03x13 - Short Squeeze

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x13 - Short Squeeze

Post by bunniefuu »

What, government-issue coffee isn't good enough for you?


You know, just because something costs more doesn't make it good.

Correct once again.

I still don't understand this day-trading madness I keep hearing about.

I mean, one minute, the stock goes up % in a week for no reason.

Then it falls % ten minutes later.

It makes no sense.

Actually, it does.

Ridiculous, but it makes sense.

There's more buyers than sellers, stock goes up.

More sellers than buyers, stock goes down.

Market might be crazy, but it's always logical.

Look at you, getting your little Wall Street on.

Just trying to help.

What made you quit, anyway?

Got tired of making all that money?

I got tired of the whole thing.

It's a weird job...

No product, no bigger picture, no higher calling.

It's about one thing: Making money.

That's literally the only score card.

- And that wasn't exciting?

- Oh, for a minute, maybe.

But after a while, I got bored, wanted to do something more interesting, something that actually makes a difference.

You know, only rich people get to think like that, right?



Just another government worker who splurges on expensive coffee.

That's all.







You're a disgrace, Davis!

You played us like a bunch of fools!


Davis, why did you shut down your trading app?

Why did you prevent the purchase of Kix stock?

Are you trying to drive down the price of Kix?

I was forced to halt the purchase of Kix Bio common stock due to certain financial requirements

- imposed by the SEC and NASD.


It wasn't by choice.

We're doing everything we can to reopen our trading platform as soon as possible.

Do you consider yourself a trader?

You're a fraud!

The guy is a Wall Street shark!

He's just pretending to help the little guy.

That's right!

But if we remain united and strong, we will always have the power, okay?

Not them.

So keep buying Kix.

Keep promoting the dream because he cannot defeat us.

You cannot defeat us!


You cannot defeat us!

I started this company to level the financial playing field, to give regular people the same opportunities as the Wall Street elite...




♪ ♪ Hey, Alex.


No, no.

Of course not.

I was actually hoping I could stop by after work, if that's all right with you.

Okay, thanks.


Just tell him I love him.

All right.


- How's Tyler?

- Uh, yeah.

He just had his first treatment, so...

- How's he doing?

- Yeah, he's... you know what?

Shall we?


All right, y'all, check it out.

So Tim Davis, CEO of the brokerage firm Regular Joe, was just shot and k*lled from what looks like a pretty good distance in front of the SEC.

So we need to start pulling video and digging deeper into our victim, his family, his finances.

Who would want to k*ll Tim Davis?

The Wall Street elite he was railing against or the regular people who felt betrayed when he shut down his app in the middle of this so-called financial revolution?

Now, if you're like me, you read the headlines, you watch the news, and yet you still just don't really understand it, so to remedy that... hopefully...

We have our very own Agent Scola.

For those of you who are unaware of Stuart's impressive bio, he graced the halls of Goldman Sachs for seven years before joining the FBI, so it's likely he actually understands this stuff.


So much for keeping my Wall Street past on the DL.

- Nothing to be ashamed of.


So best I can tell, there is a large group of left-leaning, chatroom-obsessed day traders targeting hedge funds with large short positions.

It's a fancy term for betting a stock price goes down, not up.

They do most of their buying on Robinhood, Regular Joe, and few other for-the-people-type trading platforms.

Now, GameStop was the first example.

Most recent one involves Kix Bio, a company working on cures for various types of cancer.

Stock's been going up like a rocket the past few weeks.

Then yesterday, the CEO of Regular Joe, Tim Davis, shuts the app down.

Kix Bio stock plummeted %, mm-kay?

Regular Joe customers lost a lot of money.

They think that Davis sold them out to the Wall Street fat cats to help cover their short positions.

Best I can do, folks.

No, that was great.

That was great.

I think I kind of understand it.

Let's go to work, people.

- Thank you, Stuey.

- Yep.

- It's been minutes.

- We're doing the best we can.


This is your best?

No wonder people don't like cops.

- What did you say?

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.


I'm Special Agent Bell.

This is Special Agent Zidan.

We're taking over the investigation now.

