exactly!

Release the child!

Let go of that boy! I want him dead!

Sweet river of piss.

You have real force there.

Arc of stream.

Direction of wind.

Compensate for shy penis.

Avoid splash on shoes.

And release fluids.

Oh, my goodness.

Damn it, I forgot to unzip my pants.

You really are a genius.

Oh, watch it. Oh, sorry.

I should like to send a telegram.

Grace. Stop.

Are you awake? Stop.

Uh, you're such a pretty doctor lady.


Are you quite sure this is a good idea?

This is wonderful.

The combination of the late hour and your drunkenness allows for communication of exceptional honesty.

Quite right.

I will call it an intoxigram.

And no one shall ever regret sending one.

Now, lay bare the fruits of your inebriation.

Ask her what she's wearing.

What are you wearing? Stop.


A brassiere?

I'd wager you'd look good in anything.

Wonderful. Stop.

Shall I ask what Millie thinks about you?


I don't care. Sure. Why not?

What does Millie think of Sherlock?

Does Millie ever drip wax over her body?

Hot wax. Stop.

Okay. That's enough. Yeah, I think so.

Describe your loins. Ah Yes.

Hot Loins. Hot Loins for sale.

Come and get them while they're hot. Hot steamy loins.

Now show her how she makes you feel. Huh?

Just go ahead. Display it.


Don't look away! Look at it!

Telegraph a picture of this.

And make sure you get the banger and the beans.

Focus on the mushroom.

Are you positive I shan't regret this in the morning?

You absolutely will.

Silence, you! Say it again.

Say it again. I dare you. Oh!

Please say it. Please say it again.

Do you think you would be the first man I've k*lled?

I have the penis of a baby doll.

It's just a statement of fact.

Oh, well, Watson, after a night of drinking, I could eat a whole pie.

Oh, no, it's cakes for me, my friend.

Ah! Cakes, indeed!

Yes. Yes, cakes stacked on cakes.

We should open a restaurant called the International House of Cakes Stacked Upon Other Cakes.

Yes, and you can only eat there after a night of drinking.

Well, speaking of the night, I fear it's a night wasted.

No sign of Klinger anywhere. Mmm.

Not so fast, Watson.

Look at those two men and their tattoos.

I don't understand.

We haven't been able to find the tattoo artist.

Perhaps we should follow the tattoos.

A gymnasium?

You really think Klinger would be here, Holmes?

Look alive, Watson. He could be anywhere.

Three, two, one.

Pick it up. Pick it up. That's it.

Out with the bad air, in with the good.

Look at these health nuts.

Big deep breath.

Obsessed with the purifying effects of smoke.

All right, good lungful of the cleansing vapors.

I don't think he's here, Holmes.

Hello, hello, hello!

Sherlock Holmes.


You must be Gustav Klinger, the one-armed tattoo artist of Dorset Street.

Looks like it.

Gustav Klinger, I accuse you of poisoning Jimmy Gruber and baking him into a large cake.

A deliciously large cake that I baked myself.

Oh, please.

How dare you!

You did not bake that cake.

Not only did I bake it. I decorated it, too.


It's got a frosting attachment.

You're trying to tell me that a one-armed man made a professional, bakery-quality cake fit for the Queen. Watson.

It's just... It... It doesn't matter if he baked the cake or not. It really bugs... I know.

It really... Best cake I've ever eaten.

I did bake the cake. All right, fine.

You "baked the cake."

I didn't "bake a cake."

I baked a cake.

Then you admit it.

You k*lled Jimmy Gruber.

And what if I did, Mr. Holmes?

It's not as if you're in a position to do anything about it.

He's right, Sherlock Holmes.

You've walked straight into our trap.

Moriarty. Quiet, Watson.

In the name of the queen, I arrest you both.

Oh, come, Sherlock.

You don't think it'll be that easy.

You won't be leaving here alive, Mr. Holmes, unless, of course, you fight your way out of the Hexagon.

Where are you pointing?


