Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

Is there nothing more?

A man was appointed to my garrison two weeks ago.

He's very strong with a sword.

Yes, good to know.

Do you have other men?

Of course!

Nero, protector of Rome.

Let him be the center of your home.

Our blessed emperor, Nero, protector of Rome.

Yes, it's good. For you.

Strong, healthy, good teeth.

He will serve you well.

Care for company?

Look, it's Luke. Who are you speaking of?

Is that Luke?

Praise God.

It is Luke.



Thank you, Eubulus. Of course.


Praise God.

We were beginning to be worried.

I had to wait at the gates longer than expected, but here we are.

This place, so many people.

There were so many who lost their homes in the fires, others threatened by neighbors, persecuted in the streets.

Come. Aquila's inside.



Luke. What a sight for these weary eyes.

I'm glad to see you, brother.

The arrangements you made were in perfect order.

These are terrible times. We could take no chances.

I know. Your letters that reached us have torn the community's heart out, so we took up a collection.

It's not as much as I had hoped.

Food and supplies are running low.

We are most grateful for every coin.

Tarquin, speak with Heroditon and Rufus about what is most urgently needed. Go on.

Tarquin? But he's so young for orders.

He's loyal. He's a Roman boy.

He lost both his parents in the fires.

We took him in. This is Cassius, his cousin.

He followed when he heard what the community was doing.

He was baptized soon after.

Aquila, can everyone here be trusted?

We trust in God.

Come, let's eat. You must be starving.

Your cooking?

I don't know if I'm that hungry.

There is a darkness over this city now that was not present when Paul and I were here last.

Nero's cruelties have worsened.

He holds his circus games with more regularity.

Men, women, children torn apart by wild beasts to the laughter of the crowd.

Oh, my God.

Nero says the reason is to show the Roman people that these followers of Christ were responsible for burning half the city to the ground.

What of all our brothers and sisters that you shelter here?

How much longer can you hide them?

We don't know, Luke.

We're at a crossroads.

We're not sure whether to continue here in faith or to move the whole community out of Rome.


With such great persecution, why stay?

People are desperate.

We're the only light left in this city.

But in staying, we put a great deal of lives in danger.

There are many families here.

Perhaps when you speak to Paul... Yes.

Yes, he will shed light on this.

He will know what to do.

We would be grateful.


I know you need rest, but there are a great many people here in need of a physician.

Show me to them.

Take this limestone, come on!

Come on, move!


Get him up.

Come on, you. Get up.

Paul of Tarsus.

The man responsible for half of Rome laying in ashes.

I expected more.

At least a man who could stand straight.

I am Mauritius Gallas, Commander of the Third Legion of Rome.

And now the new Prefect of the Mamertine Prison.

"His greatness Emperor Nero has hereby proclaimed you

"a corrupter and deceiver, "and a capital charge has been brought upon you for treason.

"For this crime, the punishment is death

"by beheading upon Emperor Nero's decree."

In the meantime, you'll be left alone in the darkness.

Another 20 lashes for the old man.

Forged Roman documents.

Use these if you get stopped by guards in the city.

A quick glance and they'll pass, but a longer look will get you k*lled.


That's the signal.

The peace of our Lord be with you, my brother.

I'll need it.

Just remember, you only get back out if I decide you do.

You are most certainly a powerful man.

I will come back before the night watch ends.

Hello, brother.



Am I dreaming?


I'm here.

Praise God.

Praise God. You have fresh wounds.

Get up.

Can you sit?

Come sit.


I did not expect to see your face in this life again.

Nor I yours.

Getting in here must have come at a great price.

Surely the money could have been put to better use for our brothers and sisters.


But there wasn't a single vote of disagreement amongst the communities, even the Corinthians gave generously, if you can believe it. Sorry.

I am grateful.

I've become an old man inside these walls.

Every bone is wracked with pain.

My eyesight has become even weaker.

Quit your complaining.

I have new robes and fresh water to bathe.

So you shall be a clean old man.

I'm glad to see you kept yourself busy while I was gone.

Getting yourself arrested again, challenging Nero again, and apparently finding the time to burn down half of Rome?

Well done, old man.

I received the news about your trial at the Forum.

I know you stood alone.

You know I would have never left your side.

You are here now.

And so I am.

Tell me some good news that I might hold onto.

There is good news in Crete and Ephesus.

Titus and Timothy have silenced the false teachers and straightened out the good doctrine.

And what is the news of this city?

Rome is stained with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

Aquila and Priscilla are faced with the difficult decision whether to stay or to flee.

