01x15 - Tuttle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "M*A*S*H". Aired: September 1972- February 1983.*
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During the Korean w*r the staff of an Army hospital find that humor helps deal with the difficulties.
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01x15 - Tuttle

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Trapper, how much do you suppose
this stuff's worth on the black market?

What would you do
with your share?

Pay for my hernia operation.

All right, let me see...
blankets, powdered milk, penicillin.

Okay, that's everything.

All right, Sister Theresa, all set.

Oh, how can I ever
thank you, Hawkeye?

- And you, Trapper.
- No, don't thank us.
We're just acting on orders.

But whose? Who's the author
of all this generosity?

Uh, Tuttle. Captain Tuttle.
That's who. Right, Trap?

- Captain Tuttle?
- One of our finest officers.

- And a beautiful man.
- Just picture George Washington
with John Wayne's agent.

I'll have the children at the orphanage
write him a thank you letter tomorrow.

Oh, don't do that.
He doesn't like anybody to make a fuss.

No, no, uh-uh, that's right.
I mean, he's Mr. Humility.

- Captain Humility, actually.
- Captain Humility.

- Just tell the good captain
I'll be praying for him. Good-bye.
- Bye.

- Lovely lady.
- Yeah, but she could never be
more than a sister to me.

Isn't she wasting her prayers
on somebody who doesn't exist?

- Who doesn't exist?
- This, uh, Tuttle you made up.

Who says I made him up?

Don't con me.
He's a figment of your imagination.

And what makes you think you're not?

- Rough shift.
- Picnic.

Oh, not too many wounded, huh?

- No, no wounded.
I worked on a pregnant infantryman.
- Oh?

Nobody can figure out
how it happened either.
He hasn't been near a woman in months.

Ahh, that's coffee.

- Hawkeye.
- Anybody coming in here
telling me about more wounded...

is sucking around for a lobotomy.

Captain Tuttle's gotta sign
this requisition form...

before Sister Theresa
can get her next batch of supplies.

Listen, how did you come up with
a name like "Tuttle" anyway?

- It was my imaginary childhood friend.
- You had an imaginary friend?

Yeah, if anybody said, "Who knocked
over the garbage?" I said, "Tuttle."

They said, "Who broke that window?"

- "Who wet the bed?"
- "Tuttle."

He had no control at all.

- So when you got drafted...
- He got drafted.

Just in case you wet your cot.


Hey, I had an imaginary friend
when I was a little boy.

- Terrific.
- Her name was Shirley.

- Your imaginary friend was a girl?
- Mm-hmm.

- What'd she look like?
- Like me,

- only with tiny little breasts.
- Out!


- Good morning, sir.
- Morning, Radar.

- Sign these, please.
- Right.

Whoa, those stockings
came out nice, sir.

- Yeah, my wife sent me
some new soap powder.
- Uh-huh.

- Uh, where do l...
- Sign the original of each form, sir,

and initial the carbon copies.

Or, if you want, you can sign the
carbon copies and initial the originals.

And then sign this form signifying that
you signed what you should've initialed.

Radar, do you really understand
all this army stuff?

It helps not to be
too bright, sir.

Uh, sir, would you sign
the supplementary supply form, please?

It only needs a countersignature.

- Captain Tuttle's already okayed it.
- Fine.

Captain Tuttle?
Which one's Captain Tuttle?

Oh, you know, sir,
that new man, Captain Tuttle.

- Did I meet him yesterday at breakfast?
- Yes.

Wait a minute.
I didn't have breakfast yesterday.

- Then you must've met him
somewhere else, sir.
- Oh, right.

You put him in charge
of supplementary supplies.

Oh, yeah, that's why
he signed a supply form.

Tuttle... I knew
I'd seen his name somewhere.

- If you'll just okay the duty roster.
- Yep. [Sighs]

- Major Burns is
"Officer of the Day" again?
- He volunteered.

Frank always volunteers.

If we had a firing squad,
he'd volunteer to be in charge of it...

or in front of it, or both.

Yes, sir.

- I knew you'd say that.
- Oh.

- Radar.
- Sir?

- Let's give Frank
a little help winning the w*r.
- Sir?

- What about Captain Tuttle?
- What about him?

Well, has he ever pulled
any O.D. Duty?

- No, sir.
- Radar, if it's one thing I insist on,

it's that every officer in my command
pulls his fair share of the load.

