Marine, The 2 (2009)

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Marine, The 2 (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »


Heart of Darkness.


Wow. Do you read anything besides Stephen King?

Hell, no.

Journey to the Center ofthe Earth.

Now, that was a classic.

Man, how does yourwife put up with you?

All right, here we go. Look.

Bravo, this is Sierra. We have a black S.U.V. approaching.

Roger that, Sierra.

Right on time.

Okay. We gotta go. We gotta change position.


Bravo, this is Sierra.

Weapons confirmed. Check.

Engagement orders. Simmer down, big guy. We got plenty oftime.

You seein' this? Unreal.

What the hell is that guy doin' here?

Bravo, requesting new target ofopportunity...

High-value target, Sanan Alhad.

Identity confirmed, Sierra.

You have execute authorization. Please be aware, there is no Eagle extract.

We may not get another shot. It's your call, but we're out here alone.

Shit. Shh.

Okay, we got six visible targets.

Ifthey get their hands on those boxes, it's gonna get hot up here.

Target locked.



Come on, kid. Come on. You can do it.

You can do it. Breathe.

He's gone, man. No. Just gimme a minute.

No! Hey. We gotta go, man.

Go. Go!

Come on!

Come on, man. He's gone!

Hi, baby. Hey, sweetheart.

Oh, my God. It is so good to see your face.

Oh, you too. Everything good?

I'm comin' home for a couple weeks.

Really? Yeah.

Well, that's great news. That means you can be my "plus one."

Plus what? All right, you remember me talking about Darren Conner, my super-rich client, owns, like, a bazillion different businesses...

Real estate, hotels, casinos— Yeah. The one who wrote that stupid get-rich book.

Yeah. What was it? Why Shouldn't You Have It All?

He's opening a new resort, and guess who's in charge of his super-deluxe, invite-only opening bash.

Who? You're an ass.

Yeah, sometimes. So how about it?

Five days ofsun, beach...

It'sjust a short trip foryou.

I was reallyjust lookin' forward to gettin' back home... back to Michigan. I'm sorry.

It's myjob. Bad timing, I know.

Why don't you just come home? No. No, wait. Look.

You're my home, and... it doesn't matter where I am.

I love you back.

Oh, my God.

Isn't it beautiful?

Yeah. Sure is. Hmm.

You're still a little far away, huh?

A little bit, yeah.

Hello! Welcome. Thankyou forjoining us.

Can I get your bags foryou, ma'am?

It's beautiful! Right this way.


Right? Aw, it's okay, I guess.

I mean, ifyou're into paradise and all, you know?

Oh! Ohh!

Oh, you wanna fight, huh? That serves you right.

Robin? Nice to finally meet you. Oh, my gosh.

Cynthia, this is my husband. Joe.

Robin's told me a lot about you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Our goal is to have the most energy-efficient resort... in this part ofthe word.

As you know, this island rests in close proximity... to the volcanic corridor.

Oh, yeah. Everyone knows that, huh?

So we've constructed our own geothermal plant, allowing us to use heat for power.

Impressive security. Yes!

Twenty-four hour armed guards in security towers.

Top-of-the-line surveillance.

We are actually having our opening party here tomorrow night.

You're goin' in. Come here.

Be careful. I gotta go to a meeting.

I mean, I knowyou see exotic spots like this all the time, but this is pretty decent for us civilian folk.

Sierra, you copy?



You know, I haven't seen you like this since...

Well, since ever.

Last one was bad, huh?

Yeah. Itjust went a little sideways.

Anything you could have done?

I don't know. I just got a closer look than I usually get.

You wanna talk about it?

Just thinkin' about a change.


Not to put ideas in your head, but...

You know I'm proud ofyou, whetheryou're saving the world or sweeping a floor.

You know, I knew there was some good reason I married you.

You have very low expectations.

It's so nice to see someone's having a good time.

I wasjust waiting foryou to arrive.

Darren Conner, this is my husband.

Joe Linwood. A soldier, right?

Actually, he's a marine.

Hmm. Right. Can I talk with you?

I'm getting 20 phone calls an hour from some Kusang representative.

They have a reporter from some local rag up my ass... for an interview I do not want to give, and some Greenpeace lawyer... trying to hit me with injunctions.

So could you just please do yourjob now, thankyou? Absolutely. On my way.

It was a pleasure.

We need to replace the champagne. Yes, sir.

That piss in the kitchen I would not give to my dog.

And you thought yourjob was dangerous, huh?

No. I like him. Really.

