03x11 - Seize the Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x11 - Seize the Day

Post by bunniefuu »

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I can't believe I let you talk me into this.

I'm your mother.

I don't talk you into things.

I tell you what to do.

And because I was in laborfor 18 hours, you do it.

I don't see how that obligates me to fall 30,000 feet out of a plane with you.

Oh, please. It's 15,000 tops.

We made a pact to spend more mother-daughter time together.

Bucket listing out of a plane is not a mother-daughter activity.

It's a bet you make with gravity.

Lizzy, this is important to me.

Life is short.

Gotta grab the bullby the horns.

I swear, Dad dying made you weird.

It's not like I have grandkidsto keep me busy.

Wonder if our instructoris single.

Stefan... Mom!

Is that our plane?

♪ We're approaching altitude. We ready?

Ready! Time to seize the day!

Okay, ladies.

I'll count it down.

Oh, my God! No!

Baby, no!

It looks likehis parachute is snagged on something.

He's caught underneaththe airplane.

He hasn't said anything on the radio.

Might not be conscious.

Let's hope not, for his sake.

That's a memory he's not gonna wanna savor.

We got us a concussion, possible spinal injury.

And he's getting buffeted by turbulence under the plane.

We're gonna need to treat him for exposure.

Yeah, we haven't talked about how we're getting him down.

How's the leg?

Uh, screws are out. Feeling great.

All right.

Dispatch, this is Captain 118.

Can you get me in that pilot's ear?

Poor Stefan. He was so young!

Mom, he's not dead. You heard the pilot.

He's still hangingfrom underneath the plane.

Oh, baby, planes can't fly forever.

Wild One, this is Captain Nash, LAFD.

Do you copy? Yes, sir, I do.

Hope you guys figured out how to land this without k*lling my friend.

What kind of headwind reading you getting today?

Around 10 knots.

I need you to turn into that wind and make an approach.

I'm sorry, you want me to land?

With Stefan still under the plane?

I just need you to get low enough so that we can free you.

Wait, where are you guys gonna be?

Right below you.

All right, Cap, we got him.

Coming in hot behind us.

Okay, hang tight and keep your hands ready.

Wild One, we're in position.

I see you. Too high, Cap!

Tell him to drop it!

Keep dropping.


Damn it, Cap! We missed him!

Too high and too fast!

Can you drop your speed any lower?

Any slower and we're gonna stall.

What about your flap?

I do that, there's no going back.

I'm gonna have to put her down.

Got it. Last shot.

Buck, Eddie, we've got one more shot at this.

Okay, Wild One, put her down.

All right, Cap, we see him!

Coming in hot behind us!

That's it, that's it! Another 150 feet!

Lower, lower, lower! Keep it steady.

That's it. We're almost there.

Come on. All right, Cap.

Keep it steady.

Right there, okay. Come on.

Go, go, go!

We got him!

Is he gonna be all right?

He's a little beat up, but I think he'll fly again.

Just not sure he's gonna want to.

Hope this'll be the endof your flying.

And your matchmaking.

Uh, are you boys single?

So what's going on?

Every time you guyssit us down like this, it seems to be bad news.

No, it's not.

We just wanted to give you guysand update on what's happening with your dad.

Right, um, I saw my doctor, and the good news is the tumor didn't grow, okay?

Now, but the bad news is, it... it didn't shrink, either.

So what now?

So your dad is gonna have surgery.

Brain surgery?


But I thought that you didn't wanna do surgery.

That's why you did the radiation.


Surgery can be complicated.

That's why they wanted to try the treatments first, and now they just wanna try something else.

That's all.

So they just take it outand then you're cured, right?

W-well, hopefully yes.

You know, they'll take out as much as possible and then maybe do more radiation after that.

Wait, they're gonnacut open your brain and they might not evenget all of it?

Yeah, May, no.

This is the best option right now.

That's what they said aboutthe radiation.

Look, look.

Your dad has a great team of doctors and we're gonna trust them, and we are gonna stay positive.

Yes, yes. Your... your mother is right.

Okay, we're gonna carry on business as usual.

We are not gonna let this stop us from doing the things that we know we need to do, okay?

