03x14 - The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x14 - The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1

Post by bunniefuu »


Didn't get any sleep last night.

I was so nervous about being late.

You are late.

Yeah, by three minutes.

A job like this, you're on time or you're dead.


I've never worked in a team before.

Do you have any advice, you know, for a rookie?

Talk less.

Right on time.

You guys weren't!

Set it to channel nine.

Administrator level key cards.

Give us access to every door in the call center.

Once we take dispatch, clock starts.

60 minutes in and out. Be ready for my call.

Think you can stick to that schedule?

Three minutes, guys. Come on, get over it.

Let's go.



Here for our sit-along.

Have fun up there.


We will.

First stop, second floor. Server room.

Terry Flores?

Can I help you guys?

Morning, officers.

How'd you know we were here?

Well, this is my secret w*apon.

I can see everything with this.

I thought there were five of you.

They had to make a pit stop.

You gotta show me how this thing works.


Morning, Jake.


Good. Come on.

Take down the system.

Messaging, CAD, all of it.

Hard reboot.

That's gonna raise a lot of red flags.

Dispatch'll go blind for... Seven minutes.

Say it's temporary maintenance.

Happens all the time.

So how'd it go last night? I need details.

Well, there was a pelvic splintinvolved.


Seems like there's a bigpolice presence today.

What's up? Scheduled sit-alongs.

It's on the calendar, not that you ever read it.

Well, I don't have to. I have you.


Hey, it's Terry Flores.

I'm locked out of the server room.

Second floor.

Can you come up here?


Hi. I'm just clocking in.

Were there any problems getting out of the hotel this morning?

100% comped as promised. Perfect.

Just like everything else last night.


You up here?

What the...

Morning, Maddie. Morning.

Okay, so this conversation is officially not safe for work.

I really should go. Okay.

I'm gonna have youdo a sit-along with Maddie.

Maddie, this is Officer Brown.

He's going to be shadowing you to see how we work at the call center.

Hi, handsome.

See any good movies lately?

Stay calm.

End the call.

Maddie? Carefully.

Hello, Maddie? Are you there?

Did I lose you?

I love you, Howie.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

Get up. Get up!

We are taking control of this facility.

Do not move or you will be shot.

You are now our hostages.

Get up, everybody! Get up, up, up, up, up, up.

Up, move. We need you up.

All right, grab his uniform.

I got the tech.

Up the stairs.

Let's go. Hurry.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Quickly, move, move, move.

Hurry, quickly, quickly.

Cell phones, key cards, wallets, smart watches, whatever's in your pocket goes in the can.

My EpiPen.

I'm allergic to bees.

Bees are the least of your troubles today, sweetheart.

I don't know what you want, but someone's going to notice when 9-1-1 stops answering.

You had a system crash.

Valley Division is picking up the slack right now, but your servers are rebooting.

Should be back in two minutes.

We've got Dispatch.

I've got the lobby.

Don't you worry, folks.

We're gonna get you back to work.

But under our supervision.

We will be monitoring all calls that come in and approving all resources that you send out.

Call volume's low this early in the morning, so we don't need all of you.

You. Step forward.

Two of you, step forward.

Everybody else, you're on deck where you will wait in silence until we rotate you through.

Let's go! Move!

Now, people, move! It's not so hard.

Let's go!

Move! Come on! Keep your mouth shut.

Come here, shut up.

On the ground. On the ground!

One hour.

Then we're out of here.

So I don't care if you need a bathroom break or a bottle of water.

You will stay where we can see you.

If anyone triesanything at all...

You'll sh**t us.


We'll sh**t the person next to you.

You guys like saving lives, right?

Why don't you start with your own?

How did you know?

You dropped the mug before they pulledthe g*ns out.

I recognized him.

Greg, or whatever his name is.

My date from hell.

He's the one that att*cked you?

They targeted you because you work here.

This is all my fault.

If I'd told the police...

No, this is not your fault.

No matter what the plan... Maddie.

You only do something like this so you can do something worse.

We have to warn someone.

I already did.

I just hope he gets the message.

Okay, she said that she loves you.

That's weird, right?

Is that weird?

Come on, Maddie. Answer.

You know, all right.

You've reached Maddie's phone.

Leave a message.

You're being paranoid. She's fine.

Come on. Don't be that guy.

Don't do it, Chimney. Don't do it.

Come on, man!

Oh, my God.


We're experiencing a high call volume at the moment.

Please try again.

It's 8:00 in the morning.

All right, you know what?

Yep. Go for Buck.

How come 9-1-1 doesn't respond when I call?

Uh, is that some kind of riddle?

