03x20 - Home Movies

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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03x20 - Home Movies

Post by bunniefuu »

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)

Ethel, I thought we were going over
to the Ricardos' tonight.

ETHEL: We are. I'm ready.

All right.

Come on.

You'd better take your glasses with

What for? I know what Lucy and Ricky
look like.

Suppose Ricky wants to show us his
home movies again.

He wouldn't dare.

He's been showing them to us every

Well, after all, it's his first movie

and the first pictures he's got of
the baby.

Well, count me out.

If I want to see old movies,

I can stay home and watch television.

Well, what can we do?

I'll tell you what we'll have to do.

Don't let the conversation lag.

Don't even give them a chance

to suggest showing the movies.

Hey, that's a good idea.

Now, just remember,

here's what you've got to do--

just keep talking and talking

and talking and talking.

You know, act normal.

No, no, no, I take that back.

I need you on my team tonight.

Now, get in there and fight and keep
those lips moving.


Aren't the Mertzes coming over

Yeah. They said they were.

What do you think is holding them up?

Gee, I don't know.

They ought to be here any minute.

(doorbell buzzes)

There they are.

Oh, good.

I'm glad you came.

I wanted to...
Wasn't this a wonderful day?

Hi. Oh, It sure was.

This is unusual weather for this time
of year,

but frankly, I like unusual weather,

particularly at this time of year.


What were you doing today, Rick?

Uh, I...
I was pretty busy

puttering around the apartment.

Then I went over to the drugstore

and got an ice cream soda.

An "all around strawberry" soda.

That's a soda with strawberry flavor
and strawberry ice cream.


Pretty good.

They sure are.

Uh, I had an idea...

How are you, Lucy?


And what's new?


I had an idea that maybe...

Fred, Fred, there's something I've
been wanting to ask you.

Well, what is it, Ethel?

Uh... how are you, Fred?

Fine. How are you?

Oh, pretty good.

I don't think either one of you are

I had an idea that maybe tonight...

Oh, look! Lucy's got some delicious
new candy.

Want a piece, Fred?

Okay, there you are.

I guess I'll have a piece, too.


Ethel, those are just those same old

you gave us for Christmas.

I had an idea, like I was saying,

you know that what-what maybe you
would like to do tonight,

and I thought you'd like to see

the pictures of I took of the baby.

Oh, honey, Ethel and Fred

don't want to see those pictures

What are you talking about?

They're pictures of their godson.

Oh, Ricky, we'd really love to see
them, but...

it hurts our eyes to look at them

on that old wrinkled sheet you use
for a screen.


Outside of that, we'd be delighted to
see them.




You see? You see?

Now, the reason I wanted you to see
them again

is because I wanted you to see them

in this new screen I bought today.

Wait till you see them in that!

Go get your glasses, Fred.

I'll watch without them.

You can't see without them.

I know what I'm doing.

I got it all set up

just in case you asked to see them

Fred, uh, ge-ge-ge-get-get-get rid of
your head, will you?

What do you want me to do-- take it

I mean, you know, move it over.

All right, all right.

Turn the lights off, honey.


Here we go!


(film projector whirring)

(No audio)

RICKY: This would have been a good

if Lucy just didn't argue with me.


Doesn't he look cute?
Look at that.

A pretty good close-up.

You know, this one was a great

but things moving that fast are
pretty tough.

Ah, how's that, huh?

How's that for a moving shot?

Right through the bedroom and into
the nursery.

Have you ever seen anything better
than that

in real movies?

Huh? Look at the way that focuses all
the way.

You can see them in the mirror in the

See the mirror in the back there?

This would have been great

if I hadn't tripped over the baby's

This is a great way to get k*lled--

just take a picture of your wife

when she wakes up in the morning.



Now, the next ten minutes of film

is just as good as anyone has ever

I don't want to brag, but, uh,

(voice fading): I think that I
learned pretty fast.