I'll be back as soon as I can. Got a surprise foryou.

Hi. Uh, listen.

What's that kid doing fishing on the beach?

May I suggest an electrical fence for these darkies?

Forget the electrical fence. You've gotta clean up the beach.


Watch out now. Watch your head. Aaah...





Sorry. I'm from the resort.

They said you could be booked for a snorkeling tour.

We're not exactly up and running yet.

Do tell.

Oh, come on. Please?

A favor foryour fellow Yankees?

Oh, hell.

Ifyou're gonna hit me in that soft spot of mine, I guess so.

Butjust so you know... one Yankee to another... I'm gonna overcharge ya.

Oh, well, thanks for the heads-up. He talk?

Uh, not if he can get away with it.

Oh. Trophy husband.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your choice. Okay. Thankyou.

You a grunt? No.

Jarhead. Yeah. Marine.

Mmm. I thought so. Where you out of?

Parris Island or Pendleton? Pendleton.

Oh. Hollywood monkey, huh?

Force Recon. You?

Just a regular S.F. ranger. expl*sives. Engineer. I blew shit up.

Powder monkey, huh?

Uh, once upon a time, huh?

Joe. Joe? Church.

Good to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Come on. Let's get you all geared up.

Yeah? Yeah.

Does, uh— Does this mean you're not gonna overcharge me now?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yellow... Good choice. Sharks love yellow.

That's great, baby. He'sjoking.

Go ahead. Turn around and look.

Oh, my God.

Joe? Geez.

None ofthis was on any ofthe maps until your fancy resort showed up.

Mmm. Gets better.

The other end ofthat beach— There's a cave.

Leads you right back to your resort.

Just make sure you head west, okay?

They teach you that in the Marine Corps, don't they...

Difference between east and west? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh! Whoa!

Go get him, honey. I will.



Thankyou. Bye.

This is amazing.

You know, it could be like this all the time... You, me...

Jet-setting around the world.

Your professional "plus one"?


Until the first day you got bored.

I know who I married, Joe, and I couldn't be happier.

Yeah, right. This goes back to the resort. Yeah. Wow.

That's east. We gotta go west. Yeah.


That sorry powder monkey.

Well, Church was right.


You wanna go back? Mmm. Come on.

I have a party to organize.

You know, they put one in every room.

Robin! Hi.

How are you? Good to see you.

I'm sure I wasn't like that, but it was a good one.

That reporter was nosing around again.

Only this time, he was pestering Mr. Chevault... about his opinion on the Greenpeace legal action against me.

Need I remind you that Mr. Chevault is one of our major shareholders?

So that isjust not acceptable.

My apologies, Mr. Conner. I'll get right on it.

Oh, please, now that the damage is done— I mean...

Joe. Oh, great. G.I.Joe's here.

What? You got an opinion? Oryou just gonna kick my ass?

No, sir.

See, unlike some, I don't pick on women half my size.

Oh. And "G.I." is army, moron.

I'm a marine.

Okay, Joe. It's fine. No, Robin, it's not.

Hey, hey. It's fine. Joe? Please. It's fine.

Number one... I'm sorry about that.

It will not happen again.

Number two... The reason you're having trouble with the reporter... is because you constantly ignore my recommendation tojust give him 20 minutes.

Twenty minutes ofyour time. I'm not gonna talk with any reporter about...

You answer the questions you want, and when he brings up the injunctions, you smile sweetly and say it's all being worked out.

It can only help you look better, and not like a rich American outsider with something to hide.

However, first things first.

You have an opening speech to give.


Good evening, friends, colleagues and investors.

I would like to introduce you to our host, the chairman ofConner Industries, Mr. Darren Conner.


Ladies and gentlemen, you honor me by being the first official guests... ofour magnificent new experience.

Welcome to the Tanjalla Beach Resort, where you will never have to askyourself, "Why shouldn't I have it all?"

You know, before I created Tanjalla, there was nothing here...

Well, nothing but a wasted opportunity.

This fabulous island was flawed by inefficiency, archaic thinking... and a subsequent lack ofemployment for the local population.

But I have changed all that.

Water, fire, earth, air...

They are not only— Hey, marine!

Crazy-ass powder monkey.

Hey, man. How manyjobs you got, anyway?

Oh, I've been known to moonlight.

Gonna have a good show tonight.

Here. Look at this. Get a kick outta this.

Pop flare. I throw it up at the end for old times' sake.

Ah. Military's night light.

Nobody else gets it, but I don't give a shit.