This way or that way?


Oh. The Hexagon.

But I won't fight a one-armed man.

Oh, no. I've got this, Sherlock.

It won't be the first time I've fought a cr*pple.

Oh, uh...

You won't be fighting me.

Nah, nah, nah.

You're fighting my mate.

Meet Brawn.

Oh, come on.

Well, I call bullshit.

I fear it might be su1c1de to fight this man.

I think it's mostly psychological.

I'm psychologically scared shitless right now.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Okay. Okay.

But if you want to watch this fight, you have to pay.

You have to pay to view it.

This is a pay-to-view-it fight.

Yes, I know it seems a bit unfair, but if you split it among a few friends and buy some beers, some pizza, it could be a fun thing to do with the guys.

It's time!

Let's get ready to scuffle!

Scuffle! Scuffle! Scuffle!


What is she doing here?

It's 6:00 in the morning.

Holmes, I don't know why...

Yes... but that really jacked me up.

Ah! I think I might stand a chance.

It reminds me of Istanbul.

Exactly. And what did I beat in Istanbul?

Syphilis! Syphilis! Exactly.

Go get him. All right.

Come on!

"Come on"? You come on!


You mountain of flesh.

Your turn, Mr. Holmes!

Yes, I know. Of course I'm next.

Opponent, 350 pounds.

Use pipe.

Create diversion to distract his gaze.

Plan of attack, surprise first blow to center of mass.

Gracefully dodge counterpunch.

Employ visual impairment.

Easily duck wild swing.

Utilize Tibetan ototoxic method to disrupt his balance.

Grab facial hair.

Use for leverage.

Okinawan beard flip.

Enemy incapacitated.

Catch pipe.

Revel in crowd's adulation.

Oh, no.

Good show, Watson.

Thank you, Holmes.

Break his pelvis.

Go! Again!

Club him like a baby seal.

What have I done? No, you're fine.

Okay. Now, tell us everything you know about the plot to k*ll the Queen.

All right.

I'll tell you everything I know.

I've been stabbed in the back.

Meaning? Oh.

Metaphorically speaking, yes.

No, I've literally been stabbed in the back...

Holmes, he's escaping.

So Moriarty is in England.

Watson. Does it look like Moriarty now?

Who is this?

Jacob Musgrave, as I've been saying all along.

A man who looks so much like Moriarty, a simple beard fooled almost everyone.

All right, I admit it.

I am no Moriarty.

My name is Musgrave, just like he says.

Wow. Who put you up to this?

Oh, they've been leaving me notes telling me what to do.

I don't know who it is.

I swear, I'm just a simple w*nk*r.

He's telling the truth, Watson.

This morally deficient creature, this awful, awful excuse for a man, this...

Bag of rubbish. Yes, good one, Watson. Yes.

Come on, guys. I'm dying.

These are the wages of w*nk*ng, you see?

Wait, wait, wait. What?

Just a...

Don't wank on us.

A coal.

Said you were to take it to Newcastle.

A lump of coal? Yeah.

To Newcastle?

Newcastle by the river?

Perhaps this clue will lead us to the real mastermind.

Time is running out.

We must save the Queen.

Good luck to you.

♪ While speeding to London town

♪ Bad man he said we gotta get down

♪ Keep smiling and forget that frown

♪ Little reason to keep that crown

♪ While speeding to London town

♪ Bad man he said we gotta get down

♪ Keep smiling and forget that frown... ♪ Bring these coals to Newcastle.


Coals. "Sherlock."

"Three days until I rewrite history and k*ll the queen."

Millicent is the subject of my research.

Coals to Newcastle.

Talking to you, it's as if our brains are sharing a tandem bicycle.

She has the mental capacity of...

Now you have but three days...

Bring these coals to Newcastle.

♪ Co-detective Sherlock and me ♪ Uh... Oh.

Good morning, Sherlock.

What's happened? Well, I'm...

I'm trying to untangle this baffling clue.


Ever since I met Millie, my mind is muddled.

