01x05 - Shock to the System

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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01x05 - Shock to the System

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Station 19"...

Dad, what are you doing here?

-Working reception. -Why?

If people find out, then my dad'll find out.

Seth died.

I want to take her out on a date.

This is my race, not yours.

Not everything is about you.

I recognize him from my patrols.

He lives on the street.

I can keep an eye on him.

I just wanted to say I'm not the kid next door anymore.

Couldn't sleep without getting that off my chest.

♪♪ Andy: Have you ever grabbed a doorknob or gone to push an elevator button and you get shocked?

Hey, hon.

It's usually just a little zap, nothing big.

Nothing to worry about.

Man: I stopped by in between meetings to surprise you, and you're not here.

Oh, I had cabin fever, just sitting around growing human life all day.

Plus, all the power outages are driving me nuts.

Just be careful, please. No freeways.

I can still race Vin Diesel for pink slips, right?

No. We can't risk losing the minivan.

You know, technically, I'm not on bed rest.

The doctor just said, "Take it easy."

Then take it easy.

Electrical currents are all over the place...

Great. Now they fix the power.

...safely encased in rubber and hidden out of reach, but they're there.

♪ If you're telling the truth ♪ They're always there.

♪ ...talkin' to who you say you do ♪ Hm.

Guess there's one perk to your newly chosen profession.

It's what happens when you stop carrying a scalpel and start carrying a 50-pound hose pack up 10 flights of stairs.

By myself.

In the dark.

Okay, don't try to impress me with your stamina, Benjamin Warren.

Are you forgetting how many hours it takes to resect a malignant meningioma?

Which I did yesterday.

On a step stool.

Well, uh, I kicked down a door.

With a dead bolt.

I tied off a bleeder with only two knots.

I pulled four victims out of an accident.

I puled four clots out of a femoral artery.

I stepped off the roof of a building maybe a full 10 seconds... before the whole... damn thing... collapsed.

I love you.

I love that you love what you're doing, but maybe let's not talk so much about the danger part.

Or the job part. For now.

So, even if you feel good and you feel safe...

Maybe let's just stop talking.

...you never know, do you?

If today's the day you might wind up...


...with a shock to your system?

What are you doing here so early?

Or just, what are you doing here?

Uh, bad news.

Your incident report was accidentally destroyed.

So I sort of kind of have to do another walk-through of your place.



So, how have you been... with...everything?

You know, moving forward, moving on.

-Moving on? -Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Meaning?

You are so obvious.

You totally made up this whole incident-report thing to come over here and ask me out. No.

Oh, so you don't want to ask me out.

Uh, that's not what I meant. So you do?

I feel like any answer I give is the wrong answer suddenly.

You know, this could be construed as extremely unprofessional.

You might have to convince me not to file an official complaint.

Okay, let's be clear. I-I-I-I --

Over Thai food.


And a bottle of red wine.






It's been 48 hours. Not a word.

Now your dad's calling us in early to "talk"?

Yeah, well, he's mad.

He goes quiet when he's mad.

A lot like you.

You're the one who ended things.

-Not much else to say. -Really?

When you're the one who called things a waste of time?

You're both adults.

You can technically do what you want, but it disturbs me that you never considered the consequences of your actions, what it would mean, not just to me, but to the station.

If I had known about the two of you, I would've never put you both up for the captain position.

You're trying to lead this station.

This team puts their trust in you blindly.

You don't deserve their trust if you can't be honest with them.

You need to come clean with them about your... whatever it is.

Immediately. Yourselves. Or I will do it for you.

Andy: Dad, it's not happening anymore.

You walked in on us deciding to call it off, so...

So, what?

You want to pretend there was nothing going on?

You're the two who are fighting to captain this place.

What do you think?

Is that how you want to lead this station, on a lie?


♪♪ Dispatch: Aid Car 19.

Response, medical.

Assist police. Oh.

I didn't realize you were -- Me either.

I figured I'd jump on the raid, get out of the station for a while.

But I can switch with Trav or Dean.

You don't have to do that. I can switch.

