Rambo: Last Blood (2019)

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Rambo: Last Blood (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

NWS has upgraded the storm Telmar to a category 2.

Heavy rain and wind speed up to 85 mph are to be expected.

This is Desert Eagle. Still no visual on the 3 missing hikers.

Bravo, Charlie, please confirm CIS with rescue ops.

Come on!

This is Rescue Team One, Lima Charlie.

Our dogs are negative on the hikers, but it's getting worse down here.

Storm is speeding up. Desert Eagle, what's the status up there?

There is a flood throughout building. Gonna get your guys off the mountain. Over.

All teams to higher ground. Big fall of water coming.

Rescue ops - retreat or seek shelter.

Where's that volunteer on horse back? He's not on radio.

He's gotta be on his way back. He'd be crazy to downhill this.

Too much turbulence. We bring it in before we're back here.

Hey! Hey! Hey. Over here!

Help us! Hey!

The water is going. There is a lot of water coming.

Get on!

I'm here with my wife. Have you seen my wife?

Come on. Get on. You got us go and she could be right down there.

She's not. I found her down the river. She's gone.

Please, Jaime, let's go! I'm gonna go find her.


Come on down!

Get over that round rock!

Come on, boy.

Get in close. Hold as tight as you can!

Are we gonna die?

So where did you find them? 2 miles down stream at Base Canyon.

Did you get a positive ID? Not yet, it's pretty torn up.

Hey, who is he?

Volunteers from time to time, captain.

Nam burning op, but he's a hell of a tracker.

You alright, John?

Wife got k*lled in the first wave, husband ran away.

Yeah, we found them about a mile down the river.

You did what you could, John.

And we appreciate your help, again.

Hey, Mr.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Good boy.

I heard the news.

Two people died.

Couldn't save them.

Couldn't save my brothers in the w*r either.

You cannot blame yourself because you gonna save some people.

You are not in the w*r anymore.

Only in your head.

It's hard to turn off.

Sitting there, you remind me of your father.

He would sit outside, in his rocking chair.

Always thinking, never talking.

But you have done a wonderful job here.

Running this place.

I can't thank you enough for letting me stay.

And helping raise Gabriella.


Good night, Maria.

Easy, easy, easy.

Good boy. Come on. Turn.

Hold, son. Hold, son.

Come on, son. That's it.

Turn, turn.

Come on. Come on, son.

Come on.

How did you sleep?

Pretty good.

I didn't see Gabri's car.

She called. She's fine, John.

She's at Antonia's.

I was hoping she'd help me ride that new bald-faced stallion.

She'd like that horse. He turns great. Great turner.


You know, she'd be a good trainer.

She's got a way with horses.

Don't you think?

Mm, maybe.

But she is going to college.

You think she wants to smell like horses all the time like you?

That bad?

Not at all, if you like horses.

Hey! Hey! Over here!

Have you seen my wife?

Make no mistake about it.

We are going to win.

I can assure you that, militarily, this strategy will not succeed.

Uncle John! In here!



Did you finish working out the horses?

Yeah, pretty much.

What you working on?

You know what this is?

A small knife.

No, it's Damascus steel.

It's a letter opener I made for when you go away to college.

And I'm gonna add on these white handles.

Letter opener?

It'd be beautiful on your desk.


Uh, I hate to break it to you, but nobody writes letters anymore.

Well, then you can use it to keep the boys away.

Anyway. Okay.

Push Okay, jeez.

Have to grease theses hinges. I can help.

Okay. How did it go last night?

Well, not that many poople showed up to the party.

Why not? Because of the rain.

Grandma told me what happened last night.

About the people who died.

You okay?

You know it's not your fault, right?

You tried.

I did try.

Do you want to go to ride?

Yeah, go puts your boots on. Okay.

It's crazy. I'm about to start college.

I don't know why. I have no idea what I want to do yet.

Did you know what you wanted to do at my age?

Yeah, I wanted to be a soldier.

At my age?

Even before your age.

Did you like it?

Well, I had some of the best friends I ever had for a while.

It's gonna be real quiet around here without you asking all these questions.

I'm sure you'll survive. Yeah.

The sun's setting. I only have about an hour left to ride, okay?

Why is that? I have to go to Antonia's.

She's throwing this thing for the guys who are going to college in the fall.

Why don't you invite them here?


Bring them over here.

