Color of the Cross (2006)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Color of the Cross (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

(thunder rumbles)

(woman sings in foreign language)

(thunder rumbles)

(bird squawking)

(people chattering)

(shoulders thudding)

(fruits clattering)

- A dog in golden armor is still a dog.

- What did you say?

- He said, "Caesar is great." - There's a curfew.

Do not be seen on the street again, Jew.

- But we must buy food for Passover.

- Buy it then, and get off the street.

- Yes.


- If I were a younger man- - You surely would have taught him a lesson.

(people chattering)

- [Horatius] The streets are buzzing, Caiaphas.

- It's this time of year.

Jews come to Jerusalem from all the precincts.

- Did I ever tell you, Caiaphas, I have a son?

He's three years old.

Back in Rome.

I miss him.

I want to get back to him.

It is your job to keep the peace here in Arimathea.

- What are you trying to tell me?

- My soldiers have arrested four troublemakers, so-called prophets.

Do you understand me?

- If I hear of someone else, I'll hand them over to you.

- You have no power to arrest.

How does it feel, a Jew handing over a Jew to Roman authorities?

- It doesn't feel good.

But my responsibility is to protect the law of our people, the law of God.

And if I'm wrong, and one of those prophets is the real Messiah, let history judge me.

- [Horatius] Let history judge.


(dramatic music)

(horses galloping)

- Lord, what have we done to deserve such a fate?

(hand thuds)

- For heaven's sake.

- What's wrong?

- Gamaliel.

Must he be late on a day like this?

- But it's not his nature to be late.

- Well, this is not a day to start.

- But the Roman soldiers are everywhere.

Maybe we should consider his safety first.

- I'm sure he's safe.

It's just that Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come during these times.

Why won't the other rabbis just accept that?

- Do you believe that this dark-skinned Nazarene is really him?

- I don't know, Nicodemus.

But one thing I am sure of, if this Joshua is indeed the Messiah, I fear we may be too late.

(heavenly music)

- Arimathea.

My deliverance shall happen here, my brother.

- Today begins Passover, Master.

The Romans would not dare violate this holy holiday.

- Peter, to those who seek to harm the Messiah, today is just another day.

- I don't believe the Romans would want to disturb the peace.

- I'm afraid Thaddeus may be right, Peter.

- Are we there yet, Master?

I'm tired, and I can't journey much farther.

- Too much complaining from you.

(group laughing)

- Perhaps we should carry this young girl into Arimathea.

(group laughing)

(hand slaps)

Come on.

- Let's go.

(group chanting in foreign language)

(horses galloping)

Hide, quickly!

- Rabbi, why hide?

Those dogs are outnumbered.

- He who lives by the sword, Judas, dies by the sword.


All right.

(horses galloping)

Up, up.

Let us go.

John, come quickly.



I want you to go down into Arimathea and set up preparation for the Passover meal.

- But, Master, the centurion guards are all over Arimathea.

Shouldn't we have the feast somewhere more secure?

- Do you question my love for you, John?

Do you think I would place you in harm's way?

- No, I- - Then go.

And trust in me.

- I'm sorry, Master.

- Good.

Now, when you enter town, you'll observe a man carrying a pitcher of water.

You will follow him to his house.

There, you will ask the Goodman of the house.

Tell him that the Son of God has sent you, and wishes to know where he shall eat the Passover meal with his disciples.

Okay, go.



Leave this.

Quickly, quickly.

Go, go, go.

- Yes, Master.

- Quickly, quickly.

- My Father will protect them.


(gentle music)

- Papa, mother said you'd have the chair fixed before feast time.

- Don't worry.

I'll get to it.

By the way, where's your mother?

- Ah.

She's at the market, Papa.

But it's almost sundown, and we have all the (speaks in foreign language)

to still remove from this place, and so many preparations to do before then.

- Lord, the one trait my daughters inherit from their mother (sighs), they worry too much.

- [Leah] Oh, Papa, I'm sorry.

- Don't worry, my dear daughter.

Will you be having (speaks in foreign language)

with us tonight?

- No, Papa.

Ruth and I must be with our husbands.

We have only come to help Mama.

- Marry off my daughters, and now they have no time for me.

- [Ezra] Mm, matzo.

(Leah gasps)

- Ezra.

You know that's for (speaks in foreign language).

- But I'm hungry now, Leah.

- [Leah] Ah.

- Ezra, what do you think God thinks of such disrespectful behavior?

- Sorry, Papa.

