Noah (2014)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Noah (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

From Adam to Seth, from Seth to Enosh, Enosh to Kenan, Kenan to Mahalalel to my father, Methuselah, then to me.

Today, that birthright passes to you, Noah.

My son.

The Creator made Adam in His image, and then placed the world in his care.

This is your work now. Your responsibility.

May you walk alongside The Creator in righteousness.

So I say to you...

The Shrine of Seth!



We mine here.

The ground is rich with tzohar.

This is The Creator's land. What are you doing?

The Creator?

My mines run dry.

My city withers and must be fed.

And what has He done?

He cursed us to struggle by the sweat of our brow to survive!

Damned if I don't do everything it takes to do just that.

Damned if I don't take what I want.

This relic belongs to the descendants of Cain now.

The line of Seth ends here.

It is ours. Now dig!


What are you doing?

It's pretty.

You see those other flowers?

How they're attached to the ground?

That's where they should be.

They have a purpose.

They sprout.

And they bloom.

The wind takes their seeds and more flowers grow.

We only collect what we can use, and what we need.

Do you understand?



Let's go.

Men. Hide, hide.


You found our k*ll.

How fortunate.

But for you... maybe not.

You know how long it is since we ate meat?

Since we even saw an animal?


Please. What do you want?


Why did they k*ll it?

They eat them.


They think it makes them stronger.

Is it true?

They forget strength comes from The Creator.



See your brothers?

Ham saw men hunting today.

They are getting closer.

How was he?

A little too interested.


He had to see it sometime.

I saw something else.

A flower bloom from nothing.


Perhaps He will finally make things right.


Did He speak to you?

I think so.

Will He help us?

He's going to destroy the world.

It's a long and dangerous journey for the boys.

How do you know your grandfather's still alive?

I don't. I saw his mountain.

We need to go and find out if he knows what we're to do.

Shem. Can you help me with this?

We could take the boys and find a place to hide.

There'll be no hiding.

We should have left already.

Ham, let me show you how to do that.

Push it in here.

Next time we come through, we'll know we've got certain things we might need.

There are cities ahead.

We will not get too close.

Is that a tzohar mine?

It was once. Before they dug it all up.

Should we go around?


Do you think they're all dead?

It looks that way.

They must have been scavenging here.

And someone scavenged from them.


Stay close.



May I see?

Let me see.

Tell me your name.

You have a name?


My name is Ila.


You're going to be all right, Ila.

This is Shem.

He's going to hold your hand tight and he won't let go.

Up the hill! Hurry! Hurry!

We have to go. Now.

Up the hill. Run.

We can't go there.

We have no choice. Hurry!

Hold, men! Hold! The giants!

They'll k*ll you!


Protect your mother, first and last.

I love you.




Noah. Noah. Are you all right?

We are to see Methuselah. My grandfather.

A child of the old one?

You should have k*lled them.

But, Samyaza... This is a man, Og.

Do you forget how they betrayed The Creator?

It is He who sends us!

It lies!

Leave them here to rot.

What are they?

The Watchers.


Sleep now.

Sing to me.

I want my daddy to sing to me.

You know, I, too, lost my father when I was very young.

There's a song he used to sing me sometimes when I couldn't sleep.

Would you like to hear it?

The moon is high The trees entwine Your Father waits for thee To wrap you in His sheltering wings And whisper you to sleep Your Father is The healing wind That whispers you to sleep That whispers as you sleep

It's an ugly wound.

She'll never have children.

If the fever doesn't take her, I think she'll live.

Follow me.

I'm sorry I frightened you.

Watchers have learned to fear men.

Then why are you helping us?

The Creator formed us on the second day.

The day He made the heavens.

We watched over Adam and Eve.

Saw their frailty and their love.

And then we saw their fall. And we pitied them.

We were not stone then, but light.

It was not our place to interfere.

Yet we chose to try and help mankind.

And when we disobeyed The Creator,

He punished us.

We were encrusted by your world.

Rock and mud shackled our fiery glow.

Still, we taught mankind all we knew of Creation.

With our help they rose from the dust, became great and mighty.

But then they turned our gifts to v*olence.

Only one man protected us.

Your grandfather Methuselah.

We were hunted. Most of us k*lled.

