A Chipmunk Christmas (1981)

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A Chipmunk Christmas (1981)

Post by bunniefuu »

A Chipmunk Christmas (1981)

Thank you doctor for dropping by tonight.

I wish I could tell you that Tommy's going to get well by Christmas, but I can't To tell you the truth.

I've tried everything possible.

I know you have doctor, I just wish we knew what was wrong with him.

Tommy's not even interested in his music anymore.

His sister reads to him every night, hoping something would snap him out of it.

Where were we Tommy?


I remember: The handsome prince was searching everywhere for the beautiful maiden...

Gee what a wonderful day!

A perfect day for Christmas Shopping!

Let's Go!

[footsteps down stairs]

Dave Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Only five more days til Christmas!

Let's Wake him up with a Song.

Wake Up Dave!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

-Time to get up!

Everywhere you go

-Wake up Dave!

Take a look in the five-and-ten Glistening once again With candy canes and silver lanes aglow

-Good Morning!

Theodore! Simon! Alvin!

Yes David Dear?

I am fully aware that there are only five more days before Christmas.

And three hundred and seventy days until next Christmas!

It's a wonderful day It's the greatest

- and furthermore! time of the year

Time for singing and dancing

- you can't just come in here and wake me up and...

And time for joy and good cheer

Look at all of those presents Just

- wait a minute you guys..

waiting there by the tree We hope

- Gee that sound pretty...

there's one for you And I hope the rest are for me

Here goes bells that are ringing Oh, Christmas time is so near

It's a wonderful day It's the greatest time of the year

Working on Christmas vacation!

it's criminal!

Oh Come on you guys.

It's only a little recording session.

It's work!

Maybe I'll even let you play your harmonica Alvin.

My harmonica!

You see Alvin, it's your responsibility to...

-Right Dave!

We'll share the responsibility.

You go on and get the studio ready, and we'll go window shopping.

Well that sounds fair enough.


don't be late!

The Chipmunks: Dashing through the stores On a chipmunk's skating board Through the crowds we play

Alvin: Shopping all the way

The Chipmunks: Stockings hung with care Soon Santa will be here What fun it is to shop all day

Alvin: When Dave is nowhere near

The Chipmunks: Oh, Christmas time, Christmas time Christmas time is here

[Elevator ding]

Alvin: See that's your very own twin brother.

You're the best harmonicas in the whole world

On mommy!

There it is!

The Golden Echo Harmonica.

It's the one Tommy wants more than anything in the world.

Can't we buy it for him Mommy?

Oh I it'd make him feel so much better.

I know darling, maybe next year we can afford it.

But Tommy'll just die if he doesn't hi harmonica!

Don't say that darling!

You know how very very sick Tommy is

We must save everything we can, just to see that Tommy makes it through Christmas

What does that mean mommy?

Make it through Christmas?

I still don't understand mommy.

Make what throught Christmas?

Dave: Ready Fellas?

Chipmunks: Ready Whenever you are Dave!

Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time

Hold it Alvin you're a little flat.

Let's try it again..

Hold it Alvin!

_ We've been good, but we can't last...


I'll tell you what Dave, let's take a break.

Take a break?

Gee Thanks Dave!




[door opens]


It's Alvin!

Tommy, you have a guest.

It's probably another doctor.

Well no, I'm not a doctor.

I'm a sort of delivery boy.

Oh hi Alvin!, what are you delivering?

more medicine?

More medicine?


You see Tommy, they had this kind of prize contest down at the department store.

In the music department.

and uh, somebody put your name in.

and well anyway Tommy, you won first prize.

and here it is!

The Golden Echo Harmonica.

The Golden Echo Harmonica!

Well gotta go.

Merry Christmas!


Seville, You're running out of studio time.

Well I guess we'll just have to record Alvin later.

Ready Fellas?

Ok Dave - - , - - Christmas, Christmas time is near

Time for toys and time for cheer We've been good, but we can't last

Hurry Christmas, hurry fast Want a plane that loops the loop

Me, I want a hula hoop We can hardly stand the wait

Please Christmas, don't be late

[telephone ring]

Dave: I'll get it


Oh Hi Mr. Burkheimer.

