04x07 - There Goes the Neighborhood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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04x07 - There Goes the Neighborhood

Post by bunniefuu »



PROFESSOR: The Bible is one of the most fascinating pieces of literature in existence.

Matthew : .

- "Thou shalt love"...


- MEEGAN: Whoo!

- Thy neighbor as thyself.

This appears in Matthew...

MEEGAN: ♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation ♪

PROFESSOR: But it is not the only time this sentiment...

- MEEGAN: ♪ Oh, no ♪

- This commandment appears.

MEEGAN: ♪ Living in the past, it's a new generation ♪

- Mom!

- MEEGAN: ♪ A girl can do ♪

♪ What she wants to do, and that's what I'm gonna do ♪

♪ And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪


- REED: Mom!

Damn it.


We were in a groove!

What is the matter with you?

What's the matter with me?


It's hard enough to concentrate without you and Mother Courage...

- Mother Plague.

- It's right there.


I swear to God, Mom, if...


What's that smell?


- Are you guys high right now?

- Uh...

- Seriously?

- Of course not.

REED: There are, like, three other houses you could be doing this at.

We'll keep it down, okay?


Okay, okay, let's shake it off with a little help from this.

- Yes!


All right, first, one, two, three, four!


- Okay, can you plug in my...


- Let's go!

- Whoo!


♪♪ Yeah!




- JOANIE: Help!


- MEEGAN: Oh, my God!




- I'm sorry I yelled at you.

- It's okay.

- REED: You're gonna be okay.





BOBBY: Whoa!


Guys, I've got this one.

You check on the others.


We're here to help.



CHIMNEY: Ma'am, can you tell me how you're feeling?

HEN: Any pain?


Joint pain?

Was feeling pretty good before this.


Not seeing any sign of a fever.

What is this?


Heart rate's elevated.

Blood pressure is slightly decreased.

- BP's good here.

- Copy that.



You're okay.


- BOBBY: Try to sit up.

Take it easy.

You all right?

A little freaked out.

Have any of you traveled recently?

Maybe in the last days?

No, we've just been here, jamming.

Mother Plague.

Like you're really leaning into your band name.

Guys, check to see if there's any chemicals lying around.

Maybe they got exposed to something.

I see something I'd like to get exposed to.

REED: What are you talking about?

He's wearing a space suit.


Oh, my God.

They're still high.


Okay, ladies, what did you take?

They were smoking it.

I smelled it when I was here before.

Is that a crime, officer?

Looks like they were smoking something... pink.

HEN AND CHIMNEY: Puffer's Paradise.

You buy from them too.

No, but we've been treating quite a few of their customers.

- Is that a dispensary?

- Yeah, online.

They got pretty popular during the March shutdown.

What they don't tell their customers is, their weed is synthetic and laced with superwarfarin.

- BUCK: Rat poison.

- Prolongs the high.

HEN: Okay, let's push fluids to support their blood pressures.

They'll need parenteral vitamin K and fresh-frozen plasma ASAP.

Are you the only ones using it?

We need to know if you gave some to anyone else.

I have some to Kate down the block for her anxiety.

Oh, and Mr.

Carpenter for his bad back.

Oh, and the nice lady on the corner for her arthritis.

Eddie, Buck, start knocking on doors.

See if any of the neighbors are experiencing symptoms.


Let's hope they're not as friendly.

Oh, and Mr. Donovan across the street.

BUCK: There goes the neighborhood.


BUCK: We eventually had to take apart the window just to get her out.

It was pretty awesome.


A woman got stuck in a window trying to throw her own poop out because she was too terrified of what a guy would think?


Crazy, right?


But reflective of where dating and hookup culture have devolved to.

Uh... yeah.

I moved out here to get a fresh start.

But it seems like it'll be just like everywhere else.

Welcome to dating in LA.


Not sure I wanna toast another woman's total humiliation.

(AWKWARD MUSIC) That's not what I was toasting.

Then what were you toasting?

I was toasting your move.

At a very inopportune time.

But hey, if it's any consolation, I think they kept on dating.