No, no, no. Don't be silly.

So you and I are together today.

Then I guess we should go.


So, hold on. Herrera and Bishop are on a stakeout.

Like a -- Like a stakeout-stakeout?

It's standard procedure if cops are planning a bust where somebody could get hurt.

It's pretty routine. Happens like once a month.

-Roll call, everybody. -I want to go on a stakeout.

-Same. -Mnh-mnh. Nope. No, you don't.

It takes hours of just sitting there doing nothing.

Until something awesome happens and a swarm of good guys run in, yells at some bad guys, and then somebody busts through a giant glass window on a rope.

Yeah, you know, I'm sure it goes down just like that.

Guys, come on. Let's get going.

Travis: ...stakeouts so nobody will bring up the fact that he went to JJ's house this morning.

What?! Ben: You didn't want to lead with that?


Roll call.

I think today's a good time for inventory and routine maintenance checks.

Every tool, every hose.

Jack, what happened to doing things on our own schedule?

That's a very good question, Travis.

Maybe Gibson is rethinking his approach of doing whatever he wants whenever he wants.

♪♪ Warren, you're on hoses.

Montgomery, check the rigs.

Hughes and Miller, tool maintenance.

-And for me today, Gibson?

Well, you're at reception, sir.

Same as always.

Very good.

Chore time. Let's see that hustle.

Vic: Let's go.

You're late.

-Hey, Bishop. -Tanner.

Come on. Briefing's already started.

Clay: We've staked out a warehouse a few blocks from here.

The target, who we've code-named the Big Boss, is a drug trafficker.

He and his crew will arrive soon and make a buy from our undercovers.

We move in, and local PD makes the arrest.

Questions? Good.

Everyone be on their radios and be ready to move.

Ryan: The important thing is to stay here until we give you the green light to move in.

These guys are dangerous, so do not move in until you hear from us.

Maya: Dangerous? Dangerous how?

Like, could we get shot?

-Do we need bulletproof vests? -You don't need vests.

They're gonna barge in, arrest the guy, and then congratulate themselves with high fives or butt-slapping or whatever, and the whole time, we're never gonna leave this lot.

We're just gonna sit here and then go home.

We're like earthquake insurance.

Don't really need it, but it's nice to have.

She's right.

Except for the butt thing. We don't do that.

Set your radios for Ds2. Stay in your vehicle.

Do not get out or leave for any reason.

Time to get comfortable.


Uh, so, now we just, uh, sit here?

How could you possibly have another question?

I'm sorry. I just prefer to have all the information instead of being left in the dark.


Maybe some of us function better when we're given a heads-up about the things we should know from our friends.

Ryan's your friend now?

Is he yours?

Because last time I checked, friends don't belittle each other, especially not in front of their co-workers.

Belittle? What are you talking about?

You were so dismissive just now.

High fives? Butt-slapping?

Really? I've -- I've known him a long time.

I promise you, he wasn't offended. You don't know that.

Oh, my God. Why are we fighting about this?

What is this? Talk to me. Please.

-No. -Why not?

Why would I talk to you when you're acting like this?

-I'm not acting like anything. -Yes, you are.

Can you please just tell me what's going on so we can deal with it and figure it out?

Sure. Of course.

Let's get my stuff out of the way so we can circle back around to deal with yours.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Let's not talk, then.


This will help you guys keep tabs.

It's a live feed from inside the warehouse.

We're about to go radio silent.

Don't want them getting ears on us.

Just got word the Big Boss could be close, so we're moving into a closer position.

-What? -Nothing.


I don't usually see you doing this part of your job.

It's just -- It's new. That's all.

I mean, we don't do raids every day.

You sure everything else is okay in here?

Clay: Tanner, what's your status?

Need you back. Got to go.

-Eyes on the tablet. -Yep.


Okay, is it me, or is Captain Herrera's grumpy level, like, grumpier today?

Yeah, what was going on with him and Jack at breakfast?

I don't like tension with my granola.

Here. Toss me that wrench.

-I just don't like granola. -It's weird, right?

I mean, there's definitely something going on between him and Jack.

