Breakthrough (2019)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Breakthrough (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

I made eggs.

So I'm gonna pick you up after practice at five.


I wanna sh**t around.

Is that Chad kid still giving you trouble?



Hey, Sammy. Sammy, come on.

So I was thinking, How about I call your coach? No! Hell no!


Good morning.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Good morning.

Hey, Dad.

So, the Warriors are playing the Thunder tomorrow in Oklahoma City.

What do you think is gonna happen?

Well, Steph Curry just scored thirty-two points last night.

So what I think is that, Chef Curry is gonna whomp on 'em.

I don't know. Durant's pretty good.

He is the reigning MVP.


Is somebody gonna bless our food?

Okay. Well, I guess I will.

Lord, though he exasperates me to no end, I am grateful for my son.

For I know that you've created him for a purpose, thus far only known to you.

Bless this food to our bodies. Amen.

Amen. Amen.

I'm thinking about raising your allowance to 100 bucks a week.

What are you doing?

Your mom is just trying to get her son's attention.

Hey, John.

Wassup, guys? Hug.

Please go.


Hey, Mrs. J.

Hey, Chayla. Hey, Emma. How are you girls?

Living the dream, Mrs. J.

Oh, I tried to friend you on the Instagram, but I must be doing something wrong.

Oh, my God!

Please, just go, Ma.

I'm kidding!

Have a good day!


Hey, Abby. Hey.

Good morning, students.

Today is Thursday, January 15th.

Yearbook committee meets after school today.

And there's a basketball game at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Go Eagles!

Yeah! Go Eagles!

Lastly, a reminder that Monday is a national holiday in remembrance of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.

Emma and I got tickets to see the musical Hairspray at the Fox Saturday night.

Wow! Yeah, that sounds like fun.

Mmm, dudes in tights.

It's not a ballet.

Look, I'm pretty sure they'll be wearing pants.

So what are you guys doing?

We're crashing at Rieger's after the game.

So jealous. Good morning.

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Place your right hand over your heart.

Ready? Begin.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

We might have some girls over, too.

Who? Can't say until it happens.

But they're hot. Totally.

Hey, whoa. You're joking, right?


Josh Rieger, Josh Sanders, quiet please.

Okay, g*ng. Family oral history reports continue.

Yesterday we heard from Chad Green, whose family came over on the Mayflower.

My husband's family did as well.

His great-great-grandfather was a knight of some kind.

And then we heard from Chayla, whose family lineage includes the birth of the blues in Memphis, Tennessee.

John, would you do the honors and kick us off, please?

Didn't do it.

Why not?

I didn't have time.

If you don't do the assignment, you'll get a failing grade.

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, "but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."

Doreen, you're up.

Oh, wow!

"My child, you believe me for so little.

"Don't be so safe in the things you pray."

Oh. I'm so sorry. Hey, lady.

Hey, morning. Morning, Joyce.

The morning got away from me.

Does anyone need any more coffee?

No, thank you. No, thanks.

Hey. What passage?

Is everything all right?

Not exactly.

John's birthday is coming up, Mmm-hmm.

Oh, I remember those always been hard for him.

Yeah. It's like he's building this wall between us.

And I hate myself for it.

I know he's hurting and I just wanna fix it.

They're always so much harder to deal with once they start shaving.

And then they leave for college.

Come on.

Sorry, ladies.

I did read the book twice.

Uh, so where were we?

Um, we were just talking about how Beth Moore is asking us to pray boldly.

So, what does it mean to you all, "to pray boldly"?

I don't know. It just seems, Oh! Hey, ladies. Pastor.

Uh, we need to use this room for a staff meeting.

You guys wrapping things up?

Uh, no.

Not for another 22 minutes.

And I have a women's ministry meeting here, back-to-back.

Oh, um, I'm sorry, but I don't think that's gonna work.

I'm sorry?

I reserved both times on the sign-up sheet.

Okay. All I have on my calendar is staff meeting.

Where's this elusive sign-up sheet?

Taped to the door that you walked in.

Been going on ten years now.


Well, it's official.

We're going digital, ladies. See Maddy for details.

Listen, I don't know what you do in California, but I have been leading this women's ministry meeting for over five years.

We don't cancel meetings...

I don't know who's counting, Joyce, but I've been in ministry for over ten years, including California.

Hey, maybe you guys could use that Starbucks around the corner?

That'd be fun, right?

Oh, are you paying?

Well, I hadn't thought about it, but, uh, Great.

Okay, ladies, let's get out of here because our new pastor, has more important business to tend to.

No, that's not true.

I'm sorry, ladies. I promise, this will not happen next week.

Thank you, Pastor.

And please, I've been asking for six months.

Call me Jason.

We know, Pastor.

Why are you so hard on him?

That haircut, for one.

Right here, right here.

Good rebound. Let's run, Eagle.

Set up that offense.

Spread out the floor. Spread it out.

Come on, John. Set it up.

I'm open.

Nice, nice.

Yes! Good job, guys.

Come on now, spread it out. Defense.

Hands up.

Defense, defense.

Hands up! Hands up.

There you go.

Nice. Nice shot!

Spread that floor. There you go.

Spread it out. Move it out.

Go, go, go. There they go.

Watch him.

Yes! That's what I'm talking about.

Hands up on D now.

Very nice, John! Nice steal. There you go.

Good job, John.

Can't catch me, so you gotta foul me?

Whatever, ese.

What'd you just call me?

Knock it off!

Next guy who swings is benched.

Practice is over. Wash up.

John, Chad, bring it here.

What's up with you guys?

John beat you out for starting guard, Chad. Deal with it.


Whatever. You wanna start, better change schools.


News flash. You're not in the NBA yet.

And acting like that, you aren't ever gonna get there.


All right, wash up.

John, hold up. I wanna talk to you for a minute.

What's this I hear about you getting a failing grade in your family history assignment?

Why does it matter?