Remember what happened last time?

You freaked them out. Why?

Because you wouldn't stop staring at them.

Oh, no.

Yeah, I do that sometimes, but it's not intentional.

Thank you, but Antonia's got it covered.

We're just gonna have it there, okay?

Show them the tunnels.


Show them the tunnels.

You don't let anybody go in the tunnels.

No, but they're your friends, so they're welcome.

Okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah, show them the tunnels.

Yeah, that would be fun. Yeah.

Hey, I'm really gonna miss riding with you.

I'm gonna miss riding with you too.

Get ready.


Isn't this cool? He's never let anyone down here.

This is crazy, man.

I could get used to it.

I hope she's having a good time.

You never let me in the tunnels. Hmm?

If you really wanna go in, I'll take you on a guided tour.

No, thank you. Too dirty.

It is that.

This is a great place for a party, baby.

Not right now, okay? I have a lot on my mind.

No, I understand.

-Did you draw that? -Yeah.

I drew that, actually, when I was ten years old.

That's a masterpiece.

-Who's that?

I gotta take this. Gizelle?

Hey, girl, can you hear me? The reception is not so good.

No, no. Yeah, yeah. I hear you.

Tell me everything.

Gabrielle? Yeah?

What are you doing down here? All of your friends have left.

They made a big mess. I'm just cleaning up.

So, how did it go?

Um, everyone had a good time.

They kept asking me why my uncle built these tunnels.

What did you say?

I said that you like digging and you're a little crazy.

That's fair enough.

I need to talk to you about something.

And I just want you to have an open mind about it.

I need to go to Mexico.

Why would you want to do that?

Because I found my father.

My friend Gizelle, who lives there--

Well, she used to live here. Do you remember her?


I asked her for a favor, and she found him.

He lives in a town near hers.

Uncle John, I have to do this. I need to hear it from him.

I need to understand why he would just do that.

Because he's not a good man.

Can't be that simple. It is.

Uncle John, I've heard the stories. I know you've been through a lot.

But my world is a lot different from yours.

No, it's not. It's worse.

No, it's not.

People don't just act bad for no reason.

There's no reason for a man to throw his family away.

He's lucky he has one.

-Why are you getting so mad? -Because you don't know how bad it is.

I know how black a man's heart can be.

There's nothing good out there, Gabrielle.

-Maybe he's changed. -Men like that don't change.

It only gets worse.

You changed.

I haven't changed.

I'm just trying to keep a lid on it, every day.

Uncle John, I need you to trust me.

I need you to know that I'm gonna make good decisions.

I can't control what's out there.

You can't just protect me forever.

As long as I'm around, he's never gonna hurt you again.

No one is.

You said you did what you thought was right and left at 17, and nobody stopped you.

I wish they had.

Gabrielle, I care for you like a daughter.

I know you want answers.

Just wait a little while.

Grow up a little bit.

Know about the world a little bit.

Would you do that for me, please?

All right.


I'm gonna go to bed. Good night.

Good night.

I just wanna know why. It doesn't matter.

What's going on?

She wants to see her father.

Gabrielle, I thought we had an understanding.

We did. We did. I'm sorry.

But I've been thinking about it all night, and...

I just want answers now, not later.

How did you find him?

Gizelle helped me.


She's trying to help me.

That man is more your father.

Watching over you, protecting you.

These last ten years, he was the father.

Maria, go easy.

No. Why?


That's enough.

Tell her.


You're right. I won't go.

I'm gonna go to Antonia's.

Okay. Sorry.

It's all right. She's a kid.

Uncle John!

Sorry about everything earlier!

That's okay!


Look at you.

-You want something to drink? -No, I'm okay.

I do.

I'll just sit here.

You know, I can feel you looking around.


It's a nice house, huh?

Yeah, it's fine.

I can feel you looking at me too.


No. You look great.

I know I've changed.

Life down here, it ain't easy, my sister.

You do what you can.

Yeah, I get it.

I appreciate you so much for helping me find my dad.

I mean, it wasn't easy, but it's cool.

-Let me give you something-- -No, no, no.

You think I'm some f*cking charity case?

No, Gizelle.

I didn't-- I was kidding.


I actually believed you there for a second.

You know I would never hurt your feelings like that.

...we'll go see your old man.


Hyah. Come on!


Come on!

Here it is, 172.

Go on. Get your daddy, girl.