Paul, there is much for us to discuss, but the Roman communities need...

They need wisdom at this very moment.

What wisdom can I give?

I have gone right, Christ has sent me left.

I've gone left, and Christ has pushed me right.

I have many regrets,

made many mistakes, but everything I have done, I have done for Christ.


I'll be back soon.

He's physically shattered, but the cantankerous old soul remains full of hope and conviction.

It's welcome news.

I've been praying that this solitude wouldn't crush him.

He is not crushed, but he does struggle that his work for Christ has come to an end.

Paul is grateful that you have risked your lives for this community.

Did he have any wisdom on the matter?

He is urging you to discern for yourselves where Christ is calling you.

No specific instructions?


Only to offer an example of his own life.

He's much better today.

He looks...

Here, drink this.

It will help with the pain.



Priscilla! I'm here. I'm here.

Octavia? What's happened?

I found her wandering the streets like this.


Sit, sit, sit.

Where are you hurt?

Where? Octavia, where are you hurt?

Where are you...

They've k*lled my husband.

And my little baby boy.

They broke down the doors!

We should have come here sooner.

You're bleeding. Where are you hurt?

It's not my blood.

It's my...

It's my baby's blood.

It's my baby's blood.

Take her inside, out of sight of the others, please.

Come on. You're safe.

No, no. Come. Come.

They were all watching this poor woman covered in the blood of her family that had just been slaughtered.

Their faces were filled with a great fear.

Christ has promised these difficult times.

You know you will die here in Rome.

Yet you are certain of the truth.

I know the one in whom I believe.

And I am certain of the joy of where I go.

Yes, but I don't see the same conviction in the others, Paul.

These men, these women, these children.

I cannot fix their faith.

You can inspire their faith, just as your... Your letters always have.

You want me to write another letter?

It's time to get the blood flowing.

The Way is growing.

There are men, women, children now that have never met you, that will never meet you, so there must be a handwritten account of these Acts.

It is for the same reason that I undertook an account of our Lord Jesus Christ for Theophilus.

So that he would know the story of Christ, and now the people must know your story.

You risk people looking to me before Christ.


No, it is your certainty that opens the door to Christ.

I have never met Christ in the flesh, but the day I heard you preach in Troas, my God, I saw Christ in you.

I left my family and my friends, my whole life behind.

You would write it in here?

What did you say?

You would write it here?


I could smuggle the tools in here.

This is not like our last visit to Rome.

If you were caught with documents coming from this prison, it could mean certain death.

Greek. Get up.

Usually people try to escape this place, not break into it.

They tell me you're a physician. I am.

You have high-ranking friends for a physician.

Especially a Greek physician.

The emperor has declared Christianity a forbidden cult and Paul of Tarsus, the chief offender.

You understand the risk is death, and yet you, a Greek Christian, boldly walk into a Roman prison.

Boldly walk into my prison.

My apologies...


As you have said, I have high-ranking friends.

I know the men that you have favor with.

These are good men, that have fought and bled for Rome and her gods.

It's the only reason I honor this request.

I am grateful for it.

Escort the Greek back to the streets.

He must, of course, still take his chances out there.

What are you doing here? Only passing through.

Of course, you are. Only passing through.

Let's have a look at those documents.

I would never betray our gods. Never.

Oh, yeah? I would never betray our gods. Never.

All right. Hey, you. You, come here.

You, out.

Show me your documents.

I swear, I will... I will tell the others.

What are you going to do about it?

What? Why do you bring it up? Get away from me, okay?

You get away from me! This is...

Set him on fire!

More oil!

Here's your torch.

Like a candle.

You see this?

Burn him alive.

Pray unto your God now. No. No.


We want to hear you scream!


I woke up. You weren't there.

I couldn't sleep.

Luke's back. He's safe.


That's good.

We've loved this city as our own.

I only see what it's become.

Nero's Rome.

Nero's madness.

It'll pass.

He can't be emperor forever.

How many more people will die before then?

This decision weighs heavily on me.

I receive no wisdom in prayer.

In staying, we put the lives of all our brothers and sisters under this roof in danger.

And if we go, how many people that rely on us do we condemn to a terrible fate?

Christ was clear when he said he was sending us out amongst the wolves.

He also told us to be as wise as serpents.

And harmless as doves.

As Paul has said, we must each make our own decision.

She loves these people.

Like her children.

And yet she still finds room in her heart for all of those lost in Rome.

Something that doesn't come as easily to me.

Aquila, I saw them burning a body this morning.

He was a man I recognized from here.