- You go wash up so you and Father can dip yourselves in holy water before you eat.

- That's right, son, the mikvah, a very important ritual in our religion.

- Hi, Papa.

Where's Mama?

- She's out to market.

(James sighs)

- May I ask you a question, Papa?

- Sure, son.

(James sighs)

- It's about Joshua.

- Continue.

(James sighs)

- I am a young man now, and I know that you have done everything to protect us, but I was thinking, maybe I should join Joshua.

- [Joseph] Out of the question.

It would break your mother's heart.

- I understand that he has a prophecy to fulfill, but why didn't he include me?

- Let me explain, James.

Your older brother loves you very much, but these are dangerous times, and he understands his sacrifice is his alone.

Do you understand?

- Yes, Papa, I understand.

- In time, your role will come.

(gentle music)

- Pardon my delay.

On my way here, I was delayed.

- Roman soldiers?

- Who else?

More came to town, doubling their numbers.

- [Nicodemus] They're relentless in their search for the black Nazarene.

- Rumor is he's hiding somewhere in the hills.

It may take weeks for them to find him.

- [Joseph] This is no good.

- [Gamaliel] What is wrong?

- We have been informed that there will be an emergency meeting of the entire Sanhedrin body tonight.

- [Gamaliel] But I was not informed- - Hear me, Gamaliel.

The entire membership is being contacted as we speak.

They think they're near to capture this Nazarene.

It may be as early as tonight.

- [Gamaliel] But how?

- Caiaphas has eyes everywhere.

- [Gamaliel] You mean he hired a spy?

- Yes, one of the Nazarene's disciples.

- [Joseph] And our fear is that this man's capture may lead to more v*olence on the streets.

- You both know how I feel about this carpenter.

I have heard him lecture before.

He knows the Torah better than most rabbis I know.

I find him to be a very learned man.

But he's black, and to say that he is the Messiah, it is blasphemy.

- [Nicodemus] The Torah does not mention as to what he will look like.

- Not to mention that he is still a Jew, regardless of his skin color.

(gentle music)

(people chattering)

- Passover, the worst time of year.

- What's next for you, Horatio?

- Ah.

Keep the peace for seven days in Arimathea, then I go back to my beloved Rome, huh?

(apple crunches)

(Horatius spits)

Jews, you cannot trust them.

- Look.

He carries water.

- He carries carpet.

Perhaps our master should heal your eyes.


There is the servant we are to follow.


(gentle drum music)

- In a hurry, citizens?

- Only to get my friend out of this heat.

He sure is to collapse if I don't get him home quickly.

- He speaks the truth.

The feast will bring me welcome relief.

- Don't let me see you again, lest you celebrate your feast in chains.

- My friend, might I ask if we could get a message to your master?

- I'm sorry.

I cannot help you.

- Please.

- Our master has sent us.

The Messiah.

- Wait here.

- Yes?

Can I help you?

- Our master has sent us with a message.

- And what is the message?

- He wishes to know where he will eat the Passover meal with his disciples.

- Come, quickly.



Is it all right?

Is it good?

- Thank you for opening your home to us.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

- Oh, please, not to worry.

Let the Messiah know that I am humbly grateful that he has chosen my home for his (speaks in foreign language)


- I will tell him.

- [Goodman] Thank you.

(gentle music)

(sheep bleating)

- [Joshua] We camp here.

- We camp here!

Why here, Rabbi?

- Open, clean space to honor the Passover.

What's wrong, Peter?

- I'm tired of running around like rats, having to hide in these mountains, not being able to sleep in one place for more than one night.

- We knew there'd be a price to pay for the truth, Peter.

- At least if it was Romans, there'd be some excuse.

But not Jews, rabbis.

- Blessed are ye when men shall persecute you.

- We have enough water to last us till tomorrow, some sheep, some dried fish.

- Good, good.

Take Simon with you.

Patrol the hillside.

Make sure everything's safe.

- [James] Simon.

- Rabbi, I'm still- - Not to worry, Peter.

My Father has led us here.

- Fine.

- After we have pitched tent, gather the rest.

- Yes, Master.

Make sure the sheep are fed.

- He's a wild one, Master.

(gentle music)

- Such beautiful fur.

If only mankind would embrace that which is different, black sheep.

- [Man] Bring more water.

(thunder rumbling)

(knife scraping)

- [James] Philip.

- Thank you.

We've been traveling all night.

Who do you think gets to sleep in the tent tonight?

- The sheep, Philip.

