03x13 - Pinned

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x13 - Pinned

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, so I fixed the black lights, cleaned the men's room, called to restock the pizza supply, and rebooted the scoring system, twice.

Yeah, but have you been spraying down the shoes?

On it.

You're a treasure, Garrett.

Know what else I am?

Manager material.

So that's what this is about.

You're gunning for Jesse's job.

Does Jesse know he has a job?

He comes very highly recommended.

By his parents. What could I do?

She's my sister.

Lane five is down.

What's wrong with it?

Yeah, lane five's been jamming a lot lately.

It's cool, I'll just check the pin setting.

No, no, no, you've been here a whole shift.

Go home. I'll take care of it.

You know, Arlene, if I had more responsibility...

Hey, hey, hey, you're a great kid and you're my best employee but you're only 17.

You're not ready yet.

I'll be 18 soon! In 10 months.

We can revisit this talk then.

Now get out of here and go be a kid.

Okay, boomer. And stop calling me boomer!

Jesse, I'm gonna go fix lane five.

Put the sign out, and finish spraying down these shoes. Uh-huh.


Our scoreboard isn't working.

Can we change lanes?


Thanks! We're gonna take five.

Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

What the...



Hey. Are you in charge here?

I guess.

Thank God you're here! She's this way.

Okay, her name's Arlene Branson.

She's the owner. She was working on lane five when the pin setter came down on her.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I shut off the power to stop it from cycling again but I didn't think I should move it until you guys got here. Okay.




It's okay, Arlene. I'm here.

These people are gonna help you, okay?

All right, I got a compound fracture, more outside than in.

Pulse is very weak. She's lost a lot of blood.

Let's get fluids going.

All right, do you know how to move this thing?

How to release it? Not really.

I've only watched Arlene do it.


Right, manual release.

Which is here somewhere.

We could take it apart piece by piece.

Not sure what that's gonna do for her arm.


Put this in the back, then turn it.

Blood pressure's dropping. Pushing fluids through.

I'll get the tourniquet, tie the arm, and get her out.

I don't know if that's gonna work.

Right now, this cross brace is the only thing that's holding her arm in place.

The minute you move it, she's gonna bleed more.

And given how broken her bones are, it'll be like tying off a wet bag of rocks.

What if we embrace the cross brace?

We cut her from the pin setter here, then we weld these points here, here, and here, and you've got a...

Damn good splint.

All right, we're gonna need a stick welder.




Nice and easy. Three, two, one.

Ow! Ow!

All right. Okay.

Living tissue under a metal endoskeleton.

You know, technically, it would be an exoskeleton, right?

Can't just let me enjoy the win.

Good job, bud.

Thanks. You too, Garrett.


Arlene. Are you okay?

Refunds. No refunds.

Give everyone a coupon for another visit.

I'm gonna be out of commission for a while.

You're in charge.




You're fired.

She's down.


Listen, you know, I appreciate your effort, Hen, but I'm not really a green tea kind of guy.

Just drink it.

Studies suggest that the EGCG in green tea can boost the effectiveness of the temozolomide.

So this tea can make my chemo drug work better on my brain tumor?

My new favorite beverage.


Not that terrible.

Yeah, I wouldn't go that far.

But, you know, thank you for the tea and the loaners.

I'm not sure what happened to our tents.

You know, got lost somewhere in the move over here.

Are you sure you should be going on this trip?

It's a tradition.

It's foolish.

The man has a brain tumor.

Camping can wait.

Wait, Dad's taking Harry camping?

He has a brain tumor.

Yes, he does, and I'm pretty sure that's why he asked me to go with him.

Yes, Bobby is an EMT, but he's not a doctor.

Which is fine, because my actual doctor cleared me for this trip.



This is important, okay?

I need to do this.

Michael doesn't wanna disappoint Harry.

It's just camping.

I never understood why he had to make such a big deal out of it.

They can go next year.

Assuming there is a next year.

I have taken him every year since before he can even remember it.

I need to make sure that this time is memorable.

In case there isn't another.

Look, I know there are no guarantees, but, I mean, the surgery at least offered us some more time.

That's all I'm looking for right now.

Well, maybe the chemo gives us that.

It's too soon to know for sure.

Yeah, and by the time we do know, it may be too late for the surgery.

This is all my fault.

Baby, no.

I told him that there was hope and that he had choices, but I never meant for him to...