Apartment number two. Okay.

I did not expect this.

It's been a very long time.

I know.

You're all grown up now, Gabriela.

How did you find me?

It wasn't easy.

You always had a good head on your shoulders.

Even as a little girl, you always did good in school.

I need to talk to you.

Just now you looked just like your mother.


Yes, very much.

You could almost be her twin.

Thank you. Um, I need to-- I need to ask you a question.

Of course.

Why did you leave us?

I'm just trying to understand why you would just go like that.


Because one day, I looked at your mother and you and realized you both didn't mean anything to me anymore.

I know it's hard to understand.

But I wasted time being with you... and her.

And she f*cking dies and leaves me with you, who I never wanted.

Any more questions?

You don't need to come back.

Hey, what happened? Girl, what happened?

I should've listened to him. He was right the whole time.

-I gotta get back home tonight. -Who?

f*ck that! You're not gonna drive home.

It's too late and you're too upset.

Yo, let me help you. You gotta calm down, though.

We'll do something to get this out of your mind.

I'll drive.


Hi. How are you?

Hi. Hi.

John! John!

-What's the matter? -She never went to Antonia's.

-She went to Mexico. -What?

Gizelle called.

Gabriela went to see her father and never came back.

Did you get an address?

And her father's too.

What happened, John?

-Should I call the police? -Cops can't cross the border.

Down there, they don't do shit.

Please, John. Bring my girl back.

I'll find her.

I can't control what's out there.

You can't just protect me forever.

I'm looking for Gabrielle.

She's not here.

Where is she?

I don't know anything.

All this shit is because of you.

I should've broke your f*cking neck ten years ago.


My name is John. We've met a few times before.

I'm looking for Gabrielle.

She's not here.

Do you know where she could be?

I don't know. She wanted help finding her old man. That's all I know.

You mind if I ask you a few questions about what happened?

Okay, but I don't know much.

Inside, if you don't mind.


She was so sad.

He basically told her to f*ck off, and I just wanted to help.

Then what happened?

What happened?

She was crying a lot. And it made me feel bad.

I didn't want to bring her back to this sh*thole because it's depressing.

I thought it might be better if I took her out, calm her down, get her head clear, maybe get some drinks.

And then we went to this place, and then we got separated.

And I don't know what happened!


Because I drank too much. It happens.

I was talking to a couple of friends, and then I looked up and she wasn't there.

And I looked for her everywhere.

And I thought maybe she left.

I don't know. I don't know.

She left without saying goodbye?

Yeah, I don't know, maybe.

Somebody drove me there, and I don't even know who.

And, yeah, I said I was f*cked up.

Was she talking to anyone, any guys?


Was she talking to any guys?

I don't know, man! Maybe.

She must've talked to a few guys.

Why you asking me all this shit? You think I'm lying to you?

You called my house and said she never came back from her father's.

Yeah, I was giving you a heads-up.

-Or covering your ass. -Man, f*ck you--

Where did you get this?

She gave it to me, man.

It was her mother's.

She'd never give it to you.

You sold her out.

She was your friend.

f*ck you! Get out of my place!

Look at me.

You're gonna take me to that club, and you're gonna show me who she was with.

Or I'm gonna hurt you real bad.

Let's go.

Get out.

Shit, man. I can't go in there.

People know me. I gotta live down here.

You're gonna go inside and you're gonna point them out.

If you do anything else, then I promise I'll put a b*llet in your head before they can get me.


I haven't changed. I'm just trying to keep a lid on it.

My world is a lot different from yours.

Because you don't know how bad it is.

I know how black a man's heart can be.

That's the guy, man. On the couch.

We're cool, right? f*ck off.

Get out of here.

I'll be back.

Start telling me where she is, or I'll break it off.

Okay. Okay.

Hey Gringo? What's up?


Let her go.


Let her--

-Let her go. Let her go.

"John Rambo."

Juanito Rambo.

Wanna know something, Juanito?

These girls mean nothing to me or my customers.

In my world, they're nothing. They're not people.

They're just-- They're just things.

They have no worth to men like us.

So I would have not paid attention to this... to her.

But now I will.

Because you coming here has made it very bad for her, cabrón.

We would've just trained her, used her and sold her.

But now we're gonna make an example of her.

I'm gonna let you live.

What are you talking about? Shut up!

You're gonna think about this every f*cking day of your f*cking life.

