Driveways (2019)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Driveways (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on.

Can you help me look for the house numbers?

OK, 45, 43, getting close.

Getting close.

You got it?


Come on.


All right, come on.

Spy [inaudible] on [inaudible]..

[inaudible] Skin, unremarkable.

Barracks, unremarkable with normal [inaudible]..

[inaudible] within limits.

Account number 4-4-3-7-0-0-0-8-1-5-1.

Yes, I'm her sister.

I don't understand.

I can't do that.

She passed away.

No, I just need four days of electricity while I pack up her house.

Is there someone else I can talk to?


Mom, my tablet died.

Well, you should have charged at the motel.

Cody, don't come in here.

The other way.

Other way.

Yeah, I'm smoking.

Don't give me a lecture, Professor.

Soon you'll be saying I'm going to have to quit GNC.

I thought you already were going to quit GNC.

After we had the money from the house, Cody.

Why is your shirt all wet?


An Army guy is in front.

What Army guy?

An old man on the porch.

Did he talk to you?

Hi, there.


I'm Kathy.

April, who lived here, was my sister.


Is my son bothering you?


Did you spray water on him?


Well, he's not supposed to talk to strangers, sir.

Good idea.

Did she die in here?

No, no, sweetheart, Auntie April died in the hospital.

Something smells bad.

Where's the bathroom?

Do you have to go really bad?



What's wrong?

Are you OK?

What's wrong?

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, God.

Are you OK?

I peed myself.

Oh, it's OK.

Come on.

Can you change in the back seat on the way?


OK, no one's going to see you, all right?

What's the project, [inaudible]??

Cleaning out a house.

OK, $114.72.



Gonna be cash or credit?


Hey, Cody?



Are you OK?

I'm fine.

I'm just waiting for a friend to pick me up.

Where is he?

I think he forgot.

You know, it doesn't help that there's no electricity in the house, because apparently that went to collection, and it's like a 900 something dollar bill, which might as well be nine million.

I just got to keep calling, and seeing someone who actually knows something.

Oh, bless you. Thanks.


I'm not sure where we're going, so if you want to give me a left, right, straight ahead.

Yeah, we're just going to the VFW.

Straight up here, big building on the left.

On the left?

What's a VFW?

Uh, it's... it's where I play bingo.

My aunt April died.

Potato salad, boys.

Hi ya, Del.


You know, you missed a heck of an event, you know?

You were supposed to pick me up, remember?

I was... I was supposed to, wasn't I?

Christ, they still let you drive?

Oh, come on.

Looking good, Del.

Hey, it's accurate.

And here you go.

Nice, [inaudible].

You're welcome.


All righty, folks, cover all for $200.

And here's your first number.


Help me.

Can you spray this?

There's spider webs on the bottom.

I'm Miguel.

We live over there.

What's your name?


Do you know manga?

Hi, Manga.

No, she's Anna.

Manga, like Japanese comics and stuff?

This shelf is for a manga collection.

A weird guy used to live in our house before us, and he left boxes and boxes of them in the garage.

They're really cool.

They're not really good comics.

Do you have cancer?

You can't ask people that.

That's the mask grandpa had.

Thanks, Cody.


Hey Cody, look at this.

Punch you in the d*ck.

Flying elbow drop.

f*ck, f*ck.

Ah, that was my foot.

Hi, ya.

What are you playing?


How old are you?


No, no, no, don't be scared.

I've got two grandkids, 11 and 12.

You'll love them.

Can I help you?

Hi, I'm Linda from next door.

I just saw a car out in front, and I just thought I'd come over and say hi.

I'm so sorry to hear about April's passing.

I mean, I didn't know her know her, but, you know, I always tried to be friendly and say hi.

And no offense, but she really kept to herself.

Anyway, are you selling or moving, or what?

I just... I assumed you're family.

I'm her sister.


It'd be nice to have young people here.

Well, there's a lot of Mexican families that live on the other side of the alley, and they've got a lot of big parties.