Do you suppose she's infected me with some sort of a disease?


My heart races.

My palms sweat.

I have all these feelings.

Holmes, get a hold of yourself. You're not sick.

You're in love.

Love? Horseradish!

I'm a man of logic.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

In fact, I, too, have been taken by this malady called love.

Grace has asked me to call upon her.

Apparently, I sent her quite the charming telegram last night.

Watson, you've cracked it.

Have I? Co-detective?

Think, Watson. Uh...

Is there a single logical reason for Grace to want to seek your company?

Romantic interest?

No. My eyes?

It's all a ruse.

Moriarty escapes to America, and then these two American women show up?

Sorry, you're saying Grace is the k*ller?

Of course she's not the k*ller. She's an American.

She would have used a g*n. Ah. Hmm.

No, Grace is working for the k*ller.


We shall seduce her, and that will lead us to the m*rder*r.



Well, we best get you cleaned up and dressed then, eh?

Thank you Watson.

Oh. You're still here.

Hudson. What are you doing in my room again? I told you, I will clean it from now on.

You have your own room. Under the stairs!

Out! Out! Come Along...

You've soiled it enough!

Ugh... Good God. Harry Houdini and Albert Einstein.

Really? What kind of three backed beast is this?

There's sometimes more. I pray in there, that room is a sanctuary.

I know... If you only knew the things I've done in that bed. I would just get rid of it if I was you.

Why are you bringing all of these men in here? Stick to your broomstick!

C'mon. Move it! You've got a job to finish!

Who could that be at this early hour?


Her Majesty.

Have you come to see me?

Mr. Holmes, I have but two days left to live unless you can solve this case.

My queen, do come in.

I shall speak with Mr. Holmes in private.

Your Majesty.

You'll be happy to know that, just this morning we discovered a new clue.

This chunk of coal.

What does it mean?

It's quite a mystery.

Is this going to be a problem?


Perhaps the Queen would enjoy some tea.

Oh, yes, of course.

Mr. Holmes, the empire is depending on you.

Your Majesty, I now suspect two American women are somehow involved in this plot.


Your Majesty, do you think I could have a picture of us together?

But who is going to take the photograph?

Oh, no, I'll take the photograph.

You see, it's a type of a self-photograph.

I can take it, and I will be in it also.

You know what? I find, to take the most attractive photographs, you need to purse your lips together like a duck-billed platypus.

Platypus face. Chins up.

Hey. Hey. Hey, girl.

You know, maybe over by the window.

The lighting's much better there. Yes, yes, capital idea.

Oh, God. Ma'am, ma'am. Oh! Oh!

Ma'am! Your Majesty.

Oh, ma'am. Ma'am.

Oh, dear.

Tell me, Watson.

She's dead.

Dear God.

We've k*lled the Queen.

Are you all right, Your Majesty?


Yes, I'm all right. Are you sure?

Yes, I'm quite fine.

My lover, John Watson, will take good care of me.

Why did you want that photograph?

I didn't want the photograph.

What are you talking about?

Mr. Holmes? Dr. Watson?

I'm very, very safe.

She's so dead. She's so dead.

I know. Okay.

We'll shove her down the toilet as if she was never here, and we'll deny ever seeing her.

Right. Excellent.

Come on. Come up.

Here we are. Into the bathroom.

Mr. Holmes. Dr. Watson.

What was the big bang?

We must buy some time.

Right. Let's get her to the door.

Open this door! Wait.

Hello. What do you want?

Ma'am, are you all right?

Yes, of course I'm fine. Can't you see?

Yes, of course, ma'am. I'm so sorry.

We've got it from here, boys. Thank you.

We're good. Yes, sir.

The trunk. Yes.

Yes, we'll mail her to Africa.

Come on, ma'am. Sorry.

There we go.

Stuff her in there.

Really thrust.

Good. Good.

Good. Good.

Hold on, Watson. Come on, boys.

Open the door!

Mr. Holmes. Dr. Watson.