(Thomas laughs)

(disciples laughing)

- Hold that steady, Matthew.

- For heaven's sake, don't miss!

(both laughing)

- Your right hand, Matthew, has always been a bit useless.

Perhaps if I miss, he'll be able to develop the left.

(both laughing)

- Real funny, Thaddeus.

Hey, can you people help us?

It is not fair that only two people set up the tent while the rest watch.

- Oh, no, Matthew's right.

He shouldn't be the only one to get his finger crushed.

(hand slaps)

(Matthew grunts)

(disciples laughing)

- Two feet, one hand, no brain.

He's a centurion guard.

(disciples laughing)

- Thaddeus has a reputation in Jerusalem for breaking hands.

(Peter laughs)

- Look.

Even my hand was broken.

(disciples laughing)

- That's for not paying your taxes!

- Stay there, Matthew.

I'll crush your hand later.

(disciples laughing)

Matthew is right.

We must all help.

Good neighbors.

It reminds me of a story our master told us.

The story of the Good Samaritan.

- Oh, come on.

Get out with the story.

- It worked for our master.

- The master's a better storyteller than you.

- Yes, that is true, but I'm a better cook.

(disciples laughing)

- That's not funny.

(gentle music)

- Why so quiet, Bartholomew?

- I really love these times.

(disciples laughing)

- I understand.

You know, the beauty of family is that when I first started following our master, I had just one brother.

Now, I have 12.

- [John] Come.

Come on.

Come, quickly.



- Were you two followed?

- We were extra careful and took a back road.

- [Peter] Good.

- Where is our master?

- He's in prayer.

He's waiting for you.

Come quickly.


(thunder rumbles)

(heavenly music)

- Come.

- Sorry to bother you, Master.

- My Father can be very selfish with our daily conversations.

(thunder rumbles)

What news do you bring?

- The Goodman has sent word that he would be honored to have your presence in his home.

- Good.

Gather the rest.

- If I don't leave now, I'll definitely be late for Mikvah.

Come, James, hurry.

- Mom.

- You all be sure to be careful.


- Don't worry.

We'll be careful.

James, take Ezra into the courtyard, please.

- Yes, Father.


- Look, Mary, we can't change what is.

I know how you're feeling.

I would like him here as much as you, but he's not ours anymore.

- But I feel it is we who have led him down this path.

- Stop blaming yourself for what is happening.

We knew this day would come.

- Nothing can prepare a mother for something like this, Joseph.

- 33 years ago, you told me that you felt something happening inside of you, and I truly believe that God did touch you that night.

Somehow, something divine happened and you were chosen among all the women of Judea to carry the chosen one.

- Do you think they're doing this because he's black?

- No.

They're doing this because he's the Messiah.

(gentle music)

(disciples chattering)

- [Thomas] Master, may I ask you a question?

- [Joshua] You may, Thomas.

- How does it feel to be different?

(Joshua chuckles)

- In my Father's eyes, Thomas, we are all different, yet we are all the same.

My mother, a very glorious woman, when she was pregnant with child- - With you, Master?

(Joshua chuckles)

- I'm afraid so.

She was denied lodging at a local inn in Bethlehem because she was so different.

She was forced to give birth in a manger.

- I'm sorry.

- Why are you sorry, Thomas?

- Because I understand, because I am a poor fisherman and I've been mistreated because of it.

- My Father was right.

We are all the same.

But you will find that when you are righteous, kings will find you and kneel at your feet.

(thunder rumbles)


(dramatic drum music)

(people chattering)

- [Peter] Come.


- Master, what if they catch us?

- Then it would be my Father's will, Thaddeus.

(heavenly music)

- Thank you, Messiah, for gracing our home with your presence.

I am humbled.

- You are blessed.


Show me to your master.

- Yes.

- [Joshua] Blessing is upon you, Goodman.

Shall you share a feast with us?

- I would like nothing better, Rabbi, but this is your time, and I dare not intrude.

Besides, I must go downstairs and watch the door.

My servant here will assist in anything else you may need.

- Thank you.

(Joseph speaks in foreign language)

(gentle music)

(Joshua speaks in foreign language)

(disciples speaking in foreign language)

(rabbis chanting in foreign language)

(gentle music)

- [Disciple] You see, my brothers, God has provided.

- Yes.

- You remember?

- Like the Egyptians.

(disciples laughing)

- [Disciple] Pass him the wine.

Then pass the wine to me.

(both laughing)

- Today, my loved ones, we sit together in remembrance of our exodus as Jews from sl*very in Egypt.

