01x17 - Danny's Very First Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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01x17 - Danny's Very First Date

Post by bunniefuu »

[Jesse Frederick singing "Everywhere You Look"]

♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman the paper boy evenin' TV ♪

♪ How did I get to livin' here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me please ♪

♪ This old world's confusing me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid don't sell your dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪ ♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ There's a place ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waiting to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ♪

♪ Chip‐a‐dee‐ba‐ba‐dow ♪

[instrumental music]


Okay, honeybees.

Let's all be seated.

Who knows what today is?

(together) Me.


Today's the start of the honeybee honey drive.

Very good, Stephanie.

Thank you.

Joey, as honorary queen bee will you pass out the sample honey?

Linda, I would be delighted.

I know our hive is gonna raise lots of money for underprivileged children and the honeybee who sells the most honey will win this special grand prize.

(together) Oh, wow!

‐ Uh, Steph. ‐ Stephanie.


‐ Steph. Steph. ‐ Steph.


You haven't won the bike yet, Steph.

Yet. That seat was made for my tush.

I would like to introduce a young lady who holds the record for selling 725 jars of honey.

A honeybee legend, I might add.

Let's put your wings together for D. J. Tanner.


[children cheering]

Thank you, honeybees.

Ah, memories.

Honeybees, any kid can sell raffle tickets for a color TV.

But to unload this stuff you gotta work your little stinger off.

(D.J.) 'So what are you gonna do?'

Sell! Let me hear it.

(together) Sell! Sell! Sell!



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hold it.

Been wiping out bugs all day.

A few more won't make a difference.

You! See me later.


Sure, yuk it up.

It just so happens that I am an honorary queen bee.

Joseph, this is no news to me.

What's this?

Uh, it's a tree house. It's from your mom.

My mom always sends me the dopiest gifts.

I think it's for Michelle.

Hi, guys. Are the honeybees here?

I didn't miss them, did I?

Yes, the honeybees are still here.

And more importantly, I believe so is their hive mother, Linda.


Jesse...my daughter is a honeybee and uh..

...Linda just happens to be her hive mother.

She also happens to be very pretty and very divorced.

[chuckles] And you happen to like her, don't you?

Purely as an insect.

Face it, man, you're smitten.

I am not smitten.

I know smitten. You are smut.

Danny, why don't you just ask her out?

It's obvious you're ready to start dating again.

I don't know.

You think it's been enough time?

Danny, it's been a year since Pam died.

I don't think you should feel bad about seeing other people.

I think it's okay.

Yeah, but dating?

I haven't been on a date since I took Pam to the senior prom.

I don't even remember how to ask a girl out.

Same way you asked my sister out.

How'd you do that?

Well, Joey asked her out for me.

This Joey?

Joey was, uh, sort of my expert on romance.

This Joey?

It just so happens that I have a way with women.

Yes, you take one look at them and they run away.

Excuse me.

Daniel, listen.

You're a reasonably semi‐attractive young man.

You've been living with me long enough.

I think something must have rubbed off.

Go in there, be bold be confident, and ask that girl out.

And don't come back until you got a date.

That's right. Go!

You're right. I can do this.

‐ Is my cowlick sticking up? ‐ Yeah, go on.

Go on! Go.

‐ Oh, Linda, hi. ‐ Hi, Danny.

What a nice surprise?

I forgot the honeybees were even meeting today.

Well, we're just wrapping things up.

Okay, why don't you all buzz into the car?

Thanks so much for letting us use your house again.

Anytime. Mi hive is su hive.

[both laughing]

Mr. Tanner, will you please buy some honey?

Sweetheart, come here.

Yes, mommy?

Oh, I think Mr. Tanner will be buying his honey from Stephanie.

You know you can never have too many jars of honey.

Sign me up for three jars.

‐ Thanks, Mr. Tanner. ‐ You're welcome.

I don't believe this.

I must be dreaming. Daddy, I need that bike.