One, two, three. Watch your fingers.

Open this door immediately!

This is bad.

You know what we must do.

Grab your toolbox.

Let me in! I'm breaking down the door!

Bone saw. Bone saw.

Oh, God. Come on! Push! Come on, together!

Watson, toilet-sized chunks.

Put your back into it!

Good God!

What have you done?

Platypus lips.

Can you send me a copy of the self-photograph?


It will arrive at the palace in about a week.

Gentlemen, you have two days to stop this k*ller.

Yes, ma'am.

God save the Queen.

What a perfect day for a picnic at London's greatest spectacle, the Anglo-American Exhibition.

A celebration of that special relationship between our nation and yours.

Yes, such a special relationship between these two nations, although I could never live in a country with an unelected ruler like the Queen.

Why ever not?

In America, we have democracy.

Our president is a person our people have all chosen.


An assurance that only the finest and most qualified man will lead, not a wealthy tyrant who cares for nothing but himself.

But you have the electoral college, which surely will prevent some trumped-up charlatan from gaining power.

Not always, unfortunately.

It would be great to have a strong businessman.

But a showman as well.

I love a good show.


We gave you your freedom, and now look what you've done with it.

Remember, Watson.

Relax them with small talk, then begin the seduction.

I must say, she doesn't look like she could be an accessory to m*rder.

Well, looks can be deceiving.

Remember, we're here to seduce.

These physical displays of strength will enchant them.


I could use a bit of cocaine.

Did you bring a vial with you?

Very good.

Are you all right? I'm... I'm exhausted.

There is one test I can employ to prove she truly is who she says she is.

Then do it, Holmes.

Employ your last test. I simply must know.

Help! John?

This man has been taken ill. What?


Let me see.

If only there were a doctor present.

Clearly, he's had a severe blow to his occipital bone.

He's concussed.

And I am a doctor. A doctor?

A woman doctor. What times we live in.

Could it be?

Is Grace truly a doctor?

Are her feelings of affection genuine?

Then she's innocent.

Watson, get up.

We need to go see my brother.

I love you, Grace. Oh!

The legendary Diogenes Men's Club.

Home of London's most awkward gentlemen and my brother.

Holmes. Mmm.

I can't believe you have a brother.

Yes, but we're nothing alike.

He's an arrogant man who never appreciates the people around him.

Follow me. Here.

Well, well, well.

So you are finally seeking your brother's help.

I must say, I'm not surprised.

And this vague assembly of limbs and fatty tissue, I assume, is Dr. Watson.


So shall I get us started?

Watson, please.

We're in the middle of a conversation.

Can't you see?

When the two most brilliant minds in all of England have a fraternal bond, words are an inefficiency.

We communicate without words, silently, from giant brain to gianter brain.

Of course.

I'll join in as I see fit.

I can spare a few minutes to solve your little mystery and help quench your thirst for public adulation.

My thirst is for logic.

I don't care what the public thinks of London's best-loved detective, Sherlock Holmes.


Me-Me talky.

Me-Me talky.

You find k*ller.

Me-Me talky? We find k*ller?

Watson, what are you trying to do?

Trying to brain-speak.

You're going to hurt yourself.

Uh, sorry.

Uh, perhaps the gentleman would be more comfortable in the companions' chamber.

Perhaps, or perhaps I'd be comfortable here by the fire.

In the companions' chamber, sir.

Yes, fine. Of course.

Great idea. Yeah, capital idea.

I'll be in the companions' room. Yes.

The equal companions' room, should you need me.

It's just here.

Please enjoy the company of your fellow companions.

I see. Huh.

Balloons are happy, but they're not alive.

Fair enough.

Who is this brilliant nemesis capable of besting me?

If your nemesis were truly smarter than you, it could only be me.

And as I am not the k*ller, one must conclude that the k*ller did not, nor could not, outwit you.

If the k*ller is my intellectual inferior, how has he predicted my every move?

The k*ller did not predict your actions.