Well, unless you figure it out, I'm gonna have to bench you for Sunday's game.

What? That's bull... Hey.


You're a good player, John.

But right now you're blowing it.

What's going on with you lately?

I'm cool.

I'll see ya, Coach.

Hey! How was practice?


How was school?

Oh, let me guess. Fine.

What are you working on?

Oral report.

Maybe I could help.

What are you saving 'em for?

Your Jordans?

When it's the right time.


Baby, come back downstairs.

All your friends are waiting to sing "Happy Birthday" to you.

What's wrong?

Everybody's waiting.

Why didn't she wanna have a party for me?

Why didn't she want me?

For what it's worth, you have a purpose and you are loved.

Mr. Smith.

Nice of you to join us this morning.

I'm ready to do my oral report.

Okay, so, I'm John Smith.

Uh, Most of you know I'm adopted.

I come from a small town in Guatemala called Sansare.


I don't know who my biological mother is, but just that she didn't want me.


Joyce and Brian Smith adopted me when I was nine months old.

They went down there on a missions trip and they ended up coming home with me.

Probably because I'm so cute.

But yeah,

Okay, okay.

Brian, that space right there.

Okay, I'm on it. I'm on it.

Okay. Hey, guys.

And, John, you're sitting with us in church today.

♪ Who shakes the whole earth ♪

♪ With holy thunder ♪

♪ And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder ♪

♪ The King of Glory, the King above all kings ♪

♪ This is amazing grace ♪ Whoo!

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ This is unfailing love ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ That You would take my place ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Take my place, take my place ♪

♪ That You would bear my cross ♪

♪ Bear my cross Bear my cross ♪

♪ You lay down Your life ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ You lay it down ♪

♪ That I would be set free ♪

♪ Set free, set free, set free ♪

♪ Oh, Jesus, I sing for ♪

♪ All that You've done for me ♪

♪ This grace so amazing, whoo That's why I praise Him ♪

♪ They don't know where we done came from ♪

♪ Oh, my momma They can't harm us ♪

♪ Got my arms up ♪

♪ While we covered in their armor ♪

♪ And we done made it ♪

♪ Y'all didn't hear me, but we made it ♪

♪ I ain't earn it but I'll take it ♪

♪ Got that light inside side of me ♪

♪ That you don't need no one to see ♪

♪ You can feel it, you can hear it when I say Hey, hey! ♪

♪ This is amazing grace ♪ Whoa! ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ This is unfailing love ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ That You would take my place ♪

♪ Take my place Take my place ♪

♪ That You would bear my cross ♪

♪ Bear my cross Bear my cross ♪

♪ You lay down Your life ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ You lay it down ♪

♪ That I would be set free ♪

♪ Set free, set free, set free ♪

♪ Oh, Jesus, I sing for ♪

♪ All that You've done for me ♪


Thank you.

You were amazing.

Hey, let's give it up for our guest.

Rob, thank you so much.

So dope, and thank you.

Show of hands. Who here, including me and my wife, by the way, are addicted to The Bachelor?



Liars! I know there's way more of you out there than that.

It's a sin to lie, people.

It's even a worse sin to lie in church, so...



I'mma pick on you for a second.

Cathy, I happen to know, because I overheard it in a supermarket checkout line, that you watch Bachelor in Paradise.

Now nobody watches just Bachelor in Paradise.

I'm sorry, that's like saying I go to Arby's... you know, just for the salads.

Yes, I do watch it.

Okay, that's what I thought.

And I bet that means that your husband, Bob, watches it too.

Bob, I get it. I get it.

At first, it was 'cause she forced you to do it, right?

You got hooked. You got a problem now, right?

You're like, "How is Andy ever gonna find true love?" Right?

Remember this guy last season, Juan Pablo?

This guy.

You know what really ticked me off about this guy?

He kept asking these women to make a commitment, week after week.

But when it came time for him to make a commitment, he chickened out, right?

He kept saying, "Will you accept my rose?

"Will you accept my rose? Will you...?"

But when someone asked him to get up to the plate... he couldn't find the courage to do it.

I'm pretty sure you guys all know where I'm going with this, but it's true.

Week after week He's there for us.

And, yeah, God is asking for a lifetime commitment too.

But here's the good news, and I do mean the good news.

He didn't just give us a rose, right?

He gave us the most valuable thing that He had to give.

His son.

And I think that means that we probably shouldn't be commitment-phobes either, right?

All right, let's open our Bibles.

The Gospel of Luke.

You coming to the game tonight?

No. I'm not gonna be able to make it, Joyce.

Hey, Joyce!

Paula, how are you? Hi. So good to see you.

You too. Thank you.

Hi. Hi, how are you?

Hi, Joyce.

Oh, what do you guys have on for the rest of the day?

Uh, well, John's got a basketball game.

Oh, yeah? I've seen John hoop it up a little bit around here.

This guy's a beast!

What do you say, J-Money?

Coming to Youth Group this week?

Weak sauce! Come on!

All right, I'll come.

Boom! There we go. This kid is so... lit!

I've no idea what you're going on about, but we have got to go.

Nice sermon today, Pastor. Thanks, Brian.

Hey, uh, call me Jason.


Take it, John, take it!

Good job.

Let's go, Eagles! Let's go!

They gotta hold 'em.

Come on, defense!

Let's go, defense!

You need to spread it out!

Here we go, yeah, John! Good job.

Okay, now, look at the clock.

John, set up Eagle!

Come on, John! Set it up!

Get back! Eagle!

John, he's open! Pass it to him!

Eagle! Three!

John! Two!


Yeah! Oh, yeah, John.

John Smith!

That was a good game, but next time I call a play you better listen to me, you hear me?

All right, go wash up. Good game!

You got 'em from here?

We do.

We're gonna grab pizza on the way home.

Great. Thank you, Cindy.

Any time. Good game.

You too.

Text your mom tomorrow, and tell her when and where to pick you up, okay?