What's goin' on? You and the little woman havin' a thing?

Her boss was bein' an assh*le, and somehow...

I'm the bad guy.

Yeah, well, don't take it personal, all right?

You gotta remember, she's on her own most ofthe time.

Can't be waitin' around foryour sorry ass to show up.

Be all macho for her, right?

Yeah. Look, brother, I'm not the kind ofguy to be givin' a lot ofadvice.

If I were you, I'd polish offthose kneepads, head back up there and tell her how sorry I was.

Couple young things like you— I can guarantee you, the make-up sex would be well worth it.

That how you did it?


Yeah, look at me now, right? King ofthe world, Ma.

Yeah, I guess so.

Mmm. Go on. Beat it.

I'm about to light this place up.

Solar energy from the sun.

Hydroelectric from the ocean.

Geothermal from the earth.

And the harnessing ofwind.

On behalf ofConner Industries I thankyou, and wish you a very enjoyable vacation.

Here's to it! Yeah! Hear, hear! Bravo!

Nicejob. These hicks wouldn't know... a thermodynamic converter from a hot fart.

All they care is it says "please recycle" on it.

What's next? Mingling with guests.

Excuse me. Mr. Conner? Hate to interrupt.



Get down. Get down!

No! No!

He's gone. Joe!


Stop screaming.

Nowyou just stop right there.

Who are you?

What— What do you think you're doing here? Hello, Mr. Conner.


Come on. Get up, buddy. Gotta get outta here.

Let's go. Let's go. Come on.



Stay calm. You've been out a couple hours.

She still inside?

Okay. You have floor plan for hotel?

Right here. Get some more bandages.

Right here, sir.

It's gonna be okay. Local authorities are on it.

Just try to relax, all right?

Hey! We're on TV. It's on TV now.

Early reports of a t*rror1st attack on Tanjalla Beach Resort... capturing as many as 20 hostages.

We have confirmation that this video, uploaded via Internet minutes ago, comes from inside the resort.

Please... All right! Don't!


For the last century we have watched helplessly... as the disease ofthe Western world... has spread across our islands.

Now it is your turn to watch.

We will k*ll all the hostages in 24 hours.

Ifyou wish to spare their lives, you must pay tribute.

Tribute? Infidels. That's you and me, buddy.

They gotta pay tribute for their crimes.

Like money. Ransom.

What? No, no.


Don't watch this, kid.


You gotta help me... get her back.

Ho, ho. Oh, whoa. Time-out here.

Look, there's nothing we can do about that.

It's the military'sjob.

Listen, brother, I was never a hero, all right?

Okay in a group, part ofa team, but somethin' like this?

No. I'm sorry, man.

Sorry. Can't do it.

Stop! Shh, shh, shh.

Listen to me. We will do whateveryou want.

Just don't hurt anyone.

You don't have to thr*aten us, okay?

We can't identifyyou.

We haven't seen your faces.


Nowyou have.

Stay calm. I wanna see my family.

For the love ofChrist, just stay calm. Stay calm.

Who are these people? They're separatists... fighting the spread ofWestern influence on their country.

You know what? People are working on getting us out. Okay?

So wejust gotta stay calm, and think with clear heads. You're right.


After that broadcast, there is no way for us to keep this quiet.


Makil Shoal... diplomatic adviser on behalf ofthe Kusang government.

Blueprints to the resort.

We have the perimeter surrounded.

But I will not attack... until we know more about the t*rrorists.

That's all right, Commander. I'm taking care ofthis.

Who's in charge? Sir! This is off-limits. Please wait over there.

No. Somebody's gonna talk to me. Now.


Let me.

I apologize for that.

You know, dealing with the military...

It's like playing chicken with a brick wall.

No offense, ofcourse. What's being done about the hostages?

I'm afraid I can't discuss it with you, Mr.— Joe.

Two days is unacceptable. I will be dead tomorrow.

Just make it happen.

The money is on its way.

Tribute. Yeah, sure. Tribute. Whateveryou wanna call it.

You touch just one hair on my head— You can kiss it all good-bye.

Look, just let us go.

The money is on its way.

You got what you want.

No. I got what I asked for.

We were living in paradise long before the Great White Hope... came to our shores to save us from our happiness.

You don't know what I want!

Think it's working?

Either way, little brother, the message will be sent.

It's all falling into place.

This is a political disaster.

I am the one who convinced my government... to allow Conner Industries to purchase the old resort from the local owners.

Now I have to negotiate the release ofthe hostages.

