Expendables, The (2010)

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Expendables, The (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't sh**t me.

Who is that?

There's your money. Release the hostages.

How much in there?


You're too late. We want $5 million.

What do you know? A greedy pirate.

Last chance!

Take it or leave it.

We want the money now!

Warning shot. No!

A little low.

Lights out!

I'll k*ll him! I swear I'll k*ll him!

Drop your g*ns!

Fat chance.

Yeah, that'll happen.

Last chance. Let the hostages go or you're out of there.

Bring the money here to me.

I'll take the four on the left.

I want you to take the two on the right. Leave the rest alone.

I'll k*ll them all! I don't care.

You should take the two on the right. You're not that fast any more.

The only thing faster is lightning.

We'll see.

b*ll*ts go faster than blades.

Bring the money here now!

You want the money?

Go get it.

What's that?

I'm getting a text.

Excuse me?

k*ll them!

I call that a tie. Come on, keep dreaming.

These guys are arrested development.

A little compassion, folks.

You know, I don't think you hit one of them.

I don't see any knives, actually.

How are you guys doing?

What the hell is he doing? Hanging a pirate.

Don't be ridiculous.

Gunner! What are you doing?

Hanging a pirate!

That is seriously demented. This is no good.

You're on your own. Appreciate it.

It's good to have friends.

Gunner. Yeah?

This isn't how we work. Let him go.

Why? He'd do it to us.

Gunner, last chance.

Let him go or we're letting you go.

It's good to hang pirates.

We don't k*ll like that. Yeah?

Not polite enough?

Let him go, Gunner. How are you doing, Barney?

Pretty good.

My partner here kicked me with steel-tipped boots.

Can you believe that? You deserved it.

I think I'll need stitches.


I hate stitches. Everyone does.

Let him go, Gunner.

Let him go?

Let him go.

Think he's cool? Be careful. Go.

Gunner, you cool?


No, keep it.

You appreciate a good blade.

He all right?


The life just got to him.

It'll get to all of us.


Who is it?

Someday you'll find a man who'll be happy just to watch you sleep.

Hi. I didn't know you were back. Hey, babe.

Yeah, I just arrived.

Hey. You look great.

I wish you would have called.

I've never been a good caller.

I haven't heard from you in over a month.

Really? Time flies, huh?

Won't happen again! Sorry.

But I do have a surprise.

Rose-flavored. Your favorite.

And I did have something else for you.

It's something I picked up from Burma.

It's a ruby.

It's a good color, but it's hard to see in this light.

This kind of looked a little shinier when I bought it in the shop, you know?

Lace, everything all right?

Yeah. Who is he?

He's a friend.

Kind of late. You got a name?

Friend. She just told you.

Lee, come on.

Don't leave like this. Lee, I'm sorry.

I thought things were good between us.

I felt like you never cared about getting in my life or letting me into yours.

Stop. Yeah, sure I did.

No. I have known you for over a year and a half, and I don't even know what you do for a living.

What's it matter? When I'm here, I'm with you. That matters.

What matters is when you're here, you're not really here.

You're a good man. I love you, but...

Lace! I hate his voice.

Did you say something? Don't let him come down here.

Please tell me you understand what I'm saying.

You have to understand. I understand.

You take care.


He's no good, Lace.

Hey, brother, don't you ever sleep?

This is my friend...

What's your name again, baby?

Cheyenne. Cheyenne.

Cheyenne, Arapaho, Cherokee, Pawnee.

You want a drink?

I'm good.

Why don't you run upstairs and get me one of them super-duper six-olive martinis, baby?

Anything for you, baby. You got it.

Got a crush on me. Like the last 50.

Hey, brother, who's counting?

Damn, you look good. Look at you.

You look like a g*dd*mn cold piece of steel, brother.

Yeah, well. Okay, my friend, let's finish this bird up.

Well, let's do it, bro. It's taken you a couple of years to do a couple of letters.

We had to get rid of Gunner.

Well, he went Crankenstein on your ass. You got to cut him loose.

You wanna fill in?

Let me tell you something.

Remember where we was last time?

Where were we? We were ass-deep in that mud and blood.

Nigeria. Yeah, your hand was all shot to shit.

You were bleeding all over the place, and I was bleeding, and you know what I did? I promised myself, I don't wanna die all alone, full of holes in the mud and blood.

I'm gonna die with something that counts. I'm gonna die with a woman.

I wanna die with someone who cares about me, you know.

I don't wanna die for a woman.