No, no, no, you did not tell him not to have the surgery.

All right? That was his idea.

Which we said we'd support. No, you said that.

I still haven't given up on the idea of knocking some sense into him, but whatever happens, this is not your fault.

By the way, I got into USC.

May, that's great.


You are not Albert.

Chimney. Hi, hey.

I did not think you'd be up so late.

I could say the same about you and your friend.

Megan. Hi.

You didn't tell me you had a roommate.

Well, technically, he doesn't even have a room.

Just a sofa, which I'm kind of regretting letting him live on right now.

Do you have a place I could change?

There's a bathroom down the hall.

I'm sorry.

I should've called and warned you but it was all just so spur of the moment, you know?

We met at this club, we started talking, and things, they simply ignited between us.

On my couch. Where else?

It's my bedroom. It's also my couch.

Why are you upset?

Because you brought some rando club girl to my home and you ignited yourself all over my living room.

Bro, did you not see how pretty Rando Club Girl is though? I mean...

FYI, Rando Club Girl is actually working on a PhD in applied mathematics.

My apologies, Doctor.

I did not mean to disparage you.

I was aiming for him.

Apology accepted.

Nice to meet you both.

I really wish I'd gotten her number.

Albert, should I be worried about you?

I mean, you've been going out an awful lot since you got here and a different woman every night?

Yeah, well, I feel as though I'm the one who should be worried.

Yo, you never go out. Only for work.

You're with the same girl every night.

You're either there or here.

Yeah, well, that's about to change after I burn your bedroom in a cleansing fire.

And what exactly is wrong with the same girl every night?

What, you don't like Maddie?

I like her very much.

She's a good friend to you.

Well, she's a lot more than that.

Is she?

Well, I'm saying I see the friendship.

I'm not so sure if I see passion.

Do you guys even have sex?

Of course we have sex!

We had sex... three nights ago.

Oh, I did not notice.

Yeah, you weren't supposed to, Albert.

I, uh, I did not mean to offend you.

As long as you're happy, then I'm happy for you.

Well, I am happy.

Of course I'm happy.

How long have you guys been camping at the same place?

I don't know.

I started going with my father when I was 6, 7.

Wow. Yeah.

You always plant a tree?

Ah, no.

Trees came later.

There was a fire.

Most of the trees burned down.

Dad was sad, but Grandpa promised that they would all grow back.

He said it wouldn't be the same but...

It would still be beautiful.

Yeah, my dad would say, "Hey, just plant it, let it grow, and stay out of its way."

Yeah, we used to go up there every year.

Plant a few trees at a time.

Then Harry and I kept the tradition going after my dad passed.

And now you get to do it too.


Hey, uh, Bobby, maybe you can take over driving for a bit.

Yeah, sure. All right.

Are you feeling okay? Yeah, man.

Come on, I'm great.

But am I happy?

Albert is annoying, but maybe he's right.

Things with me and Maddie are great, but we're not exactly lighting the world on fire.

Does it matter what he thinks?

Only you know how you feel about Maddie.

I really care about her. Ah.

The dreaded C-word.

I really care about good arch support.

That's not how you feel about your significant other.

Obviously, I care about her more than good footwear.

Okay, how much more?

A lot.

Do you love her?


Does she love you?

It's unclear.

I mean, I feel like she does, but neither of us have actually said those exact words out loud.

You've been together for, like, a year.

Technically, we have been dating for 10 months and 3 weeks.

So you've been together for, like, a year.

With everything she's been through, you know, that we've been through, we just wanted to take it slow.


Glaciers move faster, Chim.

And they're also melting, so maybe fiery is overrated.

Hey, guys? Reynolds wants to do a lineup.

I can't believe Cap left us with this guy.

I sure wasn't gonna do it again.


I get taking things slow.

But tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.

So if you love her, tell her.

You went out for coffee?

Yeah, I got you one of those frothy ones you like, made almost entirely of milk and sugar.

I called Tammy.

She's able to fit us in at 11:00 to get our nails done, and then I thought that I would take you to lunch.

At the burger place over by USC.

Mom, I don't want you to...

No, I'm not trying to sway your decision.

You know, I know there are a lot of colleges you still haven't heard from.

Although I wouldn't mind at all if you decided to follow in my footsteps.

Either way, I am very proud of you.

So we are gonna celebrate your first acceptance letter, whether you like it or not.