How are those chores going?

-Uh... -Great. -They're done.

That's what we were talking about were the chores. There it is.

Pruitt: Gibson!

I've got a walk-in for you.

-Hi. -Hi.

Uh, you guys install car seats, right, for women who are medically banned from lifting anything heavy but married to men who tend to install even toilet seats upside down?

Of course.

One of these guys can help you out.

What's that thing, Warren, that patients say at the hospital?

When they want the best care, they request an attending over a resident?

Uh, yeah, I'd be happy to install the seat for you, ma'am.

Great. Thank you. That's great.

-Also, I'm having triplets.

So there are three.

-Great. -Great.

Okay, I can feel you sitting there wanting to talk to me.

I know what it is.

So you might as well just tell me what it is and be done with it, okay?

-So go. -You know what what is?

I saw Jack's shirt, Andy, on the ground outside the captain's bedroom.

-I know. -You don't know the whole story.

You weren't exactly hiding much.

You're the one who seems to be hiding something.

You told me to shut up and back off.

You told me this wasn't my race.

Oh, so I have a tough moment and you take it to this extreme?

That was nothing. I just needed a little space.

Which I've been giving. Yeah, while getting pissed about it.

If you'd just talk to me -- I don't talk to you because I don't feel like I can.

What are we even doing right now?

I don't know.

We've been friends since we were probies together.

We never fight. We never do this.

If we didn't work together, would we even be friends?


What do you mean I don't know the whole story?

Pruitt: Don't worry.

I'll double-check everything once he's done.


-Oh. -Oh, listen, you should sit.

We have beds or a sofa.

There's no reason for you to stay on your feet while Gibson takes this long to install three simple car seats.

You know, just 'cause I'm cooking babies doesn't mean I'm helpless.

I am pretty awesomely strong, okay?

Listen, your body is working overtime now.

Family first. Please, rest.

Okay, maybe I could put my feet up for a minute.

Figured it out.

Figured what out?

Jack and Pruitt.

Family first. Get it?

As usual, you are speaking in a code that I only half understand.

Family first.

He picked sides.

I think Pruitt told Jack that he's no longer staying neutral.

He's supporting his daughter for captain with Frankel.

And now Jack's mad.

I mean, they probably had words.

Like, bad words.

Big, bad words.

-Really? -Yeah.

-You think Pruitt picked a side? -Yeah.

-I don't buy it. -Well, you don't have to buy it.

I've seen what I've seen. I've heard what I've heard.

-And I'm right. -But Jack's his guy.

He's been his lieutenant for like two years.

And how long has Andy been his daughter?

Hey, uh, guys, I invited a guest to lunch today.

I'd like you all to meet my wife, Dr. Miranda Bailey.

-Hello. -And so, uh, that's Jack, Vic, Travis, and Dean.

Oh, yes, the Puppy Guy.

I prefer Puppy Man.


Oh, and, uh, you already know --

Pruitt: Dr. Bailey.

Your wife is also one of my doctors.

I did not put that together until just now.

Hello, Dr. Bailey.

And what are you doing here instead of staying at home, getting rested?

Travis: So, what would you like to know about things here?

We're an open book. Ask us anything.

For instance, are you aware that your husband flosses a concerning amount?


Dispatch: Station 19, response.

Let's go.

-Nice meeting you. -Uh, hey, just stay.

-You stay. Okay.

-Bye. -We'll be right back.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Uh, please.

I know what you're gonna say.

I know that you know what your last checkup indicated.

You know that it showed your CBC was borderline and getting worse.

You are getting sicker, and I told you the best way to fight this is to stay home and rest.

By ignoring my advice, you are playing with fire.

Okay, and you might think that that's what you do or that you're invincible.

I assure you, Mr. Herrera, you are not.

So as your physician, I mean it in the most alarmed, most concerned way possible when I ask you again, what the hell are you doing here?


-You're wrong. -Nope. Try again.

Coming here is the thing that is keeping me going.

If I have to sit at home and convalesce, that'll k*ll me faster than anything else.

