03x16 - Sentimental Anniversary

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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03x16 - Sentimental Anniversary

Post by bunniefuu »

(I Love Lucy theme music




Ethel, I'm sorry.

What are you trying to do,
k*ll somebody?

Oh, honey, I didn't know you
were there.

Whew! What are you doing
with those things?

This is what I'm giving Ricky for
our anniversary.

Aren't they wonderful?

Oh, aren't
they beautiful?

Gee. What are the little
booties on there for?

Booties? Those are covers to
protect the clubs.

Oh. What do
those numbers mean?

Oh, Ethel,
don't you know anything?

Those numbers tell you

how many strokes to
take with that club.

Gee, that's a
wonderful present.

Oh, I-I think he's going to
be crazy about it.


I got to put it away, though.

Sure wouldn't want
him to see it.


I don't think
he'll see that.


Oh, boy.

Now comes my yearly problem.

What's that?

Well, trying to figure out a
way to give Ricky

an inkling that it's
our anniversary

without his knowing he's
being inkled.

Oh, that shouldn't
be difficult

for an old, veteran
inkler like you.

I know, but it's always such
a strain

thinking up new ways to
remind him.

You don't suppose, just
this once,

he might remember all
by himself, do you?

What was that for?

Uh, wh-what was what for?

That expression on your face.

Uh, uh.... uh, I have
a little indigestion.

It was a smile.

Oh, I always smile when
I have a little indigestion.

Now, Ethel, cut that out.

You know something.

No, I don't.
I don't know anything.

I'm a dunce.

You're keeping
something from me.

Uh, uh, well, uh,

see you later, Lucy.

Ethel Mertz, you're not
going anywhere

until you tell me what
you know.

Ricky remembered my
anniversary, didn't he?

I guess it wouldn't hurt
to tell you that much.

Yes, he did.

Oh, good.

Well, so long.

Ethel! You know more
than that.

Come on now. What
did he tell you?

He must have talked to you.

He must have asked your advice
about my present.

What did he want to know?

What size I wear?

What color I look best in?

How big a diamond I
like in a ring?

I'm not going to
say another word.

Ethel, I'm going to ask you just
one more question

and then you can go.

Do you know what Ricky is
giving me for our anniversary?

Yes, I do.

What is it? What
is it?

I thought you were only gonna ask
me one more question.

I am. What is it?

Oh, I've already told you

more than I should.

I told you he remembered
your anniversary,

and I told you I knew
what he was getting you.

You'd think you'd be satisfied.

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Yes, I would.

Has he already bought it?

Am I gonna like it?

He bought it weeks ago,

you're gonna be
thrilled to pieces,

and let go of my arm
before it's eight feet long.


Now, can I step down
off the witness stand?


See you later.

Hey, wait a minute.

Come here.

If he bought it weeks ago,

it must be hidden here
in the house.

Where is it? Where is it?

I'm not gonna
tell you.

Ethel, please,
just-just tell me

if I... if I'm getting
close to it.

Just tell me if I'm warm.

No, I won't.

Ethel, you tell me, or
I'm going to tell Fred

that you've been saving
out of the food money

to buy yourself
that monkey fur jacket.

I'll tell him

you've been sewing roast beef
bones on a chuck roast.

You wouldn't dare.

Oh, wouldn't I? Hmph!

I'm going.

I'm going
to tell him.

I'll count to three.





Oh, Ethel, I just got to
know about my present!

Now come on, please!

Just tell me if I'm
hot or cold, huh?

Just tell me, please.

Please? Please, Ethel?

Okay. Cold.

Cold. Cold.


Oh, freezing!

Uh, warmer.

Uh, wa...
Oh, warmer.


Wa... Oh, wha...

Oh, you're
boiling hot!

If it was a snake,
it'd bite your knee!



Oh, thank goodness,
it's gift-wrapped

so you can't untie it.

Oh, can't I? I can get the
meat out of a sausage

without touching the skin.

Oh, I shouldn't
have done it.

I shouldn't
have told you.

I tried not to
tell you, didn't I?


Oh! Ethel!

I've already seen them.

Aren't they beautiful?

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, Ethel!

They're stone martens.

Stone martens!



Ethel Mertz, you make me so mad.

What did I do?

You told me about my present

and now I won't be surprised.

Look at that snowman.

Aw, look at the picture

of Mommy and Daddy on
their honeymoon.

Look at that, honey.

See the snow?

Look at the snow.

See Mommy?

Look at that.


Oh, hi, darling.

Say, what are you doing
up so late, old man?