It's going to be quick and easy.

We just need to know if anybody has seen anything.

None of us saw a thing, okay?

Can we go now, or are you going to keep treating us like criminals?

Why don't you calm down, buddy?

We are investigating a m*rder.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do have a job, and no one is treating you like a criminal.

I can promise you that.

The only reason why you're being detained is because we need to know if you saw anything suspicious.

We've already been through all this with the police.

They didn't seem to believe us, probably because we're activists.

- Yeah!

- Yeah, that's right!


You guys tend to hate it when the people dare to speak up.

- The people?

- Yeah, regular people.

Like you?

You're Nathan Gold, aren't you?

CEO of Kix.

Last time I checked Forbes, you were worth, what, $ billion?

Yeah, my net worth is meaningless.

My only objective is to save lives, make the world a better place.

Oh, so that's why you were down here yelling at Davis, because you were just trying to make the world a better place.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that your stocks went down % the other day.

I was here to show my support to my fellow stockholders and to let Davis know he didn't fool us.

- Whoo!

- Yeah!

We know what he's doing.

You can't fool the people, not anymore.

- Nope.

- Whoo!

And if a phony like Tim Davis has to die to spread the gospel, then...

- You really believe that?

- I do.

- Whoo!

- Yeah!

If anybody remembers anything of interest, please call the FBI tip line.

Thank you.

This guy really worth billion?

On paper.

I, uh, I can't believe that he's dead, that someone shot him.

I haven't even told the kids yet.

I'm so sorry.

We do need to ask you a few questions though, if that's okay.

Have there been any recent threats?



We shut down all our social media accounts.

It's been crazy.

People just started attacking Tim, calling him a traitor, a Judas.

Tim hated Wall Street.

He knew the game was rigged, that regular folks didn't have the same opportunities.

And other than the social media stuff, have there been any actual confrontations, anyone following you, stalking you?

Yesterday, some guy verbally confronted us near the house, started swearing at Tim, and he got real close to us.

It was scary.

Tim pushed him away, hard.

Then he grabbed my hand.

We hurried inside.


Do you have any surveillance cameras here facing the street?

Ian, can you push in, get a better shot?

Running it through facial rec now.

No hits.

But this guy was at the crime scene, too.

I was just scanning photos of the protesters that NYPD took before the sh**ting.

He's right there with the other protesters, chanting and yelling minutes before Davis was k*lled.

But check it out.

He's not in the next photo, timestamped seven minutes before the sh**ting or the one after that, three minutes before.

So maybe he left to find a better vantage point.


That timing works.

He walks for two or three minutes, sets up his r*fle.

Let's get a name, folks, on social media.

Let's dig into those Wall Street chat rooms.

It's likely this chap likes to spew his opinions.

Got something.

Profile picture of a guy named WallStreetWolf is a match to the guy who confronted Davis.

Made a few inflammatory posts about Davis too...

Last one at : a.m.

"Going down to watch Davis die on the steps of the SEC." All right.

Get an IP address.

Whoever this guy is, bring him in.




What's this about?

Your friend, Tim Davis.


we weren't friends.

We only met once.

We know.

We saw the video.

And we also saw your post this morning saying you were heading down to the SEC to watch Davis die.

- So?

- So he died this morning outside of the SEC.

I was just being, you know, outrageous, hyperbolic, just trying to get people fired up.

Well, it worked.

Somebody shot Davis.

You already know that, though, 'cause you were there.


you're right.

I was because he screwed us.

He shut down his app just before the stock was going to really take off, so I wanted to know why.

What was his motive?

To bail out all the hedge funds?

To give them a chance to cover their shorts?

Okay, well, given the fact that you accosted the victim and his wife a day prior to the sh**ting...

And you literally said you were going down to the SEC to watch Davis die.

I meant it metaphorically.

I was going down there to watch his career die because he was outed as a poser.

Look, I'm a day trader and a blogger.

I'm not a k*ller.

Well, we'd love to take your word for it, but that's not how this works.

Wait, I can prove it.

I recorded the whole thing, and when I did, the g*nsh*t went off.

You can hear it on my phone.