Like studying for your math test.

We still got that deal, right?

Oh, man, come on.

A-minus or above, it's you, me, and GameStop.

And your Gold Card.

What? I'm just kidding.

And my Gold Card.

Great, I'm gonnago study right now.

♪ Bone has fusednicely where the screws were, and there's minimal scar tissue.

I... I feel good, Doc.

I mean, I was... I was standingon top of a moving fire truck the other day. Not even a twinge.

I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that part.

I'm not interested in operatingon your other leg.

♪ So what about the clots?

Scans are clear.

No sign of clots since we took you off of the blood thinners.

I think those screws were the source of your problem.

Uh, so that's it?

They're gone and I... I don'tneed to see you anymore?

As long as you don't get crushed by another fire truck.

Whoa, come on. Too soon, Doc.

Just... Sorry.

Mr. Buckley, it is my pleasure to give you a clean bill of health.

So go get dressed and get out of here.

Um, well, thank you.

For everything.

Um, no offense, but I hope I neversee you again.

Hey, you never know.


I don't understand why the water.

All the ingredients I get, but who puts water in meatballs?

It helps the meatballs not turn into tiny little rocks, but they did not say how much water.

♪ What are you doing? Birthday rules.

No help from the guest of honor.

But it feels weird justwatching and not contributing.

I'm not really a "woman, make me food" kind of guy.

Okay, fine. If you wanna help, figure out how long the meatballs need to cook in the sauce, because I would hate for your birthday dinner to k*ll us.

Meatball emergency. I'm on it.

Where'd I put my phone?

Bedroom, charger.

Copy that.

Oh, okay, let's see.

♪ That can't be right.

Oh, my God.

My father left me a voicemail.

I can't believe it. He remembered.

He never remembers my birthday.

That's sweet. It's a first.

Nope, I got it.

Listen to your message.

♪ Hello. Hello.

Is, uh, Howard home?

He is. And you are?

I'm Albert.

Okay, are you a friend of his?

No, he's my brother.

Guess they didn't feed you muchon the flight over here.

Nothing this good.

This is delicious. You're an amazing cook, Maddie.

Thank you.

I can't believe you guyshave never met before.

I know.

20 years old, and I've never met my brother.

Well, half-brother.

I'm sorry about your birthday.

If I had known, I would have brought you something.

Besides myself.

It's okay.

I wouldn't expect you to know.

Clearly, Pop didn't.

All he could talk aboutwas you running away from home.

I did not run away.

Yes, I ran away, but from him.

You know how he is.

Not really.

He's suffocating.

It's not enough to finish university early.

Now I must decide on a graduate school, except when he says decide, he means acquiesce.

So what do you want to do?

No idea.

Finally, I'm starting to seea family resemblance.

That's why I came here. I knew you'd understand.

Yeah, I'm not really sure I'm the right role model for you finding a career path.

Your brother is being modest.

He saves people all day long, and he's really good at it.

It's time I stopped living in Father's shadow.

I need to strike out on my own.

And land on my couch?

Only if it isn't any trouble.

Of course it isn't.

You're his brother.

Of course you can stay.

For a visit. Thank you, Howard.

♪ To seizing the day.

And seizing my birthday.


Oh, look at that!

Ooh, baby!

Ooh, whoa, that rainbow trout is so perfect.

Might as well havea pot of gold at the end of it.

What a beaut, hon. Well done.

All right. Here you go, buddy.

Cheryl, you weren't even looking.

Come on, we said we were doing this together.

No, I said I would come with you.

I didn't say, "Roger, please teach me how to catch a fish thatl'm not even allowed to keep."

Come on, babe. Seize the day.

Come on.

Okay. Come on.

Here it comes.

Go right through the, uh... Go right through the gill.

There you go. Look at that.

Here, you hold the pole.

Oh, let me help you.

We're gonna do this together.

You're not gonna push me in, are you?

So you gotta putyour finger here.

Look at this. Put your finger here.

Right. So now you bring it back, and then let go of your finger. Ah, hey!

There we go. Let go!

There you go.


See how easy this is?

It's very relaxing.