I can't believe this is happening.

I'm with Conner Security. Are you sending in troops?

Ohh, my government is extremely reticent... to engage in military action.

Ifthey should storm in and the hostages are k*lled, we could have a— an international incident.

And we're still waiting on word from the U.S., which means they're waiting to see how we deal with the problem.

So what do you plan to do?

I've already done it.

Mercenaries. Better trained than most ofour soldiers.

And accustomed to dirty work.

Get out.

Skunk. How are you?

Hey, thanks.

They're for sale to the highest bidder.

Better than letting them die.

Hey, Blondie... Nervous, orwhat?

Thank you for responding so quickly.

Who's that? He's with Conner Securities.

Marine Recon. Congratulations.

Now get him out of here.

I'm goin' in with you. Uh-huh.

Look, I've been inside. I know the layout. Please, sir.

Just leave it to us. With or without you, I'm goin' in.

You do... I'll consideryou an enemy and sh**t you on sight.

You need to stand down. I'm taking over.

- Hey.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Let me take him.

Blondie— Team 2.

You come with me. Team 1.

Can you tell me what they're saying?

I don't know.

"The intruders will be dead"?

Team 2, copy.

Team 2— Copy.

Team 2.

Something's wrong. Move. Quick.


Shot in the back... All of'em.

And the last one's missing.

Blondie. Ifthey had a traitor, then maybe we have one too.

It's a trap.

Take cover!

Aaah! I'm hit!

Come on! Move!

Come on, let's go!

Move! Come on!

Get in. Come on.

Let's go.

Somebody's gonna die. You!

No, no, no!

No! Please! Please, don't! Please!

Calm down, little brother.

k*ll them all!

You took charge!

I was trying to help. I was trying to save the hostages.

I had to do something. You compromised everything with your help!

You are done. Get out of my sight.

Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Just tell me what happened. Calm down.

Blondie said there was an American marine with them!

Is he still alive? No, he's dead!

But he k*lled our men! Our men!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

How did they infiltrate your team?

We are mercenaries.

We work for the highest bidder. I guess they paid more.

Can you please step out?

We must make an example! We must make a statement!

k*ll them all now. Not yet. Not yet.


I really...

I am really very sorry.

We have to wait for the tribute. Now, stay focused.

They must pay for this, brother. Yes, they will. They will!

They will. Just be patient.

Be patient.

A small example, brother.

You gonna be okay?


Could you please deliver my message... to Blondie?

Her and her.

Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing?

Blood for blood. You take my people, I take yours.

You already took those men you k*lled out there.

You got your blood! Now you'rejust a hypocrite!

Everybody thinks you are.

No, please! Move it! - Stop!

Just stop right there.

You'll only get your tribute ifyou can prove I'm alive and well.

I'll make you k*ll me if I have to.

No, don't! Oh!

You made your point.

Enjoy the moment. Burn it in your brain.

There'll come a time when you're more useful to us dead than alive.

Church. I need your help.

I'm goin' to rescue. You're goin' back in?

I got no choice. Ahh.

Look, someone's gotta help these people.

Well then, brother, you got a real death wish.

Maybe. Come on. My office.

Take whateveryou need.

Tell me somethin'. What good are you gonna do her ifyou get yourself k*lled?

Church. Help me.

The two of us together, man, with our backgrounds...

No, no, no, no, bro. I already told you, man.

Not everybody can be a hero, kid.

Then let me borrow your boat.

Wait a minute.

This is as far as I go, kid.

Get ready!

Give 'em hell, marine!

You let that American storm back in there!

I didn't let him do anything.

You're in charge now, remember?

Ifyou let him slip through your fingers, that's your problem.

It means somebody's doing something.

They lost more men. Somebody's on the grounds.

Rescue party.

I don't think so.

They're not talking about soldiers or men. They're talking about one person.

One? They sent one guy after us?

They keep calling him "the American."

Your marine friend seems to not have heard you when you pronounced him dead.

I will cut out his heart!

Blondie. Bantoc.

Continue with the plan.

Where are you going, Blondie?


I know you'rejust in it for the money.

So unless you really wanna die for the cause, you tell me where they are.

Where are they?

Where are they at? I never talk.

You never talk? You never talk?

Where are they? Huh? Huh?

No? Okay.

No! What's over here?

Where are they? Huh?

Where's my wife? Where is she?


Restaurant? Yeah.


Oh, yeah. Calob wanted me to give you a message.

He's in the boiler room. He can't go anywhere. Lock it down!