Like "who watches the Watchmen?"

Neither of those things are riddles.

Okay, I just tried calling 9-1-1 and I got the high call volume message.

I miss, like, an earthquake or something?

Nope, pretty chill morning.

Wait, why are you calling 9-1-1?

Is everything okay?

Your sister said that she loved me.


Wasn't that the whole point in that big date you had last night?

You declare your love and she declares hers?

Yeah, I know, okay, but she didn't, all right?

At least not last night.

Look, she made this big deal saying that she couldn't say those words, and then this morning, she blurts them out and hangs up on me.

It's still not quite sounding like an emergency.

Because I sound insane.

She's at the call center. What could happen there, right?

You know what? Forget it.

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

Where are you calling from? Downtown.

The corner of 9th and Los Angeles Street.

Multiple vehicle collision, 9th and Los Angeles Street.

Can you move the vehicles out of the intersection?

I guess, but are you gonna send someone?

Absolutely. Help is on the way.

Can I roll policeand medical RA?

No. No one goes into that area.

Call it a no-fly zone.

Time to rotate.

Get up.

Sit down. Sit down.

You, come with me. Let's go.

Come on. Wait. Just wait.


They don't want anyone downtown.

And Dad? He's okay?

Yeah, Bobby says he's doing good.

They're on their way back from the campsite now.

Baby, I gotta go.

Love you.

It was yellow!

It was reckless, jackass!

Okay, folks. Settle down.

Why don't you each go to your own car and let me sort this out.

We were in the same car.

That's my husband.


Anybody call 9-1-1?

Isn't that why you're here?

727L30, they're requesting you at 19124 Sunset.

as*ault and battery in progress.


Dispatch, at 9th and Los Angeles.

Non-injury car accident. Yes.

Units are already en route to that location.

Please proceed to as*ault and battery in progress.

Copy that.

Okay, officers are on their way.

Try not to k*ll each other before they get here.

727L30 en route.

And there she goes.

Tiffany, you're clear for deliver.

Package has been delivered.

Huh. Automated alert.

Security alarm. We usually send officers.

Security alarm. First and Grand.

Should we send someone? No, it's handled.

Time to rotate. You two, up.

Rover team.

Go fetch.

You mean to tell me it took four of you to subdue a two person brawl and then you called for me?

We didn't call you.

Still trying to figure out who called us.

Jackson already had the fighthandled when we rolled up.

Maybe Dispatch had a late night last night?

I guess so.

Dispatch, is there a reason you sent four officers to break up a fight?

Five now, including me.

Sorry, Sergeant, we're having some technical difficulties this morning.

Apologies for the mix-up.

Hey, is that incident downtown taken care of?

Affirmative. Everything's clear there.

I don't know why the alarm company requested a hard confirm.

Our cameras went down for about a minute.

Some kind of power surge.

But we told 'emeverything was fine.

Probably just covering their you-know-what.

Can't get through to the admin at Dispatch.

Hey, we need verification before we let you do a walkthrough.

All lines are busy right now.

Put down the phone.

Took down the cameras. Alarms are on bypass.

Guess we're all set then.


Time to go shopping.

See you soon.

They put green onions in my omelet.

That's not an emergency, ma'am.

I explicitly told them I was allergic.

That's attempted m*rder.

Are you havingan allergic reaction?

I'm not actually allergic, but they didn't know that!

You can't tie up our lines because someone madethe wrong breakfast order.

Of course I can.

My tax dollars pay your salary.

You still feel likeyou're making a difference?

I bet this womanreally thinks you're...

God, what is the word?

I'll never be rich, but I'll be...


Ma'am, it is a crime to make a false report to 9-1-1.

I could have you arrested.


You're gonna send the police?

Yes. I am.

I'm sending someone now.

You might not wanna be there when they arrive.

You feel better, big guy? I do.


Let's rotate you out.

You two. With me.

Let's go.


Why do they keep moving us around like this?

To disorient us.

So we can't make a plan.


Are you okay?

I don't wanna die in here.

No one is gonna die.

Jake's dead.

They shot him.

We have to get a message out.

I did.

A woman calledabout onions in an omelet.

I dispatched an officer.

To the restaurant?

Not exactly.

Buck, do not try and talk me out of this.

I need to go down there for myself and make sure that she's okay.

Yeah, no, she... she didn't pick upwhen I called her either.

I tried calling Josh and it went straightto voicemail.

Now I'm definitely going.

What if something is wrong?

Maybe we should call the police.

I think someone already did.

I know, Captain.

CAD's been glitching all morning.

What is she saying now?

She's making her case.

Yeah, I'll wait to hear from you.