I wanna die laying next to a woman. That's what I want.

It's Christmastime. Yeah, I can smell him from here.

Mr. Christmas. How you doing, brother?

I'm good, Tool.

Take a look at this. What do you think?

It still looks like a black chicken.

Black chicken? Black chicken? You done?

All done. It's a damn raven.

Man. It's good to see you, brother.

Wow! You know what?

For you, I got a great idea.

Why don't you let me doodle, like, a...

I don't know, Charlotte's web on your head?

On the top of your head.

You know, something different, something exciting.

'Cause you got one of them perfectly-shaped domed, muscular heads.

I could put a web on the top of the head.

Maybe a pregnant Charlotte coming out of your ear, peeking around, making sure them bugs don't come inside.

Her long leg dangling down your neck.

Yeah. Sexy, right? Very sexy.

Give you a little mystery, a little more character.

And very sexy. You understand?

It makes him stand out.

He looks thrilled.

Well. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'm feeling a little lucky tonight.

I'm feeling very accurate.

Another time. Come on. Come on, take him on.

Come on, Christmas. Bring it, baby.

Don't encourage him, please.

He never beat you in your life.

Come on, Christmas, no disgrace in losing.




Well, I got three pieces of work.

Two a walk in the park, and one to hell and back.

I need some time alone. Hey, cheer up. Make the meeting.

Now we can see inside of him.

And I see lies.

He wasn't stealing from you. He was stealing from us both.

You want your apes' respect? Snuff those two.

Let's just keep it simple.

If the money's right, we don't care where the job is.

Got it? Let's quit jerking off, get down to business, see who's hungry.

I know your real name's probably not Barney Ross.

You don't need to know my name.

The only thing you need to know is the job's real and the money's real.

But since we're in this nice place, you might as well just call me Mr. Church.

Okay, Church. What can I do for you?

In a minute. I'm still waiting for one more guy.


You know him?

Yeah, we used to be on the same team together.

What's my oldest, worst friend doing here?

Both of your names came to the top of the list.

Is that a problem? Yeah.

Should've shot him when I had the chance.

Big Barney Ross.

Bigger Trench mouse.

What are you doing? Praying for work? Could be.

Have you been sick?

You've lost weight. Really?

Whatever weight I lost, you found, pal.

You guys aren't gonna start sucking each other's dicks, are you?

Let's get down to business, see who wants the work.

You ever hear of an island called Vilena?

No. Yeah.

It's a little island in the Gulf.

That's right.

You should read more. Thanks.

There are resources on that island that my people are very interested in.

But a general by the name of Garza has overthrown the half-ass government.

That's right.

My people are having a problem with this fanatic Garza.

So you want Garza gone? I want him dead.

All it takes is a little army.

Only an idiot would do this job.

How much? Oh, like I said.

I'm busy anyway, so give this job to my friend here.

He loves playing in the jungle.

Right? Right.

That's right. Hey, why don't we have dinner?

Sure. When?

In a thousand years. Too soon.

What's his f*cking problem? He wants to be president.

I got to recon this island first.

I'll have a contact for you on the island.

Good riddance.

I got a feeling everyone else has passed on this job, so our fee is $5 mil.

$5 mil? And I want half upfront, and the other half in an offshore account.

You got a problem with that? No.

What I have a problem with is people who try to f*ck me over.

So if you take this money and you don't deliver, or you try to f*ck me in some kind of weird cockamamie scheme of yours, me and my people are gonna come get you and your people and chop you up into little f*cking dog treats.

You got a problem with that?

Let's talk.


Yeah, Vilena.

They got work there?

Come on.

You know you shouldn't be here, Gunner.

Don't replace me.

I'm good.

I'm still good.

You're still using.

I can't trust you any more, man.

You can't trust me? I can't.

You can't trust me?

Be careful.

You threatening me, Gunner?

Nah, I'm a nice guy.

So, going over the info this guy Church gave me, there's probably about 6,000 people on the island.

How many soldiers?

Maybe a couple of hundred.

It wouldn't take much more than that to control a space that small.

Great, they've got a small army.

What do we got?

Four and a half men.

Not so funny.

I need a raise. Why?

I need more money for my son.

I want to send him to a better school.

When did Yin Yang get a family? I have no idea.

You don't ask, I don't tell.

Anyway, the pay share stays the same.

That's the way it's gonna be.

Now the target on this island is a guy named General Garza.

What's the problem? Who gives a shit what the problem is?