Sweetheart, I'm gonna buy from you too.

I tell you what. I'll take ten jars.

Ten jars? Oh‐‐

Only ten?

Dad, you just bought three from the competition.

This sweet young child is your own flesh and blood.

‐ Fifteen jars? ‐ Twenty.

‐ Seventeen. ‐ Deal.

Now, that's how you set records, kid.

You just bought 20 jars of honey.

That's nothing.

When D. J. set the record, I bought 112.

I built a honey cellar downstairs.


You know, you're really a great dad.

Well, I've got the kids waiting in the car.

Linda, wait. Um..

Do you, uh..

You ever go to the movies?

Sure. I love movies.

No kidding? Me too.

It's a small world.

Two people who love movies living in the same city.

It's amazing.

Where was I?

I think you were kind of working up the courage to ask me out.


I'm still workin' on it.

Danny, I've got a car full of bees.

But I've got two tickets to a modern art exhibit tonight.

I mean, I'd love for you to be my guest if I can find a sitter.

‐ Jesse and Joey can do it. ‐ Great.

Then, uh, we can have dinner too.

My treat.

Pick you up around seven?

‐ Okay? ‐ Okay.

It's a date?

‐ It's a date. ‐ Great.

I have a date tonight.

I have a date tonight.

I have a date tonight.

I have a date tonight!

I have a date tonight.

And why not?

Alright, Michelle, when we put together this dream house it's gonna make Benny, the dishrag look like..

...he'll look like a dishrag.

Hi, guys.

What's happenin'?

You tell us.

Well, uh, I'd like to but, uh, I have to get ready for my date tonight!

Daniel, my man! Alright!

You did what I told you, right?

You were in there, you were bold you were confident, you asked her out and she said yes, right?

No, I was shy and I was awkward and she asked me out and I said yes.

‐ No! ‐ Yes.

She's treating me to dinner and to an art exhibit.

She's paying?

How does this shy and awkward thing work?

Danny, you're gonna go out tonight and you're gonna have a great time.

That's right, and we're gonna watch the girls for ya.

The girls.

How am I gonna tell D. J. and Stephanie that their father is going out on a date?

Any ideas?

(together) Mm.


Well, uh..

Uh, tell him, Joseph.

‐ Trust your instincts. ‐ That's right. Good thinking.

Trust your instincts and, uh, uh tell them exactly what they need to know but nothing more. Nothing..

‐ Just tell them that. ‐ I like that, Jesse.

‐ I like that. ‐ Yeah, thanks very much.

Uh, listen to what they say, and respond accordingly.

Right. Accordingly respond to what they say and most importantly, be their father!


You don't have a clue how to handle this, do you?

I don't know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I don't either.


You'll tell your sisters for me, won't you?

Ah, thank you, honey.

You take all the pressure off.

Give me a kiss.


If you want that bike, you got to be a salesman like this.

Hi, my name's Stephanie Tanner.

I'm a honeybee, and we're raising money for needy kids.

Jars of honey make wonderful birthday gifts and your purchase is tax‐deductible talk about a honey of a deal.

That was awesome.

Hey, girls.

Go for it.

Hi, daddy. I'm Stephanie Tanner and this honey is tax duckbills.

Happy birthday.

Sweetheart, I bought 17 jars from you already.

Deej, take your sister and sit down, because right now I wanna have a little talk with my three girls about something very important.

Tonight, your father is going on a..


You know, let me have two more jars.


You girls, you like Julie's mom, Mrs. Stratton, don't you?


She's a nice hive mother.

Well, great. Because tonight, Julie's mom and I are..

'We're, um..'

Make it four more jars.

I'm getting good at this.

I better just say this before I go broke.

Julie's mom and I are going out tonight.

Oh, boy! Where are we going?

No, angel, it's just me and Julie's mom.

Why can't we go?

Steph, you don't get it.

They're going on a date.

Dad doesn't want us there.

