01x04 - Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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01x04 - Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator:. In the criminal justice
system, the people are represented

by two separate yet
equally important groups-

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Policeman: She says she wants
to stop sucking her thumb

before she turns
six in two weeks,

so I say that's really good
idea, if she really wants to.

So she gets real serious
on me and she says,

" I really,
really want to, Daddy,

but my thumb just
wants to get sucked. "

Here's one I could
settle with.

Oh yeah. Just as easy to
marry up as it is down, huh?


You awake?



with her hair pulled back like
that, she's not a bad-looking lady.

The girl's got a crushed larynx.
Can we get on with it?

Is she going to live?

I got a trache tube in her,
but I don't like the shock.

we're waiting for an OR.

Paige Bartlett, 24.

Is she a hooker?

Naw, Eastside kid.

Called in by her roommate,
came home from a party and found her.

Address is on the backside
of the top sheet, there.

Brownstone apartment,
front door locked.

windows in bedroom
open to fire escape-

no bars.

Anybody could have
climbed in.


No, the kit's
on the way, but-

if it wasn't-

whoever she was with has one hell
of a way of showing affection.

So, Libby,

did Paige
have a job?

Real estate. what's
the name of the agency?

worthington and Corey.
It's on Madison Avenue.

You think she brought
someone home?

when Paige
goes to bed alone-

like, to sleep-

she always wears
these ratty flannel pajamas.

Last night?

She wasn't
wearing them.

She bring guys home often?

I've only been here
a few months...

but she didn't
sleep around,

If that's what you're asking.
She's not like that!

She wants to get married!

All I'm asking is...

how much interviewing
she did for "Mr. Right"?

Do you know
any of their names?

we weren't here
at the same time that much.

She have
any other roommates?

One, but she got married.

Does this person
have a name?

Polly Norris.

Paige, uh,
belong to a gym?

Two of them.

She said it helped
work out her frustrations.

24 years old. Doesn't sound
like she spent many nights

wearing those old
flannel pajamas.

what? She's 24. Is she
supposed to act like a nun?

Come on, Mike, kids today,
they do dr*gs.

Sex is like a drink of water,
no wonder they get in trouble.

Oh, wow! And I thought my
old man was a pain in the ass.

what the hell is that
supposed to mean?

where are we going?
Gyms or married roommates?

whichever's closer.

Repetition gives you tone,

weight gives you bulk.
I go for tone.

what about
Paige Bartlett?

She went for tone too.

Seen her recently?
Mm-mm, not this week.

Hey, help me with this,
would ya?

Grab my forearms
while I let them back.

Three? Four?

Max, please.
Come on, how many?

Knock it off.
She was interested.

Look, how many times
would you go out with her

before you went
to bed with her?



Hey. what, do you
want a bedtime story?

"I'd wait until
the honeymoon. "

Did you ever hear about
a new disease they got called AIDS?

Did you ever hear of a new
invention called condoms?

You really need to get
your circuits examined.

I'm hotwired.

I'm gonna
live forever.

Is she gonna be okay?

It's touch and go.
It's unbelievable.

why is it always
the special ones?

Nice, clean living.

Do you knowwhat
she did on Saturdays?

Pediatric volunteer
at New York Hospital.

She was the daughter
my mother always wanted.

what do you know
about her personal life?

well, she seemed really
depressed for a while.

She broke up with her boyfriend
about four months ago.

She thought they were
going to get married.

She seemed really happy.

She'd met someone new.

Know his name?
No, I don't. Uh...

but there's this friend
that she used to work out with...

That would be...

Polly Norris?
Yeah, talk to her.

If you grew up where we did-

ever heard
of waverly, Pennsylvania?

It's the Greenwich
of Scranton.

we met the first day
of kindergarten,

grew up together, roomed together
at Emma willard and Vassar.

It's a good life.

But it can be a straitjacket.

with a mink lining.

If you've only worn mink,
you want to knowwhat denim feels like.

Logan: Well, you sure
didn't marry denim.

I grew up.

My husband's a banker.

williston, williams,
MBA from wharton.

He's a great guy.

All our friends know each other,
it's very comfortable.