Until you can't think anymore, Juanito.

Mark him, and his whore as well.

On the cheek.

Cut deep.

We need to get out of here.

Get up.

Let me help you. Can you stand?

Okay, you have to get up. They will come back.

Let her go.

Let her go.

No, no, no! Please. Don't!

You're up.


Are you okay?

Who are you?

Carmen Delgado.

What is your name?


Your truck is in the garage, by the way.

How did I get here?

I brought you here.

You don't even know me.

Why do I have to know you?


You were in trouble.

I don't know, I would do it for anyone.

Why were you even there?

I'm an independent journalist.

I was following El Flaco...

a pimp who dr*gs and sells girls.

I saw you in the club, watching him.

I saw what you did to him.

How long have I been here?

-Four days. -Four days?



You gotta tell me...

Where are the men that took her?

Who did they take? Your daughter?

Yeah. Where is she?

Who are they?

The Martínez brothers.

They took my sister.

They found her dead from an overdose three years ago.

I'm sorry.

You just gotta tell me where you think they are.

No, it doesn't work this way.

There's too many of them.

Are you crazy or what?

I'm not thinking about that.

All I can think about is... how scared she must be, what she's going through, and what your sister went through.

Just help me, please.

I can't do it without you.

Okay. Thank you.


-Gabrielle. Come here. No!

-No, Gabrielle! Gabrielle. -No!

It's John.

-It's Uncle John.

It's all right. It's all right.

It's your uncle. It's your uncle.

Okay. We're going home.

You're going home. You're safe now.

You came back.

We're gonna get you back, get you back home.

I'm sorry. No. You didn't do anything.

You didn't do anything at all.

We're gonna go home, and everything's gonna be good.

It's gonna be all right.


I got this back for you.

Gabrielle, I need you to keep your eyes open.

Keep your eyes open.

Let's talk about something.

I remember you were a great rider.

Every event you were in, every competition, you'd win everything.

I remember you were just about 11 years old.

You won five events in one day. That's really something.

Gabrielle, stay with me.

You can do it. We're gonna be home soon.

I'll take care of you.

You got so much life left.

You got so many things you gotta do.

So many things.

When I came home a long time ago, you were so young.

Gabrielle, you were so young.

I was lost. I was a lost man.

And then I met you.

And I saw something that I didn't think I'd ever see anymore:

Good in this world. Some innocence.

And I had a family that I never thought I'd ever have.

And raising you, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

And I thank you for that. Thank you.

You're like the--

Gabrielle? Gabrielle.

Gabrielle. No, no.

Oh, don't do it.


Oh, God.

I'm sorry.

Why not me?


I want you to stay at your sister's.

There's nothing for you here, nothing for me here.

Where will you go?

I'm just gonna move around.

Like always.

Will I see you again?

Mm-hmm. Sure.

I will miss this.


Travel safe.

What do you want?

I need your help.

Come in.

If someone sees you, we both will die.

Coming back here is so dangerous.

Did you find her?

She's dead.

Oh, I'm...

I'm sorry.

I really am. I know how you feel.

But coming back was dangerous.

Why are you here?

I wanna find the thin one.


The one that cut her. No.

The one that cut me.

I will not help you again.

You have to.

Why do I have to?

What will it change? Nothing.

We grieve and move on.

And you've done that?

I mean, I think of her every day.

Every f*cking day.

But we have to move on.

What if you can't move on?

What if you can't move on at all? But you have to.

We have no choice. What's done is done.

Why is it done?

How is it ever done?

When I look at something so innocent... and I see that face never have life in it again, how is it ever done?

I want revenge.

I want them to know that death is coming... and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

I want them to feel our grief... and know that's the last thing they will ever feel.

And I know you want it too.


They're all dead.

All of them.

I could've k*lled you ten times.

But I wanted you last.

f*ck you.

No, f*ck you, dead man.

I want you to feel my rage, my hate, when I reach into your chest and rip out your heart!

Like you did mine.

You want to live?

Follow the lights.

This is what it feels like.

I've lived in a world of death.

I tried to come home, but I never really arrived.

A part of my mind and soul... got lost along the way.

But my heart was still here, where I was born.

Where I would defend to the end... the only family I've ever known.

The only home I've ever known.

All the ones I've loved are now ghosts.

But I will fight...

to keep their memories alive... forever.
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