We got enough problems right here of our own.

We don't get rid of those first, they're gonna get rid of us.

Toll Road, when was the last time you saw your analyst?

This morning. Yeah? What'd you talk about?

Avoidant personality disorder.

You think too much.

You know, Toll Road, you're an unusual guy, and you're always gonna have unusual problems, right?

Unusual? You're talking about my ear.

Come on. Don't start with the ear again.

Not the ear story. The ear story, not again.

We all know the ear story. We don't want to hear the ear story.

Let's just concentrate on the job.

No. Shit no. You guys started this.

We all know I wrestled in college. Right.

A common injury associated with that sport is trauma to the ear, a clot.

Which, if left unattended, causes a contraction in the cartilage and forms cauliflower ears.

And your point is? It ain't easy being green.

Anyway, me and Christmas are gonna head down to Vilena and scout the island to see if we should take the job.

How much we get paid? I need more money for my family.

What family? My family.

Listen, that girl wasn't your type.

Her loss, right?

I should have broke that bastard's jaw.

Maybe you were lucky. He could have broke yours.

Impossible. You know, Christmas, I understand, but let's just say you were with her for a couple of hours, and it's nice, and it's hot and heavy, but after that, think about it.

What do you do for the rest of the day?

She probably did you a favor.

Now you have more time to feel sorry for yourself.

You're a bleak bastard.

Morning. Morning.

Morning! Speak English?

Big plane, huh?

Yeah, we use it to transport injured animals.

Why are you here? Ornithologists.

We're photographing exotic birds.

You're nervous?


No. Why?

You just look nervous.

I'm not nervous. Do I look nervous?

Your skin looks a little dry.

I think you should fly with the window closed.

It's the altitude. It is the altitude. It'll get to you.

What's the address? Yeah, it's in my head.

Do you wanna share it?

It's the Gloria Cantina.

So actually, Cantina Gloria in Spanish.

Spanish. Who are you, Zorro?


Shit. Come on.

In there.

You rolling?


You, you, move the truck!

Get the suit. Tighten up on the suit.

Got him.

Look at these clowns, hand-picked monkeys.

What's wrong with this picture?


Let's get out of here.

No, that's the point, you know.

You think you know someone, and you truly do not.

Aren't you the guy who said, "The man who best gets along with women

"is the man who can get along without them"?

That's bullshit. Truthfully, she wasn't your type.

Well, I wasn't finished. Look, enjoy your freedom.

Yeah, you wait till it happens to you. It has.

Contact's late.

All right, let's go.


Have you ever been rejected?

You're really pushing the boundaries of our relationship, you know that?

Is that the contact? Could be.

Too bad she's so homely.

Stay focused.

Are you the contact?

I'm Sandra.

What are your names?

Buda, Pest.

Follow me, please.

Buda and Pest? Nice.

Did you do all these?

Yes. Take one.

A gift.

I don't take free gifts.

How much you want for it? Nothing.

Taking money for something is not a gift.

Taking nothing for something is.

Is it like this all the time?

This place was a beautiful place.

Then one day, they came with money, and General Garza sold his soul.

And people who fight back are k*lled.

You said "they" came with money.

Who's "they"?

Some Americans. That's all I know.

But someday all of this will change back.

You really believe that?


The best day will be the one when we can say our lives are our own again.

You have a family, Sandra?

My mother, when I was little, she died.

And my father, he's gone, too.

Sandra, how close can you get to the palace?

The palace? Why?

We just wanna check out the view.

There is no view.

Why don't we just go there anyway, okay?

Where is my grove?

Where is your manpower?

Do you know how long it takes for a coca field to produce?

Of course you don't. Let me tell you.

We are eight weeks behind schedule.

Kick your peasants' asses. Get me my product.

When you talk like this to me in front of my men, it's no good.

I am your lifeline.

I am the one who coordinates all this confusion.

I am making you rich.

And being wealthy is very good.

It allows people to be the real asswipes nature intended them to be.

Sometimes things are just not worth the money.

Sure they are.

Sandra, are we close?

It's just over there.

Pull over, please.

Where are you going? Where am I going?

Well, I suppose you could say I like to look at the world from different views.

Don't lose my hat.

We should get going.

He's very emotional.

What are you looking for?

Sandra, how do I know you're not setting us up?

What does "setting us up" mean?

You don't look like the kind of person that we deal with all the time.

How did you get involved in this?

An American came here.

He asked my friend to show you around. He was afraid, so he asked me to.

