Rambo (2008)

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Rambo (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

...something they had never seen, which liberated a yellow, very pungent and acrid vapor.

The actions of the hard-line mliitary regime are the cause of increasing international concern.

The regime crushes all dissent.

Ethnic groups are being oppressed in the east of the country, and foreign journalists are rarely...

...claim tonight that some form of chemical w*apon has been used in Burma by mliitary rulers...

...has led to the national uprising.

Thousands took to the streets and thousands were k*lled...

In Burma, many peaceful protesting monks have been k*lled, some burned alive, and others drowned.

Foreign journalists have been shot and k*lled.

As thousands of villages have been destroyed, r*pe and t*rture are a daliy occurrence.

In Burma, there are more land mines than anywhere in the world.

Young men are beaten and forced into the army, many as young as 12 years old.

Beheadings and mutliations are commonplace.

The Karen people, comprised mostly of poor Christian farmers, have been singled out for extermination.

The ruling mliitary government wants the abundant natural resources on Karen land.

The bloody Burmese mliitary campaign against the Karen people has been going on for almost 60 years, the longest running civli w*r in the world.

Two snake that you see, they are Siamese cobra or common cobra.

He is not king cobra and not spitting cobra.

Hey! Hey!

f*ck off, okay?

They still have fang and still have poison.

He is small, dangerous, number one.

King cobra number two.

And now spitting cobra.

He can spit poison to your eye.

One color.

He's very, very dangerous. Number one in Thailand.

Careful, my friend.

Looks like dangerous work.

I'm Michael Burnett. Do you have some time to talk?

Won't take long, I promise.

I was told it might be possible to rent your boat.

We'd like to do that.

Is that possible? We need to get upriver.

-Where you going? -Into Burma.

Burma's a w*r zone.

Well, that's what people call it, but it's more like genocide than w*r.

Anyway, this will be my fifth trip in, so we are aware of all the risks.

I don't go that far north.

Let me explain our situation.

Our church is part of a Pan-Asian ministry located in Colorado, and we're all volunteers who around this time of year bring in medical supplies, medical attention, prayer books and support for the Karen tribes people.

People say you know the river better than anyone.

Well, they lied.

So, what I'm asking is that we compensate you for a few hours of your time.

It will help change people's lives.

-Are you bringing in any weapons? -Of course not.

You're not changing anything.


It's thinking like that that keeps the world the way it is.

f*ck the world.

-Let's go. -Why?

He's not interested. Let's just go.

-Let me try. -No, Sarah...

No, didn't you say it was the only way up there?

-I know I did... -All right, then what do we have to lose?

-I talked to the man... -Just let me try, Michael.

-Sarah... -Please.


I'm Sarah Miller.

I hope you don't mind me coming back here.

The man that you were talking to...

I wasn't talking to anybody.

All right.

The man that was talking to you asked if we could hire you to take us up the river.

-You said no. Why? -Can't help you out.

Well, if you have good reasons, would you mind if I heard them?

Go home.

You shouldn't be in here.

Would you reconsider?

Look, I don't know anything about you, and it seems like you don't care to know anything about us.


But you live so close to what's going on over here.

I mean, doesn't it bother you at all?

It's not my business.

Sarah, we should go.

Do you believe that people are put here to die for no reason?

Or believe in giving time to something other than yourself?

I mean, do you believe in anything?

You really ought to go.

The man doesn't care. We'll figure something out.

Why'd you come back?

Waiting for you.

-I told you before, I can't help you. -Why?

I don't want to.

-Where are your friends? -At the hotel.

I can take care of myself.

-Is that so? -Yes.

-I know you don't like us. -I never said that.

Well, it looks that way.

We need to go and help these people.

Who are you helping?

Them or you?

-Does it matter? -Yeah, it matters.


There's nothing missing in our lives back home.

We're here to make a difference.

We believe all lives are special.

-Some lives, some, no. -Really?

If everyone thought like you, nothing would ever change.

Nothing does change.

Of course it does. Nothing stays the same.

Live your life, 'cause you got a good one.

It's what I'm trying to do.

No, what you're trying to do is change what is.

-And what is? -That we're like animals.

It's in the blood. It's natural.

Peace, that's an accident.

It's what is.

When you're pushed, k*lling is as easy as breathing.

Then the k*lling stops in one place and it starts in another, but that's okay 'cause you're k*lling for your country.

But it ain't your country who's asking. It's a few men up top who want it.