I need to be here, to work a desk, answer phones, to clean up after people's dumb choices.

Being here is the best chance I've got.

Surely you can understand that.

I am worried about your numbers.

I am, too.

Okay, does anybody else here know?

I'm a private person. Oh.

Okay, I might... know a little of what it's like to experience a medical setback and not want it to slow you down, so, hey, let me be clear.

I do not approve of you working here right now.

Excuse me. Can I get a glass of water?

I'm feeling a little lightheaded.

Uh, here, why don't you have a seat and let me check you out?

It's okay. I'm a doctor.

Yeah. I'm sure it's nothing.

It's just what happens when you're a walking incubator.

Yes. Okay. Good, good.

Oh, thanks.

Um...in the hospital, I'm your patient, but here in my house, this is what I do.

May I?

Well, you sit down, too.


Andy: Say something.

You're gonna air your dirty laundry to everyone at the station when we are weeks away from peer review?

All your hard work and leadership and talent?

It'll all just be muddied up and overshadowed by your stupid secret affair.

-It didn't feel stupid. -Andy, it's sloppy.

Yeah, I get that now, but when I'm with Jack, the way he sees me for exactly who I am right now, not some kid he once knew, not some idea he's chasing, just me, the way that makes me feel...

I can't just shut it off.

But you could've shut the door.

I stop coaching you for 72 hours, and this is what happens?

You are gonna --

You're gonna lose this for us.

-Us? -Yes, us.

You, me, womankind. Us.

You know what? You know what?

No more talking. No more talking.

-We were finally not fighting. -I know.

But now I'm all worked up, and normally I would go for a run, and by the time I got back, I wouldn't be as worked up, but we can't do that because we are stuck in this damn car.

So I am going to go for a run in my head right now.


-Okay, but -- -I-I am running.

I will let you know when I am back.

Dean: We are back, and we are hungry.

Bailey: Oh, that was quick.

Oh, e-cigarette fire. No big deal.


So, uh, how many of you are married?

Show of hands? Ever been married?


And how did your spouses enjoy your stories of fireballs and giant flames and near-death experiences?

Well, my -- my husband was a firefighter, too, so we used to have this really --

Dispatch: Station 19. Response.

Motor-vehicle accident.

Wait. Again? Already?

-Yep. -No wonder you're slimming down.

You never have time to eat.

-Sorry. Got to go. -Ah, go on.

Uh, I have a surgery, so I doubt I'll be here when you get back.

Oh. Um...

-Love you.


Hey, man, I just want you to know that I know why Pruitt's being such a pain to you.

What do you mean? I mean, I know it can't be easy for you.

I'm sorry. Thanks.

But I guess I'm not all that surprised.

-You're not? Come on.

Whole thing was pretty obvious, you know, that it would go this way and that Pruitt would feel the way he feels.

I didn't think we were being that obvious.

Thought Andy and I were pretty good at hiding our relationship.

Pruitt walking in, that was just bad luck, I guess.

I just wish he'd lay off a little, you know?

But, Travis, I mean this.

I promise, Andy and me being together did not affect our decision-making in any way.

I don't want you to feel you can't trust either one of us.

Right. Right.

I wasn't even thinking about that.

Hey, uh, thank you guys for being so welcoming to Miranda today.

I-I really wanted her to be able to put some faces to some of the names, get a feel for what we do every day.

She, uh -- She gets worried about how dangerous this job can be, so it's good that she sees that it's as much about us just hanging back, chilling out as it is about us putting our lives in danger.

I mean, I keep trying to tell her it's more about bandaging skinned knees and installing car seats than it is about us doing anything...dangerous.

Vic: Oh, boy.

Marshall: Help!

Help me!

Help me, please!


Warren, you were saying? Jack: All right, listen up.

We got downed lines, victim in the car.

Lines are live, so the whole area could be electrified.

With that voltage, even our rubber boots won't keep us safe.

There could be currents sparking through the air.

So we keep our distance till the utility company turns the power off.

Miller, let's remove these live wires. Got it.

Montgomery, Hughes, Warren, get ready for rapid extrication once it's safe.