Please, don't forget.

I won't.

It was a good game, son.


Have a great time.

And, uh, don't do anything stupid.

Okay, Brian.

Love you, guys.

I'm sorry, you're okay with that?

It's just a phase.

He's just trying to get a reaction.

By calling you Brian? Or not hugging his mother goodbye?

A little bit of both.

He just needs some space, and maybe we should loosen up a bit.

Listen, you can't be his father and his best friend, Brian.

Why not?

Because it doesn't work that way.

I'm coming! I'm coming! You want to see this drift?

Ready? Yeah.

Abby just liked my post.

She's cool. I mean, she's no Molly, but, Molly? She moved to Texas.

So? She texts me, like, all the time.

Almost there.

Big dub!

Come play, John. In a minute.

All right.

Oh! You were an ugly baby.

That's not me, fool. That's my dad.

I'm the other one.

My mom thinks it's funny 'cause we look exactly alike.

You do, and you're both ugly.

Hey, guys? Yeah, Mom?

Let's not stay up all night, okay?

Night, Mrs. Rieger.

Good night, boys.

Cool! Let's go!


Right here. Right here. Right here.

Go! Go! Go! Hold up!

Pass it. Yeah.

That's for little kids!


Hey, get on this thing. Get on this thing.

Wait for me. Push me.

Go! Go! Go! Spin him! Spin him!

Keep going! Go faster!

Okay! Okay! Stop it!

I'm dizzy! I'm dizzy! I'm dizzy!

Hey, guys. Let's check out the lake!

Oh, my God!

Okay, let's go.

Check this out!

Yeah, we're good. Plenty thick.

Let's go.

I'm still dizzy!

Come on! Don't be a wuss!

Yeah, come on! Let's play tag.

Tag him.

Come on! Hurry up!

Tag! You're it!

Let's go!

Come on!

Go, go, go!

The puck is loose! Come here!

John's got it!


Okay, say, "Eagles." Three!

Two! One!


Tag him! Tag him!

I'm on it. No!

Oh, he's slipping! Get him!

No! Yeah!

Yo! No way! No way! Stay down. Yeah!

Whoa! It's slippery, guys. Watch out.

We got you.

Hey, boys!

Get off the ice!

Not safe!

We're training for the Olympics, sir.

Please don't be a dream k*ller.

Maybe he's right.

Have you heard a single crack?

Guys? Now, or I'm calling the cops.

Yes, sir.

We just need to catch our friend first.

What? No, hey!

Get him! Get back here.

Not it. Stop! Oh, my God!

Pin him down. Pin him down.

Yo, easy! Come on!

Hey! Hey!

You got me, okay?

You're not going anywhere. Yo, stop!

Josh, hold on!

I can't! I can't hold on. My hands are too cold.

I'm slipping. I'm slipping. Hold on, Rieger, hold on!

I can't get up! Just breathe!

Here. I'll push you out!

Here. I got you. Hold on!


Hey, John!

John! Grab my hand, John!

John! John!

Swim, come on! John! John!

He went under. I can't see his face!

Help! Where'd he go?

Swim! You can do it.


Please, someone help!


Please, someone!


9-1-1, what's your emergency?

Three boys, they fell through the ice.

You gotta send help right now!

All available trucks, we have a drowning event at Lake Saint Louis.

Call out locations please. Over.

Move! Let's go!

Truck 11, we're at the station seven minutes out.

We're inbound with water rescue gear. Over.

Where are they?

Just down there. Right over there! Thirty yards out.

All right.

East entrance. Thirty yards off shore.

Local police have arrived on scene.

One out, one in the water, one under the ice.

How long?

Approximately five to seven minutes, according to witnesses.

Copy. Tell Chief we're two minutes out.

Help us! Whoa!

She's breaking under me. Stay back! I'll go!

Stay there! We're coming to get you!

Please help us. Hurry!

Hurry! Please!

Please, help us.

I can't hold on much longer.

He's under the water.

Let me get your friend. I'll get you next.

Give me your hand! Give me your hand!

Come on, I got ya.

Thank you.

Okay. Okay.

Come on!

Let's get the pike pole, so we can drag the bottom.

We need more! How many do we need?

I know this area of the lake.

Ten, maybe 12 feet deep.

Grab three! Got it.

Still got one under, Chief? Yeah.

But dive and retrieval with tanks are inbound.

The crack's widening.

We've gotta get the other kid away from the edge.

How's yours? Hypothermic, but still breathing.

The ice is giving way. Be careful!

How long's mine been under?

At least ten minutes by our count!

Please save him.

He's under the water.

He went under the water. Please! His name is John.

It's okay. It's okay. Please! Please save him.

I want you to crawl over and grab this officer's hand.

We're going to do everything we can to find John.

Come on. Please find him.

Easy getting in, Joe.

We don't wanna push him farther under.

Let's work from back to front.

Is the area widening, or is it just me?

It's getting bigger.

Bottom contact's about ten feet.

We gotta find this kid.


What's the count?

Fifteen minutes.

It's gonna be a recovery, not a rescue.

Hey, EMT?

Get your backpack.

I need another backpack.

Go back. Go back.

Sounds like Chief just said, "Go back."

I missed it.

What's he talking about?

I can't see past three feet. It's way too murky.

I don't wanna cut him.

Tommy, if he went under the ice back there, he's a goner.

The outmost edge drops off to 25 feet or more.

Come on, John. Be here.

I got something.

What is it?

Is it him?


Don't lose him, Tommy.

Pull him up. Pull him up. We got him.

We got him!

I'm losing my grip.

We got him!

Crew, throw the line!

Rope is out. Prepare for retrieval.

I got him.


Here we go!


Come on! Keep going!

He has no pulse.

Start compressions.

Go! Go! Go!

Two! Three! Four! Five!


Pull! Pull!

One! Two! Three! Four! Five...

Nine! Ten! Eleven! Twelve...

Ventilation tube.