It's not.

(UPBEAT ACTION MUSIC) NIA: Peppa! Peppa, Peppa, Peppa!

Why'd you do that?

I lost my turn.

NIA: Peppa!

- DENNY: No.

I'm playing a game.

- Denny, your minutes are up.

I told you that ten minutes ago.

- It's not fair!

- NIA: Peppa, Peppa, Peppa.

Okay, why can I hear y'all over Queen Bey at max volume?

I think it's time to expand our family.

We're about to be a two iPad household.

It's impossible to keep the peace between these two otherwise.

I can take a quick break.

Who's ready for pj's and a bedtime story?

Can we read it on the iPad?

Absolutely not.


I'll get that.

Grab a book?

Can you...

KAREN: Nia, you wanna help me pick one out?

Here's Mommy!

Ma, what are you doing here?

Well, don't act so happy to see me, Henrietta.

I didn't know you were coming.

KAREN: Toni?


There's the welcome I was hoping for.

What's a Grammy?

I am.

Now, come give me a hug.

DENNY: A Grammy is a grandma, Nia.

Grammy is your grandma too now.


- Grandma!

- TONI: Mwah.

Did you drive here from Vegas?

Made it in under four hours.

And not a minute to stop and call.

Ma, we're in the middle of a pandemic.

You can't just show up at people's houses.

You're not people.

You're my family.

I've been checked out.

There ain't no cooties here.

You need to see my papers?

It's great to see you.

- You have any luggage?

- No.

I'm already settled in at my new place.

Cute little Airbnb right here in the neighborhood.

Just until I can find something of my own.

Find something?

How long are you staying?


I'm moving back.

Hi, neighbor.

Grammy, come look at my room.

Sure thing.

You lead the way.

♪♪ She's moving back.

In the neighborhood.

It's great.

Is it?

VERONICA: Chocolate cheesecake, please.

- WAITER: Certainly.

- BUCK: Ooh, yeah.

Sounds good.

You wanna just share?

Wow, that's presumptive.



Two slices, please.

- WAITER: Absolutely.

- BUCK: Thank you.

Oof, looks like we have some extra cardio in our future, huh?

As in the cake, you know?

All that sugar and...

Did you just body-shame me?

Bro, Queen Maxine said she's not the one.

Don't fight it.




How'd it go?

It was a nightmare.

Remind me to delete that dating app off my phone.

There is cake.

You got a fork?


Are you even listening to me?

Yeah, I'll listen even better when I'm eating this chocolate cheesecake.

Fork, please.


Oh, man, this trash smells awful.


Your turn to take it out.


Maxine Thee Romance Queen says that all dating experiences teach us something, so after a bad date, name one good thing and one bad thing you learned from the experience.

Bad thing: everything.

Good thing: never have to see Veronica ever again.



♪♪ What's wrong?

We have to move.


What, you forget your key?

It's in my room.

That's a good place for it.


Thank you.

Oh, my God, you...

MICHAEL: The windows.

Nice, right?

Come take a look.


Yeah, now that I'm home more, I felt like it would be too dark in here, so I wanted to just blow it out and bring in some more light.

And the homeowners association approved that?

Because as I recall, you all were not on the best of terms.

Dad's HOA president now.

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

And now that I have more time, well, I felt like I would take a more active role.

Oh, what's this?

Dad's other new hobby: spying on the neighbors.


Why don't you pick up your stuff and take it into your room instead of throwing it on my floor?

HARRY: But I'm starving.

MICHAEL: Man, just go.

And wash your hands.

Interesting view.

Yeah, well, who knew that people watching could be better than TV?


Let's see...


That's Miles.

You know his name?

No, that's just what I call him.

You know, he's always running.

He started this exercise kick.


All right, Miles.


Okay, well, watch, watch, watch.


That's Jackie.

She likes to paint in the mornings.

ATHENA: Oh, is she any good?


I guess not.


- Okay.


All right.

- Aww.


That's my mystery man, Slim.

- Mm-hmm.

- Because he's kinda shady.

ATHENA: Why is he shady?