Those who lived were left prisoners in these stony shells, marooned upon this barren land.

We begged The Creator to take us home.

But He was always silent.

And now you claim that you have heard His call.

Samyaza cannot accept this.

A man?

When it is men who broke the world.

But I look at you and I see a glimmer of Adam again.

The man I knew.

The man I came to help.

Why can't I come?

Because I need you to look after Mother.

Do you understand?

And you look after your father.

Watch over them.

They are in good hands.



This is your great-grandfather.

Show him respect.

Tell him your name.

I am Shem.

My eldest.

Come closer.

Let me see you.

You're a lucky boy.

I think you must have your mother's looks, not your father's.

Come tell me about yourself.

So, what do you like most in the world?


What? Berries.

Ah, berries, yes.

What can compete with fresh, ripe berries? Nothing.

Yes, it's been so long I can barely remember the taste of them.

Ah, tell me, did you bring me any?

No? Oh.

I'm craving them now.

Ah, well, perhaps one day.

You must be tired. It's a long way up here.


Why not rest?

How perfect.

What we need to discuss is not for boys.

You know why I've come?


Before he walked on, my father Enoch told me that one day, if man continued in his ways, The Creator would annihilate this world.

So what I saw is true?

All life blotted out because of what man has done?

Can it not be averted?

Noah, you must trust that He speaks in a way that you can understand.

So you tell me.

Can this destruction be averted?



He sent me here.

Why send me if there's nothing I can do to stop it?

Well, perhaps He simply sends you here to share a cup of tea with an old man.

So, is that all you saw?

The fires of destruction on this place?

No, not fire.


Water? Huh.

My father said it would be fire.

I saw water. Death by water.

I saw death.

And I saw new life.

There's something more, Grandfather.

Something I'm to do.

I know it.

I just didn't see what it was.

New life.

Well, perhaps there is more for you to see.

Did He not send you here to drink a cup of tea with an old man?

The medicine always tastes bad.

She was the only one moving. Was she hurt badly?

She had a big cut on her belly.

Mother helped and I held her hand.

That must have made her feel safe.


Fire consumes all.

Water cleanses.

It separates the foul from the pure.

The wicked from the innocent.

And that which sinks from that which rises.

He destroys all, but only to start again.

You sure?


The storm cannot be stopped.

But it can be survived.


You may need this.

It's a seed.

From the first Garden.

From Eden.

Remember, Noah, He chose you for a reason.


You can't get me!

Oh, you can't get me!


My grandfather lives.

He's helped me see what we're here to do.

Men are going to be punished for what they've done to this world.

There will be destruction.

There will be tragedy.

And our family has been chosen for a great task.

We've been chosen to save the innocent.

The innocent?

The animals.

Why are they innocent?

Because they still live as they did in the Garden.


And we need to save enough of them to start again.

But what of us?

I guess we get to start again, too.

We get to start again in a new and better world.

But first we have to build.

Build what?

A great flood is coming.

The waters of the heavens will meet the waters of the earth.

We build a vessel to survive the storm.

We build an ark.

Take the traitor back.

He is a child of the old one!


There is work to do. Help us.

Help you?

We tried to help your kind once.

And we lost everything because of you!

Not everything.

We can save what is left. We can serve Him again.

You treacherous snake!

The Creator.


What is this?


This is our ark.

We will help this man.





It still hurts?

Ham! Shem!

He doesn't have anyone.


Father, did you see them?


Yes, Japheth.

It begins.


It sleeps.


See, that's a boy one and that's a girl one.

After the storm, they'll become a mother and a father.

And the hatchlings will spread right across the world.

We have to be gentle with them and we have to be protective.

If something were to happen, that would be a small piece of Creation lost forever.

All of these innocent creatures are now in our care.

It's our job to look after them.


All the birds are two.

You have Mother, Shem has Ila.

But what of me?

What of Japheth?

Who is there for us?

Did you see how He made the forest to give us wood for the ark?

How He sent the birds?

So, hasn't He sent everything we need?


What is it? What?


Snakes are coming, too? Yeah.

All that creeps, all that crawls, all that slithers.

It's all right.

Father! Father!

Don't be afraid.

No one will hurt this boy.

What's your name?

Ham. Ham?


I am Tubal-cain.

Do you know me?