♪ ♪ All right, so this is a phone video from Paul Winters, aka the Wall Street Wolf.

Let's take a look.

To give regular people the same opportunities

- as the Wall Street elite...

- [g*nsh*t]

Yeah, let's work the angles here, Ian.

Maybe it'll help us find the location of the sn*per.

I like the way you're thinking.

All right, it looks like when the shot rang out, everyone turned northwest.



Let's run with that.

Shift focus to the northwest.

Can you pull video from cameras on this street here?

On it.

The witnesses initially reported the shot came from the west.

Right, right, and that's consistent with the entry point of the b*llet, correct?

Yes, but I think we've been looking at this wrong.

Just before Davis was shot, he turns to his right, which would create the same entry point if he was, in fact, shot from a vantage point that was more northwest, consistent with these head turns from the protesters.

He's right.

Check it out.

♪ ♪ That looks like a sn*per r*fle to me.


Keep rolling.

♪ ♪ Plates.

Running it.

Got it.

Okay, what do we know about Mr. Plank?

Spent six years in the army.

According to his social media profile, he's a proud member of Occupy Wall Street and the Socialist Revolutionaries.

Okay, so we know the name of the sh**t and his political affiliations.

All that's left is to find the actual person.

Let's go!

Get an address and bring this man in.


♪ ♪ Elliot Plank, FBI!


Federal agent!


Hey, put your hands up.

Get against the wall now.

We're on the move.

What the hell is going on?

What are you doing here?

- All clear.

- Sam- , we have house secure.

- Where's your husband?

- I don't know.

When's the last time you saw him?

Last night.

He was upset.

Then he...

he just took off.


What happened?

He lost a lot of money trading in and out of that stupid company, Kix.

Put all of our savings into the stock, then got locked out of his account or the app or whatever the hell you call it, Regular Joe.

It shut down for some reason, and the stock went way down, and Elliot, he just got in his truck and drove off, didn't say where he was going, just left.

Did he take anything with him?


I just checked the closet in his office and saw that they were missing, three of them, I think.

Set up a loose perimeter in case he decides to come back.

- Copy that.

- Did he say why

- he needed the g*ns?

- No.

But he was angry, said that he got screwed, that people were betraying him.

We just need to take a look around.


Got someone you can call that can meet you down at the station?

Probably not big enough to hold...

Go right ahead.

All officers, stand by.

OA, come here.

He sent this message to someone in a chat room last night.

"Ain't just Davis, more wolves in socialist clothing.

All of them must die." He's not done k*lling.

Click this.

♪ ♪ That's over in Hell's Kitchen.

We know that address.

FBI, open up!


What's going on now?

- We believe you're in danger.

- What are you talking about?

Is it okay if we talk inside?



So I'm confused.

Why am I in danger?

We think the man who shot Davis might be gunning for you.

Well, that makes absolutely no sense.


Well, I saw it in his DMs.

He thinks you're manipulating your followers, talking up the stock like you believe in the cause, persuading people to buy and then selling before the bottom falls out.

He referred to you as a wolf in socialist's clothing.


So I'll pack a bag...


Go to a room with no windows.

Lock the door and don't move.

- Understand me?

- Uh-huh.

This is Special Agent Tiffany Wallace.

We have an active sh**t at our location, requesting backup immediately.


♪ ♪ Stop!


- Get out of the way!

♪ ♪ Let's split up.

♪ ♪ [GRUNTS]


On your stomach now!

Elliot Plank, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Tim Davis.

♪ ♪ Hey.

Good work.

- Heard you kicked his ass.

- I did okay.

He was strong, though.

And he had a good left for a stock-trading socialist anyway.

So this guy was really trying to sh**t this Wall Street Wolf idiot?

Yeah, thought the wolf was manipulating the uninformed, which, by the way, he is.

Fire up these chat room types, get them to invest on emotion, watch the stock go up, then sell.

Wow, does this Nathan Gold guy ever get tired of talking to the camera?

Nope, because every time he does, stock goes up.

Greater fool theory.

Just keep convincing the next guy that it's actually worth more than it is.

This guy is no different.