And you're not afraid?

I'm afraid.

But he said maybe you can help Vilena.

I don't think so.

Listen, if I were you, I'd leave.

Just leave.

You should leave.

Don't say anything. Let me talk.


Get her. Got it.

Are you crazy?

You could have k*lled me! You're welcome.


All right, speed it up. We're on the way.

If we get out of here, it's a miracle.

She's coming with us, right? She'd better.

How can we leave? We got a plane.

No, I can't leave. Yeah, well, you don't have a choice.

Yes, I do. Yeah? They'll find you in an hour.

Maybe, but I'm staying. Staying for what? There's nothing here.

Not to you.

Look, if you stay, then you're dead. She's leaving with us.

I got the guys inside. Give me a 60-second lead.

You got it. Go, go, go! Come on.

Get in.

Get in. No.

Get in. No, no, I can't.

Let's go. I can't. I belong here.

There's no time. Go, you go.

Please, go.



You look nervous.

Come on!

Run, you bastard!

Come on!

Where's the girl? Gone. She wouldn't leave.

Wouldn't leave?

Why the hell would anybody wanna stay?

The hell...

The hell with it.

Climb, baby, climb. Come on, baby.

God damn it.

Going back? Yeah.

Fry and die. Fry and die. Let's do it.

What are they doing?


Great job.

That was a statement.

How did two obvious professionals pass right through security personnel, k*ll 41 soldiers and get away?

With help, that's how.

Everything's under control, except one detail, a daughter who wants her father and company dead and gone.

Bad Shakespeare.

Somehow the company parasites got to her.

Look, she's your daughter, and that's tragic.

But blood or not, she goes.

Call it the price of doing business.

You don't k*ll your familia.

Come around my house during the holidays, pal.

Nice bird.

First of all, I don't feel comfortable talking business with a giant carrying a shotgun.

Pretty boy wouldn't give it up.

Not if you wanna know where they are.

What do you know?

I used to be one of them.

Why are you turning on them?

Lovers' quarrel.

We settle on 50.

No, math whizz.

We settle on 100 grand, upfront, in my pocket.

The guy thinks he's a real badass.

This geezer's a bloody joke.

Life's a joke, shitbird!

If you don't want that Fu Manchu knocked back into the '60s, you'd better keep your gum-chewing trap shut and show some respect!

Bring it.

Hey, be nice.

Need a facelift, pretty boy?

Back off, Paine.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

We need him.

Back off!

Here's what I think is happening.

This guy who calls himself Church is really a front for the CIA.

So we're working for the agency?

Yeah. Church hired us to take out the General, but the real target's this guy, James Munroe.

He used to be with the agency, but got greedy, went rogue and teamed up with the General to keep the whole drug operation for themselves.

And that's a big cash loss.

But Church and the agency can't afford to send in the Navy SEALs or the Special Forces to take out one of their own.

That'd be a bad headline, so they hire us to k*ll him.

And they're back in business.

And we're taken out. Nobody's gonna miss us.

Is it still $5 million? You'd never live to spend it.

I'm telling Church the deal's off.

Sound about right?

That's about right.

I agree.

Where is he?

Who the hell is that? Some punk.

Don't worry about it. We got your back.

If he comes over here, we'll bust his ass.

What do you want?

Your life.

I was thinking about taking it.

Is that right?

But I don't do so well in tight spaces, so going to prison worries me.

You shouldn't have bruised her face.


I would have liked to have kept it the way it was.

Keep the bitch, 'cause I'm done with it.


Next time, I'll deflate all your balls, friend.

Now you know what I do for a living.

I'm not perfect, but you should have waited.

I was worth it.

So your daughter paints, too?

This is how it starts!

Let's go. There's nothing here.

Or how it ends!

What's the matter, Barney? Don't you ever sleep?

No. What happened to your girlfriend?

Another one bites the dust, brother.

I was gonna paint this for her, and you know what? I'm gonna finish it.

Then I'm just gonna smash the shit out of it.

You wanna be alone?

Not really. So, what's up?

On this island, there was this girl.

There usually are.

You know, she showed us around. She was the target's daughter.

And when she had a chance to leave, she didn't do it.

She had some guts.

Why can't I get that out of my mind?

You know, she stands for something.

You know, man, we don't stand for shit.

We used to, but that dried all up, like this is gonna dry all up.

This here paint is gonna dry.

What dried up?

Just belief, man. Just the belief in the soul, just, I don't know, the human parts, brother.