I mean, I'm not being r*cist or anything, but they have a lot of babies, and right out of high school, so... where are you from?




I grew up near Grand Rapids, but now Kalamazoo.

Get out of town!

We used to live in South Haven.

But then we had to sell the house when my husband lost his job in '08, you know, when everything went to hell, the whole economy.

Are you married?


You know, my daughter's a single mom, so I get it.

Her husband left her.

Alcoholic, left her with nothing.

Um, can I take a peek inside?

After all these years, I never got a chance to look.

I mean, April didn't want, you know.

I'm kind of in the middle of stuff.

A quick peek?

Maybe another time.

Oh, great, terrific.

Well, if you guys need anything, just let me know.

All right?

Thank you, Linda.

Tell me your names again?

Kathy and Cody.

Kathy, Cody, right.

All right, see ya.

Hey, Cody?

We gotta pack up tomorrow, OK?

We can't afford to stay here anymore.

But I like it here.

Yeah, I know, but I was thinking we could fix up the front porch, that screen porch, make it real nice.

It'll be like camping.


It's going to be fun.





Was something wrong with Auntie April?

I don't know.


Did you know her house was like that?


Was her room like that when you guys were kids?

I don't know.

She was 12 years older than me.

I don't remember.

What was she like?

She was smart, quiet.

I was the wild one.

She go to college?

Yeah, she was a really good student.

Why didn't we see her?

I don't think... surely... I was pissed at her.


Well, when you and me moved in with Grandma, I thought she should have offered to take care of her, because she had a house, and she was like a real adult, you know?

I didn't know.

OK, so let's set up in here.

You can pick a spot and make it your own, OK?

What's wrong?

Can we take care of the dead cat first?

Oh my God.


You OK?


It's gooey.


Who has more fun than us, huh?

Can we borrow a shovel?



So I can get you a list of everything else we need as far as paperwork for the house, the estate and all that, and then we'll get it up on the market.

All right.

Hopefully it'll sell like that.


You like it here, Cody?

We don't really know it.

Are you from here originally, or...

No, Pittsburgh.

You like it here, though?

I mean...

I like selling here.

There's some OK people.

So when's good for a walk through?

I can do right now, if that's convenient for you.

Yeah, my sister just had like a ton of shit.

It doesn't need to be clean for the walk through.

You know anything about the septic?

No, I don't.

Can I offer you some coffee cake or something?

Right through here.

Oh my.

This is too much for one person.

Yeah, she had a lot of stuff.

No, for you.

I'm so sorry.

It's not that bad.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I'm a crier, too.

I just...

I just didn't know my sister lived like this.

Maybe your sister got comfort from all these things.

I just don't know.

I don't know what to do.

Are you online?



Are you online?

No, I'm just transcribing files I already had.

When are we going home?

As soon as the house is on the market.

When is that?

As soon as it's cleaned out, Cody.

Am I going to miss day camp?

Ah, shit.

It's OK.

I'm sorry.

I didn't really want to go anyway.

I know.

But it's good for you to do stuff like that.

I'm sorry.

I wonder if we could get the deposit back.


Hi, come on in.

Cool setup.


You got coupons, right?

Yeah, one second.

Hold on, sorry.

Pretty good, right?




You slept good.

Hi, ya.

These are my two little knuckleheads I was telling you about.

This is Brandon, and this is Reese.

Say hi to Cody.

Hi, Cody.

I like your PJs.

You're going to hang out with these guys while I run some errands.

OK, Professor?

I want to come with.

You're going to have so much more fun with them.

Come on.

We've got donuts and Frappuccinos.

Does he drink coffee?

Only Irish.

We've got other stuff.


Brandon, come here.


All right, all right, knock it off.

Now there's more, too.

Eat them up.

Thanks, Meema.

Thanks, Meema.

How old are you?

I'm nine in eight days.

What are you going to do for your birthday?

Your Aunt was so fat.