No matter who he is.

Or isn't.

A change in the duty roster!

Tomorrow, Captain Jonathan S. Tuttle
will be Officer of the Day.

- Frank, did you hear that?
- But I volunteered.

If you're free tomorrow night, I've got
some new literature on pelvic deviation.

Margaret, I don't know any
Captain Tuttle. Do you? Tuttle?

Well, he must be new.

Well, then, why didn't he report to me?
I'm second in command.

I'm sure Colonel Blake will get around
to it once he finishes his laundry.

Yes, there is.

It's Tuttle's responsibility
to present himself.
The man is obviously ignoring me.

Oh, Frank, why would he ignore you?

Guilt. He can't face the man
he's going to replace.

Who says he's going
to replace you?

- Everyone here's against me, Margaret.
- Oh, only Pierce and Mclntyre.

Did I tell you they glued
my Bible together?

Oh, Frank.

And they drew fangs on my picture
of Senator McCarthy.

My poor darling.

Why don't we just check out
this Captain Tuttle ourselves?

Margaret, you're my snug harbor.
I don't know what I'd do if I
didn't have you to sail in to.

- Corporal.
- Sir?

- Where's the colonel?
- Colonel?
- Colonel Blake?

Uh, I'm afraid he's doing
some very important sleeping
for the army right now.

- Typical.
- I wanna see the personnel file
on this new man, Captain Tuttle.

Sir, these files are locked.
You're gonna need authorization
from Colonel Blake.

- Well, get it.
- Wake him.

Wake him? He could be
dreaming up some new medicine...

that could help all mankind.

Henry Blake?
That launderette?

Well, I'll get an authorization
to see that Tuttle file.

Okay now, let's see,
when was Tuttle born?

Um, how about 1924?
That was a good year for doctors.

Okay. Mother?


- Father?
- One.

Harry and Frieda Tuttle.

Uh, hey, how about my hometown?

No, they've already got enough
to be proud of. How about...

- Battle Creek, Michigan.
- Yeah, that's good. That's perfect.

Yeah, good. Okay.

Uh, religion?

Uh, atheist.

I don't believe in atheism.

- Let's make him a Druid.
- What's that?

- They worship trees.
- Ah, tree surgeon.

Druid, reformed.

They're allowed to pray at bushes.

Now what about medical school?

- Harvard.
- No, no, he can't be
at anyplace they'll check.

Well, how about, um,
Berlin Polytechnic?


- Berlinisches Polytechnikum.
- [Whistles]

- Oh?
- Right after he graduated
from Adolf Hitler High.

- No, that's a bit much.
- You should write fiction.

You should read my file.

All right, now a little
something for Hot Lips.

Height: Six feet, four.

Weight: 195 pounds.

Hair: Auburn.

Eyes: Hazel.

- Hawkeye?
- Hmm?

I think I'm in love.

I'd certainly like to know why
it's so all-fired important...

for you two to see
the file on Captain Tuttle.

Because neither the major
nor I remember having seen him,
and that strikes us as very strange.

Well, I've seen him. I had breakfast
with the man only yesterday.

Here it is.

Tuttle, Jonathan, Captain.
Serial number 397-299-66.

"Berlinisches Polytechnikum."

- Probably a n*zi.
- [Whistles] Very impressive.

Well, if you two will excuse me,

I told Tuttle
I'd have lunch with him.

- So long, Radar.
- I'll hold down the fort.

Hold down the fort.

Auburn hair, hazel eyes.

Oh, for Pete's sake, Margaret,
you're practically drooling.

Ah! Frank, you're not jealous.

Not jealous.

If I lost you to anyone,
I'd put a scalpel through my neck.

Frank, no, no, not here.

No one could see us or hear us.

Frank, no.

Do you know, there's still
something spooky about this Tuttle?

Now I'll just call General Clayton
and have him check it out.


- Sir?
- Corporal O'Reilly?

Get me General Clayton,
headquarters in Seoul.

Yes, ma'am.
Just a minute, ma'am.

Psst. Get me Captain Pierce
over here right away.

H.Q. Seoul, this is Sergeant Pryor.

- Hi, Sparky, this is Radar.
- Hey, how you doin', boy?

Fine. Hey, listen, Sparky.

I wanted to thank you for sending
the Captain Marvel annual.
It just come today.

Okay, okay. Look, listen.