It's just what Paige thought
she had with her old boyfriend.

we heard she
met somebody new.


was it serious?

I never met him, but Paige
talked about him a lot.

You got...

this denim's name?


She and denim hang out
anywhere special?

Coopers, BZ, Le Bar.

She said he liked
the hot spots.

High-priced bankers.

How do they drink all night
and then go to work in the morning?

who says you got to be
sober to steal money?

Sergeant Greevey,
Detective Logan.

I guess I don't offer
you guys a drink, huh?

Do you know this girl?


what kind of party
was she at last night?

what kind of party
did she have here?

Hey, guys, I saw her,

but it was before
the prizefight.

She had Lillet
on the rocks-

couple of them-
with lemon.

About 9:00, 9:30.
He had beer.

who's he?

down to his shoulders,
you know the kind.

Always gotta
swim upstream.

"Ponytail" and the girl
in the photograph,

did they meet here?
Naw, no way.

They had an argument.
It wasn't their first.

She wanted him to leave,

he didn't want to go.
She cried, he got p. o. 'd.

She pouted
two, three minutes,

then she stuck
her tongue in his ear

and he put his arm around her,
and they left.

Man: Another round over here.
Excuse me for a second.

There's a lesson in this.

Don't argue in front
of bartenders, they listen.

That kind of thing doesn't usually
happen to our kind of people.

Your kind of people, huh?

well, how romantic is
their evening going to be

if we waltz through this bar asking them
if they've seen the girl in this picture?!

Uh- I-
I believe

that she was in
last night.

Around 1:00. with a
guy wearing a ponytail?

No, alone.

Anyone buy her
a drink?

One gentleman,
I didn't recognize him.

was he your kind
of people?

Cashmere blazer,
Hermes tie.

My kind of people.

And way up there
in the looks department.

A young
warren Beatty.

Are we "your kind
of people"?

You make it in
the looks department.

The wardrobe needs
a lot of help though.

Okay, ponytail dumps her,

so she picks up
warren Beatty.

Yeah, let's drop by
the hospital,

see if she's out
of the woods.

Paige Bartlett?

Bed three.

If she can't talk,
maybe she can write.

Excuse me.

Bleeding in the brain,
we couldn't stop it.

She's gone.

Max: Paige ever talk
about her boyfriend?

we knew Ned, but...

that ended awhile ago.

Since then...

we didn't pry.

were there ever any...

indications of...

other types she might
have been involved with?

what do you mean,

were you ever suspicious

of maybe an involvement
she didn't want you to know about?

She did not bring this
on herself.

Max: we're not suggesting
that, Mr. Bartlett.

It's just sometimes

the smallest piece
of information

can occasionally
grow into a lead.

No one who knew Paige
would be capable of...

hurting her.

Mike: Libby?

I need to know
about the two men.

The ponytail or the one who
looked like a movie star?

The one with the
ponytail's name is Steve.

Paige was nuts
about him.

what about Mr. Gorgeous?

The only guy I ever
saw her with was Steve.

Does Steve
have a last name?

Paige had one
of his magazines.


Here it is.

It's creative.

There's no name,
there's just an address.

"Personal credit for work
is bourgeois. "


Steve said that.

You should have
told us about him.

what is this?

It's called "Cyber Funk. "
I can read!

It makes "Heavy Metal" look
like "Alice in wonderland. "

It's cartoons.
You think this is funny?

Hey, would you stop
taking it so seriously?

The kids who read this take this
seriously. It messes up their heads.

That's what my 2nd-grade teacher
said about the Beatles.

The Beatles were great,
this is garbage.

who buzzed you in? Sergeant
Greevey, Detective Logan.

You Steve Feinstein?
woman: Steve?

I'm kind of busy
right now.

You keep me waiting
and I won't be interested.

It'll just have to wait.

Steve? Oh-hh,
a foursome?

They're cops.

So much the better.

So? what?

I forgot to file
a mailing permit?

Paige Bartlett.

You get arrested these days for
breaking up with emotional cripples?

when did you break up
with her? Sunday night.

Did you have an argument?

what's this about?

Somebody beat her up, Steve.

I didn't touch her.

You know what she is?