One! Two!

Come on, John.


I've been expecting your call.

Joyce, so there's been an accident.

Uh, the boys were out playing on the ice and they fell through.

So you need to get to the hospital right now.

They have John there. All the boys are there.


I'm just picking up that dimmer switch that you wanted.


John was in an accident. Joyce.

The boys fell through the ice!

Joyce, Joyce. Slow down. I'm going to St. Joseph West Hospital.

Can you please meet me there?

Okay, okay. I'll meet you there.

Joyce, calm down.

Calm down.

What do we know?

Fourteen-year-old male, unresponsive and pulseless.

He was playing on the ice and fell through.

Five hundred cc bolus given.

He's very cold to touch.

Keith, take over CPR compressions.

Let's bolus him, normal saline.

Run the IV wide open. We use a weight of 80 pounds.

Prepare to give epinephrine.

Epinephrine is in.

Hold compressions.

No pulse. Still cold.

Pupils are fixed and dilated. No response.

Resume compressions.

Prepare to give epinephrine.

Epinephrine 0.38 milligrams.

The temp is 88 degrees.

How much long till the next pulse check?

Thirty seconds.

Please, Lord. Please, Lord Jesus.


Check pulse at the next pulse check.

If there is no pulse, we're gonna shock him.

Gotta try something. Shock at a 150 joules.

Preparing to shock. Two minutes.

No pulse.

Everyone, clear.


No pulse.

What's the outside temperature?

Low 50s.

Lake water can't be cold enough to have done his heart any good, or his brain for that matter.

Temp is up to 90 degrees.

Prepare to give epinephrine. Epinephrine is in.

Epinephrine, 0.38 milligrams.

Think, Kent. Think.

How much epi have we given?

Eight doses, Doctor.

Prepare to shock.

Two minutes.

No pulse.

All right. Everybody, clear.


No pulse.

Temp is up to 95 degrees.

He's warm.

Total time is 45 minutes, Doctor.

Doctor Sutterer.


There's, uh...

There's nothing more we can do.

We'll wait on his mother.

Keith, keep going.

I'm not going anywhere, boss.

Please, Lord. Please, Lord Jesus.

I'm here for John Smith.


You can have a seat right over there.

We're just waiting for his parents to arrive.

I am his mother.

I'm sorry.

Just a moment.

She's here.

Should I bring her down?

I'll go.

Joyce, I'm here. They won't let me see him!

My John is in there and they will not let me see him!

Isn't that illegal?

We just need to be patient.

Joyce Smith? Yes? I'm Joyce.

Hi. I'm Doctor Kent Sutterer.

We're doing everything we can for your son, but John isn't responding.

What does that mean?

Let me take you to him.

Okay, team.


Joyce, we'll be right outside.

Please, uh, take as long as you need to say goodbye.


I don't understand.

I don't understand.


I don't understand.

I don't understand. I don't, No.

No, no, no.



No, no, no. God.

Please, Jesus, please.

Please, Jesus.

My John. My John...

Holy Spirit, I need you now.

I need you now.

Please, please, don't take my son.

Please! Please!

Please bring life back into John.


Please, God! Please, please, please.

Come, breathe life into John.

Please, God...

Please, God.

Please, God.

Send your Holy Spirit to save my son!

We've got a pulse! What?


We've got a pulse!

We've got a pulse! Trauma two.

Page Respiratory and let them know we need a ventilator.

You got a pulse? Yes.

Prepare intubation.

I'll get the NG and be ready to insert it post-intubation.


Where's John?


Oh, Brian.

How's John? Well...

John's got a pulse, but it's weak.

Now, we're doing everything we can to stabilize him, and we're airlifting him to Cardinal Glennon downtown right now.

They've got the foremost expert in drowning, Doctor Garrett.

Now, in my opinion, he's John's only chance.

ATC, this is Cardinal Glennon 3-3-4 airlift wing.

I'll follow you there, honey!

Go for CGCH.

We're requesting a flight program now.

I have you coming in at pad two with escort and trauma support staff to assist.

Ma'am, are you able to fly?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

You're hyperventilating.

I'm scared to death of heights.

I think it might be better if you traveled by car.

No, I'm not gonna leave my son!


Hey, babe!

You'll be proud of me. I'm jogging off that...

John Smith fell through a frozen lake!

Wait, what?

They're airlifting him to Cardinal Glennon.

Okay. Um...

I'm on my way.

You're John's mother, right? Yes.

I need you to come with me, ma'am.

Doctor Garrett will be the physician attending to John.

Okay. Okay.

We'll come find you as soon as we get him situated.

Okay. You can have a seat right over there.

Smith family. He was helicoptered in from St. Joseph.

Uh, she's here now, so...

We'll let you know as soon as we hear something.

Thank you.

It's really not a good time right now.

Yeah, I know, Joyce.

That's why I'm here.

Well, thanks for coming.

Well, I'm not leaving.

Not now, anyway.

Excuse me?

Look, Joyce. I know you might not be the biggest fan of how I preach, or my haircut.

But I'm John's pastor. And I'm your pastor.

I think that means that right now, we gotta set aside our differences.

We gotta focus on John. Right?


Thank you for coming.

Yes, Doctor. We've increased the drip rate.

I'm Doctor Garrett.

I'm sorry to be meeting under these circumstances.

Your son is alive, but his pulse is very, very weak.

John's brain, like his organs, was deprived of oxygen for at least 20 minutes before CPR was administered.

His injuries are catastrophic.

Beyond rudimentary brain function...

I've never seen a case like John's.

The fact that he's made it this far...

I'm sorry.

"This far"?


If John ever regained consciousness... he'd be severely neurologically impaired.

I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

But I don't believe John will survive the night.

If you have family and friends that you want to call to come to see John, now would be the time to do it.

I've been told that you are the best, Doctor Garrett.

I'm an expert in my field, ma'am.

No, you're the best.

World renowned, in fact.

