02x01 - The badlands

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x01 - The badlands

Post by bunniefuu »

Big TymersÀÇ 'Still Fly'

Joe! Come on, man!
You're gonna make me late!

Hey, mom, going out with Derek!

Man, you gonna
get me k*lled, man.

I mean, damn, why you
always gotta wear that thing?

Hey, Della says any man works in her
place gotta respect themself and wear a tie.

Oh, you want some respect?

You and me cruising in an escalade.
That's what I'm talking about.

Man, how you
gonna get an escalade

when you gotta beg Della
for a free dinner every night?

All that'll change
when we take over this hood.

See, once we running things,
she'll be pouring cristal in that place.

Yo, Derek.

I thought you said
you was gonna get clean.

I am. This, man...

It's no thing.

Just walk like you own the block.

Della! You got trouble.

If I'm not back in seconds, Tom,

call the police.

Glad I ain't on the
receiving end of that.

I always say my wife
is like a force of nature.

except with most forces of nature,

folks usually get a warning
so they can take shelter.

Behave yourself with that.
Come on, now.

Derek in trouble?

Della's breaking it up.

Get yourself an apron.

Uh, can Joe get
a chicken basket?

Joe can have a job if he wants.

Oh, no thanks, but some
extra fries'd be good.

What happened out there?

Oh, it ain't no nothing
I can't handle.

You think those dishes might up
and bus themselves, Derek?

No, ma'am. Here I go.

Doyle give you a hard time?

No, you gotta buckle your chin strap
when she gets you on the stand.

Walking back to PPD?

Hmm, Vera's testifying at the prelim on
the chicken and ribs job from a year ago.

The triple?

That started out being my job.

Yeah, the fugitives finally
picked up the sh**t,

been hiding out
at grandma's for a year.

Well, you knew
Della and Tom, right?

Over years. Their girl,
Nora is my goddaughter.

Thank you, detective Vera,
and what did you find when you

searched the home of Squeak
minter the day after the murders?

A key to the restaurant
where the sh**ting took place,

$ , cash,
and a . caliber p*stol.

The daughter? / The same type
of g*n that k*lled the three victims.

That's right.

No more from the commonwealth.

Detective Vera, you seem awfully sure
my client committed these murders.

He had the key, the g*n, and the exact
amount of cash taken from the register.

So, would it surprise you to learn
that Mr. Minter was actually robbing

- a store in West philly that night?
- West philly? Yes it would.

What if I showed you a videotape?

This is from a security camera
at the Wawa convenience store

on the corner of Spruce and th.

It clearly shows my client was

six miles away from the scene
when these murders took place.

Does that change your
opinion detective Vera?

You know you could've
objected a few times in there.

- Yeah, you screwed the pooch, Vera.
- I screwed the pooch?

- Yeah, how'd you miss this?
- West detectives missed it.

- This was a bum case.
- Your office approved the charges.

- How did we not know about this tape?
- His lawyer didn't even know till today.

Look, Squeak thought he was
gonna walk on that m*rder rap

and when it wasn't in the cards,

he pulled that tape he stole
when he did the robbery.

Hey, hat squad.

Way to go. You know,
you guys lost this one, big.

We can't lose this one.

Vera got his ass kicked in court?

Case d*ed before our eyes.

And Squeak took a plea
on the Wawa robbery.

Gonna do five years.
He didn't do this triple, boss.

So we start again, Lil,
and we'll see who did.

Hey, your name's on this interview.

It was my last job on the line.

Vera took it over
when I went to cold jobs.

Takes it over and fumbles it, huh?

Della and Tom lincoln,
owned the restaurant for years.

Derek jackson, ,

worked there
for two years, no record.

All three were sh*t
and her throat was cut.

Makes you think
she was the target.

- And that it was personal.
- Della was a block captain.

Probably didn't make her too popular
with the neighborhood dirt bags.

Vera got some prints and DNA
from the dinner trash, but no hits.

We'll re-run everything. Maybe the
doer's in the system a year later.

Can't wait to break his stones.

Here's the touchy part, Scotty.

Jeffries knew the victims.

This was a solid investigation.