You remember that time we was up in Bosnia?

We took down them Serb bad boys.

All our guys were getting chopped up all around us, and there was blood everywhere.

I never thought I was gonna make it out of there, and I know you didn't, either. Yeah.

Kind of feeling like dead, too, you know?

My head's all a very black place.

I don't believe in shit.

Just g*dd*mn Dracula black.

I remember I got this bottle of the local shit they have over there, that Slivovitz.

I don't know, I think that's what it was called.

And I ain't feeling no pain now.

And I'd come up on this...

I'd come up on this old wooden bridge, and I see this...

I see this woman standing there, you know? And she's...

I stepped out, and she saw me, and she's just looking right in my eyes, and I was looking right in her eyes.

I knew what she was gonna do.

She looked at me, and I knew she was gonna jump.

You know what I did, man?

I just turned around and I kept walking, until I heard that splash.

Then she was gone.

And after taking all them lives, here was one that I could have saved, but I didn't.

And what I realized later on was,

if I had saved that woman, I might have,

I don't know, saved what was left of my soul, you know?

A very wise dead man once told me that a real man never strikes a woman.

You push some if you have to, but you never strike them.

That's the way I was raised.

This man, however, does not share that moral dilemma. No.

This man,


So the question, Sandra, why were the Americans here?

Don't fight back.

Just relax.

Again, what did the Americans tell you?

Who were they after?


I'm going back to Vilena. Yeah? Something change?

What's the plan? There is no plan.

Wait, wait, wait. We need a strategy. I'm going. You're not.

What? I said I'm going. You guys aren't.

What are you, out of your mind? It's personal business.

You don't owe that woman nothing. I didn't say I did.

You want to k*ll yourself? Go ahead, fine. Your call.

Listen, I don't want to k*ll myself. You guys, take care. I got to do this.

Hey, hey, hey. What?

Don't lay this guilt crap on us. We don't deserve it.

This is my choice. There's no guilt. There's no guilt. Take care.

Yeah, f*ck it. His choice. Yeah.

I said I'm going alone.

I'm going, too.

Come on, Yang, get the hell out.

Just drive.

Don't lose your nerve.

Don't talk to me, cockroach.

So, why are you doing this?

Friends die together.

Hey. Give me the good luck ring. Come on.

Don't make me hurt you, Yang. Come on.

Speed better than luck. Whatever.

It's difficult.

What is?

My life is difficult. I need more money.

Why is that?

I work harder than the rest. No, you don't.

Yes, I do. Because they're taller, everything is harder for me.

When I get hurt, the wound is bigger because I'm smaller.

When I travel, I need to go farther.

I know, 'cause you're smaller, right?


My life is harder than you think.

I need more money. I know. You told me.

For your family, right?

I don't have family.

I know.

Maybe one day I will.


Get out there! Why me?

Because you're smaller.

Do that again, I'll k*ll you!


Come on, Gunner.

Man's good.

What are you doing? You're dead, junkie!





What do you wear, size three? Bring it, happy feet.

My turn!



You shot me.

Hey, don't say that. You were gonna k*ll him.

I was just gonna scare him.

Don't put that on me. You never liked him.

Am I dying?

The shot's a couple of inches above your heart.

I'll take that as a yes.

Gunner, who sent you? Who hired you?

Who cares?

Do yourself a favor.

Don't go out a total assh*le. Cooperate for once in your miserable life.

Then bury me right.

You got it.

Who sent you? Who sent you? ls the girl still alive?

Come closer.

You know, it's not easy being your friend.

That's true.

Man, we'll die with you. Just don't ask us to do it twice.

I know the layout. I'll tell you about it on the way.

What the hell happened to you?

It's too sad to talk about it.

Let's fly.

You know, the enemy's always been terrified of noise, especially shotguns.

With this big boy spitting out 250 rounds a minute, you tell me who's tolerating that.

Absolutely zero.

So let me get this right. Gunner tries to k*ll you, you sh**t him and, at death's door, he gives you the whole layout?

Yeah, something like that.

I would have win. I know you would have win.

You know what? I trust you.

I want you to meet my girlfriend.

Omya Kaboom.

You lost me there.

When Omya's prime is struck, she gets off a miniature warhead that arms itself.

And when that happens, anything that gets in my lady's way becomes instant red sauce and Jell-O.

And if that doesn't work,

her sister will.

You should meet my doctor.

Too late.

It's 3:36. We have 20 minutes to take this place down.