Maybe after lunch we can go to the mall?

We can celebrate with some new clothes.

You say yes to USC, I may buy you a whole new wardrobe.

So much for not trying to sway me.

I haven't told Dad yet.

You will.

All right? He'll be back soon.

You still have time.

Hey, let me give you a hand with that.

Ah, no. I got it, I got it.

Oh, man.

All right, I think that's everything.

All right, ready to pick our planting site.

Last time, we went East, so I was thinking maybe we can go South, Southwest, and North.

Okay. Yeah, that... that sounds good.

Just give me a few minutes to lie down.

But we always pick the spot when we get here.

It's tradition.

Well, maybe this year, we start some new traditions.

Hey, hey, hey. Don't need any new traditions.

Just give me an hour. Please.

He said he'd be fine for a year.

It's only been a month.

I think he just needs a second to rest.

We can pick that spot in the morning.

That's too late.

It takes time to find the perfect spot.

That's why we always do it when we get here.

How are we supposed to plant Grandpa's tree?

Hey, Harry, how about this?

How about you and I take a walk, find some places to plant that tree, we'll take some pictures, show your dad, and he can decide.

Sound good?

Yeah, okay. Good. All right, come on.

Which way should we go?

That way? All right, let's do it.

All right, Dad. I'm back with the supplies.

Hey. Hi.

Looks pretty good, huh?

Yeah, this is taking a lot longer than I thought it was going to and requiring a lot more trips to Home Depot.

Right tools for the right job. Mm.

Once we finish the framing, then we can start drywalling your new interior non-load bearing partition.

It's just a wall, Dad.

Yeah, I just need something to break up this modern floor plan and hide the view of my dirty dishes from the couch, so... open concept only works if you have a maid.

Ah. Well, closed concept it is.


We land the nails, then we turn the screws, and that way, we meet code.

Wait, I thought you said we didn't have to worry about building codes.

You said I didn't need a contractor.

And I thought the whole point of your mother and I helping you buy an already remodeled house is that we wouldn't have to remodel it, but here we are.

So humor me.


Hey, hey, hey. You forgetting something?

Dad, come on. We're just framing a wall.

We're not splitting the atom.

Just put 'em on. Fine, fine.

Hey, I promised your mom we'd be extra careful.


Now. All right, here we go.


Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy.

Just like a real g*n, you never point it at anything you don't intend to sh**t Okay? Okay.

So two hands. Right.

Put it right in the middle of the stud.

Yup. Right there, okay?

Yup. Apply firm pressure.

Squeeze the trigger.

Yeah! Oh, yes!

That is cool. Right? See?

Okay, keep going. No more than an inch apart.


Okay, it's not... What's going on?

I don't know. I didn't do anything.

Damn things.

I swear, ever since I let Mitch borrow my tools, these things don't work right.

The whole thing's jammed!

Geez. Oh, for crying out loud.

Okay, just hang on.

Oh, my God. Dad?

Um... you better call 9-1-1.



Where are you calling from?

13924 Rio Avenue, North Hollywood.

What can you tell me about the g*n?

It's a pin nailer.

It's a framing nailer!

It was a nail g*n. It got stuck.

He was working on it and it just went off.

And the nail's embedded in his chest?

Yes, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I don't know. Do I pull it out?

No! Do not remove the nail.

Help is on the way.

Thank God you're here. He's in the back.

Dad, help's coming!

That thing still on? Yeah.

I don't know. I was too afraid to touch it.

I'll secure the w*apon.

Hey. How are you feeling?

Like an idiot.

If it makes you feel any better, this happens a lot more than you think.

Blood pressure is low. Pulse is steady.

I'm gonna clear your shirt so we can see what we're working with, but it looks like you hit the bull's eye.

Yeah, bring that gurney in here.

Yeah, that's good. Bring it around.

Sir. Careful.

Take a few deep breaths for me.

Lungs sound clear, but I'm getting a muffled heartbeat.

We've got a distended neck vein.

We could be looking at pericardial tamponade.

I'll alert the hospital. Sorry, pericardial what?

Fancy way of saying he has fluid around his heart.

Guessing that's not supposed to be there.

No. We're gonna need to get you to the hospital for a pericardiocentesis.

That's where they'll drain the fluid.

Yeah. Okay. Let's do that.

All right, we're set.

What hospital are you taking him to?

First Presbyterian on Ventura.