Or was I misinformed?

No, you were not.

I know that you don't know my son, but my John is a fighter and he doesn't give up.

So, I need you to go and be the best for John.

Nothing less.

And you just let God do the rest.



It's been real touch and go.

Can't tell us anything more?

Here they are.

Hey, Melissa.

I'm so sorry, hon.

We headed over the minute we heard the news.

What are they saying about John?

Well, I'm not gonna say what the doctor just tried to tell me, because I refuse to accept it.

Because John is gonna get through this.

Joyce, I think you need to be honest with yourself about John's chances.

I am being honest about his chances.

You know, I'm gonna get back.

They're only allowing two people in the room at a time.


Brian. Let's go.

Oh, you and Jason go.

I'll hang back.

Are you sure? Yes, thank you.

How are the boys?

Well, the two Joshes were released a few hours ago.

They suffered some hypothermia, but they're gonna be fine.

And John?

John is in a very tough spot, honey.

But he's got a pulse, which is a lot more than anyone thought possible.

Mom said it was some kinda miracle.


Yeah, yeah...

I still don't know quite how to put it into words.

His mom, she was so emotional, she was praying and...

I still can't believe it. He just...

He just came back to life.

So, John's gonna be okay?

Your dad's had a long day, honey.

I know, but... what do I tell the kids in my class?

Well, honey, the truth is nobody knows for sure.

Is there a chance John will be back to school this week?

No, honey.

He's gonna be at Cardinal Glennon until...

Honey, I don't think John is gonna live much longer.

But you said he came back to life.

I know.

For now, honey.

Yeah, for now.

But it's...

You know, it's complicated.

I got an update from the hospital.

They, um...

They don't expect that boy to make it through the night.

That was something today, bud.

What you did.

Well, if Chief hadn't asked us to double back, never would've found him in the first place.

Say what?

If you hadn't yelled for us to go back.

I thought you were nuts.

I didn't yell at you guys.

No, I was knee-deep in trying to help those other boys not lose their fingers and toes.

I never heard it.

You're the one who found him, Tommy.

I helped you fish him out, but... the rest was all you.

I heard a voice say "Go back."

So who was it?

It wasn't me.

You're messing with me, Chief.


I'm just sitting here listening to you trying to sound humble, which really doesn't suit you.

What I witnessed today was something quite remarkable.

Some might even call it a miracle, which is why I'm writing.

So that no matter what happens, we will remember what we witnessed today.

My John made it through the night.

Yeah, of course he did.

He's a fighter.

Oh, I did some investigative research with Brian.

Two creams, one sugar.

Thank you.

And thank you for staying the night, Jason.


That's the first time you've ever called me Jason.

I'm sorry. I've been awful to you.

No! Come on. What are you talking about?

Who doesn't love a typed, two-page, single-spaced, anonymous complaint letter about the worship band?

The rapper was a bit much.


I grew up on hymns.

Wait, how'd you know it was me?

I didn't.


Listen, Joyce. The only reason I switched up the music at church is because I will do absolutely everything and anything, to get young people psyched to go to church.

Kids like John, it's just...

They need a little more cowbell, you know?

Yeah, I see your point.

Oh, Paula must hate me.

No. No, she thinks you're very... spirited.

Why don't you go home and see your family?

Are you sure?

Yes, yes, of course.

Good morning, everyone.


Uh, call me if you need me for anything.

I'll be back real soon. All right. Thanks.

Uh, I just got the update from Wendy.

I don't know how John made it through the night.

But I'm glad I was wrong.

I am worried about cerebral edema.

Like the rest of John's body, his brain's going to wanna swell.

I'm gonna keep John in an induced coma, give his body a chance to reverse course.

And we're gonna run a lot of tests today. Okay?

It's imperative that we see some kind of real proof of brain activity in John.


At best, we have a long road ahead.

And I'm not gonna lie to you.

We're in uncharted territory.

A fourteen-year-old St. Charles boy, who spent 15 minutes trapped underwater, after falling through the ice on Lake Saint Louis, is continuing to fight for his life today.

On Monday, after first responders, recovered John Smith's unresponsive and pulseless body, John was transported to St. Joseph West Hospital, where the trauma team continued life-saving CPR efforts, for an additional 45 minutes.

It was then, that after an hour with no signs of life, John's mother, Joyce, prayed.

And John got a pulse.

John was then quickly airlifted here to Cardinal Glennon Hospital, where we're told that Doctor Garrett and his team are working around the clock, in an effort to save John Smith's life.

This is Kay Quinn reporting live from Cardinal Glennon Hospital.

Where's Jason?

And in other news, yesterday, protesters...

I sent him home.

You missed Doctor Garrett this morning.

No, he came and found me.

Brian, you didn't come back last night.

I can't see him like this.

I can't be in this room... seeing him in this state.

I'm sorry.


If you need anything, I'll just be right down the hall.

I'm not leaving.


Melissa thinks that everyone... is just waiting for John to die.

That it's just...

It's just taking longer than they expected.

What do you think? I'm sorry but...

I think she's right.

I can see it in their face and in everyone's face except...


I believe God can heal our son completely.

I know you do.

I know you do.

Why did you have to sleep at the hospital?


Remember how I told you another word for "pastor" can be "shepherd"?

Well, shepherds look after their sheep, right?

Is that why you always tell Mom the people at church are acting like sheep?


Let's try not to repeat that.

No, uh, John's like a sheep that's been injured.

And this is a real thing, this really happens sometimes.

Sometimes when a shepherd finds a sheep that's been injured in his pasture, he'll actually pick him up, and he'll carry him around his neck.


Well, so that the sheep can hear his heartbeat, right?

And the two can form a bond.

So you're gonna carry John around your neck?

Well, not literally.


I think I'm butchering this metaphor.

You guys, your dad is going to the hospital to be by John's side.

That way he can hear your dad's voice and know that your dad loves him.

'Cause that is what pastors do.