Oh, he was such a good boy, I
let him stay up

to say good night to Daddy.

Oh, good.
Hello, sweetheart.

How are you? Hello.

Come on. Beddy-bye.


You were a good boy, eh?

Oh, he was wonderful.

Well, there you are.

He even ate all of
his spinach today.

Well, listen, you're gonna grow
up to be a big, strong boy.

You'll probably be
a football player.

He's awful tired now, though.

Come on, honey.

Come on, sweetheart.

I let him stay up too late.


Well, it's all right,

Now say your prayers.

Gee, honey, don't those pictures
bring back a lot of memories?

You know, it's wonderful how
many great times we've had.

Yes, sir.

Say, we have an
anniversary coming up

one of these days,
haven't we?


Well, I'll pick up a box
of candy or something.

Oh! Oh-ho-ho!

Hey-hey, look at that.

That's the night
before we got married.

Gee, that's
a cute couple.

I wonder what ever
happened to them.

Haven't you heard?

They lived
happily ever after.


We have had fun,
haven't we, honey?

Yes, sir.

These have been the best
15 years of my life.

What's the matter?

We've only been
married 13 years.

Oh. Well, I-I mean,
it seems like 15.


No, uh, what I meant is,

it doesn't seem possible
that all that fun

could have been crammed
into only 13 years.

Well, you wormed out
of that one.

Besides, it isn't even 13
years until tomorrow.

All right. What do you want
to do on our anniversary?

Do? You have to work.

No, I don't.

I'm gonna take the night off.

I've already arranged it.

I don't believe it!

It's true.

Now, what do you want to do?

I'll take you anyplace
you want to go.

Well... you know what
I want to do?


You won't laugh at me?


I want to have a quiet
little dinner at home,

just the two of us,

you know, candles and

and our favorite records on
the phonograph.

Oh, honey, that
sounds wonderful.

Doesn't it?

A cozy, romantic
dinner for two

just like it was on
our honeymoon.

It'll, it'll just be our
night, huh?

Okay, sweetheart.

If that's what you want to do,
that's just what we'll do.

Fred, guess what.


The maitre d' from the
Tropicana just called me.

Our surprise party
tomorrow night is off.

Well, it's their anniversary,
isn't it?

Yes, it's their anniversary,

but Ricky's decided
to take the night off.

How do you like that?

He's worked every
Tuesday night

since we've known him.

Well, in that case, we'll just have
to phone all the people

and tell them we're gonna have
the party here.

If the Ricardos are
going to be here,

we'll have to find that out.

Let's go over there
and see, huh?

All right.

Come on.


This is the night that
we went to the Copa.

Oh, yes.

Didn't we have fun
that night?

Oh, I had forgotten
that dress.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

Wait a minute.
Who's that?

Where? Oh, that's Fred
and Ethel.

Fred and Ethel?

Yeah. Haven't you seen that?

Ethel gave it to me.

That's when they
were first married.


(laughing uncontrollably)


What's so funny?

(laughing harder)

How about that?
Fred with hair.

Yeah, I remember when
this was taken.

But who's the slim,
young girl with me?

Oh, now, Fred, I haven't
changed that much.

Now, Ethel, as my hair thinned, your
hips spread.

Oh, poo.

Come on, we've all changed
quite a bit since then.

I guess so.
Yeah, let's talk

about something
a little pleasanter.

Sit down, come on. Sit

All right.

Uh, Ricky, uh,
what are you going to do

tomorrow night
on your anniversary?

Oh, uh, I'm going to take
the night off.

You are?


Well, uh, what are you
going to do?

Well, uh,
Lucy wants to...

Uh, we have to... we
have to go out to dinner.

Uh, a business dinner.

A business dinner?

Uh-huh, yes. They called just
before you came in.

Uh, Ricky wanted to
turn them down,

but I wouldn't let him. It's
too important.

Well, who's it with?

Rodgers and Hammerstein.

and Hammerstein?

and Hammerstein?

Rodgers and

Uh, see? He's still surprised.

He can't even believe it, can
you, dear?

No... no. It's, it's
very hard to believe.

Well, um... uh,
I guess we got to go.

We got something to do.
Yeah, we got to go.

Come on, Fred.
Why do you have to
go so soon?

Yes, we have
something to do.

but we'll see,
we'll see you again.

Don't have to run.

you guys later.

What's all this
about a business dinner?

Well, I'm sorry,

but I-I just didn't want them

to know that we were
gonna be home.

I wanted to be alone with you.

Okay, honey, but why
Rodgers and Hammerstein?