Got about a 20-foot radius of electrified pavement.

Everybody be careful.

All right, Warren, let's get that patient talking, but make sure he stays inside the vehicle.

If the ground's electrified and he steps one foot out in front of the other --

Classic steak combo.

He's a Sizzler.

Inside, good. Outside, bad.

Got it.

Hey! Hey!

-What's your name? -Mar-- Marshall.

Marshall, okay. Okay.

Uh, how you feeling?

Any, uh -- Any dizziness or bleeding?

None of that. I just want to get out of here.

Yeah, yeah. I'm Ben, okay?

And we're gonna get you out safely, but, uh, I need you to stay where you are for now.

Please, just stay inside the car.

Can't I just make a run for it?

I'm fast and lucky.

I win every raffle I enter. Like, every one.

Yeah, we can't take that chance, okay?

And I'm sure it sounds strange, but right now, your car's rubber tires are the only thing preventing you from getting shocked.

So, please, no matter what, stay in there.


Still running.

Big Boss.

-What? -Big Boss, Big Boss.

No, for real, things are happening.

Who's who?

Are those our guys or the bad guys?

I wish the cops had their badges on.

I think that's frowned upon when you're undercover.

Ah, it's hard to see much.

What's that guy doing?

I wish we had audio.

I wish we had snacks.

♪♪ Hey, guys. Guys.


That car's leaking gas.

If the sparks from one of those wires hits it, the car will explode. With Marshall inside.

No, we got to get in there and get him out.

No, no, no, no, no.

You touch that car, you're gonna get electrocuted, and if that gas ignites, you'll burn.

Yeah, so will he.

Okay, okay. New plan.

Hughes, try to sand that gas without getting shocked.

-Montgomery! -Yeah?

Tag me out.

All right.

-You got it? -Yeah.

Marshall, I need you to listen very closely.

I'm gonna need you to get out of the car yourself in a very specific way.

Whoa, whoa. Get out of the car? Yes.

That is the total opposite of what you guys just told me before.

The situation has changed.

We don't have the time we thought.

Now, I'm gonna need you to listen closely to my friend Jack.

Hi, Jack.


I need you to open the door.

Can you do that for me, Marshall?

I can, but I don't want to.

Okay, look at me.

It's okay to open the door.

You just go slow. All right?

But don't get out of the car yet.

-Easy. -Easy?




Whoa! Whoa, whoa!

Okay, good, good.

Look at that. One step closer.


Now stand on the frame of the car.

Keep your arms to your sides like this.

And absolutely do not -- do not touch the ground and the car at the same time.

W-W-W-Why? Why not?

'Cause that would be bad.

You mean, like, electric-chair bad?

Let's -- Let's not think about that right now.


What's next?

All right, you're gonna want to hop onto the ground.

Make sure both feet hit the ground at the same time.

You're gonna hop off like a bunny.

A bunny?

Uh, that way, you won't break the circuit, all right, and all the electricity will flow through your body and back into the ground.

Like a bunny. I-I can't.

-Yes, you can. -You can do this.

-I know you can. -I don't.

Okay, have -- have you ever seen birds on power lines?

Birds love power lines, you know?

They -- They just go up there, and they just -- they just chill, right?

Two feet at a time.

All right? They're fine.

They don't get fried.

So you are gonna do this like a bird, Marshall.

I thought I was a bunny.

Okay, okay, now, look, you just keep on doing that.

Keep on cracking your jokes.

I bet you're probably a pretty funny guy and you're probably trying not to think about what's happening here, but, Marshall?


It's okay to be worried, 'cause that keeps you alert, focused.

I need you to use that right now so we can get you through this, okay?

You with me?

I think so.


We're gonna count together, all right?

You and me, all right? Then it's boots on the ground.

Two feet leave the car and hit the ground at the exact same time, okay?

-On three. -Wait, wait.

Jump on three or after three?

On three, Marshall. Okay?


-three! -Three!

-Nice! -Yes!

That's it. Nice.

-Okay. -Very good.

They're moving. Why are they moving offscreen?