Yeah. / No way homicide's
gonna know about a robbery.

That's West detectives.

So, uh, you landed on Minter
pretty quick last year, huh?

Yeah. He worked there.
He had the key.

- It was practically gift-wrapped.
- Well, we all thought it was him.

We were wrong. Black eye.

What can you tell us
about Della and Tom?

Della's was a kind of sanctuary.

If you kept your nose clean,
you were welcome.

If you didn't, you were gone.

Not easy keeping a business
open in the Badlands.

Della's was hopping every night,

but since the murders...

the whole neighborhood's
taken a slide.

Will, Della and Tom had a daughter?


- MBA student at Temple.
- Why don't you and Lil start with her.

And, uh, what am I gonna do?

This other victim, Derek.

He have any family?

- Addict brother.
- Want us to track him down, boss?


Guy didn't even know his
own name when I notified him.

Let's see if he does now.

Squeak minter's on trial.

- Thought he was going down.
- Case was thrown out this morning.

For real?

You know of anyone else might
have had a beef with your brother?

People loved Derek.

He was a good kid.

You mind?

So how did he stay so good
with you on the needle?

Della and Tom.

Weren't you his guardian?

Technically, but, uh, they're
the ones looked out for him.

How'd you clean up?

Derek's dying shook me up.

I met a guy in recovery.
Told me the guard teaches a trade.

Gonna try and lock a union job.

Did you see Derek the night he d*ed?

Is that a yes or a no?

I saw him,

but I was distracted.

Oh, you know Derek.

I thought you said you
was gonna get clean.

I am. This, man...

It's no thing.

Just walk like you own the block.

Yo, check out the player.

Yo, Simms. Back off, man.

Where you think you're going?

Market street?

Look, man, I ain't got no
problem with you.

But I got a problem with you.

See, like... problems.

I ain't giving you no money.

You pay the tax, or you
come roll with my crew.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- I want you outta here.
- This ain't your business.

You disrespect yourself,
that's your business.

You mess with this block, it's mine.

- You think this is your block?
- Oh, that's right,

and unless you want your friends to
see you get smacked by an old woman,

you best move.

You don't wanna mess with me.

You got to ten to make
your ass disappear.




We'll see you later.

Let's roll.

I never even moved.

You think Simms might have
come back for her that night?

Della stared down thugs.

In the neighborhood,
that makes people love you,

but it also makes you enemies.

You know where Simms is now?

I stay away from that life.

Would have been nice if you
told me this last year, Tre.

I was sick. I was scared and...

I'm trying to do
some good now. / Hey,

you kicked dr*gs,
did a stint in the guard.

A resume like that,
you could end up president.

It's crazy how you take
out one small place

and a whole neighborhood
suddenly feels hopeless.

That big a difference, huh?

Well, stop the heart, the body dies.

So you didn't want in
on this case last year?

Stillman thought I was too close.


Hi, Nora.

- Sorry about this morning.
- I'm okay.

This is Lilly rush.

She was the first
detective on the job.

Thanks for meeting us here. / Sure.

No one's stepped foot in here
since the police left that morning.

No one?

I just locked the door
and walked away.

Why don't you talk out here?

I'll go in.

How you doing, detectives?

It's a bad case of death.


You had dinner here that night?

Yeah, um...

while they were setting up.
Before my class.

Remember any conversations
your parents had?


Just some back and forth
with my mom and the waitress.

What about?

I couldn't really tell.

I know what I saw.

You're wrong.

This kind of problem
doesn't go away by itself.

There is no problem.

Honey, look me in the eye.

You don't want to get into this.

- It'll get you hurt.
- I don't scare.

Now, come into the light
and look me in the eye.

Mom, leave her alone.

The girl needs help.

Daddy? / Don't look at me.

I got a daughter majors in business,

a wife who majors in
other people's business.

Me, I'm just a restaurant owner.


you keep sticking your nose
where it doesn't belong,

you're gonna get it cut off.

That's the last thing
I ever said to my mother.

Where can we find the waitress?

My mother collected strays.

Her name was Tyra.
Her number's probably in the back.