My Father instructed the Israelites of old to place the blood of a virgin lamb on their doorpost, and only then, the plague smiting the firstborn in all of Egypt would pass over them.

Today, and for seven days, we sit in remembrance of this glorious Passover.

But there is another reason we have gathered tonight.

Verily I say unto you, one of you shall betray me.

- What?

- What?

- Master.

- No.

(disciples chattering)

- Earlier in the garden, my Father spoke with me and told me that one of you that dips in the sop with me shall betray me.

- No, Master, it's impossible.

Everyone at this table loves you.

- Do you call my Father a liar, Thomas?

- [Thomas] No.

- Master, who is this traitor?

- Is it me, Master?

- Is it me, Master?

- Who would do this?

- His hands are indeed at this table.

(woman sings in foreign language)

- Whoever this traitor be, let him reveal himself now before any harm comes to our master.

For soon, I promise you that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed will wish he had never been born.

- How do we know the traitor isn't you, Peter?

- Peter?

- No, it is not possible.

- Me?

(knife rasps)

- Peter.

- Peter, no.

- No.

- I question you, Thomas, for whom it came so hard to accept the Messiah in the first place.

- Do you really wish to k*ll me, Peter?

- Master.

- Please stop this.

- Peter, enough.

My Father shall deal with the traitor in his own way.

(thunder rumbles)

All I needed was a little more time, but my hour draws near.

- We don't understand, Master.

- You have always been so naive, John.

You will come to understand that through my death will come much life.

The sins of the world will be washed away.

- We all love you, Master, and I believe every man here would give his life for you.

- Master, we have all loved you for years.

What makes you think that we would ever, ever do anything to hurt you?

(knife thuds)

- Nonsense!

Absolute nonsense!

- Do you think you love him more than us, Peter?

- Not more than I!

- I love him more than any of you ever will.

(ominous music)

(disciples chattering)

- Black Nazarene and his followers take a noisy feast.

There is a reward for his capture.


- Tell us, Master, who among us loves you more, and who in death shall be next to you in your Father's kingdom?

- James, how can you ask the Messiah such a question?

- We've all been thinking about it, whispering it among ourselves for weeks now.

I think we have a right to know.

- [Joshua] Let him speak.

Continue, James.

- Master, it is clear you love us all, but we wish to know, who is the greatest among us 12?

- Greatest?

For who is greater, he that sits at the table, or he that serves?

He who is greatest among you shall be the one who chooses to serve.

And I will appoint unto him, that servant, a kingdom as my Father has given to me.

After I am gone, you will continue to serve mankind with the teachings I have given you.

Then, and only then, will you share in my glory.

Remove your sandals so that I may wash your feet.

(woman sings in foreign language)

I know you love me, Judas.

Do you not obey your master, Peter?

- Master, I will never let you wash my feet.

- If I do not wash your feet, Peter, then you will have no part of me.

- In that case, don't just wash my feet, wash my hands and my head as well so that I may have all of you.

- You need only wash your feet, Peter, and you are clean.

But some of you will never be clean.

(woman sings in foreign language)

- Some say he shows the tendencies of a cult leader.

But possibly, he is the Messiah.

- But, Nicodemus, how can you abandon the teachings of the Torah and even suggest that?

- I said "possibly." - A prophet, he might be, but a Messiah as foretold by the Torah?

- The very Torah tells us the Messiah will descend from the line of David.

- And so?

- And this man is from that very lineage.

- As were countless others.

- But he was also born in Bethlehem, as was foretold by the prophets.

(loud knocking)

- Rabbis, these two have word where the black Nazarene has taken refuge.

- It that true?

- Yes, Rabbi.

We've seen him with our own eyes.

- [Guard] I've already notified the prefect.

- [Nicodemus] You may leave us.

- Tell us what you have seen.

- There's a small matter of reward for information on the false prophet.

- Five pieces of silver if your information leads us to the man we seek.

- The Nazarene travels with 12 followers.

- Are they armed?

- Forgive me, fellow rabbis, but perhaps we should notify Caiaphas, immediately.

- Caiaphas will be quick to respond.

We need to know if they are armed, lest we send soldiers to seize them that may be overpowered and slaughtered.

- Do you want their blood on your hands, Gamaliel?

(heavenly music)

- This day may be our last Passover together.

It is just a matter of time before I am captured and k*lled.

- They'll be met with swords before we let that happen.

- It is too late, Peter.

This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the everlasting life.