Our m*rder*r is a student of yours, someone in your proximity.

Someone who could observe you undetected.

Someone who knows you better than anyone.

His mind radiates wisdom.

Sherlock Holmes has done it again!

I am dying from anticipation.

What did your brother tell you, Holmes?

I believe I've cracked the case.

It was in front of me the whole time, my dear Watson.

Oh, do share.

And ruin the suspense?

I just thought, since I worked the case with you...

And we're here.

Now, you're all wondering why I gathered you here today.

Prepare yourself to be astonished.

The k*ller could only be a man who knew my actions at every turn.

Who was present at every m*rder?


Who knows me better than anyone?

It was you who arranged my birthday party and the cake which contained the first victim, initiating the events leading us to today.

Dr. Watson is the k*ller.

By studying my methods, you created a fake crime only you could solve.

Why? I was to be so impressed that I would crown him co-detective.

He wanted to rewrite history by becoming my partner.

Okay. Now the part about how I could never have done it and on to the surprising real k*ller.

I wonder who it's going to be.

When one eliminates the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth.

But this is absurd.

Holmes, you must know in your heart...

The heart is for pumping blood.

The truth is the truth!

Truth is that I have devoted my life to you.

And I was a fool to think you would ever consider me as a co-detective when you're incapable of thinking of me even as a friend!

Inspector Lestrade, take him.

Go on.

The man is your closest friend.

Your pursuit of Moriarty has failed.

You have no suspects.

The k*ller still threatens to k*ll the Queen.

Is that a chance you're willing to take?

Take him. What?

Do you see his propensity for v*olence?

Do you still doubt me? Calm down.

I shall never again carry your blasted magnifying glasses or your jars of urine.

Why are we even saving these?

And you look stupid in that hat.

Your head was not meant for hats.

Unhand me! No!

I'll never forget you, John.


John Watson devoted his life to you, and this is how you repay him?

Back to America with your ham-dogs and hot-burgers.

At least, in America, our system's fair.

No citizen can be found guilty till his case is heard by a jury of white property-owning men.

Millie, surely, you must understand.

Fine, go!

I'm the greatest detective who ever lived.

You're welcome for solving this case.

Sherlock abandons Watson!

Sherlock a washed up loser!

A tear?

What is this tear?

I... I can't stop it.

What is this warm feeling in my chest?

♪ Why am I reeling in confusion?

♪ What is this fever in my head?

♪ Is it pox?

♪ Maybe gout

♪ I can't seem to work it out

♪ And why

♪ Don't I feel triumphant?

♪ And why does it seem less than right

♪ That Watson's going to hang tonight

♪ And gasp and thrash and choke until he's dead?

♪ What is this strange sensation

♪ Where did I go wrong?

♪ Why am I a sobbing, trembling mess?

♪ Soon my neck will snap in half

♪ I guess ♪ And yet I know somehow

♪ And yet right now ♪ If he could hear right now

♪ I would still forgive him

♪ More or less

♪ Please, I don't know Upon whom else to call

♪ Nothing is making any sense at all

♪ Speak! I need your voice To hear your voice

♪ So sweet, so pure, so wise

♪ Sometimes the irrational

♪ Is truer than the rational

♪ The heart can have its reasons

♪ Which the head knows nothing of

♪ Your brain says Watson's guilty

♪ But a stronger force says "No, he's not"

♪ What is that force?

♪ It's... It's... ♪ Yes? What?

♪ It's love... ♪ Love?

♪ It's love ♪ It's love

♪ It's love ♪ It's love

♪ It's love ♪ It's love ♪ My God.

Did I push Watson away because I feared losing him to Grace?

Somehow, I know in my heart...

Watson is innocent!

♪ Time to go and save ♪ Come save me now

♪ The man I love ♪ ♪ The man I love ♪ Watson!

I discovered my emotions, and I'm only 46.

Hang! Hang! Hang!

Oh, God.

Hang Dr. Watson! Hang Dr. Watson!