You might want to call
a cleaning service, Nora.

I'll clean up.

I'd hire someone.

once the bodies are removed,
the department's work is done. So

no one's cleaned up in there.

I'm gonna stay a few minutes.

Della was nosing in this Tyra's
business the night of the murders.

So? / So Tyra didn't
take too kindly to it.

I interviewed that waitress.
She ain't our sh**t.

Still worth a second conversation.

Way more likely
it's this Simms guy.

- What's his story, Nick?
- He's a thug.

Deals dr*gs on the corner,

he's flashing a g*n around.

He had words with
Della and Derek that night.

Well, her throat being cut
says it was more personal than that.

She dissed him in front of his crew.

That's personal
to these mugwumps.

J.T. Simms' juvie records.


he robbed a white castle,
right at closing.

Same M.O.
as the chicken and ribs job.

- Getting better all the time.
- How'd we miss Simms last year?

You know how chatty people are,
ratting out the neighborhood badass.

We'll follow up on Tyra.

Simms is the better bet.

Run them both down.

Check on Derek's friend, Joe,
while you're at it.

Let's hit the Badlands.

We understand the
night of the murders,

you and Della were arguing.

No, I don't think so.

Della's daughter says it was over
some problem you were having.

Probably it was just some
misunderstanding about my schedule.

This is Jammal.

They're asking about Della and Tom.

So what, that boy Squeak
didn't do that?


You don't seem surprised.

You tell them about Frank?

No. / Who's Frank?

He, um, he did odd jobs, at Della's.

Oh, he did other things, too.

Tell them what you saw.

Della was messing with Frank?

It's, it's just what I saw.

You never told anyone?

People shouldn't get messed up
in other people's relationships.

I don't know.


Never seen him.

J.T. simms.

Hung on the corner here for two
years, right in front of your stoop.


Thanks a million.

- She give you anything?
- Told me to go pound sand.

Who else can we find to lie to us?

You still seeing that girl?

Elisa? Nah.

What happened?

Nothing. Just, uh, time to move on.

So you're back in the hunt?

Uh... I guess.

Well, a couple of nurses at
st. Joe's, up for a night out.

Your wife coming?

Someone's trying
to get our attention.

You looking for stick Simms?

I'm putting this place on the market,

hoping someone's
looking for a tax write-off.

Ever think about opening it again?

Not in this neighborhood.

We're aware of whoever k*lled my parents
probably lives within two blocks of here.

I can't smile and
serve them every day.

So, um...

you wanted to know about Frank?

Well, Tyra said he might have
been close with your parents.

With my mom maybe.

Why's that? / She had a weakness
for men who needed to be saved.

Um, are you hiring?

No, honey. I'm sorry.

Do you know Frank's last name?

Morgan, I think.

Buster morgan, the boxer?

Yeah. My dad called him that.

You know where he stays?

He never had a permanent situation.

Why are you asking about Frank?

His name came up is all.

Guy from the shelter said try
the tent city round the corner.

It's behind big Ed's gym.

You know this area
pretty good, huh?

I grew up two blocks over.

I used to go to that gym
and watch the guys spar.

You ever get in the ring?

No, I got hit enough
in my own house.

Frank, Frank morgan?

I'm Frank.

- What?
- It's Will jeffries, buster.

Will who?

We're here about Della lincoln.

- You know Della?
- We're investigating her m*rder.

Right. Stupid.

Della's gone.

We got a witness saw you and
Della kissing the night she d*ed.

- Tom?
- Tom's dead, too.

Because it was a mistake.

What was?

Come on, Frank.

Tell us what happened that night.

Did you lose something?

Where'd you get that?

Tom found them in the trash.

You gotta take them, Frank.

You can't forget,
not even for a day.

They make me tired.

They keep you right. / I know.

We're gonna get
you back on your feet.

No. No. No, Frank.

What is going on?

I'm, I'm...

I'll just...
I won't come back.

I'm sorry. / Frank. Frank!

Della cares about you,
just like I do,

but there's different kinds of caring.
You can't confuse the two.

I know. You can't go kissing
on other men's wives.

Oh, I won't. I won't.

