03x10 - Christmas Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x10 - Christmas Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Everyday heroes doing extraordinary things.

9-1-1 returns.

We're gonna find you.

ANNOUNCER: Catch all-new episodes Mondays and check out our other Fox programs.

Prodigal Son, Almost Family and The Resident.

There's more to the story than you know.

Only on Fox.

CHOIR: * O come, all ye faithful

* Joyful and triumphant PEPPER: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Excuse me. Hi.

Excuse me, I--I was--

I've been actually waiting for that sp...

(horns honking)

CHOIR: * Come and behold him MAN: Excuse us.

PEPPER: Uh, excuse me.




Excuse me.

I'm looking for-- it's a duck that dances.

Promotional display on seven.

On seven. Okay.

Where's--where's seven?

WOMAN: Uh, I think they're over this way.

MAN: They're over there. They're over here.

-MAN: Move it! -WOMAN: Move, move!

-MAN: I see them! -Excuse me.

Ouch. Ow.

-WOMAN: Move. -MAN: I saw it first.

-Yes. -My kid's better than yours.

Yes! Yes!

-Hey! -I got the last one!

Who's the best dad now, huh, Cody?

-Yeah! -Hey!

(man yells)

Let go of the duck!


MAN: That is enough.

-(man groans) -Stay away!

Stay away! Stay away from me!

Back off!

What is wrong with you people?

This is not what Christmas is supposed to be like!

You people are animals!

MAN: Hold it right there.

Now, get your hands up where I can see them, now.

I'm gonna need you to hand me that pepper spray.

(crowd murmuring)

Look, Santa, I...

I just wanted the Dancing Dapper Duck for my little girl, and that is all.

SANTA: I know.

Now just give me the can.

Come on, now. That's it.

You don't want to hurt anyone.

Just give it to me.

That's it right there.

-(grunts) -(Santa screams)

Holy mother...

My duck!

Thank you, thank you so much for saving that.

I mean, at least if I have to go to jail, I'm leaving with what I came for.

Sorry, but that toy is going into evidence.


BOBBY: Sir, this burning is gonna go away.

It's just gonna take a couple hours.

Long before you need to be back in the North Pole.

Is Santa Claus gonna die?

Oh, hey. No, no, no.

Of course not, and don't you worry.

He's not really Santa.

He's not real?

No, no, sweetie. He's just pretend.

Santa's pretend?

-That's right. -BOBBY: Buck, Buck, Buck.

-Mm-mm. -What?

Did you just tell my kid Santa isn't real?


Uh, no, no.

I was--I was just explaining that this Santa isn't Santa.

(children crying)

Hey, Cody, what's the matter?

Santa Claus isn't real.

(children crying)


-(phone buttons beep) -(siren whirs)


All right, that's everything in the closet.

All right.

Okay, let's see how much we can get done before your mom and Bobby get back.

Should we even be doing this without them?

It's kind of Mom's thing.

Well, it usually is, but when have you known your mother to wait this late in the season to have her tree up?

Well, it's been a lot this year.

I mean, I don't think anyone's really feeling the Christmas spirit.

And that's why we are going to spread some holiday magic.

All right? And...

Harry, untangle these lights.

You really think a tree is gonna make Bobby forget he might have cancer?

-Harry. -What? It's the truth.

Yeah, but we don't think that way in this house.

Okay, this is Bobby's first Christmas with his new family, and we are gonna do everything that we can to make it special for him.




Wait a minute.

Who's making popcorn?

I'll do it.


(dramatic music)


(door latch clicks)

Oh, what's all this?

We got you a tree.

ATHENA: Well, you certainly did.

Oh, it's a beauty.

So how'd it go?

Well, he's not fully in the clear, but thank God this is the last test for now.

BOBBY: They've all been clean, so the doctor says he has no reason to think it'll get worse.

And once we get these results, then we can breathe.

So I hear there are tidings of comfort and joy.

Mm, not quite joy, but we're working on it.

Oh, that's... that's great news.

Hey, you guys, um...

I gotta get going.

You're leaving?

Yeah, I'm afraid so. I got a lot of work to do.

My love? I'll see you.

-Bye -Okay. Oh, yeah.

My man, my man.




EDDIE: It got ugly.

After I said I had to work on Christmas, he went straight to his room and wouldn't speak to me

-for the rest of the night. -Mm.

It's just new. He'll get over it.