Where are they going? No, no. Come back, come back, come back, come back.

I don't -- I don't like this.

Clay: Move in. All forces move.

Use of lethal force is authorized.

Wh-What the hell?

What the hell?

So, that's it, right? I'm safe!

-No! -N-No, no, no.

You need to keep bunny-hopping to me.

The street's still electrically charged for another few feet.

-Keep on hopping. -Marshall, count of three, okay?

You got this.

One... two...

-three. -Three.

-Yeah! -Yeah!


What, are you 80?

Banging stuff doesn't fix it.

Come on. Come on.

Ryan's in there now.

-Three. -Oh.

-Good. Yes. -Okay, okay.

You're almost there, Marshall. Just a few more jumps.

-I'm gonna make it. -Yeah, you are.

I'm gonna hug you when I get over there.

Come on. Bring it.


-No! -Marshall!

-Marshall! -No! No! No, you can't.

Not till the power's off.

What was that?

Those were g*nshots.

What are you doing?

g*nshots mean injuries. People are hurt in there.

We can't just barrel into an active crime scene.

Ryan said we have to wait until they give us the word.

-What if their radios are down? -Andy, stop!

We don't know what's going on in there.

We need to wait.

We have to wait.

Ben: We can't wait any more, Jack.

Do you know what a jolt like that does to the human heart?

Time is muscle.

Back off, Warren. That's an order.

Hughes, talk to me about that power.

Any minute. No, we need it now.

-I'm going in. -Hey, don't go there, man.

His body could still be conducting electricity.

You want to end up next to him?

♪♪ Power's off! We're clear!

All right, go, go go.

Warren, Montgomery, assess the patient.

Hughes, Miller, get that gasoline cleaned up and off the street while I secure these lines.

Move it!

Okay, on my count.

-Three, two, one. -Three, two, one.

Labored breathing, weak pulse.

Cap refill is delayed.

Ben: He's in V-fib.


Come on. This thing takes forever.

And clear!

Female voice: Shock delivered.

Still in V-fib.

Charging again.

Come on, Marshall. Stay with me, Buddy.

Earthquake insurance.

We're just earthquake insurance.

PD pays us to sit here and not be needed, and now an earthquake hit.

Someone is in there, shot, possibly bleeding out while we sit here.

And the human body holds eight pints of blood.

One good hit to an artery, and all that can pour out in minutes.

How many minutes has it been? Two? Maybe three?

If we get in there and they've lost all that blood, we'll have to get pressure up, pack the wound, keep an eye on that pulse.

It goes thready, we'll be ready with epi and I.V. fluids.

We'll be ready. We are ready.

Andy, it's not Ryan.

It's not going to be Ryan.

Call us, damn it!

Ben: Come on, Marshall. You got this. You got this.

And clear.

Shock delivered.

Yes! Normal sinus rhythm.

-Ben. -Yeah, I'm here.

You gave us a scare.

Guess I didn't stick that last landing.

BP's dropping.

-What's wrong? -Hey.

Electrical burns can look minor from the outside, but given the voltage?

Ben: His insides are a mess.

His abdomen's getting rigid. He's bleeding internally.

He needs a laparotomy right away.

He's not stable enough to move yet.

Marshall: I'm not feeling so great.

A little tingling everywhere, and I can't -- I can't move my arms.

He's going into shock. I.V. fluids now.

Clay: Aid Car, move in.

Repeat -- Aid Car, move in.

-Finally. -All right, let's go.

Follow me.

Is it an officer down or one of the other guys?

It's an officer.

I'm sure it's not him.

Give it to me straight. Am I dying?

No, we're just trying to stabilize your vitals so it's safe to move you to that ambulance over there so we can get you to the hospital as soon as we can, okay?

You don't want to say it. I get that, but... if I'm not gonna make it, let me... call my wife.

Phone's in that pocket.

I just...

I want to talk to her.

Ben: No. We are not there yet.

You hear me, Marshall?


Dopamine -- now.

♪ Life laid you low ♪

♪ Walked with a ghost ♪

♪ Don't close your eyes ♪

♪ Push through the night ♪ He's right over here.