♪ Whoa!

Uh-oh. Fish on, fish on!

Reel up. There you go.

My queen of the sea.

Oh, don't ever call methat again.

You got a monster on there.

All right, look at that!

Whoo, first fish!

Oh, man, I think the bait was bigger than that.

Hey, don't throw it back.

I gotta get a picture of you two, first.

You know, document the first catch.

All right.

No, no, no, not like that. Okay, no, wait.

Let me show you how it's done. Let me see.

Okay, see, what you do is you extend the fish out and away from the body towards the camera, see?

Makes it look bigger, right?

Very nifty trick.

All right, now, you really wanna get crazy?

You give him one of these.

Sashimi, anyone?

Ew, Roger.


Roger, oh!

Ma'am, let us get in there.


The fish just jumpeddown his throat.

Does the fish have a hook in its mouth?

No, no, no, I got that out.

Okay, he's not breathing.

It appears his airways are blocked.

Let's try the breathing bag.

I've got negative pressure.

Must be lookingat total tracheal occlusion.

His pulse is dropping, Cap.

This thing's gotta come out now.

He's gonna code.

He almost died from a heart attack a few months ago. That's why we came up here.

We were supposed to be relaxing.

Okay, what do you need, Hen?

We need to get his mouth open with a laryngoscope.

Okay, coming in.

What kindof fish was it?

It was a littlesucker, not very big.

A... maybe a catfish.

Strong and there are lotsof spikes.

Barbed shards on each fin.

Throat tissue appears to be discolored.

It looks like the gills or maybe both are caught on his trachea.

I'm gonna try to get it loose.

This thing goesany deeper, it's not coming back out.

Gills are done. Onto the fins.

♪ Clear.


♪ Ooh, oh!


Oh, Roger! Oh, thank God!

Okay, let's get him to the ER.

Make sure that fish didn't doany serious damage.

Better than watching paint dry, though, huh?

Oh, God.

Just stop almost dying on me, okay?

I mean, I love you too much, you fool.

Hey. Oh!

What did you want me to do? Kick the kid out?

Let him sleep on the street?

Look, maybe you should ease up here.

Give him some space, Pop.

A few weeks of freedom, he'll probably come home on his own.

He's 20, and I was making my own decisions long before that age.

Was it, though?

You never even tried.

And by the way, I haven't failed.

I have a good life. I have a good job.

You know, saving lives.

Your son, singular.

Glad we cleared that up.

Hey, Chim, you mind if I takehome some of this birthday cake for Harry and May?

Sure, knock yourself out. Thank you.

How are they doing?

How's Michael?

Uh, he's upbeat. He's fighting.

Radiation was supposed to be his best shot Now we're all grappling with pinning our hopes on his second best shot, surgery.

How are the kids handling it?

Well, I think Harry's okay. I'm worried about May.

She's got a betterunderstanding of what's going on.

That's 'cause older siblingsdon't have the luxury of blissful ignorance.

They understand the trutheven if they don't want to.

♪ Guessing it's not going too well with Albert.

Maddie told you? Ooh, sorry.

Was she not supposed to?

Who's Albert?

He's my younger half-brother from Korea.

He showed up on my doorstep.

Not quite the birthday surprisel was expecting.

That's awesome.

I didn't even know you had a kid brother.

Yeah, when do we get to meet him?

♪ Well, that doesn'treally seem necessary.

He's gonna be leavingsoon anyways.

My dad insisted on it.

Come on, you finally have a chance to get to know your brother.

No, I don't know. It just feels weird to me.

Sure, we share some of the same DNA, but he's still practically a stranger to me.

I keep telling you.

Family comes to us in different ways, Chim.

Lean in.

And don't think you're gonna send him home without meeting all of us.

I know you.

Uh, what is this?

"Talking points regarding Henrietta and Karen"?

Social services is vettingKaren and me to become foster parents.

We listed each and every one of you as references so when they call, I need you all to sing our praises.

You mean these specific 26 praises?

Karen made the list.

She's very thorough.

Hen, we know you.

We don't need some piece of paper to remind us of your many wonderful qualities.

I appreciate that, Cap, but I'd rather you didn't improvise.