Give me that stuff.

Dinner crowd's gonna be in soon.

He didn't kick me out,

when by rights, he could've.

What were E meds for?

I get extreme.

Did you get extreme that night?

Hurt Della and Tom?

Hurt them? They was the
only thing holding me together.

Frank, do you remember
a fight between Della and Tyra?

Della caught her putting on makeup.

What do you mean?

Her boyfriend hit her

and Tyra was trying to
cover up the bruise.

You couldn't fool Della, see?

J.T. simms?

What'd I do?

You tell us.

It's about the murders at the
chicken and ribs place, last year.

Don't remember nothing about it.

You sure?

Because if my boys saw me almost
get bitch-slapped by an old woman,

I know I'd remember.

You better get biggie here
out of my face.

Della made you look small.

Maybe you went back later
to settle the score.

Using that g*n you flashed at Derek
jackson and Joe moore that night.

I ain't talking no more.

Why not?

Who you scared of, Joe?

Who you think runs the game now?

So he took your place out there, huh?

How'd that happen?

Hey, stick, we got you
at the scene that night.

You beefed with two of the victims,
got priors with the same M.O.

And don't play that cr*pple card.
Triple murderers get no love.

I've seen Joe outside
the restaurant the next day.

Soul HooliganÀÇ 'Soul Searching'

Three in there.

Don't leave till you talk
to the detective on this job.

That ain't you?

Not anymore.

Ask for detective Vera.

Friend in there?


I'm sorry.

Check out homicide barbie.

Your boy Derek in there?

- Yep.
- Roll with me,

be my soldier.

You don't got to worry about
something like that happening to you.

- Yo, dawg...
- yo, I ain't your dawg!

Then what are you?

Somebody you got to step around.

Take a look.

See what I can do?

You saying you took
your own boy out?

Maybe you can be my soldier.

It was biblical, man.

Ice cold.

And you just believe him,
just rolled over, give up your turf?

That brother turned hard, man.

He backed it up,

came down on my crew.

Where do we find Joe?

Man I tell you that, I get k*lled.

Not if he goes away for this.

Triple m*rder gets you a date
with the needle real quick.

So we're off Frank as a suspect?

He's goofed in the head,
but he doesn't have m*rder in him.

Told us Tyra's secret, though.

Her boyfriend Jammal
was b*ating her up,

and Della was wise to it.

Scotty called in.
They're looking to pick up Joe moore.

Derek's friend? / Yeah, guess he
bragged to Simms about being the sh**t.

That kid? He was
in shock at the scene.

Playing dumb?

Something hinky in this lab report.

- Like what?
- Well, the first time they ran the prints,

they excluded
matches for the victims.

They did a blanket search this time.

And Derek's prints are
all over Della and Tom's shoes.

Dragging the bodies?

Oh, god.

Tell me Derek wasn't in on this.

Derek and Joe were pals, right, Lil?

Maybe an inside job gone bad.

We wake you, Joe?

Yeah, can I get
a coke or something?

Why don't we visit here a minute.

You had a busy year.

Possession, ag-as*ault,

as*ault with intent.

Taking down Della's gave
you a taste, is that it?

How'd it work that night? Did Derek
leave the back door open for you or what?

- Why you talking about Derek?
- You and him robbed that place.

Maybe so you could pay for that
sweet escalade you're pushing.

Have some respect, all right?
You know, Derek is dead.

Well, he wasn't dead when he dragged
Della and Tom's body into the bathroom.

We got those prints, Joe.

Maybe Derek lost it after
you sh*t Della and Tom.

You couldn't trust him to shut up,
so you had to pop him, too.

Nah, nah, me and Derek was tight.

Yeah, but you were going
different ways. Derek was straight.

- He had no stomach for the life.
- Not like you.

You were tough.

Getting sick and tired of having no scratch
and getting hassled on the block, right?

That night...

was your coming out.

You want to know where I was
at when Derek got sh*t?

Taking a boot to the head
from my mom's boyfriend.

Nine stitches.

Ask at the Temple ER.

So why'd you brag to everyone
you did the murders?

You think anyone on that block's
looked at me since then?