MICHAEL: Because he has a lot of trash.

You are watching a lot.

Well, you know, Harry, he's got a hang of this homeschooling thing, so he doesn't need me, you know, hovering over him as much.

And David, he's back to doing his surgeries again.

Well, what about your work?


It's at a standstill.

Not a lot of calls for new shopping malls or office buildings.

You know, maybe never again.

Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry.

Why didn't you say something?

It's not just that.

(SOLEMN MUSIC) I made a list.

What kind of list?

When I found out about the tumor last year, people told me I should have a bucket list.


Ended up being a short list, because the only thing I ever cared about was my kids and preparing them to be without me.

But you got better.

You're still better, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, of course.

But when I got news that the tumor was shrinking, I created a new list.

Of things that I wanted to do, you know, places that I wanted to see, and...

And you haven't had a chance to do any of it.

Instead, I just sit here and...

look at the world from a distance.

What kind of attack, sir?

IAN: He came out of nowhere! He jumped right at us!

He slashed my wife's face!
- (SCREAM ON PHONE) - Sir, what's happening now?

IAN: Oh, my God, he just got Mrs. Wilde across the street! He's attacking the whole neighborhood!


You have to find Sonny.

I mean, if he att*cks one of the children...

Has Sonny ever behaved like this before?

He just moved into the neighborhood a few weeks ago.

We felt sorry for him.

I never dreamed he would turn on us this way.

HEN: "Hey, neighbor".

- CHIMNEY: That's all she said?

- HEN: That's it.

Just announces that she's moving back, and that's all she'll say on the subject.

You think she wants to move in with you?


God, no.

Not that Karen didn't try to talk her into it, but I made it very clear to my wife, we really need to keep some boundaries.

BUCK: I don't think that's too much to ask for.

It's not like Veronica knew that she lived next door to you when you guys went out.

We don't know that she didn't.

You know, my therapist says everyone needs a safe space, a place where you can fully be yourself.

My apartment was that place.

She's like a bulldozer.

Just barges in and crushes everyone in her path, and by everyone, I mean me.

I thought you two got along great.

- You talk all the time.

- On the phone, Cap.

When she lived four hours away.

The world has changed.

People's priorities have changed along with it.

Maybe she just wants to be closer to her family.

And having her around could be a huge help with Denny and Nia.

My mother has never been what you might call a helper.

More like an agent of chaos.

Yesterday, Albert had to distract her for minutes while I got my mail.

I've never been the daughter that she wanted.

You know she still buys me dresses for Christmas?

I mean, have either of you ever seen me in a dress?

I think you'd look lovely in a dress.

BUCK: I just don't wanna live like this.

Always looking over my shoulder.


I think he's behind us.


Hey, Sonny.

(TENSE WESTERN MUSIC) Ready for this?




Seemed so harmless, feeding him.

He was like the neighborhood pet.

You know, I don't think I even know my neighbors.

You will, very soon.


New baby, little apartment...

Thin walls.

Never let them get too close.

BOTH: Exactly.





- Hey.

- Hey, Dad.

What are you up to?




Just, you know, working around the house.

Like what?




Doing some laundry, and I'm gonna make dinner soon.

What you making?

Maybe I could come over?

Did your mother put you up to this?

- MAY: What?


I just...
- Yeah, uh-huh.

MAY: I had a free night and I thought it'd be nice to spend it with my dad. Wait a minute, is that blood?

MAY: What? Uh, sweetheart, I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later.

MAY: Okay.

I love you...

I think he's onto us.

So what do we do now?

Plan B.

What's plan B?

Not a what.

A who.



What the hell is this?!

Ahoy there, Don.

Don't you love it?

It's a Bon Voyage S playset.

The kids are gonna lose their minds.

Doesn't it look like an actual ship?

Yeah, well, you're gonna have to sail it feet from the property line, Joe.

I could've sworn there was an exemption because of the alley on the other side of the line.


That's not an alley.

It's my patio.

And I don't want the business end of the "Titanic" veering into my yard.

Look, Don, it's gonna be great.

Your grandkids can even come over and play when they visit.