An uptight wASP.

I was trying
to help her loosen up.

You loosen her up
on Sunday night?

we go out for a drink.

She knows I have an important dinner-
my biggest backer.

And she wants to come back here
and jump my bones.

I didn't want to see her anymore.

I told her from the start,
no commitments.

All of a sudden,
she's talking marriage.

Paige Bartlett's dead.



Tell us some more
about Sunday night.

whoa, whoa,
slow down a moment.

I left her
and went to dinner.

at Eleanor Phipps,
as in the Phipps Building.

As in, they sell all
the plumbing supplies in the world.

You'd better hope
her story matches yours.

Henry Lewis wanted to change
the way people looked at sports.

For years he
lost money doing it.

Your comic book
lose money?

Steve and I want to change the
way people look at the future.

Sunday night?

Six investors-

Drinks 9:30.
Dinner 11:00.

Are these investors-
uh, friends-

would you mind
giving us their names?

Steve dazzled them.

My friends
don't dazzle easily.

Did Mr. Feinstein
stay here all night?


Till 3:00
in the morning?


Until 3:30

My wife's sister-
smart, good-looking.

All she can talk about
is how she can't find a man.

This one found two.

Ms. Bartlett had sexual
intercourse with two different men.

Are we talking
the same night?

That's what
the DNA says.

And DNA, unlike
the morning news,

doesn't lie.



Hey! I thought you guys
would never come back.

You left Paige Bartlett
on the sidewalk

and then went to dinner?
You got it.

And you never wanted to see
her again? And you told her?

And you didn't sleep with her?
I just did it to shut her up.

why didn't you tell us?
Just to shut us up?

what are you guys,
the sex police?

I told you where I was.
Are you gonna arrest him?

Seven people, call them. If you're
not, let us get back to our lives.

You call this a life?

Logan: You don't know
much about women, do you?

Excuse me,
Mr. Casanova?

She gets dumped
by ponytail,

where does she go
to feel wanted?

Back to her own kind.

Let's go pay a visit
to warren Beatty.

woman: Does that look
like Warren Beatty?

20 years younger.
Beatty's better looking.

Ned Loomis.

All-American boy.

Exeter, Princeton,
Harvard Business School.

He dated Paige
up until this spring.

Her parents loved him.

Did she love him?

She didn't love him,
she worshipped him.

They were
sort of engaged.

what happened?

Ned comes from
one of those families.

Great Grandpa started
a widget company,

and made enough money
to last forever.

Except for one thing-

Someone spent
all the dough.

Ned got left
with a great name,

no money.


He couldn't afford
to get married?

He met Rebecca Byme.

Father- Seaforth Byrne,
owns half of Manhattan,

Staten Island,
the Bronx.

So he dumped Paige
for Rebecca.

How did she take it?

Like she had a safe
dropped on her.

You don't like
Ned too much, do you?

Ned is a very angry guy.

Maitre d':
His hair is shorter.

Little less mousse.

He was with
Paige Bartlett?

That is definitely
your man.


Oh, he made
a big impression on you?

He swaggers in,
doesn't wait for a table,

picks up the phone,
uses it.

He had a creepy
little smile.

Her? Yeah, they were
together on Sunday night.

Can you tell us what time? They
didn't like the Chicken Florentine,

said the spinach wasn't cooked and
the Muscadet wasn't cold enough.

It was 1:00 in the morning,
and guess what- it was a lousy tip.

what's the problem?

The girl's dead.

I'm not surprised.

10 to one, he did it.

Off-track betting
doesn't make arrests.

How are the witnesses?

It's the victim
who's trouble.

The girl's attitude- if
she was sleeping around-

Come on, Max,
it wasn't like that.

You saying she didn't do
two guys that night?

The point is,
one of them's got an alibi.

All right! You have an
address for this Loomis?

See if you can get him
to come in and talk.

I wouldn't
make book on that.

If he'll come in
without the collar, fine!

If not, also fine.



Max: We're investigating Paige
Bartlett's m*rder, Mr. Loomis.

Oh God.


I actually saw her
the night she died.

Look, could we
schedule this for, say...

tomorrow. These people
are very close to an offer.