Hey, Dad, listen, I'm gonna go get Mom, okay, and we're gonna meet you there.

Do not tell her what happened!

Oh, my God... you've got a nail sticking out of your chest, Dad.

She's gonna figure it out.

Listen, I love you.

I'm never gonna live this down.

I love you!

How are you gonna shock me with a little nail sticking out of my chest?

These leads are for monitoring, not shocking.

Just making sure everything still sounds okay.

Oh, damn it!

What's wrong?

I didn't say I love you back to my daughter.

What if that's the last time I speak to her?

Don't worry.

You'll have plenty more chances to tell her later.

Chim, did you place these leads correctly?

Of course I did. Why?

He's about to code. We're still four minutes out.

I got the bag. Yeah.

All right, starting compressions.


I think I'm making the hole in his heart bigger.

They'll fix it at the hospital, but only if he's not dead.

Still no heartbeat.

Come on.

Come on, buddy.

Come on, you're not leaving your daughter hanging like that.

We got a pulse.


Heart's beating again.

You hungry?

Wanna grab a bite after we drop him?

Definitely. I haven't had a proper meal since Bobby left.


What happened here?

He started coding. We had to start CPR.

Things got a little messy.

Yep, but now his ticker's pumping like Old Faithful.

80 BPM with normal rhythm.

And I just lost my appetite.

And I just found mine.

Hey, where are you going?

To ask your sister out on a proper date so I can tell her I love her.

We missed a lot, huh?

You picked some great spots, Harry.

I think you're a natural at this.

My grandpa was a landscaper.

Yeah? Yeah.

How many trees did you plant with your grandpa?

None. He died before I was born.

But he taught Dad and Dad taught me.


Where in the hell have you two been?

Dad, me and Bobby went hiking.

We went to go find some spots for the tree.

We were supposed to go together.

Hey, we just wanted you to rest.

Bobby, I am fine.

No, Michael, you're not.

And I think it's time we all start admitting that.

Oh, do you now?

Do you have any other thoughts of how I should be handling my brain tumor?

I've got a few, yeah.

Dad, I... Harry, stop.

Bobby and I are talking.

No, you're not. You're fighting.

That's not tradition.


I don't even wanna be here. Let's just go home.


Hey, I know I'm just here as the in-case-of-emergency guy, but he is terrified.

The numbness in your hands, the fatigue... you think you're hiding it, but he sees it and it's making that tumor suddenly very real to him.

Oh, well, it's pretty real to me too.

I'm the one fighting for my life here.

Well, what about his life?

And May's?

Did you know that she got into USC?

What? When?

She got the news two days ago.

Then she found out we were going on this camping trip and I got to see the joy just evaporate from her face because she's that worried about you.

And she blames herself for you not having that surgery.

That has nothing to do with her.

Michael, her father might be dying.

How does that not have everything to do with her, with Harry, with Athena?

We're all just trying to support you, Michael, but you keep pushing us away.

I'm not pushing anybody away.

Listen, man, I'm taking steps back so you guys can have all the space.

You know, to learn.

Learn what?

How to be a family when I'm gone.

Big plans tonight? Maybe?

Chimney said that he's gonna take me out for dinner.

There's something that he has to tell me face to face that can't wait.

Oh, God. You don't think he's...

Breaking up with me?

Well, if he is, he picked a very expensive restaurant to do it in.

Oh, then it must be good news.

I guess. I don't know.

He just sounded serious, and Chimney never sounds serious.

What if... Uh-uh. No what ifs.

Don't be the person who immediately assumes the worst anytime they get asked out on a hot date.

That's my job now, remember?

I'm sorry.

I wasn't thinking. How are you holding up?

Honestly, a little skittish still.

Yesterday, I was convinced I saw Greg, or whatever his actual name is, outside this building.

Of course, the day before that, I thought I saw him at my chiropractor's.

The "jumping at shadows" phase.

It'll pass. I promise.

And I'm counting on it.

What are you still doing here? It's the end of shift.

Why is no one going home?

Picking up some extra hours.

Well, I'm going home to change for... I don't know what.

Anyway, wish me luck.


And I want all the juicy details in the morning.


So no karaoke tonight?

Guess not. Okay.

I knew he was stubborn.

I just hoped he'd snap out of it and do what makes the most sense.

You mean do what you think makes the most sense.

Well, yeah.

I can't help it that I'm usually right.

How's the camping trip going?