Someone I helped.

I did nothing.

I feel no love for these Romans.

This evil makes no sense to me.

We were asked to build a community...

We were asked to build a community in this city, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to love this city, but I can no longer see a clear answer for a way forward.

What does Paul say?

That this is something that falls to each man and woman in their thoughts and prayers.

Some of you have families, have children.

I understand you want to protect them or feel called to stay.

It's a risk for even one of us, Aquila, to try and slip in and out of the gates.

How could we possibly all get out?

I have asked Eubulus to find us a way.

There's an old aqueduct that lies beneath the new city.

It's been long buried and forgotten.

The entrance to these tunnels lies beneath a property owned by a trio of wealthy Roman families.

And why would they help us?

Because they realize that Nero was responsible for burning half of their city to the ground.

They want the tyrant dead and Rome returned to the people.

Now, we may have favor, but be under no illusion, this will not be an easy task.

And where will we go? To Ephesus.

Timothy is there and they will welcome us.

And the Greeks are far more tolerant of us.

We were Romans before we were Christian.

This is our home.

I do not take this decision lightly.

But I believe that there is more good to be done outside of Rome.

Aquila's right.

But I think there's also some good in staying.

It's true, we've never seen Rome darker.

But if we abandon it, will it not be cast into total darkness?

Who would have taken Tarquin in?

You know what happens to orphans in this city.

They're left on the streets to die.

Or they're forced into prostitution at the temples.

There are widows on the street corners begging for coins to feed their children.

If we abandon them, who will feed them?

Who will care?

Nero is responsible for the deaths in my family, not Rome.

Aquila speaks of those that want to overthrow Nero.

Are these not allies of ours?

Yes, indeed. We are allies.

And think of the good that could be done once Rome is delivered from Nero's evil grip.

There are no easy answers.

Trust in God to lead the way.

The most difficult part will be getting news to these families, so that they can open the tunnels in an area we can pass unseen.

Someone will have to go to Palatine Hill, but it's...

It's almost impossible.

Nero trusts none of these people. He has eyes everywhere.

I'll go.

No, Tarquin.

I can go. They all think I'm an orphan, a beggar.

No one will look twice.

I want to help.

Tarquin, come here.

Take this to our Roman friends and tell them that we gratefully accept their help.

You are a very brave boy.

Now, please be careful.


Go on.

Safe journey.

Bless you, son. Thank you.

Be safe.

Best of luck.

Good luck. Walk in peace.

I know you can do this. Yes.

Be strong. I will.

I'm proud of you. Go. Thank you.

My life did not begin with hate.

I don't recall the feeling as a child.

I always felt myself to be more a sheep in the midst of wolves.

Innocent as a dove.

I was in the temple keeping true to my fasts, my prayers.

Stephen was out in the streets, bringing charity to widows and orphans, preaching truth to drunks and the crippled.

I was blameless in the ancient law of Israel, while Stephen was blaspheming on the very holy ground of God.

So what did you do?

We spread lies, created an uproar that had him brought to trial.

What did he argue?

That Jesus was the Messiah.

And the temple of God was no longer the only place where God could be worshiped.


I heard his final words even amongst the roar of the crowd.

"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

"Lord, do not hold this sin against them."

Even in death, a final blasphemy on his lips.

In that moment, I vowed to destroy all those that spoke of this Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah.

Your grace is sufficient.

Your grace is sufficient.

The wall can never be breached here. Never.

The reports from the night. And the Greek?

He came and went once more.

What do you know about Paul of Tarsus?

There are plenty of rumors that circulate.

A magician. A god.

A madman.

Why does that Greek care to visit him in that disgusting pit?

He dictates something to him.

A letter?

A story.

Her condition is no better.

She will be healed.

And if not?

Saul... Saul...

Saul... Saul... Saul...

Saul... Saul...


Saul, why do you persecute me?

Paul. Paul.


Give me your hand.

You were screaming out.

The devil sneaks in the darkness here.

Taunts me...

Day and night...

Reminding me of this terrible thorn in my flesh.

I'm haunted by myself as a child.

I wish to warn him of the path he will take.

All these years, I have had a vision of them.

I see them waiting somewhere...

But I do not know this place.

Its meaning has always been hidden from me.

A torturous muse, the devil whispers that they've found no peace...

They've found no joy.

I was remembering when Caelia was a little girl.

She used to sit at the window and watch small sparrows sing and fly around the garden.

She would have been there all day if I'd let her.

Do you remember our place before the fires?

The light through the windows...