I'll take the cellar.

We've got company.

I got him. You guys take off.

Is there a reason you've taken the soldiers this man has trained and made them look like fools?

They look like warriors.

Warriors loyal to me.

I thought the people of Vilena hired these mercenaries to k*ll me.

But then I think maybe this is your plan, because you cannot control me.

And torturing Sandra works for you.

You want to k*ll her to make me suffer.

A man can never k*ll a child.

But you can.

Bring Sandra here.

Bring her now or I will k*ll you.

Go get her.

No, no. Sandra, Sandra, it's me. Sandra.

Hey, it's me, it's me. Sandra, it's me.

It's me. It's me. It's okay.

Nobody's gonna hurt you, all right?

How are you here?

I just am.

Can you move? Yes.


Yeah, okay. All right, let's go.

Time's up.

Where's Barney? What's the call?

We can't find him in 10 minutes, we're going out the same way we came in.

No way. That's what he'd want.

Ten minutes! Let's go.

No. Stop him!

This is not his fight. It's mine. Get her out of here.

Seal the building.

Stand him up.

You know, if you didn't have this Kevlar vest, your insides are gonna be like f*cking mush.

Well, ain't that sad?

You know, you're a lucky man.

You're the lucky man.

No, no, you're a lucky man.

He told me to keep you conscious. Did he?

All right.

You're a real tough guy, aren't you?

What? Are you a real tough guy?

Look at me, you piece of trash.

How many men you got?

Just your mother.

Now this is your last time.

You give me the right answer, and I'll cut you a break.

If you give me the wrong answer, you will die a damn slow death.

Do you understand me?

Do you understand me? Yep.

Who sent you? Can't breathe.

Loosen up.

Who sent you?

Your hairdresser.

Go, we gotta go!

Come on.


Remember this shit at Christmas!

Damn, that thing's loud.

What happened to you? I got my ass kicked.

Come on. Get my r*fle. Let's go.

What's this?

Everything bad that has happened, you bring.

Take your money!

I only see death with you. Take it all and go.

I'm not going anywhere.

You are done here.

You can't succeed without me.

I am the leader.

You're a puppet in a hat.



Get back.

Throw down your weapons.

There's no way out.

Shit's getting old!

Your lucky ring stinks. I know.

Let's backtrack. The building's rigged.

It's the only way out.

Chopper's ready in five minutes.

We're not leaving yet.

What's he saying? He said we're dead with an accent.

We ain't dead.

Blow the building. Not yet.

We will k*ll this American disease.

Blow the building!

She's still in there!

The money!

Blow it!

She's out. Blow the f*cking building!

I'm out!

Let's go. Come on.

Cut Munroe off!

Come on!


Thing's too heavy. Give me it.

What do you want me to do? Throw it as hard as you can.

Blow the dump. Got it!


Drop the weapons, or I'll put a b*llet through her eye.

Don't test me.

No, no, no.

Shut up or I'll k*ll you.

The agency parasites hired you, didn't they?

I'd have paid you twice as much to go fishing.

You'd have to think I'm pretty freaking stupid to surrender to the agency.

Why would I do that? I created this. I made it all happen.

And then they wanted me out. Why? Because I saw the big picture.

Stop walking.

And what about me and you? We're both the same.

We're both mercenaries. We're both dead inside.

So why the hell did you come after me?

I didn't come after you, dipshit. I came for her!

You okay? Yeah.

Call it a tie.

Yeah, I guess so.

You know, you're not as fast as you think.

I'm beginning to sense that.

The second account number's mine. It'll help get things going around here.

No, I can't. You've done so much.

Yeah, well, so have you. A gift for a gift. You take it.

Will you come back? I promise I'll always be around.

You take care, Sandra.

You take care.





I never really thought she was your type.

All right, baby. All right.

Come on, let's see what you got.

That's my boy!

Go south!

You lost! You lost!

So you're back from the dead. How you healing?

Good, considering you could have k*lled me.

I forgive you.


I would have win.

Of course.

Hey, Gunner.

Whatever doesn't k*ll you makes you stronger, brother. Therapy.

Man's got a point.

You know what?

I'm gonna do you a favor, Tool.

"I once knew a man called Tool..."

I love poetry.

"To me, was the epitome of cool"

"He was good with a knife"

"Bad with a wife..."

That hurts.

"But to think he could beat me"

"Dreaming he'd defeat me"

"Cool Tool"

"You gotta be a fool"
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