The dogs seem really unnecessary.



It's you.

You've brought cake.

Watson! My brother!

Watson, where are you?


I'm too late.


Very, very clever.

You were always so clever, and I never appreciated it.

But it's not too late to make amends.


I shouldn't have wasted all my time singing!

Ah! Grimy news kids.

I desperately need your help.

Dr. Watson's in grave danger.

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Because of you, you wank!

I know.

But I know of a way to save him.

Please, please help me.

I must find a way to the docks immediately.

"Moriarty's daughter

"did the one thing Moriarty never could.

"She defeated Sherlock Holmes and assassinated the Queen.

"Sherlock Holmes, the man whom I regarded

"as the best and the wisest man whom I would ever know

"was a fraud."

It is done.

A devilish plan worthy of your father.

The last book in the Sherlock Holmes canon is complete, The Case of the Defeated Detective.

Daddy will be so proud.

Sherlock will be remembered as the man who failed to protect the Queen.

History shall be rewritten at the hand of his loyal partner, Dr. Watson.

I've done your bidding.

Now set me free.

You're gonna die here.

You gave me your word.

You swore on the life of the Queen.

I'm gonna k*ll the Queen, you big eejit. Boys!

Mrs. Hudson is the k*ller? Mmm-hmm.


How'd you work that out?

Why, it was Watson who told me.

You see, beet sugar.

Mrs. Hudson's family recipe and Watson's favorite.

He never would have left crumbs behind unless he was leaving me a clue.

For, you see, Mrs. Hudson's origins are not so humble.

She is none other than the daughter of Professor James Moriarty.

No, it ain't possible.

You see, Mrs. Hudson never knew her father.

He was never present.

To gain his love, she tried to pull off the greatest crime ever.

Destroy the great Sherlock Holmes.

She took a job at my house in order to study my methods, then used a network of patsies to execute her plans.

However, it wasn't until I understood feelings that I understood her motive, her need for her father's love.

She would gain it by eliminating his greatest enemy, me.

And tonight, she will commit her boldest crime yet, k*lling the Queen here!

The Titanic.

The marvel of London.

A new castle, which runs on coal.

Your Majesty, may I introduce Lieutenant Morgan.


First Officer Carter.

Your Majesty. First Officer.

Look, Hudson's g*ons.

Create a diversion. You go and save Dr. Watson, Mr. Holmes.

We'll take care of this lot.

Come on, you tom tit!

You ain't bigger than a couple of powder monkeys.

Is there a problem, boys?

Think we can take them, lads. Aye?

Walk away now, and I promise you won't get hurt.

A bunch of runts and a couple of ladies?

American ladies.

Not my eyes!

I'm sorry to do this, Dr. Watson.

I'm gonna crush your head.

There's gonna be brains everywhere.

And I'll not be cleaning up after.

I know you're threatening me, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

You're staying, Dr. Watson, but I'll be on my way to America by the time the b*mb explodes.

Sherlock will save me.

You'll see. I'll see.

He won't let me down.

He won't. He's my best friend!


Come on, boys.

The b*mb goes off in 10 minutes. Sherlock!


Help! Help!




Oh, God, if you save me, I'll never touch myself again.

Watson! Oh, Sherlock.

You've come for me. I knew you would.

Watson, good news.

You're innocent.

Yes. I know.

Oh. Thank you.

Can you forgive me? Of course.

Now, be a good chap, and get me out of this damn thing before it crushes my skull.

Yes? There's a good chap. Go on.

I won't leave you. Not again.

That's a lovely sentiment, but I really need you to free me from this gear right now.

Emotions are spewing from my heart.

Pull yourself together. Okay.

Stop crying.

Because we must get the Queen and everyone else off this ship.

You see, Hudson has planted a b*mb.

A time b*mb, you see?

You must free me. Do you feel my heart ticking?

Get me off this f*cking wheel!

All my dreams are coming true.

In just two minutes, my b*mb will go off, k*lling the Queen.