Flowers, the trees in the garden.

I was a noble woman.

The wife of a Roman hero.

It is Nero's madness.

I do not blame Nero.

It is no help that you walk around this place as if the gods have already taken her.

Don't you think you anger them by acting like they have no power to heal?

I have been sacrificing faithfully every day!

My conscience is clean.

I do not think that I'm the one the gods refuse to listen to.

There he is.


Your glum mood threatens to make this lovely lass more expensive than she needs to be.

Here, let me order you one. Elysius. Publius.

Thank you, no.

Run along.

How is prison life?

You know as well as I it's a disgrace.

A black mark of dishonor on my house and family.

Twenty years of service to Rome, risking my life to earn my citizenship, and now forced to take idle servant's work while Nero makes a mockery of everything Rome stands for.

These are the troubled times, my friend.

But that is why the gods keep the day of our death a mystery, so that we can enjoy this life.

I'm sorry.

Friend, how is your daughter?

Worse by the day.

I sacrifice to Bona Dea, but she does not reply.

Then sacrifice to Carna or Meditrina, and to Felicitas, Fortuna...

Juno, Libera, Sors, Spes, Trivia.

There are a hundred gods that stand by.

Paul of Tarsus is under my watch.

The man responsible for burning down Rome?

He's nothing but Nero's scapegoat.

What do you really know about these Christians?

I rarely find them in the establishments that I frequent.

But I do know they have a strange affection for poor widows and ugly orphans.

But if you want to know what the gods think of them, just take a look around.

You'll see they're not even fit to light the streets of Rome.

There is a Greek who slips in and out, transcribing letters of some sort.

Mauritius, your mind has gone to rubbish in the darkness of that prison.

What if you were to seize these letters, find something, anything, that relates to the crimes he's been charged of? Nero does not need evidence.

Assassination is in the air.

Half the city believes Nero started the fires himself.

But if you were to bring him something that shows that this Christian did conspire and burn down Rome, you would be a hero in Nero's eyes, the most honored man in all Rome.

Mauritius, think of your daughter.

How much more would the gods listen if the emperor himself made a sacrifice for her?

Is it true that he has seen the Messiah?

Paul, that is.

Where's Luke? Luke!

Eubulus! Clear the table! Now!


Careful. Careful. Lie him here.

I found him in the street.

They said he was beaten by soldiers after leaving Palatine Hill.


No. No.

This is what trusting God gets you.

We must retaliate for this brutal act.

Many of us have only a short time left in this city.

We must hold strong now. Hold strong?

So we're like diseased dogs, then?

We do nothing to defend ourselves, while we are chased from the city just to be hunted down and k*lled. Cassius!

We understand your anger.

Tarquin was like a son to us.

I should never have let him go.

Why do you blame yourselves and not the ones who have m*rder*d him?

And who else have they taken from you?

This woman has come to you covered in the blood of her child.

And what would you do, Cassius?

Tell me. What would you do?

We do what they do to us.


m*rder them in the cover of darkness!

I'm with you, Cassius! Set fire and burn them in their homes while they sleep!

You speak as if your ears have never heard the words of Christ.

You never walked with Christ!

How can you say he would say these things in the face of such an evil like Nero? Quiet!

Be still.

None of us here have walked with Christ.

But Paul has followed him longer than us all.

I have watched him be beaten, I have watched him be stoned and flogged, and never once did he raise his finger against his oppressors.

Let peace be with you, for we live in the world, but we do not wage w*r as the world does.

Peace begins with you, Cassius.

Love is the only way.

There was a young Roman boy, Tarquin.

He was k*lled in the streets last night.

He was beloved by the community.

Most of them trust the Way.

But he has this cousin who is...

He's dividing them, Paul.

This growing faction of young men that...

They want to retaliate.

They want revenge.

We cannot repay evil for evil.

Evil can only be overcome with good.

Well, considering all they've been through, can you really fault their response, Paul?

What did you tell them?

Love is the only way.

And after all you've seen, you still don't believe it?

This isn't anything I've seen.

My God...

This is a world in the grip of evil.

This is Nero's circus.

It's passionate hate.

Blood washing down the street, widows, orphans starving to death.

Babies born with the slightest defect are disposed, dispatched, discarded.

This world doesn't know a thing about love.

And so you would give up on the world when Christ did not give up on us? Why not?

No! Why not?

Love is the only way.

Love that suffers long.

Love that is kind, that does not envy, that is not proud.

Love that does not dishonor, that does not seek for itself.

Love that is not easily angered.

Love that rejoices in truth.