I'm gonna be making a call on this line
any second. Patch it back to me.


- What's up, Radar?
- Major Houlihan is making
a call to General Clayton.


- H.Q. Seoul on the phone, ma'am.
- Thank you. Hello?

H.Q. Seoul, Sergeant Pryor.

General Clayton, please.
Major Margaret Houlihan.

- Hello?
- Hello, General? Major Houlihan.

Margaret, I do hope this is going
to be an obscene phone call.


I wish it could be, sir.

That is, I wonder
if you might do me a favor.

You just say the word, Margaret, and
I'll get a hormone shot. [Laughing]

Yes, sir. What I want to know...

Say, what did you think of that new man
I sent down there... Tuttle?

You sent Captain Tuttle?

Yes, he's going to marry my niece.
Now try to keep him pure, Margaret,

if you can keep your hot little hands
off him. [Laughing]

[Continues Laughing]

Good-bye, Margaret.

- Hi, Frank.
- Hm.

- You want what, Frank?
- I want you to change my tent.
Make Captain Tuttle my roomie.

- Your roomie?
- Well, General Clayton asked
that I personally look after him.

- Tuttle?
- Johnny.

- Isn't it Jonathan?
- Well, not to his close friends.

Yeah, well, just leave it with me,
Frank, and I'll see what I can do.

I can only tell you, Tuttle and I
are both anxious for the change.

- We both speak the same language.
- Right.

Radar, there's something
going on with Major Burns.

Yes, sir, with Major Houlihan.

I know one guy who got pictures.

No, I mean, with Captain Tuttle.

Major Burns and Captain Tuttle, sir?

If there's one thing I'm not gonna have
in this outfit, Radar, it's politics.

I'm getting into this
Tuttle business right now.

[Man Over P.A.]
Attention, attention.

Captain Jonathan Tuttle will report
to Colonel Henry Blake on the double.

Captain Jonathan Tuttle,
report at once.

Should we go back inside
and build one?

- Where is he?
- I don't know, sir.

Well, I mean, it's not like
Tuttle to keep me waiting.

- Is it?
- Last I saw him, he was
in the compound, sir.

- Want me to go check?
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'll do it.

- Volunteering again, Frank?
- I don't want Tuttle to get
in trouble with you, sir.

That's the least
I can do for my buddy.


- Phillips?
- Here.

- Turner? Tuttle?
- Yo!

- Captain Tuttle?
- No.

- Captain Pierce, M.D., manic depressive.
- Is that yours?

No, the only mail I'll accept is
a full apology from President Truman.

That is addressed to Captain Tuttle.

Very good, Frank.
You read well enough to be a druggist.

- Where is he?
- Who, Tuttle? In post-op.
I'm gonna drop this off.

- Oh, well, I can do that.
- Oh, that's very kind of you, Frank.

It certainly belies all the vicious
gossip somebody is spreading...

about what a twisted,
selfish, mean-spirited,
overbearing fusspot you are.

- It certainly does.
- Then I'll stop spreading it.

You're not fit to be in the same camp
with a man like Captain Tuttle!

- Mclntyre?
- Frank, if you're here to help,

all the bedpans
have already been emptied.

- Have you seen Tuttle?
- You just missed him.

He's over at X ray with Hot Lips.

He said something about
doing some chest pictures.

You're a liar.

[Stammering] Excuse me, sir. Well,
don't let me interfere with your work.

I'll-I'll-I'll just put this package
for you down and wait outside.

L-I know what you're doing
must be very important, sir.

That is, if you are doing it.

Well, thank you very much.

Oh, Major!

- Margaret, have you seen him?
- Who?

- Tuttle.
- Pierce said he was with you.

Mclntyre said he was with you.

- Margaret, you haven't been
seeing him secretly, have you?
- Shh, Frank, there are people.

If I find out you're seeing Tuttle,
I'll put my head under a jeep.

Aj... Frank!

Frank, no one can take your place,

no matter how attractive
I find Captain Tuttle.

Just as I thought.
Tuttle hasn't been paid in 14 months.

- And he never said a word.
- What a guy.

Soldier, where do I find
Captain Jonathan Tuttle?

Uh, he's in surgery right now, sir.

Now where is that?
I have a mess of back pay for him.

Uh, yes, he said
I could take it and sign for it.

Corporal, when it involves this much
money, I have to get his signature.