Yeah, she was like so fat.

You like wrestling?

I don't know.


Vicious [inaudible] right onto the mat with [inaudible] rope.


Oh And here he was wobbled.

[inaudible] behind him on that superman punch.

Do you know what horny means?

What are you playing?

A game.

What's with the necklace?

Let's wrestle.

Get up.

I said get up.


Ding, ding.

Oh, shit.

I threw up.

That's OK.

I'm not sick.

Is your mom home?


Hi, it's Del from next door.

Oh my God, what's wrong?

Everything's fine.

Cody just had a little run-in with Linda's grandkids.

Did Cody throw up?

Yeah, he did, as a matter of fact.


I'm so sorry.

He does that.

He gets overwhelmed... karate lessons, birthday parties, camp.

I'll... I'll... I'll be right there.

We're doing fine.

Thank you so much.

I'm so sorry.

I'm getting better at barfing.

I used to barf more.

It doesn't bother me.

I've seen a lot of puking in my time.

Way back, I was on a troop ship, heading overseas.

And everything was fine until we came to the last few days, right.

And Sergeant put me on latrine duty, cleaning up the puke of all the other guys.

That did me in altogether.

You threw up?

Oh, I threw up big time.


Hey, Professor, how you doing?


Sorry it took me so long to get here.

I do medical transcriptions, and I had to send them in.

I don't know what that is.

Doctor's notes... it's actually pretty cool.

Yeah, I get to learn all the medical jargon.

I'm trying to be a. Nurse Good for you.


I feel like I should go talk to Linda.

Do you mind if I...

Heh, I wouldn't waste my time talking to that lady.

Yeah, f*ck her.

Um, well, thanks for watching Cody.

You ready, bud?

Um, do you need my help?

No, not right now.

Maybe later.

I'm good.


No, no, it's a pleasure having him around.

He's good company.

Call me if you need anything.

Will do.

Who's Vera?

My wife.

Is she dead?


It's, uh, getting a little late, pal.

Why don't you think about checking in with your mom?

Yeah, probably.


You know what else kids used to get for the holidays?

No, what?

An orange.

Is that right?

Are we on some kind of a date, Roger?

I mean, you're all dressed up for this trip to the supermarket?

Oh, no, but you... but you... but you never know who you're going to meet.

Yeah, right.

They, uh... they got Chex on sale.

Want some?

No, no, no, I'm an oatmeal man.

I got to take a piss.

You know where it is?

Last time I looked, it was right here.

Get out of here, you old bum.


Hey, Del, how you been?

Not bad.

How do you doing?

I, uh...

I just, uh... more of the same.

What do you say we do some shopping?



Go shopping.

Uh, sounds good.

All right, now, I want you to stomp down on that pedal.

No, this one. That's right.

All the way.

Hold it there, now.

Are you holding it?

You ready?



Huh, I remember now.

Keep both hands on the wheel, all right?

And when you're ready, just let go of the clutch.


OK, let's go.

You're doing good.

That's it.

That's it.

Turn the wheel.

You're doing fine.


One L.


R, an R.



These are great.

Thanks so much, Dell.

They were my wife's.

Why don't you... why don't you go over to the kids' section for a bit, all right?



Those two girls?

Those are two boys.

They just look like that.

I found another one.


There, it's... that's my daughter, right here.

She's in the news?

She's a judge out in the Seattle.

Does she put people to jail?

Well, if they're guilty, she does, yeah.

Oh, I'm sorry.

What's with the house?

Run, run, run, run.

Go, go, go, go, go.

No, no, no.


It's OK, it's just fireworks.

I 29, I 29.


Ack, I was close.

You want to know something weird?

I must have been rattling around in my brain for weeks now.

Some poem from school, Mrs. Stoddard.

I'm not sure she wanted us to memorize this thing.

It was called "Thanatopsis."

Uh, it... it goes like this, like "So live, that when thy summons comes to join that innumerable caravan, which moves to that mysterious realm, wherein each shall take his chamber to the silent halls of death.

