01x06 - The Reckoning

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x06 - The Reckoning

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm gonna go find that road.

It should be straight ahead, I told you.

Well, you told me that an hour ago,
when I still had feet.

Maybe it's over here.

Don't get lost.


You're pretty good
against unarmed people.

How are you against somebody who can fight back?

Stay with me.
You're going to make it.

Press down on this as hard as you can.

-My brother...

We just have to stop the bleeding.

Keep pressing down hard.

My friends.

-My friends...
-There they are.


Teracles! Husband!

Can you hear me, my dearest?

We heard the cries and the swords clashing.
We came as fast as we could.

We've got to stop the bleeding.

No! Stay away from him.

Haven't you got enough blood on you already
from our poor good neighbors?

That woman...

Now, wait a minute.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


I didn't k*ll these people.
There was a man here with a sword.

You're the only one we've seen.

He was my friend.

I don't wanna hurt anyone.

I fought the man
that k*lled these people!

Fought an invisible man, did you?

One who ran away without the money
he was stealing?

And left his blood all over
your hands and sword?

I don't think so.

Together now, take her.

Stand back!

After her!

Come on! Come on!

After her!

-After her!
-Come on!

-Come on!

-Stop her!





Come on in.
This stream is great.

Gabrielle, come on.

Time to go.

-Climb aboard.
-This horse hates me.

-There she is! This way!
-No time to argue.


Grathius, you're sure she's
trapped in the mountain glade?

There's no way out except
through the pass we've got covered.

She can't escape,
not even on horseback.


Then I can begin
preparations for the trial.


-We don't need a trial!
-I saw her standing over the bodies...

...and her hands covered with their blood.

We don't need a trial.

She should be heard...

...like any other accused.

Will Doracles' son and daughters

...what excuse their father's
m*rder*r may offer?

And Areolis...

...whose young widow carries his child.

You expect us to stand
quietly at this?


Didn't Polinios labor
in your fields as a boy?

I say...

...Why waste time with some
useless hearing?

She will have a fair trial.

Peranis, I understand your rage.

But we can't allow ourselves
to become as savage...

...as the savage we hunt.

With respect, Benitar,
you weren't there.

You didn't see the carnage.

Neighbors, Peranis is right!

We need swift revenge,
not slow justice.

-Let's do it! I'm ready!
-We're with you, Peranis!

We'll wait here till nightfall.

Then we can slip by them
in the dark.

I don't know what you're worried about.

They're farmers, not warriors.

I've seen what can happen to people
whose loved ones are butchered.

Their vision gets bent and twisted.

Then there's no telling what they'll do.

But you didn't do anything.

The villagers saw me standing there,
covered with blood.

Well, appearances aren't everything.

That's why they have trials.

If it comes to that,
we'd just prove you didn't do it.

That hooded assassin who did do it.

He fights as well as I do.

Maybe better.

He's strong and fast, and then,
he just disappeared.

Do you have an idea who it might have been?


Gabrielle, if anything happens to us
and we get separated...

...I want you to get as far away from here
as possible.

What do you mean?

What do you think is going to happen?

Just do it.

Looks like the way
we came up is the only way back down.

What's the matter?


Get up on the horse.


What is it?

What's wrong?

Come on! This way!

-Keep it moving!
-We almost got her!

-We've got one of them!
-Hold onto her!


It's me you want. Let her go.

Then give up your sword.

She has done nothing.

So, either she goes free right now...

...or she comes with me right now.

So be it.

All of you...
Peranis, Grathios...

The young girl goes as she pleases.

You have our word.

What're you doing?


Are you all right?

That was quite a blow you took.

I do have a throbbing headache.

It's not my
biggest worry right now.

Whe did you just give up?

Why didn't you fight them?

They're not warriors.

It would've been a slaughter.

Gabrielle, I told you to get away
from here if anything happened.

I meant it.

Save yourself.

We're up against
more than you know.

I understand you may be feeling
a little negative at the moment.

You can't give in to that!

Justice prevails.

Well, that'd be nice.

I'll get you out of here.

No, Gabrielle, leave.

-Get away from here.

Look at you.

Hardly a suitable situation
for a warrior princess.

You're probably
wondering who I am.

No, I know who you are.

Ares, god of w*r.

Very good.

I should have known you'd figure it out.

Who else could outfight your sword?


...Your former mentor, and still
greatest fan...

...at your service.

I used to wonder what you look like.

Now that's the problem.

You used to wonder.

I can't tell you how disappointing
that is.


Of course it is.

Take my hand, Xena.

Give me your hand...

...and come with me.

Out of yourself...

...into what is wonderful.


You slaughtered those four villagers.

Only three so far.

That one you ministered to
might actually recover.

By all the gods, you are a beauty.

You must know I've missed you.

What do you want?

I want you back, of course.

My Warrior Princess, living
as my Warrior Queen.

We were once
a great match.

I didn't know any better then.

I thought your ways were
all there was for me.

I think you'll be more comfortable
in this.

Now that you do know...

...there is another side to life...

...now tell me...

Are you really having
more fun these days?

I'm fighting for a better world.

