Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's taking so long.

Look at yourself, Father.

You would think this was your first child.

Tell me, were you this nervous when I was born?

Well, yes and no.

It was different with your mother.

But with Rachel, we gave up hope.

We were told she could never have children.

Father! It's a boy!

Father, it's a boy! It's a boy.

My boy!

Can you believe it? Rachel had a baby.

I guess it is a miracle.

O God, who is the Father of us all, you have blessed me with a gift beyond all measure.

Within a barren wife, amid the twilight skies of my life, you've placed a treasure.

♪ A brightly shining star Where there was none ♪

♪ You have granted us a son ♪

♪ Dreams do come true ♪ Look at you. Joseph.

♪ Our baby brother ♪

♪ He is special ♪

♪ He is one of us We'll keep him from harm ♪

♪ And we will teach him ♪

♪ I will teach him All he needs to know ♪

♪ He'll stand apart From other men ♪

♪ We'll stand beside him And together ♪

♪ We will show him What it means ♪

♪ To be a family ♪

Ah. Ooh.

♪ You are a miracle child ♪

♪ You are the best You shine the brightest ♪

♪ Your days ♪ Joseph. - ♪ Will be cloudless ♪ Come to Papa. - ♪ And mild ♪

♪ Your trails be blessed ♪

♪ Your trials The lightest ♪

♪ You were made For better things ♪

♪ You will share The air of kings ♪

♪ You were born And fortune smiled ♪

♪ For you are A miracle child ♪

♪ The sun will rise ♪

♪ Within your eyes ♪

♪ The moon will light Your smile ♪

♪ And Heaven grace Your gentle face ♪

- ♪ With power to beguile ♪ Good night, Joseph.

♪ You will wade through The river of sorrows ♪

- ♪ Warm and dry ♪ Keep it steady.

♪ And angels will Guide your tomorrows ♪

♪ This I prophesy ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Are a miracle child ♪

♪ You are the best ♪ Hey, what are you doing - ♪ You shine the brightest ♪

♪ Your days will be Cloudless and mild ♪

♪ Your trails be blessed ♪

♪ Your trials the lightest ♪

♪ You were made For better things ♪

♪ You will share The air of kings ♪

♪ You were born And fortune smiled ♪

♪ For you are a miracle child ♪

♪ Dearest Mother ♪

♪ Beloved Father ♪

♪ A coat of colors Bright as butterfly wings ♪

♪ To remind me ♪

♪ Things you've told me All my life ♪

♪ I am special I am smart ♪

♪ I am somehow set apart ♪

♪ Petty rules And limitations don't apply ♪

♪ For I am A miracle child ♪

♪ I can't be harmed ♪ I'm sorry. - ♪ I'm wrapped in rainbow ♪

♪ Though fate can be ♪

- ♪ Heartless and wild ♪ Come on. Let's play.

- ♪ My life's been charmed ♪ Come on!

♪ And shall remain so ♪ Come with me, Joseph.

♪ I was made For something more ♪

♪ Not to struggle But to soar ♪

♪ To my fortune reconciled ♪

♪ For I am A miracle child ♪

♪ You won't see me Bent over double ♪

♪ In darkness and rubble ♪

♪ Where mountains of trouble Are piled ♪

♪ I was destined to fly ♪

♪ Watch me light up The sky ♪

♪ For I am A miracle child ♪


No! Stop! What's wrong?

What's going on? What did he say?

Oh, it's Joseph.

What's the matter It was wolves!

There were wolves everywhere.

Coming out of the shadows. I was surrounded.

They were all around me and-- That's it?

You woke us... for a dream? Ooh!

Quiet down! You want to scare the sheep?

The sheep. The ram.

The wolves k*lled the ram.

It was dead. I don't understand.

It all seemed so real.

Everything is fine, Joseph. It's over.

There's nothing to worry about.

And, you boys, since you're up, make yourselves useful.

Get to work before sunup.


Joseph, where do you think you're going?

Um, I, uh--

You have studies.

But, Father, I wanna go with them.

Look. You know they have their work and you have yours. But why?

Because you do.

Because you're a miracle child.

For you, things are different.

You've said that all my life. I don't want to be different.

I want to be like them.

Joseph, God has a plan and a purpose for you.

You're not like the rest of us.

I've worked this earth all my life, just as my father and grandfather did before me... and as your brothers will after me.

That won't be your future.

Jacob, even God rested on the seventh day.