Love that never delights in evil.

Love that protects, trusts, hopes,

endures all things.

That kind of love.

Give me your hand.

Do you understand?

Then write it down.

I once wanted vengeance, like Cassius and these young men.

I know this path of destruction more than anyone.

I hated those that followed Christ.

I hunted them down like wild animals.

And when they fled Jerusalem, I went to the temple to the chief priests, to obtain authority to go to Damascus and arrest all those that followed the Way.

I was determined to be God's hand ofjustice.

His wrath.

You believed what you were doing was out of a love for God.

A blind love.

I only knew the law.

If water flows down a mountain, what besides a miracle could cause it to flow back?

The road to Damascus was your miracle.


The road to Damascus.

Saul... Saul...

Why do you persecute me?

Who are you, Lord?

Who are you, Lord?

I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.

What's going on? What happened?

He can't see.

Here. Lay him here.

Something... Something happened on the road.

Something like a light.

There was a voice, a voice like...

Like thunder.

He fell to his knees, as if he were struck down.

And he was shouting out the words...

"Who are you, Lord?"

All the way here he has been saying aloud that Jesus is the Messiah.

Saul of Tarsus, can you hear me?


You know who I am?

The Lord showed me a vision that you would come to me.

They tell me you have lost your mind, that you haven't eaten or had anything to drink in three days.

Your actions against those that follow Christ and all the harm you have done is well reported.

I know you have come here on authority of the chief priests to arrest all those who call on the Lord's name.

I am a wretched man.

I deserve death.


We all do.

Yet, Christ has set us free.

Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here,

has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Brother Saul, receive thy sight.

Everything in your life changed, yet you continued on.

Three years in Arabia.


Peter and the others spent three years with Christ.

I had to do the same.

I had to learn how to pray, how to speak.

How to love.

All right, old man.

Tell me everything that followed.

Prisoner, on your feet.

The Greek, too.


A chair, perhaps?

I will stand.

I recognize the way you stand, like a man who has been flogged repeatedly.

They say the spine bends and does not heal properly.

Am I correct?

You are correct.

I am sure you are aware of the responsibility I have for the detainment of every prisoner in this place.

I am well aware that to lose a prisoner means death for you and your men.


Then you understand my current concern.

Prefect, do you think that we are plotting an escape?

Well, a man who has been charged with burning down Rome meets in secret with a Greek for all hours of the night.

Perhaps you're not only plotting an escape, but an uprising.

For what purpose? Vengeance.

Followers of your cult are being beaten, r*ped and k*lled for sport.

It is for the Lord's sake that we face death all day, that we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

Even the sheep will revolt if whipped hard enough.

Do you think that I have come to Rome against my will?

That I am in this cell by accident?

I care very little about the circumstances of your arrival.

I am concerned with these documents that are being generated in the very heart of my prison.

So, depending on my finding, I will determine what should be done.

Consider the Greek a threat to Rome until proven otherwise.

Put him in the dark with the preacher.

She's not improving.

Whatever the cost, I'd pay for it.

It's not an issue of cost.

It's an issue of whatever this illness is.

I have never seen anything like this before.


I understand your pain, Cassius. Understand?

Don't say you understand. But Christ spoke of love and peace and patience. You understand nothing.

You respond in the flesh. People are dying every day because of us.

I've lost my whole family!

Family? You speak of family? Yes. My family.

You listen to me! I still have my family, and I will not put their lives at risk for a foolish plan! You coward!

Just think of your family!

No! No! No! What would you do, then?

No! Keep your voice down!

Luke has been thrown into prison.

What? On conspiracy.

What did you say?

Luke has been thrown into prison.

And I've gathered men willing to storm that prison and free them.

To what end, Cassius? Justice.


Think of how foolish Nero will look having lost the man he accused of burning down Rome. No.

If you're caught, they'll come here for us all.

Listen to me. Please. Exactly.

Listen to me! We can align ourselves with these powerful families to overthrow Nero.

And we can bring peace to Rome if we rule it.

Christ asked us to care for the world, not rule it.

Listen closely.

All of you, listen to me closely.

Some of you may want to stay in the city...

And some of you may want to leave.

But if any of you...

Any of you take up arms, you have no place in this community.

Cassius and the others have finally calmed down.

I can't stop thinking about Tarquin.

The poor boy.

We sent him out there, Aquila.

I know. I blame myself.

I should have taken it.

We've lost so many, Priscilla.

I can't bear the thought of losing any more.

I believe it's time to leave Rome with the knowledge that we could be better protected and serve elsewhere.