Old men start it, young men fight it.

Nobody wins, everybody in the middle dies.

And nobody tells the truth.

God's gonna make all that go away?

Don't waste your life. I did.

Go home.

Really. Go home.

-You care. -What?

You care.

Because if you didn't, you would have taken us there, taken the money and be done with it.

But you didn't do that.


Maybe you've lost your faith in people, but you must still be faithful to something.

Believe me, I'm scared.

And I love my life and I don't want to lose it.

But trying to save a life isn't wasting your life, is it?

Will you help us?

All right.

Thank you.

As bad as these people are, they will eventually lose.

They can't keep it up against a united front. They can't.

I mean, time alone will tell, but in the meantime, we just have to help hold it together.

I mean, just the other day, I read...

Excuse me.

Sarah, where are you going?

To talk to him.

Well, he probably wants his privacy.

Michael, you shouldn't ignore him.

-He's helping us. -He's been paid.

He didn't take anything.

Thank you, again, for doing this. Really. From all of us.

It's like the same view goes on forever.

It's so empty out here.

It just looks that way.

You know, you never told us your name.

-John. -John.

-Lived here a long time? -Long time.

-Where you from? -Bowie, Arizona. Small place.

What'd you do there?

Worked horses, mainly.

-Why'd you leave? -I got drafted in Nam.

-Long time ago. -Long time ago. Lot of years.

And you just stayed?

It's complicated.

-You have family back home? -Father maybe. I don't know.

Aren't you curious to see how things might've changed back home?

Got to have a reason for that.

-What do you do stateside? -I teach. Sixth grade.


Now I know why you ask so many questions.

-Any idea how much longer? -Yeah, just a few more hours.

Maybe we should give the man his space.

We should go over the schedule, okay?


We're engaged. He's a good man.

That's good.

I know you think you live alone out here, but there's always something pushing you.

-What is it? Who are they? -Burmese pirates.

Tell everyone to stay down, don't make a sound.

-Who are they? -It's all right, it's all right.

-Just keep... -Don't talk!

-Any more of them? -Maybe.

What do you wanna do?

We should keep going. We made a commitment.

-What do you wanna do? -We're a group here.

If they wanna vote...

-Sit down! -If it's money they want...

Nobody talks. Heads down.

Keep your heads down and nobody look them in the eye, or they'll k*ll you.


What did you do?

We came here to help stop the k*lling!

Who are you to...

-Who are you? -Let him go!

They would've r*ped her 50 times, and cut your heads off.

We're going back!

No. No, we shouldn't go back.

-What are you doing? -Don't take us back.

-Look what just happened! -We got through it.

-We'll come back next year. -We are so close.

Michael, this was your idea. We made a commitment.

I know you don't believe in what we're doing, but it's our life, our choice.

Please. Please, John.


You're not going to change anything.

Go sit down.

It's all right.

We'll be taking the overland route on the way back, so there's no need to wait around.

I have to report this.

I know you think what you did was right, but taking a life is never right.

I don't know what to say.

Then you shouldn't say anything, should you?


What did you do?

Good, good.

Through his spirit in your inner being.

So Christ may dwell in your hearts with faith.

And I pray...

...you may have the power together...

Let me see if I can fix this little problem, okay?


Hey, you.

Hand me one of those bandages?


Thank you.


-Get out of here! -What about them?

Go on! Take them!

Maybe you've lost your faith in people, but you must still be faithful to something.

Still care about something.

Company leader calling Raven. Come on, Raven.

What am I? You made me this way.

A full-blooded combat soldier.

You just don't turn it off.

Talk to me, Johnny.

You just don't turn it off!

-It's over. -Nothing is over!

When are you gonna come full circle?

I know the reasons you're here, John.

Aren't you curious to see how things might've changed back home?

You've done enough damage.

You're always going to be tearing away at yourself untli you come to terms with what you are.

Untli you come full circle.

So you're just going to stay here forever?

-John! -I wanna go home!

John Rambo!


John Rambo?

My name is Arthur Marsh, pastor of the Christ Church of Colorado.

I need to talk with you. It's very important.

I wouldn't come here like this if it wasn't.

The morning of the day the group left, Michael Burnett notified me that they were traveling from this location.

-What happened? -No one knows exactly.

They were supposed to return 1 0 days ago, but they never came back.

I requested help from the embassy, but they can't help.

Not in Burma, and not in time.