No of course it's not too late to talk business.

Oh Yes I intend to follow through with your suggestion.

Theodore: Boy Alvin, I can't believe you gave your harmonica away.

Me either, but I just knew it would make Tommy feel better.

Simon: Did you tell Dave?

I can't tell Dave!

Dave gave me that harmonica.

I'll have to save my money and get another one after Christmas.

It's all set for Christmas Eve?

That's great!

It's Carnegie Hall!

You guys are gonna play there for a sold out audience!

Gee Whiz!


Oh boy!

You want Alvin to do a Harmonica solo?


But Alvin gave his Ham- How bout that Alvin?

Wonderful Dave!

Alvin's so excited about it he can't wait!


now I can't wait until after Christmas to get that harmonica, I gotta make some money before Christmas!


That's the neighbor's dogs.


I got a great idea!

Now here's what I want you guys to do.

Go up to the attick, then go get the nrighbor's dogs

Hurry Hurry!, Get your picture taken with Santa Claus, Only twenty five cents.

Everybody ready?

Camera's ready and all the reindeer are hooked up.

[howl], [growl], [bark], [snort]


Bring on the customers!





Just a minute sonny!

not so fast What's going on out there?

What's all this?

We're helping Alvin make money.


My name's not Alvin, it's Santa

Alright Santa, I'd like a word with you and your elves.

I'm sorry, you'll have to wait in line like everybody else.

Now just a minute.

and what's your name little girl?

Cindy Lou.

What a nice cat you have Cindy Lou.




Oh no!


Yes Dave?

You want a word with us?

I'd say it's about time we remember how lucky we all are and think about the real meaning of Christmas.

You remember that poem I wrote a few years ago?

The Spirit of Christmas?

Oh no Dave, Not that again!

Honest Dave, we remember it very well.

We still don't know what to do about Carnegie Hall!

Ahem, to get the Christmas Spirit means, To give it

Money, We've got to make more money You don't make a Christmas list, You fill it Maybe somebody will give you some money

It's what you give to others, you're sisters and your brothers, and Especially, To those you never met.

I've never met any body that would give me money.

Yes Christmas Christmas Christmas Time.

A giving giving giving time

So let's all give a cheer for MONEY!


and just what is this talk about money?

Well, you see Dave, Alvin's just gotta get some money.

I see and just what does Alvin need money for?

Uh, for an operation!

Well actually Dave, Alvin wants to buy a present.

Well that's different.

and Who is this present for?

It's for himself!

For himself?

So that's what the Spirit of Christmas is to you Alvin?

Buying presents for yourself?


You better go on up to your room and think about the meaning of Christmas.

It means a lot more thatn making money for buying yourself presents.

But Dave, No buts about it.

Get in your room.

You should have stuck with my line about the operation.

Maybe you should have told him about Tommy!

Dave, Can I talk to y ou a minute?

There's nothing more to say Alvin.

Are you still mad at me Dave?

No I'm just very disappointed.

Good night

How can you play a harmonica at Carnegie Hall if you don't have a harmonica?


Alvin I'm very disappointed in you.

Very Disappointed!.

You've lost the spirit of Christmas

But Dave!

You don't understand.


Did someone knock?

Is this the loan department?

Loan department?



Oh there you are.

So you're the loan department.

No, I was hoping you were the Loan department.

Cause I need a Loan.

Well of course you're alone, there's nobody with you!

There's so little time and so much to do, like filling that empty little heart of yours with the spirit of Christmas.

But I haven't lost the Spirit of Chrisatmas.


Well of course you haven't, I haven't finished inventing it yet.

Not the wheel, not the wild west, not even the baby was as difficult to invent as the Spirit of Christmas


I have begun with Santi Claus, That's Santi for Santi and Claus for Claus.

Santi Claus

A kind man with a beard and hat.

One look at Santi and you'll be over flowing with Christmas Spirit.


That's Santa Claus?

If that isn't Sanit Claus I'll eat that cute, chubby little reindeer over there.

There's nothing quite like the agiliration of discovery.

So far, perfect!

You don't understand.