Any help you can give us,
we'd appreciate it.

Um, you're leaving
the appliances, right?

Yes, everything.
That includes

the wolf range
and the Sub-Zero.

The furniture?
You can move right in.

Excuse me, what
agency are you with?


Is something wrong?

A friend of Mr. Loomis'
has been m*rder*d.

Do you think this
will affect the price?

why don't we go look
at the dining room area?

You hear that?

Do you have any idea
how soft the co-op market is?

I'm very sorry,
but we'd really like you

to come down to the precinct
for an interview.

Am I under arrest?

No, no.

why? Do you expect
to be arrested?

why don't I just give my lawyer
a call before we leave?

Polly Norris,
your old friend,

thought that you
might be able to help.

Polly- I heard
she got married.

I forgot to send
a present.

Look, I've tried
to help you.

You haven't tried to help at all.
I've told you everything I know.

Now, if I'm not
under arrest-

I'm not, am I?
I'd like to go home.

what's going on here?

who's the ADA
in charge?

Paul Robinette. d*ck
Berkley, how do you do?

My client, is he in custody?
And if he's in custody,

have you read him his rights?
If you haven't read him his rights,

I want him out, now.

Sergeant Greevey,

read Mr. Loomis
his rights.

If he was in custody,
and he didn't feel free to leave-

Counselor, he accepted
our request for an interview.

Oh, really?

Really? An interview
as opposed to an interrogation?

That's a very interesting
semantic hairsplit, Detective.

Mr. Berkley-

Mr. Robinette,

You look like a nice fellow,
I'm a nice fellow,

we're all nice fellows,
but you know and I know

this case has been
mishandled since hour one.

what are you trying to do?
Set up an appeal right here?

That's exactly
what I'm trying to do.

Loomis: Damn it!

That little bitch, why couldn't
she leave me the hell alone?

Damn it!

All right, come on.

I can't believe this
is happening to me.

I can't believe
this is happening to me!

Stone: Paul, I want
a yes or no answer.

Did Loomis think he was in
custody before they Mirandized him?

I was there two minutes
before Berkley showed up.

we could have
a serious problem here.

He wasn't in custody.
He came voluntarily.

Stone: When did they arrest him?
Edward Loomis?

Mr. Loomis, the charge against
you is m*rder in the second degree.

How do you plead?

The defendant pleads
not guilty.

Your Honor, if it
pleases the court,

Mr. Loomis is a trustworthy
young man

of impeccable reputation.

I could bring you many
character references,

and you would find him to
be as fine a citizen as I do.

All of that aside, Mr. Berkley,
he's charged with m*rder.

Get on with it.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Mr. Loomis has recently
suffered financial reverses

and bail would be
a severe hardship.

we ask that you release
him on his own recognizance.

Your Honor, hardship or not-
I'm there before you, Mr. Stone.

Bail is set at $50,000.

How'd you hear
about this, Sally?

I get messages from the filling in
my back tooth. How are you, Paul?

These messages tell you
to bring a photographer?

Great story,
great characters.

Real people, Sally,
you didn't invent them.

Can I quote you on that?

who's the woman?

Ned's fiancee.

Rebecca Byme.

Sweet, innocent, rich.

Outside of Cole Porter,
those words go together?

She think
he's Mr. wonderful.

You know what
her friends call her?

"The Socialite Nun. "


top eating club,
Harvard Business School,

making $350,000 a year
before he's 28.

You're not going after
Al Capone here.

Adam, that's ridiculous.

I'm not talking
merits of the case.

Any jury takes
one look at him,

you're already down
for the count.

Until they look at the evidence!
Maybe they decide

just 'cause you're handsome,
doesn't mean you get away with m*rder.

what do you want me to tell you,
hamburger is filet mignon?

You've got absolutely no witnesses
to anything after they left the bar!

And you're prosecuting
every mother's dream for m*rder.

You're going to need a hell of a lot
more than moral indignation

to be able to get
a conviction on this kid.

what would you like,
a confession?

That would be nice.

waitress says that

he was with the victim
at 1:00 in the morning.

Roommate came home at 2:15,

Loomis says
he was home alone.