How do you know they're alive?

Because we've been in contact with the Karen freedom fighters who say they think they know where they were taken.

And I was given the name of an ex-military American local from the embassy who put me in touch with men who say they have experience in this part of the world.



I don't have any other choice.

You know the exact spot. We need you to take these men to where you let our people off.

When are they ready to leave?

When you are.

Aren't you gonna say something?

-I don't understand. -You should.

You mean a prayer?

Not for me, for them.



make me your instrument of peace.

Where there is hatred, let me bring love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness, joy.

Grant that I may not seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love, for it is in giving that we receive.

It is in dying that we awake to eternal life.

Look at this f*cking place. Only a f*cking ape would live here.

What the f*ck am I doing here?

Hey, knock that shit off.

En-Joo don't like the arts.

-En-Joo don't like shit. -I like your sister, Diaz.

She got a thing for retards.

So what did the Reverend say to you?

Some shit about part of his flock going missing.

I said to him, "Look, mate.

"That's what you get when you go trespassing into f*cking Burma.

"That's what you get when you go sniffing around other people's garbage."

You know, those generals in there are making a lot of money.

Millions cranking out meth more than any other place on the f*cking planet.


-Millions, moron. -Hell, yeah, man.

How do you think they pay for that shit army?

f*cking generals, biggest junkies of all of them.

It's noble, Lewis.

You what?

Those people going in there with no weapons, just books and meds. It's noble.

Oi, School Boy.

You stick your noble nose into other people's business, you get f*cked up or you get dead.

The only reason I'm doing this is for an ex-wife and three kids.

And after this shit is over, you can shove that soldiering right up your arse.

Oi, boat man. Come on, chop-chop!

The quicker we get there, the quicker we get back.

Lousy God-squadders.

They come over here spouting all that shit, and they expect the whole world to work like their f*cking neighborhood.

Well, it doesn't.

So they send in the devil to do God's work. It's ironic, isn't it?

Am I boring you, mate?

What, is it... Is it the trip? Has it got you nervous?

'Cause, really, you should appreciate the action.

You know what I mean?

Got to be better than looking at the arse end of a snake.

Oh, dear.

You really are an uptight bastard, aren't you?

You can drop the 1 ,000-yard stare. I've seen it all before, and I'm not impressed.

He's old school SAS.

They're first-rate soldiers, but total egomaniacs.

Now, us SBS boys, we're not so heavy-handed.

We like to use our brains. You know what I mean?

They call me School Boy.

The name stuck with me since sn*per school.

And me mates won't stop calling me it no matter how many people I sh**t.

What do you want from us?

One man and a kid. You gotta be f*cking joking.

This all the rebels they put up?

I'm not liking it.

You're in a f*cking jungle, puss nuts. There's nothing to like.

How you doing?

My name is Myint. This is Tha.

-Is this it? -Yes.

-What's up with the kid, man? -He good tracker.

We don't need a tracker. We need a f*cking guide.

You know the exact location, right?

Ten kilometers west, two north, six to a walk.

-How many soldiers? -Hundred, maybe.

-Hundred? -What'd he say?

More new soldiers come tomorrow.

Yeah, I know I'm just a white trash grunt, but I can count.

f*ck f*cking with 1 00 strong.

All right, all right, all right. Let's get this straight.

We don't engage anybody.

If we can extract these people, good.

But it's in, out, clean, or we f*ck off.

Somebody wanna tell me what the boat man's doing?

Hey, why ain't you waiting with the boat?

My men are staying with the boat.

You're the boat man. You stay with the boat.

-I won't slow you down. -Yeah, I know you won't.

-It's not a f*cking nature hike. -Believe that.

-He can hang with me at the back. -Hey, hey, he stays here.

He's the boat man. He stays with the f*cking boat.

I want a white man on, and not some f*cking dink.

Now who's got expl*sives? Tombstone?

-None. -A pound of C-4 and primer.

I got a claymore.

All right, let's get on with it.

Come on, move, move.

-What the f*ck is that? -Called Tallboy b*mb.

English drop in World w*r ll.

Your people taken from here.

Man, I have seen some shit.

Brother, I ain't never seen no shit like this.

Armies come. k*ll everything.

Leave our dead here as warning.

He see enough.

Mine everywhere.

Watch where you walking.

-All right, let's move on. -To what?

They even k*lled the f*cking dogs. Those people are dead.

I'm with En-Joo.