Tyra's here.

Say, I got some kind of
bench warrant or something?


This isn't really about the warrant.

It's about Jammal.

What about him?

I know he hits you, Tyra.

No, he don't.

Della knew, too.

And from what I hear about Della,
she could be pretty forceful

if she wanted something.

That's the truth.

And I bet she wanted
you to leave Jammal.

That's what you were
fighting about that day.

We're talking about Della here.

Don't you owe her the truth?

She said I could come stay with her.

Must have pissed
Jammal off pretty good.

Well, Jammal didn't know.

If he was pissed at anyone...

it was Derek.


AshantiÀÇ 'Foolish'

Those things will k*ll you, you know.

Go back in.
Della will be looking for you.

You okay?

It's nothing.

Tyra, you know you deserve
someone who treats you right.

Too bad you ain't five years older.

Hey, I'm old enough to know
a good thing when I see it.

Hey, my mama didn't
raise no fool, now.

It's about time you smiled.

Look, you don't want this, Derek.

You're going places. / Yeah, who
says I don't have room for two?

- You're a kid.
- So give me a few years.

I want to make sure
you're around that long.

Let's go in.

He, um...

he was, he was a sweet, sweet boy.

Did Jammal k*ll those people?

I don't know.

I really don't.

But, uh...

he never came home that night.


This is a place you can be safe.

And I'm gonna write
my number on the back.

Don't go home, Tyra.


Where am I gonna find Jammal?

Joe's ER alibi checked out.

Had to cut him loose.

I like Jammal's motive more anyway.


did Vera screw this job up
after he took it from you?

I don't know.

He did have some trouble
at home this time last year.

Scotty. Rush.


I'll get the car.

You kind of snapped out
in court the other day.

I kind of got made a fool of.

We got new direction on the job,
might bring it back to you.

Really? Will Vera testify again?


So what's the new angle?

Looks like a jealous boyfriend had it
out for the kid who worked there.

It's always love isn't it.

Or money.

We're gonna have
to work together, Rush.

We will.

So, how are you anyway?

Great. Thanks.

Or good, at least.

You regret it?


Me neither.

You been to first Thursdays lately?

Not lately, no.

Bye, Kite.

I barely knew that kid.

All you needed to know was
he was touching the merchandise.

Your girl left you for a year old.
That'd be pretty embarrassing.

She wasn't gonna leave.

Derek painted her
a pretty nice picture.

You heard it yourself.

Trust me.
Tyra wouldn't leave.

Because you'd break
her face if she did?

- I didn't do those murders.
- You don't have an alibi.

But you got motive and opportunity.

You better start talking about what
happened in that alley, Jammal.

Just a little life lesson.

"Don't touch the merchandise".

Let's go in.

Just tell me I'm not crazy.


Jammal, leave him.

You trying to get with my girl?

- Jammal!
- You messing with my girl, man?

You gonna hit me like you hit her?

You want to get hit.

I can't hear you!
I can't hear you!

He's just a kid!

Hey, hey, hey!

Mess with my brother, hmm?

Messing with my brother, huh?

What is going...?

Don't come back, Jammal!


So I left, okay?

My business was done.

Where'd you go?

Hey, you need an alibi, brother.

A girl.

A girl that ain't Tyra.


Don't go nowhere.

sh**ting in the Badlands.

J.T. simms got gunned
down in his wheelchair.

Life's cheap, huh, Joe?

Take down a guy in a wheelchair,

- that's pretty brave.
- Wasn't me.

No? Who else you figure
would want to sh**t down stick Simms?

Someone talks to the cops,
they gonna get smoked.

What happened, Joe?

You and Derek steered
clear of the streets.

You were on the path.

What would Derek think if
he saw you sitting in here?

Derek is dead.

Della and Tom are dead.

Rest of us do what it take to survive.

Nothing more important
than street creds, right?

Hey, don't talk like you know me.

Vera, you wanna
get Joe a soft drink?

I was friends with Della and Tom.

- Good for you.
- Don't disrespect them.

They deserve better.

You and I are alike, Joe.

You see me working for the man?

I grew up in the Badlands.