Oh, it's fine.

At least that's what Harry says.

What, you don't believe him?

Yeah, I do.

It's just that...

I'm worried about him.

I never thought in a million years that I'd have to prepare him for the possibility of losing his dad.

Not at 10 years old.

Mm, some things you really can't prepare them for.

Because you're not prepared yourself.


That's what worries me.

Both my parents are in their 70s.

And I've thought about what life would be like if I lost one of them.

But not losing Michael.

How am I supposed to come to terms with that?

You're not.

You're just supposed to take it one day at a time.

You wake up, you breathe, and you hope for the best.

Easier said than done when I don't know how many days he has left.

You know, I bet this isn't the first time that Harry and May have had to face the possible reality of losing a parent.

What do you mean?

Athena, you're a cop.

You risk your life every day.

You don't think that Michael's had to prepare them for the day that you don't make it home?

Because I'm sure he has.

Oh, but that isn't this.

I mean, this thing with Michael is looming over us constantly.

Me not coming home from work, that's a distant possibility.


You know what May said the other day?

"Assuming there is a next year."

I mean, she casually mentioned that her father could be gone in a year?

Maybe she's right.

Embrace the not knowing.

Let it force you to live every day like it could be his last.

Your other option is to live in fear of it, Athena, and that's... that's not who you are.

But I am afraid.

If he dies, I'm scared of what it'll do to May and Harry, what it'll do to me.

I won't be able to ease the pain for them.

They love Bobby. They do.

But they need their father.

Kids are resilient. Hmm?

They're tougher than we give 'em credit for.

It may not seem like it right now, but whatever happens, they'll be okay.

I hope you're right.

Thank you very much.

I have never been to a revolving restaurant before.

Sorry that we're not actually revolving.

I was lucky to get a reservation at all.

No, the view is still great.

I can people-watch without straining my neck.

It does kind of feel like the world is passing us by, doesn't it?

An apt metaphor, I suppose.

What does that mean?

I love you.

I didn't mean to lead with that.

And I don't mean to push or make you feel uncomfortable, but...

I think I've been uncomfortable, like... like I'm supposed to hold back, not scare you off, not tell you how I feel.

So that's how I feel.

You don't have to say it back.

I'm not sure that I can.

Not in those actual words.

Look, I used to say it a lot.

Even after I stopped feeling that way.

They were a shield.

An a*t*matic response to an immediate threat.

I understand. And if you can't...

But it is how I feel about you.

I feel a lot of things when I'm with you.



A million other things that I can't explain right now, but I do feel all of that.

For you.

And I'm sorry. I really wish that I could...

No, you don't have to. I get it.

I love you, Maddie.

And as long as I know you feel the same, I can say it enough for the both of us.


That's another feeling.

So now that we know we're on the same page, there's a few other things I wanted to discuss.

You stay over pretty late.

Sometimes you even stay the night.

And I was thinking that maybe we need to take the next step...

Oh, my God.

Public proposals make me squirm.


No. Maddie, no.

Wait, what? No.

No. Not you, them.


Wendy, baby, I just wanna say... um...

Oh, my God.


Well? Well?

Are you gonna open the box?

You... Oh.


Sorry. Flustered.

I mean, as if there isn't enough pressure on a marriage proposal, they add an audience.

Doesn't look like she's gonna say no.

Maybe she wants to say no.

Oh, Larry, you dope.



Find it? Not yet.

Oh. Found it.


The answer is...

You're joking.

Seriously, Larry?

Oh, boy. Earrings?

Five years together and you bring me up here for earrings?

It's your birthday. Yeah, next week.

I wanted to surprise you.

Well, I'm not surprised. I'm... oh!



Oh, God! Wendy!

Oh, my God!

I'll call 9-1-1.

Oh, no!

It's bolted to the floor.

They all are, for safety.

I'm the manager. How can I help?

Is there any way you can get this to go other direction?

No, it only travels clockwise.

Got significant damage to the pelvic bone.

It could be separated. Pulse is steady.

Are you guys doctors?

Former nurse. Current paramedic.

All right, I gotta find something to pry this loose.

Watch her vitals, there could be internal hemorrhaging.

Wendy, my name is Maddie and I'm gonna stay with you, okay?

How are we doing, Wendy?

Oh, I should've broke up three years ago.

Make a hole, make a hole.

All right, I'm gonna get the table out of the way.