We at least have to go and have a look-see, check it out.

I'm with you. Let's check it out.

Check what? They're 1 00 strong.

Hey, we took the man's money.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Just calm down, calm down.

We'll go there, and we'll see what's what.

But if anything's wrong, anything at all, we'll leave.

All right?


-All right. -Good.

-Which way? -This way.

Army! Go! Go!

I'm going to fire on them.

No! They don't make it back from wherever the hell they came from, man, they are on to us.

What the f*ck are they doing, man?

Who are you, boat man? Where'd you learn to k*ll like that?

Let's move.

They're gonna come hunting our asses down when these guys don't show up.

I got people to live for, man.

We don't need this shit. We're going back to the boat.

No, you're not.

What did you say?

I don't give a f*ck who you are.

You say another word and I swear on my kids' eyes I'll k*ll you.

Let's go.

Whoa! Hey, hey!

You're not going anywhere.

And there isn't one of us that doesn't want to be someplace else, but this is what we do, who we are.

Live for nothing, or die for something.

Your call.

Let's move.

Once School Boy's on the tower, we got 1 5 minutes.

Set your watches to 1 :45. In, out, no waiting around for nobody.

We meet at the base of the tower.

-All set? -Yeah.


We're in.


Don't talk. We're getting you out.

-Where's the girl? -She's over there.

You untie him. We'll be back for you.


There's two of them in the cage, near the pigs.

-Get them. -Got it.

-Come on, come on. -Do you have Sarah?

Shut up, come on.

Please, no. No.

We can't find shit. One minute.

-There's one of them in there. -Leave them.

-You leave. -What the f*ck are they to you, boat man?


-Let's move. -Where's the boat man?

-And Sarah. -Fifteen minutes. That's the deal.

-We're leaving. -Let's go!

-Five more minutes. -Bullshit.

He knew the deal.

Hey, we came together, we f*cking leave together!

-Your life. Let's go. -Not without her!

God didn't save your life, we did.

And if you risk your life one more time, I will f*cking take your life right here.

Now f*cking get up.

Get up. Move!

This way.

It's all right. I got you.

We're getting out of here. Come on.

-Where are they? -They took off that way into the garden.

They must know another way out.

We got an hour till the daylight. We got to backtrack.

This way.

-Pull up. -What's wrong?

-Lift your foot. -No, I don't wanna slow you down.

Lift your foot.

She's not making it like this.

I don't want you to get caught because of me.

Let's move out.

I feel like all this is my fault.

It's everybody's fault.

I was trying to help.

I told you, it's what is.

I don't wanna believe that.

You think they found Michael?

I mean, they probably have found him.

Yeah, probably.

Let's go.

My leg! My leg! Jesus! God damn it!

Shut up. Shut up. We got you. We're getting out.

-His leg is shredded. -Shit.

Where's the guide?

-The son of a bitch is gone! -f*ck him. I know the coordinates.

We're not making it to the river with him.

Would you shut the f*ck up? Come on and tie his leg.

-Take off his boot. -No!

Leave his boot on. Let us in here, we're doctors.

-I need a knife. -Here, here, here.

Oh, f*ck! f*ck!

-Is he gonna make it? -I don't know. Make a stretcher.

Spread out!

Take the point.

Hear that?

They're tracking us.

They're on our scent.

-Turn around. -What are you doing?

-Just move. Turn. Turn. -All right.

I want you two to head southeast to the river.

And the boat will be waiting.

If it's not there, you keep following the shoreline till I find you.

What about you?

I'll be all right. Give me that claymore.

-Now fire off a shot. -What?

Fire off a shot!

You're gonna make it.

Go! Go!

-Come on! Come on! -Move! Move it!

-Let's go! -I got you. I got you!

Grab it! Grab it!

-I can't. -Get up!

I can't.

Come on. Come on.

-Down, down, down. -Wait. What is it? What? What?

Son of a bitch. Look.

What is it?

Oh, God!

God damn.

You gutless f*ck! You f*cking p*ssy!


Gutless f*ck!

Come and have a go at me, you lady-boy c**t!

Come on, you... f*cking have a go at me!

f*ck... You f*cking... Do something...

f*cking Jesus!

Oh, God.

What do we do?

Nothing we can do.

Oh, God.


The Karen rebels.


Michael? Michael?


Michael! Michael!


It's okay. It's okay.

-Go help them, okay? -Okay.
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