He'll find his future soon enough.

Let him be with his brothers.


Go on.


Be safe!

Judah! Simeon!

Hmph! Look who's here. The miracle child.

What are you doing here?

Don't you have some scrolls to read or something?

Here, let me do that.

Joseph, wait, wait! You have to be very careful.

You might cut your hands on the soft fur.

Get away!

I... I just want to help. You've helped enough.

Thanks to you, we'll work an extra hour today.

You're not tired because you got up early.

It's because you were out all night.

Why, you little sneak. What do you know?

I know about everything-- the women and the drinking.

There's a lot Father doesn't know.

You wouldn't. He would.

The little brat. Aah!

If you say one word, I'll wring your skinny neck.

Stop it!

If Father sent him, we should be happy for his help.

Maybe he can do your work, Simeon.

Huh! Somebody should.

Besides, there is something Joseph can do.

What's he doing? I don't know.


While we round up the strays, can you watch the herd for us?

Of course. Good.

We'll be back soon. Let's go.

Maybe we should split up. You go over there.

Hey! What are you doing? Hey!

Hey, come on! Look at him.


Get him. You're too heavy.


Are you making fun of me too?


Hey, come back!


Get away! Get away!


Get away!

Joseph, are you hurt?


Your brothers, where are they?

I asked you a question!

They're-- They're, uh--

They-- They went swimming.


What happened? This is how you take charge?

I expect you to watch after Joseph, but you abandoned my son.

My son! Aren't we your sons too?

The ram!

It's Joseph's dream!

Wolves k*ll sheep. It happens all the time.

No! I understand.

God sent you a vision of the future.

Joseph didn't really see the future, did he?

Let's get back to work.

Why do we wash before work?

We don't want the sheep smelling you and running off.

Hey, look who finally woke up.

Oh, look what the sun brought up.

Good morning, Joseph.

Mom, last night I had another dream.

Oh, another dream! Ooh!

I wasn't talking to you.

Please, why don't you share it with all of us.

Yes. Who'd the wolf get this time?

You can laugh, but this time it was about all of you.

Oh, please, you must tell us our future, great Joseph.

Should I be scared?

Leave me alone! Come on, Joseph. Tell us.

We're dying to hear about it.

Well, all of us were carrying sheaves of wheat.

I was among you, but then all of a sudden, I was above you and your wheat bowed to me--

I wonder what that's supposed to mean.

Nothing, that's what it means. Nothing.

Hey, you asked to hear the dream.

What happened next? The sky was dark, and all around me there were stars.

They were bowing to me too.

Ooh! Let's all bow down to Joseph.

We can't ignore these dreams.

After all, his last one did come true.

Are you saying that Joseph belongs above all of us, even Judah?

I'm not saying that, but there could be a message here.

Judah's led the herd for years, brought in the wheat, raised the tents.

He comes first before any of us, especially Joseph.

Judah, it's not up to me.

God may be telling us something of our future.

Then I guess all my work doesn't matter.

Watch your tongue.

Jacob, Judah, please!

I've had enough of this. Let's go.

Look at what your dreams have done.

Don't get mad at me. I didn't ask for them.

You didn't ask for this either, brother.


Joseph! Boys! Apologize to each other!

Let me talk to Joseph.

He's just a boy. You're too harsh on him.

You're always defending him!

His dreams come from God.

Joseph, you need to be more understanding of your brothers.

Life is a lot harder for them than it ever will be for you.

Why do you defend them? They're not even your sons.

They're no less my sons than you are.

We're family, all of us.

If we break apart, we have nothing left.

♪ You've seen the damage Words can do ♪ This is God's plan.

♪ When full Of thoughtless pride ♪ That's enough!

♪ Now heed the wiser voice In you ♪

♪ That calls To be your guide ♪

♪ The flowers reaching For the sun ♪

♪ Are all uniquely blessed ♪

♪ But though each is special ♪

♪ Not a one is better Than the rest ♪

♪ Bloom, bloom May you know ♪

♪ The wisdom Only time breeds ♪

♪ There's room, bloom And you'll grow ♪

♪ To follow where Your heart leads ♪

♪ Bloom and may you bring ♪

♪ Your colors To the vast bouquet ♪

♪ There's room, bloom Learn one thing ♪

♪ Your gifts are meant To give away ♪

Thanks, Mom.

Judah! Simeon!

Levi! Reuben! Where are you?