It will be given up for you and for all men.

Do this in memory of me.

I shall not drink again until it is fulfilled in my Father's kingdom.

This bread is not just bread.

It is my body which shall be given up for you.

Share in my flesh.

(heavenly music)

(loud thudding)

(knife rasps)

(footsteps pattering)

(door clacks)

- Have any of you seen a black Jew?

He travels with a dozen men.

(dramatic music)

- A black Jew?

I've seen no black Jews.

- Search the house, hm?

Where are they, hm?

Under penalty of death, you'd best answer in truth.

If I find that you are lying...

- On my word, soldier, I've seen no one.

We were just having Passover dinner.

- My Father speaks the truth, really.

There's no one like that here.


- Horatius, we've searched the house.


- I promise to seek you out if I should see him.


- Jews.


(crickets chirping)

- Father, what's so special about tonight?

- 'Cause on this night, we celebrate our freedom as Jews, each of us, as though Moses had led us out of the wilderness only yesterday.

(door clacks)

(door creaks)

(Mary screams)

- Where is he?

- We have not seen him.

- You lie.

- He is my son, yes.

But do you see him here with us?

We gave him up a long time ago.

- Search the house!

- [Guard] Yes, Horatius.

- It has begun.

- Our time left here is short, my loved ones.

We must leave quickly.

- [Peter] We will see you safely, Master.

(thunder rumbles)

- Peter.

Peter, Satan demanded to have you so that he may sift through you like wheat.

But I pray for you.

- It never will.

You have my word, Rabbi.

I'll always be by your side.

(dramatic music)

- What if I told you that before the rooster crows twice tonight, you shall betray knowing me three times?

- Peter deny you, Lord?

- How could Peter- - I'd see any of us deny you before Peter.

- Please.

Please, Master, don't tell me this.

- But I shall pray for you.

- How can Peter's faith be shaken?

- I don't understand this.

- You will all fall away.

- Master.

- I saw the Goodman in the house allow him in, with half of his group still in watch.

Rabbis, they make their Passover right now.

You must send soldiers for them quickly before they can escape.

- It is true, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, we really should.

- [Caiaphas] Must I hear from the Romans that the Nazarene has been found?!

The truth.

- Yes, Rabbi Caiaphas, it is true.

These two have seen him.

I kept insisting we should bring him in.

- Is this true?

- Yes.

- We believe it is him.

- This impostor is a threat to all of us.

Gamaliel, order the guard to take five soldiers, and follow this man to the house wherein hides this blasphemer.

(people chattering)

- This way, men!

We are going to get the false prophet!


- Quickly, Master, this way.


- You'll feel the lash man's whip for this, Goodman.


- Gladly.

(gentle music)

- What's wrong, Judas?

- Rabbi, maybe I should pick up some supplies for us.

Where shall you and the rest meet that I may find you?

- Gethsemane.

- I love you, Master.

- Judas, your way is not my way, but you go do what you must do.

- Master, is it him?

- Judas.

- Judas.

Yet you let him steal all our donations, and run off to betray you.

- What is to be fulfilled, we cannot stop.


(intense drum music)

- It is too late.

They've disappeared into the darkness.

Malchus, you take several soldiers.

Head towards the east, the hillsides.

The rest of us will go north!

Let's go!

- [Malchus] Disperse!

They will be found.

(dramatic music)

- [Man] We must put them all on the cross!

- [Man] k*ll them!

- Breathe a sound, traitor.

Even in betrayal, he is glorious.

And if it was not for our master, I would open your throat.

(people chattering)

- [Mary] Judas.

- What are you doing here?

The streets are dangerous.

- Come with me, quickly, lest you be discovered as one of Joshua's followers.


- I hold you both accountable for allowing this heretic to slip through our fingers!

Herod will know of this.

- We are keepers of the Torah.

We should not involve Rome in a strictly Jewish issue.

- This carpenter has incited difficulties ever since he came to the district.

The Romans will make it their problem.

- As if their presence in Judea wasn't enough already.

I have seen the centurion guards march about this place as if it was their own backyard.

Let's give them no more reason.

- Yes.

- Gentlemen, I'm not convinced that this Joshua of Nazareth is the threat he's purported to be.

- It is true, Rabbi.

We've seen so many false prophets.

- What makes this man different than any man who claims to be the Messiah?

- Surely.

How many such men have we seen in recent years?



What makes this carpenter and his army of 12 fishermen such a terrible threat?

- You wish to see the difference?


Look outside and see the difference!