He's just another carnival barker preying on passion and ignorance.

Okay, but how sure are you that Nathan Gold's company won't be able to do what he says it will?

I don't know.

I'm not a scientist...


But this guy is definitely trying to manipulate the stock price.



♪ ♪ I know that he's going through a lot with his son.

I'm just trying to sh**t it to him straight.

When I was demonstrating had anything to do with what you saw happen today, and while I obviously don't condone m*rder or v*olence, I do admire people who stand up for what they believe in, who are willing to take action in service of their principles.

Listen, the moneyed elite, the % need to understand that times have changed.

Wall Street no longer controls the narrative.

The people do, and their voices, our voices, will not be silenced.



♪ ♪ Where you going?

♪ ♪ Nathan, you got a minute?

Special Agent Stuart Scola.

You met with a couple of my colleagues this morning.


I remember.

What can I do for you, Agent Scola?

Stuart, right now.

I'm here as a person, not an agent.

Excuse me?

What you're doing is disgusting.

What the hell are you talking about?

You're using the people in these chat rooms.

You're stirring them up for no reason so your stock keeps going up, so you keep getting richer.

Hmm, you've got no right talking to me like this.

Some idiot m*rder*d Tim Davis this morning for no reason.

He's not a traitor or a sellout.

Because of all of these tweets and chat room missives, he's dead.

It's not my fault.

A guy named Elliot Plank shot him.

But it is.

You provoked him.

You gave him cause.

You made him believe that there really is some sort of financial revolution underway.

Tim Davis had a wife, two little kids.

If you keep doing what you're doing, preaching what you're preaching with your brains and your platform, you're going to get more people k*lled too, so I'm here to give you a polite warning.

You keep giving these phony, populous speeches, stirring up the chat room crowd, I'm going to open up a case against you.


I don't even know what the crime is yet, but I will find one... insider trading, racketeering, securities fraud.

And I swear to God, I'll make it stick.

Then you better bring it 'cause I ain't changing a damn thing.

I believe what I believe.

I'm going to say what I want to say.

My company is going to cure cancer.

It is.

And if these chat room folks help scare away the greedy short sellers from destroying my company and give me more time and money to actually find the medical cures I know I can find, then so be it.

♪ ♪ [GRUNTS]



Excuse me.

Thank you.

This is embarrassing.

What the hell happened?

- I was talking to Nathan Gold.

- What?

Why in the world would you do that?

I couldn't take it anymore, Tiff, okay?

I had enough.

This Gold guy, when I saw him riling up the masses after we arrested Plank, right or wrong, I decided to confront him.


I mean, I wish you would've told me.

Would've rode down here with you and had your back.

Then you wouldn't have been napping on the concrete like you did, but I respect your passion.

For the record, it wasn't Nathan Gold that hit me.

After our little chat, I turned to walk away and caught a glimpse of a guy in a black mask, a gaiter.

Then just, wham.

One of Nathan's fanboys did this.

Just talked to a witness.

Said the guy who hit you then pulled a g*n on Nathan Gold, shoved him into a black SUV and drove off.


♪ ♪ Seconds after Agent Scola was att*cked, it appears Nathan Gold was abducted.

We now have three witnesses claiming a man with a g*n forced Gold into a black SUV and sped away.

No one saw his lower face.

He was wearing a mask, but he appears to be white, average height, ' " to ' ".

Now, depending on your point of view, Nathan Gold was known to be outspoken, charismatic, irreverent, ridiculous, narcissistic.

One thing he is definitely not is monogamous.

According to social media and various tabloids, he has a very active and adventurous romantic life.

As for his professional life, Gold is a self-proclaimed scientific genius and revolutionary.

He claims his company will find flat-out cures for various blood-borne cancers and will ultimately eradicate all cancers within ten years...

And I, for one, hope that is true.


So the real question is, who took Nathan Gold and why?

Right, let's start with his long list of enemies.

Shall we?

Jilted business partners, fired employees, bitter romantic partners.

Top three, but feel free to expand.

Go to work.

Hey, listen.

I need you to track down Scola.

I want to talk to him right away.

Copy that.