Now she's foldinglike a cheap suit.

All right, let me talk to Athena.

Captain needs to make some calls.

As evidence goes, an "I love you" is less than convincing.

But they sent you downto my apartment for an assaultwith a deadly onion.

That feels more convincing.

Well, she's gonna talk to Operations, see if they can get eyes in the building, see if anything's wrong.

No, no, no. We can't just send in SWAT.

If there is someone inside the call center doing something, they'll know we're onto them.

Let's go for a drive.

Talk to you later, Buck.

No, no, Chimney!

Chimney, don't hang up!

Girl Blue?

Yeah, and Cider Falls.

Rover team. Status update.

We've got four so far.

That's less than a third of the list.

We're moving as fast as we can.

It's taking longer than we thought to get it out of the frame.

So leave themin the damn frames.

There's GPS trackersin the frames.

Pick up the damn pace.

You're quiet.

Should I be worried?


I mean, I'm still freaked out but at least nowI got a partner in this.

We are not partners.

You're here so I can keep an eye on you, make sure you don't do anything foolish.

Is that who I think it is?

Okay, now don't be mad.

Hey, Buck.

Hey, Chim.

You two tell anyone else what's happening at the call center?

Good, because I'm running out of room in here.

Hey. We've got a problem.

Yeah, we're way behind schedule.

A new problem. Look.

Police cruiser.

What? Pulling in here?

Okay, we're here. Now what?

Well, if everything's normal, I'll be able to walk in that front door and go inside.

Take a look around and see if everyone forgot to charge their damn cell phone.

And if it's not normal?

I guess we'll find out.

Hey, guys. Cop approaching.

What do you want me to do?

How many?

Looks like she's alone.

What the hell is she doing here?

Officers routinely come here for pursuit recordings, call recordings...

Shut up!

She's coming in.

What do you want me to do?

Morning. Morning.

I'm here to follow upon a call.

Mind if I go up?

Yeah, sure.

She's coming up? That's not good.

sh**t her.


Are you serious?

Did you say something?

Nah, just... world's gone crazy.

Don't I know it?

You wanna k*ll a cop? I didn't sign up for that.

Yeah, none of us did. That's not your call to make.

I don't work for you.

sh**t her now. No.

No, wait! Wait.

I can get rid of her.

Whatever you're gonna do, do it.


727L30, we've got a report of a code 77 at Eagle Rock Lanes.

Guess I'll have to follow up later.

I hope your day's quiet.

Yeah, you too.

She's headed back to her car.

We're clear.

Good job.

I just don't wanna see anybody shot.

No one is getting shot unless I authorize it.

Told you not to bring him.

What's a code 77 anyway?

Urinating in public.

Or indecent exposure.

It's been a while since I worked the radio.

I'm sure, Captain.

They knew I was downstairs.

Yeah, they're using the CAD to monitor our locations.

That was Sue Blevins on the radio giving me the code 77.

Who's ever running this, they're doing it from inside the dispatch center.

What's a code 77?


Proceed with caution.

There has to be a way to communicate with our people inside.

Well, if they're tracking our vehicles, you gotta assume they're monitoring our calls too.

Screen went blank. Okay, good.

We're off the grid.

Hey, hey, hey.

I know you're worried, okay? I am too.

But Maddie is smart.

She can take care of herself until help gets there.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Nobody inside that building knows we're coming for them.

What if they get tired of waiting?

Look at this. Stop.

Look. Take a look. What do you see?

What happens to us when it's time for them to leave?

I mean, if they k*lled Jake...

They're not gonna wanna leave behind a room full of witnesses.

The hour's almost up.

We're running out of time.

Why the touching? Take a look!

I don't think we're the only ones.

Take a look. What do you see?

Still don't see anything. Yeah, that's my point.

The police car that pulled up before, it's gone.

I can't find it.

You're being paranoid. There's nothing to see.

Come here! Okay.

Come here. Just rewind it.

Find out where she was when she went offline.

This is in real time.

You can't just rewind it from here.

That's not the way the system works, you idiot.

She may have disabled her GPS.

I'm an idiot?

If the cop were dead right now, we wouldn't be worriedabout her GPS.

k*lling people.

That's your solution to every problem?

I can think of one problemit would solve.

Seriously? You're gonna pull a g*n on me?

Hey, hey!

Hey! Enough!




No! No, no, no, no, no.


Next one goes in your head.

Back to your stations now!

Get back on your stations.

Take this hero downstairs.

See if he can find your cop car.

Come on.

Get up. Get up.

Get up! Get this jackass out of here.


Tiffany, how are we doing?


I need another 30 minutes.

Damn it!