I pray that God works good through it.

And I pray that you'll forgive me,

because I believe that God is calling us to different paths.

I know, I know...

I know you love this city, its people.

That's part of you. I understand.

I give you my blessing.

I must say...

I preferred the visits to that charming rented villa the last time you were imprisoned in Rome instead of this lovely hellhole.

Do you ever miss the road?

You must be kidding.

You know I had a great life before I met you.

Your unwavering commitment kept me going on many of those cold, miserable nights in the wilderness, bellies rumbling, feet and back in terrible pain.

You used to sing those awful songs in the middle of the night.

Excuse me, but they were from my childhood, and I told you time and again, it's the only thing that puts me to sleep.

Your pitch sounded even higher than Timothy's mother.

We never met.

Was she that good of a singer as well?

And Peter's snoring.

We won't miss that. We won't miss that.

They truly were miserable days being with you.

I do miss them.

Praise God that he put you into my life, brother.

I don't know where I'd be without you.

Well, from malaria to blood loss, you would be most certainly dead.

Luke, no.

It's quite boring.

Just a man walking around giving very lengthy speeches.

The only exciting bit is the stoning of this fellow.


I have heard outrageous rumors about this man.

A sorcerer of the dark arts, a charmer of snakes and demons, a man capable of healing the crippled with just a touch of his cloak.

A healer?

No, my point, you don't make a man your leader just because he trips and falls in the road and then travels around a bit and says a few things.

There must be more to the story.

You need to get him to confess something.

What else would he say that he hasn't already spoken at his trial?

A man on trial will say whatever he can to save his hide.

But he has been convicted. He will be ex*cuted.

No man wants to leave this life without a legacy, without boasting of his own glorious deeds so the world can remember him forever.

Appeal to his arrogance.


I come here to find some peace.

You cannot see any of Rome.

You cannot see what has become of this great city.

I misjudged you.

You are much more of a soldier than a preacher.

A man with a great deal of blood on his hands.

Sins of a past life, by God's grace washed away.

Sin, grace, mercy.

Your philosophical scribblings tell me nothing about why the Christians look to you as their leader and why Nero singled you out as the chief enemy of Rome.

I think you already know the truth, that we were not responsible for the fires.

Why does Nero bring this accusation upon you?

Rumors abound in the streets about your powers.

Perhaps it is these supernatural things that are seen as such a threat by Nero.

I have no powers.

Then the stories are not true?

They are all true.

So why do your people boast about your powers?

I've never said these things in my life to boast.

I boast only of my weaknesses, so that God's power may rest on me.

Very few men admit weakness.

Certainly none boast of it.

I boast of it gladly, for this power is sown in weakness.

I assume you have earned riches.


Influence amongst your people.

Maybe it is what has roused Nero's jealousy.

I've never taken a single coin for my work for Christ.


The good news of salvation is free.

It was given to me freely, and I give it away for free.

So you have certain powers, but claim to have no authority to use them.

You've done miraculous things, yet do not boast for glory.

You make no wages for your work.

You're sounding less like a leader and more like a sl*ve.

A sl*ve that has been set free.

We're Romans. We're already free men.

All men are a sl*ve to something.

That Greek, he is risking his life for you.


He believes people should know the certainties of my life.

My daughter is sick.

If I pray to your Christ, your God, will she be healed?

I don't know.

His ways are not my ways.

So you offer nothing.

I offer the truth of salvation that has been set on my heart.

The Greek can take his papers. I see no value in them.

He'll be released tomorrow.

Prefect Mauritius.

The Greek, Luke, he is a great physician.

His talents are unmatched.


I would not anger the gods by bringing a Christian into my home.

I said that you could help his daughter.

How could I bring healing when he and Rome bring so much suffering?

You know this man even better than I do.

You used to pray to the gods of Greece, just as he does the gods of Rome.

In your account of the Lord, why did you write so often of the poor and the outcasts and foreigners?

I guess I wanted others to understand God's kingdom is open to us all, that his mercy is for everyone.


We can never forget what it was like to be lost.

And to be found.

Do not worry, brother.

When the moment comes, you will have the strength to do what is right.

Where sin abounds, grace abounds more.

There's nothing more I can do. How is that possible?

I have spoken with others. No one has answers.

And she's not responding to anything I have tried.

I have no more ideas.

Think of something else.

Make another sacrifice.

Plead to the gods for her life.

Take heed, Mauritius, you are a good man.

The gods can still hear you and heal her.

You missed the doctor.

You have been telling me to get out for fresh air, so I... So I got out.