Had crap parents who
didn't have any interest in me

except to send me out
to buy their cigarettes.

So? / So, I had a football coach.

Got me off the corners.
Showed me discipline.

Said I could be something instead
of just another street hanger.

And I had a best friend like Derek.

We made plans to get a better life.

If I'd lost either of them,

I don't know which way
I would have turned.

I know you woke up one morning,

and everyone you
put hope in was gone.

- I got by.
- Look around, Joe.

This is the end of the line.

I don't know who
k*lled Derek and them.

Help me figure out who did.

You two always went home together.

Why not that night?

Because Derek wasn't going home.

What is going on?

Don't come back, Jammal.

Whatever, man.

Tyra, honey?

Go on inside.

Give me a hand with him.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'd take some blows for her, too.


Tre jackson?

Oh, son.

I stopped him from b*ating on you.

How many times you tell me
you were cleaning yourself up?

He promised.

It breaks my heart
to see you like this.

But if you can't look after
Derek, it's best if I do.

Tell her how I look out for you.

You get yourself together.

You come back.

Go on home.

Derek's gonna stay here a while.


Woke up the next day...

everything was different.


So he go for sh**ting Simms?

Not yet.

Community service m*rder, right?

Now they're both off the streets.

Yeah, it's just the Badlands.
Who cares?

Just two thugs.
So, no, I don't care.

Ever think there'd be one less m*rder
if you'd worked this job right a year ago?

I worked a good case.

Look, you wanna be sloppy in your
personal life, your marriage, you go ahead.

- Don't you talk about my marriage.
- But don't be a bum on this job.

Will, let's take a walk.

Lil, um...

Tre told us he saw
Derek early that night,

but, uh, he didn't mention
this bottle incident later on.

What's up? / You said last time
you saw Derek was early in the night.


But you came back
later all strung out.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Da, da, damn,

I forgot. I...

It was an ugly fight.
It's tough to forget.

We've got DNA from the scene.

Maybe we run it through
the m*llitary data bank?

Let go of the r*fle, Tre.

Tre, let it go.

I wouldn't have let
someone go to jail for it.

I would've told the truth.

Tell us.

Why'd you come back here?

I need ten bucks.

You heard Della.

You can't keep coming
here wasted, man!

It's for food, man.

Look, I'm hungry.

Fine. Come on.

You can have some chicken.

But be quiet.

Tom and Della are in the back.

What you doing?

I'm good for it, man.
Come on.

- Put it back.
- I'll pay you tomorrow, man.

- I said put it back, Tre!
- What's going on?

What's going on out here?

No, Tre!

- Tre, what you doing, man?
- Don't be crazy, son.

Step off!

- Just step off.
- Give me the g*n, Tre.

Tre, what you doing, man!

Oh, god... / Tom!

Get back!

Get back!

Get them, man!

We gotta call an ambulance.

Grab them and put
them in the bathroom!

Man, we gotta call an ambulance.

- Grab the rope, Derek!
- Tre, we got to get them help!


Help me, Derek!

Help me, man!

You an me, look,

we'll start over.

We'll take the cash and
everything will be okay.

What'd you do, Tre?

This is my family! / No,

I'm your family.

I'm blood, man!

This is right. This is a plan.

No. / We go away.

We need to get her help.

- It'll work.
- She's alive, Tre!

She ain't your family!

But it's Della!

I'm your family!

You got it now?

I'm calling for help.

No. No, don't make me
hurt you, Derek.


You're not gonna sh**t me.

I'm your brother!

I love you.

I mean it, Derek!

I'm getting you some help.

Alicia KeysÀÇ 'If I Ain't Got You'

Some people live
for the fortune

Some people live
just for the fame

Some people live
for the power yeah

Some people live
just to play the game

Some people think
that the physical things

Define what's within

I've been there before

But that life's a bore

So full of the superficial

No one to share,

no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you baby

If I ain't got you baby

Some people want diamond rings

Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got you

Some people want it all

But I don't want nothing at all

If it ain't you baby

If I ain't got you baby

Some people want diamond rings

Some just want everything

But everything means nothing

If I ain't got you
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