Sherlock Holmes will go down in history as the worst detective the world has ever known.

And the name Moriarty will live on forever!

Father, soon, we shall be together again.

In America! Yeah!

The b*mb will detonate in one minute.

Where could it possibly be?


That kettle drum.

Those are only ever used in mounted cavalry formations, never in a Marine band.


The b*mb is in the drum. Very good, Watson.

But the Queen is standing just beside it.

She'll be blown to smithereens.

But how to defuse it in time?

Time remaining until b*mb detonation, 55 seconds.

Estimated blast radius from b*mb, 17 feet.

Time required to move queen to safety, 12 seconds.

Solution, move through crowd, see Millie for the first time, forget about b*mb...


Time remaining, 37 seconds.

Solution, sh**t water main to douse b*mb, remember Millie at the park, forget about b*mb.

No, I forgot about the b*mb!

Watson, what are you doing in my brain?

I'm doing it.

I'm communicating without words.

I can't focus. I was trying to formulate a plan, and I kept getting off track.

Holmes, no, you don't. Snap out of it.

I can't. I'm too emotional.

Look behind me. The Queen's being blown to bits.

You have to take control.

You must be detective for both of us.


I know what I must do.

Estimated blast radius, 20... No, 30 feet?

Account for ship's movement.

Wait. Is that a four or a seven?

Math is so hard. Hold on.

What does that "X" mean? Or is that a plus?

What is that thing? Angle of approach?

Oh, I don't know how to do angles.

Should have listened more in school.

Oh, screw it. Charge!

Out of my way!


Nine, eight...

Coming through!

So sorry! ...seven...

Come on.

Move your tuchis!

Sorry, friend!

...five, four...


Aw, shit!


Huzzah for Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes saved the Titanic.

Huzzah! Hurrah for Sherlock!

Bravo, Sherlock!

Sherlock Holmes was right about everything!

Hip hip hooray!

Thank you. Thank you.

But I could never have done it without Dr. Watson.

Oh, no. Let Watson's name be forever associated with the Titanic.

So, when you think of your friends and relatives on board the Titanic, just remember, Dr. John H. Watson put them there.

Hooray for Watson!

Bloody good we didn't hang him.

Dr. Watson, you saved us.

Thank you.

It has been my pleasure to serve you, Your Majesty.

No, Millie.

I have a confession to make.

I'm not actually in love with you.

In order to conclude my investigation, it was imperative that I understood what love felt like.

I'm sorry to have led you on.

I have a confession as well.

I was also not in love.

I was conducting an experiment on how easy it is to manipulate the male ego.

What? I'm sorry I led you on.

Well, I have another confession.

Hmm. I was just pretending to have a big ego so as to make you think that your experiment was working so that I could conclude my experiment on you.

Well, I had to lead you on because I was doing an experiment about how men think they can manipulate female scientists while they're doing experiments.

Well, I have another confession to make.

You will be shocked to learn that was my first kiss.

Mine as well, and we've already mastered it.

Yes, indeed.

All aboard!

She sails in 20 minutes!

Hurry, everyone! Step lively!

Enjoy your trip on the safest ship to sail.


Farewell, Grace.

Goodbye, Millie.

Make sure you get plenty of bed rest.

There's a good chance you're pregnant.

I hope so.

From... From the kissing?

Yes. Oh, yes.

What a grand ship.


Watson, look.

It's Billy Zane.


Wow. He's breathtaking.

Where's the bar on this canoe?

Holmes. Mmm.

I believe I may have solved the one mystery which has baffled you all these years.


Would you mind?


Do you like it?

Let's see here. Huh?

Oh, it suits you. Mmm.

I think it's perfect. Really?

You're not just saying that? No, I'm not just saying it.

Good. Thank you, Watson.

And I have something for you as well.

No. No. Please. Step over here.

Why? I don't deserve anything.

My dear Watson.

What do you think?

It's beautiful.

Telegram for Professor Moriarty.


Boy, who sent this?
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