They want to be alone.

Uh, D. J., wait!

It's not that we want to be alone.

We just, we wanna get to know each other.

Well, dad, couldn't you just stay home with us?

Um, I need you to, uh, help me with my homework.

And Stephanie probably needs you too, right, Steph?

I guess so.

Daddy, if you go on a date tonight is Julie's mommy gonna be our new mommy?

Your new mommy?

Of course not.

You know, people go out on dates and they don't get married.

You understand that, don't you?

I don't know.

I'm not sure what's going on.

I'll tell you exactly what's going on.

We need dad here, and he's leaving.

Why don't I just, uh change my plans and‐and stay with you three girls, then?

For the rest of my life.

[instrumental music]

Hi, Linda, yeah, it's Danny.

Look, I feel real uncomfortable about this but, uh, I have to cancel out on our date.

I‐I'm starting to feel like it's too soon for this.

Thanks for understanding.

Yeah. Bye.

(Jesse) 'What happened?'

I thought you were ready to start dating.

I was, until I saw the looks on those girls' faces.

Although Michelle took it pretty well.

You think I should have kept my date with Linda, don't you?

‐ Yes, I do. ‐ I agree with him.

Who said that?

Look, Daniel, yes, it is hard on the girls, man, but they love you.

They'll learn to deal with it.

I just think my dating will be so much easier once the girls are away at college.

Oh, yeah, you'll be pushing 50 hanging out at singles bars.

[imitates old man] Hi, Danny Tanner.

Uh, Capricorn.

You wanna hold my teeth?

Danny, this is always gonna be a tough situation.

But do you wanna keep postponing your life?

Well, no.

Danny, the decision is yours.

What do you really wanna do?

I really wanna go out with Linda.

‐ Now you're talking! ‐ There you go.

‐ Lay it down. ‐ Alright.

Come on, Joseph. Get the stuff.


Hi, Linda? Uh, Danny here.

Did someone call you before sayin' it was too soon for me to start dating?

I thought so.

Linda, that was my evil twin brother, Manny Tanner.

If it's not too late, I'd really like to see you tonight.

Great. So you'll pick me up‐‐

‐ Hi, dad. ‐ Hi, dad!

Can you hold on a second?

Hi, girls.

Dad, we were talking, and it was so nice of you to cancel your date for us.

We wanna thank you by taking you out for ice cream.

Our treat.

Because you're a great dad.

And we love you so much.

Thanks. I love you too.

‐ Thanks, dad. ‐ Thanks, dad.

This is Manny Tanner, the evil twin.

Something's come up, and, uh, Danny can't make it tonight.

He's really very sorry, and, uh, he'll call you later..

...if I let him.


[instrumental music]

You, uh, might wanna use wing nut 34.


♪ Ooh wah doo doo wing nut 34 ♪

♪ Be bop doo ba doo wa doo dah.. ♪ Would you?

Are you sure don't wanna take one look at the instructions?

Joseph, do not question the master.

This is quite simple, my friend.

There is a roof, there is a floor there are legs, there is this part..

...which is obviously bonus firewood.

Do you guys wanna come with dad and us for ice cream?

Uh, girls, we have a better idea.

Yeah, why don't we take you girls out for ice cream so your daddy can go to that art exhibit?

Because that idea stinks.

Right, Steph?

Maybe. Who knows?

I've been confused all day.

Look, I know you're worried about your dad dating again but I think I know how you feel.

How would you know?


You see, I was only six when my parents got divorced and I wasn't very happy when my mom started to date again.

Well, my grandma used to come and babysit and she used to pinch my cheeks so hard..

Just tell the story, huh?

Anyway, I got used to my mom dating again and she was much happier because she wasn't so lonely.

You think dad's lonely?

Yes, I do.

You know what, girls?

I think your dad would be very happy if he could go on that date tonight.

I want dad to be happy.

I do too.

Come on, D. J., let's go talk to daddy.