I'm sorry, Captain Tuttle,
I had to have you sign...

to make sure
that the signatures match.

You'd be surprised, the number of people
that wanna stick it to Uncle Sam.

I hope the lack of pay
was not an inconvenience to you.

No, no, fortunately,
I'm independently wealthy.

My father invented bill padding.

Now you understand that all
my future pay is to go directly
to Sister Theresa's orphanage.

You are an inspiration to us all.

I know.

- Colonel?
- Hmm?

- It's for you. General Clayton.
- General...

Colonel Clayton,
General Blake here, sir.

- Steady, Henry.
- Yes, sir.

I just called to offer
my congratulations.

Well, that certainly means a lot
coming from you, sir.

May I ask for what?

Well, I just got a letter
from Sister Theresa.

- Oh, I didn't know you had a sister.
- She's a nun.

Oh, you must be very proud, sir.

Sister Theresa is a nun
who runs an orphanage...

near your outfit.

Oh, well, I mean,
I don't know every nun in the...

It's not my habit, sir, to...
That's not what I mean.

She told me that Captain Tuttle...

donated 14 months' pay
to her orphanage.

Well, we're all mighty proud
of Captain Tuttle.

I was just telling him that
last night at dinner.

We've got to make our appreciation
more tangible, Henry.

I mean, it's one thing
to admire a man's work,

but it's another to get your picture
in the paper doing it.

Therefore, I've decided
to come out on the field tomorrow...

and personally give
Captain Tuttle a decoration.

- Wow!
- What's that?

I mean, wow, sir.

- Yes, sir.
- Ra... Where is he? Where is Tuttle?

Captain Pierce went to get him, sir.

- Radar, do I seem...
- Scared to death. Yes, sir.

Go hurry them up.

One day, he'll be coming
to decorate you, Frank.

Well, it was easy for Tuttle.
He had all the breaks.

Oh, Frank, don't be bitter.
He's a fine American.

The finest. Our country can use
all the Tuttles we can get.

General Clayton.

How do you do, Sister?
We're proud of you.


- Shall we get on with it, Henry?
- On with it. Yes, General.

- Where's Tuttle?
- Oh, he's coming, sir. He's quite busy.

- Busier than a brigadier general?
- Excuse me.

- Will you tell Radar
to tell Pierce to tell Tuttle...
- He's here, sir.

He's here, sir. Uh, I mean...

He's here, sir.

- General.
- Pierce, isn't it?

Yes, sir. I'm afraid
you're not gonna like this, sir.

Well, then, keep it
to yourself, Pierce.

Tell us after we decorate Tuttle.

- There is no Tuttle.
- No Tuttle?

- No Tuttle?
- [All Murmuring]

Not anymore, sir.
That's all that's left.

Well, how'd it happen?

Well, you know Tuttle.
No sacrifice too great.

This morning, while the rest of us
were selfishly having a cup of coffee,

he went off in a helicopter
to do some field surgery.

He jumped with his plasma, his bag,

everything an army doctor needs.

Except his parachute.

- Oh, how awful.
- I'll see that he gets
a personal citation for this.

[Clears Throat] I think that
all of us who knew and loved Tuttle...

would like to pay tribute
to this heroic man.

And I think it's only fitting
that the man who knew him best,

Captain Pierce, deliver the eulogy.

- That's not true. I knew him best.
- Shh.

We can all be comforted by the thought
that he's not really gone,

that there's a little Tuttle
left in all of us.

In fact, you might say that
all of us together made up Tuttle.

I'll never forget him.

Our grief will pass.

It's already hard to remember
exactly how Johnny looked,

how he talked, his little laugh.

Thankfully he's
left behind a memorial.

I've been informed by Radar
that Captain Tuttle's G.I. Insurance...

named Sister Theresa's orphanage
as his sole beneficiary.

How typical.

We salute you, Captain Tuttle,

humanitarian and healer.

Good luck, Doctor,

in that great big
waiting room in the sky.

He was the best damn O.D. We ever had.

Nice work. There wasn't
a dry eye in the camp.

Tuttle always brought out
the best in me.

Hey, I have a question. Where'd you
guys get the parachute and dog tags?

Uh, that was Major Murdock.

- Who?
- Who's Major Murdock?

You know, Murdock... tall, skinny guy.
Tuttle's replacement.

Oh, yeah, I had breakfast
with him this morning.
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