There is nothing else he can do.

I had no doubt.

We should not speak here.

Do you fear that which the gods might hear you speak?

And here you accuse me of angering the gods, but what of you?

There is gossip amongst the wives of the guards that you treat this man of Tarsus, who spits in the face of Rome, with a degree of sympathy.

He's a Roman citizen.

If there is any degree of kindness, it's because of that.

What kindness is harboring a Greek Christian against a direct order of your emperor?

You should be tried and ex*cuted for conspiracy.

And yet you think that I anger the gods!

I harbor the Greek, because the husbands of these gossips were paid to look after him.

Your daughter is dying, and you dare dishonor the gods by your actions?

All these years, I have been loyal to you.

While you were gone!

While you were away on your campaigns.

You don't think I was lonely?

You don't think I was starved of affection?

I had nothing.


And then she was born...

That precious baby girl.

And she was my...

My joy.

She was my life while you were gone.

But now you thr*aten to take away my joy, my life away from me, because you refuse to look at your own selfish ways!

This is not my fault. It is all your fault!

By witness to all the gods, I say that her death will be on your head. Enough!

Do it.

Save me the trouble for when she dies.


This way. Quickly. Down the corridor. Go!

Please! I beg of you!

Free us!

Brothers, save us!

Down here!

Quickly. We've come to release you.

Who sent you?

We come in the name of Christ.

You bring v*olence against government officials in the name of Christ?

The moment arises to overthrow this cursed power and return it to the people.

By whose authority do you think Rome has power?

You will die here.

And your cause will die with you.

Christ has already triumphed over every enemy by the cross.

You say you come in his name, but it is clear you do not know him.

Cassius, we have to go. Now.


Check the prisoners. Yes, sir.

So, this is how my kindness is repaid?

My prison broken into.

My guards k*lled.

There will always be those that try and take justice into their own hands.

You do not take any responsibility?

If we were responsible, wouldn't you be in that cell awaiting your own execution?

How can it be that by words alone, you spit in the face of the Emperor?

By words alone, you seem to defy Rome itself.

Words do not thr*aten to destroy empires.

Because perhaps they are not just words, they are the truth of things.

You keep saying "truth." "Truth."

But it's only a truth according to you.

If it were the only truth, everyone would believe it.

Not so.

Christ, who is truth, rose from the dead.

Many still do not believe.

Lies. Fabrications.

If Christ had not risen from the dead, then our preaching is useless, and so is our faith.

And you have no doubts at all?

Men do not die for things they doubt.

You claim you serve a god who is above all other gods, and yet all I see before me is an old man in chains.

Your life, a summary of beatings and filthy prison cells.

I deserve worse, but...

There is grace enough for everyone.

To be rich, not poor.

To be powerful, not weak.

To have slaves and servants, not be one.

It does not take an intelligent man to look around and know that the world is missing something.

Do not question the greatness of Rome.

And what of the love for a sick daughter?

What does Rome offer her?

Another word and I send you to whatever god you want.

You're right, my daughter is dying.

The gods do not answer me.

There is another way.

No. There is not.

Your Christ solves nothing.

Mindless sentimentality for the weakest and poorest to make their pathetic state livable until they are buried in the ground and forgotten.

Tomorrow there are games at the circus.

Take the Greek there, so he can die for the glory of my gods! No!

And may this give me favor for my daughter.


Luke. Luke!

You should have escaped when you had the chance!

And show the man from Tarsus how Rome treats its enemies.

Help us finish the race, Father.

Cassius and the others have disappeared.

The city is on alert.

How could they do this?

They're putting everyone at risk.

Confused, selfish young men with their own ambitions.

I would not expect them to return.

But Luke will die in the morning along with our brothers and sisters.

I only wanted to help this city.

Now there's nothing but the stench of death around us.

How many more would have died without you here?

My heart breaks for Rome.

I know I can't help everyone, but Christ has asked us to try.

I do want to stay here.

But we're stronger together.

I know you.

You're the one traveled with Paul.

Luke, the physician.

I am.

Do you know what will happen to us?

They tell us nothing in here.

There will be games tomorrow.

Everyone, gather around.

Gather around. Come. Come.

It will be a moment of pain.

But only a moment.

Only a moment.

And then we shall be home in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ forever.

You see, in my heart,

I felt that there should be some kind of retribution against the Romans for the crimes that they have committed.

But there can be only one way.

Remember as our Lord spoke from the cross.

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

He has also asked us to pray in the same way.

So, let us pray.

Our Father... Our Father...