Joseph isn't fit to lead sheep.

I agree. But he's our brother.

Half-brother. Said so himself.

Judah is the one who should take over for Father.

Yes, but--

Do you want a spoiled brat giving you orders?


Can we all agree that something has to be done about Joseph?

Yes. I agree.

Hey, everybody! The little spy is back!

I wasn't spying--

Did Father tell you to check up on us?

No! Maybe this was a mistake.

I just want to-- Report on us to Father?

You're his favorite. N-No.

You look at scrolls all day while we're covered in sweat.

Why is that, Joseph?

Is it because we don't have pretty coats like you?

I have mine.

That's my coat!

Step aside, brothers.

I'm the new head of the family.

Bow before me, you sheaves of wheat!

Oh, yes, Master Joseph, ruler of the world.

Give it back, now!

If you want your coat, why don't you go get it?

Levi's got it. No, I don't. Judah does.

Come on! I've got it!

I've had enough of this stupid game!

Joseph! Who says this is a game?

What are you doing? Leave me alone!

No! Stop it!

Oh! Ohh!

What do we do now?

Are we just going to leave him down there?

What are we going to tell Father?

We'll think of something. Somebody!

Please! Just get out of here.

Maybe he can dream his way out.

Don't leave me here alone!

Aah! Aah!

I knew you'd come back.

You think this is funny?

Well, Father won't be laughing when he hear--

Who are you? Get him.

Hey! Hey! What are you doing?

Ow! Let me go! You don't understand.

I'm from the house of Jacob. A little scrawny, isn't he?

It's hard to tell with that pretty coat on.


No, no, no, don't take my--

Get up!

Looks like he's never worked a day in his life.

That'll change.

My brothers will come for me. Judah!

Simeon! Levi!

Please help me! Joseph!

We're right here.


I told you they'd come for me.

As agreed, 20 pieces of silver.

Judah-- Why--

No! Help me!

Levi, please. Issachar.

Simeon. Stop them.

Judah. Judah, help me, please.


Judah, please!

Judah, we can't turn back now. We've gone too far.

Aah! Hut, hut!

I'm your brother! I'm your brother!



Where could he have gone? Don't worry.

I'm sure he's all right.

The boys will find him.


This is all we found.


No! Joseph! Joseph!

Oh, Rachel.

Hey, wake up.

♪ Behold the glory Behold the wonder ♪

♪ What we have made Shall not be torn asunder ♪

♪ Such vast achievements Stone and papyrus ♪

♪ Beneath the gaze Of !sis and Osiris ♪

♪ Land of majesty ♪

♪ Where the heavens smile ♪

♪ Jewel of history shining ♪

♪ By the Nile ♪ Hey! Here.

Exquisite, aren't they? Yes.

Where's the sl*ve market? Down by the docks.

♪ Serve and be silent ♪

♪ You who are chattel ♪

♪ We think of you As little more than cattle ♪

♪ This is your lot now And we advise you ♪

♪ To bow before Whatever master buys you ♪

♪ Feel the power here ♪

- ♪ Power has its price ♪ Let's go.

♪ Some can live like gods ♪

- ♪ Some must sacrifice ♪ What do you have?

A Canaanite. - ♪ Through the centuries ♪

♪ Many backs have bent ♪

♪ Many dreams are built ♪

- ♪ Many lives are spent ♪ Move, sl*ve!

Get in line.

Slaves for sale! Buy this one!

Now, let's have a look at him. Let me see his teeth.

Hmm. Mm-hmm.

He's too skinny.

This is more like it.

The captain of the guard needs a sl*ve for his household.

I have one you might like, sir.

Thirty pieces. Hmm.

He looks healthy enough. Lord Potiphar!

He'll do.

Ah. Looks like we have some work to do.

♪ Look and be humbled ♪

♪ Learn what your place is Egyptian sl*ve ♪ Over there!

♪ No matter What your race is ♪

♪ This is your future Your life suspended ♪

♪ And everything You knew before has ended ♪

♪ You are Egypt's now ♪

- ♪ We have all control ♪ Hey!

- ♪ From your every step ♪ Aah!

- ♪ To your very soul ♪ Hold still.

You're done. He's ready for work.

It's not for your face. It's for the floor.


Hey, Joseph, you missed a spot.

It's different doing real work, isn't it?


No more baby soft hands. Who bows now, little brother?

You there.

Have you cleaned this entire courtyard by yourself?