(people chattering)

(lips smacking)

- Now's not the time, Judas.

- When is it ever the time?

- Where are the others?

Is Joshua all right?

- As best I know, yes.

He and the others escaped into the hillside, towards Gethsemane.

- Why did you not go with them?

- Joshua sent me for supplies.

If not for you stopping me, I'd be at the marketplace.

Mary Magdalene, why do you stare at me so?

- I know Joshua loves you greatly.

Why would he risk sending you into town?

- I told you, he sent me for supplies.

- Where are your supplies?

- I had no time.

The crowd, I feared for my life.

- If you're on your way to the temple precinct...

Would you betray him, Judas?

(gentle music)

- My actions would never betray him, only force his hand.

- To following your way?

- It is the only way.

v*olence is the only language these Romans speak.

It is foolish to think we could drive them out of Judea by spreading word ahead and performing miracles.

They laugh at us!

But trust me, they will not laugh when they feel the sting of a thousand Jewish swords.

- And then what?

They will send a whole army to overpower you.

- Then we'll raise a bigger army.

- And his way was foretold by the scriptures, Judas.

Do you doubt he's the Messiah?

- I believe him, maybe, but it is his passive ways I find fault with.

- Judas, he is a man of peace.

- Peace won't drive out the Romans.

- His way will succeed much faster than your army of zealots.

(Judas scoffs)

- You say that only because it is easier to love the Messiah than a fisherman.

(hand slaps)

What is it you see in him that is not in me?

- The truth.

- Well, here is my truth.

(Mary groaning)

- Fine.

Would you like a feast your master has yet to enjoy?

(crowd cheering)

- Yes!

(crowd cheering)

Feast with bread!

And power!

- [Man] Absolute glory!

(crowd cheering)

- Yes!

(crowd cheering)

He will come as a mighty king arriving on horseback, leading a great army of warriors!

Where is this Nazarene's army?!

I see only an army of fishermen!

- Who does this black Nazarene think he is?!

- Oh, he proclaims that he rules over the kingdom of heaven, a kingdom of dark-skinned Jews!

Well, I will be a part of no such kingdom!

- Yes!

(crowd cheering)

- Nothing good ever came from Nazareth!

(door clacks)

- [Man] Who comes?

- Go!

Abaddon, go!

Go tell them!

Tell Caiaphas what you know about this false prophet.

- [Man] Tell him.

Tell him everything.

Let him know.

- Tell him, Abaddon.

He blasphemes.

(gentle music)

(loud knocking)

- [Leah] Papa.

We returned as soon as we heard.

- Where's Mama?

- Shh.

Mama is resting.

Come help us.

(dishware clattering)

(loud knocking)

(loud thudding)

- What business do you have here, woman?

- [Mary] I wish to speak to you.

- What does she want?

- [Ruth] Tell her to go.

There is no room for sinners here.

- Go tend to your mother.

- But, Papa, she- - Now!


- I have come in hopes of saving the life of your son.

- What about my son?

- Judas goes now to betray him to the Sanhedrin.

- Judas, by my own hands, I'll- - There is no time.

We must hurry and warn the Messiah.

He and his followers have seeked refuge in the mountains of Gethsemane.

- How do you know this?

- I was with Judas tonight.

- You did what?

- Only to delay the pig so that Joshua would have more time to escape.

- But I cannot stand in judgment of the profession by which you've chosen to live your life, Mary Magdalene.

But my son did forgive your sins, and he is greater than us all.

- Thank you.

- We must hurry.

But I will get noticed.

Mary will accompany you.

(thunder rumbles)

(gentle music)

(fire crackling)

- My mother is hurt the most.

She understands the journey I have taken, the journey that I must take because I love you.

- I love you too, Thomas.

And my Father loves you.

- But she is a woman of old, and I'm her youngest son.

I hope she doesn't think I'm a disappointment.

- A disappointment, Thomas?

You have been chosen to carry my message.

How can that be a disappointment?

It is my Father's message.

And when I am long gone, men will speak of us, how the Son of God came to fulfill a prophecy with the help of 12 chosen men.

- But, Master, my mother thinks I've left my fishing nets behind to take up with a false prophet, that I have given up my real service.

- Is that what you believe, Thomas?

- No.

Master, I believe in you with every fiber that is me.

- I know you've all been under a great deal of strain, the running, hiding.

- There are rumors that they are looking for us, and we might be k*lled.

- [Joshua] Are you afraid, Andrew?

- I am.

- Who else among you is afraid?