My grandkids are in college.

Move it!


- What is that?







CHIMNEY: Kind of expected the first flying car to be a little smaller.

It doesn't look very aerodynamic.

Sir, are you doing okay?

Not dead.

That's a good place to start.

Do you have any neck pain or back pain?


Just my leg.


I've gotta invade your personal space to assess you.

How did it even get here?

- Military training exercise.

- Air drop.

That's how the military gets supplies, aids, and everything else, including Humvees, to remote areas.

Except this time, they dropped a little too soon.

BUCK: Guess they need more training.

Are they gonna send someone to pick it up?


HEN: I don't think he's gonna wanna wait that long.

We got a pretty bad tib-fib fracture.

CHIMNEY: Heart rate's .

Blood pressure's stable.

Breath sounds clear.

Let me get a look at this tib-fib fracture.

Sir, can you wiggle your toes for me?


Are you wiggling your toes?

I'm tryin'.


We gotta get this load off of him.

BOBBY: Yeah.

- Is he gonna lose his leg?

- Go away, Joe!

BOBBY: This thing probably weighs , tons.

Maybe we could get our airbags, slide 'em underneath, lift it up, and you guys can pull him out.

This angle, it's gonna be hard to get full contact.

I don't think we could get enough lift.

Not sure we need to.

We can get him out the way he came in.

The parachute.

(THE BEACH BOYS' "SLOOP JOHN B") SINGER: ♪ Hoist up the John B's sail ♪ Ladder going up.

SINGER: ♪ See how the mainsail sets ♪ ♪ Call for the captain ashore ♪ BOBBY: Okay, stop right there.

All right, let's attach it to the winch.

SINGER: ♪ Let me go home ♪ This soil seems pretty soft.

We may only have one chance at this, Chim.

- Ready to pull him out?


CHIMNEY: Ready when you are, Cap.

Take it up!

SINGER: ♪ I wanna go home ♪ ♪♪ RESPONDER: Look out!

It's coming down!




Let's get this leg stabilized and get you to the hospital.

I can't believe it.

I think that SS "Minnow" saved my life.

Told you it was gonna be great.

Don't worry, Don.

We'll rebuild.

Anchor it feet from the property line, Joe.

CHIMNEY: No, no, no, no.

Those are too short.

Why am I helping you again?

You are the one that showed up unannounced.

Yeah, 'cause I'm too afraid to go home.

Albert was supposed to let me know when the coast is clear, but he hasn't.

And now he's not answering my texts.

I wouldn't text you back either.

I mean, it's your neighbor.

Just stop hiding and talk to her like a grown-up.


But I was there first.

Okay, sleep mask, ear plugs, some time-release melatonin, and, if all else fails, booze.

Everything you need to get a good night's rest when you're next-door to a crying baby.

Are you sure this isn't a little excessive?

I mean, we're just having a baby.

We're not launching a campaign of shock and awe.

Well, they say good fences make good neighbors, but a gift basket never hurt anyone.

You think it'll work?

Well, if nothing else, we'll get to know our neighbors.

Careful what you wish for.

(TENSE MUSIC) ♪♪ DENNY: You can't get me! She was drunk as a skunk, trying to push the whole machine out the door.

Talking about, "It's rigged".


And nobody tried to stop her?

The security guards were all too afraid of going viral for roughing up a granny.


That is wild.

Girl, that is Tuesday.


- You miss it.

- TONI: Yeah.

I loved it.

Folks getting to slip off their regular lives and, for a few days, be anybody they wanted to be.

And I was part of the fantasy.

Fast Hands Toni.

Best blackjack dealer on the strip.

Nobody could put anything past me.


I still can't believe you gave it all up, Ma.

I mean, we could barely get you to leave Nevada long enough for our wedding.

Times change.

Things are different now.

Made it easier to leave.

Well, if you looking for a new career, may I suggest the culinary arts?

Because those ribs are falling off the bone.


KAREN: Or you could move in here and just cook for us all the time.


- Let's not get crazy.


- May I?

- I'll help.