You don't know your king?

My father says there can be no king in The Creator's garden.


Ham, come here.

Do not take my best soldier.

He's nothing of yours.

Look at his hand on that w*apon.

I believe he is something of mine.


Leave it.

No, he gave it to me.

Do what I tell you.

When I heard talk of miracles, I dismissed them.

But then I saw the birds with my own eyes, flying here, and I had to come.

There isn't anything for you here.


This all belongs to me.

This land. This forest.

That stronghold of yours.

Did you really think you could protect yourself from me in that?

It's not protection from you.

Then what is it?

An ark to hold the innocent when The Creator sends his deluge to wipe out the wicked from this world.

The Creator does not care what happens in this world.

Nobody has heard from Him since He marked Cain.

We are alone. Orphaned children, cursed to struggle by the sweat of our brow to survive.

Damned if I don't do everything it takes to do just that.

Damned if I don't take what I want.

We have met?

I am the son of Lamech!

Eight generations descended from Seth!

Return to your cities of Cain!

Know we have all been judged!

I have men at my back, and you stand alone and defy me?

I'm not alone.

Take the children!

Do not fear, my people!

Don't be afraid! Stand!

Hold your line, men.

His minions, uh, they're with you?


Miracles? A deluge, you claim?

Well, perhaps you're right.

Perhaps casting us out of Paradise was not enough.

Perhaps, He returns to finish us off.

Well, if He does, I will ride the storm in that ship of yours.

There is no escape for you and your kind.

Your time is done.

The land is dying. Ham.

The cities are dead.

Don't listen to him.

My people follow me!

And more will follow them!

I'm not afraid of miracles, son of Lamech!

If you refuse my dozens now, I shall return with legions!



Will so many really come?

We need to finish as fast as we can.

The sooner He sends the rain, the better.

Until then, we're safer inside.

We build.

First weapons, then men.

Feed only those that will fight.

Arm them, train them, and there is nothing they can't do.

With an army, we can crush those giants.

Please, we're hungry!

Give us meat. Our children are starving.

Please help us!

Let us go!

We're starving!

Should I come back?


Do you think those men are going to attack us?

When the rain comes.

What do you think it'll be like?

I've imagined it.

Seeing that much death,

I'm not sure there are words.

The end of everything.

The beginning.

The beginning of everything.

So what is it?

Whatever he's done or said, Shem is very fond of you.

Shem needs a woman.

A real woman.

He should have a family.

I can't give any of that to him.

And I'm not going to deny him those things, even if he wants me to.

I won't do it.

Besides, why would The Creator want a barren girl on His ark?

Ila. Ila.

When we first took you in, I thought you were going to be a burden.

And I didn't want to see anybody else ruined by this world.

But I was wrong.

You're a gift.

A precious, precious gift.

Just don't forget how precious a gift you are.

I know you'll be going to find wives for Ham and Japheth.

You should find one for Shem, too.


Where do you think you're going?

Please, please don't take my baby!

Let them go! Please!

Sorry, we have to eat!

Don't take my baby! No!

Don't take my baby! No, no, please will you stop him?

Let them go!


Quit struggling! It'll be easier.

Come with me! Stop struggling!

You! You!

I have two girls! I have two girls to trade!

Take the girls! Give me the meat!

Give it to me!

What happened?

All of this should be inside by now.

The storm is coming.

What about our wives? Where are they?

Did you not hear what I just said?

But when are they coming?

There will be no wives.

What? What? No!

You said that The Creator would give us what we'll need.

Help your brother. No.

Listen, you can't do this!

You can't. How am I supposed to be a man?

I said help your brother.

You want me to stay a child! No!

I'm asking you to be a man and do what needs to be done.



What are you doing, Noah?

The wickedness is not just in them.

It's in all of us.

I saw it.



There's goodness in us.

Look at our boys.

Shem's loyalty. Japheth's kindness.

Ham's integrity. Hmm?

Good men.

They'd be good fathers.

Shem is blinded by desire.

Ham is covetous.

And Japheth lives only to please.

I am no better.

And you?

Is there anything you would not do, good or bad, for those three boys?

We would both choose to k*ll in order to protect our children.


We're no different.

We were weak and we were selfish to think we could set ourselves apart.

We will work, complete the task, and then we'll die.