♪ ♪ Why were you talking to Nathan Gold?

Was it work related?

No, not exactly.

What does that mean?

I went there to...

I told him to stop riling up the masses and pumping up his own stocks.

Said I'd open up a case against him if he didn't.

You cannot make threats like that.


You're an FBI agent, not the morality police.

I know.

I screwed up.

♪ ♪ You do something like that again, I will fire you.



Okay, where are we?

What do we know?

- Police.

- We're scrubbing traffic pods within a half mile of the victim's townhouse, found a black Range Rover, no plates, headed east.

Were you able to ID the car?

Not yet, but we're working on it.

Elise, can you pull up the link I just sent you?

The abductor just dropped this video clip.

It was livestreamed three minutes ago.

All right, eyes up.

This man is a fraud.

His company is a house of cards.

He says that Kix will cure cancer, and it won't.

It's all lies.

The latest clinical trial is proof of that.

I know because I've seen the results.

No one was cured, and one boy actually died.


You tell them the truth, Gold.

You tell them it was all lies.

Talk, talk!

I won't because it's not true.

Our dr*gs work.

In time, they will cure all blood-borne cancers.

- Kix is the future!

- No, it's not!

Okay, what do we know about this post?

Is the IP traceable?

- Negative.

He used a VPN.

- All right.

Well, it's clear that this is personal.

The kidnapper referenced someone dying, thinks Gold's company is responsible, so let's chase it, find out who died and who they are related to.

And let's go over every piece of footage.

I want to know everything possible about that room.

No detail is too small.

♪ ♪ Allison, the FBI is here.

She'll be right back.

Can I help you?

I hope so.

I'm Agent Wallace.

This is Agent Scola.

I'm Allison Lane, chief operating officer.

Is this about the video that just dropped?

- You've seen it?

- Yes.

The whole company has.

Kidnapper referenced a recent clinical trial, said a boy died.

I'll need to talk to our lawyers before I disclose anything.

We don't have time for lawyers.

We're trying to save Nathan's life.

I understand, but the last thing he'd want me to do is to hurt our company, defame our research.

He'd rather die.

For real.

So if you'll be patient, I'll be back with you when I can.

I like Nathan.

He's a genius, and I wouldn't say any of this on the record, but because he's in so much danger...

Just talk to us on or off the record.

We don't have much time.

♪ ♪ He tends to exaggerate, makes people think that we're closer to the finish line than we are.

What about this clinical trial?

Do you know anything about that?

There were kids in a phase one leukemia trial, and it didn't work.

No one got better, and one boy died.

What about the family?

Did they make any threats or sue?

They didn't file a lawsuit, but the father was really upset and said some pretty terrible things to Nathan and to the research team.

We're going to need the name of the boy who died.

I've seen the video.

Everyone has.

But I didn't have anything to do with the son of a bitch being kidnapped.

What's the point?

My son is gone.

There's nothing that loudmouth can do to bring him back.

The reason that we're here, Mr. Todd, is that your son's death was never publicized.

There was no press release stating that he died while participating in the trial.

But the kidnapper referenced it in his video.

He's aware of your son's death.

I get it.

Trust me.

But I don't know anything about it.

Did you tell any of your family members or friends?

Of course I did.

Hell, I told everyone I knew what a joke this Nathan Gold is.

Every time I see his mug on TV, I want to kick his ass.

And one of these days, his company is going to go bankrupt, and when it does, I'm going to make some good money too.

Are you saying you shorted the stock?

- Are you a stock trader?

- No.

But I got friends who are, told me all about that stuff.

Yeah, well, it's way up right now.

Means you're losing money.

I know, but one of these days, the truth will come out, and the damn thing is going to go down like a bag of rocks.


♪ ♪ So we can scratch Todd off the suspect list.

We have multiple witnesses who said he was at the bar dealing with liquor vendors at the time of the abduction.


Back to square one.

I think we need to expand our search, start looking at people with other motives.

What do you mean?

Like what?

Like money.


So you kidnap Nathan Gold.

You get him to admit that he's a fraud.

The stock crashes, and the shorts get rich, right?