(normal voice): And as Lucy holds up
little Ricky and waves good-bye,

we say a reluctant farewell

to the Ricardo apartment and its
charming inhabitants.

This is a Ricky Ricardo production!

(humming fanfare): Bum bum bum bum
bum bum...!

That's all.

You know, they're very good,

considering that those are the first

that I...


More! More!

Dear, those were really wonderful.

Don't you think so, Eth...?

Ethel? Fred?




Oh, you...

What's the matter with you two
scaring me to death?

We wanted to be sure the coast is

Is Ricky very mad?

I'll say. He wouldn't even talk to me
this morning.

We're the ones who sneaked out.

What's he mad at you for?

I fell asleep.

Oh, no.

Good morning.

Good morning!


Now, Ricky, wait a minute.

We're sorry.
We really liked your movies.

We want to see them again!


Don't we, Fred?

Yeah! Yeah!

My, but you sound sincere.

Well, I mean it.

Oh, sure.

I do!

I'm just dying to see those lousy
movies again.

Fred, that's a terrible thing to say.

Ricky put a lot of time and effort

into those lousy movies-- those

Oh, now, Ricky, they didn't mean

Look, you don't have to worry about

You don't have to see any of the
movies that I take

ever again, including the TV pilot

that I'm just about to audition.

Oh, Fred, what's the matter with you?

That's a fine thing...

TV pilot film?

What were you saying about a TV pilot

Nothing that concerns you.

I was going to make one using the
three of you as actors,

but I have changed my mind about the
supporting cast.

Adios, amigos.

Now, wait a minute, Ricky!

You have fixed the sheets and

Now go take a nap.

(door slamming)

What did he mean by that?


He was trying to say

you have made your bed, now lie in



Well, I hope you are satisfied.

Huh? Now what?

Remember that TV pilot film Ricky was
going to make?

Remember it?

We've all been nice to him for days,

so he'd use us in it.

Yeah, well, we can all go back

to being our normal, nasty selves.

He's already made it.


And next week

the most important man in television,

Mr. Bennett Green is coming over to
look at it.

Well, we certainly muffed that one.

What do you mean, "we"?

You were the ones who tippy-toed out

in the middle of our home movies.

You should talk, sleepytime gal!

That's telling her, Ethel.

Now, don't you be smart, Fred.

You're the one who really clinched
the whole thing

with your diplomatic remark:

"Sure, I'm just dying to see those
lousy movies again."

Ah, just a minute.

Oh, really, Fred.
Oh, you two now,

stop squabbling.

The main thing is, what can we do
about it?

Nothing. We're not in it, so that's

Yeah. As an old Cuban philosopher
once said,

"We have plugged in the electric

Now let's take the snooze."

Well, it's too bad,

but it's just one of those things.

FRED: I guess so.

I'm not so sure.

Hey, just a minute.

We forgot Miss Never-say-die.

Lucy, what are you planning?

What are you thinking?
What's going on?

We'll make our own TV film.

Our own?
Our own?

Yeah, we'll make it just like Ricky

We'll use his film, his camera, his
lights... his wife,

and if they play their cards right,
his wife's friends.

And then when Mr. Bennett Green comes

he'll see a double feature.

What kind of a film will we make?

Um... a Western drama.


That's a wonderful idea.

We'll get a name later.

Right now we have a lot to think

We have to get costumes, scenery,

have to find out who sh**t who...

Oh, boy!
Look at this, Fred.

Isn't this great?

This is fixed up great.

LUCY: Yeah? Hey, Lucy!

Here we are.

Hi, pard.


I can't get over

how cute you got the room fixed up.

Well, I worked pretty hard painting
those figures.

They look almost real, don't they?

Look at that one.

FRED: Well, I've had moments

when real people looked like that.


Come on, we got to get started.

We got to get all this finished and
out of the way

before Ricky gets home.

What's that thing?
That's a projector.

I know.
It's a new kind.

You put the sound right on the film,

like a tape recorder.

Fred, now, for the first part, you
take the picture.