This grain of wheat, if I throw it on the ground, there, it will lie and die.

But only when it dies can it bear fruit.

In my death, there will be life.

- Have you brought all of us here to die, Master?

- They are looking for us, but they only want me.

- Master.

- It is not safe.

- Master, do not leave us yet.

It is still early.

- I have to go speak with my Father.

- Perhaps I should accompany you, Master.

Tonight, much danger lurks in the darkness.

- And we'll go as well.

- [Joshua] Come.

- Tell us about this Joshua, since you speak so publicly of him.

- My neighbor is a blind man and has always been so.

This Nazarene came upon him and laid hands on him, and all at once, my neighbor could see.

- Oh!

- This is sacrilegious!

- He should be arrested!

- There is no crime in restoring sight to a blind man.

- It is a blessing that the man received- - Shh!


- After restoring the man's sight, the Nazarene told him of a kingdom in heaven where he would have everlasting happiness.

- See?

This Nazarene speaks nothing against the Torah.

I profess to you, Caiaphas, this Joshua is nothing more than- - Forgive me, forgive me, Rabbi, but there is more.

- Let him speak!


- This Joshua from Nazareth, this false prophet, said the only way to enjoy the kingdom of heaven is through him.

- Through him?

(Caiaphas laughs)

(group laughing)

What, he is the gatekeeper?

(group laughing)

- He said through him because he is the Son of God.

(group shouting)

- The Son of God?

- He blasphemes!

(hand thudding)

- Are you sure those were the Nazarene's exact words, Abaddon?

- I swear on my own life, Rabbi.

- You see, rabbis, this is what was meant by the vision held by Isaiah in the Talmud.

- You are most insightful, young Joshua.

- Yes.

Tell us, Joshua, how is it that a boy of 12 could have so much knowledge?

- My knowledge of the scriptures is granted by my Father.

- It could be said that all knowledge is granted by God.

How is it that your knowledge rivals the wisdom of rabbis who have devoted their entire lifetimes to study?

- Because I am the Son of God.

(group laughing)

- You may speak.

- Rabbi.

I know three men that this so-called king laid hands on.

One of them, Lazarus, brother to Martha and Mary of Bethany, was supposedly brought back to life.

- I've heard the rumors.

- But there is but one who has the power to summon a cold body up from the grave and breathe life into it.


- He speaks the truth.

No godly man would awaken a body from its grave after the almighty God, in all his wisdom, has taken him.

- It is bold, brazen.

- [Rabbi] And there are more stories like this.

- And what do you think now?

I thought so.

- [Man] Blasphemer!


(people chattering)

- [Guard] Clear the way!

- [Horatius] Here he is.

- He is named Judas.

- Well, we have been waiting for you, Judas of Iscariot.

Have you come to tell us their location?

- I have.

- Where are they hiding?

- In Gethsemane.

- Gethsemane?

A dozen poor fishermen hiding in Gethsemane?

Tell us, Judas, Gethsemane is a place of rest and relaxation visited by only the wealthy, why would fishermen hide there?

- Maybe he figures it's a place where we wouldn't think to look.

- He is very clever.

- You've done very well, Judas of Iscariot.

(coins rattling)

The agreement was for 30 pieces of silver, correct?

(coins rattling)

(bag thuds)

(ominous music)

- Master?

Are you all right?

- Just a little tired, weary.

- Can we help, Master?

- When the soul is tired, my love, only prayer can bring about some helpful relief.

- Well, I can't stand this.

I can't stand it, watching you go through this.

Can't we just make our way over the Kidron Valley?

Leave here.

- And then what?

If only I could.

- I don't want any part of it, sitting here like sheep, waiting for them to take you away.

- Do you really love me, Peter?

- With all my heart.

You know I do.

(thunder rumbles)

- Here.

You take this while I go pray.

(heavenly music)



(Joshua speaks in foreign language)



(Joshua speaks in foreign language)

(Joshua whimpering)

(eerie music)

(Joshua panting)

(eerie music)

(Joshua crying)

(Joshua screaming)

(Joshua crying)

(thunder rumbles)


(eerie music)

(leaves rustling)

- Master?

What has happened to you?

- Do you really care, Peter?

- I don't understand.

- I ask you to wait for me, to watch over me for one hour while I go speak with my Father, and you couldn't even do that.

- We were just a little- - Excuses.

All I ever hear are excuses.

Don't you think I am tired?

Don't you think I am tired?

But you have to fight off the sleep.