The stakes are very high.

I didn't know you playeda musical instrument.


Bassoon. First chair.

And I was damn good.

Memorize, people.

What's a bassoon?

♪ Mr. Blakely?

Mr. Blakely.

You just can't keepavoiding me.

Sure I can.

Now get off my propertybefore I call the cops.

It's not your property. It's the bank's.

You've defaulted on the loan.

You've been defaulted.

You've ignoredthree notices we sent, just like the one you ignored about the upcoming foreclosure sale.

Yeah, do you realize what I could sell this place for?

You can't sell itif you don't own it.

We're seizing your property.Geez.

This is a cash-for-keys offer.

We're gonna payyour moving expenses, you sign over the deed, and then I don't haveto call the authorities and declare you a trespasser.

You ever hear of the stand-your-ground law?

It's not your ground.

♪ Fine, let the authoritiessort it out.

911. What's your emergency?

Yes, I'm calling from 636 Saddle Peak Drive.

I'd like to report a trespasser on private property.

Are you calling from your home, sir?

Not exactly. It's nobody's home.

It belongs to the bank now!

The hell it does!


Sir, can you hear me?

I think I've done a terrible thing.

You have to send somebody.

I don't... I don't... I don't know what came over me.

I... look, he said he was gonna take my house a-and I just lost it.

Sir, can you hear me?

Yeah. Can you tell me your name?


Pulse is strong. It's rapid.

Starting a line. Running it wide open.

Collar and the O2.

This is Captain Nash.

I need an LAPD unit sent to Saddle Peak Drive.

Copy that, 118. Officer en route.

Chim, can you see if he's impaled under there?

Can't tell yet, Cap.

Okay, we need to get this thing off of him.

I've got this, Cap.

That's close, Cap, but we still need to get it higher to pull him out.

A little higher. He's almost free.

Okay, let's get readyto pry it up.

All right, on three. One, two, three.

Okay, pull him out.

All right, he's clear.

Cap, I'm feeling something here.

We gotta turn him. How's his spine?

Lower extremities appearto be moving.

Upper extremities, too.

Collar's in place. Pupils are good.

Let's flip him. One, two, three.

I'm pretty sure all of this is supposed to be on the inside of his body.

He's been eviscerated.

Seen these before. We need to clean and irrigate.

And morphine. Lots of morphine.

All right, let's double dose. Three mils.

Opening can't be any bigger than the size of a fist.

We gotta keep him on his side.

Bring the backboard in.

Dispatch, this is Captain 118.

We have a male, 30s, partially eviscerated.

His internal organs have been pushed through a fist-sized hole in the lower right posterior quadrant of his torso.

Activate massive hemorrhage protocol and have a surgeon standing by.

Copy that, dispatch.

Arriving at the scene now.

♪ Hey. That's your man right there.

I can't believe I did this.

I can't believe he did that.

Am I a terrible person?

I throw people out of their homes.

Eh, you were just doing your job, Harrison.

I hate my job.

I need to change my life.

Carpe diem or whatever the hell.

I think that'sthe morphine talking.

Hey, as long as he's talking, he's fighting.

BP's falling, but he's stillin the safe zone.

Gotta keep him talking.

Hey, Harrison, buddy, you still with us?

Yeah. So, uh, tell me.

If you weren't a bank guy, what do you think you'd be doing?

I wanted, uh, to be a firefighter as a kid.

But now I don't think I have the guts.

Okay, guys.

Grossest cases to talk aboutwhile we eat.

We go first.

Albert. Hey, bro.

Chim, your... your kid brotheris a p*stol.

Half-brother. What are you doing here?

I wanted to see you. See where you work.

Your captain said you're onthe way back from the hospital.

I, uh, heard you saved a man's life.

Yeah, we don't really talkabout that stuff here.

You can't really show upwithout calling.

Ah, come on. He's no trouble.

He even had time to give Capa tutorial on how to makeKorean dumplings.

Um, Mandela?

Mandu. Mandu.

I grew up watching my mothermake them every other day.

Best thing is she canfreeze 'em in bulk, pop 'em in a pan, and boom, lunch.