♪ Don't let go ♪

♪ From the ashes, we get all our second chances ♪ He was wearing his vest, but the blast was point-blank.

Officer: Oh, it burns.

We got you.

The vest stopped the b*llet.

♪ From the rubble ♪

-Losing his pulse. -BP is still dropping.

His organs are shutting down.

Pushing another round of dopamine.

Ben: Marshall. ♪ Through the fire ♪

♪ I promise that you'll breathe again ♪

♪ From the ashes, we get all our second chances ♪

We need to intubate now.

♪ Go towards the light ♪

-Hang on. -Why?

'Cause once we intubate, he won't be able to speak.

♪ Stop moving slowly ♪ Marshall, um...

♪ Out of the fog ♪

♪ Don't run away from the fight ♪

...let's call your wife.

♪ See through the smoke ♪

Pruitt: Sorry to wake you, but I didn't want anyone to worry about you.

That's my husband, always waking me up.

Hey, hon.

So, I had the best day.

I got the car seats buy two, get one free.

I am a coupon master.

Then I had them installed at the fire station by these amazing firefighters.

Didn't even have to lift a finger.

They -- They are lifesavers.

Yeah, they are.

They've been so great.

They let me beach myself here.

I don't know who made their couch, but we are getting one immediately.

Oh, then --

Lynn, honey, I just wanted to say...

I love our kids so much.

And I haven't even met them yet.

I know, hon. Me, too.

It's crazy, right?

I love you, too.

Aww, sweetie.

I know what you're doing.

Oh, yeah? Yeah, you're trying to butter me up into letting your mom into the delivery room when we've been over this.

I didn't come out of her vag*na. I don't need her seeing mine.

No, I need you to hear me.

I love you so much.

-Okay. -Say it back.

Is...everything all right?

Please, Lynn.

I love you.

I love you, too.

♪ See it in your eyes ♪

♪ See that you're not right ♪ Everything all right?

♪ Oh ♪ I can't tell.

♪ Are you feelin' something? ♪ I don't think so. ♪ See it in your eyes, ♪

♪ See that you're not right ♪

♪ You're not right ♪

♪ You're not right ♪

♪ You're not right ♪



♪ So tell me what you hold inside ♪ He's gonna be okay, right?

He's alert and responsive. He's got strong vitals.

He needs a chest X-ray just to be safe.

You mind giving us a few minutes before carting him off?

I need to get a statement and a positive I.D. on the sh**t.

Not too long.

Thank you guys for being here today.

We wanted to get you in there sooner, but the scene wasn't secure.

Yeah, once we heard that shot, it was hard to not just bolt in.

You weren't worried it was me, were you?

I was happy it wasn't.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I can feel it comin' ♪ We both were.

Put your friend in the back when he's ready.

♪ See it in your eyes ♪ Nice raiding with you.

♪ Oh ♪ Ryan's been helping me out recently.


My brother.

♪ See that you're not right ♪ He found him pretty messed up.

I guess he's been living on the streets.

I can coach anybody. I'm a fixer.

I can fix anything but not this.

I don't know what to do.

I can't believe you let me go on and on about a guy when this is what's been going on with you.

I-I'm so sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me.

-It's not you. -No, it is me.

You're right. It -- It's been all about me.

I just didn't want to say it out loud.

What are you -- What are you gonna do?

♪ Ooh ♪ I have no idea.

♪ Oh ♪ You know, when I asked before if -- if we'd be friends if we didn't work together, the answer is yes.

In any universe, it'd still be you and me.

Copy that.

♪ See that you're not right ♪ Ryan found him for you?

Yeah. Ryan's kind of great.

Yeah. He is.

What are you gonna do?

If you and Jack are over, you're free and clear to move on.

Tough call today.

I've lost patients before.

Yeah, it feels different, though, when you lose them right there in the moment and you think about who they're leaving behind.

Is he okay?

It's never easy losing somebody.

He's dealing with a lot right now.

Okay, when you have something to spill and you choose not to spill, you make angels cry.