So much for the fire alarm.

I guess we're out of options now.

I don't know. You know what?

I could... I could fake a heart attack.

Then use the defibrillator on the bad guys.

All of 'em?


Construction crews are closing down streets between here and Dispatch, getting ready for SWAT to move in.

How are we doing with GPS?

Well, we've kept off the radios.

Calling units individually.

Everyone's been toldhow to disable their system before coming here.

Kay, so what's the plan?

You know, what happens next?

We're still trying to get eyes into a damn windowless room.

That's it?

We were able to get eyes on the digital logs.

They share a system with Valley division.

According to the logs, five LAPD officers were scheduled for sit-alongs.

None of the names on the list checked out.

They're not LAPD.

So five bad guys inside and no plan to get our guys out?

No, we got a plan. We just don't like it.

Captain Maynard.

Dave Morrisey, Valley Communications.

Mr. Morrisey, thanks for coming.

Sergeant Grant.

SWAT commander would like to talk to you.

He has some questions.

I'm not sure how I can help.

You used to work in there.

You're the closest thing we've got to eyes inside.

So this is really happening.

Sorry I thought you were crazy.

I'm sorry I wasn't.

Keep going. Go.

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

Get up. Move it, come on.

Josh, are you doing okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Ears are just ringing a little.


Ellis should be back by now.

What do you want me to do about it?

What you're good at.


So you figured all this out 'cause Sue gave you a code 77?


That was the last piece of the puzzle.

Calls have been weird all day.

Hey, you can access their call log with that, right?

Oh, sure. What do you wanna look at?

The first piece of the puzzle.

How we doingwith those RA units?

The 122 and the 133 just got here.

There's two more houses en route.

Captain, who areall these people on the bus?

Off-duty dispatchers.

Once we take back the building, somebody has to handle call response.

Take it back?

You're not gonna negotiate, see if they surrender first?

They haven't asked for anything or made any demands.

They don't even want us to know they control the building.

If we reach out to them, we're gonna lose the one thing we've got going for us: the element of surprise.

We do this right, we hit 'em fast, take the building before they even know we're outside.

And if you don't?

Why do you think we asked for so many RA units?

You telling me, every cop in the city is just dissapeard?

I'm telling you, I don't know.

Figure it out!

What's going on here?

That police car's notthe only one that's gone dark.

You think they know we're here?

Could be a system glitch.

Time to cut our losses.

Stay here.

Tiffany. Tiffany, come in.

Tiffany, what's taking so long?

Excuse me, can I check on Josh?

I used to be a nurse. Good for you.

He might have a concussion or something.

You can check on himwhen we're done.

Which is gonna be when exactly?

You said an hour and it's been longer than that.

Sit down and shut up.

I'll worry about the time.

So you are worried.

That makes sense, 'cause all your friends keep disappearing.

Are they even in the same building?

Let's go.

We can still make it out of here.

We can go down the back stairs.

I have a car waiting around the corner.

We split the art up between the five of us and we go our separate ways.

I like that part of the plan.

Wait, you've got a car parked down the street?

You were always gonna double-cross Greg.

You weren't?

Didn't I tell you to shut up?

Oh, my God, Linda?


What the hell is wrong with her?

I don't know!

If we're gonna do this, you can't just sellfamous works of art on eBay.

You can't sell them from prison either.

Epi... Pen...

She's in anaphylaxis.

She's having an allergic reaction.

Allergic to what?



Is there latex in your gloves? How would I know?

Okay, she's gonna die if she doesn't get her medication.

Then go! Go get it!

You hurry up!

Damn it.

Hurry up!


Oh, my God.


Hey! What's going on?

Now! Get him!

Grab his g*n. Drop him.

Get him now!


Rover crew, change of plan.

Leave the Van Gogh.

Are you sure?

You heard the man.

Leave the Van Gogh.

Wait, there's a Van Gogh?

Tiffany, start the van. We're coming out hot.

Tiffany. We're coming out now.

Get the van ready!

LAPD! Freeze!

On your knees!

Put your hands up!

You're under arrest.

Guys, what the hell was that?

Heist is blown. Where are you going?

Somewhere where there's hostages!

I'm out of here.

Green light. Green light.

Next one goes in your head.

On the ground! Get on the ground!

Get down! Get down!

Get down. Let's move.

Oh, no.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I'm not getting a pulse.

What? I don't know.

I must have hit a veinand stopped his heartbeat or something.


No! No, Josh!

You don't get to die.


You don't get to die.

They're coming in!

Get down! Get down!

Go, go!

Put your hands up!

Get on your knees! Hands above your head!

Get your hands up now!