I'm gonna keep that in mind.

Even better, I snack on them at ball games.

Wait, you like baseball?

Very much.

We should goto a game together.

He's probably not gonnabe here that long.

Hi. My name's Hen.

I'm your brother'slong-time bestie.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

♪ I'm sure you probably havea lot of questions about your brother.

Yes, I do.

Do you know why they call him Chimney?

You don't understand that these are crazy people.

Werewolves turn with the moon and account reps go bananas at 12:30, so I just wanna double check.

Kale salad for Brian with three different proteins.

A BLT for David.

Swap out the B, the L, and the T.

Sweet potato fries for Angela or she riots.

Oh, my God.

There he is. There he is.

He's in there right now.

Hey. It should be up at any second.

We almost just spoke. Like, literal words.

That was insane.

Okay there, Romeo. I'm hanging up now.

Look, Brian knowsthat putting chicken, steak, and pork chops in a salad kinda defeats the point, right?

Do you think he even knows my name?

♪ Order for Justin.

♪ To go, for Justin.

There. Now there can be no doubt.

He definitely knows your name.

That was shameful and embarrassing.

Also if you can mix the Thousand Island and the ranch together, that'd be great.

My God, man. Just talk to him.

That would involve me saying words to his face.

You have been looking at himlike you were starving and he was lunchfor a year now.

You adjusted your scheduleto match his.

You are one orderof boiled bunny away from being a stalker.

Find the words. Oh, I've got the words.

Just not the spine.

You wrote a love note. On a menu.

It's right there, under sandwiches.

"No man is an island, but two men togethercan share the world."

That's a bit lyrical, sure, but it really opens up in the later pages.

Why, what would you say?

"Hi, I'm Justin. Wanna hook up?"


♪ Look, I don't wanna breakthe heartbreak to you, but whatever you gotta say, say it fast.

He got a job across town.

After tomorrow he's takinghis Panini elsewhere.

Order for Miles. To-go for Miles.

Now or never, kid.

Seize the day.

♪ Whoa!

Oh, my God.

LAFD coming through.

Sir, can you tell us what happened?

Can you speak?

These two construction guys, they... they cut him off.

He ran right into a metal pole and caught him in the neck, I think.

Or the throat.

Possible impact with the windpipe.

There could be tracheal, maybe esophageal damage.

Wind pipe's constricted, but otherwise clear.

We'll put him on the O2.

Pupillary response is normal. Nothing neurological.

Let's put him in a bracein case he hit his head on his way down. Do you know his name?

Yeah, his name's Justin.

J-Justin McAvoy, I think.

Uh, he works over at MetroTech.

I don't know if this matters, but he may have a nut allergy.

He orders the same thing every day except no almonds.

I think he wants to talk.

What's he trying to say?

"No man is an island, "but two men together can share the world.

Uh, hi, I'm Justin."

God, this is so stupid.

Uh, "I don't know if you noticed me

"these last few months.

"I work in an office getting lunches

"and making copies so I never do feel very seen, "but I have seen you.

How kind you are to people..."

I think we're caughtin the middle of some weird Cyrano thing.

"I don't always have the courage to speak, "but some days I'm more afraid not to.

"So I've written it downto say it clearly and for myself."

Well, for himself, because I would never, ever do this, but... but he would, and he's way nicer than I am. Very single.

Totally datable.

That's not in the... in the note.

I'm just improvising.

Uh, "So if the image of a nervous intern

"reading poetry on the back of a lunch menu

"doesn't turn you off, I only have one question."

k*ll... You trying to say?

What'd he say?

♪ Would you like to ride in theback of the ambulance with him?

♪ Yes.

23 messages?

I've heard more from my fatherin the past week than the entirety of my life, and not one of these messagesis about me.

Okay, but tonight is about you, so put your phone away and let's focus on the birthday boy.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I'm just so tired of talkingabout Albert, Albert, Albert.


♪ You take the weight off of me ♪ Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

♪ Ooh nobody knows it ♪ Hit it, Albert!

All right.

♪ I get it, you know?

Sometimes you gotta put a little mileage between yourself and home so you figure out what you wantand who you are.