Can you hold her up? Yep. Okay.

I want you to do me a favor, okay?

Look out that window.

We're gonna concentrate together on that beautiful view.

Can you do that?

You're doing great.

Keep looking out the window.

Help me with this table.


Ah, it hurts, it hurts.


Let's get her on the ground. On three, ready?

One, two, three.


Hope she's all right.


You were right. The pelvis is separated.

We've got arterial bleeding in the interior organs.

Okay, we gotta get this splinted.


Switch places with me.

All right.

We're gonna roll you, okay?

Okay, here we go. Ready? Go.


Okay. All right.

Okay. Gentle, gentle.

We're good. Okay.

I feel so stupid.

Don't. I'm the idiot.

I didn't ask because I never thought you would say yes, but you did.

But you didn't ask.

I'm asking now.

Yes, Larry.



Public proposals.

You know that wasn't a proposal, by the way.

I mean me, not them.

It wasn't?


Wait, were you gonna ask me to move in with you?

Honestly, I was gonna offer you a drawer.

A drawer?

You know, I've never seen this side of you before.

Kicking ass and saving lives.

It's kinda hot.

You too.

Good with your hands.

Very precise.

Oh, I'm all about precision.

Thank you so much, both of you.

Sure. Not a problem.

If there's anything I or the hotel can do to repay you, just name it.


Ooh, a big suite even.

Well, they said they comped the room.

Hopefully same thing goes for the minibar.

God, I do love you.

You better.

Is Harry still on the phone with Athena?

He fell asleep halfway through the conversation.

I told her we'd call her back in the morning.

I'm sorry about before.

Dropping that on you the way that I did.

Well, I'm sorry too.

I wanna help, Michael. Just tell me how.

Harry never knew my father.

He died before we could tell anyone that Athena was pregnant.

It was a... ha... massive stroke.

He collapsed working on someone's yard.

Must've been a hard time.

Oh yeah.

But when we found out we were having a boy?


I wanted to be excited.

But I... I could only think about my father and how my son would never know him.

How he would never meet the man who made me who I am.

Now, you know Athena. She had all the answers.

Of course.

She said that we would name our son Harry.


After his grandfather.

And that we would talk about him and our son would know him even without having met him.

And he does.

The way he talks about your father and the trips to this place, you've kept him alive for Harry.

And that's why I brought you here.

I have had 18 years with my daughter.

I have watched her grow into an amazing, strong young woman.


But my son...

He's still a boy.

Oh, man.

I wanna be there with him.

I wanna see him grow up.

And I don't know if I will be.

It's just... if something happens to me, I need someone.

I need you to help keep me and my father alive for him.

I will do that.

You ordered room service.

With candles.

Well, we never got to have our candlelight dinner.

Candlelight breakfast will do just fine.


So how did it go?

Well, we communed with nature, planted a tree, and ate s'mores under the stars.

Sounds like you had fun. We did.

Just about to head out, so we'll probably be home by the time you're off shift.

How's Michael doing?

He's good.

We'll see you soon.

Where were you all night?

None of your business.

You should've called. I was worried.

Well, you know, I took Maddie out to talk and things...



So? How'd it go last night?

I need details.

Well, there was a pelvic splint involved.


It seems like there's a big police presence here today.

What's up? Uh, scheduled sit-alongs.

It's on the calendar, not that you ever read it.

Well, I don't have to. I have you.

Wha... Jamal, have you been here all night?

No, just feels like I was.

Hey. Hi.

I'm just clocking in.

Were there any problems getting out of the hotel this morning?

100% comped as promised. Perfect.

Just like everything else last night.

Yeah, we should get done up and paint the town more often.

Oh, I don't know.

My favorite part didn't involve fancy clothes.

Or any clothes at all?

Morning, Maddie. Morning.

Okay, so this conversation is officially not safe for work.

I really should go. Okay.

Call me after your shift.

Oh, and I was thinking maybe we could, like, go to Wi Spa after work.

I'm going to have you do a sit-along with Maddie.

Maddie, this is Officer Brown. He's going to be shadowing you to see how we work at the call center.

Hi, handsome.

See any good movies lately?


Stay calm.

End the call. What's going on?

I can hear stuff. Maddie?


Hello, Maddie, are you there?

Did I lose you? I love you, Howie.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Get up. Get up.

We are taking control of this facility.

Do not move, or you will be shot.
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