Hen, why don't you take Athena into the living room, and I'll start the coffee.

HEN: I'm sorry Bobby couldn't make it.

- Everything all right?

- Oh, yeah.

He was just needed elsewhere.

HARRY: Dinner was great, Bobby. You should come visit more often.

Mm-hmm, and you should do your homework.

I can do it tomorrow morning.

Or not.


He's right.

Dinner was great, truly.

Please thank Athena for forcing you to bring it over.

She didn't force me.

But she did think maybe you could use someone to talk to.

I'm fine, really.

And she mentioned your new hobby.

- What?

- BOBBY: Your new hobby.

It's not...


You know, it's really just a way to pass the time, I mean, considering how much I have of it lately.


But, you know, there is something weird going on across the street.

You mean the guy?

The guy with the women?

With all the women young enough to be his daughters?

There's so much foot traffic.

I mean, younger women, older women, a few men, in and out all the time every day.

I've seen some of 'em with bruises and a couple of them have bandages.

I think she just gave him money.


Let me see that.

BOBBY: So what do you think?

What, personal injury attorney?

Underground boxing instructor?

Still doesn't justify all the trash.

The trash?

What about the trash?

She's spoiling them rotten.

She's their grandmother.

I think that's her contractual obligation.



I walked into the kitchen yesterday, and she was squirting whipped cream into their mouths like they were baby birds.

All right, well, the unnecessary sugar aside, has it really been that bad having her back in town?

Honestly, it's been kinda nice.


But don't you dare tell anyone I said that.

I'm gonna go check on the coffee.

She had her hand inside a man?


Fast Hands Hen.

Soon to be Dr.

Fast Hands Hen.

Guess I know where she got that now.

But medical school.

You okay with that?

I mean, you guys have a good, stable life here.

You don't worry that it might be a mistake?

Why would I?

Isn't Henrietta a little too old?

KAREN: No, I don't think so.

And the program she's in is accelerated.

In just a few years...

(SOMBER MUSIC) ♪♪ You look like you just got run over.

By a bulldozer.




Turn it off!

Turn it off!

MICHAEL: Ooh, she definitely wasn't ready to leave.

You see the way he kept trying to move her to the door?

- He wanted her gone.

- MICHAEL: Mm-hmm.

What is happening right here?

I think Michael's onto something here.


- Something where?

- There.

Is this about the guy with the trash again?

- BOBBY: Yeah.

- Michael, we talked about this.

It's just too much trash!

Everyone has too much trash.

We're all getting our lives delivered.

The other day, you got a box the size of a toaster with dental floss in it.

MICHAEL: It's not just that.

This guy lives alone.

All manner of folks come in perfectly fine, they leave battered and bruised, so whatever's going on over there isn't innocent.

And it probably isn't legal.

Maybe all that trash is him dumping the evidence.

I wish there was a way to see what was inside of those bags.

Could always look in the dumpster.

Great idea.

Do you know where they are?

Right there, next to the building.

And I don't think they're locked.

Okay, okay, okay.

Give me a second.

Give me a second.

Okay, Michael, you stay here.

Keep an eye on our shady friend.

We're gonna need some surgical gloves.

If he decides to go on another trash run, you call me.

Got it.

Let's go.

- David!

- What?

(SNEAKY JAZZ MUSIC) ♪♪ This is insane.

It was your idea.

♪♪ Okay, who's going in?


All right, fine.


♪♪ Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Isn't this a crime?

Looking through people's trash?

Ah, it's unclear.

Once a person throws away their trash, they lose any expectation of privacy, but then again, this is a privately-owned dumpster, so...

So you guys do this sort of thing a lot?


Michael did help me break into a bank vault once.


(SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) ♪♪ Come on, Bobby.


- I got it...

- What?

- Lost my phone!

Bobby Nash.

Sorry I missed your call.

Ah, pick up the phone, man.


♪♪ Hey, Michael tried to call us.

Maybe we should call off the search.

I think we found what we were looking for.

Surgical supplies.


- Michael.

- Bobby.

You gotta get out of there.

He's coming downstairs with more trash.