My dear Xena...,

...you were always fighting for
a better world.

You were going to conquer it...

...and then...

...you were going to rule it.

The perfect way
to bring order...

...out of chaos.

And you were doing very, very well.

Take a look at these documents
on the table here.

"Each village taxed only
on its profits."

"Comfort for the elderly."

"The teaching of medicine."

They need only your signature.

I can pass these decrees?

If it'd make you happy...

Your destiny is to rule the world with me.

Fulfill your destiny.

And fill me again
with the delicious sight of you...

The warmth...

The strength of you...

Go look out the window.

What do you see?


Thousands of them.

All of them yours.

Trained, ready, willing
to die if you command it.

With an army like that,
you could mold the world anew.

Eradicate injustice.

You can't tell me that all this
holds no attraction.

Even maybe a slight fascination.

What's in it for you?

The world at peace, under a great leader.


And to bring all this about...

...you need only call out my name.

Call upon me to help you,
and I shall be there instantly.

I seriously doubt you're gonna get
a better offer.

Jusst call for my help, Xena,
and you'll hold the world.

And you better hurry.

That crowd doesn't seem as fond of you
as I am.

Your friend will have a hearing.

We're not barbarians.

Who will speak for her?

I'll act as her advocate,
if that's what you mean.

With respect, sir, the fairest way
would be to let her advocate...

...be the person who believes the most
in her innocence.

Like me.

That's impossible.
You don't understand.

It was all I could do to get these
people to agree on a trial.

If I were to allow an outsider
to speak on her behalf...

...they may explode.

What is this?

This is the way
the condemned are ex*cuted.

Is she crazy?

-She can't do that!
-Get away from here!

Stop that.

This isn't about you, Gabrielle.

If you're going to m*rder one,
why not m*rder two?

What's the difference?

She's the only m*rder*r here.

Not for long.

And she's no m*rder*r!


I was chosen by you all...

...to bring justice to this village.

This is not it!

Get that old fool out of here!

Come on!

If you want blood now,
you'll have to come through them.

And if you get through them,
you'll have to k*ll me.

Peranis, justice will be done.
I promise you.

Return her to her confinement.

Come on! Move!

You may act as her advocate.

That was a pretty dumb thing you did back there.

Well, you would've done the same for me.

-That's different.
-Why? Because you're a warrior?

Well, normal people like me...

...take chances to save
their best friends too, you know?

You don't get it, do you?

They've got eyewitnesses who saw me
standing there...

...with a bloody sword
and nobody else around.

Which brings us to the subject of your defense.

Are you sure that none of the villagers...

...saw you fighting this
mysterious hooded man?

I'm sure.

Well, I'll just have to find
some exonerating evidence.

That's it.

Benitar! Benitar!

I can prove that there was someone else
at the m*rder site.

And that Xena fought him.

What are you talking about?

There are two sets of footprints

One is Xena's...

...and the other is longer and wider.

They're definitely
prints made by warrior boots.

Not the footwear of choice for humble villagers.

Show me.

It's right up here, over the hill.

The different footprints are toe-to-toe
and they're are all over the place.

As footprints would tend to be
after a sword fight.

This will definitely prove
that Xena is innocent.

They're right here.

Where are they?

I don't understand.

They were right here.

I hope you don't waste
our time...

...with nonsense like this
during the hearing.

And from your field you could hear
the sounds of the m*ssacre?

I heard men screaming.

I left my plow and ran
towards the road.

That's when I recognized
my husband's voice.

He was yelling "No, please, no!".

Then I heard him scream too.

I was trying so hard to get there.

But by the time I did get there,
my husband and the others were dead.

And I saw her...

...kneeling over Teracles, robbing him.

Blood on her hands,
blood on her sword...

...and my husband's blood
coloring the ground.

Your father and the others
had just been selling at the market.

That would mean that each of them
would have money.

His purse was gone when
they finally brought him to us.

My two little sisters
were eating supper.

You all say you heard
the sounds of the m*ssacre.

And that is what drew you to the road.


In addition to the voices, there were the sounds
of the fight itself...

...The swords clashing.

That's right.

But none of the men who died
were carrying swords.

If you heard Xena fighting
before you got there...

...who was she fighting?

She said that she fought
with a hooded man...

...and kept him from k*lling
the one man who did survive.

And that is what you heard, isn't it?

There was no hooded man.

There was only her.

By the time you got there, yes.

And she was using
her fine medical knowledge...

...to save that one survivor.

If she had k*lled all the others...

...why would she save him?

She was covered in blood, young lady.

-And so was her sword.
-That's right!

Have you ever helped someone on your farm...

...who was badly injured
and bleeding?

One time, yeah.

-Any of the blood get on you?
-Well, of course! I was helping him.

Exactly my point.

You say the surviving man, Teracles...,

...he had his money
scattered around in the dirt?

If we hadn't gotten there
quick as we did...

...she'd've picked him clean too.

Then where's the money?

If she had already robbed everybody else,
where did she put the money?

So she threw away, to come back
for it later. I don't know.

When the rest of you showed up,
she could've k*lled you too.

No witnesses.