...who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Please save her.

I can't lose her.

Whatever it takes. Please.

Bring the Greek here. Now!

Yes, sir.

Can you save her?

Quickly, give me your knife.


Your daughter's chest is filling with blood.

If I do not drain it, she will die. Your knife, please.

Thank you.

Give me your hand.

Pen and parchment, please.

You will find Aquila and Priscilla here.

Tell them I sent you here for these things.

And they must be brought back to me immediately.

I believe I know what's wrong with her.

It is a sickness I've seen once before on the island of Rhodes, but there is much to do to try and save her life now.

You are trusting me with your daughter's life

just as I am trusting you with the lives you see there.

Go now.

No, there is no more bread.

Open the door! I need to speak to Aquila and Priscilla!

Take the children.

Go, go, go.


Open the door! Please!

Please! Open!

Are you Aquila?

I'm looking for Aquila and Priscilla.

Where's Aquila? I'm Aquila.

Luke sent me.

Luke sent you? Yes.

I need your help, please.

My daughter is dying. Please. Please.

The Greek is alive.

Praise God.

Because of him, my daughter lives.

He didn't have to save her.

He sent me to a place for supplies.

It was full of your people hiding out.

He knew I could report them, have them all thrown into the circus today.

I am grateful.

My wife, my daughter are grateful.

I only hope it has shown you something true.

I am sorry for Nero's circus.

I am sorry your people died today.

Have you ever been sailing?


Imagine yourself looking out at the vast sea before you.

You reach down, and you put a hand into the water, and you scoop it up towards you.

Immediately, the water starts leaking through your fingers until the hand is empty.

That water is a man's life.

From birth to death, it is always slipping through our hands until it is gone.

Along with all that you hold dear in this world.

And yet the kingdom I speak of, that I live for, is like the rest of the water out in the sea.

Man lives for that cup of water that slips through his fingers.

But those that follow Jesus Christ live for that endless expanse of sea.

What if, after all this, I still do not believe in your Christ?

I wasn't trying to convince you.

Listen to me.

There's only a moment.

It's not me.

It is Christ himself that looks upon you and shatters your defenses.

And in that moment, you will understand that you are completely known by God

and you are completely loved.

I will pray that moment comes for you.

I think I would like a walk to enjoy this sun.

Of course.

You saved his daughter.

They will know us by our love.

This is the Way.

I heard the cheers of the crowd from the Roman's house.

I shall not forget their faces for as long as I live.

Trumpets would have sounded loudest when they arrived home.

A mighty celebration was held today.

A mighty celebration.

If we live, we live for the Lord.

If we die, we die for the Lord.

Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

That's brilliant.

I now have an ending.

Listen to this. "For two whole years, "Paul stayed there in Rome in his own rented villa."

No. "House."

"And welcomed all who came to see him.

"He proclaimed the kingdom of God

"and taught about our Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness

"and without hindrance."

There. That should make you sound good.

What of my second arrest?

Of the trial at the Forum, of Nero's verdict, of the darkness of my cell?

I have begun my telling of these events with Jesus' proclamation to his followers to bear witness for him in Jerusalem and to the ends of the Earth.

And the story that began in Jerusalem 30 years ago has now come to Rome.

So, this is the end.

And yet death is only the beginning.

We will meet again on a new road. Of that I am certain.

To live is Christ, to die is gain.

I like that one.

Write it down.

We're doing well.

Over a hundred copies so far.

We will take these with us out of Rome and bring them to all the communities.

It will help many people.

Thank you. Thank you.


What will you do?

I can't abandon Paul now.

Once we're gone, I can't guarantee your safe exit from Rome.

Aquila, you've already done more than enough.

I feel that my finishing this work is most important.

I guess there are some things in life worth risking.

I shall miss you both.

Here. Paul has asked that you would make sure this letter reaches Timothy immediately.

Of course. Of course.

Do not be afraid.

"To Timothy, my dear son.

"Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father

"and Christ Jesus our Lord.

"Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, "descended from David.

"Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord

"or of me, his prisoner.

"Rather, join with me in suffering for the Gospel.

"By the power of God, "he has saved us

"and called us to a holy life.

"Not because of anything we have done, "but because of his own purpose and grace.

"This is my Gospel, "for which I am suffering

"even to the point of being chained like a criminal.

"But God's word is not chained.

"For I am already being poured out

"like a drink offering.

"The time of my departure has come.

"I have fought the good fight.

"I have finished the race.

"I have kept the faith.

"The Lord be with your spirit.


"be with you all."
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