Abuela's bringing him to my aunt's.

I know he's gonna have a great time.

He just-- last Christmas was... special.

This one's harder.


Is that why you invited us all here?

Trying to cram in as much Christmas cheer between now and then?

Well, thought it'd be nice to bring the boys together for a playdate.

All three of 'em. (laughs)

All right, who needs more cement?

-I do. -Me.

Denny, we will do you first with this big ol' piece.

-Hey, Buck. -Yeah.

Can I spend Christmas with you?

BUCK: I'm sorry, buddy, but I'm gonna be working on Christmas with-- with your dad.

Stupid work.

I promise you.

He'll forget he was even mad by New Year's.


Is it just me, or does Christmas suck this year?

Definitely not just you.

It's been a rough year... for everyone.

So I'm happy to immerse myself in the magic of Christmas, and I just look forward to putting this year behind me.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's one more smack in the face to come.

DONNA: Maddie, are you okay?

Yeah, I just really wasn't expecting this.

Christmas came early.

Yeah, it is always at Christmas.

Even now, he can't let me have any peace.

I'm sorry, this just feels like blood money.

DONNA: But it isn't.

It's your share of the marital assets.

You're entitled to every penny of that.


I thought I wasn't entitled to anything legally.

The Slayer Statute only applies to m*rder.

Which you didn't commit. It was self-defense.

Maddie, that money is the least that Doug owed you.

Look, Maddie, I have no sage words of wisdom here.

Keep it, donate it, burn it.

It's your call.

Because according to the state of Pennsylvania, that money is yours.


(upbeat music)

I'm telling you. Destination Christmas?

Greatest idea we've ever had.

I just don't know how Christmassy it's gonna feel for the kids when it's 90 degrees in Hawaii.

Oh, yeah, that whopping five-degree difference from L.A. is really gonna ruin the whole thing.


Where are we headed today?


And will you be checking any luggage?

Yes, just these two.

And the clubs.

Oh, no, no, no.

Not letting these babies out of my sight.

Just a little early Christmas gift to myself.

I'll carry these on.

Sir, you can't carry on golf clubs onto the plane.

TSA policy. You'll have to check 'em.

Oh, come on. Really?

Sir. The clubs.

MAN: * All the way home I'll be warm *

* The fire is slowly dying Just... please be gentle with them.


MAN: * But as long as you love me so *

* Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow *


MAN: Come on, man. Chop, chop.

You know the tracking numbers don't say which one of us sorted the bags, right?

Just toss 'em.

All right? Save us all some time.

Where's your Christmas spirit?

People's lives are in these bags, and they've entrusted them to us.

Any one of them might be filled with presents, and those presents might be--



No room left here?

We'll have to wait for another cart.

Like hell we will. Give me those.

No, I--

Holiday hustle, damn it.

-Come on. -Oh.

(tires squealing)


(upbeat classical music)


MAN: Hey, look out!





Oh, my God. My clubs!


(crowd murmuring)



(loud whirring)



(siren wailing)

(dramatic music)

MAN: Baggage handler chased a runaway cart into the engine inlet hazard zone.

The aircraft was taxiing.

Both fans were spinning.

These things, they suck in the square footage of a four-bedroom house every second, so...

Buck, Eddie, get me, uh... everything.


BOBBY: Officer, you might want to clear this tarmac and that window up there.

Once we open this thing up, it's probably not gonna be very pretty.

Whoa. That's impossible.

-Sir, can you hear me? -MAN: We got a live one.

(man groans)

Okay, we need to take this thing apart now.

(man groaning)

MAN: Let's get that nose off, then we can remove the blades.

Easy, guys. Easy.

MAN: I can see him in there.

He seems to be in one piece.

WOMAN: I don't see a lot of blood.

Okay, very carefully, let's pull him out of there.

-(man groans) -Easy.



MAN: This is unbelievable.

WOMAN: Nothing appears to be broken.

-(man groans) -What stopped the compressor?

Looks like these got sucked in first.

Locked up the blades.

(cheers and applause)

(crowd gasps)

Uh, Cap?


BOBBY: It's just a nosebleed.

Could've been allergies. Could've been the Santa Anas.

Could've been how cold it was out there on that tarmac.

Was this your first nosebleed?

Have your gums been bleeding?

Do you have a rash anywhere I can't see?

What are you doing? Are you diagnosing me?