Thou go not, like a quarry sl*ve at night, scourged into his dungeon, but soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust.

Approach thy grave, like one who wraps himself in the drapery of his couch, and lies down to pleasant dreams."

Isn't it weird?

Hey, guess what?

I got the internet running.



What do you think... what do you think about having your birthday at the roller rink?

Pretty cool, right?

You can get a package with chicken fingers, or hot dogs, or pizza.

Can I invite Del?

Yeah, I mean, I don't think he's going to skate, but that would be nice.

I think he'd like that.



Where, uh... where are you?


I'm at Tanya's place.

Wh... why are you there?

Because I'm in town.

I thought I'd swing by, say hi to Cody.

We're away.



OK, no, really, where?

Uh, cleaning April's house.


My f*cking sister.

Oh, right.

Uh, how is she?


Shit, I...

I'm sorry.

Tell Cody I say hi.

Hey, Kathy, [inaudible]

Where's that?

It's [inaudible].


I gotta perform surgery in the morning.

Careful going down the step.



Just one more.

Here's good.

Cody, the boys have something to say.

I'm sorry, Cody.

For what?

For setting off the fireworks, and making all that other noise.

I'll be honest with you, I thought we were in the middle of a goldarn t*rror1st attack.

I heard all the screams, and I thought, this is it.

Meema, it hurts.

It's all right, honey.

And then I came home to find Reese wailing at the bottom of the stairs.

He tripped and fell trying to hustle back, and he broke his arm, so you can see, instant karma.

He paid the price for it.

Hey, I got your invitation.

Can you come?


It'll be me, mom, and you.

And there's going to be pizza.

There's also going to be roller skating, but you don't have to do it.

You could just sit.

And I'll probably just sit.

Don't you want to invite any young people, too?

Not really.

Look, I'm going to be there.

I can keep order if anybody tries to start something.

I'm trained for combat, you know.

It's going to go in there.


I'm turning nine, and I wanted to invite you to my pizza party on Thursday at the roller skating rink.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I've read some manga at the library.

Which ones?

Um, "Kinoshita Heart Castle."


That's a weird one.

I like it.

Do you want to play?

Uh, not right now.

I have to work.



Oh, tag back.

Sure you don't want to skate?

Maybe we should order the pizza now, huh?

No, let's wait.

It's getting kind of late.

It'll get cold.

This is really good.

I'm not hungry.

You want some cake?



Hey, it's the birthday boy.

Here you go.

I am so glad to see you, Del.

Wow, it's so nice.

Thanks, Del.

Happy birthday, though.

This... this place is really loud.

Yeah, it is kind of loud, isn't it?

You miss us too much there, Del?


These yours?

My neighbors, Kathy and Cody.

And it's Cody's birthday.

Ah, how old are you?

Um, right... oh, nine.

And I have cake to prove it.

Oh, save a piece for me.

I got another gin game starting up.

Can't you tell that wife of yours you want to play bingo?

Not if I want to keep my nuts.

What do you need them for, anyway?

Del, you know you can't have kids on the floor.

Oh, for Christ's sake, just let him sit here.

You know I can't do that, Tommy.

It's gambling, so...

He's just going to sit here.

He ain't going to play.

Hey, Del, we can...

It ain't whether he plays or not.

It's the law.

Who enforces the a law around here?

Hey, Tom is a cop.

You do, Tom.

Well, I'm not going to tell.

And it's his birthday.

So we OK?

As long as he doesn't play.

I'll tell you what, why don't you team up with Roger?

He needs a little help with the numbers sometimes, huh?


You know how to play?


Uh, Roger, can I team up with you?


I'm Cody.

Put it right there, Cody.

You back for seconds?

Three for the lady, six for me.

Anything for your friends?

Hot cocoa, cup of soup, hot dog?

How's the soup?

I like it.

Well, I'll have a soup. OK.