He's a hard worker.


Maybe we could put him to better use in the banquet hall.

My wife thinks you should work for her.

What do you say? I cannot say.

A sl*ve is not his own master.

Well said.

Find him some new clothes.

Then get someone else to finish here.

Yes, my lord.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! Come on.

Who brought the cat?

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Oh, stop that.

Come down!

Aunt Zuleika, I'm sorry. I'll get it down from there.

Please come down.

Come here, kitty.

Come here. Look at this.


Hmm. She seems to like you.

Thank you.

I haven't seen you here before.

Oh, I'm new. Asenath.

Coming, Aunt Zuleika. Good-bye.

Joseph, come here.

I'm waiting.

I'm coming!

Oh! Sorry, Asenath.


I don't think you want my aunt seeing you like this.

That's better. Thanks.


Oh, yes, of course.

Hyah! Hyah!

What a magnificent animal.

Faster. Faster. Ah!


I'm in the sun. Hyah! Ho!


Well? You were right.

He's all that you promised.

I haven't seen a finer horse in all of Egypt.

I'm glad Your Excellency is pleased.

There is still one small matter.

Oh, yes. As we agreed.

Oh, forgive me, but something is not quite right.


I thought I brought the right amount.

You're a busy man. Anyone can make a mistake.

He's yours. Pharaoh himself would be jealous.

Yes, he's a fine horse.


Master, I think you should see this.

Uh-- Get away from that. Don't touch it!

Well, look at that.

Well, I-- It's broken.

Your Excellency, I had no idea.

Of course not. You're a busy man.

Anyone can make a mistake.

And yours is going to cost you your freedom.

Please, keep the stallion as a gift from me.

No. Take him away.

I have a dozen more horses! Take them all!

Please, anything!

Potiphar, you should keep it.

You said it was the finest in all Egypt.

And own a horse taken from a thief?

What would that say about my honor?

You and your honor.

You've done well. What's your name?



You're an educated sl*ve.

Where did you learn? My father taught me.

Ah. He taught you well.

Tell me what else your father has taught you.

I can read and write Egyptian.

♪ A boy looks up ♪

♪ And sees a golden gift Of chance ♪ What a mess. Good luck.

♪ To prove his worth ♪

♪ And make the best Of what might seem ♪

♪ A dire circumstance ♪

♪ Onward and onward The slow and steady climb ♪ Master. Let's have a look.

♪ Task upon task That can lift him ♪ Well done, Joseph. - ♪ To the summit over time ♪

♪ You've got to take whatever Road's at your feet ♪

♪ You've got to make Whatever progress you can ♪

♪ Although the map you hold Is far from complete ♪

♪ You've got to take whatever Road's at your feet ♪

To a good year, and to your friend.

My neck is k*lling me.

It's too early for this.

Rachel. Joseph.

Huh Shh!

W-Why are you here? Is something wrong?


This land-- it's not Egypt.

Is this your home?

Canaan. Please, tell me more about Canaan.

This is the place where I was born.

These are the sunflowers my mother planted.

This is my, uh--

My-- Family?

You miss them, don't you?

My brothers.

They betrayed me!

Joseph, we are your family now.


We care for you here.

We... I feel you are special.

What? No.

Why have you come here tonight?

To be with you. No.

This is not right. Joseph, look at me.

I will not betray my master. I'm talking to you.

No! Stop! No! Wait! I order you to stay!


Everything you are, you owe to me!

You stood apart from the other slaves.

I let you work in my home. I kept you from hard labor, and you did well for me.

Or so I thought. Master--

No other sl*ve was ever given this opportunity!

I gave you my trust.

What do you say for yourself? I did nothing wrong.

And still you insult me with your denials!

What am I to make of this?

It's not what it seems.

I could never betray you, Master.

Such insolence!

Am I to believe a sl*ve over my own wife?

I swear. I did nothing to betray you.

Silence! For what you have done, you must be put to death.

See to it. No, no.

Master, I beg you. Tell him!

Help me! Tell him that--

Help me! Please!


He doesn't deserve to die. Why?

I see.

Take him to prison.

Wait, Master. No!

Please! Believe me! I did nothing wrong!

This is a mistake!

I did nothing wrong.

Yeah, we know you're innocent.

I know it sounds crazy, but it was so real.

I was up all night with my own dreams.

Now you wanna take up my day with yours?

No. Just listen.