I haven't noticed any shortness of breath or bruising, but you could be hiding symptoms like a headache, dizziness, irregular heart rate.

Are you?

Buck, I'm not hiding any symptoms, because I'm not having any symptoms of whatever it is you think I have.

That tunnel fire, you were in there way too long.

Okay, that much exposure to radiation can cause aplastic anemia.

Did you know that's what k*lled Marie Curie?

No, I did not know that.

I also did not know that you knew who Madame Marie Curie was.

Well, I had to look her up.

But she was as really smart lady, and she still died from too much exposure to radiation.

Buck, listen, I appreciate your concern, but I am fine.

So, please, stop with the internet research.

Here is our real problem.

We have a tie for Christmas dinner.

Five votes for burgers and five votes for Chinese.

Five people voted Chinese food? I voted turkey.

Huh. You were the only one.

The falafel place got more votes than turkey.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna switch my vote to Chinese.

I am just not up for cooking Christmas dinner this year.

Ah, fatigue. Also a symptom.

Come here.

Buck, listen.

I know you're worried, but there is nothing to worry about yet.

So as my grandmother always used to say, don't go borrowing trouble.

Bobby, I know...

I do dumb things sometimes and generally drive you crazy.

You're an important person in my life, Bobby, one of the most important.


I don't know what I would do... if anything were to happen to you.


I think that I've moved past him, and then something happens, and he's right back in my life... in my head again.

Have you moved past him, or just around him?

You've made a lot of progress, but on some level, it feels like you're still defining yourself through Doug.

Old habits, I guess.

I was 19 when we met, so most of my adult life, he... was my life.

Now isn't it time for you?

I mean, a life that's purely and only Maddie's?

Not a life after Doug, but a life without him.

I don't think I know the difference.

You still refer to him as an active presence.

"He has ruined Christmas. He is in my head."

But Doug's dead.

And I'm the one still holding on.

Now, you've said you've done exposure therapy.

Have you been back there?

To Hershey?

To where Doug died.


You want me to go to Big Bear?

To what, relive that nightmare?

I want you to go back to where he hurt you the most and talk to him out loud.

And I want you to let him go.


(Athena moans)

Hey, now.

Mm-mm, mm-mm. Don't be greedy.



I thought you had a shift.





-What you doing out here? -Mm.

My ex-husband, he snores.

Come again?

Michael's in there.

-In our bed? -Mm-hmm.


I didn't have the heart to wake him to ask him.

-Hi. -Good morning.

Hi, Michael.

-Yeah, this is awkward. -You think?

I don't even remember coming here last night.

Have you been drinking?

What? No.

Listen, I've been having trouble sleeping.

And my doctor prescribed sleeping pills.

He said that one of the side effects could be... sleepwalking.

But sleep-driving?

Who's even heard of that?


It's a type of sleep disorder.

People have been known to walk for miles, binge-eat, operate heavy equipment, have sex.

Not that that's what I'm saying happened here.

Well, I would've noticed.

I'm mortified.

You don't need to be. We're family.

But you do need to tell your doctor, because if that's what this is, it could be dangerous.

Yeah, I-I'll do that.

What are you doing?

I just want to make sure that I don't walk into your house or into your bedroom in the middle of the night.

Michael, this is your house too.

No, it's not.

(dramatic music)


I'm sorry.

Very sorry.



So you sure you don't mind calling Athena?

All right, I-I just want to know what she thinks.

I'll give her a call as soon as I get back tonight.

Wait. You guys are still in the car?


Gotta love holiday traffic in L.A.

I'm sorry I'm not there.

MADDIE: Hey, you were there when it mattered.

I'm not sure what you'd be able to do this time.

Truthfully, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Buck, I'll call you later.

All right. I'll see you soon.


(soft music)



So what do we do now? Knock?

"Hi, can I come in and relive my trauma?"

I think we both know that this is not the place where he hurt you most.


DOUG: Can't keep running!


(Maddie screams)

(both grunting)

(blade squelches)

I never wanted you to die, Doug... but I do forgive you.

And I forgive myself... for loving you too much.

For staying too long.

And for not dying right next to you.


So today, I'm gonna leave you here.

(inspirational music]


I am gonna run out of these woods, and I am going to live.

I survived you, Doug.

And I will never be sorry for that.


WOMAN: * Have yourself a merry little Christmas *

What's this?

I cooked us dinner.

Mac and cheese with hot dogs, just like Dad used to make us.