It's not the time.

-It's not the time. -Mnh-mnh.


Okay, fine. Jack and Andy have been hooking up.

-What? -Wait. What?

-Wha-- -W-Wait. For how long?

Why would they do that? I-I don't know.

I-I don't know how I feel about this.


I mean, not good, I think, is how I feel.

-Hoo-hoo-hoo. -Jack and Andy?

Okay, that's unsettling. I am unsettled.

No wonder Pruitt was pissed.

I wonder how it started.

I wonder where it started.

Oh, ew. Do you -- Do you think they did it in here?

You know, Jack's my guy, and he hasn't said one word to me.

Not one word?

No, we are a team built on trust, and they have been lying to us.

You know, if we can't trust each other, this whole place falls apart.


♪♪ Heard you had quite the day.

Mm, I did.

I heard you did, too.


I guess we should go tell everyone.

I guess we should.

It may not go well.

They could be really angry and hurt.



♪♪ Jack and I wanted to talk to you all because, for the past few months, we've been seeing each other.

Jack: We know it was unprofessional not to be honest with you, but we never meant to disrespect anyone.

Ben: O-Okay, wait, wait.

O-O-Okay, um, I mean, that's unexpected, right?

No? N-Nobody?

If anyone has any questions, we're here to answer them.

I'm cool with it.

Y'all can do... who -- what -- I'm good.

Okay, first, uh, is this why you two spent so much time in the turnout room?

Second, did you do it in the turnout room?


Third, uh, did you do it on or near my gear in the turnout room?

And fourth, uh, who would you save first in a fire?

Me or one of you?

Travis: I don't really care what you do.

It's your business.

But one of you will be captain here soon.

You have to see how that might make some question whether you can really be unbiased.

So I guess my question is, is one of you gonna leave?

♪ There's no light ♪ No, because we broke up.

Andy: The worst thing about getting shocked is you don't see it coming.

Thanks for listening.

We just thought you should know.

♪ Leaves my side ♪

♪ Maybe she's the light ♪

♪ The light in my eyes ♪

♪ 'Cause everything looks old ♪ Hey.

It jolts you.

Was there more?

Um, I got us a table at the jazz club in Belltown.

I wore my good jeans, and I was gonna bust out all the stops.

Oh, I would hope so.

Yeah, it takes a minute to look this good.

It grabs you.

I had a weird day.

And I just found out some stuff at work about people that I-I thought I knew really well.

And you came to me to talk about Seth, and I don't want to bring him up if it's too sad or disrespectful, but I-I haven't always done a lot of that.


I mean, at least not about important stuff, and I-I-I just wanted to talk because I like talking to you, because I-I like you.

And, uh, I don't -- I don't know.

I don't know what I'm saying, and I should just shut up or -- or go or -- or both.

Or you're just staring at me, and, um...okay.

I'm sorry.

I should -- I should -- I should go.

It's electric.

♪ But here comes the night ♪

♪ Here comes the night ♪

♪ Here comes the night ♪ But when the shock's gone... you have to deal with the aftermath.

Any interesting calls after I left?

What? I know how important this is to you.

And while hearing about all the fire and danger and stuff isn't ever gonna be my favorite, I don't want you to think you can't share it with me.

Because a jolt like that...

That, uh -- That means a lot.

...it'll hurt.

So, come on. Hit me up.

Don't you want to tell me all about how you got all sweaty lifting the Jaws of Life or something?

The calls aren't always that exciting.

So nothing big today?

♪ I could be all right ♪ Nothing big.

♪ But, see, you set my sun ♪

♪ So here comes the night ♪

♪ Here comes the night ♪ It can burn you.

♪ Here comes the night ♪ But it can also shake you out of your comfort zone...

♪ I know, I know, I know I will be all right ♪

...zap you awake...

♪ But here comes the night ♪

...force you to do something big...

♪ Here comes the night ♪

...and see where the sparks fall.

♪ I know, I know, I know ♪

♪ I know, I know, I know ♪

♪ I know, I know, I know that you got to leave ♪



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