Alright. Done, Joseph. Without instructions.

Looking good.

Come on, I'll build the master a club sandwich.


Coming, master?

Yeah, yeah.

I'm, uh..

Yes, of course I'm coming.

Nice suit.

Did you get that from a realtor?

Steph, before we go talk to dad, come with me.

What's wrong?

I don't know about this.

But you said you wanted daddy to be happy.

Yeah. But we're forgetting somebody very important.



Mom? What do you mean?

Well, maybe mom wouldn't be so happy about dad going out on dates.


I never thought of that.

I don't want mom to be not happy and I don't want daddy to be not happy.

And I don't want us to be not happy.

This is so complicated.

I think I'm having my first headache.

[instrumental music]

Daddy, can we talk to you?


I thought we were goin' out for ice cream.

We wanted to make sure we still liked it.

Come here.

Sit next to me.

Give me my kid.


Thank you.

Okay, girls..

What's wrong?

Well, it's kind of hard to explain.

No, it's not.

D.J. was wondering if you still love mom.

Of course I still love mom.

She was the first love of my life.

Together we made three little miracles.

I'm always gonna love her.

Nothing will change that.

Not a date.

Not even if I fall in love with someone else one day.

Well, how do you think mom would feel about that?

I know exactly how she would feel.

You do?


Well, moms and dads talk about all kinds of things.

And one night, we had a long talk about what we would do if something ever happened to one of us.

We talked about making sure you were all taken care of and we agreed that if either one of us ever became single again we should try to meet someone else to share our life with.

So mom would be happy if you went on a date?

I think she would be.

She would know that I'm not looking for someone to take her place..

'...just to make a new friend.'

I could never forget mom.

I think about her every time I look at you..

...and you..

...and you too.

Well, maybe we could take you out for ice cream another night.

We already had two bowls anyway.

Go on your date, dad.

That's very sweet but I don't think I can call Julie's mom again.

I already broke our date twice.

I'll call her.

Uh, D. J., you don't have to do that.

It's 555‐8713.

[instrumental music]

Alright! Yes!

Okay, let me get this off here.

Hey, Linda's waiting downstairs.

She's here already?

How is she dressed?

Casual? Trendy? Semi‐trendy?


She's wearing a chicken suit with flippers. Go!

Oh, God, I'm dating again.

How do I look? Be brutal.

‐ Fine. You look good. ‐ You look fine.

I hate the way I look.

I don't blame you but there's just not enough time for a nose job now.

Guys, look, I‐I need your help here.

I've gotta put together a look.

‐ I've got something for you. ‐ I have a look for you.

Yeah, me too.

Well, I'm glad we had this time to get better acquainted.

Maybe we should go upstairs and play with Julie and Stephanie.

I promise Danny will be down in just a second.

Yeah. Yo, Daniel! Got a pretty girl down‐‐ Your cowlick looks fine!

I know, I flattened it out.

Hi, Linda.

Hi, Danny. Or is it Manny?

No, i‐it's Danny, the good twin.

Thanks for waiting.

Sorry about all the confusion.

Oh, I understand.

When I started dating again I went through the same craziness.

Michelle wants to say goodbye.

Go ahead, Michelle.

[baby talk]

You don't even have to say it.

I know, don't stay out late because you're gonna wake me up at 3:00.

‐ Buh‐bye, Deej. ‐ Bye.

Say good‐bye to Steph for me.

‐ Shall we go? ‐ We shall.

You kids behave yourselves.

That's right. Take two dimes for a phone call. Go.

Go on. Have fun.

‐ 'Be good.' ‐ 'Go on.'

Alright, Michelle.

This is the moment we've all been waiting for.

It's time to throw away Benny the dishrag because you're now the proud owner of a brand new man‐eating tree house!

(together) Yay!

Alright, pal. Here we go! Here we go! Ready?

‐ Whee! ‐ Whee!

[instrumental music]

[theme music]
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