We gotta go!

He's coming out!

He's coming out!

Michael, we're on our way back.

It looks like he's operating some sort of illegal surgical suite out of his apartment.


You there?

♪♪ - Michael.

- Michael.


(EERIE MUSIC) ♪♪ What the hell is he doing?

Breaking and entering?

HARRY: What's going on?







What's your emergency?
There's a woman.

She's hurt.

She's bleeding pretty badly.

We're over at the Brosnan Lofts...


You took a pretty good hit to the head.


That is nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you three...

amateur detectives.

Where's my husband?

Bobby's at our place with Harry.

And why do you smell like trash?


Is the woman okay?

What woman?

(TENSE MUSIC) The woman that was on the table.

She was right here.

There wasn't any woman when I got here.

There wasn't anybody at all.

Just you, unconscious.

How did you know I was here?

We saw you through the telescope.

MICHAEL: But there was a woman here.

And she was not okay.

She looked dead, and she asked me for my help.

They're checking all the cameras out on the street.

Do you remember what she looked like?

Yeah, brunette, shoulder-length hair, medium build.

- Martinez.

- MARTINEZ: Yes, Sergeant.

God, she looked half-dead.

She was so pale.

I thought she was dead.

- And she was injured?

- Yes.

She had two blood spots on her belly.

It's just... the front of her gown was just soaked.


Okay, give me a minute.

You took a pretty good hit, so we should get you to the hospital, get some scans done.


I gotta get home.

Harry's probably terrified.

That was so cool!



You gotta stay awake.

I think you may have a concussion.

Oh, why did I have to fall in love with a brain surgeon?


Anything from Athena?

No, nothing yet.

Checked all the cameras.

No sign of the woman.

Just our fake doctor leaving the building with a bag.

You don't think she was in that bag, do you?


You don't, do you?

Athena said it was a pretty small bag.


(DRAMATIC MUSIC) ♪♪ There was no bag.

The woman.

I saw her clothes and her shoes, but there wasn't any bag.

Well, not all women carry handbags.

Right, right, but she didn't have anything.

Not a wallet or a phone.

Just a keychain.

But no one saw her leave the building.

Because she lives in the building.


Check every apartment in this building.

Our victim's in here somewhere.

OFFICER: Does a woman live here?


Open up.

- OFFICER: About ' "...


- OFFICER: Yes, Sergeant.




Anyone in there?


♪♪ - OFFICER: All clear.

- OFFICER: Kitchen is clear.


This way.

Pulse is steady.

My best guess is, she's down about a liter and a half.

I'm applying pressure dressing.

Let's bolus her with fluids and get her out of here stat.

years old.

Lost about a liter of blood.

Visceral lacerations to her upper and lower abdomen.


♪♪ You got her.

We got her.

(DISHES CLATTERING) Hey, hey, hey.

Whatever you're mad about, I'm pretty sure it's not the mugs' fault.

My mother.


Yeah, we should talk about her.

That woman turns the world upside down wherever she goes.

And we just have to hold our collective breath and wait for the storm to pass.

Hopefully it heads back to Nevada soon.

Have you talked to her about why she's here?

I think there's something she isn't telling us.


Karen, my mother's not somebody that holds back.

"Just because you love somebody don't mean you gotta get married, Henrietta".

"Are you sure you're strong enough to be running in them buildings after sick folk?" "Don't you think Henrietta's a little too old for medical school?" ♪♪ You heard that.

I'm not sure what's worse, Karen.

That she doesn't believe in me, or that she thinks she has the right to judge.

She's just worried you're taking on too much responsibility.

From the woman who doesn't even know the meaning of the word?

Well, I think with your dad gone, she just probably felt like she had a lot to make up for.

That's what I thought this was.

Her moving back.

These past few days, I really, really felt like we were fixing what was broken between us.

And now?

It just feels like another scar, Karen.

ATHENA: They caught your neighbor in San Diego this morning.

- Boom.

- ATHENA: Dr. James Lindorff.

Or at least he used to be a doctor in Miami.

Made more than a few mistakes.