Now why didn't she do that?

Hey, if she wasn't guilty,
why'd she run away?

Nobody here cares
that she didn't k*ll anyone.

Nobody cares
that she was only trying to help.

Nobody believes that she fought
the real m*rder*r.

All you care about
is executing someone.

I'd've run away too.

So would you.

There he is now.

Quiet, everyone.

That's the man I tried to save.

Thank the gods.

Teracles, what happened?


...so quickly.

By whom?

Who m*rder*d our three neighbors
and left you like this?

I felt a sword strike me...

I fell...

...then the sword came down again...

The last thing I remember was...

...that woman, standing over me...

My own blood covering her sword...


If I could just ask you
just a couple of questions...

Stay away from him.

He already told you what happened.
Now leave him alone!

This hearing is finished.

The council will meet this evening.

I'll post my verdict in the morning.

Remove the accused.

Take her away!

-Let's go.

May I have a word with your council?

I'm glad now we can k*ll you.

We've got until tomorrow morning
until we do k*ll you.



...He was my best friend.

I'll tell you about the others
you m*rder*d...

...One by one.

You almost let them
drag you to death today.

And Doracles.

And now...

...some unbearably smelly farmer
is beating you half to death.

-And Areolis.
-This is grotesque.

You, above all, should know...

...what grief
can drive people to do.

I so hoped
you'd call my name.

I think I almost did.

Now, that's the important thing.

You did want my help.

I wanted to live, yes.

You want more than just living.

Danger excites you.

And as you know, I am somewhat dangerous.

Action and power draw you
like a moth to a flame.

It burns inside you.

I burn inside you.

You can feel me there, like a fever.

Xena will never be answerable to
these pathetic creatures.

Not the Xena whose army scorched
the earth at will.

You are remembering it now.

The unfettered freedom of it.

You're Xena.



Now summon forth
that super-mortal strength of yours.




Here. Take this.

Once again you could've escaped
if you chose.

We don't understand you.

I realize now it doesn't matter
whether I k*lled your friends or not.

I've done a lot worse in my time.

And I guess I'm capable
of it again.

You saw what I did
to my best friend.

As your friend argued
before the council.

We can hold you answerable only
for what you've done here.

Our verdict will be objective.



I found Argo.

I'll wrap this rope around the bars
and we can pull them out of the wall.

How could you come back
after what I did to you?

What you did wasn't you,
I know that.

I also know now
that there's a big difference...

...between what justice is
and what the law is.

I don't think we'd better
wait around for justice.


If I run now, I'll be running forever.

Well, it beats being dead.

You've got an idea...

Someone made me a better offer.

I need you to leave me alone
for a while.


I didn't mean that like it sounded.

I'm glad you came back.


Somehow I felt I might
hear my name.

If the verdict's "guilty",
they'll execute me in the morning.

I'd rather live.

But you won't merely live.

You'll make the world a better place,
by leading it our way.

It is a joy to have you back.

Well, I'm not back yet.

Only if they find me guilty.

I wouldn't've bothered
k*lling those village fools...

...if I didn't know
they would find you guilty.

You did all this just to get me

I'm flattered.

Well, if I'm going to be
your warrior again...

No, not just my warrior.

You'll be the architect
of a new world.

My kind of world.

Where force of arms
keeps the peace...

...and one great Warrior Queen

You're irresistible.

But I suppose you already know that.

I'll have to have a new army.

Whatever you want,
whom ever you want.

The most legendary fighters
in history, if you'd like.

Hector? Achilles? Agamemnon?

They're long gone.

I'm Ares, god of w*r.

For you, I'll bring them back
and anyone else you desire.


I just want to be sure of the deal.

Anyone you name.

As long as I have your word.

You have my word.

My pledge.

Whatever you want.

It's almost time.

See you later, then.

The woman, Xena, having been found guilty...

...of murdering the good
and innocent men...,

...Palinios..., Doracles...
and Areolis, of this village.

Will now and publically...

...pay the supreme penalty
for her crimes.


You said I could have
anyone I name.

I call, on you,
to send forth the following protectors...

...The good and innocent men
of this village...,



...and Areolis.

Marvelously manipulated,
my dear.



Dad? Dad!

Nobody's even dead.



Hear me, my friends!

This brave and noble woman...

...She was the last thing I saw...

...battling a cowardly hooded
man who att*cked us.

She fought him for our lives,
though we were total strangers.

Truly, I say she
is the very soul of goodness...

...and we thank her with all our hearts.

Excuse me again, sir.

Not guilty.

Charges dismissed.

Well played, my dear.

Your choice was totally
wrong, of course, but...

...even as an adversary,
you are one of a kind.

I know my choice
was the right one for me.

In that case...

...until next time.

You coming back for me
really meant a lot...

...after what I did to you.

I trust you.

I never thought, for a moment,
you meant to hurt me.

Well, I owe you.


I owe you too.

What was that?

Paybacks for hitting me.

-Feel better?
-I think I broke my hand.

But I do feel better.


So do I.

How did those guys
come back from the dead?

Well, ever hear of Ares?

Until next time, Xena.

Until next time.
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