Uh, we got MGD and a shot for $4.25, we got...

I'll take that.

You want whiskey or apple pucker?


All right.

All righty, folks, four corners for $100 jackpot.

That means you put a dot in all four corners.


All right?


Keep your eyes on that board.

OK, the first number is about to pop, all right?

B14, B14.

Ooh, very good, Cody.

You have eyes of an eagle.

I'm next to the [inaudible].

B1 in 30 seconds.

We're close, huh?



I'll [inaudible].


10 39.


Ooh, thank you, sir.

You're welcome.




Point, will you?


Hey, Bingo.

Hey. Way to go.

Way to go.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Cody, happy birthday to you.

Go, go, go, go.

Hurry up, come on.

Hey, thanks for tonight.

It turned out good.

Oh, you don't have to whisper.

He can sleep through just about anything.

I wish it wasn't so hard for him.

He's so sensitive.

I mean, I know all kids are sensitive, because they're kids.

He reminds me of my daughter.

It's trippy.

April was my sister, but I didn't know her at all as an adult. And now I'm in her house, going through all her stuff, like who is this?

She was a nice lady.

Did you two talk a lot?

Once or twice, I guess.

About anything interesting?

Ah, she... she brought some food by when my wife passed away.

We had a nice conversation.

And April had her chest pains that night.

She came to my house.

I called 911, so they would pick her up at my place, you know, instead of... instead of going inside her place.


I saw online once somebody made a pool out of one of these.

I think yours is going to be too full of garbage to swim in.



All right, let's see.


All right.

I guess it counts.

Can you do this one?

Hi, Cody.

Hi, ya.

Sorry we wouldn't come to your party.

My dad was working.

It's OK.

This is Miguel.



Was it fun?

Yeah, I went to the VFW.

You went to the VFW?

Yeah, everyone around me was drinking beer.



Wait for me.

It was from me too.

Are you Cody's mom?

Yeah, hi.


It's volume two of "Kinoshita Heart Castle."

It's not violent.

I appreciate the info.


That's a lot of garbage.

Oh, careful, honey.

Well, tell me when you're done with the book.

We have lots more.


Hey, Cody, come look at all the stuff Charlene posted about Saturday.

What's Saturday?

The garage sale.

And then we go home?

Um, well, then there's the open houses and stuff.

But if you don't want to stay, I can check with Charlene and see if we need to stick around.

I think maybe we should stick around for those... moving sale.


Hey, Dad, it's Lisa.

You have time to talk?

Um, OK, so a unit just opened up in the new wing.

Um, you know, I'm thinking I'm going to come down a few days early to help you with everything.

Hey, Del, how much do you want to ask for these?

Whatever you get for them.

You don't have any grandkids, right?

My daughter is engaged to a lady friend.

They're too old to have kids, so, heh.

My mom had to tell me about... about sex and how babies are made, because kids will ask dumb questions, like do you know what a blow job is?

They would laugh at you because you don't know.

Excuse me.


I farted, bad.

It happens.

I saw on that in North Dakota, bingo doesn't have an age limit.

Maybe we can go there sometime.

I've got an army buddy who lives in North Dakota.

Was he on the same ship where you puked?

No, mo, we did basic training together at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas.

Gordon Roberts from Grand Forks.

He later became a chaplain.

Is that like a church?


I thought so.

I have not religion.

You have not religion?

Well, it's just that even though I had strong beliefs, I really don't...

I don't really like religion.

I don't go to church anymore.

Did Vera like church?


I know, so crazy, right?

Look at these nice hardwood floors that were underneath all that crap.

Hey, come check it out.


This piano was ours growing up.

It's nice, right?


You should get it tuned up.

It looks bigger with the stuff gone.

Yeah, a lot bigger.

Hey, Cody, I was thinking if I got more transcription work and I focused on just that, I can work from anywhere.

We could think about maybe not selling the house and keeping it.

For us?

Yeah, what do you think?

We would move, though.