He's a slimeball.

But he's got an alibi
wrapped in concrete.

It gets better and better.

So, what have we got?

Loomis was with her an hour before
she was att*cked. They had an argument.

we get a blood sample,
we know he took her to bed.

Not much.

Loomis is never
what he seems.

To the girlfriend
he's Mr. wonderful.

To Polly Norris, he's mean,
he's frustrated.

Snooty maitre d' called him
"our kind of people,"

but the waitress- in 10 minutes
she knew he was a jerk.

what did she call him?
"Lunchmeat. "

He changes identities
like he changes underwear.

Any surprise
one of them is k*ller?

I don't know,
I think Schiff's right.

Jury looks at him, they see
a tattoo across his forehead-

"Born to win. "

The State is asking for the most
extreme invasion of my client.

If the words "unreasonable search and
seizure" have any meaning at all...

Motion on the table is not
for open heart surgery, Mr. Berkley,

just a blood sample.

Please permit me
to point out

that the State's case is
less than compelling.

I know the precedents.

Mr. Stone?

Your Honor,
this evidence is crucial.

It will or won't establish the defendant's
presence at the scene of the crime.

I think the State has
a compelling interest here.

Mr. Loomis will give
a sample of his blood

to the medical examiner.

Thank you, Your Honor.

not here today.

Knock on her door.

when I first met Ned,
six months ago,

he was having
a hard time himself.

Me, I didn't expect that
my problems would come first.

My brother was very sick-

almost died-

and Ned flew to Maine
to see him.

Just left the office,
went to the airport,

because he knew it would
make me feel better.

Ned was having
a hard time?

His brokerage
business failed.

But talk to his partner,

talk to Loren Belknap.

He's a very successful man,

and he just loves Ned.

The night Paige Bartlett
was assaulted,

did you talk to Ned?

I saw him the next day.

He was fine.

Belknap and Loomis,
kings of wall Street.

Did you ever watch
anybody do cold calls?

Cold calls?
Cold calls.

Reverse phone directories
- addresses first, names and numbers second.

So you find
your best customers?

Ned Loomis was 22, 23.

11 hours straight
on the phone

peddling municipal bonds
when nobodywanted them.

By 9:00 at night,
brokers in business 20 years

would have sold their wives
for the list he built in one day.

But your business
went under.

Bad times-
they come, they go.

My house on Nevis,
I'll buy it back someday.

Ned successful
with women?

He sits down at a bar,

women line up like Zabar's
Sunday morning.

Even after
he was engaged?

Yeah, real entrepreneur,
in every field.

A piece of trash. He was fighting
with that girl, the one who died?

Looking real involved.

He's just patting
my butt at the same time.

Maybe that just makes him

Last spring,
a blonde at the bar,

he hit on her.
He could have hit on 100 girls

and 99 would say yes,

but this one said no.

So he threw a drink
in her face so hard

the ice cube
bruised her eye.

worst thing j you can
say is he fools around.

And he's got a temper.
Not a clean bill of health.

But not the plague.


Send it over.

DNA match on Loomis.

He wouldn't admit being there,
but he slept with her.

Run down every address
he ever lived at since puberty.

I want to check on him
from here to Hawaii.

Every speeding, jaywalking
- Secretary: You can't go in there!

Man: I've gotta see
him right this second!

I can't calm down,
have you seen this!

I've got
to see him now! No!

Mr. Bartlett. Is this the
way you run your office?!

Look at what they're doing to
my daughter. I'm terribly sorry.

They interviewed any man that she
even went there- How do they know-

Those leaks did not come
from us or the police.

It's bad enough
losing a child,

but this smut is like
k*lling her all over again!

I understand, sir,
I understand.

This Packard article,
what's wrong with her?

She's a pawn, Adam, the night
Loomis was booked he called her.

He's feeding her everything
he gets in discovery.

It gets worse.
I have the defense's witness list.

Your ponytail,
the guy with the perfect alibi,

he's on it.
why isn't he on ours?

He's putting ponytail on the
stand to turn Paige into a tramp.