The same as everyone else.

They are children!

They are our children, Noah!

Have you no mercy?

The time for mercy has passed.

Now our punishment begins.





Did you bring me something?

Did Noah plant the seed I gave him?



And in all that forest there were no berries?

Shem promised me berries.


I'm sorry.

I didn't know.


It's a pity.

Then why did you come here?

It's Noah.

He leaves our boys with no one.

Shem has Ila, but she's barren.

There'll be no other wives, so no children.


The Creator destroys this world because we corrupted it.

So we ourselves must be destroyed.


I can't believe that's true.

Not when I look at my sons.

All they desire is love.

Isn't that all their hearts need to be good?

Who is good? Who is wicked?

How am I supposed to know what is right?

That choice is Noah's. Not mine. Not yours.

It sounds like he has made it.

So then you will not help me?

I don't know if I even could.

But if I tried, it could cause pain and possibly tragedy.

And in the end, it would just come back to Noah again.

Is that what you wish?

I want my sons to have children.

I want them to be happy.

I can't bear to think of them dying alone.

Out of the way! Coming through!



Get away!

No. No, no...

It's all right. It's all right. I'm not...

I'm not going to hurt you.

I have food.


What do you want?


Are you alone?


And you?

I can help you get away.


Well, then, I'll stay a little while.

If that is all right?

My name is Na'el.


Go and find them and bring them back.

Be careful.


Don't be afraid, granddaughter.

Don't be afraid.



What are you doing down here?

I'm looking for berries. I have a craving.

Come and help me look for them.

My eyes aren't as good as they used to be.

I have to find Ham.

There's time enough for that.

Come here.


Come here and help me.

They're here somewhere.

They're here somewhere, berries.

I know there are berries.

There's nothing here, Grandfather.

Let me take you to Noah. No.

No need for that. You go now.

You go.

Oh, wait. Wait.

Ten years you've been with my own.

With my own family.

Ten years. And you love them?

Shem? And Noah?

He saved my life.

Raised me.

Yes, he did.


And you are now as his own daughter.

My own great-granddaughter.

Ten years in the shadow of my home, and yet I have never given you my blessing.

May I?

Ham! Ila!

You can go now. Go to him.

You go. Go now.




We have to get back...

We have to go.

We have to go. Come on. Now!

I am a man.

Made in Your image.

Why will You not converse with me?

I give life.

I take life away. As You do!

And I am like You, am I not?

Speak to me.

Speak to me!

It has begun!

Death comes from the heavens!

This rain is meant to wash us off the face of this world.

But we are men.

We decide if we live or die.

We are men!

And men united are invincible!

Do you want to live?


We k*ll the giants!

We k*ll Noah!

We take the ark!



Where's Ham?

Get it off me, no! Ow!

No, no, no!

We have to get away!

I won't leave you. I won't!


Father, help! Help!

Help her! Help me, please!

Please, help me, please!

Please... Someone please help me!

Help me!


Ham! Ham!







Samyaza! Samyaza!

Noah! Where is Ham?

Ham is through! Quickly!






Protect your mother. Protect them all.


My Creator, forgive me.

The Creator brings him home.



Shem. Shem, go inside.

Go inside.

They are upon us. Go inside!

Good-bye, son of Adam.

Son, where are you?




It's all right.

Shem! Father!

Japheth, where are you?

Ila, I'm here! Father!

Mother, where's Father?

Please, Noah, there must be something we can do.

We can drag ropes.

They cannot all be soldiers, Father.

They are just people. And there's room.

There is no room for them.

Soon everything we knew will be gone.

All that is left of Creation will lie within these walls.

Outside, just the waters of chaos again.

You are angry.

You judge me.

Let me tell you a story.

The first story my father told me, and the first story that I told each of you.

In the beginning, there was nothing.

Nothing but the silence of an infinite darkness.

But the breath of The Creator fluttered against the face of the void, whispering, "Let there be light."

And light was.

And it was good.

The first day.

And then the formless light began to take on substance and shape.

A second day.

And our world was born.

Our beautiful, fragile home.

And a great, warming light nurtured its days.

And a lesser light ruled the nights.

And there was evening. And morning.

Another day.

And the waters of the world gathered together, and in their midst emerged dry land.