Make sure this time he dies.

You talked, didn't you?

You disappoint me.

We've heard from the Americans. They have the tribute.

You come with me.

All right. All right! All right.

We have not harmed you.

We have not harmed any more ofyour people.

We have kept ourword. Yes?

Finalize the transfer, but only after the...

Only after the hostages have been released.


Mr. Shoal! In here!

We heard from the t*rrorists.

They're ready to release the hostages. Why?

Conner's family must be giving them the money.

They denied it. But— What do you need?

The t*rrorists have one condition.

They'll only release the hostages to you. I don't understand.

They told us they want a representative ofthe Kusang government.

You do realize there's a possibility... they're still planning to k*ll the hostages.

And having a government official's head on a plate... will just sweeten the message.

I will take the chance. I have already endangered them too much.

Ifthere's any possibility they're telling the truth...

I might have misjudged you.

He's on board.

Son ofa bitch.

Cease fire! Go check it out.

Stay behind me.

Robin. It's your husband.

Robin. Joe. Oh, my...

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's all right.

So you're it? Keep your voice down.

What's our next move?

We run. Okay? Come on.


Get down.

This is all my fault, you know. I pursued Conner.

You son ofa bitch!

I convinced him to bring his money to Kusang, to share some ofthat famous Western prosperity, to build a palace I couldn't even afford a room in.

You know, when the deal was signed, I didn't get so much as a thankyou.

But when Conner here... started diverting the water supply... and making this island his own private toilet, who got the blame?

All my life, I gave to this island.

Never once did it give back to me. And then Damo came to me.

He promised to restore the balance... to take back what was stolen from us.

To be perfectly honest, at this point, all I care about is the money.

You k*lled the mercenaries.

Just sent them to die.

That was my part ofthe deal. I send in the mercenaries.

Their failure forces the military to stand down.

I just had to be sure they failed.

Then why should Damo keep you alive?

We are freedom fighters, he and I.

And Damo wouldn't k*ll a brother.

The tribute is in the accounts.

How about my portion?

Oh, don't worry. You'll get your share.

Plus, a bonus.

Thought you freedom fighters didn't care about money.

Because we live in caves and eat bugs.

Our money doesn't go to Happy Meals.

Weapons, warriors.

A thousand more men like me dedicated to the cause.

Plus, a few other goodies.

Hey. Hey.

What are you guys doing? Hey, what are you doing?

Finishing what we started. Hey...

These noble volunteers... will help us bring down this monstrosity once and for all.

You got your money, right? You sent your message.

This... is the message.

I helped you. I helped the cause.

Don't make us laugh. You're a worm who thinks he's a crow.

You couldn't have done this without me. Finally, Shoal...

You get something... exactly right.


Please! Make us laugh, freedom fighter!

No! No!

Like you say in your book, Mr. Conner, why shouldn't I have it all?


We had a deal! You've got to let them go!

You got the money! You got me!

You disapprove?

You've never sacrificed innocents to get thejob done?

Innocents always die in w*r.

But the goal is to save people, not k*ll them to win.

You see?

You do understand what it means to make a statement.

Robin! Robin!

He's all yours.


Are they secured?

Are the hostages secured? Somebody come back. Are they secured?

Are they secured?

Somebody talk to me. Come back!

Do you hear me?

Come in. Are they secured?

Brother, talk to me. Come back. Are they secured?

They teach you that in the army? Nice shot.

It was dumb luck. What can I say?


Church. Come in, brother. Do you hear me?

Go get him.

Start cuttin'. Hurry up. Okay.

Are you there, brother?

Move, move, move! Come in. Are they secured?

Are the prisoners secured? Someone come back, now! They're comin'.

Go back. k*ll them all.

Yes, sir. No!

Hurry it up!

This place is wired to blow!

Move 'em out of here!

Run! Run! Pick it up! Come on!

Come on, people! Move!

Here! You're gonna be okay.

Can you use this? Sure, sure.

Just point and pull the trigger. Go!

Everybody, move in now!


I'm over here! Let me go!


Joe! A b*mb!

Well, thank God you all made it out.

Hell ofa show, huh?

Where'd they go? Which way?

This guy won't die.

Give me my wife back, you son ofa bitch. Can you give my brother back?

Joe? Robin!

Get me out of here! Quick! Get me out!



Leave him alone!

This will never stop with the tribute.

There'll be a thousand more like me! No!

It ends with you!

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

We'll die together!

Geez. Yeah.

I thought myjob was dangerous.

I love you so much.
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