Well, nothing but the best for
my husband.

If you're gonna have dinner with

might as well have it with
Rodgers and Hammerstein.

Now this is a mess.

We've got a whole surprise
party full of people

and nobody to surprise.

Oh, there must be some way to
figure this out.

I don't think it'll work.

Of course it will. Why

Well, the Mertzes always
know when we're home.

So, we'll go out.

Well, that doesn't make
sense, even for you.

Look, we'll go out and
make a lot of noise

so that they'll know
we're leaving,

then we'll sneak quietly in
through the kitchen door

and have our own
little celebration.



Fred, I've got it.

I'll see you later.

Well, where you going?

I'm gonna see Mrs. Trumbull.

If they're going out,
they'll have to get

Mrs. Trumbull to stay
with the baby.

And if Mrs. Trumbull
tells them

that she can't
baby-sit after 9:00,

they'll have to come home,
and we can have our party.

Ethel, you're slicker than
slippery elm.

Well, honey, I don't know.

Oh, please, Ricky? Please?

Just for me. It
means so much to me.

Okay, we'll do it.

Okay, honey, thank you!



Yeah, honey.

Mrs. Trumbull said she
could baby-sit until 9:00,

so I told her we'd
be back then.


Oh, gee,
doesn't this look nice?

This is gonna be the nicest
anniversary we've ever had.

Say, uh, what are we
having for dinner?

The same thing we had on
our first anniversary.

Raw potatoes
and burned roast?


Aw, come now. I've learned

to cook a little better
since then.

Yes, you have, sweetheart.

What about opening
our presents, huh?

Oh, not now, honey.

We have to make like we're
leaving first, remember?

Come on.


Stay right there. All

Uh, hurry up, dear!

We mustn't be late!

We mustn't keep
d*ck and Oscar waiting!

All right, I'll
be right there!


Oh, hi, Ethel.


It's Ethel.
She's coming in here.

Get-get-get my, uh, stole--

it's in there on the chair--
and my bag.

And get your coat.

Hey, Lucy, open up!

Okay. Uh...

Uh, well, I-I-I'd ask
you in, Ethel,

but, uh, we're kind
of in a rush.

Well, I just want to see how
you look in your new dress.

Oh, well, I'll come out there.

The light's better in the hall.

Oh, Lucy!

Oh, that's
just beautiful.

Thank you.

Oh, my. Gee, it's nice
you're having dinner

with Rodgers
and Hammerstein,

but it's too bad it had to
happen on your anniversary.

Yeah, well, business is
business, you know.


Thank you, dear.

It's all right.

Oh, boy.

Thanks very much.

Well, we'll see you later.

Okay. Have a good time.

You're a handsome couple.

Thank you.
Thank you, honey.

Thank you.


Oh, Fred what are you
doing here?

They could have seen you.

Oh, they've gone, haven't they?

This ought to be a good time to
get things set for the party.

No, we got to wait till they get in
the taxi and drive away.

They might have forgotten
something and come back.


everything's just
working out perfectly.

They're gonna be the
most surprised people.

In the whole world.

(giggling) Shh!

I feel like a burglar.

We made it.

Give me your coat.

We're all alone.

Happy anniversary,

Happy anniversary,

Now for the presents.

Okay. You sit
right down there.


Gee, I can hardly wait to
see what it is.


Oh! Don't tell me it was
hidden there all this time.

Oh! Yeah.

For heaven's sake.


Happy anniversary, honey.

Oh, thank you, dear.

Gee, I can't imagine what it is.

Is it a... nightgown?

Um... a sweater?

Um... some candy?

Oh! Oh, Ricky!

Oh, furs!

Oh, honey!

Oh! They're just out
of this world.

You like them?

Oh, honey, they're wonderful.

Oh, gee.

I hope they're the right
color and everything.

Oh, honey, the color is

You should see how they look with
my new gray dress.

I mean... uh...

they ought to look good
with my new gray dress.

I mean, I ought to see

how they look with
my new gray dress.

I ought to keep my
big mouth shut.

Lucy, you peeked.

Well... yes, kind of...

but I love them.

I've loved them for
a whole day.

But I wanted you
to be surprised.

Oh, I was, when
I found them.


Now for your present.

All right.

Close your eyes.

Well, it was too
big to wrap.

Oh, all right.


Open your eyes.

Golf clubs!

Oh, honey, just
what I wanted.


Oh, they're beautiful!

They're all matched,
whatever that means.

And there are four woods and
there are eight irons

and there's the
most wonderful...

What happened?
Where is that?