Another day passed.

And the ground put forth the growing things.

A thick blanket of green stretching across all Creation.

And the waters, too, teemed with life.

Great creatures of the deep that are no more.

Vast multitudes of fish, some of which may still swim beneath these seas.

And soon the sky was streaming with birds.

And there was evening.

And there was morning. A fifth day.

Now the whole world was full of living beings.

Everything that creeps, everything that crawls, and every beast that walks upon the ground.

And it was good. It was all good.

There was light and air and water and soil, all clean and unspoiled.

There were plants and fish and fowl and beast, each after their own kind.

All part of the greater whole. All in their place.

And all was in balance. It was paradise.

A jewel in The Creator's palm.

Then The Creator made Man. And by his side, Woman.

Father and mother of us all.

He gave them a choice.

Follow the temptation of darkness or hold on to the blessing of light.

But they ate from the forbidden fruit.

Their innocence was extinguished.

And so for the ten generations since Adam, sin has walked within us.

Brother against brother.

Nation against nation.

Man against Creation.

We m*rder*d each other.

We broke the world. We did this.

Man did this.

Everything that was beautiful, everything that was good, we shattered.

Now, it begins again.

Air, water, earth, plant, fish, bird and beast.

Paradise returns.

But this time,

this time there will be no men.

If we were to enter the Garden again, it would only be to destroy it once more.


The Creator has judged us.

Mankind must end.

Shem and Ila, you will bury your mother and I.

Ham, you will bury them.

Japheth will lay you to rest.

You, Japheth, you will be the last man.

And in time you, too, will return to the dust.

Creation will be left alone, safe and beautiful.

I'm very sorry about that girl.

And I'm sorry for you.

But we have been entrusted with a task much greater than our own desires.




Does he know I'm here?

Does he know I'm here? No, no, no. No.

Why are you helping me?

There was a girl.

I tried to bring her.

But he just let her die.


And now you want revenge.


Yes, you do.

Yes, you do.

There's no more land.

Everything out there must be dead.

It had to be what He wanted.

A world without man.

You see that, don't you?

What I see is how hard this was for you to do as a man who respects life, a man who loves his children.

You've been strong.

But it's done.

It's done now.

And you can put that burden down.


It's all right.

If your father found me, he would k*ll me.

We must be ready, but I am too weak.


What are you doing?

I must get my strength back.

The beasts are precious. There are only two of each.

And there is only one of me.

But the rain, all these miracles, are for them.


Your father fills a ship with beasts while children drown.

He belittles you by telling you you must serve them.

Oh, no.

They serve us.

That is the greatness of men.

When The Creator finished making the sky, the ground, the sea, and this beast, He wasn't satisfied.

He needed something greater. Something to take dominion over it and subdue it.


So He made us in His image.


This is your world, Ham.

Seize it.


Oh, Grandfather.

What is it?

You're not sick.

But that's impossible.


What is it?


It is his grandchild.

What's wrong?

Father. Noah.

We've come to ask for your blessing.

I don't understand.

I am with Child.

It's not possible.

You're barren.

You can't conceive. How...

How is that possible? Grandfather.

I asked Grandfather... To what?

Undermine The Creator?

To give our children a future.

To give humanity a future.

Have you any idea what you've done?

All those lives! All those people!

For nothing!

Do you know what this forces me to do?


Please! Please!


I cannot do this!

Tell me I don't need to do this!


Have I not done everything that You asked of me?

Is that not enough?

Why do You not answer me?


I will not fail You.

I will not fail You.

I will not fail You.

It shall be done.

It shall be done.


The rains have stopped.

The Creator smiles on our child.

The rains have stopped because of your child, yes, but He does not smile.

If your child is a boy, he will replace Japheth, last man.

Ir it is a girl, who could mature into a mother,

she must die.

Are you mad?

That is my Child!

If you should bear a girl, in the moment of her birth, I will cut her down.


Mother, my bird!

Nothing. No mud.


We still have to go.

Ila, there's nothing.

There's nothing out there.

You have food and water for how long? Weeks?

A month? A month.

Please wait.

Wait until the bird finds land. Please.

Japheth, send him again.

He's too tired. Then wake another.


Please. One that can find us a home.


We leave today.

They will die out there.

Not if they stay.