Hell, if I had enlisted, I'd still be working with my pops.

Eddie, don't encourage him to go off to w*r.

There is as much virtueto the noble warrior as there is to the mostenlightened of scholars.

That. What he said.

Listen, everyone has their path.

You just do you, Albert.

I will.

I will do me.

Yeah, might wanna watch how you phrase that one, buddy.

I just need a littleof my brother's courage.

You know, he did not let fatherdictate his life.

He took a stand, got out.

Came to Americato follow his dreams.

♪ There was no stand.

I didn't get out. I was left behind.


See, most of my life, all I wanted was for him to see me, to be proud of me, be proud to call me his son, but no matter what I did, I was always invisible.

Because you are the only son that he cares about.

You have all his attention, all his love, and you just walked away from it all, which I guess is easy for you because you've never had to work for it.

No, everybody...

Everybody loves Albert.

This entire table is proof of that.

You do not know what my life was like at home.

I know you have always had a family, and I have always been trying to piece one together.

Well, these people are all that I have.

You don't get to take them, too.

I do not wish to take anything from you, Howard.

I'm your brother.

You are not my brother.

I had a brother. His name was Kevin.

And he died.

Do you see, Albert?

You didn't come to me because you wanted to be my brother.

You came to me because you needed something from me.

Come on. Hey... hey, Albert!

♪ I know. I suck.

Yeah, thanks, Buck. I'll tell him.

Is Albert okay?

Yeah, Buck's gonna let him staywith him for the night.

I'm more worried about you right now.

What was all that?

Me working outmy childhood trauma on some kid whodoesn't deserve it?

Oh, no, that part I got.

But the part about everyone liking Albert more than you?

That is just crazy. My father does.

We were never close.

Even when we livedin the same house, he was always at a distance, and I spent years tryingto bridge that gap, and finally I gave up.

I told myself he just wasn'tinterested in being a father.

Turns out he justwasn't interested in being a father to me.

I don't know what his relationship is with Albert.

Neither do you.

I know that there is one.

It can't be a good one.

Otherwise he wouldn't have shown up on your doorstep the way that he did.

Trust me. I know.

That's different, Maddie.

You were runningfrom your husband.

Yeah, but I ran to my brother.

He was the one person I could count on.

♪ Look, my mom and dad aren't bad people.

They're just bad parents.

And the mistakes that they made with me, they made them with Buck, too.

Hey, this is a surprise.

What are you doing here?

I didn't think I needed a reason.

Yeah, but you usually have one.

I knew it.

I knew you were lying.

May, this... it's just... This isn't, uh...

You're updating your will.

People do thatwhen they're dying.

And they also do it when they have two children and are about to undergo major surgery so...

A risky surgery.

I looked it up.



You're right. Okay, sit down.

It is risky.

And I don't know what's gonna happen and... and there are no guarantees here.

But without it...

I can be dead in a year.

So then why didn't you tell us?

Why did you lie to me and Harry?

I didn't wanna scare you.

Are you scared?


♪ I'm scared of dying.

I'm scared of livingand being worse off than I am now.

And most of all, I am terrified...

Of not seeing you and Harry...

That's what... that... that'swhy I'm doing this, is to make sure that you twoare taken care of...

Stop. Stop doing that.

Planning for your death, you can't think like that.

You still have options, and as long as you have optionsand have us...

There's still hope.

When did you grow up on me?


I love you.

I love you, too, Dad.

Oh, May, I love you with all my heart, baby.

Hey. Hey.

Um, thanks for letting Albert sleep here.

I appreciate it.

Of course.

He's your brother.

Okay, um, I'm gonna go takea shower.

Coffee on the counter.

I'm sorry about last night, the things I said.

You were right.

We don't know each other.

It was presumptuous of me to show up on your doorstep.

I apologize. I'll pack my stuff.

You headed to Seoul? No.

There's nothing for me there.

What about your parents?

My mother says she can't waitto visit me here in California.

And Pop?

He will not speak to me until I am back where I belong.

Did he ever tell you whyl don't live with you guys?

It's a funny story, if you wanna...


Pop got relocated here when I was maybe five.