I was back at Pharaoh's palace in a garden of grapes that had three old vines.

A tear fell from my eye, and the vines drank it in.

They became so thick with grapes that I squeezed them into a cup and served it to Pharaoh.

That is quite a dream.

I know what your dream means. You do? How could you?

I just do. It's some kind of gift.

The three vines signify three days.

In three days, Pharaoh will bring you back to the palace a free man.

If only it were true.

It is true. And when you're free, tell Pharaoh about my gift. Please. Promise me.

Some gift.

To make up fairy tales and give hope to the foolish.

Maybe he's not making it up. All right, then.

Here's one I've had every night for the last week.

I'm taking three baskets of bread to Pharaoh, one on top of the other, when the baskets fall.

I go to pick up the bread, when suddenly a swarm of birds come out of nowhere and attack me.

They keep pecking at me in the face and the eyes.

What does it mean?

I don't know. Yes, you do. Tell me.

Tell me!

The three baskets also signify three days.

In three days, Pharaoh will behead you, and birds will feed on your flesh.

What? You're lying. You're lying!

Stop it!

Don't pay any attention to him.

We're not going anywhere.

Take him.

Get up.

You knew. You knew! That's not a gift!

That's a curse!

Pharaoh has summoned you to the palace.

Why? What did I do? Let's go.

It's gonna be all right. You'll see.

Tell Pharaoh about me. I will.

Don't forget me!

Don't forget me!

Guard! Tell them I'm still here!

Answer me!

No one cares.


Halt! Who's there?


Oh, God why are you doing this to me?

Do you hear me? Any kindness, you take away.

You were the one who gave me the dreams.

You brought me the gift. Some gift!

My dreams are lies.

What have I done to deserve this?

♪ I thought I did what's right ♪

♪ I thought I had the answers ♪

♪ I thought I chose the surest road ♪

♪ But that road Brought me here ♪

♪ So I put up a fight ♪

♪ And told you how To help me ♪

♪ Now, just when I have given up ♪

♪ The truth Is coming clear ♪

♪ You know better than I ♪

♪ You know the way ♪

♪ I've let go ♪

♪ The need to know why ♪

♪ For you know Better than I ♪

♪ If this has been a test ♪

♪ I cannot see the reason ♪

♪ But maybe knowing I don't know ♪

♪ Is part of Getting through ♪

♪ I try to do what's best ♪

♪ And faith Has made it easy ♪

♪ To see the best thing I can do ♪

♪ Is put my trust in you ♪

♪ For you know Better than I ♪

♪ You know the way ♪

♪ I've let go ♪

♪ The need to know why ♪

♪ For you know better ♪

♪ Than I ♪

♪ I saw one cloud And thought it was the sky ♪

♪ I saw a bird and thought That I could follow ♪

♪ But it was you who Taught that bird to fly ♪

♪ If I let you reach me ♪

♪ Will you teach me? ♪

♪ For you know ♪

♪ Better than I ♪

♪ You know the way ♪

♪ I've let go ♪

♪ The need to know why ♪

♪ I'll take what answers you supply ♪

♪ You know better ♪

♪ Than I ♪


Pharaoh's butler said you interpret dreams.

That is true. And?

Pharaoh is tortured by a dream.

None of his wise men can explain it.

I'm to bring you to the palace.


It's good to see you again.

How could I have allowed this to happen?

My wife--

I understand.

Let's go.

For the sake of Egypt, relieve my suffering.

Is this the one you spoke of?

Yes, Excellency.

I'm told you merely need to hear a dream, and you can explain it.

Not me, Your Excellency.

The explanation comes from God.

None of my wise men or magicians, none of my gods could help me.

What makes you think your God is any different?

Tell me your dream, Pharaoh.

Every night it's the same.

I am standing by the Nile.

Seven healthy cows graze peacefully on the banks.

But then seven horrible, sickly cows come from the same river, the most wretched I have ever seen in Egypt.

Suddenly they begin to devour the healthy cattle, and yet the cows remain as sickly as before.

And then I wake up.

Is there more?

Yes. Another dream always follows.

Seven ears of grain, full and golden, grow from a single stalk.

Suddenly, seven ears, hardened and scorched, spring up on the same stalk

and swallow the seven good ears.

All that remains are shriveled grains unfit to eat

and nothing else.

Well? Pharaoh's dreams are one.

The healthy cows and ears of grain are seven years of abundance.