You look right through this little
red thing here,

and then you press this button right
here, see?

See that? Yeah.

You press that down.

What's this little dial here for?

It says "8, 16, 32, 64."

Gee, I don't know.

Well, take a little bit of each

and see what happens.


Ready, Ethel?

Stand back here.

Remember how we did it. Okay.

Roll 'em. Lights, camera, action,

What's that for?

I went to a studio in Hollywood once.

That's the way they make pictures.


Fred, turn on the phonograph.

(h*nky-tonk music playing)

I'm an old cowhand

From the Rio Grande

And my legs ain't bowed

And my teeth ain't capped

I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow

Never roped a steer 'cause I don't
know how

And I sure ain't fixin' to find out

Yippee i-o-ki-ay


Yippee i-o-ki-ay




I'm an old cowhand

From the Rio Grande

And I learned to ride

'Fore I learned to stand

I'm a ridin' fool who is up-to-date

I know every road in the Lone Star

'Cause I rode the range in a Ford V-8


Yippee i-o-ki-ay


Yippee i-o-ki-ay





I know all the songs that the cowboys

'Bout... that big...

Where... the doggies...



'Cause I learned them all on the

Yippee i-o-ki-ay


Yippee i-o-ki-ay






You know that looked pretty good?


Now we do the big, dramatic part of
the show.

Now, Fred, don't forget,

you make an entrance from over there.

Well, who's going to run the camera

if I'm off the scene?

Oh, well, we set that on a*t*matic,

We-we push this button right here

and the camera takes a picture by

I got it.
Okay, now, Ethel,

don't forget where we stopped.

Oh, I got it.

All right, here we go.
Roll 'em, Fred!

(camera whirring)

How about a game of draw poker, Tex?

Don't mind if I do, Nevada.



Hold it!

I didn't cut them cards.

Are you accusin' me of cheatin'?

Yep, I'm accusin' you of cheatin'.

Smile when you say that.

Yep, I'm accusing you of cheatin'.

No man can say that to me.

Smile when you say that.

No man can say that to me.

Reach for the ceiling, both of ya!

Drop them g*ns!

You're under arrest!

We ain't got nothin' on us.

You're the ones that robbed the
stage, you mangy polecats.

How did you find out?

I got wind of it.

All right, I am taking you to the

Get goin'!

Pick it up there!

LUCY: Cut!

Oh, boy, that was good, wasn't it?

I say so.

I hope that camera didn't run out of

Don't worry...



Well, that was a good dress

Now I'll put in the film.


Oh, the film came!

Why didn't you wait for me?

Who's got time to wait for you?

I got to get this stuff spliced

How's it look?
Look at this.

Oh, look at Fred in that outfit!

LUCY: Look at you in those chaps.

Hey, that mustache looks better on
film on you

than it did really, didn't it?


Oh, boy.
Doesn't that look great?


Um... wh-what are you doing here?

I live here, remember?

Uh, I thought you weren't coming home
to dinner.

I didn't come home for dinner.

I just came over to pick up my

What are these pictures?


I asked, "What are these pictures?"

Would you believe it if I told you

they were taken by a sidewalk


No? Well, uh...

I might as well tell you the truth.

Um, a talent scout called us from

and-and he came over here with all of
his equipment

and-and he took pictures of all of us

while we were, uh...
because he...

Go on. Go on.

I can't. I don't even believe it

Well, all right, I'll tell you,

We got mad at you because you
wouldn't let us

be in your TV film, so we made one of
our own.

So, you show your film to Mr. Green

and we'll show ours.

Mr. Green is a very busy man.

He will only have time to see one

Well, that's very sweet of you, dear,

but when will he see yours?

You know what I mean.

You won't show your film to anybody
tomorrow night.

Now, just a minute.

We put a lot of time and money into
this film.

What are we gonna do with it?

Well, just show it to each other

while I'm running my boring baby

Hasta la vista.

(door slamming)


Well, that's that.

Oh, no, it isn't.