Gig was supposed to last two years.

We stayed six.

When it came time to go back to Korea...

My ma didn't wanna go.

She loved it here, and she wanted to stay, and I wanted to stay with her.

Sure you can imagine how that went over.

Like a metal balloon.

Lead balloon, but yes.

So he went back to Korea without us.

Guess he figured she'd come to her senses.

But she didn't? No.

Instead she got sick.


She fought like hell for a few years and...

Eventually she couldn't fight anymore.

She died a couple weeks before my 15th birthday.

♪ I'm sorry, Howie.

You know I was always so jealous of you.

Your mom would e-mail me these pictures sometimes and I would just think, "Man, that kid is so lucky."

To have a family, you know?

I think I likeyour family better.

Maddie, Buck, the other firefighters, and...

It was nice gettingto know them.


Because fair warning... They're around a lot.

Hope you can handle that.

Does that mean I can stay?

Of course.

You're my brother.

♪ Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, son.

These are adult iced teas for me and your mother.

Are you sure youshould be drinking when you're goinginto surgery tomorrow?

Well, actually, I'm not.

Oh, did they postpone it?

No, I cancelled it.

What do you mean, you cancelled it?

Did, uh, something change?


My perspective.

Dad, that wasn't what I meant.

No, I know. I know.

But you made me think about things in a way that I haven't in a very long time.

You know, I was so focused on my death, but now I wanna be focused on my life and what I have.

You know, which is all of you.

Did your doctor saythis was okay?

My doctor doesn't get to decidehow I live my life... I do.

So what happens if you don't get the surgery?

He'll die. Hey.

Now, we don't know that.

Okay, you guys, listen.

I'm not giving up, okay?

I'm gonna keep fighting. I just...

I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.

But what I do know is all that we have is today.

I d... I don't know wherethis is coming from.

My heart, Athena.

It is coming from my heart.

♪ Hold on to me as we go Come here.

You ever think it's weird we spend 50-something hours a week together and still hang out?

No. What's that saying?

You got the family you're born into and the one you choose?

Well, that's what the 118 is. The family we chose.

♪ Just know you're not alone

♪ 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home ♪ No.

Uh, not gonna put outthe cookies I brought?

It's not time for dessert, and why are you acting like you made them yourself?

I drove myself to go buy them.

Look, I... I don't really get why I had to bringsomething anyway.

You practically shamed meinto it.

Because it's what you do.

When someone invites you to their house, you don't show up empty-handed.

Uh, this is Eddie's house. I'm not really a guest.

Okay, I was trying to save you from yourself, like always.

Well, thanks.

You are a good sister.

I'm lucky to have you.

We're lucky to have each other.

All right, now help me carry this.

Yes, ma'am.

♪ He really is so sweet.

It's amazing he turned outthe way he did, especially after all the thingsyou told me about your father.

Well, who I am now has nothing to do with my father.

I'm sorry he wasn't therefor you.

You deserved better. You know what?

I had better.

Not sure I realized it until now, but my mom, Kevin's family, the Lees, and now all of you.

I'm a pretty lucky guy.

♪ Are we ready for this?

You're asking this now?

After three monthsof paperwork and home inspectionsand background checks, it's a little latefor cold feet, Karen.

Oh, my feet aren't the problem.

The pounding in my chest might be.

Were we ready with Denny?

Hell no.


Sometimes you just gotta takea leap of faith.


♪ This is Nia.

She's your new foster.

Hi, am I late? Right on time.

Wow, the table looks so nice.

Um, where did you hide allof Albert's stuff?

Let's just say you should avoidopening any closet doors while they are here.

Chim, do I look okay?

I changed, like, four times.

Honestly, I just couldn't decide.

No, you look better than okay.

You look beautiful.

I don't know why you're so nervous.

I'm the one who should be nervous.

Because I'm meetingyour parents, more or less.

I mean, what if they don't like me?

♪ They're gonna love you.

♪ Howard.

♪ Mr. Lee.

It's good to see you, Howard.

It's good to see you, too.

You must be Maddie. Yes.

Maddie, I want you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lee.

The people who helped raise me.
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