And let you k*ll their Child?



I did this.

I did this, Noah!


Punish me!

Punish me, Noah!

Not them.

Not the child.


The child is not being punished.

We are all being punished.

All of us.

It's not something I want to do.

It's something I have to do.

It is painful,

but it is just.



How is this just?

It's a baby, Noah.

If you hold to this, you will lose your sons, you will lose Ila, you will lose me.

I love you, Noah.

And I have followed you everywhere.

Through everything.

I forgave you.

When everyone was dead, I forgave you.

I was ready to die with you.

But this I will never forgive.

Boy or girl, I will never forgive!

And you will die alone! Not just alone, but hated!

Hated by everyone you love!

That is just!

That is just.



It's time.

Bring him through there.

One blow will finish it.

Just in case, huh?

I don't know if I can.

He k*lled your woman.

And now he plots to k*ll your brother's firstborn.

Is that what you want?

You want your sister to die on the seas?

A man isn't ruled by the heavens.

A man is ruled by his will.

So I ask you, are you a man?


Because if you're a man, you can k*ll.

But he won't follow me.

Thank you, Japheth.

You take care of that baby.

Don't be afraid, Mother.

We'll see each other in the new world.


No! No!

How could you?

I thought you were good!

I thought that's why He chose you.

He chose me because He knew I would complete the task, nothing more, son.



It's your time.

Come. Come with me.

You're all right.

Japheth, stand back.

Come now. Come inside.

That's right. That's right. Shh.

You're all right, Ila. You're safe here.

Please keep it inside.

Your baby's coming.

Your baby's coming, Ila.

Don't think about anything else.

Father! Father, they're awake!

They're awake! They're eating each other!

The beasts. What?



It's not possible for them to have woken up without our help.

Which way, son?

That's right. That's right.

The line of Cain.

I told you, I'm not afraid of miracles.

That's rig ht.

That's right.

A bit more.

Boy or girl?

What's happening?

There's another.



Mother, so?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.






He will not touch our daughters.

No! Shem!


I should have k*lled you when I k*lled your father.

Well, now we finish it.


The evils of mankind will not live in this new Eden.

Leave us! Leave us alone!

He's mine!

The ark, the beasts, and all of your women are now mine.

I will build a new world in my image!

Now you are a man.

The Creator has not forgotten us.

Her name was Na'el.

She was innocent.

She was good.

It's a boy.

It's a boy.

It's a boy. Move away.

It's a boy.

Where is she?

Where is she?

No. No. No.

You can't.

They're beautiful.


You can't k*ll two.

He sent us what we need.

Oh, no. No. No!

You can't!




Noah. Please.

These are my children!

Your grandchildren! I will not be stopped.

I know I cannot stop you, but they're crying!

Please don't let them die crying.

Let me calm them.

Please, just let them be at peace.

The moon is high The leaves entwine Your Father waits for thee

To wrap you in His sheltering wings To whisper you to sleep To wrap you in His welcoming arms Till the night sky breaks Your Father is the healing wind That whispers you to sleep

That whispers as You sleep

You do not need to see this.

I will hold them.

Do it quickly.

Do it quickly!

I cannot do this.

It's all right.

Hide your eyes, Japheth.

Ham? He's here.

You don't have to go.

I don't belong here.

For what it's worth, I'm glad that it begins again with you.

Maybe we'll learn to be kind.

Will he come back?

Some things cannot be unbroken.

I have to know...

Why did you spare them?

I looked down at those two little girls, and all I had in my heart was love.

Then why are you alone, Noah?

Why are you separated from your family?

Because I failed Him.

And I failed all of you.

Did you?

He chose you for a reason, Noah.

He showed you the wickedness of man and knew you would not look away.

But then you saw goodness, too.

The choice was put in your hands because He put it there.

He asked you to decide if we were worth saving.

And you chose mercy.

You chose love.

He has given us a second chance.

Be a father.

Be a grandfather.

Help us to do better this time.

Help us start again.

The Creator made Adam in His image, and placed the world in his care.

That birthright was passed down to us.

To my father, then to me, and to my sons, Shem,


and Ham.

That birthright is now passed to you,

our grandchildren.

This will be your work,

and your responsibility.

So I say to you, be fruitful and multiply
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