I'll call him on direct.

who the hell's on
trial here? The victim!




j six years ago, Boston,

while Loomis was at
Harvard Business School,

charged with as*ault and
sexual as*ault and battery.

A conviction?
Never went to trial.

The charges
were dropped.

Hmmm, is she reachable?

Married, still living
in Boston.

Call her.
Tell her you have to see her,

and that you can be there by plane
in an hour and a half.

Mr. Robinette,
I told you on the phone,

I have nothing to say.

Yes, I know, but...

you did file charges
against Mr. Loomis.

The charges
were dropped.

It was a mistake.
what was the mistake?

Filing the charges?

Or dropping them?

I don't want
to talk about it.

Look, I'm sorry you went to
all this trouble to find me-

Ms. Brody,

Mr. Loomis has been charged with
the m*rder of a woman he assaulted.

I'm sorry.

I have nothing else to say.

Do you think
I'm stupid?

Away from my apartment
in neutral territory-

you thought
I'd tell you things.

I'm not an idiot.

I may be young,
but I understand

some things about
human nature.

You're fiance's
human nature...

what do you understand
about that?

You talked to Ned-
that night-

when Paige Bartlett
was att*cked.

when anyone ever
asks Ned for anything-


a favor, a friend,
someone on the street-

he's the most
generous person I know.

The night Paige Bartlett
was att*cked?

He came to my apartment
around 2:00.

He was drunk.


About what?

His business going under,

having to sell his apartment.

He's been dependent
on me for money-

that makes a man unhappy.

How unhappy?

Ben, she knows
he k*lled her.

You read minds?

If I put her
on the stand...

She'll never say it.


Secretary: Mr. Stone, there's a
Mr. and Mrs. Brody here to see you.

Send them in.

Mr. Stone,
I'm Alex Brody.

How do you do?
This is my wife, Elise.

Nice to meet you, and my
associate, Paul Robinette.

we've decided that she
has to talk to you.

Please, be seated.

A last minute trip?

Not exactly.

For a long time
I thought it was my fault.

I met Ned at a mixer
at B-school.

I was Simmons, j j junior year.

And they, uh...

they were Harvard
Business School.

He was very sexy.

He came back
to my apartment


I was very inexperienced.

He wanted-

He's not judging you.

Oral sex.

And he got angry.

He tried to force me,
and he pushed my head, and he-

He choked her.

I told my parents
it was a car accident.

They still don't know.

I'll testify now.

I can't let you testify.


Rules of evidence.

A defendant's previous behavior
cannot be admitted in a trial.

Even if Loomis had been
convicted of assaulting you,

it would be very difficult.

You mean this guy can
go around hurting women,

and they won't listen?

That's the law.

This shouting match between
Mr. Loomis and Ms. Bartlett,

you testified that
it happened at 1:00 a. m.

was there loud music
playing at the time?

Yes, but I could
still hear-

were other patrons shouting
just to be heard over the music?


At any time, did you see
Mr. Loomis strike Ms. Bartlett?


Did you see him touch her-
at any time?


Based upon the results
of those tests,

have you formed an opinion

to a reasonable degree
of scientific accuracy?

Yes. The blood sample
taken from Mr. Loomis came

from the same person
as the semen

recovered from the body
of Ms. Bartlett.

Can you state the likelihood
of such a test as this

resulting in a false match?

It's virtually impossible.

Perhaps a few years ago,
I wouldn't be so certain,

but now I have no doubts.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Virtually impossible to make a mistake,
is that what you just stated?

"Virtually impossible
to make a mistake"?

That's correct.

Don't those same tests
also indicate

that Ms. Bartlett
had sexual relations

with more than one man
the night she died?


How many?

Ms. Bartlett had sexual intercourse
with two men that night.

No further questions.

You testified that
you were at the dinner party

from 9:30 in the evening

till way past 3:00
in the morning, is that right?

That's right.
And you never left?

The food was good.

You normally eat dinner
till way past 3:00 in the morning?

I don't have breakfast
until noon.

The night that
Paige Bartlett was att*cked

you testified that you had drinks
with her at a club called Coopers.

Did you have an argument
with her there?

Mr. Feinstein is not on trial.

I'll allow it.