Stock price has gone from to .

Means the short sellers are getting destroyed, but if you abduct the founder, the genius behind the company's product, get him to admit that the whole thing is a fraud, that stock price is going to plummet.

I get it, but we got to have more than a theory.

So we pulled the names of the hedge funds with the largest short positions.

Number one on that list is a place called GXC Capital.

Founder is a guy named Gunner Crenshaw.

For the past few weeks, he's been posting defamatory statements about Nathan Gold and Kix.

Based on today's stock price, Gunner's short position is down $ million.


Well, it wouldn't be the first time a Wall Street guy did something crazy in the name of the almighty dollar.


Chase it.

You're damn right I wrote those comments.

I stand by that statement, too.

Nathan Gold is a fraud.

He says all the right buzz words and catch phrases, but there's nothing behind it.

It must make you a little crazy, seeing a stock go up , % every day, especially since you're short.

Your point?

Well, publicly exposing Gold as a fraud would t*nk the stock, bail you out of your short position.

Are you suggesting I had something to do with Nathan Gold's kidnapping?

We're suggesting that you posted several negative comments about Nathan Gold and that you have a significant financial interest in seeing his company suffer.

We have $ billion under management, so $ million short really doesn't mean a damn thing, so my financial motivation isn't as significant as you think.

I got a great life.

I made a lot of money, a lot.

Why would I risk that all over one trade?

I mean, even if we get blown up, I don't lose a penny.

Only the investors do.

I get my % management fee no matter what, plus % of the upside.

Heads, I win.

Tails, you lose.

Secret of Wall Street.


♪ ♪ Why do you believe so strongly that Nathan Gold is a fraud?

I mean, what prompted you to make such a big bet that his company wouldn't succeed?

One of my traders, a kid named Nick, brought the idea to me, said Kix was a fraud, said he had firsthand knowledge.

I told him to go for it.

You saying it was his idea to short Kix?

Is Nick here today?

No clue.

I don't really pay attention to how or where the worker bees make the honey, but his office is downstairs, th floor.

I'm starting to understand why you left Wall Street.

No, I haven't seen him for a few days, actually.

Said he's been working from home.

And when was the last time you saw him?

Yesterday morning.

- You haven't talked since?

- No.

He usually so out of touch?


This is unusual, but he's under a lot of stress these days.

We just talked to his boss, told us about his big trade shorting Kix Bio.


He's obsessed with that stupid company.

All he talks about, Nathan Gold, the lies and the money he's losing, of course.

Look, I like Nick.

I really do.

He's not like the other people here.

This was his shot, a chance to hit it big, you know, and he's just getting crushed.

He's losing $ million a day.

It's hard to watch.

One of these guys Nick?


That's him on the right, and that's his best friend from high school.

Owns a bar.

That one.

All right.

Thank you very much.

♪ ♪ Listen up.

We're on the clock.

Our lead suspect is a hedge funder named Nick Wilkes.

He is not in his house, so let's get to work.

Track his phone, his car.

Nick leases a black Range Rover.


That makes it official.

Can we get a GPS signal on it?

Already up on it.

Vehicle is currently stationary in Crown Heights.

All right.

Maggie and OA are the closest.

- I'll get them over there now.

- Yeah.


Give me on on-screen visual of that signal.

The rest of you keep digging into Nick Wilkes.


Show me your hands!

Put your hands on the steering wheel.

OA, check the trunk.

Get out of the car.


Get out of the car.



I surrender.

It's clear.


Put your hands on the hood of the car.

- Go!

- Okay.

- Ow.

- Who's Nathan Gold?

- Who?

- Nathan Gold, where is he?

I don't know who that is.

Where'd you get this Range Rover?

I didn't get it from anyone.

It was unlocked.

I was dumpster diving down the block when some guy pulled up, and he and another guy walked off, so I, you know, figured I'd take a look inside.

Is this one of the guys?

I don't know.

I wasn't that close.

- Which way did he walk?

- That way.

♪ ♪ - Go.



So our observer sn*per team has two heat signatures on one of the silos on the right, and there are multiple entry points.

All right, guys.