Oh, oh, wait. I forgot.

Boom. Pow.


I think Santa's gonna be very impressed with you.

Good. Because I updated my list.

Two pages long?

Don't worry.

I ranked them in order of importance so you can prioritize.

You mean so Santa can prioritize.

Mom, come on. I know.

Know what?

You don't have to keep pretending.

Well, maybe I like pretending.

-Why? -Because... the rest of the year, life is normal.

And then December rolls around, and I don't know if it's the lights or the music or that big guy in the red suit.

I just know that Christmas makes the world feel a little more...


(both laugh)

Okay. I can pretend too.



(dramatic music)



Get--get me-- get me a glass of water.


Mom, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, just...

I just--I just-- I just need to...

I just--I just need to sit, okay?




Can you tell me your name and address?

Leo. 2749 Elmer Avenue.

North Hollywood.

Okay. Leo, I'm Maddie.

We're gonna get you and your mom some help.

Do you know what happened?

You said that she fell.

Did she trip, or...

LEO: No, we were talking.

She just fell over.

Is anyone else in the house with you?

Maybe a grownup?

No, it's just us.

Mom, please.

Mom, you have to wake up.

Can you tell if she's breathing?

I don't know. I don't know.

Okay, look at her chest. Is it moving up and down?


MADDIE: I want you to put your cheek against her face, right near her mouth and nose.

Do you feel any air coming out?

No, she's not breathing.

-Leo, how old are you? -Um, 10.

All right, paramedics are on their way, but it would really help your mom if someone could do CPR until they get there.

Do you think that you can do that?

I don't know. I'm scared.

I know it sounds scary, but I can talk you through it.

We'll do this together.


Put the phone on speaker and set it down on the ground next to you.

Is your mom lying on her back or her side?

Her side.

Let's roll her over so she's lying on her back.

I want you to hold up your left hand and spread your fingers wide, then take your right hand and put it over your left.

Curl those top fingers around your bottom hand, and put it smack in the center of your mom's chest.


Okay, now press down as hard as you can until you feel her chest move.

Use all of your weight if you have to.


Mom. I think I did it.

Leo, I need you to count with me.

One, two, three, four.

BOTH: One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

-(cracking) -MADDIE: One, two--

I think I heard something crack inside.

I think I hurt her. I didn't mean to.

No, no, no, that means you're doing it right.

You just--you just need to keep going.

MAN: * I'm a thousand miles away *

* It's not snowing in L.A. *

One, two, three, four.

BOTH: One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Come on, Mom. Mom, come on.

MAN: * All the flights have been delayed *

* I've got nowhere here to stay *

* But if I can find my way

* I'll hurry

(siren wailing)

* Just hang up the Christmas lights *

Hey, it's okay. We've got it from here.

No, the 9-1-1 lady said I have to keep doing this.

And you have done a great job, but your part's done.

Now it's our turn. Come on.

Let's get you some air.

MAN: * I promise

* I'm gonna walk No pulse. Starting compressions.

CHIMNEY: It's definitely cardiac.

MAN: * And stop someone

* I'll cross the deserts and oceans *

* A river that's frozen

* I'll follow the stars just to find where you are *

* You can count on me

* Make a wish, close your eyes *

* And believe

* I'll be home, home, home, home *

Hold CPR.

She's in V-fib.

Gonna shock her. Clear!

She's not converting.

MAN: * I'll cross the deserts and oceans *

CHIMNEY: Resume compressions.

HEN: Come on.

MAN: * I'll follow the stars

* Just to find where you are

* You can count on me She's not converting. Gonna shock her again.

-CHIMNEY: Clear! -MAN: * Make a wish

* Close your eyes, and believe *

Resume compressions.

HAN: Come on, come on, come on.

MAN: * Home, home, home

* By Christmas Eve

(machine beeping)

-We got a pulse. -MAN: * I'll find my way

* Back to California

* I'll follow the map, yeah, to somewhere warmer *

* I'll carry my bags

* Just until I can hold you again *

* Oh, I'm gonna walk, if I have to run *

* I'll stand on the highway and stop someone *

* Make a wish, close your eyes *

* And believe

* I'll be home, home, home, home *

* Home by Christmas Eve The police officer wouldn't let me go with my mom.

Am I in trouble?

Is it because I hurt her? I didn't mean to.

Of course not.

(somber music)


I just want her to be okay.

You did everything right.