They love their people.

Why didn't you just say that?

Like, yeah.

I have no idea. I don't know.

Why don't you go brush your teeth?

I think your mom should be the pastor, huh?


Hey, hey, hey! Dishes?

Oh, I know. Ooh, so rough.

Thank you!

Hey. What?

If John dies...

I mean, it's gonna destroy her.

She believes without a doubt that he'll survive.


How you doing?

What's on your mind, Chief?

The guys think that, uh... maybe you're still a little shook up about what happened to the boy.

I know what I heard.

I believe you.

A few feet over...

That lake is, like, 25 feet deep or more, right?


To find him like we did, that fast?

Million to one, best case.

Anything like that ever happen to you?



The way I figure it, it's either one of two things.

Either I'm nuts...

Or God's talking to you.


In which case...

I got a big personal problem.

What's that?

I don't believe in God.

Joyce thinks that John is gonna walk out of this hospital.

What do you think?

I have my doubts, if that's what you're asking.

That being said...

I think it's possible.

I've been researching drowning cases, hundreds of them.

No one in John's situation has ever survived.

I believe in God.

But maybe that only goes so far with something like this.

I'm gonna be honest with you.

I have no idea what God will do with John.

I mean, I have no idea.

All that I know is that I'm supposed to walk alongside you and Joyce right now.

Best case scenario... is that my son leaves here severely brain-damaged.

Could you handle that?

Thank you, Doctor.

I just think we should be focused on the patients we can actually help. Right?

That isn't your call or mine. It's Doctor Garrett's.

It is neurologically impossible for the patient to change course at this point.

Be that as it may, our job is to meet the needs of the patient, until Doctor Garrett changes course or the patient expires.

But the cerebral blood flow scan shows complete absence of...

The patient's name is John.

John Smith.

Hello, I'm Doctor Lulu.


My colleagues and I were just discussing your son's case.

Oh, I heard what you were discussing.

We thought we were alone.

Of course you did.

But I'm here, and my son is right in front of you.

And my son can hear you whether you believe it or not.

So from now on, I don't want anybody saying anything negative about his prognosis in this room.

We will all speak life over John.

Do I make myself clear?

Mrs. Smith, we really didn't mean to upset you.

I said, do I make myself clear?



Are you okay?


If I'm honest, my sugars are sky high, and I have a pounding headache.

Okay, that's not good.


I need to go home and get my insulin and I...


Look, Brian and I got this. John's in stable condition.

Maybe you can actually get some rest.



I've missed you.

Oh, you must be starved.

Let's get you something.


He's stable.

No real changes.


I, um...

I brought your Jordans with me.

I know no one's allowed to touch them.

But I just thought that maybe...

I can't wait to see you sh**t those baskets and run up and down the court again.

You are my pride and joy, John.

Do you hear your mother?

And I love you to the moon.

And don't you forget it.


He just squeezed my hand!



Yes, absolutely.

John, can you do it again? Can you squeeze my hand?

Um, ask him something.

Uh, okay. Um...

John, squeeze my hand if...

Michael Jordan is the best player of all time.

Show Pastor Jason a thing or two.

I don't know.

LeBron is pretty amazing.

I don't know, I don't think he can do it, Mom.

Grab his other hand.

Honey, squeeze my hand for Jordan and Jason's for LeBron, okay, baby?

Come on, buddy, you got this.

The best player of all time, son.

Come on.

Yeah! I saw it!

Yeah! I saw it!

Um, John, who was it who got a record six NBA titles?


I feel you, John!

And who was it who hopped down to Miami for a second, crushing his fans to get that ring?

He can hear us!

He squeezed my hand. Joyce! He squeezed my hand.

Oh, my God. We have to tell the doctors.

Oh, hell yeah!

I'm sorry.

I get pumped.

I'm going!

It's Doctor Garrett, John.

Your mom tells me that you can hear us.

Is that true?

Tell the doctor, John.

Greatest player of all time.

Squeeze my hand for Jordan, and the doctor's for LeBron. Okay, baby?

Doesn't have to be a hard squeeze.

Just let us know you're there, John.

Who won those six NBA titles, buddy?

My hand for Jordan.

The doctor's hand for LeBron. Okay, baby? You got this.

I just squeezed your hand, John.

You wanna just squeeze mine right back?

Phantom or, uh, random muscle tics are normal.

It wasn't random.

No, he was answering us.

I know it can seem like that.

Hey, girls.

Hi, Mrs. J. Thanks for coming.

Hi. Hi. Thanks for coming.

Rieger, Josh, get your butts over here and give me a hug.

Listen, I'm so glad you boys are okay.

I'm so sorry, Mrs. Smith.

It's our fault that John is in here.


So what matters now is that you're here to support John.

It means the world to his dad and me.

So thank you.

We brought cards that, um... people made for John.

Wow. This is...

It's really wonderful. Thank you.

Could you hold these a sec?

Excuse me, boys.

Thank you.

There's no words.


I'm so sorry. Not another word.

Cindy, it's not your fault.


Why'd we go out there?

I'm sorry.

Hey. Hey, hey. Hey, hey.

What I wouldn't give to bench that boy right now.

Did you see the Facebook page that we made for John?

No. It's gone viral.


Oh, girls...

This is so...

Oh, this is so wonderful! Wow! Look at... these prayers and, I already did my homework!

We came to be supportive, honey, and there's nothing left for us to do here.

So we need to not overstay our welcome.

I wanna stay longer! We need to go. Okay?

Girls, look, we need to be prepared for the fact, that John is probably not going to make it. Okay?

I really don't think you wanna be here for that.

Mom! I know I don't.

Mrs. J, are you okay?


Can I have your attention?

Just down that hall, do you know that John is fighting for his life?


And so in this room, there is no negative talk of any kind!



Thank you.


You okay? Far from it!

The nerve of these people!

Let's talk.

What's up?

I'm worried about you. I know you're angry.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right, I am.