There's no use going in blind.

It's too dangerous for us and the hostage, so when you guys are in position, I will make an announcement.

- Mm-hmm, will do.

- Let's go.

♪ ♪ Don't move.

Nick Wilkes, this is the FBI!

The place is surrounded.

It's over.

Put your hands up and come on out.

I'm not the criminal!

Gold is, okay?

And we'll help you investigate that, but first, you need to surrender.

There's no other way out of this.

- Come out with your hands up.

- Okay.

I want someone from Kix to acknowledge the fraud!

And I want a news crew here so it's on the record!

You understand?

So the world can know the truth!

Until that happens, I'm not going anywhere!

And if you try to come in here, I'm going to sh**t him in the head!


This is crazy.

His accusations are untrue.

We stand by the science and technology of this company.

No way we could admit on record we're a fraud.

It would destroy our reputation.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And the news crew won't be real.

It'll be two FBI agents posing as a camera crew.

I can't do it.

It's too risky.

Look, we are trying to save Nathan's life.

I have a fiduciary obligation to our stockholders to do what's in the best interest of the company.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Don't you get it?

There is a man holding a g*n to Nathan's head.

I understand.

Trust me.

But if I go down there and do what you say, say Kix is a fraud, even if it saves Nathan's damn life, he'll fire me the second he gets out of that building.


♪ ♪ You stop!

Stop, stop, stop!




All good.

Nick, Kix's top research scientist is coming here now.

Thank you.

That's all I want.

I just want people to know the truth.

That's all I want!

Nobody needs to get hurt here, okay?

Agreed, and I'm on your side, so let's get your message out and end this, okay?


♪ ♪ That's her.

♪ ♪ - Are you head of research?

- Yes.

I'm the chief scientific officer.

♪ ♪ - Where are the cameras?

- They're right over there.

But I'm warning you, you point your w*apon at them or me, this meeting is over.

We're clear.

Just tell the truth, then there's nothing to worry about.

All right.

Here is what I'm willing to say on the record.

We believe our gene-editing technology will cure various cancers, but we don't have enough definitive data at the present time to support that claim.

You don't have any definitive data, let alone enough!

It's all talk!

That's what you need to tell them!

Calm down.

All right?

We're going to work something out, Nick.

I can say that we've exaggerated certain studies and results.

I don't know what the hell that means!

What, you don't have any proof of that!

It's all talk!

That's what you need to tell them.


I'll say it.

Kix does not have any definitive proof...

- Drop the w*apon!

- Lines up, lines up!


Nicholas Wilkes, you're under arrest for kidnapping in violation of Title , USC Section .

All right.

Good work.

Thank you.

I'm here with CEO of Kix Bio, Nathan Gold.

Hey, Elise, can you turn up the volume on this one?

You could've lost your life today, Nathan.

What was running through your mind?

All I could think about was the lost opportunity.

If I died, the company might not survive, and all the good things that we are so close to accomplishing might not come true, but this event has only made me more determined and more committed.

Kix is the future.

I stand by our science %.

This guy just can't help himself.

Stock is up another %.

See you tomorrow.

- Night.

- Nice work.

You too.


Look, I've already given the other agents my statement, so...

I just have one question, and this is as a father, okay, not an FBI agent.

♪ ♪ Do your dr*gs really work?

Can they help cure leukemia?


You know, if you're lying, if you're giving people false hope...

I'm not.

Gene editing works.

♪ ♪ So who you think is going to win the w*r, Regular Joes or the Wall Street big sh*ts?

Who do you think?


I figured.

It's just like Vegas.

The house always wins.

You know, growing up where I did...

Like I did, I never really trusted rich people.

I don't know.

I just didn't, and now after all of this, I really don't, so it's a good thing you got out before you got rich, Scola.


Just for the record, I might've exaggerated how unsuccessful I was.

♪ ♪ You saying you're rich?

I just don't like to talk about it, that's all.

But as my partner, I just thought I should tell you.

♪ ♪ Well, I'm glad you did.

Truth be told, I should've seen that coming.

Any guy who spends $ on a pound of damn coffee...



♪ ♪
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