Answer the question.

we had an argument.

was it a serious argument,

Yeah, I shouted a little.

But you didn't k*ll her?
No, I didn't.

So we know it's possible to fight
with somebody and to not k*ll them.

Mr. Berkley.

The jury will disregard
that last remark.

Mr. Feinstein,
were you surprised

to find out that Ms. Bartlett
had sex with two men in one night?

Objection! Irrelevant! Overruled.

Mr. Feinstein's
perception of that night

may be relevant.

I wasn't surprised, no.

When you were dating Ms. Bartlett, how
many other men was she sleeping with?

Objection! Mr. Loomis is
on trial here, not Ms. Bartlett.


Mr. Berkley, you will stop that line
of questioning- now.

I don't like the idea
any more than you do.

we plead him,
he gets three years!

You don't plea him,
he does no time at all!

He k*lled Paige Bartlett.

I don't want him
walking into a barroom,

turning on that cheap smile
and his preppie patter,

and taking another girl home.
I don't want him on the street- ever!

- Take a plea! You be the one to tell the Bartletts.

Your daughter's life
for three years in jail?


If somebody was gonna sh**t him,
she'd put her body in the line of fire.

Get the woman
from Boston on the stand.


It's difficult.


It's wrong.
If Elise Brody testifies,

you'll hang my client.
There's lots of precedent.

Jones versus State.

United States
versus Beecham.

The crime bears
Loomis' signature.

what he did to Elise Brody
is precisely

what he did
to Paige Bartlett.

Slight problem, Mr. Stone-

he wasn't convicted
of assaulting Ms. Brody.

Huddleston versus
United States.

According to
Brody's testimony,

the jury can reasonably believe
that he att*cked her.

Quote: "we have leaned over
so far backwards

to protect
the rights of defendants

that we are at risk
of putting the justice system

flat on its back. "
who wrote that?


I did.

Last spring.

"Iowa Law Review. "

And I believe it.

There are K*llers walking the streets
who should be in jail

because we keep excluding evidence
that would put them there.

Your Honor, you can't
allow this woman-

Sit down, Mr. Berkley.

Mr. Stone, no one
will ever accuse me

of setting a m*rder*r free.

But whatever I feel
about defendant's rights,

in this case
I'm gonna turn you down.

The law is shaky
on the subject.

And this woman's
testimony would be...

grossly prejudicial.

I told you,
I have nothing else to say.

Ms. Byrne, I'd like you
to meet Elise Brody.

This is what
Ned Loomis did to me.

what time did he get
to your apartment, Ms. Byrne?

He woke me.
It was 2:30 in the morning.

And what
did he tell you?

He said he had
hurt Paige.

He said it was an accident.
It was her fault.

An accident?
Did he tell you what he meant?

He told me he was drunk.

She wanted him to-

have kinky sex with him.

He said he didn't want to,

he was engaged,

and she dragged him into bed.

And when he fought her off...

he hurt her.

Do you consider
Ned Loomis

to be a trustworthy

Objection! Irrelevant! Mr. Stone is
asking her whether she believed him.


The witness may
answer the question.


No, I don't find him to be
a trustworthy person.

Would you tell the jury why?

Objection! Now he wants j j
j j an opinion on an opinion.


Thank you, Your Honor.

Once again, Ms. Byrne,

why do you consider

the man you are engaged to

to be untrustworthy?

The night that...

it happened...

Ned told me that
nothing like this

had ever happened
to him before.

I believed him...

until I...

spoke to a woman

who told me he had
choked her.

Your Honor, hearsay.

Mr. Stone knows damn well
that you can't allow-


The jury will disregard
that last statement.

You pull that again
in my courtroom,

you'll regret it.

No further questions.

Ben, they're coming in.

Three hours, 12 minutes,
that's way too fast.

we're dead!

Has the jury
reached a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor.

will the defendant please rise?

As to the sole count of the indictment,

m*rder in
the second degree,

how do you find?

As to the sole count
of the indictment,

we find the defendant...


Feel good?

It's just preventive detention.

Loomis destroyed
every life he ever touched.

we didn't change that
one iota.

At least we gave
them justice.

It's over.

Justice doesn't give you
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