Our picture will be shown

and what's more, Ricky will be
showing it.

What are you gonna do, switch reels?

No. I'm gonna cut our picture into

I'm gonna figure out a way to use the
best parts of both.

Give me Ricky's film in the closet

Put this back on here now.

Where is it?

Up on the top shelf.

All those reels up there.

Lucy, Ricky and Mr. Green just got
out of the cab.

Yeah, well, everything's all ready.

I just finished. Here.

Fred, put this on the projection
machine right away.

Oh, I hope it's all right.

I did it in such a hurry.

Here, pick all this stuff up.

RICKY: Here you are, Mr. Green.

Oh, hi!


Mr. Green, this is my wife, Lucy.

How do you do, Mr. Green?

Very nice to know you.

This is our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs.

How do you do?

Hi, Mr. Green.

How are you?

Uh, Mr. Green is very busy,

so he just has time to see the film

and then he has to leave right away.

You know how demanding television is.

Oh, I certainly do, Mr. Green.

That's quite all right.

Well, I know that you're looking for
some unusual shows

and this film is liable to be

the biggest surprise of the year.

You can say that again.

Well, uh, won't you sit down, Mr.

Thank you.
Sit right over there, Mr. Green.

That's it right over there.

RICKY: I'll get everything settled

Lucy, would you turn out the light,

Yeah, I will.

RICKY: Check this back here.

Get set.

Okay, here we go!


(film projector whirring)

RICKY: The pastry chef at the club
made that for me.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

As a change in your television

tonight we bring you a program of
Latin American rhythms,

starting with the very popular "Vaya
Con Dios."

(playing romantic ballad intro)

Se llego el momento ya de separarnos

En silencia el corazon

Dice y suspira

Vaya con dios, mi vida

Vaya con dios, mi amor...

(h*nky-tonk music playing)

I'm an old cowhand

From the Rio Grande

And my legs ain't bowed

And my teeth ain't capped...

...mi amor

Las campanas de la iglesia ya suenan

Reach for the ceiling, both of ya!



'Cause I learned them all

On the radio

Yippee i-o-ki-ay, yippee!

Vaya con dios, mi vida

Vaya con dios

Mi amor...

Hold it!

I didn't cut them cards.

Are you accusin' me of cheatin'?

ETHEL: Yep, I'm accusin' you of

LUCY: Smile when you say that.

Vaya con dios

Mi vida

Vaya con dios...

(speaking backwards): There up it

Goin' get!

Clink the to you taking am I, right

It of wind got I.

Out find you did how?

Polecats mangy you, stage the

robbed that ones the you're.

Us on nothin' got ain't we.

Arrest under you're!

g*ns them drop!

Ya of both, ceiling the for reach!

Me to that say can man no.

ETHEL: That say you when smile.

LUCY: Me to that say can man no.

ETHEL: Cheatin' of me accusin' you

Cards them cut didn't I.

It hold!

(singing "Vaya Con Dios" backwards)

(film running at high speed)

(singing rapidly with squeaky,
high-pitched voice)

I'm an old cowhand

From the Rio Grande

And I learned to ride

'Fore I learned to stand

I'm a ridin' fool who is up-to-date

I know every road in the Lone Star

'Cause I rode the range in a Ford V-8


Yippee i-o-ki-ay

Yippee i-o-ki-ay



RICKY: This is a Ricky Ricardo

FRED: I got wind of it.

Well, well.

Mr. Green, I-I-I just don't know what
to say.

Don't say anything.

Just let me have it.
It's terrific.


The funniest thing I've ever seen.

Such imagination.

Most people would make a straight
dull musical show,

but you added all those delightful
touches of comedy.

You liked it, huh?

Oh, Mrs. Ricardo, you were wonderful!

And the, and the Mertzes were just

Oh, thank you, thank you!

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Ricardo, you're married to a

Oh. Yes, I know.

How did you ever think of it, dear?

I don't know.

Just came to me.

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)
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