The people in that room are not your enemy, even if they don't say exactly the right thing.

Look, I support what you said out there.

But the way you've spoken to some of the staff, I just...

What, Brian? Say it.

I need you to show them some... kindness or decency.

I'm fighting for my son's life!

We all are!

Everybody is doing their best in an impossible situation.

If it wasn't for me, our son wouldn't be alive right now!

Wow, Joyce.

You're my wife. I love you.

But whatever happens, I don't want you to regret how you acted here.

In my heart of hearts,

I know that you don't want that either.

Grinding people into the ground isn't gonna save our son.

I am begging you to remember who you are.

If not for me, for John.


Wake up.

Honey, it's time to wake up.

Joyce, wake up!

My wife is diabetic. I can't wake her!

Okay. Call for a crash cart, let's go!

Somebody give me a hand!

I'm fine now.

I think I just took too much of my insulin last night.

You slipped into a diabetic coma.

Her blood sugar is up to 70, Doctor.

Thank you, Nurse.

See? I'm fine.

Joyce, you coded!

I need to see John.

You need to rest for at least eight hours.

I want to be with my son.

I'm not asking, Joyce.

You have Type 1 diabetes.

You're dehydrated, emotionally fried, and you haven't slept for days.

I need you here for the long haul for John.

Three hours, not eight. Best and final.

Joyce, I catch you in that room in less than five hours, I'll have you involuntarily committed and taken across the street.

You wouldn't. He would, with my blessing!

Five hours, Joyce.

Make 'em count.

It's really not a good time right now.

Yeah, I know, Joyce.

That's why I'm here.

What you must think of me.

You know what?

I think you are the fiercest mama bear that I've ever known.

How is John?

He's stable.

So when I was 18,

I gave my first son up for adoption.

I wasn't ready, and my life was such a mess.

I've never forgiven myself.

I can't let it go.

I can't go back. I can't fix it.

So I tell John how to spend his allowance.

Brian what tie he should wear.

I insisted on naming our dog "Sammy" for crying out loud.

John and Brian wanted "Yoda."

It's a pretty stupid name.

Thank you.

Oh, and you, I still wanna fix your hair.

My whole life, I have not stopped trying to control the outcome.

I can't control this, can I?

Joyce, why don't you let God handle it?

Well, looks like you're allowed back upstairs again.


Um, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna... get a breath of fresh air outside.

Okay, I'll tell everyone.


And I know that You love John, just as much as I do.

Maybe more.

I'm sorry.

I am a...

I am a broken, desperate, woman full of pride.

But I get it.

I have to let him go.

I know You love me.

Whatever You have, for John, for Brian, for me,

I surrender. I surrender.

Brian, is everything okay?

I don't think so.

John's fever just hit 104.

Now, John's had two full days of propofol.

And it's only meant to be taken at most for 24 hours.

I think that's why his fever's spiking.

You said the propofol was needed to keep John in an induced coma.

That's right.

We had no other choice but to keep him deeply sedated.

My concern now, with this raging fever, is that the propofol and the heavy-duty antibiotics we're giving him, will cause permanent organ damage.

Then wake him up.

Excuse me?

Wake John up.

Take him off of everything and let our son fight for his life.

You just said these things that he's on are making him worse.

And even if John wakes up, we know he'll probably never live a normal life.

That's right.


So we wake him up.


Let's start tapering him off all medication.

Tomorrow morning, we wake him up.

I think we need to ask for help.

All the help that we can get.

We're hearing tonight that another miracle is needed for John.

He is still in a coma, and he is still fighting for his life.

Joyce Smith, John's mother, was unable to leave her son's side.

But the family's pastor, Jason Noble, is joining me here tonight, with something he'd like to say on the family's behalf.


We've reached a critical juncture in John's care.

So the Smith family simply asks for one thing.

So please pray for John.

His mother, Joyce, believes that God can do the impossible.

So we're asking Him to do just that.

Thank you.

So the Smith family is in need of your prayers tonight, as they face this incredibly difficult ordeal.

When we first reported on John's story, we got such an outpouring of care and concern from the community.

His story continues to touch so many lives.

And we are committed to keeping you posted every step of the way.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, John.

This is Kay Quinn reporting from Cardinal Glennon Hospital.

Back to you in the studio.

Lord, fill John's lungs tomorrow with the breath of life.

Restoring him fully if it be Your will.

♪ You call me out upon the waters ♪

♪ The great unknown where feet may fail ♪

♪ And there I find You in the mystery ♪

♪ In oceans deep ♪

♪ My faith will stand ♪

♪ And I will call upon Your name ♪ Brian.

♪ And keep my eyes above the waves ♪

♪ When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace ♪

♪ For I am Yours ♪

♪ And You are mine ♪

♪ Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders ♪

♪ Let me walk upon the waters ♪

♪ Wherever You would call me ♪ John.

I think everybody you know is outside that window.

♪ Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander ♪

♪ And my faith will be made stronger ♪

♪ In the presence of my Savior ♪

♪ Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders ♪

♪ Let me walk upon the waters ♪

♪ Wherever You would call me ♪

♪ Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander ♪ I'm sorry...

for all the things that I said to you.

I'm sorry.

I should've always been right here.

By John's side.

And yours.

♪ Right here, right now ♪

♪ Someway, somehow ♪

♪ Right now, we need You ♪

♪ We can't do it without You ♪

♪ Right here, right now ♪

♪ Someway, somehow ♪

♪ Right now, we need You ♪

♪ We can't do it without You ♪

♪ Right here, right now ♪

♪ Someway, somehow ♪

♪ I will call upon Your name ♪

♪ And... ♪

♪ Keep my eyes above the waves ♪

♪ When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace ♪

♪ For I am Yours ♪

♪ And You are mine ♪


I just wanna thank you for saving my son.

I was just doing my job.

I hope he's gonna be okay.

I'm gonna give you guys some privacy.