I'm not going back.

I'm not going back. I'm not going back.

Let me see your hands! Get your hands up!

Hands up now!

Step away, sir.

Hands up! Hands up!

Command, this is squad leader. We've got Dispatch.

One, two, three.

I got a pulse.

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

9-1-1. What's your emergency?

Ma'am, please come this way.


Maddie! Maddie, Maddie!

I got you. I got you, Maddie.

I got you.

I'm surprised you're not over there with your sister.

She already has everything she needs.

How did you know that the museum was their target?

The car accident.

727L30, proceed to as*ault and battery in progress.

I knew there had to bea reason why they hadn't wanted me there.

That's why they took over the call center.

To dispatch police away from a crime.

That's smart.

But your mother's smarter.

I checked the dispatch log.

That's when I saw an alarm had gone off at the museum.

Two blocks away from the accident scene.

They sent you away because they wanted to remove

$1/2 billion of art off the wall.

And they almost got away with it.

At this time, I would like to exercise my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and would like to invoke my Sixth Amendment right to counsel provided by the state.

Just get me a damn lawyer.

Yeah, not talking without a lawyer.

Lawyer. Lawyer.

Lawyer. I don't need a lawyer.

I'm interested in cutting a deal.


Start by telling us about the security guard.

That wasn't me. That was Tiffany's idea.


You didn't round her up too?

Who's Tiffany?


Turns out she was the real mastermind and Greg was just the hired hand, but he didn't know who had hired him.

When do we meet?

Not until after the drop.

Now, about your team...

They were all men that Greg knew.

They had worked together before.

They had even done time together after their last job went wrong.

If everyone knew each other, how did she get herself on the team?

That last job, the one they went to prison for, the driver had been k*lled, which meant they needed a new one.

And she came highly recommended by herself.

So Greg walked them all through the plan.

It was precise, flawless... everyone was impressed.

The only thing left was to find someone to get them inside the call center.

And that's why they targeted you.

Not exactly.

Tiffany already had an inside man.

Jake, the security guard.

He knew our protocols, could get them on the visitors list, he had access to the entire building.

He was perfect.

So what went wrong?

Jake was a little too perfect.


You must be Jake.

Sorry I'm late.

It's okay.

I'm just glad that you're here.

I think that people get a little too hung up watching the clock anyway.

Don't you?

Tiffany fell in love with Jake.

Well, her plan was to use Jake and let him take the fall but now she needed a new fall guy.


So you don't think online datingis a terrible idea?

I think everyone has a match.

You just have to find him.

They bought it, babe. We're in business.

They couldn't steal Josh's badge because it would be cancelled the second that it was reported stolen.

So they borrowed it, duplicated it, and then returned it.

Officers recovered your keys and your wallet.

At least they saved methe hassle of replacing all my credit cards and IDs.

It was go-time. Have fun up there.

Can I help you guys?

Security. Can you come up here?

But now instead of one plan, there were two.

Sorry. I'm just trying to sell it.

Give me the uniform. Ladies and gentlemen...

Greg and his guys took over dispatch, waited on the alarm call, diverted all police units away from downtown...

Go fetch.

And then he sent his team into the museum.

Once everyone was in position, Jake was free to sneak out.

And rendezvous with Tiffany.

Oh, come here.

Tiffany, how are we doing?


I'm gonna need another 30 minutes.

How much you think is in here?

Enough. Let's go.

So they took off with the paintings and left the others holding the bag.

LAPD! Freeze!

Put your hands up!

You're under arrest.

Folks sure do have a lot of luggage.

Yeah, we have a big tripplanned.


Something like that.

We did it. Mm-hmm.

We really pulled it off.

Now we're just one train ride away from a brand new life.

Afraid your trip's been delayed.

By about 5 to 15 years.

Cuff 'em up.

But how did you know where to find them?

Tiffany was smart enough to remove all the GPS trackers from the stolen art and from the getaway van but not from her boyfriend's cell phone.

Jake wasn't so perfect after all.

So her plan was alwaysto double-cross the team.

They deserved it. And worse.

The driver who died at the last job?

He was her father.

And they left him to die.

Oh, man. Wow.

I guess there really is no honor among thieves.


That's right.


Uh, what's going on here? You don't like my clothes?

No, I'm just making room for some of my things.

I remember offering you a drawer.

Give a girl an inch...

Takes the whole closet.

So I talked with Athena.

Looks like everyonewants to make a deal except for Jake.

He wants to fight it out in court.

Yeah, he's claiming diminished capacity.

He was crazy in love.

I know what that's like.

I'm really glad you got my message.

I love you too.

Promise? Promise.
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