The sickly cows and the withered grain, mean seven years of famine will follow and destroy the land.

Egypt may not survive.

Can this be stopped? What can be done?

You must find a man you can trust.

During the years of plenty, have him collect one-fifth of the grain from every field and store it under guard.

Then, during the years of famine, give it back to the people.

Potiphar, you trust this man?

With my life, Excellency.

Through this man, I have seen the future of Egypt.

And through his deeds, we shall prosper.

I am giving him power over all Egypt.

Only Pharaoh will be greater.

You shall call him Zaphnath-Paaneah.

God speaks, and He lives.



Kia, come back here.




♪ A single voice ♪

♪ Is joined by multitudes In song ♪

♪ With every verse ♪

- ♪ They're finding harmonies ♪ Good morning.

♪ That rise to Heaven Sure and strong ♪ Hey.

We've come to help. - ♪ Richer and richer ♪ Great!

♪ The soil on which they thrive ♪

♪ Higher and higher a hymn Of what it means to be alive ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ You've got to leave A little more than was here ♪

♪ You may be prideful Of the strides you will make ♪

♪ But keep one thing clear ♪

♪ You're just a player In a much bigger plan ♪

♪ And still you have To give it all that you can ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give a little More than you take ♪

♪ The seasons fly ♪

♪ A man stands Where a boy once stood ♪

♪ His path unfolds ♪

♪ And unafraid He walks in service ♪

♪ Of a greater good ♪

♪ Deeper and deeper ♪

♪ The lessons he has known ♪

♪ Over and over ♪

♪ The message he Is surely being shown ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ You've got to leave A little more than was here ♪

♪ You may be prideful Of the strides you will make ♪

♪ But keep one thing clear ♪

♪ You're just a player In a much bigger plan ♪

♪ And still you have to give It all that you can ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

Next. How many in your family?

Five. Fine.

Thank you, my lord.

Next, please.

A long life for you, Excellency.

And for you.

Ah, here's a responsible young man.

How many in your family? Four, my lord.

Very good.

Hi there. What's your name? Menna.

And this is my sister Nyla.

I'm looking after her while my parents tend the sheep.

Are you here for some grain too?

Thank you! Bye!

Here you go.

Who's next? We are, my lord.

You are not Egyptian. No, sir.

My brothers and I have traveled far, from Canaan.

Joseph, what's wrong? Nothing.

Look at you. You're shaking.

It must be the sun. I'll be fine.

Please. Our wives and children are hungry.

I'm sorry, but you haven't contributed to our supply.

We don't ask for charity. We'll pay you with silver.

How many are you? There are 12 of us.

Ten of us here.

At home, we have our father and youngest brother.

Very well.

Give them-- Nothing!

Ten foreigners asking for grain, no ties to Egypt.

Are you thieves, hoping to see where we store our grain?


I don't know what you are, but I don't believe your story.

Your Excellency, everything we say is true. I swear it.

Then prove it! Produce this youngest brother.

But why? What would that prove?

That you're not lying. If you're telling the truth, I'll let you buy all the grain you want.

Till then, arrest this one!

We'll hold him until you produce this youngest brother.

Take him.


Judah, help me! No!

No! No! No! Let's go.

Joseph, what are you doing?

They're just trying to feed their families.

They're thieves, here to steal our grain.

They needed food, and they were prepared to pay for it.

How can you say they're thieves?

They've done nothing to you.


They're my brothers. What?

They sold me. They sold me into sl*very.

They took me away from my home.

I never got to say good-bye to my mother.

I never got to see my father grow old.

Joseph, I-- I didn't know.

You're here now.

You have a home, a wife who loves you, everything you could want.

No. Not everything.

I thought you learned something in that cell.

Remember when I would bring food to you?

Yes. It kept me going.

Hey! You won't keep me here.

My brothers will come for me.

My brothers will come for me!


♪ How long must there Be anger here ♪

♪ Before we can rejoice ♪

♪ Embracing love Instead of fear ♪

♪ Is but a simple choice ♪

♪ It's hard for me To see you fall ♪

♪ So bitter and so blind ♪

♪ When the truest nature Of us all ♪

♪ Invites us to be kind ♪

♪ Bloom, bloom May you know ♪

♪ The wisdom only Time breeds ♪

♪ There's room, bloom And you'll grow ♪

♪ To follow where Your heart leads ♪

♪ Bloom and may you live ♪

♪ The way your life Was meant to be ♪

♪ There's room, Bloom and forgive ♪ Zaphnath-Paaneah!