OK, now rub.

Well, we have cups.

This one [inaudible].


Hey, fairy godmother.

Oh, than you so much.

We'll take it, though.

Mama, where's Del?

It's still really early, honey.

How much for the whole box?

Um, there's a lot of great stuff in there. $30.

I'll give you $10 for it.







That's my final offer.


Here's $20.

Keep the dollar for being such a little hard ass.


Um, hi.

Come on in.



This is my pal, Cody.

Nice to meet you, Cody.

I saw you on the papers at the library.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, we were just looking stuff up on the computers, you know.

My mom says we're doing really good.

She's so happy.

Tonight we'll clean up the yard, and then do a final money count.

Also, guess what?


We're moving into Auntie April's house.

We can be real neighbors.

Are you OK?

Yeah, listen, pal, I...

I... I'm moving to Seattle at the end of the summer.

For how long?

Well, Lisa...

Lisa wants to be to be near her, you know.

And she found this place where I can still live by myself, but they got whatever I might need.

It's really nice.

We... we've been... we've actually been talking...



Are you sleeping, Cody?

I'm not sleeping.

We can go visit him.

We don't have to still move here.

You can go back e if you want to.

Well, will I have a room, or do we always have to sleep out here?

Hmm... you'll have a room.

This one.

Hey, Dad?

Can I grab your social security card so I can finish transferring your prescriptions?



Her lady friend will be coming tomorrow, and they'll start packing up everything.

My mom says maybe we could visit you.

We'll do a road trip.

That's a pretty big road trip, pal.

Do you know hitchhiking?


I don't think I'm allowed to do it.

My mom would have to take me.

No, [inaudible].

No, it's not so safe now.

But it used to be the thing to do.

My buddy Eddie Olsen and I, we hitchhiked everywhere, right after the w*r.

Once time we were in Joplin, Missouri, and we were trying to bum a ride, and a hearse pulls up, big black hearse.

Was there a body in it?

There was a guy driving the car, right?

So he jumps.

He sticks his head out the window.

He says don't worry boys, she's never been used.

Hop in.

At one point, he drove us about 60 miles out of the way so we could look at the Grand Canyon.

Pulls up stops, says there it is, boys.

Take a look.

We get out of the car, take a look, and get back in.

He says, all right, let's go to California.

And off we go.

I'll tell you, me and Eddie did San Francisco from stem to stern, whoo.

We stayed out there to work for the summer.

That's where I met Vera.

I came back here work at the factory.

Vera was still living with her folks in those days.

I had to court her with letters for a couple of years.

And then she finally came out, and we got married.

We moved into this house.

We had Lisa.

And that's the story.

Do you have the letters?

No, we burned the letters.


We didn't want people reading all that stuff after we kicked bucket, right?

Kissing and stuff?

Oh yeah.

She did a lot of little things I never noticed till she was gone... house things, people things, you know, keeping in touch with people.

She knew everybody's birthday.

I don't know.

Everything is so different with her gone.

Now I'm... now I'm leaving her here by herself.

I don't know what the f*ck happened.

You know, 40, 50 years just... just disappeared in there somehow.

All of a sudden, there's time left.

I remember all these things that I just...

I never said to her.

And I don't know why.

I wanted to.

I worked too much, I guess.

I just wasn't around as much as I should have been, you know, when Lisa was little.

What you want is a nice life for your kids.

I liked that we knew.

We understood, you know?

I know it was real hard for Lisa in this town.

God knows I didn't make it any easier, either.

Boy, I regret that.

I regret it.

You know, people say things...

people say things, but it doesn't matter.

You understand?

It doesn't matter.

You're a good kid.

f*ck 'em.

You know what I wish?

I wish me and Eddie was just leaving Joplin this morning.

I wish we could do that whole trip all over again.

We'd be a little more deliberate this time, drive a little slower, take our time, take a good look at stuff.

Really... really see the country.



You're it.

You're it.

No, no.

No, no.
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