Beware of the flesh and anything that is tempting because the flesh is weak, even if the spirit is willing.

Beware, Peter.

Beware of temptation.

(Joshua sighs)

(door clacks)

(people chattering)

- [Man] Judas.

- It's Judas.

(people cheering)

- [Man] Judas!

Well done, Judas.

- [Horatius] Yesterday, they cheer a fisherman prophet who rides a donkey.

Today, they cheer the man who betrayed him.

- Who can understand these Jews?

- As a man, I must have my views heard.

This Joshua of Nazareth is nothing but a carpenter with a gift of the knowledge of the scriptures.

Perhaps he is plagued with a mental deficiency which causes him to think that he is the Messiah.

Where is the harm?

- He's able to convince only his fisherman followers and a sprinkling of others.

- "A sprinkling of others"?!

Rabbis, I fear that you have both spent far too long in this temple.

The Nazarene and his disciples, they are known far and wide.

He is turning the opinion of thousands.

- He is just one man.

You speak of him as if he is the king of Jews he professes himself to be.

Maybe you dispute what's written in the Torah.

- Why, Joseph of Arimathea- - Shush, shush, shush.


Rabbis, get hold of yourselves.

We merely sent for him.

We're not sentencing him.

- It's one and the same.

- It is my wish.

- If I may suggest, Caiaphas, that whatever are the opinions of us in here, we bring him in for his own safety.

The crowds would k*ll him if they found him first.

(crickets chirping)

- [Mary] How much further?

I hope we're not too late.

- The Romans, in their heavy armor and boots, cannot get along these paths as easily as we can.

They must travel a different road.

We will get to Gethsemane before they do.

- How is it that you know of this path?

- Many wealthy men spend time in Gethsemane.

When they desire my company, they'd much rather be in places unseen.

- Go.

(dramatic music)

- How armed are these fishermen?

- His men have but four swords among them, but they will not fight.

- A group of fishermen with four swords and no will to fight?

I could have carried this mission out myself.

(guard laughs)

- Horatius, do you remember Marias, large man, red hair?

He trained us in the lance?

- Oh, yes, I remember him.

Always joked about k*lling Jews with his lance.

- He washed over in our journey here.

- A shame.

He was a man who was born to his work.

Lucky he did not live to see this day, Roman officers being sent by Jews to capture Jews.

What has our Empire become?

- [Judas] No.


- Having second thoughts, Judas?


Always happens to traitors.


What is it, Jew?

What is it?!

- I know a shorter way.

- Go!

(disciples chanting in foreign language)

(gentle music)

- My time draws near.

- But, Master, what can we do?

- I will issue one last commandment to you all.

- Anything, Master.

- After I die, my work and message must not die.

They will win only if they succeed in silencing my message.

But they are mistaken.

- What do you want us to do?

- James, John, my sons of thunder, you will speak in my voice and you will tell the others that they must sell everything of value so that they can spread my message, all of you, outside Jerusalem, towards Syria, Asia, past the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and so on.

- But how?

There are only 12 of us.

- 12 shall become a thousand.

And a thousand, 10,000.

And a million and more.

- We will do this.

(woman sings in foreign language)

- Good.

My message will not die.

- [Guard] Drop your weapons!

(people chattering)

(dramatic music)

- Which of you is Joshua of Nazareth?

- I am he.

- He lies.

I am Joshua.

- You are not black enough, Jew.

Arrest them all!

- Protect yourselves!

- Enough.


I will come peacefully.

- [Horatius] Mm.

(Peter spits)

- You betray me with a kiss, Judas.

(sword rasps)



The prophecy must be fulfilled.

I will come quietly.

- [Disciple] Master, please.

- [Disciple] You will not go with them.

- Messiah?

(somber music)

- Time to meet your future, Nazarene.

Let's go.

(thunder rumbling)

(Joshua groans)

(Joshua whimpers)

(heavenly music)

- Eli.


(Mary sobbing)

(Joshua speaks in foreign language)

(thunder rumbles)

(Mary sobbing)

Join me.

Join me in paradise.

(Joshua speaks in foreign language)

(thunder crackles)

(Mary sobbing)

(woman sings in foreign language)

- [Thomas] Master, may I ask you a question?

- [Joshua] You may ask.

- [Thomas] How does it feel to be different?

(Joshua chuckles)

- In my Father's eyes, Thomas, we are all different, yet we are all the same.

(woman sings in foreign language)

(gentle music)

(woman sings in foreign language)

(gentle music)
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