I think you probably saved her life.

WOMAN: Captain, Social Services are on their way.

-BOBBY: Copy that. -CAROL: You got it.

I'm sorry. I gotta get back to work.

CAROL: Oh, thanks.

You staying with him?

Yeah, I got him.


Merry Christmas, Wilson.


Merry Christmas.


Come on.

MAN: * Sleigh bells ring

* Are you listening

* In the lane, snow is glistening *

(distorted music)

* We're happy tonight

* Walking in a winter wonderland *

(high-pitched ringing)

(glass shatters)

* Sleigh bells ring

(somber music)


I thought I told you you didn't have to come.


Like I'm gonna let you Uber home from the hospital.

How did you even get back here?

I told them I was your wife.

What did the doctor say?

They're sending me home.

Well, you said that on the phone.

But what I haven't heard yet is an explanation as to how you ended up walking through a plate glass window.

I got dizzy.


This is not an isolated incident.

You've been distracted, you've been stressed, you haven't been sleeping, except when you drove to the house to get into bed with me.

Now you're getting dizzy and walking through plate glass windows.

The doctor don't think these things are related?

Because I do.

I think they're related too.

To me not sleeping.

You know, I'm so sleep-deprived, I'm probably legally drunk right now.


(Athena sighs) Okay.


This is my first Christmas alone.




You're not alone.

You have a family that loves you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you too.

I love you so much.


Look, I-I don't want you to worry about me.

After the holidays, I'm gonna go get a full check-up.

I promise you that, okay?

Okay, good, good.

-Come on. -Okay.



Thanks for coming to get me.



But the mom's gonna be okay?

Yeah, they put a stent in.

She'll be home soon, just not in time for Christmas.

Oh. So what happens to the little boy until then?

You said they didn't have any family nearby.

Yeah, he'll be in a group home until his mother's released.


Okay, one more.

Poor kid.

Doesn't seem like very merry Christmas.


Did we mean to buy Denny this many gifts?


Well, I started stashing them in the attic because he was snooping, and I think I lost track of how much I bought.

Do you ever think about where Denny would be if we hadn't stepped in?

Would he have ended up in a group home too?

I don't know. Maybe.


That kid doesn't know how lucky he is.

Of course not. He's a kid.

Just one more thing to be thankful for this holiday.

BOBBY: My lab results were posted.


Clear across the board.


Oh, I can finally breathe again.

Oh, I wish you weren't working tomorrow.

I might actually feel like celebrating the holidays now.

Between weekly trips to the hospital and whatever's going on with Michael, I was about ready to fast-forward to January.


Well, I don't mind working tomorrow.

Christmas Eve has become a much more important holiday now.

-Oh, really? -Yeah.

It's the night that you said yes.


All right.

You got about five hours till that alarm goes off.

Let's see what else I might be willing to say yes to.


(both laughing)

WOMAN: * I'll have a blue LORNA: No, Mom, I still can't make it to dinner tomorrow.

It's not like I can eat anything anyway with this frickin' toothache.

I know it's Christmas, but I have to work.

Give me a break.

My mouth is literally k*lling me.

Yes, I blame you.

I inherited your bad teeth, and that's your fault.

Double root canal for New Year's.

Yay. What am I doing?

Looking for another tube of benzocaine.

I know. I'll already been through--


Okay, Mom, I gotta go.

I love you. Merry Christmas.



Oh, thank God.

WOMAN: * You'll be doing all right

(alarm beeping)

* But I'll have a blue

* Blue, blue, blue Christmas


LAFD. Open up, Please.

This is not okay.

Ouch. Jeez.

Okay, ma'am, ma'am, please take a seat and tell us what's going on.

What's going on? Look at me.

I'm a Smurf, and I need a root canal.

HEN: Pulse is steady. Pupils are normal.

How long has this been going on?

The teeth since last week.

The "Avatar" look since I woke up.

And on top of that, I have to go to work today.

On Christmas!

I mean, what kind of loser has to work on Christmas?

Right. Sorry.

Ma'am, do you mind if my guys here take a look around?

LORNA: Oh, that's fine.

You very handsome men, please go look through my messy apartment.

Because this wasn't humiliating enough already.

Okay, ma'am, have you taken any colloidal silver supplements?

What? No.

Any silver-based eye drops?

-LORNA: No, no. -Nose sprays?


Any medications we should know about?

Benzocaine. Toothache gel.