Took his license from him.

So he moved out here about a year ago.

Started an underground clinic.

So he's been doing surgeries here for a year?

Not quite.

He started out pretty simple.

Botox, filler, the occasional chemical peel.

But then he got greedy and sloppy.

More than sloppy.

He almost k*lled that woman.

Yeah, but you got to her in time.

Thanks to some excellent detective work.

That we would never, ever do again.


I see some blueprints.

Did the HOA president approve himself a new balcony?

Oh, see, there you go.

No, David's friend is trying to convert her garage into her grandmother's suite.

She's getting pushback from the city, and I told her I'd take a look at it to see if I can help.

Sounds perfect for you.

It was either that or become full-time amateur detectives.

- Wait a minute.

- ATHENA: Let me be clear.

I do not wanna work with you again.

- That's cold.

- You sure?






Did you just try to call me?

Have you talked to your mom?

Not since the other night.


We saw her by the park.

We wanted to say hi, but she was sleeping.

Mom said not to bother her.

Why don't you and Nia go wash up?



She was sleeping?


(SOLEMN MUSIC) ♪♪ Hen, I was just...

Don't lie to me, Ma.

Can I come in?


Ma, you've been living in your car this whole time?

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't know how.

"Hey, Henrietta, guess who lost their job and got evicted".

Ma, it's a pandemic.

It's not your fault.

I'm years old and dead broke.

Feels like it might be my fault.

And I didn't want you to judge me.

You didn't want me to judge you?

When have I ever judged you?

You want that list in chronological order or order of importance?

Or how 'bout we just go with the most recent?

That I'm too old for med school, Ma?


No, honey.

It's not like that.

Then what?

Ah, you've...

always been different.



Anything you wanted, you went after till you got it.

That takes a kind of dedication I ain't never had.

I've always been...

a little jealous of that.

But so proud.

I look at the amazing life you've made for yourself and I'm in awe.

You've built something, Henrietta, and I...

I just don't want you to lose it.

I don't want you to...

♪♪ What, Ma, to end up like you?

I know I'm not the most practical person in the world.

I get it from my mama, who got it from her mama before her.

We live for today 'cause tomorrow's not promised.

But it turns out sometimes tomorrow shows up and bites you in the ass.



I'ma be okay.

'Cause I'm a fighter.

Like my mama.

(SOFT MUSIC) I'm not sure you get that from me.

Your father always...

He wasn't there, Ma.

You were.

I tried.

I know...

I didn't always succeed, but...

I really did try.

Remember that time I was about nine years old and I told you I didn't feel like going to school?

And you said, "You don't have to go to school, but you have to learn something every day".

So we went to the library.

And then we went to the park for a picnic.

I think you read three books that day.

All because that little Forrester girl was picking on you.

How'd you know that, Ma?

I didn't tell you.

I'm your mama.

♪♪ I'm glad you are.


HEN: Our neighbors are often our best teachers. (SOFT FOLK ROCK) They teach us to find joy in turbulent times. SINGER: ♪ I sit at my piano ♪ HEN: Sometimes, they're where we learn compassion and empathy. SINGER: ♪ And the lilacs die ♪ ♪ And the lilacs drank the water ♪ HEN: Being a good neighbor means mastering the arts of selflessness and compromise. ♪♪ NIA: (GASPS)


Is Grammy gonna live with us now?

Yes, baby.

Grammy's moving in.

NIA: Yay!

HEN: Our neighbors help us define and redefine our concept of family. SINGER: ♪ Like I used to do ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ Buck, hey.


Look, I realize we haven't talked since our date, and I know it was kinda awkward.

Yeah, it was terrible.





Listen, I think you're great.

And we live in the same building, which could be totally weird, but it shouldn't.

No, it absolutely shouldn't.

So here.

(UPBEAT MUSIC) Chocolate cheesecake.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Thank you for everything.

I... I'm so happy right now, and I weirdly owe it all to you.

It's not every day a bad date introduces you to a great guy.



I'm sorry, a what now?

Hey, Veronica, I think you're out of conditioner.
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