I haven't lost the Christmas Spirit, I need money to buy an Echo harmonica.


What is money?

You buy things with it like harmonicas.

It sounds like a wonderfull invention.


I will have to invent money.

It will go perfectly with my last invention, the IOU.

La la he hmm hmm hmm hmm

That's Ma for Ma and oney for oney.

Not Bunny!


I need money!



Maybe I was a little hard on Alvin, I think I'll tell him that I


I need money!

I give up.

Before you go to the store to buy the harmonica, I'd like to donate yes to the cause!

a cookie?!

A cookie?

Oh I forgot!

I used up my allowance buying cookies!

ha ha ha ha ha!

Here's the money I was saving for a new book.

Gee thanks fellas!

Good Luck Alvin!

He doesn't have enough money to buy that harmonica.

Ok fellas let's get ready for Carnegie Hall.

Where's Alvin?

Uh He's not here right now.

That's perfect!

Two hours before the Christmas Eve Concert and

[Telephone ring]


No Alvin's not here Mrs.


Alvin's harmonica?

It worked wonders for Tommy?

That's a miracle!

Excuse me a minute Mrs.


Well, it's about time you guys told me the whole story.

Gee, I sure wish I had enough money to buy that harmonica.

Pardon me young man, but I need help.


You need my help?

I knew it!

I just knew you would understand.

But how can I?

I thought so, I said to myself, now

There's a young man who wouldn't mind if a lonely old lady who is very very far away from home, bought him a Christmas present.

a Christmas present?

A Harmonica?

how would you like an Echo Harmonica?

an Echo Harmonica?

But you don't even know me.

No fair changing your mind now.

You just wait here and I'll be right back.

It can't be!

I don't believe it!

Yes young man!

One Golden Echo Harmonica.

I must be dreaming again.

Hear you are!

I wrapped it myself.


Thank you!

No thanks now, I won't have it.

But um, maybe you'll play something for me.

Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace.

Sleep in heavenly peace.

Alvin, I owe you an apology, That was a wonderful thing you did for Tommy.

That's ok.

Where'd she go?

Where did who go?

I didn't see any, That nice lady who gave me the harmonica for Christmas?

She just disappeared!

Dave, we've got to get going.

We don't want to be late for Carnegie Hall.

and we have a surprise for you when we get there Alvin

Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing, ring-ting tingle-ing, too, Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoo hoo" Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.


But how did you?

Gee Alvin your solo was great!

This is the surprise I was telling you about Alvin You mean that Tommy is all better?

He sure is!

We all wanted to surprise you!

Tommy, got your harmonica with you?

Sure do!

Well Comeon, we've got some celebrating to do!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to meet a very special friend of mine.

He's come a long way to help us celebrate the best Christmas Eve ever

Deck the world with smiling faces Fa la la la la la la la la!

Bringing joy to sadder places Fa la la la la la la la la!

Friends and love is what we need Fa la la la la la la la la!

Alvin: But don't forget your gift for me The Chipmunks: Fa la la la la la la la la!

We Wish you a Merry Christmas, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YEar!

Well How did it go darling?

Oh just fine dear just fine.

You know you really ought to get out some Christmas and see how the rest of the world lives.

Oh I don't know, making children happy is you job.

I guess I'm just an old home body.


Watch out 'Cause here we come It's been a while, but We're back with style, so

Get set To have some fun We'll bring you action And satisfaction

We're the Chipmunks C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K We're the Chipmunks Guaranteed to brighten your day

When you Feel like a laugh Give us a call, we'll Give you our all

And if you Feel like a song Tune in to us and Sing right along

We're the Chipmunks Coming on stronger than ever before We're the Chipmunks Alvin, Simon, Theodore!

Do, do, do do do do!

Do, do, do do do do!


See you after Christmas!

So Long!

That was nice of Ms.

Brown to give you til Christmas Eve to finish your essay.


She's making me do homework over Christmas Vacation!

I can't believe it!

She gave us the assignment three weeks ago Alvin.

Three weeks isn't enough to write an entire page!

Not when a person is preoccupied about what they want for Christmas!

Don't teachers understand about kids and Christmas?

What about the oath they take to protect and serve?
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