She used the whole thing.

And a trash can full of empties.

She's seizing.

-(Lorna grunting) -Okay.

-Got her? -I got her.

Could be Methemoglobinemia.

Okay, put her on the CO-oximeter.


Methemoglobin levels are 60%.

61. Climbing.

Anything over 70 can be deadly.

Hen, get her on 02. Run a fluid line.

CHIMNEY: I'll grab the methylene blue chloride.

EDDIE: It's the benzocaine.

Overuse can prevent the body from releasing red blood cells.


Uh, why is she bleeding chocolate syrup?

Because, blood thinner boy, Methemoglobinemia causes her blood to appear much darker than normal, which then causes her skin to only reflect blue light, hence, the Smurf lady.

Methylene blue converts the ferric iron into ferrous iron and turns the blood back to red.

CHIMNEY: I've never seen a case this advanced, Hen.

Let's give her two doses.


Methemogblin levels dropping.

Skin color's turning back to normal.

Oh, my God.


I'm not blue!

Ouch. But my teeth.

How am I gonna get through work?

Well, good news.

You earned yourself a day off.

And a morphine drip.

BOBBY: A little further. Come on back.

Three feet. Two feet.


We're good.

ATHENA: Yes. Yes, you are, Captain.

Merry Christmas.

Athena, what are you doing here?

ATHENA: We came to save you.

Someone said you were ordering takeout for Christmas dinner.

I did vote for turkey. (laughs)

She say "we?"

ALL: Merry Christmas!

MAN: * Candles burning low Mommy!

MAN: * Lots of mistletoe

* Lots of snow and ice

-Christopher! -Dad!


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Eddie.

BOTH: Merry Christmas.

Can't believe you did this.

Thank you, Buck.

Well, you inspired me.

You know, I figured we should all get to immerse ourselves in the magic of Christmas.

-Aww, this is a great surprise. -Merry Christmas.

That's not the only one.

Denny and I brought a few gifts for dinner.

The social worker said that he had to stay at a group home during the holidays.

Yeah. She did.

So I convinced the social worker to let me bring the group home here.

Apparently, there's a serious overcrowding problem.

Not enough foster parents to go around.

This is gonna sound crazy, but... maybe we should consider--

We have an appointment with a social worker on January 3rd.

There's more than one way to help a family, right?


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


MADDIE: Sorry we're late.

You know hospitals and red tape.

You're one of the paramedics that saved me.

-Thank you. -It was my pleasure.

Though I can't believe you got them to spring you already.

Well, they were sending me home tomorrow anyway.

I wasn't gonna miss Christmas with my boy.

LEO: Mom! Mom!

You're here!


Come on. Let's go.


So how'd it go?

(stirring music)

It wasn't easy... but I'm really glad I did it, and I finally feel... free.

All right, let's eat before the bell rings.

-Shall we? -Yeah.

-Let's eat. -Come on.

We are grateful for this food, and we are grateful to have each other.


All right, let's dig in.

(overlapping chatter)


MAN: * My baby's gone

* I have no friends

* To wish me greetings

* Once again

* Choirs will be singing

* "Silent Night"

* Christmas carols

* By candlelight I can't believe you pulled this all together without us knowing.

Well, Santa isn't the only one who has elves.

-Oh, yeah? -(laughs)

Buck, thanks for helping me with this.

I think your New Year's resolution should be to use that head for good instead of evil.

I will definitely put that at the top of my list.


I will be right back.

How you feeling?

Man, I'm doing great.

Yeah, this is a nice Christmas.

(dramatic music)

You know they mean the world to me.

And you to them.

I think we are pretty damn lucky to have all found each other.

What's going on, Michael?


When I fell, uh... you know, they did some scans.

They found a mass, Bobby.

Headaches, the fall, ending up in the wrong bed.


It's a tumor.

What, uh... what can I do to--

You know, just--just don't say anything, okay?

Just not today.

I'll go to the specialist day after tomorrow, and I'll tell them then.

Just let them...

Just let me have this Christmas.

Hey, Mom wants to take a picture with everyone.

All right. Absolutely.

Come on. Let's go.


ATHENA: Bobby, hurry.

You got him? Come on, baby.

BOBBY: Wait, where do we--

ATHENA: Just get in where you can fit in.

(laughter, cheers)

All right, on three, everyone, okay?

One, two, three.

ALL: Merry Christmas!
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