The family of Canaanites-- They've returned.

♪ Let sweet compassion Set you free ♪ Thank you.

Maybe they've suffered these last 20 years, as well.

Maybe they've changed. No.

I don't think so.

Now remember, don't speak unless you're spoken to.

Hmm. Don't worry.

It'll be all right.


You've done what I've asked? Our brother, Benjamin.

You kept your word. Bring out the other brother.

So, Benjamin, tell me of your mother and father.

My mother is no longer alive.

Oh. I'm sorry.

And your father?

He's worried I'm here. Why is that?

I'm a long way from home.

Oh? Doesn't he trust your brothers to protect you?

He likes me to stay close by.

Really? Why is that?

A long time ago, he-- he lost his youngest son.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that. How did that happen?

He was k*lled. k*lled? How?

By wolves.

Wolves? Yes.

It broke my father's heart.

Well, it must have been very hard on your brothers too.

They never speak of it. Don't they?

Benjamin! Simeon!

I was beginning to worry.

You must be hungry after your journey. Come.

You'll be my guests.

A toast... to brothers.

To brothers!

Stop this. You have no right. We've done nothing wrong.

What's going on? Why have they been arrested?

Joseph, what are you doing? You'll see.

Get back in place. Get back in--

I give you food. I take you into my home.

And this is how you repay me, by stealing?

We wouldn't steal from you. We'd never do such a thing.

Now you insult me by lying. What?

One of you has stolen from me.


The favored one.

I didn't take it! Arrest him.

For what you have done, you will be punished.

Someone put it in there. Ow! Stop! Take me instead.

I beg you. No, take me.

Take me! Take me! Take any of us, your grace, but, please, let the boy go.

You would sacrifice yourselves for a half brother who's spoiled by your father?


Why? Why should you care if I take him, beat him, make him a sl*ve?

Because I will not make my father suffer, again.

Again? What do you mean, "again"?

Our brother was not k*lled by wolves.

We were blinded by jealousy and sold him into sl*very.

For 20 years, we have lived with that guilt.

We can't go back without the boy.

My father could not bear it a second time.

And neither could we.

If anyone is to be punished, it should be us.

I will not harm any of you or our father.

I am your brother Joseph.

Joseph? It's Joseph.

I can't believe you're here.

How can it be?


I have so much to tell you, so many questions to ask.

Oh, Joseph, can you ever forgive us?

I already have.

Can you forgive me for thinking I was some miracle from God?

But you are a miracle.

God sent you to save our family and all of Egypt.

And you did. Asenath?

Please. I'd like you to meet my brothers.

Welcome. It's an honor. Pleasure to meet you.

You will join me here, all of you, with your families.


I see him! There he is! It's him! There he is!

Joseph! Father.

Father! Father!

Father! Joseph.

My boy. My boy.

Your mother prayed this day would come, that we'd all be together again as a family.

It's a miracle.

Yes, Father. It is a miracle.

♪ Oh, you know ♪

♪ Better than I ♪

♪ You know the way ♪

♪ I've let go ♪

♪ The need to know why ♪

♪ I'll take what answers You supply ♪

♪ You know better than I ♪

♪ A single voice ♪

♪ Is joined by multitudes In song ♪

♪ With every verse ♪

♪ They're finding harmonies ♪

♪ That rise to Heaven Sure and strong ♪

♪ Richer and richer the soil On which they thrive ♪

♪ Higher and higher a hymn Of what it means to be alive ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ You've got to leave A little more than was here ♪

♪ You may be prideful Of the strides you will make ♪

♪ But keep one thing clear ♪

♪ You're just a player In a much bigger plan ♪

♪ And still you have To give it all that you can ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ The seasons fly ♪

♪ A man stands Where a boy once stood ♪

♪ His path unfolds ♪

♪ And unafraid He walks in service ♪

♪ Of a greater good ♪

♪ Deeper and deeper ♪

♪ The lessons he has known ♪

♪ Over and over ♪

♪ The message he Is surely being shown ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ You've got to leave A little more than was here ♪

♪ You may be prideful Of the strides you will make ♪

♪ But keep one thing clear ♪

♪ You're just a player In a much bigger plan ♪

♪ And still you have to give It all that you can ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪

♪ The very measure Of your soul is at stake ♪

♪ You've got to give A little more than you take ♪
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