Let's see. One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven.

That's funny.

One of them's missing.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

Th-The putter is gone.

You sure?

Yeah. Maybe it dropped out
of the bag in here.

Now, where could that be?

Hey, honey?


Le-Let's open the
champagne, honey.

You'll find it later.
Don't worry, come on.

Well, I can't
understand that.

They're beautiful.
Don't worry, honey.

How could it drop out
of the bag?

Four woods and one, two,
three, four,

five, six...

Now, where in the world did...?



Oh, you found the putter.

I told you you'd find it, sure.

Ricky, where did this come

The putter?

Yes, the putter.

Where did the putter come from?

Yeah, where did the putter come

Well, um... if you must know,

I found the golf
clubs in the closet

while you were at Ethel's and I
was practicing with the putter

and you came back and I had
to hide it under the couch.

Oh, Ricky, you're
as bad as I am.


Happy anniversary,
fellow peeker.

Happy anniversary,


(doorknob jiggling)

Oh, it's locked.
Go get the key, Fred.

The Mertzes?!

They're trying to
get in here.

What do we do?

Where? In
the closet.

All right.

I'll take this.

Here, take these things, too.

Okay, I'll
take the candles.

Ah, ha, ha!

There we are.

Ah, where do I put this box?

Uh, just put it down there on
the divan.

All right.

Ooh, they must have been
playing Scrabble.

Yeah. That
saves us putting
up the table.

Well, for once,
we kept a secret.

They're really gonna
be surprised.

Hey, look at these.

Yeah, Lucy got
those for Ricky.

Ain't they beauties?


I suppose you know
what those numbers mean.


They tell you
how many strokes

to take with that club.

What idiot told you that?


Well, that figures.

Now, come on, you
didn't see the present

we're giving them, did you?

No. I'd like to see it.

Okay, I wanted to show it

to you before I wrapped it up.

I'm crazy about it.

Oh, that's a
good-looking lighter!


Well, you could've at least
taken the price tag off...


Have you lost your mind?

That's not the real price.

I erased the real price
and wrote that on myself.



what is the real price?


Come on now,
let's not be too cheap.

Cheap? We're giving
them champagne

and cake and a party.

Yeah, that's right.

Besides, look who's
talking about being cheap.

Ricky bought Lucy furs
for their anniversary.

I've always
wanted a fur coat.

Now, listen, honeybunch.

If nature had intended for
you to have a fur coat,

you'd have been born with one.

Oh, honestly.

Well, I'd better
tidy up the room, huh?

Yeah. But...

Now, don't open that bottle
of champagne!

It'll just sit around
and get flat.

Don't worry. I won't let it just
sit around and get flat.

Now, Fred, give
me that champagne.

Come on now.

Help me set the
table, will you?

All right.

Pick the cake up.

Put that there.

Got it?


Heavy, isn't it?

Yeah, but it looks good.

Mm-hmm. Isn't that
a beautiful cloth?


Now, put the cake back down.

All right.

Now, paper napkins.

They're in that box.

Get them for me, will you?


And bring their glasses.

They're prettier than ours.
All right.


You're welcome.



How did you get out here in
the kitchen so fast?

Well, I walked out here. What's
the matter with you?

Well, you just handed
me these napkins

and the minute I got
my hand on them,

you said, "You're welcome."

I didn't just hand you the

What do you mean you didn't
just hand them to me?

Well, I mean that I just
didn't hand you the napkins.

Now, listen,
I ought to know

whether you handed me
these napkins or not.

Are you insinuating
that I'm daft, loony,

off my rocker,
out of my head?

Well, that covers it
pretty well, yeah.

One of us is loony.

Oh, well.

Let's straighten
these out.

Okay. Oh, that
looks all right.

Now, you go out in the kitchen
and get the cake plates,

and I'll go in the bedroom
to see if it's all right

so the guests can leave
their hats and coats.

Cake plates.
Cake plates.

(doorbell buzzes)

Hi. Come on in.

They're not here yet.

They'll be here pretty soon.

Well, they said they'd be
here at 9:00, you know.

I-I was sure they'd have to
be back by then.

It's 10:00 now.

(mouthing words)

Well, we just have
to wait a while longer.

Just be patient.

What was that?!

It was out in the kitchen.

It's a champagne bottle!


It exploded.



Have you got your key? I
forgot mine.

Yeah, I have it here.

Get it for me, will you?


Come on, honey,
where is it?

Here you are.

Oh, okay.

Come on.


(all talking at once)

Oh, my...
Oh, my...

(I Love Lucy theme music
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