This feels like a family thing.

So I'm gonna be right down the hall if you need me.

It is a family thing.

So I think you should stay.



Is everybody ready?


Let's start with the breathing treatment.

This is going to help open his airways and lungs.

And then we can remove the breathing tube.

We're gonna extubate John.

John's lungs have partially collapsed, so this next part won't be easy.

Move back a little bit, okay?



Is he okay? What is happening? Joyce!

Let him hear your voices.

John, it's Mom and Dad. We're here for you, son.

Everything's okay. We're right here. John, we're right here.

I love you. John?


Starting the flow, Doctor.

Hmm. Okay, all right.

All right, he's breathing on his own.

Okay, let's get him the Narcan.

0.4 milligrams, please.

This should kick-start John into consciousness within the next few minutes, and then we'll see what we're dealing with.

Hey, hey.

This went about as well as humanly possible.

That was awful.

This is the process, Joyce. Okay.

Now, we wait.


John, baby.

I need you to fight.


You need to come back to us now, John.

I need you to fight.

You can do it, John.

You need to come back to us now, John.

You have a purpose and you are loved.

I need you to fight.



Oh, John!

You're okay, John.

Hey, John. We're right here.

Everything's okay.

Hey, John.

Can you understand what I'm saying?

You're okay, John. It's Mom and Dad.

And everyone's here.

Everyone's here. You had an accident.

Do you know who I am?

I love you.



I'm here.

I'm right here.

I'm here, baby. I'm here.

And in 1885, Douglass wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

And it became the preeminent example of the literary genre known...

John is awake!

His mom says he's talking.

Guys, his mom says he's talking!

Oh, my gosh!

John's awake!

John is awake! John is awake! John is awake!

Oh, my God!

John is awake!

John Smith is awake!

I repeat, John Smith is awake!



One more time.

Your lungs are very clear.

Your oxygen levels are up.

Doctor Garrett? Yes?

John's lung cultures came back negative for bacteria.

Run them again, please.

Uh, I already did.

Is that a good thing?

That's a really good thing, honey.

Wendy, would you help young John with his breathing exercises?


When Wendy's ready, I want you to breathe in deeply, so we can test your lung capacity.

Whatever you need.

"Whatever I need."


Forty-eight hours ago, John's lungs were filled with his own blood.

He needed constant adrenaline just to keep his heart pumping.

His white blood cells were being consumed faster than any patient I've ever seen.

His brain was experiencing neurological devastation, while simultaneously every one of his major organs...

was failing.

Now, look at him.

I'm a doctor.

I'm supposed to know better.

But there's simply no other explanation, Joyce.

Your son's a miracle.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, my goodness.

What's that?

Oh, my God!

So cool!

Oh, I can't grip it yet.

Hey, Abby.

Hey, John.

Shut it, Chayla. Come on.

Two, one.

Hey, John!

Welcome back, man!

Whoo! John!

Welcome back, John.

Thank you, Mrs. Abbott.

Thank you.

Okay, everyone, let's turn to Chapter 19 in our history books.

Mrs. Abbott? Yeah.

I know I have a lot to catch up on.

Oh, no, John. Please, don't worry about it.

I'm just glad to have you back.

Thank you.

Hey, John.

Uh, I was wondering,

Why do you think...

God chooses to save some and not others?

It's just...

I lost my husband two years ago.

He had an aneurysm...

and died in his sleep.

And I'm still trying to figure it all out.

I'm so sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Clearly, I wasn't thinking.

Why don't you go and catch up with the rest of your friends?

I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?

What's up, Miracle Boy?

Where you running off to?

Not gonna go try and, uh, walk on water again, are you, John?


Tommy Shine?


It's good to finally meet you.


You too.

I was just sitting here debating on whether... coincidences happen in life.

Thank you for saving me.

I didn't save you, John.

I mean, I did, but I didn't.

In the water that day, I was ready to give up on you, man.

But then I hear this voice telling me "Go back."

God told me where to find you.

Well, if there's a God...

I don't know what he's got planned for you, but it must be something pretty special.

Maybe that's true for the both of us.

Way over there?

Yeah, right there. Oh.

Good morning!

Good morning!

We have a little bit of a surprise for you this Sunday.

I'd like to ask a good friend of mine, Joyce Smith, and her family, to join me up here.

We love you, John!

In all my years in ministry, I mean, I've never even seen anything or heard of anything like this.

So, John, what do you remember?

This thing on?


Well, I do remember waking up.

And the first thing I saw... was my mom, holding my hand.

And letting me know that everything was gonna be okay.

When I was a baby, and no one wanted me, my parents wanted me.

And when no one thought that I could make it back, my mom knew that I could.


I love you.

I love you.


I love you, too.

I love you, John.

And for those of you who ask why me...

I don't know.

But a great teacher once told me, "Yesterday's not ours to recover, "but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."

Lastly, I just wanna thank the Lord.

I thought it might be a good idea for John to meet some of the people responsible for saving his life.

If you're part of the Wentzville Fire Department, would you please stand?

If you're an emergency dispatch officer or an EMT member, could you please stand as well?

Now, if you're a member of the Lake Saint Louis Police Department, could you please stand?

If you're part of the St. Joseph medical team, could you stand?

And if you're part of the Cardinal Glennon medical team, could you stand?

Thank you so much for your tireless service.

For your sacrifice.

If you could remain standing, I'd like to ask anyone who prayed for John at school to stand.

I'd like anyone who prayed for him at home to stand.

I'd like anyone who prayed for him in this very church to stand.

Thank you. You can please be seated.

I think it's been said that love... is the most powerful force on this earth.

And my husband and I, we believe that... without love, we cannot flourish, we cannot grow.

We cannot find our place in this world.

And the power of love, and God's love especially, is truly the one and only thing that makes all things possible.

Thank you for loving John, and thank you for loving us.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.


John! Eagle, eagle!

Eagle, eagle!
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